Genshin Impact Quest IDs
30302 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 362713143
30303 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 715511863
30304 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 163018255
30305 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 3694648119
30306 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 3223799591
30307 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 1232757671
30308 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 3056513767
30309 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 2426653367
30310 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 2003131071
30311 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 105277231
30312 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 3391806215
30313 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 1357500887
30314 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 3054344935
30315 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 2041734695
30316 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 4028276703
30317 : Goddess Statue Unlocked - [N/A] 3048585239
30600 : Winds of the Past - Meet Amber at the temple
30601 : Winds of the Past - Talk to Amber
30602 : Winds of the Past - Enter the temple
30603 : Winds of the Past - Explore the temple's depths
30604 : Winds of the Past - Leave Domain
30607 : Winds of the Past - [CHS] - (test)到教学点1$HIDDEN
30608 : Winds of the Past - [CHS] - (test)到教学点2$HIDDEN
30609 : Winds of the Past - [CHS] - (test)到教学点3$HIDDEN
30610 : Winds of the Past - Talk to Amber
30611 : Winds of the Past - [CHS] - (test)地城失败$HIDDEN
30612 : Winds of the Past - [CHS] - (test)到垂直风场$HIDDEN
30700 : Crash Course - Meet Kaeya at the temple
30701 : Crash Course - Talk to Kaeya
30702 : Crash Course - Enter the temple
30703 : Crash Course - Explore the temple's depths
30704 : Crash Course - Leave Domain
30707 : Crash Course - [CHS] - (test)到教学点1$HIDDEN
30708 : Crash Course - [CHS] - (test)到教学点2$HIDDEN
30709 : Crash Course - [CHS] - (test)到教学点3$HIDDEN
30710 : Crash Course - Talk to Kaeya
30711 : Crash Course - [CHS] - (test)地城失败$HIDDEN
30712 : Crash Course - [CHS] - (test)到教学点4$HIDDEN
30713 : Crash Course - Kaeya cutscene
30715 : Crash Course - Talk to Kaeya
30800 : Sparks Amongst the Pages - Meet Lisa at the temple
30801 : Sparks Amongst the Pages - Talk to Lisa
30802 : Sparks Amongst the Pages - Enter the temple
30803 : Sparks Amongst the Pages - Explore the temple's depths
30804 : Sparks Amongst the Pages - Leave Domain
30807 : Sparks Amongst the Pages - [CHS] - (test)到教学点1$HIDDEN
30808 : Sparks Amongst the Pages - [CHS] - (test)到教学点2$HIDDEN
30809 : Sparks Amongst the Pages - [CHS] - (test)到教学点3$HIDDEN
30810 : Sparks Amongst the Pages - Talk to Lisa
30811 : Sparks Amongst the Pages - [CHS] - (test)地城失败$HIDDEN
30812 : Sparks Amongst the Pages - [CHS] - (test)到教学点4$HIDDEN
30814 : Sparks Amongst the Pages - Talk to Lisa
30901 : [CHS] - (test)蒙德之围$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)协助安柏、凯亚、丽莎攻略地城$HIDDEN
30903 : [CHS] - (test)蒙德之围$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)离开神庙$HIDDEN
30904 : [CHS] - (test)蒙德之围$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)蒙德天气变化cs$HIDDEN
31001 : Recruiting New Partners - Talk to the shop owner
31002 : Recruiting New Partners - [CHS] - 领取迪卢克$HIDDEN
31003 : Recruiting New Partners - [CHS] - 领取雷泽$HIDDEN
31004 : Recruiting New Partners - [CHS] - 领取温迪$HIDDEN
31005 : Recruiting New Partners - [CHS] - 领取琴$HIDDEN
31006 : Recruiting New Partners - [CHS] - 领取芭芭拉$HIDDEN
31007 : Recruiting New Partners - [CHS] - 领取绫华$HIDDEN
31008 : Recruiting New Partners - [CHS] - 领取香菱$HIDDEN
31101 : First Stage Ended - [CHS] - (test)与派蒙对话$HIDDEN
31201 : Lisa Dungeon, Lisa Tome Reward - Lisa Reading Material Reward
31801 : Element of Different Nature - [CHS] - 岩神像第一次解锁$HIDDEN
31802 : Element of Different Nature - [CHS] - 派蒙指引切换岩能力$HIDDEN
34800 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3571874607
34801 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3829265719
34802 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4195045695
34803 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3648768879
34804 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2509703207
34805 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1025432287
34806 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3104080087
34807 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3505212607
34808 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1338738079
34809 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2847295047
34810 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3198567311
34811 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2254629959
34812 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 849440247
34813 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2425486631
34814 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1614668335
34815 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4260032791
34816 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1634373151
34817 : [CHS] - 猫尾酒馆留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3335995279
34900 : [CHS] - 蒙德百货订货版$HIDDEN - [N/A] 630638215
34901 : [CHS] - 蒙德百货订货版$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1839927343
34902 : [CHS] - 蒙德百货订货版$HIDDEN - [N/A] 559880639
34903 : [CHS] - 蒙德百货订货版$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3664560671
34904 : [CHS] - 蒙德百货订货版$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3585821495
34905 : [CHS] - 蒙德百货订货版$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1927941487
34906 : [CHS] - 蒙德百货订货版$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2777228655
34907 : [CHS] - 蒙德百货订货版$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1505281023
34908 : [CHS] - 蒙德百货订货版$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1585205471
34909 : [CHS] - 蒙德百货订货版$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1786849119
34910 : [CHS] - 蒙德百货订货版$HIDDEN - [N/A] 341738263
34911 : [CHS] - 蒙德百货订货版$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1397517671
34912 : [CHS] - 蒙德百货订货版$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1244208015
34913 : [CHS] - 蒙德百货订货版$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1822103423
35001 : [CHS] - 捕风的异乡人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 由通关3地城解锁$HIDDEN
35100 : Wanderer's Trail - Go to Paimon
35101 : Wanderer's Trail - Follow Paimon
35102 : Wanderer's Trail - Climb to the top of the rock face
35103 : Wanderer's Trail - [N/A] 469284815
35104 : Wanderer's Trail - [N/A] 2858699967
35105 : Wanderer's Trail - Go to the foot of the cliff
35106 : Wanderer's Trail - Unlock the Teleport Waypoint
35107 : Wanderer's Trail - [N/A] 2743942591
35200 : Bird's Eye View - Follow the path
35201 : Bird's Eye View - Go to Paimon
35202 : Bird's Eye View - Talk to Paimon
35203 : Bird's Eye View - Follow Paimon
35204 : Bird's Eye View - Swim to the island in Starfell Lake
35205 : Bird's Eye View - Statue of The Seven (I) unlocked
35301 : Unexpected Power - Talk to Paimon
35302 : Unexpected Power - #{LAYOUT_MOBILE#Tap}{LAYOUT_PC#Press E}{LAYOUT_PS#Press} to unleash Elemental Skill
35303 : Unexpected Power - Hold Elemental Skill
35304 : Unexpected Power - Use Elemental Burst
35309 : Unexpected Power - Defeat the slimes
35310 : Unexpected Power - Defeat the slimes
35311 : Unexpected Power - Defeat the slimes
35312 : Unexpected Power - Exit area rollback failed
35401 : Wind-Riding Knight - Keep heading towards Mondstadt
35402 : Wind-Riding Knight - Talk to the perky girl
35403 : Wind-Riding Knight - Go to the location designated by Amber
35404 : Wind-Riding Knight - Use Amber to defeat the airborne slimes
35405 : Wind-Riding Knight - Expose hidden trigger to start driving
35501 : Forest Rendezvous - Go to Mondstadt
35502 : Forest Rendezvous - Advance to the heart of the forest
35503 : Forest Rendezvous - Talk to Paimon
35504 : Forest Rendezvous - Investigate what Paimon has found
35505 : Forest Rendezvous - Talk to Paimon
35601 : City of Freedom - Talk to Amber
35602 : City of Freedom - [CHS] - (test)跟随安柏$HIDDEN
35603 : City of Freedom - Go to the location designated by Amber
35604 : City of Freedom - Talk to Amber
35605 : City of Freedom - [CHS] - (test)开始飞行教学$HIDDEN
35606 : City of Freedom - Meet Amber at the fountain plaza
35721 : Dragon Storm - Dvalin's Assault
35722 : Dragon Storm - Fend off Stormterror
35723 : Dragon Storm - Talk to Amber
35724 : Dragon Storm - Go to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
35725 : Dragon Storm - [CHS] - (test)地城内cs$HIDDEN
35800 : Knights of Favonius - [CHS] - (test)任务中第一次涉及loading场景让派蒙出来说句话$HIDDEN
35801 : Knights of Favonius - Enter the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
35802 : Knights of Favonius - Talk to Jean
35901 : [CHS] - (test)蒙德与三地城$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)天气变换$HIDDEN
35902 : [CHS] - (test)蒙德与三地城$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)特效管理$HIDDEN
35903 : [CHS] - (test)蒙德与三地城$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)特效管理$HIDDEN
35904 : [CHS] - (test)蒙德与三地城$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)特效管理$HIDDEN
36001 : Going Upon the Breeze - Defeat the nearby hilichurls
36003 : Going Upon the Breeze - Clear out the nearby hilichurl camp
36004 : Going Upon the Breeze - Talk to Amber
36005 : Going Upon the Breeze - Keep heading towards Mondstadt
36100 : [CHS] - 风魔龙飞过$HIDDEN - [N/A] 409705175
36101 : [CHS] - 风魔龙飞过$HIDDEN - [N/A] 754818367
36203 : Apple Tutorial - [N/A] 3035924127
36301 : [CHS] - (test)控制第一幕开始的隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4180969575
37001 : Shadow Over Mondstadt - Return to Mondstadt
37002 : Shadow Over Mondstadt - Listen to Jean's conversation with the strange person
37003 : Shadow Over Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)你一进门我就触发接对话$HIDDEN
37004 : Shadow Over Mondstadt - Return to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters with Jean
37005 : Shadow Over Mondstadt - Talk to Jean
37101 : Unexpected Encounter - Leave the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
37102 : Unexpected Encounter - Talk to Paimon
37103 : Unexpected Encounter - Look for the suspicious person
37104 : Unexpected Encounter - Talk to Paimon
37105 : Unexpected Encounter - Look for the suspicious person using Elemental Sight
37106 : Unexpected Encounter - Look for the suspicious person using Elemental Sight
37107 : Unexpected Encounter - Look for the suspicious person using Elemental Sight
37108 : Unexpected Encounter - Look for the suspicious person using Elemental Sight
37109 : Unexpected Encounter - Look for the suspicious person using Elemental Sight
37110 : Unexpected Encounter - Look for the suspicious person using Elemental Sight
37111 : Unexpected Encounter - Look for the suspicious person using Elemental Sight
37112 : Unexpected Encounter - Look for the suspicious person using Elemental Sight
37113 : Unexpected Encounter - Look for the suspicious person using Elemental Sight
37114 : Unexpected Encounter - [CHS] - (test)派蒙提示对话-pre$HIDDEN
37115 : Unexpected Encounter - [CHS] - (test)派蒙提示对话$HIDDEN
37201 : That Green Fellow - Find the Green Fellow
37202 : That Green Fellow - Listen to the Bard's performance
37203 : That Green Fellow - Talk to the mysterious bard
37301 : Let the Wind Lead - Go to Windrise
37302 : Let the Wind Lead - Talk to Venti
37303 : Let the Wind Lead - Defeat the creature
37304 : Let the Wind Lead - Talk to Venti
37401 : Venti's Plan - Go to Venti
37402 : Venti's Plan - See how Venti borrows the Holy Lyre
37403 : Venti's Plan - [CHS] - 等待温迪的“借”琴之道$HIDDEN
37404 : Venti's Plan - Talk to Venti
37405 : Venti's Plan - [CHS] - 主动寻找修女$HIDDEN
37406 : Venti's Plan - Talk to the sister
37407 : Venti's Plan - Go to the Cathedral with Venti
37408 : Venti's Plan - [CHS] - (test)位置保护尝试$HIDDEN
37501 : Venti's New Plan - Talk to Venti
37502 : Venti's New Plan - Enter the Cathedral at night (18:00 – 06:00)
37503 : Venti's New Plan - Infiltrate the basement and obtain the Holy Lyre der Himmel
37504 : Venti's New Plan - [CHS] - 潜行失败回滚$HIDDEN
37505 : Venti's New Plan - [CHS] - 被发现了!$HIDDEN
37506 : Venti's New Plan - [CHS] - (test)进入大世界$HIDDEN
37507 : Venti's New Plan - [CHS] - 与温迪会和准备逃走$HIDDEN
37601 : Wild Escape - Escape the Cathedral
37602 : Wild Escape - Use the wind currents to get far away from the Cathedral
37603 : Wild Escape - [CHS] - (test)失败回滚$HIDDEN
37604 : Wild Escape - Hide in the tavern
37605 : Wild Escape - Answer Diluc's questions
37606 : Wild Escape - Hide on the second floor of the tavern
37607 : Wild Escape - [CHS] - (test)等待卫兵离去$HIDDEN
37608 : Wild Escape - Talk to Diluc
37701 : Behind the Scenes - Leave Tavern
37702 : Behind the Scenes - Return to the tavern the following night
37703 : Behind the Scenes - Wait till the tavern is closed (00:00 – 6:00)
37704 : Behind the Scenes - Go back to the tavern
37705 : Behind the Scenes - Talk to Diluc
37706 : Behind the Scenes - Talk to Diluc
37901 : State of the Holy Lyre der Himmel - Bring the Holy Lyre back to the tavern
37902 : State of the Holy Lyre der Himmel - Talk to Venti
37903 : State of the Holy Lyre der Himmel - Use Dvalin's Teardrop Crystal on the Holy Lyre
37904 : State of the Holy Lyre der Himmel - Talk to Jean
38001 : Fallen Tears - Go to the Thousand Winds Temple
38002 : Fallen Tears - Defeat the monsters guarding the ruin to complete the challenge
38003 : Fallen Tears - Obtain Dvalin's Tear
38004 : Fallen Tears - Talk to Jean
38101 : Hidden Tears - Go to the ruins in the woods
38102 : Hidden Tears - Enter the ruins in the woods
38103 : Hidden Tears - Defeat all opponents in the ruin
38104 : Hidden Tears - Obtain Dvalin's Tear
38105 : Hidden Tears - [CHS] - (test)隐藏对话$HIDDEN
38201 : Stolen Tears - Go to the Eclipse Tribe at Dadaupa Gorge
38202 : Stolen Tears - Open the chest to obtain Dvalin's Tear
38203 : Stolen Tears - [CHS] - (test)隐藏环,防回滚$HIDDEN
38301 : Crystal Tears - Go to Dawn Winery
38302 : Crystal Tears - Talk to Jean
38303 : Crystal Tears - Use Dvalin's Tear on the Holy Lyre
38304 : Crystal Tears - [CHS] - (test)继续与琴对话$HIDDEN
38401 : Reunion With the Dragon - [CHS] - (test)等待夜幕降临后(18~6点时前往摘星崖)$HIDDEN
38402 : Reunion With the Dragon - Go to Starsnatch Cliff
38403 : Reunion With the Dragon - Talk to Venti
38404 : Reunion With the Dragon - [CHS] - (test)等待温迪召唤风魔龙$HIDDEN
38405 : Reunion With the Dragon - [CHS] - (test)突然出现的不速之客是…$HIDDEN
38406 : Reunion With the Dragon - [CHS] - (test)cutscene哥哥/妹妹登场$HIDDEN
38801 : Hurdle - [CHS] - (test)与温迪对话$HIDDEN
38802 : Hurdle - Defeat the assailants
38803 : Hurdle - Disperse the wind barrier
38804 : Hurdle - Talk to Venti
38805 : Hurdle - [CHS] - (test)失败任务回滚$HIDDEN
38806 : Hurdle - Go to the entrance of Stormterror's Lair
38901 : Empty Abode - [CHS] - (test)达到巢穴大门$HIDDEN
38902 : Empty Abode - Go towards Stormterror's Lair
38903 : Empty Abode - [CHS] - (test)与温迪对话$HIDDEN
38904 : Empty Abode - Go to the upcurrent
38905 : Empty Abode - Go towards the top of the tower
38906 : Empty Abode - [CHS] - (test)与温迪对话$HIDDEN
38907 : Empty Abode - Find a way through the wind barrier
38908 : Empty Abode - Enter the tower
38909 : Empty Abode - Enter the tower
38910 : Empty Abode - Look for a way to the top of the tower
39003 : Light Guiding Ceremony - Investigate the seal at the top of the tower
39004 : Light Guiding Ceremony - Talk to Venti
39005 : Light Guiding Ceremony - Break the seal in Stormterror's Lair
39006 : Light Guiding Ceremony - Break the seal in Stormterror's Lair
39007 : Light Guiding Ceremony - Break the seal in Stormterror's Lair
39008 : Light Guiding Ceremony - Investigate all of the light beams
39009 : Light Guiding Ceremony - Find the second clue
39301 : Calm Before the Storm - Activate the seal at the entrance
39302 : Calm Before the Storm - Go back to the top of the tower
39303 : Calm Before the Storm - [CHS] - (test)与温迪对话$HIDDEN
39401 : A Long Shot - Venture beyond the seal
39402 : A Long Shot - Defeat Dvalin
39403 : A Long Shot - [CHS] - (test)击败封魔龙弹结算$HIDDEN
39404 : A Long Shot - Ride the winds to defeat Dvalin
39405 : A Long Shot - [CHS] - (test)保护我的传送$HIDDEN
39601 : Ending Note - Stormterror's Forgiveness
39602 : Ending Note - Meet Jean and Venti at the Cathedral
39604 : Ending Note - Find Venti at Windrise
39605 : Ending Note - Talk to Barbara
39606 : Ending Note - [CHS] - (test)女士登场cs$HIDDEN
39607 : Ending Note - [CHS] - (test)控制温迪治疗的特效$HIDDEN
39701 : Abyss Mage - Meet Diluc at the Winery
39702 : Abyss Mage - Talk to Diluc
39703 : Abyss Mage - Defeat the assailants
39704 : Abyss Mage - [CHS] - (test)击败怪物后自动对话$HIDDEN
39705 : Abyss Mage - [CHS] - (test)显示章节ui用$HIDDEN
39801 : When the Wind Dies Down - Talk to Amber
39802 : When the Wind Dies Down - Chat with the locals (Cyrus)
39803 : When the Wind Dies Down - Chat with the locals (Nimrod)
39804 : When the Wind Dies Down - Chat with the locals (Grace)
39805 : When the Wind Dies Down - [CHS] - (test)途中与市民交谈$HIDDEN
39806 : When the Wind Dies Down - [CHS] - (test)任务隔离,防止回滚$HIDDEN
39807 : When the Wind Dies Down - Go to Good Hunter
39808 : When the Wind Dies Down - Take a seat by Amber
39809 : When the Wind Dies Down - Talk to Amber
39810 : When the Wind Dies Down - [CHS] - (test)拆除QQ人营地$HIDDEN
39811 : When the Wind Dies Down - Talk to Otto
39812 : When the Wind Dies Down - Destroy the hilichurls' barricades
39813 : When the Wind Dies Down - [CHS] - (test)吃菜$HIDDEN
39814 : When the Wind Dies Down - [CHS] - (test)任务隔离,防止回滚$HIDDEN
39815 : When the Wind Dies Down - [CHS] - (test)控制门口营地和npc$HIDDEN
39816 : When the Wind Dies Down - [CHS] - (test)上菜$HIDDEN
39901 : [CHS] - (test)拆qq人营地奖励$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与奥特对话,领取奖励$HIDDEN
40001 : [CHS] - (test)任务结束后与温迪的空闲对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)温迪的空闲对话$HIDDEN
40701 : Liyue Game - [N/A] 3911867655
40702 : Liyue Game - [N/A] 3797063503
40703 : Liyue Game - [N/A] 3776053823
40704 : Liyue Game - [N/A] 137800495
40705 : Liyue Game - [N/A] 2068252743
40801 : Pontoon Parkour - [N/A] 3618060671
40802 : Pontoon Parkour - [N/A] 1107927863
40803 : Pontoon Parkour - [N/A] 4286216983
40804 : Pontoon Parkour - [N/A] 1494171807
40805 : Pontoon Parkour - [N/A] 1028139975
40806 : Pontoon Parkour - [N/A] 1080137231
40807 : Pontoon Parkour - [N/A] 2875621375
40808 : Pontoon Parkour - [N/A] 1950384999
40809 : Pontoon Parkour - [N/A] 3691854519
40810 : Pontoon Parkour - [N/A] 1411746711
40901 : Slime Baskets - [N/A] 1459763671
40902 : Slime Baskets - [N/A] 3842481111
40903 : Slime Baskets - [N/A] 168393535
40904 : Slime Baskets - [N/A] 3577797695
40905 : Slime Baskets - [N/A] 236882735
41601 : Run the Kerb - [N/A] 3174343943
41602 : Run the Kerb - [N/A] 42773159
41603 : Run the Kerb - [N/A] 3581201623
41801 : Break the Sword Cemetery Seal - [CHS] - 发现丘丘圣山剑冢$HIDDEN
41802 : Break the Sword Cemetery Seal - Explore and unlock the tri-seal
41803 : Break the Sword Cemetery Seal - Obtain the treasure at the center of the Sword Cemetery
41804 : Break the Sword Cemetery Seal - [CHS] - 解锁任何一个剑冢封印$HIDDEN
41805 : Break the Sword Cemetery Seal - Explore and unlock the tri-seal
41806 : Break the Sword Cemetery Seal - Obtain the treasure at the center of the Sword Cemetery
41901 : Break the Eclipse Tribe's Seal - [CHS] - 启动黑日族祭坛的元素机关$HIDDEN
42001 : Break the Sleeper Seal - [CHS] - 启动好睡族祭坛的元素机关$HIDDEN
42101 : [CHS] - 潜入守卫提示$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)守卫自动触发对话$HIDDEN
42102 : [CHS] - 潜入守卫提示$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)传送出去&回滚$HIDDEN
42103 : [CHS] - 潜入守卫提示$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)潜行完成&再次进入教堂$HIDDEN
42104 : [CHS] - 潜入守卫提示$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)结束父任务$HIDDEN
42201 : Break the Meaty Seal - [CHS] - 完成大擂台挑战$HIDDEN
42301 : Find the Missing Fairy - [CHS] - 到达神树$HIDDEN
42302 : Find the Missing Fairy - Find the missing fairy
42401 : Advanced Infiltration Test - [CHS] - (test)进入教堂地下室$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
42402 : Advanced Infiltration Test - [N/A] 929980999
42403 : Advanced Infiltration Test - [N/A] 1628519047
42404 : Advanced Infiltration Test - [N/A] 2799696903
42405 : Advanced Infiltration Test - [N/A] 3929885095
42406 : Advanced Infiltration Test - [N/A] 1801202831
42407 : Advanced Infiltration Test - [N/A] 2358493503
42501 : Gliding Test Quest - [CHS] - (test)进入飞行测试场景$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
42502 : Gliding Test Quest - [CHS] - (test)和NPC对话$UNRELEASED
42503 : Gliding Test Quest - [CHS] - (test)开始飞行特训$UNRELEASED
42504 : Gliding Test Quest - [CHS] - (test)和温迪对话、结束测试$UNRELEASED
42601 : Paimon's Hint After Sitting - [CHS] - (test)坐下来$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
42602 : Paimon's Hint After Sitting - [CHS] - (test)站起来$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
42701 : Mondstadt Glider - Talk to Amber
42702 : Mondstadt Glider - Follow the route and fly to the finish line in time
42703 : Mondstadt Glider - Follow Amber's instructions and take the exam again
42704 : Mondstadt Glider - Talk to Amber
42705 : Mondstadt Glider - Follow the markers to arrive at the finish line in time
42706 : Mondstadt Glider - Follow the route and fly to the finish line in time
42707 : Mondstadt Glider - Reach the doors of the Adventurers' Guild
42708 : Mondstadt Glider - Talk to Mondstadt's guards
42709 : Mondstadt Glider - Go to the door of Mondstadt Cathedral
42801 : Amber Abyss - Set the Fallen Afloat
42802 : Amber Abyss - Pre-test
42803 : Amber Abyss - Testing. Reach the other chore.
45101 : Wolves' Territory - Go to Wolvendom
45102 : Wolves' Territory - Talk to Paimon
45103 : Wolves' Territory - Defeat the slimes
45104 : Wolves' Territory - Thank the boy for his help
45105 : Wolves' Territory - Collect enough Raw Meat
45106 : Wolves' Territory - Give three chunks of Raw Meat to Razor
45107 : Wolves' Territory - Talk to Paimon
45108 : Wolves' Territory - Hunting Tip
45109 : Wolves' Territory - Go to Wolvendom
45201 : Another Day as an Outrider! - Find Amber and ask about the boy from Wolvendom
45202 : Another Day as an Outrider! - Go to Drunkard Gorge
45203 : Another Day as an Outrider! - Talk to Amber about the disturbance up ahead
45204 : Another Day as an Outrider! - Defeat the hilichurls
45205 : Another Day as an Outrider! - Talk to Siegfria
45206 : Another Day as an Outrider! - Defeat the hilichurls
45301 : Ravaged by Wolves - Talk to Draff
45302 : Ravaged by Wolves - Investigate clues
45303 : Ravaged by Wolves - Investigate clues
45304 : Ravaged by Wolves - Investigate clues
45305 : Ravaged by Wolves - Important clue
45306 : Ravaged by Wolves - Calm the Springvale villagers down
45307 : Ravaged by Wolves - Talk to Paimon
45308 : Ravaged by Wolves - Talk to Paimon
45401 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - Talk to Razor
45402 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - Collect Wolfhook
45403 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - Give a Wolfhook to Razor
45404 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - [CHS] - 标记对话完成$HIDDEN
45405 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - Challenge the Wolf of the North
45406 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - Talk to Razor and the Wolf of the North
45407 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - Go to Wolvendom
45408 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - [CHS] - 巨大爪痕开车$HIDDEN
45409 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - [CHS] - 大号脚印开车$HIDDEN
45410 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - Check for strange things along the way
45411 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - Talk to Amber
45412 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - Catch up to Razor
45413 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - Talk to Razor
45414 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - Go deeper into Wolvendom
45415 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - Talk to Razor about how to help the injured wolf
45416 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - Go to the grave of the Wolf of the North
45417 : Fate's Chosen Lupical - Post-quest refresh group
46101 : Kaeya's Troubles - Talk to Kaeya
46102 : Kaeya's Troubles - Talk to Kaeya at the meeting spot
46103 : Kaeya's Troubles - Go to the Adventurers' Guild and listen to their report
46104 : Kaeya's Troubles - Talk
46105 : Kaeya's Troubles - Talk
46106 : Kaeya's Troubles - Talk
46107 : Kaeya's Troubles - Report to Kaeya
46109 : Kaeya's Troubles - Get to the destination
46110 : Kaeya's Troubles - [N/A] 637882431
46201 : Mystery of the Arcadian Ruins - Meet with the informant at the designated location
46202 : Mystery of the Arcadian Ruins - Defeat the opponents attacking the informant
46203 : Mystery of the Arcadian Ruins - Talk to the informant
46204 : Mystery of the Arcadian Ruins - Find the location of the buried treasure
46205 : Mystery of the Arcadian Ruins - Solve the mystery (Go to Kaeya at the Knights of Favonius HQ for a hint)
46206 : Mystery of the Arcadian Ruins - Find the location of the buried treasure
46207 : Mystery of the Arcadian Ruins - Solve the mystery (Go to Kaeya at the Knights of Favonius HQ for a hint)
46208 : Mystery of the Arcadian Ruins - Look for the location in the riddle
46209 : Mystery of the Arcadian Ruins - Look for the location in the riddle
46210 : Mystery of the Arcadian Ruins - Disappears after controlling Paimon to talk
46300 : Kaeya's Gain - Discuss your next step with Paimon
46301 : Kaeya's Gain - Use the map to find the buried treasure
46302 : Kaeya's Gain - Enter the depths of the ruin
46303 : Kaeya's Gain - Finish conversation
46304 : Kaeya's Gain - Defeat the Ruin Guard
46305 : Kaeya's Gain - Talk to Kaeya
46306 : Kaeya's Gain - None
46307 : Kaeya's Gain - None
46308 : Kaeya's Gain - None
46401 : Legend of the Darknight Hero - Ask Charles about the recent rumors
46402 : Legend of the Darknight Hero - Ask the bystanders at the fountain plaza for information
46403 : Legend of the Darknight Hero - Ask the guards around the city gate for information
46404 : Legend of the Darknight Hero - Ask the preoccupied girl for information
46405 : Legend of the Darknight Hero - Wander Mondstadt at night (18:00 – 06:00)
46406 : Legend of the Darknight Hero - Run around Mondstadt
46407 : Legend of the Darknight Hero - Talk to Diluc
46408 : Legend of the Darknight Hero - Defeat incoming opponents
46409 : Legend of the Darknight Hero - Talk to Huffman
46501 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Wait till daytime
46502 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Go to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
46503 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Talk to Huffman outside the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
46504 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Go to Dawn Winery
46505 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Tell Diluc about the war declaration
46506 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Go to the Abyss Order stronghold
46507 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Talk to Diluc
46508 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Enter the Abyss Order Stronghold
46509 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Arrive at the depths of the Abyss Order stronghold
46510 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Interrogate the Abyss Mage and find out their plan
46511 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Leave the Abyss Order stronghold
46512 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Go to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
46513 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Talk to Huffman about the Knights' situation
46514 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Use fire to burn the plan out of the Abyss Mage
46515 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Success
46516 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Flee
46517 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Faint
46518 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Escape dialog.
46519 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Fainted conversation
46520 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Defeat the Abyss Mage
46521 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Talk to Paimon
46522 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Talk to Paimon
46523 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Talk and complete the quest
46524 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - Plan your next step with Diluc
46525 : Darknight Hero's Crisis - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
46601 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Go to Dawn Winery
46602 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Furnish Diluc with the information.
46603 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Leave winery
46604 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Set the elemental bait
46605 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Talk to Diluc
46606 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Defeat the slimes
46607 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Talk to Diluc
46608 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Go to the tavern
46609 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Wait until night (19:00 – 6:00)
46610 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Pose as a customer and speak to Diluc
46611 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Place the elemental bait near the side gate
46612 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - [CHS] - 回到酒馆$HIDDEN
46613 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Talk to Diluc
46614 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Face the Abyss Order head-on at Mondstadt's front gate
46615 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Defeat the Abyss Order attackers
46616 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Talk to Diluc
46617 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Return to the tavern before Huffman
46618 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Talk to Diluc
46619 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - [CHS] - (test)失败回滚$HIDDEN
46620 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Leave Tavern
46621 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Collect Mist Flower Corolla from beside the water
46622 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - Give 4 Mist Flower Corolla to Diluc
46623 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - [CHS] - 迪卢克干掉一批袭击者$HIDDEN
46624 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
46625 : Darknight Hero's Alibi - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
46701 : The Art of Cooking - Pass by the pot
46702 : The Art of Cooking - Speak to Lynn
46703 : The Art of Cooking - Give the Chicken-Mushroom Skewer to Lynn
46801 : The Boars are Attacking! - [CHS] - (test)对话NPC$HIDDEN
46802 : The Boars are Attacking! - [CHS] - (test)完成玩法$HIDDEN
46901 : The Blessings of The Seven - Go to the Statue of The Seven in Windrise
46902 : The Blessings of The Seven - Offer the Anemoculus to the Statue
46903 : The Blessings of The Seven - Talk to Paimon
46904 : The Blessings of The Seven - Obtained the first Statue's Eye of Wind
47001 : Scent on the Wind - Passing Downtown
47002 : Scent on the Wind - Talk to Paimon before the purchase
47003 : Scent on the Wind - Purchase Fisherman's Toast
47004 : Scent on the Wind - Talk to Paimon after the purchase
47101 : [CHS] - 风神瞳说明$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 派蒙的说明$HIDDEN
47102 : [CHS] - 风神瞳说明$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 派蒙的说明$HIDDEN
48001 : License to Glide - Talk to Amber
48002 : License to Glide - Follow the route and fly to the finish line in time
48003 : License to Glide - Follow Amber's instructions and take the exam again
48004 : License to Glide - Talk to Amber
48005 : License to Glide - Go to the exam point
48101 : Glide With the Wind - Talk to Amber
48102 : Glide With the Wind - Read Amber's Gliding Guide (Hidden)
48103 : Glide With the Wind - Leave Area (Hidden)
48104 : Glide With the Wind - Talk to Paimon
48105 : Glide With the Wind - Play - Fable
48106 : Glide With the Wind - Paimon's Doubts
48201 : Gliding Training at Windrise - Go to the training spot
48202 : Gliding Training at Windrise - Talk to Amber
48203 : Gliding Training at Windrise - Gliding Training at Windrise - Teleportation Ring
48204 : Gliding Training at Windrise - Failure rollback. Talk to Amber.
48205 : Gliding Training at Windrise - Training completion dialog
48207 : Gliding Training at Windrise - Failure rollback. Being teleported out.
48208 : Gliding Training at Windrise - Quest complete. Teleport out.
48209 : Gliding Training at Windrise - Defeat all opponents in the area
48401 : They Call Him Raptor - Track Raptor
48402 : They Call Him Raptor - Talk to Amber
48403 : They Call Him Raptor - Look for clues to track Raptor
48404 : They Call Him Raptor - [CHS] - (test)可疑的痕迹(已改为开车)$HIDDEN
48405 : They Call Him Raptor - Look for clues to track Raptor
48406 : They Call Him Raptor - [CHS] - (test)奇怪的标记(已改为开车)$HIDDEN
48407 : They Call Him Raptor - Look for clues to track Raptor
48408 : They Call Him Raptor - [CHS] - (test)遗弃的工具(已改为开车)$HIDDEN
48409 : They Call Him Raptor - [CHS] - 第一次搜索完成+ 遗弃工具 对话$HIDDEN
48410 : They Call Him Raptor - [CHS] - 第一次搜索完成+ 可疑痕迹 对话$HIDDEN
48411 : They Call Him Raptor - Collect clues and track Strange Bird
48412 : They Call Him Raptor - The correct dialogue choice after completing the first analysis (Visible)
48413 : They Call Him Raptor - [CHS] - (test)隐藏的存档回滚点$HIDDEN
48414 : They Call Him Raptor - [CHS] - (test)隐藏的存档回滚点$HIDDEN
48415 : They Call Him Raptor - Look for Raptor
48416 : They Call Him Raptor - Defeat the ambush
48417 : They Call Him Raptor - [CHS] - (test)安柏的分析(已改为开车)$HIDDEN
48418 : They Call Him Raptor - Look for the marks left by Raptor
48419 : They Call Him Raptor - Look for the marks left by Raptor
48420 : They Call Him Raptor - Look for the marks left by Raptor
48421 : They Call Him Raptor - Look for the marks left by Raptor
48422 : They Call Him Raptor - Look for the marks left by Raptor
48423 : They Call Him Raptor - The direction of Raptor
48424 : They Call Him Raptor - The wrong dialogue choice after completing the first analysis (Hidden)
48425 : They Call Him Raptor - Rollback savepoint
48426 : They Call Him Raptor - Talk to Villager A
48427 : They Call Him Raptor - Talk to Villager B
48428 : They Call Him Raptor - Talk to Villager C
48429 : They Call Him Raptor - Completed talking to NPCs in Springvale (Hidden)
48430 : They Call Him Raptor - Completed talking to NPCs in Springvale (Visible)
48431 : They Call Him Raptor - Investigate the strange sound up ahead
48432 : They Call Him Raptor - Talk to Farrah
48433 : They Call Him Raptor - [CHS] - 隔离回滚$HIDDEN
48501 : Outrider Style - Enter Raptor's Hideout
48502 : Outrider Style - Hunt down Raptor
48503 : Outrider Style - Hunt down Raptor
48504 : Outrider Style - Glide over the chasm
48505 : Outrider Style - Track down Raptor and arrest him!
48506 : Outrider Style - Talk to Amber
48507 : Outrider Style - Go to the Cathedral to get your gliding license
48508 : Outrider Style - Talk to Amber
48509 : Outrider Style - Defeat all opponents
48510 : Outrider Style - Enter Amber Dungeon
48511 : Outrider Style - Talk to Amber
48512 : Outrider Style - [CHS] - (test)开车阶段-隐藏任务$HIDDEN
48601 : When the West Wind Arises - Talk to Sara about her problem
48602 : When the West Wind Arises - Talk to Sara
48603 : When the West Wind Arises - Talk to Charles
48604 : When the West Wind Arises - Pass the citizens' commissions on to Jean
48605 : When the West Wind Arises - Finish conversation
48606 : When the West Wind Arises - Talk to Jean
48607 : When the West Wind Arises - Talk to Jean
48608 : When the West Wind Arises - Ask Barbara about Jean's condition
48609 : When the West Wind Arises - Return to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
48610 : When the West Wind Arises - Talk to Kaeya
48611 : When the West Wind Arises - Find Margaret and ask about the commission
48612 : When the West Wind Arises - Find Charles and ask about the commission
48613 : When the West Wind Arises - Find Sara and ask about the commission
48614 : When the West Wind Arises - Complete all commissions.
48615 : When the West Wind Arises - Complete all commissions.
48616 : When the West Wind Arises - Complete Margaret's commission
48617 : When the West Wind Arises - Complete Charles' commission
48618 : When the West Wind Arises - Complete Sara's commission
48619 : When the West Wind Arises - Complete all commissions.
48701 : Margaret's Longing - Talk to Margaret
48702 : Margaret's Longing - Find Prince
48703 : Margaret's Longing - Complete Margaret's commission
48704 : Margaret's Longing - Find the cat
48705 : Margaret's Longing - Find the cat
48706 : Margaret's Longing - Find the cat
48707 : Margaret's Longing - Find the cat
48708 : Margaret's Longing - Find the cat
48709 : Margaret's Longing - Find the cat
48710 : Margaret's Longing - Complete Margaret's commission
48711 : Margaret's Longing - Find Margaret and ask about her commission
48712 : Margaret's Longing - Talk to Margaret to finish your commission.
48713 : Margaret's Longing - [CHS] - (test)与玛格丽特对话,完成委托$HIDDEN
48800 : Charles' Troubles - Find Charles and ask about his commission
48801 : Charles' Troubles - Talk to Ernest
48802 : Charles' Troubles - Escort the transport balloon.
48803 : Charles' Troubles - Complete Charles' commission
48804 : Charles' Troubles - Escort the transport balloon.
48901 : Sara's Worries - Find Sara and ask about her commission
48902 : Sara's Worries - Collect 3 Sweet Flowers and 3 Fowl each
48903 : Sara's Worries - Cook Sweet Madame
48904 : Sara's Worries - Cook a Sticky Honey Roast
48905 : Sara's Worries - Begin Cooking
48906 : Sara's Worries - Begin Cooking
48907 : Sara's Worries - Begin Cooking
48908 : Sara's Worries - Begin Cooking
48909 : Sara's Worries - Collect the required ingredients
48910 : Sara's Worries - [N/A] 2331736056
48911 : Sara's Worries - [N/A] 1639505472
48912 : Sara's Worries - [N/A] 3815225112
48913 : Sara's Worries - [N/A] 3726221088
49001 : Master's Day Off - Ask Barbara about Jean's condition
49002 : Master's Day Off - Go to the big "Symbol of Vennessa" tree
49003 : Master's Day Off - Finish conversation
49004 : Master's Day Off - Hunt down the Abyss Order enemies
49005 : Master's Day Off - Hunt down the Abyss Order opponents
49006 : Master's Day Off - Finish conversation
49007 : Master's Day Off - Return to Mondstadt and talk to Jean
49008 : Master's Day Off - Enter Tavern
49009 : Master's Day Off - Finish conversation
49010 : Master's Day Off - Go to the second-floor terrace and look for Jean
49011 : Master's Day Off - Hunt down the Abyss Order opponents
49012 : Master's Day Off - Finish conversation
49013 : Master's Day Off - Finish conversation
49014 : Master's Day Off - Talk to Jean
49015 : Master's Day Off - [N/A] 3794633496
49101 : [CHS] - 恢复酒保日常$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
49102 : [CHS] - 恢复酒保日常$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
49201 : [CHS] - (test)琴章节显示$HIDDEN - Return to the cathedral and see how Jean is doing
50001 : [CHS] - 石门公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2411803591
50002 : [CHS] - 石门公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2593173231
50003 : [CHS] - 石门公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3401787711
50004 : [CHS] - 石门公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2145039679
50005 : [CHS] - 石门公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3961120831
50006 : [CHS] - 石门公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 261267343
50007 : [CHS] - 石门公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2337665703
50008 : [CHS] - 石门公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1431628839
50009 : [CHS] - 石门公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 515679799
50010 : [CHS] - 石门公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 232056375
50011 : [CHS] - 石门公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1314262567
50012 : [CHS] - 石门公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 848759887
50101 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3669498111
50102 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2284449207
50103 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 800785607
50104 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 847214903
50105 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4230934247
50106 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2624265983
50107 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1680951847
50108 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 682504647
50109 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3972314631
50110 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2580706559
50111 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4203025255
50112 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3197441639
50113 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1943782191
50114 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1078305199
50115 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3636682455
50116 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2187706311
50117 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2898260079
50118 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2380504111
50119 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2419431983
50201 : [CHS] - 轻策庄公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3098942815
50202 : [CHS] - 轻策庄公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3530315303
50203 : [CHS] - 轻策庄公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1995711327
50204 : [CHS] - 轻策庄公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 401877735
50205 : [CHS] - 轻策庄公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3015541095
50206 : [CHS] - 轻策庄公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2144465391
50207 : [CHS] - 轻策庄公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1495459431
50208 : [CHS] - 轻策庄公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1337936719
50209 : [CHS] - 轻策庄公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1393329503
50210 : [CHS] - 轻策庄公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2079954591
50211 : [CHS] - 轻策庄公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2337069447
50212 : [CHS] - 轻策庄公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1754726983
50213 : [CHS] - 轻策庄公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 147321255
50214 : [CHS] - 轻策庄公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4082542519
50301 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1499100303
50302 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 336521071
50303 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4056581495
50304 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2086354359
50305 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 641062575
50306 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1880699327
50307 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3505826399
50308 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 648164639
50309 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3784299839
50310 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3227123327
50311 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2637910703
50312 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2965335679
50313 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4139724607
50314 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3843269903
50315 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 387791359
50316 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 910138999
50317 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4024194327
50318 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1448051487
50319 : [CHS] - 吃虎岩公告板$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1608649815
50401 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2042952271
50402 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3572864719
50403 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4154169047
50404 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2137318743
50405 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3727829527
50406 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3156264391
50407 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2785282607
50408 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1410909215
50409 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2276643671
50410 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3496003055
50411 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1947549607
50412 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1735645919
50413 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4272556287
50414 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1250106751
50415 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3571112263
50416 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4026988519
50417 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3873273575
50418 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 123813415
50419 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2230527679
50420 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 377912879
50421 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2236119599
50422 : [CHS] - 绯云坡公告板 $UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1326467535
50501 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1735603455
50502 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3313033871
50503 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3215278079
50504 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3618154199
50505 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3355648431
50506 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2849664663
50507 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4208985791
50508 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 253310847
50509 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 457493623
50510 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4097634503
50511 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1361516991
50512 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1020675471
50601 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 237334991
50602 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 682831751
50603 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1232301807
50604 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 190048423
50605 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 158909503
50606 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 498925279
50607 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2678554127
50608 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1607745503
50609 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 965181679
50610 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 964922471
50611 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 825023911
50612 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1927398567
50613 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3064725551
50614 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3896778295
50615 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4179518775
50616 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1698849023
50617 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1127601599
50618 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 978302463
50619 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2463757039
50620 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3105204631
50621 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4176138543
50622 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 204589039
50623 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2496878079
50701 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2279976727
50702 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 369930575
50703 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2842412743
50704 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1413456351
50705 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1632267815
50706 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3758642591
50707 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4173683863
50708 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1502853439
50709 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3783136711
50710 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2456162151
50711 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3921106631
50712 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 113630359
50713 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3519108271
50714 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3781907511
50715 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2532795623
50716 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4082979647
50717 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1315009055
50718 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3458506871
50801 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 703941951
50802 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 587327647
50803 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 4287002447
50804 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3702123439
50805 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 1893615439
50806 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 2294376247
50807 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 4146154679
50808 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 2137832391
50809 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3484806055
50810 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 324591231
50811 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 1483706287
50812 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 2984789047
50813 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 932553455
50814 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 2607994775
50815 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 2133778103
50816 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 1337471111
50817 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3374873639
50818 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 1263065263
50819 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3664757511
50901 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1395905215
50902 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3134110327
50903 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3900529367
50904 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2786469647
50905 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2104584943
50906 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2034458103
50907 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1145369487
50908 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1733061743
50909 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3496632575
50910 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2720754663
50911 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2549153927
50912 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2131208655
50913 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3810618327
50914 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1502411623
50915 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1457300839
50916 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1444786127
50917 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 418343871
50918 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2944549719
51501 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1676859479
51502 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 683637295
51503 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3368716727
51504 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1390624399
51505 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1540890783
51506 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1054959999
51507 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2202489511
51508 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4121579015
51509 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2351050279
51510 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1055812687
51511 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 226635127
51512 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1773622567
51513 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4014632007
51514 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 764902975
51515 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 848287695
51516 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 127120335
51601 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 419713311
51602 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 332456287
51603 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 645257887
51604 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4116921991
51605 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1280017791
51606 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4161755951
51607 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3207993903
51608 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 806047015
51609 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 175843375
51610 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 192711871
51611 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3473134223
51612 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1817847279
51613 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3675312447
51614 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1579386031
51615 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 640045687
51616 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3067868455
51617 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1996171047
51618 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 150802655
51701 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3235327367
51702 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3287120055
51703 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 2497085607
51704 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3133647351
51705 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3186178559
51706 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3257209183
51707 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 291780423
51708 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 2938567967
51709 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 2060112495
51710 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 1355317295
51711 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 1246522015
51712 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 1957367751
51713 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3964061495
51714 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 2683017343
51715 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 2914522247
51716 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3041962895
51717 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3946772279
51718 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 347622575
51719 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 1342196511
51801 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4273512543
51802 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3719250879
51803 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4135250103
51804 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2702306495
51805 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 641454679
51806 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2931985423
51807 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 210202823
51808 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4165263583
51809 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2698962263
51810 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 104716911
51811 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 770759599
51812 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1744331791
51813 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1729099527
51814 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3178007191
51815 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1623038799
51816 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3338352919
51817 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 898018311
51818 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2994470727
51901 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2509826223
51902 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3651340495
51903 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 249970983
51904 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2366884399
51905 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1771666063
51906 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 433584919
51907 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1820565951
51908 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 669440191
51909 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1166475551
51910 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2969419719
51911 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3628529343
51912 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3741495447
52001 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1816952919
52002 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1192913175
52003 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3709343607
52004 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1005548031
52005 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2553847407
52006 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 997847687
52007 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2262939927
52008 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1144971847
52009 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2641269047
52010 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1787616191
52011 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1742832215
52012 : [CHS] - 乌有亭留言板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2046329055
52101 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4124997799
52102 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2008811071
52103 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3976258199
52104 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2753046895
52105 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1270912983
52106 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1955839807
52107 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1897456159
52108 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3574677655
52109 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1158860047
52110 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2534568655
52111 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 749527351
52112 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3622380575
52113 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4137842343
52114 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 458434343
52115 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1068135671
52116 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2105297863
52117 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2186158631
52118 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 (2$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1186268111
52201 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 51290903
52202 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3152833999
52203 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3071306527
52204 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1694570991
52205 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1651379847
52206 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 73045799
52207 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3756920007
52208 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1798127583
52209 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1550703671
52210 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 40975663
52211 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3477700951
52212 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1364063599
52213 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 291842535
52214 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2153957207
52215 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 464855519
52216 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4278445679
52217 : [CHS] - 商店街大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1166169287
52301 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 632587143
52302 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 145317775
52303 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3309915047
52304 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2662797927
52305 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1917526639
52306 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1118002439
52307 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2195320751
52308 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 162217511
52309 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2661135399
52310 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 841528927
52311 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2677205783
52312 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2760750999
52313 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2769813463
52314 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4257112791
52315 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1625112599
52316 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3889530095
52317 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1226399327
52318 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1171131831
52319 : [CHS] - 花见坂大告示板$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2808369447
52401 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3145892591
52402 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 518164415
52403 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3740597935
52404 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3699648095
52405 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 22453311
52406 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 934363855
52407 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 2328906959
52408 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3288013407
52409 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 1196707031
52410 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 1258866223
52411 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 2056369703
52412 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3686320679
52413 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3515184623
52414 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 2040734631
52415 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 2952474239
52416 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 4128675183
52417 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 914118455
52418 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 78219263
52419 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 3368349287
52420 : [CHS] - 离岛大告示板 $HIDDEN - [N/A] 452888263
80001 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)完成对话开启挑战$UNRELEASED
80002 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务判断挑战成功或失败(不存档)$UNRELEASED
80003 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)挑战完成后领奖环节$UNRELEASED
80004 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)渊下宫白天任务完成$UNRELEASED
80005 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)渊下宫黑夜任务完成$UNRELEASED
80006 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)渊下宫变成黑夜$UNRELEASED
80007 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)渊下宫变成白天$UNRELEASED
80008 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试玩家离开 scene3$UNRELEASED
80009 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试玩家离开 璃月港$UNRELEASED
80010 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试解锁scene5$UNRELEASED
80011 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试锁上scene5$UNRELEASED
80012 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)渊下宫NPC指引测试$UNRELEASED
80013 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试城市等级大于等于$UNRELEASED
80014 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)2.5对话新功能测试 1$UNRELEASED
80015 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)2.5对话新功能测试 2$UNRELEASED
80016 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)2.6对话后不能传送到未解锁的场景$UNRELEASED
80017 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)进入渊下宫$UNRELEASED
80018 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试独占提示,独占九条$UNRELEASED
80019 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)随机对话测试$UNRELEASED
80020 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)进入任务载具即可完成任务$UNRELEASED
80021 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试跨场景npc指引$UNRELEASED
80022 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)指引到女神像广场上一个npc$UNRELEASED
80023 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试跨场景npc指引$UNRELEASED
80024 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)指引到渊下宫$UNRELEASED
80301 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试任务回滚加载scenetag$UNRELEASED
80302 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试任务回滚加载scenetag$UNRELEASED
80303 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试父任务衔接$UNRELEASED
80304 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试锁队伍1$UNRELEASED
80305 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试锁队伍2$UNRELEASED
80306 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试锁队伍3$UNRELEASED
80307 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试DisableMainPageWithConfig$UNRELEASED
80308 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试EnablePlayerInput$UNRELEASED
80309 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试长距离传送报警$UNRELEASED
80310 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 1286030932
80311 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 3919743756
80312 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试挂载localgadget$UNRELEASED
80313 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试父任务衔接表现2$UNRELEASED
80314 : [CHS] - 测试任务底层功能$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试移动$UNRELEASED
80401 : [CHS] - (test)任务底层测试$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试spawn系列接口$UNRELEASED
80402 : [CHS] - (test)任务底层测试$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试成就完成条件$UNRELEASED
80403 : [CHS] - (test)任务底层测试$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试成就接取条件$UNRELEASED
80404 : [CHS] - (test)任务底层测试$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)测试成就接取条件$UNRELEASED
99001 : [CHS] - (test)对话编辑器测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)普通的对话测试任务$UNRELEASED
99002 : [CHS] - (test)对话编辑器测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)坐着的对话测试任务$UNRELEASED
99003 : [CHS] - (test)对话编辑器测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)镜头相关的对话测试任务$UNRELEASED
99004 : [CHS] - (test)对话编辑器测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)移动相关的对话测试任务$UNRELEASED
99005 : [CHS] - (test)对话编辑器测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)哥哥妹妹NPC相关测试$UNRELEASED
99006 : [CHS] - (test)对话编辑器测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)哥哥妹妹NPC回滚测试$UNRELEASED
99007 : [CHS] - (test)对话编辑器测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 家园NPC对话测试任务$UNRELEASED
99301 : [CHS] - (test)玉京台潜入测试$UNRELEASED - Enter scene 1023
99302 : [CHS] - (test)玉京台潜入测试$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)玉京台潜行,创建NPC$UNRELEASED
99303 : [CHS] - (test)玉京台潜入测试$UNRELEASED - Sneak failure rollback
99304 : [CHS] - (test)玉京台潜入测试$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)潜行成功,先不完成父任务$UNRELEASED
99401 : [CHS] - (test)主角Freestyle动作测试$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)主角动作测试$UNRELEASED
99501 : [CHS] - (test)单元测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)单元测试$UNRELEASED
99502 : [CHS] - (test)单元测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)单元测试$UNRELEASED
99601 : [CHS] - (test)测试跨场景创建NPC$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)在大教堂里创建凯亚$UNRELEASED
99602 : [CHS] - (test)测试跨场景创建NPC$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)销毁凯亚NPC$UNRELEASED
99603 : [CHS] - (test)测试跨场景创建NPC$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)情境独占测试4$UNRELEASED
99604 : [CHS] - (test)测试跨场景创建NPC$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)情境独占测试5$UNRELEASED
99701 : [CHS] - (test)测试对话编辑器$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)骑士团对话测试$UNRELEASED
99801 : [CHS] - (test)任务测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)在A点对话$UNRELEASED
99802 : [CHS] - (test)任务测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)走到B点$UNRELEASED
99803 : [CHS] - (test)任务测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)在B点对话$UNRELEASED
99804 : [CHS] - (test)任务测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)跑到C点$UNRELEASED
99805 : [CHS] - (test)任务测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)在C点对话$UNRELEASED
99806 : [CHS] - (test)任务测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)独占NPC1(A)$UNRELEASED
99807 : [CHS] - (test)任务测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)独占NPC1和2(A)$UNRELEASED
99808 : [CHS] - (test)任务测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)情境独占测试3$UNRELEASED
99809 : [CHS] - (test)任务测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)情境独占测试6$UNRELEASED
99901 : [CHS] - (test)对话测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)喜欢游戏$UNRELEASED
99902 : [CHS] - (test)对话测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)带一份应急食品给派蒙$UNRELEASED
99903 : [CHS] - (test)对话测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)talk完成接取任务测试1$UNRELEASED
99904 : [CHS] - (test)对话测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)talk完成接取任务测试2$UNRELEASED
99905 : [CHS] - (test)对话测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)talk完成后接取任务1$UNRELEASED
99906 : [CHS] - (test)对话测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)talk完成后接取任务2$UNRELEASED
99919 : [CHS] - (test)对话测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)阿贝多任务线替代子任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
99920 : [CHS] - (test)对话测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)情境独占测试1$UNRELEASED
99921 : [CHS] - (test)对话测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)情境独占测试2$UNRELEASED
99922 : [CHS] - (test)对话测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)情境独占测试7$UNRELEASED
99923 : [CHS] - (test)对话测试任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)情境独占测试8&仅加载group测试$UNRELEASED
100000 : Rite of Descension - Go to Liyue Harbor
100001 : Rite of Descension - Talk to Paimon
100002 : Rite of Descension - Talk to the locals
100003 : Rite of Descension - Talk to the locals
100004 : Rite of Descension - Talk to the locals
100005 : Rite of Descension - [CHS] - (test)对话计数*2(隐)$HIDDEN
100006 : Rite of Descension - Hydro: Duration Extension|1 Character {param5:F2}s
100007 : Rite of Descension - Go to Yujing Terrace
100008 : Rite of Descension - Watch the rite
100009 : Rite of Descension - [CHS] - (test)潜行开始触发器(隐)$HIDDEN
100010 : Rite of Descension - Escape from the Millelith
100011 : Rite of Descension - [CHS] - (test)失败回滚(隐)$HIDDEN
100012 : Rite of Descension - [CHS] - (test)潜行成功——公子cutscene(隐)$HIDDEN
100013 : Rite of Descension - Talk to the stranger
100014 : Rite of Descension - Talk to Childe at the Northland Bank
100015 : Rite of Descension - Talk to Paimon
100016 : Rite of Descension - [CHS] - (test)防止回滚隔离(隐)$HIDDEN
100021 : Rite of Descension - Pray and make a wish at Yujing Terrace
100022 : Rite of Descension - Pray and make a wish at Yujing Terrace
100023 : Rite of Descension - [CHS] - 还差一次完成对话的控制环(隐)$HIDDEN
100024 : Rite of Descension - Pray and make a wish at Yujing Terrace
100025 : Rite of Descension - Rollback isolation
100026 : Rite of Descension - Join the crowd and wait for the rite to begin
100027 : Rite of Descension - Escape from the Millelith
100098 : Rite of Descension - [CHS] - 海灯节结束记录2$HIDDEN
100099 : Rite of Descension - [CHS] - 海灯节结束记录1$HIDDEN
100101 : Absolute Territorial Domination - [CHS] - 被NPC呵斥,绝对领域$HIDDEN
100102 : Absolute Territorial Domination - [CHS] - 传送出来,同时回滚$HIDDEN
100103 : Absolute Territorial Domination - [CHS] - 父任务完结$HIDDEN
100201 : An Impromptu Change of Plan - Meet the adepti in Jueyun Karst
100202 : An Impromptu Change of Plan - [CHS] - (test)与仙人对话$HIDDEN
100203 : An Impromptu Change of Plan - [CHS] - 对话中创建怪物(隐藏)$HIDDEN
100204 : An Impromptu Change of Plan - Fight with support from the adepti
100205 : An Impromptu Change of Plan - [CHS] - 自动与仙人对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
100301 : Wangshu - Go to Wangshu Inn
100302 : Wangshu - [CHS] - (test)魈CS$HIDDEN
100303 : Wangshu - Talk to Xiao
100304 : Wangshu - Ask the boss lady about Xiao
100305 : Wangshu - Make a Delicious Satisfying Salad
100306 : Wangshu - Talk to the chef
100307 : Wangshu - Go to the kitchen
100308 : Wangshu - Look around in the kitchen
100309 : Wangshu - Tell Smiley Yanxiao about what happened
100310 : Wangshu - Seek help from Verr Goldet
100311 : Wangshu - Find a place where you can see the whole Witness Sigil
100312 : Wangshu - Find the ghost
100313 : Wangshu - Chase the ghost
100314 : Wangshu - Defeat the Ruin Hunter
100315 : Wangshu - Talk to Dusky Ming
100316 : Wangshu - Tell Smiley Yanxiao about what happened
100317 : Wangshu - Talk to Xiao
100319 : Wangshu - [CHS] - (test)判断是否完成海灯节$HIDDEN
100320 : Wangshu - [CHS] - (test)靠近望舒客栈开车$HIDDEN
100321 : Wangshu - Observe the painting
100401 : Appearance control logic - [CHS] - 人群系统控制任务(待隐藏)$HIDDEN
100402 : Appearance control logic - [CHS] - 玉京台请仙场景:正式台面任务(待隐藏)$HIDDEN
100403 : Appearance control logic - [CHS] - 玉京台请仙场景:破损台面任务(待隐藏)$HIDDEN
100404 : Appearance control logic - [CHS] - 玉京台请仙场景:只剩香炉任务(待隐藏)$HIDDEN
100501 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节活动完成记录$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 海灯节完成标记任务$HIDDEN
100601 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节遇到魈的标记$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 海灯节遇到魈的标记$HIDDEN
100701 : [CHS] - (test)守卫岩神尸体$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)触发NPC对话,绝对领域$HIDDEN
100702 : [CHS] - (test)守卫岩神尸体$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)传送出来,同时回滚$HIDDEN
100703 : [CHS] - (test)守卫岩神尸体$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)父任务完结$HIDDEN
100801 : Moulder of Mountains - Seek out Mountain Shaper
100802 : Moulder of Mountains - [CHS] - 与李丁对话$HIDDEN
100803 : Moulder of Mountains - [CHS] - 敲碎山路旁的琥珀救人$HIDDEN
100804 : Moulder of Mountains - Shatter the amber on the mountain road to save the trapped person
100805 : Moulder of Mountains - Talk to Li Dang
100806 : Moulder of Mountains - Talk to Li Ding and Li Dang
100807 : Moulder of Mountains - Meet Mountain Shaper
100808 : Moulder of Mountains - [CHS] - (test)隐藏标记阿鸟开启$HIDDEN
100901 : Custodian of Clouds - Search for Cloud Retainer
100902 : Custodian of Clouds - Look for traces of food offerings
100903 : Custodian of Clouds - Look for traces of food offerings
100904 : Custodian of Clouds - Look for traces of food offerings
100905 : Custodian of Clouds - [CHS] - (test)记录寻找贡物线索进度$HIDDEN
100906 : Custodian of Clouds - [CHS] - (test)寻找贡物线索回滚隔离$HIDDEN
100907 : Custodian of Clouds - Offer the Delicious Jewelry Soup
100908 : Custodian of Clouds - Offer the Delicious Mora Meat
100909 : Custodian of Clouds - Offer the Delicious Matsutake Meat Rolls
100910 : Custodian of Clouds - Offer up food to Cloud Retainer
100911 : Custodian of Clouds - [CHS] - (test)献上贡物回滚隔离$HIDDEN
100912 : Custodian of Clouds - Search for Cloud Retainer
100913 : Custodian of Clouds - [CHS] - 寻找「留云借风真君」$HIDDEN
100914 : Custodian of Clouds - Meet Cloud Retainer
100915 : Custodian of Clouds - Search for Cloud Retainer
101001 : An Organization Known as Wangsheng - Wait until the following day
101002 : An Organization Known as Wangsheng - Talk to the bank staff
101003 : An Organization Known as Wangsheng - Find Childe
101004 : An Organization Known as Wangsheng - [CHS] - (test)隐藏 钟离登场CS(室外)$HIDDEN
101005 : An Organization Known as Wangsheng - Enter Liuli Pavilion
101006 : An Organization Known as Wangsheng - Talk to Zhongli outside
101007 : An Organization Known as Wangsheng - [CHS] - (test)隐藏 传进室内$HIDDEN
101008 : An Organization Known as Wangsheng - [CHS] - (test)隐藏 钟离登场CS(琉璃亭室内)$HIDDEN
101101 : Moonfinger - Go and buy Noctilucous Jade
101102 : Moonfinger - Look for the Meaty tribe's giant cooking pot
101103 : Moonfinger - Defeat the Hilichurls
101104 : Moonfinger - [CHS] - (test)开始鉴定前的对话$HIDDEN
101105 : Moonfinger - Use Pyro to heat the pot
101106 : Moonfinger - Use Pyro to heat the pot
101107 : Moonfinger - Return to Liyue Harbor and find Shitou
101108 : Moonfinger - Put the Noctilucous Jade in place
101109 : Moonfinger - [CHS] - 放置夜泊石$HIDDEN
101110 : Moonfinger - [CHS] - (test)玩家选择一号石头$HIDDEN
101111 : Moonfinger - [CHS] - (test)玩家选择二号石头$HIDDEN
101112 : Moonfinger - Approach the giant cooking pot
101113 : Moonfinger - Defeat the Hilichurls
101114 : Moonfinger - Use Pyro to heat the pot
101115 : Moonfinger - Defeat the Hilichurls
101116 : Moonfinger - [CHS] - (test)隐藏 for钟离开车$HIDDEN
101123 : Moonfinger - [CHS] - (test)击败丘丘人901隐藏状态$HIDDEN
101124 : Moonfinger - [CHS] - (test)用「火」加热大锅201隐藏状态$HIDDEN
101125 : Moonfinger - [CHS] - (test)击败丘丘人902隐藏状态$HIDDEN
101126 : Moonfinger - [CHS] - (test)用「火」加热大锅202隐藏状态$HIDDEN
101127 : Moonfinger - [CHS] - (test)用「火」加热大锅203隐藏状态$HIDDEN
101128 : Moonfinger - [CHS] - (test)更新group状态$HIDDEN
101201 : Three Poignant Perfumes - [CHS] - (test)防止进度被重置$HIDDEN
101202 : Three Poignant Perfumes - Go and buy Silk Flowers
101203 : Three Poignant Perfumes - Seek Lan's advice
101204 : Three Poignant Perfumes - Seek Qiming's advice
101205 : Three Poignant Perfumes - Seek Ying'er's advice
101206 : Three Poignant Perfumes - Fetch some water
101207 : Three Poignant Perfumes - [CHS] - (test)合成霓裳花精油$HIDDEN
101208 : Three Poignant Perfumes - [CHS] - (test)合成霓裳花精油$HIDDEN
101209 : Three Poignant Perfumes - Offer the perfumes to the Statue of the Seven
101210 : Three Poignant Perfumes - Grind the Silk Flowers to extract the essence
101211 : Three Poignant Perfumes - [CHS] - (test)合成霓裳花精油$HIDDEN
101212 : Three Poignant Perfumes - [CHS] - (test)与钟离对话$HIDDEN
101213 : Three Poignant Perfumes - Rendezvous with Ying'er
101214 : Three Poignant Perfumes - Talk to Ying'er
101215 : Three Poignant Perfumes - Give the Silk Flower Essence to Ying'er
101301 : Downtown - Go and buy kites
101302 : Downtown - [CHS] - (test)前往飞云商会,与钟离碰头
101303 : Downtown - [CHS] - 寻找三位工人$HIDDEN
101304 : Downtown - Talk to Tic
101305 : Downtown - Find a Qingxin flower
101306 : Downtown - Give the Qingxin flower to Tic
101307 : Downtown - [CHS] - 寻找三位工人$HIDDEN
101308 : Downtown - Talk to Tac
101309 : Downtown - Find a Lotus Head
101310 : Downtown - Give the Lotus Head to Tac
101311 : Downtown - [CHS] - 寻找三位工人$HIDDEN
101312 : Downtown - Talk to Toe
101313 : Downtown - Find an Iron Chunk
101314 : Downtown - Give the Iron Chunk to Toe
101315 : Downtown - [CHS] - (test)记录讲价进度$HIDDEN
101316 : Downtown - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
101317 : Downtown - [CHS] - (test)判断讲价1结束$HIDDEN
101318 : Downtown - [CHS] - (test)判断讲价2结束$HIDDEN
101319 : Downtown - [CHS] - (test)判断讲价3结束$HIDDEN
101320 : Downtown - Talk to Childe
101321 : Downtown - Find the three workers
101322 : Downtown - Find the three workers
101323 : Downtown - Find the three workers
101401 : The Realm Within - Talk to Madame Ping
101402 : The Realm Within - Search for the Cleansing Bell
101403 : The Realm Within - Talk to Madame Ping
101404 : The Realm Within - Put the perfume and Cleansing Bell in place
101405 : The Realm Within - [CHS] - (test)寻找涤尘铃$HIDDEN
101406 : The Realm Within - Touch Madame Ping's teapot
101407 : The Realm Within - [CHS] - (test)刷货物$HIDDEN
101408 : The Realm Within - [CHS] - (test)寻找涤尘铃$HIDDEN
101501 : Guizhong - Go to Bubu Pharmacy
101502 : Guizhong - Look for the Guizhong Ballista
101503 : Guizhong - [CHS] - (test)派蒙的提议$HIDDEN
101504 : Guizhong - Retrieve spare parts from the military supply post
101505 : Guizhong - Repair the Guizhong Ballista
101506 : Guizhong - [CHS] - 击败盗宝团成员$HIDDEN
101507 : Guizhong - Find Qiqi back at the Bubu Pharmacy
101508 : Guizhong - Inspect the Guizhong Ballista
101509 : Guizhong - Find the source of the mystery voice
101510 : Guizhong - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
101511 : Guizhong - Put the Everlasting Incense in place
101512 : Guizhong - [CHS] - (test)刷货物$HIDDEN
101513 : Guizhong - [CHS] - (test)寻找声音来源$HIDDEN
101514 : Guizhong - [CHS] - 击败盗宝团成员$HIDDEN
101515 : Guizhong - [CHS] - (test)刷归终机$HIDDEN
101516 : Guizhong - [CHS] - (test)寻找声音来源$HIDDEN
101601 : Zhongli's Treat - Go to Third-Round Knockout
101602 : Zhongli's Treat - [CHS] - (test)播片$HIDDEN
101603 : Zhongli's Treat - [CHS] - (test)在三碗不过港对话II$HIDDEN
101604 : Zhongli's Treat - Wait until the appointed time (18:00 – 23:00)
101605 : Zhongli's Treat - [CHS] - (test)钟离创建隐藏环节$HIDDEN
101606 : Zhongli's Treat - [CHS] - (test)锁定时间I$HIDDEN
101607 : Zhongli's Treat - [CHS] - (test)锁定时间II$HIDDEN
101608 : Zhongli's Treat - Sit next to Zhongli
101609 : Zhongli's Treat - [CHS] - (test)在三碗不过港对话I$HIDDEN
101610 : Zhongli's Treat - [CHS] - (test)结束对话$HIDDEN
101701 : [CHS] - (test)NPC调查对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)观察夜泊石(待隐藏)$HIDDEN
101702 : [CHS] - (test)NPC调查对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)观察风筝(待隐藏)$HIDDEN
101703 : [CHS] - (test)NPC调查对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)观察香炉(待隐藏)$HIDDEN
101704 : [CHS] - (test)NPC调查对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)观察香膏(待隐藏)$HIDDEN
101705 : [CHS] - (test)NPC调查对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)观察铃铛(待隐藏)$HIDDEN
101801 : Dust to Dust - Return to Liyue Harbor and find Childe
101901 : The Unexpected Guest - Go to the lower levels of The Chasm
101902 : The Unexpected Guest - Talk to Yanfei
101903 : The Unexpected Guest - Go deeper within The Chasm
101904 : The Unexpected Guest - Discuss matters with everyone
101905 : The Unexpected Guest - Go to where Yelan is
101906 : The Unexpected Guest - [CHS] - (test)特殊显示任务$HIDDEN
101907 : The Unexpected Guest - Go to the lower levels of The Chasm
102001 : The Floating Palace - Go to Mt. Tianheng
102002 : The Floating Palace - Search for a way up to the Jade Chamber
102003 : The Floating Palace - Try using the mechanism
102004 : The Floating Palace - Head over to the Guizhong Ballista
102005 : The Floating Palace - Fight the Millelith
102006 : The Floating Palace - [CHS] - (test)战斗后对话$HIDDEN
102007 : The Floating Palace - [CHS] - (test)派蒙对话$HIDDEN
102101 : Equilibrium - Look for the ingredients Paimon needs
102102 : Equilibrium - Rescue the person in the cage
102103 : Equilibrium - Look for the guide to the Jade Chamber
102104 : Equilibrium - [CHS] - (test)与凝光对话1$HIDDEN
102105 : Equilibrium - Enter the Jade Chamber's premises
102106 : Equilibrium - Speak to Ningguang
102107 : Equilibrium - Open the cage
102108 : Equilibrium - Talk to the person in the cage
102109 : Equilibrium - Look for the ingredients Paimon needs
102110 : Equilibrium - Look for the ingredients Paimon needs
102111 : Equilibrium - Go to Mingxing Jewelry
102112 : Equilibrium - Pick a piece of "paper snow"
102113 : Equilibrium - Speak to Ningguang
102201 : Solitary Fragrance - Head to the location marked on the "paper snow"
102202 : Solitary Fragrance - Investigate the Fatui's research
102203 : Solitary Fragrance - Meet Zhongli at Dihua Marsh
102204 : Solitary Fragrance - Search for wild Glaze Lilies with Zhongli
102205 : Solitary Fragrance - Defeat the attacking monsters
102206 : Solitary Fragrance - [CHS] - (test)甘雨对话,获得异种琉璃百合$HIDDEN
102207 : Solitary Fragrance - Head back towards Liyue Harbor
102208 : Solitary Fragrance - Ask around for news
102301 : Heart of Glaze - Go to the Golden House
102302 : Heart of Glaze - Examine the Exuvia
102303 : Heart of Glaze - [CHS] - (test)黄金屋对话$HIDDEN
102304 : Heart of Glaze - Duel Childe
102305 : Heart of Glaze - [CHS] - (test)BOSS战后接剧情对话$HIDDEN
102306 : Heart of Glaze - [CHS] - (test)剧情对话后接CS$HIDDEN
102307 : Heart of Glaze - [CHS] - (test)离开地城(隐藏显示,玩家不进行操作)
102401 : Turning Point - [CHS] - (test)传送到群玉阁(隐藏)$HIDDEN
102402 : Turning Point - [CHS] - (test)剧情对话$HIDDEN
102403 : Turning Point - [CHS] - (test)战前cs$HIDDEN
102404 : Turning Point - Repel the ancient god together
102405 : Turning Point - [CHS] - (test)战后CS$HIDDEN
102406 : Turning Point - [CHS] - (test)离开地城(隐藏显示,玩家不进行操作)
102407 : Turning Point - [CHS] - (test)判断是否回滚$HIDDEN
102408 : Turning Point - Look for the guide to the Jade Chamber
102501 : The Fond Farewell - [CHS] - (test)返回璃月$HIDDEN
102502 : The Fond Farewell - [CHS] - (test)偶遇公子和女士$HIDDEN
102503 : The Fond Farewell - Follow the road up to Yujing Terrace
102504 : The Fond Farewell - Follow the road up to Yujing Terrace
102505 : The Fond Farewell - Listen to the Millelith announcement
102506 : The Fond Farewell - Go to the site of the Rite of Parting
102507 : The Fond Farewell - [CHS] - 与参加典仪之人交谈$HIDDEN
102508 : The Fond Farewell - [CHS] - 与参加典仪之人交谈$HIDDEN
102509 : The Fond Farewell - [CHS] - 与参加典仪之人交谈$HIDDEN
102510 : The Fond Farewell - Look for Zhongli at the scene
102511 : The Fond Farewell - [CHS] - 登上通向玉京台的山路$HIDDEN
102512 : The Fond Farewell - [CHS] - (test)任务隔离,防止回滚$HIDDEN
102513 : The Fond Farewell - Talk to the people taking part in the rite
102514 : The Fond Farewell - [CHS] - (test)任务隔离,防止回滚$HIDDEN
102515 : The Fond Farewell - Look for Zhongli
102516 : The Fond Farewell - [CHS] - (test)返回璃月$HIDDEN
102517 : The Fond Farewell - Leave Northland Bank
102518 : The Fond Farewell - [CHS] - 与参加典仪之人交谈$HIDDEN
102519 : The Fond Farewell - [CHS] - 与参加典仪之人交谈$HIDDEN
102520 : The Fond Farewell - [CHS] - 与参加典仪之人交谈$HIDDEN
102521 : The Fond Farewell - Look for Zhongli at Northland Bank
102601 : [CHS] - (test)寻人启事刷新$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)刷新寻人启示$HIDDEN
102602 : [CHS] - (test)寻人启事刷新$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)送仙典仪空闲对话$HIDDEN
102603 : [CHS] - (test)寻人启事刷新$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)刷送仙物品$HIDDEN
102604 : [CHS] - (test)寻人启事刷新$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)刷新寻人启示$HIDDEN
102701 : [CHS] - 层岩间章Part2.5$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 众人闲置对话$HIDDEN
102801 : Chasmic Maze - Enter the Domain
102802 : Chasmic Maze - Talk to everyone
102803 : Chasmic Maze - Leave the Domain
102804 : Chasmic Maze - Talk to everyone
102805 : Chasmic Maze - Talk to everyone
102806 : Chasmic Maze - Talk to everyone
102807 : Chasmic Maze - [CHS] - 完成父任务$HIDDEN
102808 : Chasmic Maze - Ascertain if the Domain leads outside
102809 : Chasmic Maze - [CHS] - 刷新烤菫瓜$HIDDEN
102901 : Danger All Around - Wait till the next day
102902 : Danger All Around - Continue exploring
102903 : Danger All Around - Confirm the situation inside the Domain
102904 : Danger All Around - Go to the breach on the platform
102905 : Danger All Around - Jump into the breach
102906 : Danger All Around - Examine the mysterious door in front of you
102907 : Danger All Around - [CHS] - 第一次开门$HIDDEN
102908 : Danger All Around - Enter the door
102909 : Danger All Around - Escape from here
102910 : Danger All Around - Talk to everyone
102911 : Danger All Around - Talk to everyone
102912 : Danger All Around - Head to the place Yanfei mentioned
102913 : Danger All Around - Try to make contact with Xiao
102914 : Danger All Around - Talk to Xiao
102915 : Danger All Around - Talk to Yelan
102916 : Danger All Around - Talk to everyone
102917 : Danger All Around - Talk to everyone
102918 : Danger All Around - Talk to Yanfei
102919 : Danger All Around - Talk to everyone
102920 : Danger All Around - Talk to everyone
102921 : Danger All Around - Talk to everyone
102922 : Danger All Around - Talk to everyone
102923 : Danger All Around - [CHS] - 完成父任务$HIDDEN
102924 : Danger All Around - [CHS] - 第四次开门$HIDDEN
102925 : Danger All Around - [CHS] - 第三次关门$HIDDEN
102926 : Danger All Around - [CHS] - 第三次开门$HIDDEN
102927 : Danger All Around - [CHS] - 第二次关门$HIDDEN
102928 : Danger All Around - [CHS] - 第二次开门$HIDDEN
102929 : Danger All Around - [CHS] - 第一次关门$HIDDEN
102930 : Danger All Around - [CHS] - 第四次关门$HIDDEN
102931 : Danger All Around - [CHS] - 第五次开门$HIDDEN
102932 : Danger All Around - [CHS] - 刷掉墙2$HIDDEN
102933 : Danger All Around - [CHS] - 刷掉强A$HIDDEN
102934 : Danger All Around - [CHS] - 关闭玩家操作$HIDDEN
102935 : Danger All Around - Talk to everyone
102936 : Danger All Around - Return to camp
103001 : End of the Line - Talk to Paimon
103002 : End of the Line - Talk to Kuki Shinobu
103003 : End of the Line - Enter the new Domain
103004 : End of the Line - [CHS] - 发阅读物C$HIDDEN
103005 : End of the Line - Enter the new space
103006 : End of the Line - Talk to everyone
103007 : End of the Line - Talk to Yanfei
103008 : End of the Line - Defeat opponents
103009 : End of the Line - Talk to Yanfei
103010 : End of the Line - [CHS] - 发阅读物A$HIDDEN
103011 : End of the Line - Find more clues in the space
103012 : End of the Line - Talk to Yelan
103013 : End of the Line - Defeat opponents
103014 : End of the Line - Talk to Yelan
103015 : End of the Line - [CHS] - 发阅读物B$HIDDEN
103016 : End of the Line - Enter the new space
103017 : End of the Line - Talk to Xiao
103018 : End of the Line - Defeat opponents
103019 : End of the Line - Talk to Xiao
103020 : End of the Line - Enter the new space
103021 : End of the Line - Talk to everyone
103022 : End of the Line - Travel through the Abyss
103023 : End of the Line - Keep up with "the one to find"
103024 : End of the Line - Discarded
103025 : End of the Line - #Catch up with "{F#him}{M#her}"
103026 : End of the Line - Talk to everyone
103027 : End of the Line - Leave the place you are in
103101 : At Tunnel's End, Light - Talk to Yelan
103102 : At Tunnel's End, Light - Go back and meet up with the ones left behind
103103 : At Tunnel's End, Light - Play CS
103104 : At Tunnel's End, Light - Talk to everyone
103105 : At Tunnel's End, Light - Go to the place Xiao mentioned
103106 : At Tunnel's End, Light - Talk to Xiao
103107 : At Tunnel's End, Light - [CHS] - (隐藏)刷掉防御圈$HIDDEN
103108 : At Tunnel's End, Light - [CHS] - (隐藏)调整时间$HIDDEN
103109 : At Tunnel's End, Light - [CHS] - (隐藏)调整时间$HIDDEN
103201 : [CHS] - 层岩间章Part3.5$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3838312988
103301 : [CHS] - 层岩间章魈闲置对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 797214828
200001 : A Path Through the Storm - Take in the view outside of Liyue Harbor to collect your thoughts
200002 : A Path Through the Storm - Talk to Paimon
200003 : A Path Through the Storm - Ask Atsuko about how to travel to Inazuma
200004 : A Path Through the Storm - Go to The Alcor and meet with Beidou
200005 : A Path Through the Storm - Size up the other competitors
200006 : A Path Through the Storm - Size up the other competitors
200007 : A Path Through the Storm - Size up the other competitors
200008 : A Path Through the Storm - [CHS] - 任务计数$HIDDEN
200009 : A Path Through the Storm - [CHS] - 了解参赛者的实力$HIDDEN
200010 : A Path Through the Storm - Talk to Zhuhan, who is in charge of registration for The Crux Clash
200011 : A Path Through the Storm - Go to the tournament arena
200012 : A Path Through the Storm - [CHS] - (test)特殊显示逻辑控制任务$HIDDEN
200101 : The Crux Clash - Talk to Zhuhan, who is in charge of registration for The Crux Clash
200102 : The Crux Clash - Take part in the tournament and win
200103 : The Crux Clash - Talk to Beidou and Kazuha
200104 : The Crux Clash - Talk to Zhuhan again and enter the next round
200105 : The Crux Clash - Win the semi-finals
200106 : The Crux Clash - Talk to Rongshi
200107 : The Crux Clash - Ask around for info about your final opponent
200108 : The Crux Clash - Continue asking around for more info about your final opponent
200109 : The Crux Clash - Ask Beidou and Kazuha about your final opponent
200110 : The Crux Clash - Follow Kazuha to a more peaceful location
200111 : The Crux Clash - Talk to Kazuha
200112 : The Crux Clash - Defeat the monsters to show Kazuha your elemental abilities
200113 : The Crux Clash - Talk to Kazuha
200114 : The Crux Clash - [CHS] - (test)比武获胜后衔接用$HIDDEN
200201 : Follow the Wind - Go to the wind current location
200202 : Follow the Wind - Enter the arena to fight the final round
200203 : Follow the Wind - Go check the box containing the Vision
200204 : Follow the Wind - Follow Kazuha to track down the Vision
200205 : Follow the Wind - Proceed to the small island ahead and search for clues
200206 : Follow the Wind - Confirm the clues with Kazuha
200207 : Follow the Wind - Continue the pursuit
200208 : Follow the Wind - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders blocking the way
200209 : Follow the Wind - Talk to the Treasure Hoarder who stole the Vision
200210 : Follow the Wind - Defeat the Treasure Hoarder
200211 : Follow the Wind - Talk to the Treasure Hoarder again
200212 : Follow the Wind - Return to the Guyun Stone Forest arena
200213 : Follow the Wind - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务移除箱子$HIDDEN
200301 : Three Wishes - Enter Komore Teahouse
200302 : Three Wishes - Go to the Statue of the Omnipresent God
200303 : Three Wishes - [CHS] - (test)废弃
200304 : Three Wishes - Go to the Kamisato Estate
200305 : Three Wishes - Go to Komore Teahouse
200401 : The Meaning of Meaningless Waiting - Go to Konda Village and find out what happened
200402 : The Meaning of Meaningless Waiting - Find the clues to Tejima's memory
200403 : The Meaning of Meaningless Waiting - Go investigate the shrine nearby
200404 : The Meaning of Meaningless Waiting - Use Elemental Sight to find clues in the diary
200405 : The Meaning of Meaningless Waiting - Talk to Tejima
200406 : The Meaning of Meaningless Waiting - Ask the crowd for news
200407 : The Meaning of Meaningless Waiting - Ask the crowd for news
200408 : The Meaning of Meaningless Waiting - Talk to Tejima and find out what happened
200501 : To Treat the Well-Meaning Well - Find the next person who lost their Vision
200502 : To Treat the Well-Meaning Well - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
200503 : To Treat the Well-Meaning Well - Talk to the Treasure Hoarders
200504 : To Treat the Well-Meaning Well - Talk to Aoi in the general goods shop and find out what happened
200505 : To Treat the Well-Meaning Well - Talk to Kurosawa
200506 : To Treat the Well-Meaning Well - Talk to Kurosawa
200507 : To Treat the Well-Meaning Well - Go and stop the Treasure Hoarders from looting Kurosawa's house
200601 : A Swordmaster's Path Is Paved With Broken Blades - Find the next person who lost their Vision
200602 : A Swordmaster's Path Is Paved With Broken Blades - Wait until night for the exorcism (18:00 – 24:00)
200603 : A Swordmaster's Path Is Paved With Broken Blades - Talk to Junya
200604 : A Swordmaster's Path Is Paved With Broken Blades - Follow the suspicious person's traces (2/3)
200605 : A Swordmaster's Path Is Paved With Broken Blades - Talk to the suspicious person
200606 : A Swordmaster's Path Is Paved With Broken Blades - Return to the exorcism site
200607 : A Swordmaster's Path Is Paved With Broken Blades - Go to Grand Narukami Shrine to see the head shrine maiden
200608 : A Swordmaster's Path Is Paved With Broken Blades - Follow the suspicious person's traces (0/3)
200609 : A Swordmaster's Path Is Paved With Broken Blades - Follow the suspicious person's traces (1/3)
200610 : A Swordmaster's Path Is Paved With Broken Blades - [CHS] - (test)废弃
200701 : A Flower Blooms in a Prison - Return to the Kamisato Estate to see Kamisato Ayaka
200702 : A Flower Blooms in a Prison - Go to Naganohara Fireworks
200703 : A Flower Blooms in a Prison - Go to the Police Station to help Master Masakatsu
200704 : A Flower Blooms in a Prison - Talk to Yoimiya
200705 : A Flower Blooms in a Prison - Rescue Master Masakatsu
200706 : A Flower Blooms in a Prison - Find Master Masakatsu
200707 : A Flower Blooms in a Prison - Return to Komore Teahouse
200708 : A Flower Blooms in a Prison - Leave Komore Teahouse
200709 : A Flower Blooms in a Prison - Leave Police Station
200710 : A Flower Blooms in a Prison - Go to Komore Teahouse
200711 : A Flower Blooms in a Prison - Return to Komore Teahouse
200801 : Amidst Stormy Judgment - Go to the Vision Hunt Ceremony
200802 : Amidst Stormy Judgment - [CHS] - (test)进入雷电将军地城$HIDDEN
200803 : Amidst Stormy Judgment - Defeat the Raiden Shogun
200804 : Amidst Stormy Judgment - Rescue Thoma
200805 : Amidst Stormy Judgment - Go to Komore Teahouse the following day
200806 : Amidst Stormy Judgment - Go to Komore Teahouse
200807 : Amidst Stormy Judgment - [CHS] - (test)特殊显示逻辑控制任务$HIDDEN
200808 : Amidst Stormy Judgment - Rescue Thoma
200901 : In the Name of the Resistance - Escape from Narukami Island and go to Tatarasuna to find the resistance
200902 : In the Name of the Resistance - Talk with members of the resistance
200903 : In the Name of the Resistance - Go and meet Gorou, the resistance general
200904 : In the Name of the Resistance - Repair the walls around the encampment
200905 : In the Name of the Resistance - Go back and report the situation to Gorou
200906 : In the Name of the Resistance - Go to the front lines
200907 : In the Name of the Resistance - Defeat the Shogunate forces
200908 : In the Name of the Resistance - Talk to Sangonomiya Kokomi
200909 : In the Name of the Resistance - Continue exploring
200910 : In the Name of the Resistance - Gather intel at Tatarasuna
200911 : In the Name of the Resistance - Defeat the Shogunate Army squad attempting a sneak attack
200912 : In the Name of the Resistance - Collect nearby repair materials
200913 : In the Name of the Resistance - Talk to Teppei
200914 : In the Name of the Resistance - Follow Teppei and help the wounded resistance soldiers
200915 : In the Name of the Resistance - Give materials that can be used as medicine
200916 : In the Name of the Resistance - Talk to Teppei
200917 : In the Name of the Resistance - Follow Teppei and help the resistance
200918 : In the Name of the Resistance - Demonstrate archery techniques to the resistance
200919 : In the Name of the Resistance - Talk to Teppei
200920 : In the Name of the Resistance - Talk to Teppei
200921 : In the Name of the Resistance - Hurry to the front line
200922 : In the Name of the Resistance - Rescue the surrounded resistance soldier
200923 : In the Name of the Resistance - [CHS] - (test)射箭挑战失败$HIDDEN
200924 : In the Name of the Resistance - Demonstrate archery techniques again
200925 : In the Name of the Resistance - Collect nearby repair materials
200926 : In the Name of the Resistance - [CHS] - (test)刷新围墙$HIDDEN
200927 : In the Name of the Resistance - Defeat the Shogunate's forces
200928 : In the Name of the Resistance - Defeat the Shogunate's forces
200929 : In the Name of the Resistance - Defeat the Shogunate's forces
200930 : In the Name of the Resistance - Defeat the Shogunate's forces
200931 : In the Name of the Resistance - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
201001 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Go to the agreed location and meet Teppei
201002 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Talk to Teppei
201003 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Go to the resistance camp
201004 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Talk to Teppei
201005 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Go to Sangonomiya Shrine
201006 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Talk to Sangonomiya Kokomi
201007 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Clear out the nearby monsters
201008 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Clear out the nearby monsters
201009 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Talk to Teppei
201010 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Go to the area threatened by monsters
201011 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Return to headquarters and talk to Sangonomiya Kokomi
201012 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Go to where Swordfish II is stationed
201013 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Speak to the members of Swordfish II
201014 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Speak to the members of Swordfish II
201015 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Speak to the members of Swordfish II
201016 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - Speak to the members of Swordfish II
201017 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - [CHS] - (test)刷出怪物用$HIDDEN
201018 : Sword, Fish, Resistance - [CHS] - (test)悄悄的把NPC换成怪物$HIDDEN
201101 : Setting Sail - Ask Katheryne for information on going to Inazuma
201102 : Setting Sail - Board the Alcor and find Beidou
201103 : Setting Sail - Talk to Beidou
201104 : Setting Sail - Go to Inazuma
201105 : Setting Sail - Go to Inazuma
201106 : Setting Sail - Go to Inazuma
201107 : Setting Sail - Talk to your contact, Thoma
201201 : Confessions of an Outlander - Go register at the border checkpoint with Thoma
201202 : Confessions of an Outlander - Go process your application at the Outlander Affairs Agency with Thoma
201203 : Confessions of an Outlander - Go to the International Trade Association and understand its members' situation
201204 : Confessions of an Outlander - Find the merchant selling Crystal Marrow
201205 : Confessions of an Outlander - Ask Thoma for intel support
201206 : Confessions of an Outlander - Negotiate with Werner again
201207 : Confessions of an Outlander - Follow Keijirou without being noticed
201208 : Confessions of an Outlander - Find evidence of Keijirou's wrongdoing
201209 : Confessions of an Outlander - Tell the International Trade Association about what really happened
201210 : Confessions of an Outlander - Show Werner the goods from Mondstadt
201211 : Confessions of an Outlander - Continue negotiating with Werner
201212 : Confessions of an Outlander - Find Keijirou's tracks
201213 : Confessions of an Outlander - Analyze the situation with Werner
201214 : Confessions of an Outlander - Discuss follow-up plans with Werner
201215 : Confessions of an Outlander - Talk to Thoma
201216 : Confessions of an Outlander - Show Werner the goods from Liyue
201217 : Confessions of an Outlander - Continue negotiating with Werner
201301 : Ritou Escape Plan - Try to leave Ritou
201302 : Ritou Escape Plan - Talk to Shinsuke of the Kanjou Commission
201303 : Ritou Escape Plan - Leave the Kanjou Commissioner's Office
201304 : Ritou Escape Plan - Talk to Shinnojou
201305 : Ritou Escape Plan - Meet Ms. Hiiragi at the appointed time (18:00 – 24:00) on the next day
201306 : Ritou Escape Plan - Meet Ms. Hiiragi at the appointed time (18:00 – 24:00)
201307 : Ritou Escape Plan - Meet Hiiragi Chisato
201308 : Ritou Escape Plan - Go to Ritou's border to carry out Chisato's plan
201309 : Ritou Escape Plan - Escort the goods and leave Ritou
201310 : Ritou Escape Plan - Say farewell to Hiiragi Chisato
201311 : Ritou Escape Plan - Go to the Kanjou Commissioner's Office to ask about a way to leave Ritou
201312 : Ritou Escape Plan - [CHS] - (test)护送失败处理回滚$HIDDEN
201401 : Those Who Yearn for the Gods' Gaze - Go and investigate the ancient ruins
201402 : Those Who Yearn for the Gods' Gaze - [CHS] - 与派蒙对话$HIDDEN
201403 : Those Who Yearn for the Gods' Gaze - Investigate the ancient ruins
201404 : Those Who Yearn for the Gods' Gaze - Defeat the attacking monsters
201405 : Those Who Yearn for the Gods' Gaze - Chat with Paimon
201406 : Those Who Yearn for the Gods' Gaze - Return to headquarters and talk to Sangonomiya Kokomi
201407 : Those Who Yearn for the Gods' Gaze - Look for Teppei
201408 : Those Who Yearn for the Gods' Gaze - Talk to Teppei
201501 : Delusion - Talk to Sangonomiya Kokomi
201502 : Delusion - Search for the place where the Delusions are being made
201503 : Delusion - Enter the Delusion Factory
201504 : Delusion - Look for the person running the factory
201505 : Delusion - Look for the person running the factory
201601 : The Servant's Path - Talk to Yae Miko
201602 : The Servant's Path - Complete the Anti-Raiden Shogun Training
201603 : The Servant's Path - Complete the next phase of your Anti-Raiden Shogun Training
201604 : The Servant's Path - Talk to Yae Miko
201605 : The Servant's Path - Return to the Grand Narukami Shrine and talk to Yae Miko
201606 : The Servant's Path - Go to the training area
201607 : The Servant's Path - Talk to Yae Miko
201608 : The Servant's Path - Talk to Yae Miko
201609 : The Servant's Path - Return to the Grand Narukami Shrine and talk to Yae Miko
201701 : Proof of Guilt - Go to Chinju Forest
201702 : Proof of Guilt - Find the helper who Yae Miko spoke of
201703 : Proof of Guilt - Go to Komore Teahouse
201704 : Proof of Guilt - Talk to Thoma
201705 : Proof of Guilt - Wait for midnight (00:00 – 05:00)
201706 : Proof of Guilt - Go to the designated location near the Tenryou Commission Headquarters
201707 : Proof of Guilt - Talk to Sayu
201708 : Proof of Guilt - Set off fireworks to distract the guards
201709 : Proof of Guilt - Talk to Kamisato Ayaka
201710 : Proof of Guilt - Go and enlist Yoimiya's help
201711 : Proof of Guilt - Flee the scene and return to Komore Teahouse
201712 : Proof of Guilt - [CHS] - (test)删掉达摩$HIDDEN
201713 : Proof of Guilt - [CHS] - (test)逃跑失败,确保传送后回滚$HIDDEN
201714 : Proof of Guilt - Set off fireworks to distract the guards
201715 : Proof of Guilt - Return to Komore Teahouse
201716 : Proof of Guilt - [CHS] - (test)保护环$HIDDEN
201801 : Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage - [CHS] - (test)一天之后
201802 : Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage - Return to the Grand Narukami Shrine and look for Yae Miko
201803 : Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage - Follow Kujou Sara to the Tenryou Commission Headquarters
201804 : Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage - Talk to Kujou Takayuki
201805 : Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage - Talk to Kujou Sara
201806 : Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage - Follow Kujou Sara into the Tenryou Commission Headquarters
201807 : Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage - Defeat the Tenryou Guards
201901 : Duel Before the Throne - Talk to Signora
201902 : Duel Before the Throne - Defeat Signora in a duel before the throne
201903 : Duel Before the Throne - [CHS] - (test)击败女士cs$HIDDEN
201904 : Duel Before the Throne - Leave Tenshukaku
201905 : Duel Before the Throne - Chase Kujou Sara to Tenshukaku
202001 : The Omnipresent God - Leave Tenshukaku
202002 : The Omnipresent God - Clash of Rebels
202003 : The Omnipresent God - Talk to the Raiden Shogun within the Plane of Euthymia
202004 : The Omnipresent God - Defeat the Electro Archon
202005 : The Omnipresent God - Talk to the Raiden Shogun
202006 : The Omnipresent God - [CHS] - (test)离开地城
202007 : The Omnipresent God - [CHS] - (test)QTE1$HIDDEN
202008 : The Omnipresent God - [CHS] - (test)QTE2$HIDDEN
202009 : The Omnipresent God - Leave Tenshukaku
202010 : The Omnipresent God - [CHS] - (test)千手百眼cs$HIDDEN
202011 : The Omnipresent God - Defeat the Electro Archon
202012 : The Omnipresent God - Talk to Paimon
202013 : The Omnipresent God - Talk to the Raiden Shogun within the Plane of Euthymia
202101 : Wishes - Talk to Paimon
202102 : Wishes - Visit Yae Miko
202201 : [CHS] - (test)逃离主岛处理$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)逃离主岛处理$HIDDEN
202202 : [CHS] - (test)逃离主岛处理$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)逃离主岛处理$HIDDEN
202203 : [CHS] - (test)逃离主岛处理$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)逃离主岛处理$HIDDEN
202301 : [CHS] - (test)离岛封锁表现处理$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)离岛封锁初始状态$HIDDEN
202302 : [CHS] - (test)离岛封锁表现处理$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)传送回到指定点$HIDDEN
202303 : [CHS] - (test)离岛封锁表现处理$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)传送回去后的对话$HIDDEN
202304 : [CHS] - (test)离岛封锁表现处理$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)暂停封锁的停留环$HIDDEN
202305 : [CHS] - (test)离岛封锁表现处理$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)拿到通行证,完结任务$HIDDEN
202401 : [CHS] - (test)稻妻主线下-父任务10$HIDDEN - [N/A] 363543908
202501 : [CHS] - (test)解锁离岛外锚点$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)解锁锚点用$HIDDEN
202502 : [CHS] - (test)解锁离岛外锚点$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)确认锚点解锁后完成父任务$HIDDEN
300001 : A Forest of Change - Continue through the forest
300002 : A Forest of Change - Follow the unresponsive person discreetly
300003 : A Forest of Change - Observe the situation in the cave
300004 : A Forest of Change - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务传送进世界树空间$HIDDEN
300005 : A Forest of Change - Follow the voice
300006 : A Forest of Change - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务:世界树CS1$HIDDEN
300007 : A Forest of Change - Continue following the voice
300008 : A Forest of Change - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务:世界树CS2$HIDDEN
300009 : A Forest of Change - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务传送到化成郭$HIDDEN
300010 : A Forest of Change - Try to understand the situation
300011 : A Forest of Change - Go to the Land of the Dendro Archon
300101 : Further Observation - Find Collei
300102 : Further Observation - Check the lamps along the path
300103 : Further Observation - Go to the Statue of The Seven
300104 : Further Observation - Climb to the top of the rock
300105 : Further Observation - Examine the Dendro Archon Statue before you
300106 : Further Observation - Meet up with Collei
300107 : Further Observation - Resonate with the Dendro Archon Statue
300108 : Further Observation - Check the lamps along the path
300109 : Further Observation - Check the lamps along the path
300110 : Further Observation - Return to Gandharva Ville
300111 : Further Observation - Wait until 08:00 the following day
300201 : Chronic Illness - Go see Collei
300202 : Chronic Illness - Follow Tighnari to discuss the details elsewhere
300203 : Chronic Illness - Talk to Tighnari
300204 : Chronic Illness - Collect herbs together with Tighnari
300205 : Chronic Illness - Collect Fresh Nilotpala Lotuses nearby
300206 : Chronic Illness - Meet up with Tighnari
300207 : Chronic Illness - Talk to Amir
300208 : Chronic Illness - Go to the Withering Zone
300209 : Chronic Illness - Help Tighnari clear the Withering Zone
300210 : Chronic Illness - Talk to Tighnari
300211 : Chronic Illness - Return to Gandharva Ville
300212 : Chronic Illness - Go and rescue Haypasia
300213 : Chronic Illness - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务:用于刷新死域$HIDDEN
300301 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Search for Haypasia
300302 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务:进入地城$HIDDEN
300303 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Check on how Haypasia is doing
300304 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Go through the mist
300305 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Confront the Abyss Herald
300306 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Rescue and wake Haypasia up
300307 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Make some food by the fireside
300308 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Give Haypasia the food you made for her
300309 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Talk to Haypasia
300310 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Return to Gandharva Ville
300311 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Say goodbye to Collei
300312 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Proceed onward and go through the tree hollow
300313 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Go to the upper platform
300314 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Defeat the Abyss Herald
300315 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Try to get to the special cave
300316 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Investigate the quaint room
300317 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Keep looking for a path to the upper level of the tree hollow
300318 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Investigate the corridor on the other side
300319 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务:炉灶点火$HIDDEN
300320 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务:炉灶点火$HIDDEN
300321 : Silent Seeker of Knowledge - Investigate the courtyard far down the corridor
300401 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Go to Sumeru City
300402 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Visit Rohawi
300403 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Go to the Adventurers' Guild and ask Katheryne for help
300404 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Go to the Citadel of Regzar and look for Asfand
300405 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Look for the young girl who has information about Lesser Lord Kusanali
300406 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Help Dunyarzad lure the pursuing mercenaries away
300407 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Catch up with Dunyarzad
300408 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Enter the tavern
300409 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Rest in the tavern for a while
300410 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Go to the Grand Bazaar
300411 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Go with Nilou to see the stage
300412 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Walk around the Grand Bazaar
300413 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Walk around the Grand Bazaar
300414 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Walk around the Grand Bazaar
300415 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Walk around the Grand Bazaar
300416 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Walk around the Grand Bazaar
300417 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于记录进度$HIDDEN
300418 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于回滚隔离$HIDDEN
300419 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Talk to Katheryne
300420 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - Go to the entrance of the Citadel of Regzar to wait for Dehya
300421 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于刷新桌面的餐品$HIDDEN
300422 : The Trail of the God of Wisdom - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于切换派蒙的虚空状态$HIDDEN
300501 : Lost in Prosperity - Go to Port Ormos
300502 : Lost in Prosperity - Ask a nearby merchant for information
300503 : Lost in Prosperity - Eavesdrop on the Akademiya students' conversation
300504 : Lost in Prosperity - Go to Djafar Tavern
300505 : Lost in Prosperity - Find a place to sit and wait for the Eremites to arrive
300506 : Lost in Prosperity - Get some information from the Eremites
300507 : Lost in Prosperity - Catch up with Alhaitham
300508 : Lost in Prosperity - Go with Alhaitham to a more secluded spot to continue your conversation
300509 : Lost in Prosperity - Meet up with Dori's contact
300510 : Lost in Prosperity - Go to the warehouse with Raunak
300511 : Lost in Prosperity - Talk to Raunak
300512 : Lost in Prosperity - Flee together with Raunak
300513 : Lost in Prosperity - Flee together with Raunak
300514 : Lost in Prosperity - Flee together with Raunak
300515 : Lost in Prosperity - Find the owner of the voice
300516 : Lost in Prosperity - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务:多莉摊子1$HIDDEN
300517 : Lost in Prosperity - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务:多莉摊子2$HIDDEN
300601 : Ever So Close - Go to Wikala Funduq to look for Alhaitham
300602 : Ever So Close - Go out into the wilds to test the Canned Knowledge
300603 : Ever So Close - Initiate first combat test
300604 : Ever So Close - Talk to Alhaitham
300605 : Ever So Close - Initiate second combat test
300606 : Ever So Close - Ask Alhaitham about the test results
300607 : Ever So Close - Go ask Dori about the whereabouts of the Divine Knowledge Capsule
300608 : Ever So Close - Inform Alhaitham
300609 : Ever So Close - Go to the agreed location
300610 : Ever So Close - Exchange "pointed words" with the members of Ayn Al-Ahmar
300611 : Ever So Close - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务:艾尔海森摸罐子CS$HIDDEN
300612 : Ever So Close - Talk to Alhaitham
300613 : Ever So Close - Wait until 07:00 two days from now
300614 : Ever So Close - Open your Inventory and use the Canned Knowledge
300615 : Ever So Close - Talk to Alhaitham
300701 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Go to Sumeru City
300702 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Find Dunyarzad
300703 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Go to the appointed place and talk to Dunyarzad
300704 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Dunyarzad
300705 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Give the divination materials to Kimiya
300706 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Dunyarzad
300707 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Return to the nearby quarters
300708 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to the Eremites
300709 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Escape within the time limit
300710 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Dunyarzad
300711 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Take Dunyarzad somewhere nearby and rest
300712 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Go to the Grand Bazaar and see the Dance of Sabzeruz
300713 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Return to the accommodation and rest
300714 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Go to Dunyarzad's arranged accommodation
300715 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Take Dunyarzad somewhere nearby and rest
300716 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Paimon
300717 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Paimon
300718 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Follow Dunyarzad
300720 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Follow Dunyarzad
300721 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】糖果选择1号$HIDDEN
300722 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】糖果选择2号$HIDDEN
300723 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】糖果选择3号$HIDDEN
300724 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】糖果选择4号$HIDDEN
300725 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】糖果选择5号$HIDDEN
300726 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】糖果选择1号后续$HIDDEN
300727 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】糖果选择2号后续$HIDDEN
300728 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】糖果选择3号后续$HIDDEN
300729 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】糖果选择5号后续$HIDDEN
300730 : The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Kimiya
300801 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - Go to the appointed place and talk to Dunyarzad
300802 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Dunyarzad
300803 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - Follow Dunyarzad
300804 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Dunyarzad
300805 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - Go to Lambad's Tavern
300806 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Dunyarzad
300807 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - Go to the Grand Bazaar and see the Dance of Sabzeruz
300808 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - Return to the accommodation and rest
300810 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Paimon
300811 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Paimon
300812 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - Follow Dunyarzad
300813 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - Leave Lambad's Tavern
300814 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】第2天隐藏控制出圈$HIDDEN
300815 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】糖果选择$HIDDEN
300816 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】上菜$HIDDEN
300817 : The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】撤菜$HIDDEN
300901 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - Go to the appointed place and talk to Dunyarzad
300902 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - Follow the familiar figure
300903 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - Follow the familiar figure
300904 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - Follow the familiar figure
300905 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to the mysterious girl
300906 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - Ask around for clues about the current situation
300907 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - Ask around for clues about the current situation
300908 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】第3天隐藏控制出圈$HIDDEN
300909 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Dehya
300910 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - Bring Dehya to Nahida
300911 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】跟踪熟悉的身影
300912 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Paimon
300913 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Paimon
300914 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Dunyarzad
300915 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】迪希雅草王对话切时间
300916 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】迪希雅草王对话外设装置显示$HIDDEN
300917 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】对话中鸟笼切换$HIDDEN
300918 : The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】对话中切换糖果盒$HIDDEN
301001 : The Samsara of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Nahida
301002 : The Samsara of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Dehya
301003 : The Samsara of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Nahida
301005 : The Samsara of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Nahida
301006 : The Samsara of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】第4天隐藏控制出圈$HIDDEN
301101 : The Causality of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Nahida
301102 : The Causality of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Dehya
301103 : The Causality of the Sabzeruz Festival - Go and check the evidence Dehya mentioned
301104 : The Causality of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Nahida
301105 : The Causality of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】第4天隐藏控制出圈$HIDDEN
301118 : The Causality of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Nahida
301201 : The End of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Nahida
301202 : The End of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Farris, the Knight of Flowers
301203 : The End of the Sabzeruz Festival - Return to the accommodation
301204 : The End of the Sabzeruz Festival - Defeat all the ambushing Eremite members
301205 : The End of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Paimon
301207 : The End of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to "Dunyarzad"
301209 : The End of the Sabzeruz Festival - Watch the Dance of Sabzeruz
301210 : The End of the Sabzeruz Festival - Find Dunyarzad
301211 : The End of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Nahida
301212 : The End of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Paimon
301213 : The End of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】第7天隐藏控制出圈$HIDDEN
301214 : The End of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Nahida
301215 : The End of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Nahida
301301 : Dawn - Talk to Nahida
301302 : Dawn - Talk to "Katheryne"
301401 : The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Nahida
301402 : The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Nahida
301403 : The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival - Head to the city gate to find a way out
301404 : The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】第6天隐藏控制出圈$HIDDEN
301405 : The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】第6-2天逃出须弥城黑屏传送
301406 : The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Nahida
301407 : The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Nahida
301408 : The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival - Organize your thoughts on the familiar bench in the city
301409 : The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival - Talk to Nahida
301410 : The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】第6天隐藏控制出圈$HIDDEN
301411 : The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】第6天最后对话调时间$HIDDEN
301501 : [CHS] - (test)须弥3.0主线第一天锁时间逻辑处理$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)负责正常完成父任务$HIDDEN
301502 : [CHS] - (test)须弥3.0主线第一天锁时间逻辑处理$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)出圈则解除时间锁定$HIDDEN
301503 : [CHS] - (test)须弥3.0主线第一天锁时间逻辑处理$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)重新进圈重新锁定$HIDDEN
301601 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Talk to Katheryne in Sumeru City
301602 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Gather information as instructed by Nahida
301603 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Gather information as instructed by Nahida
301604 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Gather information as instructed by Nahida
301605 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Talk to Nahida
301606 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Wait until the following afternoon (12:00 – 18:00)
301607 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Go to the market and carry out Nahida's plan
301608 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Follow Setaria
301609 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Wait for Nahida to enter the inhabitant's consciousness and talk to Setaria
301610 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Follow Setaria
301611 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Wait for Nahida to enter the inhabitant's consciousness and talk to Setaria
301612 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Wait until the following night (19:00 – 24:00)
301613 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Meet up with Nahida
301614 : Like a Triumphant Hero - [CHS] - (test)可能加个镜头展示空旷
301615 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Go to the Akademiya
301616 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Sort out the information you have
301617 : Like a Triumphant Hero - Continue talking to Nahida somewhere else
301701 : The Gaze From a Certain God - Go to Gandharva Ville
301702 : The Gaze From a Certain God - Defeat the ambushing Eremites
301703 : The Gaze From a Certain God - Discuss the situation with Paimon
301704 : The Gaze From a Certain God - Find Tighnari
301705 : The Gaze From a Certain God - Go to Pardis Dhyai
301706 : The Gaze From a Certain God - Enter Pardis Dhyai
301707 : The Gaze From a Certain God - Talk to Tighnari
301801 : The Four at Loggerheads - Go to Caravan Ribat
301802 : The Four at Loggerheads - Follow Alhaitham
301803 : The Four at Loggerheads - Talk to Alhaitham
301804 : The Four at Loggerheads - Go to Aaru Village
301805 : The Four at Loggerheads - Exchange information with the crowd
301806 : The Four at Loggerheads - Check the situation outside the village chief's house
301807 : The Four at Loggerheads - Defeat the attacking monsters
301808 : The Four at Loggerheads - Talk to the crowd
301809 : The Four at Loggerheads - Exchange information with Cyno somewhere else
301810 : The Four at Loggerheads - Talk to Candace
301811 : The Four at Loggerheads - Go to the village chief's house
301901 : The Missing Village Keepers - Go back to the village chief's house
301902 : The Missing Village Keepers - Talk to Candace
301903 : The Missing Village Keepers - Ask the locals for information
301904 : The Missing Village Keepers - Ask the locals for information
301905 : The Missing Village Keepers - Ask the locals for information
301906 : The Missing Village Keepers - Follow Cyno
301907 : The Missing Village Keepers - Follow Isak
301908 : The Missing Village Keepers - Talk to Cyno
301909 : The Missing Village Keepers - Look for clues nearby
301910 : The Missing Village Keepers - Talk to Cyno
301911 : The Missing Village Keepers - Go back to the village chief's house
301912 : The Missing Village Keepers - Go to Caravan Ribat
301913 : The Missing Village Keepers - Talk to Dehya
301914 : The Missing Village Keepers - Ask Dehya's acquaintances for clues
301915 : The Missing Village Keepers - Go to the place Zaki mentioned
301916 : The Missing Village Keepers - Talk to Dehya
301917 : The Missing Village Keepers - Defeat the Radicals
301918 : The Missing Village Keepers - Talk to Dehya
301919 : The Missing Village Keepers - Wait till the next morning (06:00 – 12:00)
301920 : The Missing Village Keepers - Talk to Candace
301921 : The Missing Village Keepers - Talk to Dehya
302001 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Look for the person mentioned by Alhaitham
302002 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Go to the Eleazar hospital
302003 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Defeat the monsters
302004 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Talk to Alhaitham
302005 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - [CHS] - (test)解封方碑$HIDDEN
302006 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - [CHS] - (test)打开盖子$HIDDEN
302007 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Investigate the Elemental Monuments around the hospital
302008 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Go to the lower level of the hospital
302009 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Talk to the people in front of you
302010 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Go back to the village chief's house and meet up with everybody else
302011 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Follow Cyno
302012 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Talk to Cyno
302013 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Follow Cyno
302014 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Talk to Dehya
302015 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Investigate the Elemental Monuments around the hospital
302016 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Investigate the Elemental Monuments around the hospital
302017 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Talk to Cyno
302018 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Leave the village chief's house
302019 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - Follow Cyno and continue investigating
302020 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - [CHS] - (test)激活方碑$HIDDEN
302021 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - [CHS] - 刷头盔$HIDDEN
302022 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - [CHS] - 刷头盔(2)$HIDDEN
302023 : Cry From the Eleazar Hospital - [CHS] - (test)干掉特效门$HIDDEN
302101 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - Go to the agreed location
302102 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - Wait until afternoon (12:00 – 14:00)
302103 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - Negotiate with the Eremites
302104 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - Enter the mysterious ruins
302105 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - Proceed deeper within the ruins
302106 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - Talk to Alhaitham
302107 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - Leave the ruins
302108 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - Go to the Eremites' hideout
302109 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - Talk to the scholars
302110 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - Go back to the village chief's house
302111 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - Talk to Rahman
302112 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - Gather at the entrance to the village
302113 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - Talk to Cyno
302114 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - Wait until the following morning (06:00 – 08:00)
302115 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - [CHS] - 播放CS$HIDDEN
302116 : Secret of the Scorching Desert - Proceed deeper within the ruins
302201 : Jnagarbha Day - Wait till 8:00 – 12:00 the next day
302202 : Jnagarbha Day - Go to the Akademiya to meet up with Alhaitham
302203 : Jnagarbha Day - Enter the Akademiya together with Alhaitham
302204 : Jnagarbha Day - Enter the House of Daena
302205 : Jnagarbha Day - Talk to Alhaitham
302206 : Jnagarbha Day - Hide for now and wait for an opportunity
302207 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 3442967412
302208 : Jnagarbha Day - Talk to Paimon
302209 : Jnagarbha Day - Find a way to connect to Nahida's consciousness
302210 : Jnagarbha Day - Talk to Nahida's consciousness
302211 : Jnagarbha Day - Talk to Sheikh Zubayr
302212 : Jnagarbha Day - Go to the Akademiya
302213 : Jnagarbha Day - Go to the Akademiya
302214 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 1732046580
302215 : Jnagarbha Day - Talk to Paimon
302216 : Jnagarbha Day - Interlude: Conversation Between Dehya and Rahman
302217 : Jnagarbha Day - Lure the Akademiya guards into the trap
302218 : Jnagarbha Day - Interlude: Grand Sage Azar Arriving at the Sanctuary of Surasthana
302219 : Jnagarbha Day - Interlude: Grand Sage Azar's Suspicion
302220 : Jnagarbha Day - Interlude: Grand Sage Azar Arriving at the Sanctuary of Surasthana
302221 : Jnagarbha Day - Talk to Paimon
302222 : Jnagarbha Day - Go to the Sanctuary of Surasthana
302223 : Jnagarbha Day - Talk to Nahida
302224 : Jnagarbha Day - Lure the Akademiya guards into the trap
302225 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 1295878188
302226 : Jnagarbha Day - Talk to Sheikh Zubayr
302227 : Jnagarbha Day - Talk to Paimon
302228 : Jnagarbha Day - Interlude: Conversation Between Dehya and Rahman
302229 : Jnagarbha Day - Interlude: Grand Sage Azar's Suspicion
302230 : Jnagarbha Day - Talk to Paimon
302231 : Jnagarbha Day - [CHS] - 设法与纳西妲的意识进行连接$HIDDEN
302232 : Jnagarbha Day - [CHS] - 设法与纳西妲的意识进行连接$HIDDEN
302233 : Jnagarbha Day - Talk to Paimon
302234 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 403262332
302235 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 3258363788
302236 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 2830775676
302237 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 33960564
302238 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 3034910092
302239 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 1042508412
302240 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 2334919076
302241 : Jnagarbha Day - Leave the Sanctuary of Surasthana
302242 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 2103971276
302243 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 2524469860
302244 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 3247687540
302245 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 4115109332
302246 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 2898922556
302247 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 1634110884
302248 : Jnagarbha Day - [N/A] 1799067076
302249 : Jnagarbha Day - [CHS] - 设法与纳西妲的意识进行连接$HIDDEN
302301 : [N/A] 3471382143 - [CHS] - (test)隐藏子任务带闲置对话$HIDDEN
302401 : Through the Predawn Night - Talk to Candace
302402 : Through the Predawn Night - Meet up with Alhaitham
302403 : Through the Predawn Night - Go to the Eremite base
302404 : Through the Predawn Night - Go to Caravan Ribat and meet up with Cyno
302405 : Through the Predawn Night - Talk to the soldiers stationed in Caravan Ribat
302406 : Through the Predawn Night - Wait until the appointed time (two days later)
302407 : Through the Predawn Night - Go to the east side of the desert
302408 : Through the Predawn Night - Help Cyno arrest the Eremites
302409 : Through the Predawn Night - Talk to Cyno
302410 : Through the Predawn Night - Wait until the next day
302411 : Through the Predawn Night - Enter the village chief's house
302412 : Through the Predawn Night - Talk to Candace
302413 : Through the Predawn Night - Enter the village chief's house
302414 : Through the Predawn Night - Leave the village chief's house
302501 : As by a God's Side - Go to Caravan Ribat to meet up with Dehya
302502 : As by a God's Side - Find Tighnari at Pardis Dhyai
302503 : As by a God's Side - Go to Port Ormos
302504 : As by a God's Side - Follow the Fatui soldiers
302505 : As by a God's Side - Talk to Dehya
302506 : As by a God's Side - Return to Pardis Dhyai as quickly as possible
302507 : As by a God's Side - Defeat the attacking Fatui
302508 : As by a God's Side - Talk to Tighnari
302509 : As by a God's Side - Check on Tighnari and Dehya
302510 : As by a God's Side - Go to where Haypasia is
302511 : As by a God's Side - Wait until the agreed time (19:00 – 21:00)
302512 : As by a God's Side - Go to the Grand Bazaar
302513 : As by a God's Side - Hide yourself in Wikala Funduq
302514 : As by a God's Side - Track The Doctor down together with Dehya
302515 : As by a God's Side - Talk to Dehya
302516 : As by a God's Side - Talk to Dehya after leaving Pardis Dhyai
302517 : As by a God's Side - [CHS] - (test)(hide)删除船只$HIDDEN
302601 : A Toast to Victory - [CHS] - (test)(hide)刷柯莱的早餐$HIDDEN
302602 : A Toast to Victory - Talk to Collei
302603 : A Toast to Victory - Go to the Grand Bazaar
302604 : A Toast to Victory - Enter the House of Daena and look for Alhaitham
302605 : A Toast to Victory - Go to Port Ormos
302606 : A Toast to Victory - Go to Aaru Village
302607 : A Toast to Victory - Wait for the feast to start (19:00 – 24:00 two days later)
302608 : A Toast to Victory - Go to the Grand Bazaar to attend the feast
302611 : A Toast to Victory - Talk to everyone at the feast
302612 : A Toast to Victory - Talk to everyone at the feast
302613 : A Toast to Victory - Talk to everyone at the feast
302614 : A Toast to Victory - Talk to everyone at the feast
302615 : A Toast to Victory - Talk to Paimon
302616 : A Toast to Victory - Talk to Paimon
302617 : A Toast to Victory - Go to the Sanctuary of Surasthana
302618 : A Toast to Victory - Talk to Tighnari
302619 : A Toast to Victory - Inquire about Alhaitham's whereabouts in the Akademiya
302620 : A Toast to Victory - Talk to Alhaitham
302621 : A Toast to Victory - [CHS] - (test)(hide)离开智慧宫刷新npc$HIDDEN
302701 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏npc控制任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)刷纳西妲闲置$HIDDEN
302702 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏npc控制任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)刷海芭夏睡觉$HIDDEN
302703 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏npc控制任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)中位回滚任务$HIDDEN
302801 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Wait until 16:00 and find Nahida in the Sanctuary of Surasthana
302802 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Go through the passage and reach The Balladeer
302803 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Go through the passage and reach The Balladeer
302804 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Talk to Nahida
302805 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Talk to Nahida
302806 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Go to where The Balladeer is
302807 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Talk to The Balladeer
302808 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Defeat the Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom
302809 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - [N/A] 2846762036
302810 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Defeat the Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom
302811 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - [N/A] 1008751788
302812 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Talk to Paimon
302813 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Talk to Nahida
302814 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Enter Greater Lord Rukkhadevata's last memory
302815 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Leave this place using the Boat of Consciousness
302816 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Talk to Nahida
302817 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Reach the Irminsul from the past
302818 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Find the remaining consciousness of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata
302819 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - [N/A] 1316718732
302820 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Talk to Nahida
302821 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Talk to Nahida
302822 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - Talk to Nahida once you have made your preparations
302823 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - [N/A] 1028323556
302824 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - [N/A] 2969884492
302825 : Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies - [N/A] 3431895716
302901 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Go to the Sanctuary of Surasthana
302902 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Talk to the scholars by the road
302903 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Follow the figure you just saw
302904 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Talk to Nahida
302905 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Talk to The Balladeer
302906 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Talk to The Balladeer
302907 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Talk to The Balladeer
302908 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Follow The Balladeer
302909 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Talk to The Balladeer
302910 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Talk to The Balladeer
302911 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Leave Irminsul
302912 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Talk to Nahida
302913 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Follow The Balladeer
302914 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Talk to The Balladeer
302915 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Follow The Balladeer
302916 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Investigate the fragments of information from Irminsul
302917 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Talk to The Balladeer
302918 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - [N/A] 207658452
302919 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Discuss with Paimon
302920 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Wait for a while
302921 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - [N/A] 1820402164
302922 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Look for The Balladeer
302923 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Continue exploring
302924 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Continue exploring
302925 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Continue exploring
302926 : The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call - Follow The Balladeer
303001 : A Dance of Destruction - [CHS] - (test)等待(改为跟床互动)
303002 : A Dance of Destruction - Talk to Amenoma Tougo
303003 : A Dance of Destruction - [CHS] - (test)回到城内询问NPC翔太
303004 : A Dance of Destruction - Go to Tatarasuna to look for clues
303005 : A Dance of Destruction - [CHS] - (test)偶遇泽维尔
303006 : A Dance of Destruction - Talk to Xavier
303007 : A Dance of Destruction - [CHS] - (test)打听丹羽的故事
303008 : A Dance of Destruction - [CHS] - (test)了解这段时空的海滩小屋孩子
303009 : A Dance of Destruction - [CHS] - (test)控制泽维尔初见任务$HIDDEN
303010 : A Dance of Destruction - Go to the Yashiro Commission
303101 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Talk to Nahida
303102 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Take a walk around the Grand Bazaar to clear your head
303103 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Return to the Sanctuary of Surasthana
303104 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Talk to Nahida
303105 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Head towards the next memory
303106 : The Kabukimono's Finale - View the memory
303107 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Talk to everyone
303108 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Defeat the opponent(s)
303109 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Talk to The Balladeer
303110 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Leave the memory
303111 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Examine your environment
303112 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Enter the memory
303113 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Examine your environment
303114 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Talk to everyone
303115 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Return to the Sanctuary of Surasthana
303116 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Decode Nahida's fairy tale
303117 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Keep exploring
303118 : The Kabukimono's Finale - View the memory
303119 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Keep exploring
303120 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Defeat the opponent(s)
303121 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Head towards the next memory
303122 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Continue exploring
303123 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Follow the person you just saw
303124 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Return to the Grocery Stall
303125 : The Kabukimono's Finale - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务·控制人群$HIDDEN
303126 : The Kabukimono's Finale - [N/A] 1809178308
303127 : The Kabukimono's Finale - Defeat the opponent(s)
303201 : As Though Morning Dew - Talk to Nahida
303202 : As Though Morning Dew - Give Wanderer a new name
303203 : As Though Morning Dew - Listen in on the scholars' conversation
303204 : As Though Morning Dew - Talk to Nahida
303205 : As Though Morning Dew - Return to the resting place
303301 : [CHS] - (test)修改3.3间章完成后任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2986862868
400001 : Like the Faint Moonlight of Yesteryear - Go to Hotel Debord
400002 : Like the Faint Moonlight of Yesteryear - Go to the fountain plaza in front of the opera house
400003 : Like the Faint Moonlight of Yesteryear - Talk to the Oceanid
400004 : Like the Faint Moonlight of Yesteryear - Talk to Navia
400005 : Like the Faint Moonlight of Yesteryear - Go to the Spina di Rosula stronghold
400006 : Like the Faint Moonlight of Yesteryear - Go to the accommodations Navia arranged
400007 : Like the Faint Moonlight of Yesteryear - Talk to Melus
400008 : Like the Faint Moonlight of Yesteryear - Talk to Navia
400009 : Like the Faint Moonlight of Yesteryear - Rest in your room
400101 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - Go to the Palais Mermonia
400102 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - Go to the Chief Justice's office
400103 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - Talk to Neuvillette
400104 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - Leave the Palais Mermonia
400105 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - Go over the clues with Navia
400106 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - Talk to Melus on the ship
400107 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - Visit Jacques' family
400108 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - Talk to Florent
400109 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - Go to the Court of Fontaine and speak to Thierry
400110 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - Contact Marcel
400111 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - Go over the clues with Navia
400112 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - Go to the Chief Justice's office
400113 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - [CHS] - (test)(hide)隐藏控制下雨天气$HIDDEN
400114 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - Talk to Navia
400115 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - [CHS] - (test)(hide)隐藏控制下雨天气开始$HIDDEN
400116 : The Truth, Lost With the Rain - Go to Poisson
400201 : When All Return to the Waters - Go to the place Melus mentioned
400202 : When All Return to the Waters - Find the entrance to the "headquarters"
400203 : When All Return to the Waters - Talk to Paimon
400204 : When All Return to the Waters - Go to the opera house to identify the culprit
400205 : When All Return to the Waters - Proceed deeper within to investigate
400206 : When All Return to the Waters - Discuss with Paimon
400207 : When All Return to the Waters - Look for clues in the headquarters' depths
400208 : When All Return to the Waters - Confront Marcel
400209 : When All Return to the Waters - Leave the opera house
400210 : When All Return to the Waters - Bring Marcel to the fountain plaza
400211 : When All Return to the Waters - Talk to "Vigneire"
400212 : When All Return to the Waters - Stroll around the Court of Fontaine
400213 : When All Return to the Waters - Go to the cemetery next to Poisson
400214 : When All Return to the Waters - Analyze the clues you've found with Paimon
400215 : When All Return to the Waters - Look for clues related to "Vacher"
400216 : When All Return to the Waters - Race back to the opera house and submit the evidence
400217 : When All Return to the Waters - Learn about the situation from Neuvillette
400220 : When All Return to the Waters - Enter the headquarters
400221 : When All Return to the Waters - Talk to Neuvillette
400222 : When All Return to the Waters - Face off against Marcel
400223 : When All Return to the Waters - Find a way to get underwater
400224 : When All Return to the Waters - [CHS] - (test)(hide)对话中停止下雨$HIDDEN
400225 : When All Return to the Waters - [CHS] - (test)(hide)进入对话下雨$HIDDEN
400301 : [CHS] - (test)任务环废弃,对话保留$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(hide)墓地时间锁定
400302 : [CHS] - (test)任务环废弃,对话保留$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)和那维莱特对话
400401 : Soloist's Prologue - Go to Caravan Ribat
400402 : Soloist's Prologue - Go to Romaritime Harbor in Fontaine
400403 : Soloist's Prologue - Talk to the young woman by the water
400404 : Soloist's Prologue - Follow Lyney
400405 : Soloist's Prologue - Talk to Lyney
400406 : Soloist's Prologue - Distribute Magic Pockets to the nearby residents
400407 : Soloist's Prologue - Distribute Magic Pockets to the nearby residents
400408 : Soloist's Prologue - Distribute Magic Pockets to the nearby residents
400409 : Soloist's Prologue - Talk to Lyney
400410 : Soloist's Prologue - Collect materials used to make Magic Pockets
400411 : Soloist's Prologue - Talk to Lyney
400412 : Soloist's Prologue - Go to the top of the lift to cut off the thief's escape
400413 : Soloist's Prologue - Talk to Lyney
400414 : Soloist's Prologue - Ride the aquabus to the Court of Fontaine
400415 : Soloist's Prologue - Ride the aquabus to the Court of Fontaine
400416 : Soloist's Prologue - [N/A] 0
400417 : Soloist's Prologue - Follow Lyney
400418 : Soloist's Prologue - [N/A] 0
400419 : Soloist's Prologue - Collect materials used to make Magic Pockets
400420 : Soloist's Prologue - Collect materials used to make Magic Pockets
400421 : Soloist's Prologue - [N/A] 0
400422 : Soloist's Prologue - [N/A] 0
400423 : Soloist's Prologue - [N/A] 0
400424 : Soloist's Prologue - [N/A] 0
400425 : Soloist's Prologue - Go to the Court of Fontaine
400426 : Soloist's Prologue - [N/A] 0
400427 : Soloist's Prologue - [N/A] 0
400428 : Soloist's Prologue - Ride the aquabus to the Court of Fontaine
400429 : Soloist's Prologue - Ride the aquabus to the Court of Fontaine
400430 : Soloist's Prologue - [N/A] 0
400431 : Soloist's Prologue - [N/A] 0
400501 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - Go to where Lyney is
400502 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - Go to Beaumont Workshop
400503 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - Defeat the Confrerie of Cabriere henchmen
400504 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - Talk to Childe
400505 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - Go to the newsstand
400506 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - Ride the Navia Line and head to Erinnyes
400507 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - Ride the Navia Line and head to Erinnyes
400508 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - [N/A] 0
400509 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - Go to the fountain plaza in front of the opera house
400510 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - Enter the Opera Epiclese
400511 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - Go to the seats Lyney arranged
400512 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - Watch the magic show
400513 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - Watch the magic show
400514 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - [N/A] 0
400515 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - [N/A] 0
400516 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - [N/A] 0
400517 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - [N/A] 0
400518 : The City of Rains and Remembrance - [N/A] 0
400601 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Talk to the Gardes
400602 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Look for clues inside the opera house
400603 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Ask how Lyney's doing on his end
400604 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Talk to Lyney
400605 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Search the underground passage for clues
400606 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Return to the surface
400607 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Talk to Navia
400608 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Wait until the trial on the following day (08:00 – 10:00)
400609 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Participate in the trial
400610 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Cross-examine Lyney
400611 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Continue taking part in the trial
400612 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Continue the trial
400613 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Continue the trial
400614 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Continue the trial
400615 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Continue the trial
400616 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Talk to Lyney
400617 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Leave the opera house
400618 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - [N/A] 0
400619 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Look for clues inside the opera house
400620 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Search the underground passage for clues
400621 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - [N/A] 0
400622 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - [N/A] 0
400623 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Cross-examine Lyney
400624 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Look for clues inside the opera house
400625 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - Look for clues inside the opera house
400626 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - [N/A] 0
400627 : Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights - [N/A] 0
800001 : Involuntary Sacrifice - Go near the Adventurers' Guild Bulletin Board
800002 : Involuntary Sacrifice - Go to the ruins
800003 : Involuntary Sacrifice - Follow the Treasure Hoarders
800004 : Involuntary Sacrifice - Check out the depths of the ruins
800005 : Involuntary Sacrifice - Flee the ruins
800006 : Involuntary Sacrifice - Defeat the Abyss Herald
800007 : Involuntary Sacrifice - Leave the ruins
800008 : Involuntary Sacrifice - Talk to the Abyss Herald
800009 : Involuntary Sacrifice - Negotiate with the Abyss Herald
800010 : Involuntary Sacrifice - [CHS] - (test)任务前置提示$HIDDEN
800101 : A Herald Without Adherents - Talk to Dainsleif
800102 : A Herald Without Adherents - Look for traces of the Abyss Order
800103 : A Herald Without Adherents - Talk to Dainsleif
800104 : A Herald Without Adherents - Look for traces of the Abyss Order
800105 : A Herald Without Adherents - Talk to Dainsleif
800106 : A Herald Without Adherents - Defeat all opponents
800107 : A Herald Without Adherents - Talk to Dainsleif
800108 : A Herald Without Adherents - Talk to Dainsleif
800109 : A Herald Without Adherents - Look for traces of the Abyss Order
800201 : Dishonorable Trial - Go to the Favonius Cathedral
800202 : Dishonorable Trial - Talk to Barbara
800203 : Dishonorable Trial - Go to Wolvendom
800204 : Dishonorable Trial - Defeat the Abyss Order
800205 : Dishonorable Trial - Talk to Jean
800206 : Dishonorable Trial - Look for the Great Wolf King of the North
800207 : Dishonorable Trial - Defeat all opponents
800208 : Dishonorable Trial - Talk to the Great Wolf King of the North
800209 : Dishonorable Trial - Talk to Dainsleif
800210 : Dishonorable Trial - Talk to Dainsleif
800211 : Dishonorable Trial - Talk to Razor
800212 : Dishonorable Trial - [CHS] - (test)解除束缚$HIDDEN
800301 : A Soul Set Apart - Talk to Dainsleif
800302 : A Soul Set Apart - Enter the ruins again
800303 : A Soul Set Apart - Search for the Defiled Statue
800304 : A Soul Set Apart - Defeat the Abyss Herald
800305 : A Soul Set Apart - #Meet {F#Aether}{M#Lumine}.
800306 : A Soul Set Apart - Go to Stormterror's Lair
800307 : A Soul Set Apart - Talk to Dainsleif
800308 : A Soul Set Apart - Talk to Paimon
800309 : A Soul Set Apart - Enter the ruins again
800310 : A Soul Set Apart - Talk to Dainsleif
800311 : A Soul Set Apart - Talk to Paimon
800401 : In the Depths, an Unexpected Reunion - Talk to Katheryne
800402 : In the Depths, an Unexpected Reunion - Look for the miner who posted the commission at The Chasm
800403 : In the Depths, an Unexpected Reunion - Go to the designated location to investigate
800404 : In the Depths, an Unexpected Reunion - Go to the designated location to investigate
800405 : In the Depths, an Unexpected Reunion - Go to the designated location to investigate
800406 : In the Depths, an Unexpected Reunion - [N/A] 495736276
800407 : In the Depths, an Unexpected Reunion - Enter The Chasm: Underground Mines
800501 : The Grave of the Guarded - Investigate the ruins ahead and find a path
800502 : The Grave of the Guarded - Defeat the Black Serpent Knights
800503 : The Grave of the Guarded - Talk to Dainsleif
800504 : The Grave of the Guarded - Go to the entrance to the ruins
800505 : The Grave of the Guarded - Go to the lit room in the ruins
800506 : The Grave of the Guarded - Defeat the Black Serpent Knights
800508 : The Grave of the Guarded - Continue investigating the ruins
800509 : The Grave of the Guarded - Defeat the Black Serpent Knights
800510 : The Grave of the Guarded - Examine what the Black Serpent Knights were protecting
800511 : The Grave of the Guarded - Go to the chamber at the center of the ruins' summit
800512 : The Grave of the Guarded - Go to the chamber at the center of the ruins' summit
800513 : The Grave of the Guarded - Go to the chamber at the center of the ruins' summit
800514 : The Grave of the Guarded - Go to the chamber at the center of the ruins' summit
800515 : The Grave of the Guarded - Go to the chamber at the center of the ruins' summit
800516 : The Grave of the Guarded - [N/A] 3839397684
800517 : The Grave of the Guarded - [N/A] 737032788
800518 : The Grave of the Guarded - [N/A] 2804690324
800519 : The Grave of the Guarded - [N/A] 3683290620
800520 : The Grave of the Guarded - [N/A] 3488080028
800601 : Memories of Inteyvat - Go along the path that Halfdan has indicated
800602 : Memories of Inteyvat - Follow the path and continue exploring
800603 : Memories of Inteyvat - Follow the path and continue exploring
800604 : Memories of Inteyvat - Head to the hilichurl camp
800605 : Memories of Inteyvat - Look for clues in the hilichurl camp
800606 : Memories of Inteyvat - Leave the hilichurl camp
800607 : Memories of Inteyvat - Defeat the Abyss Herald
800608 : Memories of Inteyvat - Talk to Dainsleif
800609 : Memories of Inteyvat - Look for clues in the hilichurl camp
800610 : Memories of Inteyvat - Look for clues in the hilichurl camp
800611 : Memories of Inteyvat - Look for clues in the hilichurl camp
800612 : Memories of Inteyvat - [N/A] 3797687676
800613 : Memories of Inteyvat - [N/A] 3320356388
800614 : Memories of Inteyvat - [N/A] 1705733180
800701 : The Black Serpent Knights' Glory - Check the situation at the chamber at the center of the ruins' summit
800702 : The Black Serpent Knights' Glory - Defeat the Abyss Lector
800703 : The Black Serpent Knights' Glory - Talk to Dainsleif
800704 : The Black Serpent Knights' Glory - Destroy all the charging devices
800705 : The Black Serpent Knights' Glory - Destroy all the charging devices
800706 : The Black Serpent Knights' Glory - Destroy all the charging devices
800707 : The Black Serpent Knights' Glory - Destroy all the charging devices
800708 : The Black Serpent Knights' Glory - [N/A] 2551205260
800709 : The Black Serpent Knights' Glory - Reach Halfdan
800710 : The Black Serpent Knights' Glory - Talk to Dainsleif
800711 : The Black Serpent Knights' Glory - Talk to Dainsleif
800712 : The Black Serpent Knights' Glory - [N/A] 214060724
800713 : The Black Serpent Knights' Glory - [N/A] 1403425724
800801 : [N/A] 4057388455 - [N/A] 924901764
800802 : [N/A] 4057388455 - [N/A] 844327260
800901 : Destined Encounter - Talk to Masrur
800902 : Destined Encounter - Wait until the following afternoon (16:00 – 18:00)
800903 : Destined Encounter - Go to Djafar Tavern and look for Kaeya
800904 : Destined Encounter - Go to the place Dainsleif mentioned
800905 : Destined Encounter - Light the bonfire
800906 : Destined Encounter - [N/A] 3348320404
800907 : Destined Encounter - [N/A] 3189902180
800908 : Destined Encounter - Talk to Dainsleif
800909 : Destined Encounter - [N/A] 1981770324
800910 : Destined Encounter - Enter the house to investigate
800911 : Destined Encounter - Investigate the interior of the house
800912 : Destined Encounter - Investigate the interior of the house
800913 : Destined Encounter - Investigate the interior of the house
800914 : Destined Encounter - [N/A] 578801956
800915 : Destined Encounter - [N/A] 2267497388
800916 : Destined Encounter - Talk to Dainsleif
800917 : Destined Encounter - Defeat the attacking monsters
800918 : Destined Encounter - Talk to Dainsleif
800919 : Destined Encounter - Talk to Paimon
800920 : Destined Encounter - [N/A] 80045228
800921 : Destined Encounter - Check out the situation outside
800922 : Destined Encounter - [N/A] 3921345692
801001 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Talk to Eide
801002 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Look for Paimon inside the house
801003 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go inside
801004 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Talk to Eide
801005 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Synthesize the Nameless Taboo Medicine of the Royal Court
801006 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Talk to Eide
801007 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go to the nearby Statue of The Seven
801008 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Administer the dose of medicine to the hilichurl
801009 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - [N/A] 2716687252
801010 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go to the waterfall to fetch some water
801011 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Give Eide the water
801012 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Defeat the attacking monsters
801013 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Talk to Eide
801014 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - [N/A] 48747156
801015 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Synthesize the Nameless Taboo Medicine of the Royal Court
801016 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Talk to Eide
801017 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go to the nearby Statue of The Seven
801018 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go inside
801019 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go inside
801020 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go inside
801021 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go inside
801022 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go inside
801023 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go inside
801024 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go inside
801025 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go inside
801026 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go inside
801027 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go inside
801028 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go inside
801029 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go inside
801030 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go inside
801031 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - [N/A] 3915188364
801032 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Pick the Strange Mushrooms
801033 : Fortune-Mocking Pedigree - Go inside
801101 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Follow the hilichurl
801102 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Follow the hilichurl
801103 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Follow the hilichurl to the cavern
801104 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Talk to Eide
801105 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Continue exploring
801106 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Talk to Eide
801107 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Defeat the Fortune Lector
801108 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Talk to Eide
801109 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Continue exploring
801110 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Continue exploring
801111 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Talk to Eide
801112 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - [N/A] 911186436
801113 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Go inside
801114 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Follow the hilichurl to the cavern
801115 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - [N/A] 28531996
801116 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Talk to Eide
801117 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Continue exploring
801118 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - [N/A] 2671572964
801119 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - [N/A] 1738130932
801120 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Talk to Eide
801121 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - Continue exploring
801122 : A Lamenter at Fate's End - [N/A] 1500768940
801201 : Portended Fate - Enter the cavern again
801202 : Portended Fate - Go to the mysterious statue
801203 : Portended Fate - Go to the mysterious statue
801204 : Portended Fate - Return to Eide's house
801205 : Portended Fate - Look for clues outside
801206 : Portended Fate - Continue to search for Caribert
801207 : Portended Fate - Talk to the Forest Rangers
801208 : Portended Fate - [N/A] 1343440428
801209 : Portended Fate - [N/A] 1134358068
801210 : Portended Fate - Use the clue to continue searching for Caribert
801211 : Portended Fate - Talk to Eide
801212 : Portended Fate - Talk to Dainsleif
801213 : Portended Fate - [N/A] 3993431108
801214 : Portended Fate - Enter the cavern again
801215 : Portended Fate - Go inside
801216 : Portended Fate - Go inside
801217 : Portended Fate - Go inside
801218 : Portended Fate - [N/A] 671343140
801219 : Portended Fate - [N/A] 3112240204
801220 : Portended Fate - Go inside
801221 : Portended Fate - [N/A] 3559923132
801222 : Portended Fate - Enter the cavern again
801223 : Portended Fate - Talk to Eide
801224 : Portended Fate - Enter the cavern again
801301 : [N/A] 155293727 - [N/A] 2385465084
801302 : [N/A] 155293727 - [N/A] 1371788484
801303 : [N/A] 155293727 - [N/A] 4184548396
801401 : [N/A] 3530024511 - [N/A] 1397074996
801501 : [N/A] 567184975 - [N/A] 1504494828
1010001 : Troublesome Work - Find Lisa in the Library
1010002 : Troublesome Work - Talk to Lisa
1010003 : Troublesome Work - Talk to Marjorie about returning the library book
1010004 : Troublesome Work - Talk to Sara about returning the library book
1010005 : Troublesome Work - Order a dish Lisa would like
1010006 : Troublesome Work - Sit down and dine with Lisa
1010007 : Troublesome Work - Talk to Sara
1010008 : Troublesome Work - Talk to Donna and find out what happened
1010009 : Troublesome Work - Talk to Lisa to understand what the clue means
1010010 : Troublesome Work - Pick a souvenir for Lisa
1010011 : Troublesome Work - Find a gift for Lisa (Hidden)
1010012 : Troublesome Work - Find a gift for Lisa (Hidden)
1010013 : Troublesome Work - Find a gift for Lisa (Hidden)
1010014 : Troublesome Work - Find a gift for Lisa (Hidden)
1010015 : Troublesome Work - Hidden Option 1 unlocked (Hidden)
1010016 : Troublesome Work - Hidden Option 2 unlocked
1010017 : Troublesome Work - Hidden clues unlocked (Hidden)
1010018 : Troublesome Work - Hidden clues completed (Hidden)
1010019 : Troublesome Work - [CHS] - (test)对话条件判断用(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1010021 : Troublesome Work - Have tea with Lisa (Hidden)
1010022 : Troublesome Work - Have tea with Lisa (Hidden)
1010023 : Troublesome Work - Have tea with Lisa (Hidden)
1010024 : Troublesome Work - Have tea with Lisa (Hidden)
1010025 : Troublesome Work - Have tea with Lisa (Hidden)
1010026 : Troublesome Work - Hidden Option 1 unlocked (Hidden)
1010027 : Troublesome Work - Hidden Option 2 unlocked
1010028 : Troublesome Work - [CHS] - (test)延迟解锁披萨(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1010029 : Troublesome Work - [CHS] - (test)衔接对话用(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1010031 : Troublesome Work - Result: Lisa in a good mood (Hidden)
1010032 : Troublesome Work - Result: Lisa in an average mood (Hidden)
1010033 : Troublesome Work - Result: Lisa in a bad mood (Hidden)
1010034 : Troublesome Work - [CHS] - (test)给丽莎挑选花(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1010035 : Troublesome Work - [CHS] - (test)给丽莎挑选花(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1010036 : Troublesome Work - [CHS] - (test)给丽莎挑选花(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1010037 : Troublesome Work - [CHS] - (test)给丽莎挑选花(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1010038 : Troublesome Work - [CHS] - (test)对话条件判断用(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1010044 : Troublesome Work - Search for the book's elemental marks
1010101 : Lost Book - Find out which way the elemental marks lead
1010102 : Lost Book - Reach Target Point 1 (Hidden)
1010103 : Lost Book - Reach Target Point 2 (Hidden)
1010104 : Lost Book - Reach Target Point 3 (Hidden)
1010105 : Lost Book - Reach Target Point 4 (Hidden)
1010106 : Lost Book - Reach Target Point 5 (Hidden)
1010107 : Lost Book - Enter the book thief's hiding place
1010108 : Lost Book - Defeat the Order Commander
1010109 : Lost Book - Talk to Lisa
1010110 : Lost Book - Talk to Lisa (Hidden)
1010111 : Lost Book - Defeat the assailants
1010112 : Lost Book - [CHS] - (test)击败深渊法师后的对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1010113 : Lost Book - Defeat the Abyss Order assailant
1010114 : Lost Book - [CHS] - (test)发现副本后让丽莎消失(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1010115 : Lost Book - Take the Teyvat Travel Guide
1010116 : Lost Book - Search for the hidden book
1010117 : Lost Book - Search for elemental marks
1010118 : Lost Book - Search for elemental marks
1010119 : Lost Book - Search for elemental marks
1010120 : Lost Book - [CHS] - (test)与丽莎对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1010121 : Lost Book - [CHS] - (test)开启地城入口(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1010122 : Lost Book - [CHS] - (test)删除试用角色(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1011001 : A Child's Secret - Head to a certain spot in the Anemo God Statue Plaza
1011002 : A Child's Secret - Check in with Flora
1011003 : A Child's Secret - Go see Timmie
1011004 : A Child's Secret - Drop in on the adults in the tavern
1011005 : A Child's Secret - See how Ellin is doing
1011006 : A Child's Secret - [CHS] - (test)同时摧毁所有木桩$HIDDEN
1011007 : A Child's Secret - [CHS] - (test)同时摧毁所有木桩$HIDDEN
1011008 : A Child's Secret - Destroy all the training dummies
1011009 : A Child's Secret - Talk to Ellin
1011010 : A Child's Secret - Destroy all the training dummies
1011100 : The South Wind Brings Adventure - [CHS] - (test)控制艾琳的空闲对话$HIDDEN
1011101 : The South Wind Brings Adventure - Head to the Temple of the Lion
1011102 : The South Wind Brings Adventure - Look for Jack and Stanley
1011103 : The South Wind Brings Adventure - Rescue Jack and Stanley
1011104 : The South Wind Brings Adventure - [CHS] - (test)与杰克对话$HIDDEN
1011105 : The South Wind Brings Adventure - Complete the Domain adventure
1011106 : The South Wind Brings Adventure - [CHS] - (test)与温迪对话$HIDDEN
1011107 : The South Wind Brings Adventure - [CHS] - (test)触发ui教程用$HIDDEN
1011111 : The South Wind Brings Adventure - [CHS] - (test)开启地城大门用$HIDDEN
1011200 : Lionfang's Legacy - [CHS] - (test)触发开车和注目镜头用$HIDDEN
1011201 : Lionfang's Legacy - Search for the Sword of Brilliant Valor
1011202 : Lionfang's Legacy - Defeat the hilichurls conducting a ritual
1011203 : Lionfang's Legacy - Retrieve the Sword of Brilliant Valor
1011204 : Lionfang's Legacy - [CHS] - (test)与温迪对话$HIDDEN
1011205 : Lionfang's Legacy - Seek the Shield of Magnificent Honor
1011206 : Lionfang's Legacy - Cut a deal with the hilichurl
1011207 : Lionfang's Legacy - [CHS] - (test)谈判成功$HIDDEN
1011208 : Lionfang's Legacy - [CHS] - (test)谈判失败$HIDDEN
1011209 : Lionfang's Legacy - Defeat the attacking hilichurl
1011210 : Lionfang's Legacy - Talk to the hilichurl
1011211 : Lionfang's Legacy - Talk to Venti
1011212 : Lionfang's Legacy - [CHS] - (test)撤掉剑$HIDDEN
1011213 : Lionfang's Legacy - [CHS] - (test)谈判失败后的对话$HIDDEN
1011300 : Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land - Wait for night to fall (18:00 – 23:00)
1011301 : Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land - Head to the Angel's Share
1011302 : Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land - Sit behind Stanley
1011303 : Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land - [CHS] - (test)自动对话$HIDDEN
1011304 : Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land - Try to make conversation with Stanley
1011305 : Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land - Head to the "usual place"
1011306 : Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land - [CHS] - (test)温迪cs,完$HIDDEN
1011401 : [CHS] - (test)控制温迪的空闲对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)控制温迪的空闲对话$HIDDEN
1012001 : Shadow of the Past - Talk to Master Jean
1012002 : Shadow of the Past - Look for the former aristocrat in the city
1012003 : Shadow of the Past - Talk to the person by the city wall
1012004 : Shadow of the Past - Return to the Knights Headquarters and discuss the counterplan
1012005 : Shadow of the Past - Talk to Amber
1012006 : Shadow of the Past - Go to the Stormbearer Mountains and find Eula
1012007 : Shadow of the Past - Defeat the Fatui nearby
1012008 : Shadow of the Past - Witness the young woman defeat the final Fatuus
1012009 : Shadow of the Past - Talk to Eula
1012101 : Speech and Etiquette - Go to the plaza in front of the Cathedral
1012102 : Speech and Etiquette - Talk to Eula
1012103 : Speech and Etiquette - Talk to the locals and observe Eula's demonstration
1012104 : Speech and Etiquette - Continue talking to the locals
1012105 : Speech and Etiquette - Continue talking to the locals
1012106 : Speech and Etiquette - Go to Dragonspine for aristocratic conduct training
1012107 : Speech and Etiquette - Talk to Eula to learn how the training will proceed
1012108 : Speech and Etiquette - [CHS] - 刷出食物(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1012109 : Speech and Etiquette - Talk to Eula
1012110 : Speech and Etiquette - Go to the training location and activate the Ley Line Monolith
1012111 : Speech and Etiquette - Defeat the opponents without being launched or Frozen
1012112 : Speech and Etiquette - Talk to Eula
1012113 : Speech and Etiquette - Go to Good Hunter to get a greeting gift
1012114 : Speech and Etiquette - Talk to Eula and Amber
1012115 : Speech and Etiquette - Reach the objective without being launched or taking any damage
1012116 : Speech and Etiquette - Reach the objective without being launched or taking any damage
1012117 : Speech and Etiquette - Reach the destination without being launched or taking any damage
1012118 : Speech and Etiquette - [CHS] - 播放开车$HIDDEN
1012119 : Speech and Etiquette - [CHS] - 刷走食物(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1012120 : Speech and Etiquette - Get a Gebratenes Fleisch mit Sauerkraut from Sara
1012201 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - Head towards Springvale and look for Schubert
1012202 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - Defeat the attacking Fatui
1012203 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - [CHS] - 看见卷轴开车(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1012204 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - Go with Schubert to meet his "friends"
1012205 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - Talk to Schubert
1012206 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - Follow Schubert
1012207 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - Talk to the Fatuus guarding the entrance
1012208 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - Keep following Schubert
1012209 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - Talk to the Fatui ahead of you
1012210 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - Defeat the Fatui
1012211 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - Chase Schubert
1012212 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - Talk to Eula
1012213 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - Go deeper within and retrieve the diagram of the city's defenses
1012214 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - Talk to Eula and say goodbye
1012215 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - Go deeper within and retrieve the diagram of the city's defenses
1012216 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - Go deeper within and retrieve the diagram of the city's defenses
1012217 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - [CHS] - 废弃$HIDDEN
1012218 : Through the Motions, to the Heart - [CHS] - 刷走主角的面具(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1020001 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - Wait until night
1020002 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - Paimon Patton Dialog
1020003 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - Enter Tavern
1020004 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - Ask tavern patrons about the strongest fighter in Mondstadt
1020005 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - Discuss your findings with Paimon
1020006 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - Go to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
1020007 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - Ask Jean about the strongest fighter in Mondstadt
1020008 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - Leave the Knights of Favonius office
1020009 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - [CHS] - (test)捡起地上的本子(不出现)$HIDDEN
1020010 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - Ask about the girl
1020011 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - Ask tavern patrons about the strongest fighter in Mondstadt
1020012 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - Ask tavern patrons about the strongest fighter in Mondstadt
1020013 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - Ask tavern patrons about the strongest fighter in Mondstadt
1020014 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - Ask tavern patrons about the strongest fighter in Mondstadt
1020015 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - Talk to Patton about recent conversation topics
1020016 : Who Is Mondstadt's Strongest Fighter? - [CHS] - (test)任务隔离,防止回滚$HIDDEN
1020101 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - Find the treasure trove in the Whispering Woods
1020102 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - Chase down the Abyss Mage with Klee (If the Abyss Mage gets more than 50m away, the quest will be failed)
1020103 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - Pursuit I
1020104 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - Combat I
1020105 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - Pursuit II
1020106 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - Combat II
1020107 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - Pursuit III
1020108 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - Track down the Abyss Mage
1020109 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - Enter the Domain
1020110 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - Explore the domain and find the Abyss Mage
1020111 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - Negotiate with the Abyss Mage
1020112 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - Talk to Klee
1020113 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - Talk to Klee
1020114 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - [CHS] - (test)战斗I对话$HIDDEN
1020115 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - Combat II
1020116 : The Mystery of the Girl in Red's Treasure - [CHS] - (test)派蒙提示线索$HIDDEN
1020201 : A Very Volatile Treasure - Go back to the Knights' headquarters and report to Jean
1020202 : A Very Volatile Treasure - Talk to Jean
1020203 : A Very Volatile Treasure - Leave Jean's Office
1020204 : A Very Volatile Treasure - Find the door of the confinement room in Knight's headquarters.
1020301 : [CHS] - 可莉线彩蛋$HIDDEN - Talk to Jean
1020302 : [CHS] - 可莉线彩蛋$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)自由对话可莉$HIDDEN
1030001 : (test)芭芭拉线玩法白盒 - (test)Start Gameplay
1030002 : (test)芭芭拉线玩法白盒 - (test)Start Gameplay
1050001 : Astrology and the 50-Year Pact - Find out what the girl who stopped you wants
1050002 : Astrology and the 50-Year Pact - Find out what the girl who stopped you wants
1050003 : Astrology and the 50-Year Pact - Accompany Mona to say farewell to Mr. Zhu
1050004 : Astrology and the 50-Year Pact - Attract slimes and reclaim Mr. Zhu's lost ring
1050005 : Astrology and the 50-Year Pact - Defeat the slimes and search for the ring
1050006 : Astrology and the 50-Year Pact - Give the ring back to Mr. Zhu
1050007 : Astrology and the 50-Year Pact - Leave Liyue Harbor
1050008 : Astrology and the 50-Year Pact - Talk to Paimon
1050101 : To Mondstadt - Go to Wangshu Inn en route to Mondstadt
1050102 : To Mondstadt - Talk to Mona and enjoy a good meal
1050103 : To Mondstadt - Look for the innkeeper and ask to borrow the kitchen to make Mona a dish
1050104 : To Mondstadt - Cook Golden Crab
1050105 : To Mondstadt - Give the Golden Crab (Normal or Delicious) to Mona
1050106 : To Mondstadt - Continue your journey, head for the Stone Gate
1050107 : To Mondstadt - Talk to Mona as she rests
1050108 : To Mondstadt - Fend the bandits off
1050109 : To Mondstadt - Talk to Mona
1050110 : To Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)交付黄金蟹$HIDDEN
1050111 : To Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)交付之后对话A$HIDDEN
1050112 : To Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)交付之后对话B$HIDDEN
1050113 : To Mondstadt - Sit next to the table and accept Mona's invitation
1050114 : To Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)上菜$HIDDEN
1050201 : A Bewildering Fate - Reach Mondstadt
1050202 : A Bewildering Fate - Talk to Mona, prepare to meet the successor
1050203 : A Bewildering Fate - Catch up with Klee and retrieve the box
1050204 : A Bewildering Fate - Talk to Klee and retrieve the box
1050205 : A Bewildering Fate - Defeat the attacking Dendro Slimes
1050206 : A Bewildering Fate - Talk to Klee and retrieve the box
1050207 : A Bewildering Fate - Accompany Klee to return the box to Mona
1050208 : A Bewildering Fate - Speak to Katheryne and help Mona find a place to stay
1050209 : A Bewildering Fate - Head to the magical laboratory and check the seal
1050210 : A Bewildering Fate - [CHS] - (test)解除封印$HIDDEN
1050211 : A Bewildering Fate - Talk to Mona
1050212 : A Bewildering Fate - [CHS] - (test)日记出现$HIDDEN
1050213 : A Bewildering Fate - [CHS] - (test)日记消失$HIDDEN
1050301 : [CHS] - 实验室里的莫娜$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 探望实验室中的莫娜$HIDDEN
1100001 : Little Chef on a Hunt - Meet the girl in the forest
1100002 : Little Chef on a Hunt - [CHS] - 接近林中的少女(隐藏)$HIDDEN
1100003 : Little Chef on a Hunt - Talk to Xiangling
1100004 : Little Chef on a Hunt - Help Xiangling collect Raw Meat
1100005 : Little Chef on a Hunt - Give three chunks of Raw Meat to Xiangling
1100101 : Cooking Appointment - Go with Xiangling to Springvale
1100102 : Cooking Appointment - Apologize to Draff
1100103 : Cooking Appointment - Catch up to Xiangling
1100104 : Cooking Appointment - Talk to Xiangling at the source of the aroma
1100201 : Secret Ingredient - Intercept Xiangling on her way to Liyue
1100202 : Secret Ingredient - Talk to Xiangling
1100203 : Secret Ingredient - Continue looking for the right ingredients
1100204 : Secret Ingredient - Collect three Lotus Heads
1100205 : Secret Ingredient - Continue looking for the right ingredients
1100206 : Secret Ingredient - Collect three Jueyun Chilis
1100207 : Secret Ingredient - Talk to Xiangling
1100301 : Lucky Find - Go to the place Xiangling mentioned
1100302 : Lucky Find - Talk to Xiangling and the shivering man
1100303 : Lucky Find - Make a Delicious Radish Veggie Soup
1100304 : Lucky Find - Give the hunter the soup you prepared
1100401 : Present From the Past - Catch up to Xiangling in the ruins
1100402 : Present From the Past - Go into the depths of the ruins in search of ingredients
1100403 : Present From the Past - Talk to Xiangling
1100498 : Present From the Past - (Dialog after encountering giant mist flower)
1100499 : Present From the Past - (Dialog after defeating enemies in first combat zone of dungeon)
1100501 : Cooking Showdown - Return to Springvale for the cooking showdown
1100502 : Cooking Showdown - Talk to Xiangling at the Cooking Showdown
1100503 : Cooking Showdown - Help Xiangling during the cooking showdown
1100504 : Cooking Showdown - Competition countdown timer. For calculating score.
1100505 : Cooking Showdown - Find some Radishes
1100506 : Cooking Showdown - Go to the lakeside and wash the Radish
1100507 : Cooking Showdown - Wash the slime (add points)
1100508 : Cooking Showdown - Give the washed Radish to Xiangling
1100509 : Cooking Showdown - Extinguish the pan fires
1100510 : Cooking Showdown - Continue to help Xiangling
1100511 : Cooking Showdown - Cook a Delicious Chicken-Mushroom Skewer
1100512 : Cooking Showdown - Give the Delicious Chicken-Mushroom Skewer to Xiangling
1100513 : Cooking Showdown - Find suitable ingredients
1100514 : Cooking Showdown - Ask Xiangling if she is satisfied with the ingredients
1100515 : Cooking Showdown - Ask Xiangling if she needs any more help
1100516 : Cooking Showdown - Make Delicious Jade Parcels
1100517 : Cooking Showdown - Give the Delicious Jade Parcels to Xiangling
1100518 : Cooking Showdown - Talk to Draff and await the results
1100519 : Cooking Showdown - Accept Xiangling's thanks
1100599 : Cooking Showdown - Ham
1100601 : (Scrapped) - Find the mechanism at the entrance of Jueyunjian
1100602 : (Scrapped) - [CHS] - 开启隐藏机关$UNRELEASED
1100701 : (Scrapped) - Placeholder Quest
1100801 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - Talk to Madame Ping
1100802 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - Talk to Krosl
1100803 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - [CHS] - (test)与烟绯说悄悄话(废弃)$HIDDEN
1100804 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - Talk to Zhiqiao
1100805 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - Discuss the situation with Krosl
1100806 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - Talk to Shitou
1100807 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - Talk to Xingxi
1100808 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - [CHS] - (test)切换翠含岩碎片$HIDDEN
1100809 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - Talk to Baizhu
1100810 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - Talk to Krosl
1100811 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - Talk to Madame Ping
1100812 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - [CHS] - (test)触发对话用$HIDDEN
1100813 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - Look at the debris
1100814 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - Report back to Shitou
1100815 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - [CHS] - (test)跟烟绯对话$HIDDEN
1100816 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part I - Find a convenient place to talk to Zhiqiao
1100901 : Jade Chamber Rising - Go to Yujing Terrace to listen to Ningguang's speech
1100902 : Jade Chamber Rising - Observe the disagreement between the unknown young lady and the information peddlers
1100903 : Jade Chamber Rising - Bring Shenhe to Bubu Pharmacy to purchase medicines
1100904 : Jade Chamber Rising - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】前往说书人处商议计划
1100905 : Jade Chamber Rising - Follow the "information peddlers" to figure out what's going on
1100906 : Jade Chamber Rising - [CHS] - (test)对话第二次刷不卜庐药材$HIDDEN
1100907 : Jade Chamber Rising - [CHS] - (test)对话第一次刷不卜庐药材$HIDDEN
1101001 : Across the Sea - Ask the Millelith about the situation
1101002 : Across the Sea - Investigate the Ruin Guard's whereabouts
1101003 : Across the Sea - Defeat the Ruin Guard
1101004 : Across the Sea - Keep searching the surrounding area
1101005 : Across the Sea - Go to Northland Bank
1101006 : Across the Sea - Talk to Childe
1101007 : Across the Sea - Investigate the Ruin Guard's whereabouts
1101008 : Across the Sea - Investigate the Ruin Guard's whereabouts
1101009 : Across the Sea - Talk to Paimon
1101010 : Across the Sea - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)击败遗迹守卫$HIDDEN
1101101 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Take Teucer out to the toy store
1101102 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Bring Teucer to the wharf
1101103 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Talk to Teucer
1101104 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Bring Teucer to Wanmin Restaurant
1101105 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Talk to Teucer
1101106 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Bring Teucer to where Childe is
1101107 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Check on Childe's work
1101108 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Go to Childe's location to look for Teucer
1101109 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Check on Childe's work
1101110 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Defeat all the Fatui recruits
1101111 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)与公子对话$HIDDEN
1101112 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)进入大世界开车$HIDDEN
1101113 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Introduce the wharf to Teucer
1101114 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)等待托克跑到鱼摊$HIDDEN
1101115 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Talk to Teucer
1101116 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)等待托克跑到船锚旁$HIDDEN
1101117 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Talk to Teucer
1101118 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Complete the Treasure Hoarder's test by obtaining the treasure
1101119 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Talk to the member of the Treasure Hoarders
1101120 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)等待托克跑到终点$HIDDEN
1101121 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Talk to Granny Shan
1101122 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Speak to Chef Mao
1101123 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)品尝菜肴$HIDDEN
1101124 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Talk to Slippery Wu and attempt to obtain the treasure again
1101125 : Teucer's Terrific Tour - Talk to Teucer
1101201 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - Go to Liyue's Institute for Toy Research
1101202 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - Talk to Childe
1101203 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - Protect Teucer, find a way to meet up with him
1101204 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - Eliminate the Ruin Guard threat
1101205 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - Find Childe and talk to him
1101206 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - Return to Northland Bank
1101207 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - Speak to the manager
1101208 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - Talk to Teucer
1101209 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)与托克交谈IV$HIDDEN
1101210 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)与托克交谈II$HIDDEN
1101211 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - Enter the Institute for Toy Research
1101212 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)与公子交谈I$HIDDEN
1101213 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)与托克交谈I$HIDDEN
1101214 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)与托克交谈III$HIDDEN
1101215 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - Talk to Childe
1101216 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)刷隐形NPCI$HIDDEN
1101217 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)进入区域$HIDDEN
1101218 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)摧毁电桩$HIDDEN
1101219 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)等待托克跑过到门前$HIDDEN
1101220 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)托克找公子$HIDDEN
1101221 : Defender of Childhood Dreams - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)关闭大门$HIDDEN
1101301 : Seagaze Sunset - Go to Feiyun Commerce Guild to look for Xingqiu
1101302 : Seagaze Sunset - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】提前找到行秋$HIDDEN
1101303 : Seagaze Sunset - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】正常流程用前往万文集舍寻找行秋
1101304 : Seagaze Sunset - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】提前找到用与行秋对话
1101305 : Seagaze Sunset - Search for the abode around Lisha
1101306 : Seagaze Sunset - Follow the Seelie
1101307 : Seagaze Sunset - Go to Sea Gazer's abode
1101308 : Seagaze Sunset - Talk to Shenhe
1101309 : Seagaze Sunset - Activate the seal on the ancient array core
1101310 : Seagaze Sunset - Destroy the abode's barrier
1101311 : Seagaze Sunset - Talk to Paimon
1101312 : Seagaze Sunset - Destroy the abode's barrier
1101313 : Seagaze Sunset - Talk to Paimon
1101314 : Seagaze Sunset - Land safely on the bottom level of the abode
1101315 : Seagaze Sunset - Continue onward to find the Sunset Vermillonite
1101316 : Seagaze Sunset - Destroy the abode's barrier
1101317 : Seagaze Sunset - Search for the Sunset Vermillionite
1101318 : Seagaze Sunset - Talk to Shenhe
1101319 : Seagaze Sunset - Return to the Jade Chamber worksite to look for Shenhe
1101320 : Seagaze Sunset - Bring Shenhe to a nearby makeshift hotel to take a break
1101321 : Seagaze Sunset - Talk to the hotel owner
1101322 : Seagaze Sunset - Talk to Cloud Retainer
1101323 : Seagaze Sunset - Land safely on the next level of clouds
1101324 : Seagaze Sunset - Wait until the following day (08:00 – 12:00)
1101325 : Seagaze Sunset - Talk to Shenhe
1101326 : Seagaze Sunset - Search for the abode around Lisha
1101327 : Seagaze Sunset - [CHS] - (test)对话刷仙灵改天气$HIDDEN
1101328 : Seagaze Sunset - [CHS] - (test)出圈恢复天气$HIDDEN
1101329 : Seagaze Sunset - [CHS] - (test)对话刷仙灵移动$HIDDEN
1101330 : Seagaze Sunset - [CHS] - (test)对话云散镜头$HIDDEN
1101331 : Seagaze Sunset - [CHS] - (test)对话云散镜头2$HIDDEN
1101332 : Seagaze Sunset - Destroy the abode's barrier
1101333 : Seagaze Sunset - [CHS] - (test)对话开始调时间$HIDDEN
1101334 : Seagaze Sunset - [CHS] - (test)对话切掉小宝$HIDDEN
1101335 : Seagaze Sunset - Talk to Shenhe
1101336 : Seagaze Sunset - Return to the Jade Chamber worksite to look for Shenhe
1101337 : Seagaze Sunset - [CHS] - (test)对话2开始调时间$HIDDEN
1101401 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - Go to the worksite to ask around for news
1101402 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - Ask Master Zhang about Wonder Cores
1101403 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - Use Visions to find the Starsplinter Iron
1101404 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - Ask the old man for information about Subrosium
1101405 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - [CHS] - (test)寻找矿石文献$HIDDEN
1101406 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - Talk to Shenhe
1101407 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - Look for Subrosium
1101408 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】与申鹤对话
1101409 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】返回将草药交给小孩子
1101410 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - Give the two types of ore you found to Master Zhang
1101411 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - [CHS] - (test)与云堇对话$HIDDEN
1101412 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - [CHS] - (test)寻找矿石文献$HIDDEN
1101413 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - [CHS] - (test)与云堇对话$HIDDEN
1101414 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - Search for records left behind in the village
1101415 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - Continue searching for records concerning ore
1101416 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - Talk to Yun Jin
1101417 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - Go to the southwestern side of Mt. Tianheng
1101418 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - Talk to Yun Jin
1101419 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】海域情况开车$HIDDEN
1101420 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - [CHS] - (test)七七对话状态$HIDDEN
1101421 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - [CHS] - (test)海域情况开车$HIDDEN
1101422 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - Wait until evening (around 17:30)
1101423 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - Go to the middle of the lake
1101424 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - Look for Subrosium
1101425 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - [CHS] - (test)夕阳对话调时间$HIDDEN
1101426 : Bygones Times Like Dust Passing - [CHS] - (test)夕阳对话回滚任务$HIDDEN
1101501 : Where the Heart Finds Rest - Give the Wonder Cores and Adepti Sigils to the secretary.
1101502 : Where the Heart Finds Rest - Defeat Beisht, "The Avenger of the Vortex"
1101503 : Where the Heart Finds Rest - Speak to Ningguang
1101504 : Where the Heart Finds Rest - Head to the Jade Chamber to take part in the victory feast
1101505 : Where the Heart Finds Rest - Enjoy the feast
1101506 : Where the Heart Finds Rest - Talk to Ningguang at the Jade Chamber
1101507 : Where the Heart Finds Rest - [CHS] - (test)切换千奇核心状态$HIDDEN
1101508 : Where the Heart Finds Rest - Speak to Ningguang
1101509 : Where the Heart Finds Rest - Defeat Beisht, "The Avenger of the Vortex"
1101510 : Where the Heart Finds Rest - [CHS] - (test)播片换时间$HIDDEN
1101511 : Where the Heart Finds Rest - [CHS] - (test)最终换时间$HIDDEN
1101601 : [CHS] - (test)间章隐藏任务刷群玉阁$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)出圈还原群玉阁+删除孤儿NPC$HIDDEN
1101701 : [CHS] - (test)间章隐藏任务临时传送$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)挂百闻传送功能$HIDDEN
1101801 : Seven-Star Selection - Walk around in Liyue Harbor
1101802 : Seven-Star Selection - Go to the 2nd floor of Yanshang Teahouse
1101803 : Seven-Star Selection - Talk to Uncle Tian
1101804 : Seven-Star Selection - Go to Yuehai Pavilion to perform your inspection
1101805 : Seven-Star Selection - [N/A] 2813301740
1101806 : Seven-Star Selection - Report the outcome of your inspection to Uncle Tian
1101807 : Seven-Star Selection - Check the candidate's manifesto
1101808 : Seven-Star Selection - Check the candidate's manifesto
1101809 : Seven-Star Selection - Check the candidate's manifesto
1101810 : Seven-Star Selection - Check on the three people with Yelan
1101901 : Candidature Analysis - Go to the North Wharf to look for Bolai
1101902 : Candidature Analysis - Talk to Bolai
1101903 : Candidature Analysis - Listen to Zhiyi and Linlang chat
1101904 : Candidature Analysis - Talk to Yelan
1101905 : Candidature Analysis - Follow Zhiyi
1101906 : Candidature Analysis - Go and check the South Wharf
1101907 : Candidature Analysis - Talk to Uncle Sun
1101908 : Candidature Analysis - Continue looking for clues at the wharf (0/2)
1101909 : Candidature Analysis - Continue looking for clues at the wharf (1/2)
1101910 : Candidature Analysis - Go back to Yanshang Teahouse and check the manifesto
1101911 : Candidature Analysis - Check the manifesto carefully
1101912 : Candidature Analysis - Speak to Shanghua
1101913 : Candidature Analysis - Go to Blackcliff Forge to investigate
1101914 : Candidature Analysis - Go to Blackcliff Forge to search for clues
1101915 : Candidature Analysis - Talk to Iron Shoulder about the newcomers at the forge
1101916 : Candidature Analysis - Investigate the logs
1101918 : Candidature Analysis - Follow the footprints
1101919 : Candidature Analysis - Follow the footprints
1101920 : Candidature Analysis - Follow the footprints
1101921 : Candidature Analysis - Follow the footprints
1101922 : Candidature Analysis - Follow the footprints
1101923 : Candidature Analysis - [N/A] 3563206836
1101924 : Candidature Analysis - Talk to Yelan
1101925 : Candidature Analysis - [N/A] 3022725988
1101926 : Candidature Analysis - [N/A] 3158074572
1101927 : Candidature Analysis - [N/A] 1904883516
1101928 : Candidature Analysis - [N/A] 3600562580
1101929 : Candidature Analysis - Investigate the abandoned camp
1101930 : Candidature Analysis - [N/A] 1157023668
1101931 : Candidature Analysis - [N/A] 1801937708
1101932 : Candidature Analysis - [N/A] 1703461516
1101933 : Candidature Analysis - [N/A] 3841901676
1102001 : Shadow of Yore - Go to the Pearl Galley
1102002 : Shadow of Yore - Meet Zhongli at the tableside
1102003 : Shadow of Yore - Head to the stern and ask Wanyan about her problem
1102101 : Vortex's Wake - Go to Guyun Stone Forest
1102102 : Vortex's Wake - Talk to the people
1102103 : Vortex's Wake - [CHS] - (test)已废弃$HIDDEN
1102104 : Vortex's Wake - Continue using Elemental Sight to search for relics
1102105 : Vortex's Wake - Defeat the mimic monsters and recover the relic
1102106 : Vortex's Wake - Meet up with the other group
1102107 : Vortex's Wake - Use Elemental Sight to search for relics
1102108 : Vortex's Wake - Defeat the opponents and open the chest
1102109 : Vortex's Wake - Continue using Elemental Sight to search for relics
1102201 : A Ruin Under Lock and Key - Go to Sal Terrae
1102202 : A Ruin Under Lock and Key - Talk to the people
1102203 : A Ruin Under Lock and Key - Look for a spot from which the picture formed by the relics can be seen
1102204 : A Ruin Under Lock and Key - Follow Zhongli's instructions and light the monuments up
1102205 : A Ruin Under Lock and Key - [CHS] - (test)解锁表现(release后隐藏)$HIDDEN
1102206 : A Ruin Under Lock and Key - Go to the site of the broken seal
1102207 : A Ruin Under Lock and Key - Go to the second mechanism
1102208 : A Ruin Under Lock and Key - Go to the first mechanism
1102209 : A Ruin Under Lock and Key - [CHS] - (test)进对话刷新元素方碑机关$HIDDEN
1102301 : Farewell, Sweet Salt - Explore the cave and enter the ruins
1102302 : Farewell, Sweet Salt - Explore further and look for divine relics
1102303 : Farewell, Sweet Salt - [CHS] - (test)盐盏处对话(release后隐藏)$HIDDEN
1102304 : Farewell, Sweet Salt - Continue exploring
1102305 : Farewell, Sweet Salt - [CHS] - (test)盐尺处对话(release后隐藏)$HIDDEN
1102306 : Farewell, Sweet Salt - Punish Kliment
1102307 : Farewell, Sweet Salt - Talk to Zhongli and Wanyan
1102308 : Farewell, Sweet Salt - [CHS] - 继续深入探索$HIDDEN
1102309 : Farewell, Sweet Salt - Examine the broken sword
1102310 : Farewell, Sweet Salt - Catch up to Wanyan
1102311 : Farewell, Sweet Salt - Talk to Wanyan and witness the truth
1102312 : Farewell, Sweet Salt - Proceed deeper within
1102313 : Farewell, Sweet Salt - [CHS] - (test)断剑房间对话开门标记(release后隐藏)$HIDDEN
1102314 : Farewell, Sweet Salt - Descend into the cave
1102401 : A Record of All Things - Go to Guyun Stone Forest and talk to Zhongli
1102402 : A Record of All Things - Consign the relics to the ocean
1102501 : [CHS] - (test)宛烟头衔控制$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)宛烟头衔改变$HIDDEN
1102502 : [CHS] - (test)宛烟头衔控制$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)空闲对话控制$HIDDEN
1102601 : Foregone Conclusion - Wait until 09:00 – 11:00 the following day
1102602 : Foregone Conclusion - Go to Yuehai Pavilion to announce the results
1102603 : Foregone Conclusion - [N/A] 630371804
1102604 : Foregone Conclusion - Go to Feiyun Slope and follow Zhiyi
1102605 : Foregone Conclusion - Go to Xinyue Kiosk to investigate
1102606 : Foregone Conclusion - Go to Xigu Antiques to investigate
1102607 : Foregone Conclusion - Go to Yanshang Teahouse after 20:00
1102608 : Foregone Conclusion - Go to Yanshang Teahouse to meet Yelan
1102609 : Foregone Conclusion - Go to Qingxu Pool
1102610 : Foregone Conclusion - Go to the place Yelan pointed out
1102611 : Foregone Conclusion - Enter the underground ruins
1102612 : Foregone Conclusion - Investigate the area ahead
1102613 : Foregone Conclusion - Catch up with the suspicious ambassador
1102614 : Foregone Conclusion - Listen to Zhiyi and Yusupov talk
1102615 : Foregone Conclusion - Follow Yelan
1102616 : Foregone Conclusion - Leave the underground ruins
1102617 : Foregone Conclusion - Wait until after 08:00 the following day
1102618 : Foregone Conclusion - Go to Yanshang Teahouse
1102619 : Foregone Conclusion - Catch up with the suspicious ambassador
1102620 : Foregone Conclusion - Investigate the underwater entrance
1102621 : Foregone Conclusion - [N/A] 2659239268
1102622 : Foregone Conclusion - Move the statue to solve the puzzle
1102623 : Foregone Conclusion - Continue deeper within
1102624 : Foregone Conclusion - [N/A] 494243996
1102625 : Foregone Conclusion - [N/A] 3644850612
1102626 : Foregone Conclusion - [N/A] 1049028540
1102701 : The Search for a Physician - Go to Bubu Pharmacy
1102702 : The Search for a Physician - Search the area near Luhua Pool
1102703 : The Search for a Physician - Approach Ayu's father
1102704 : The Search for a Physician - Ask the Millelith guards outside Liyue Harbor
1102705 : The Search for a Physician - Wait till the next morning (08:00 – 10:00)
1102706 : The Search for a Physician - Talk to Baizhu
1102707 : The Search for a Physician - Return to Bubu Pharmacy
1102708 : The Search for a Physician - Ask around for information
1102709 : The Search for a Physician - Exit Bubu Pharmacy
1102801 : The Quest for a Cure - Go to the west of Qingce Village
1102802 : The Quest for a Cure - Look for clues in the area
1102803 : The Quest for a Cure - Look for clues in the area
1102804 : The Quest for a Cure - Look for clues in the area
1102805 : The Quest for a Cure - Talk to Baizhu
1102806 : The Quest for a Cure - Return to Bubu Pharmacy
1102807 : The Quest for a Cure - Wait till the next morning (08:00 – 10:00)
1102808 : The Quest for a Cure - Talk to Ayu and the others
1102809 : The Quest for a Cure - Wait for Baizhu outside the back room
1102810 : The Quest for a Cure - Talk to Baizhu
1102811 : The Quest for a Cure - [CHS] - (test)(hide)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
1102901 : The Formula for a Miracle - Follow Jialiang
1102902 : The Formula for a Miracle - Talk to Jialiang and the others
1102903 : The Formula for a Miracle - Talk to Baizhu and the others
1102904 : The Formula for a Miracle - Talk to Baizhu and the others
1102905 : The Formula for a Miracle - Return to Bubu Pharmacy
1102906 : The Formula for a Miracle - Follow Jiangli
1102907 : The Formula for a Miracle - Talk to Jiangli
1102908 : The Formula for a Miracle - Return to the west of Qingce Village
1102909 : The Formula for a Miracle - Proceed deeper
1102910 : The Formula for a Miracle - Talk to Baizhu and the others
1102911 : The Formula for a Miracle - Proceed deeper
1102912 : The Formula for a Miracle - Head to the underground space
1102913 : The Formula for a Miracle - Follow Jiangli
1102914 : The Formula for a Miracle - [CHS] - (test)(hide)删除中小晶石$HIDDEN
1103001 : The Illuminated Beast of the Sea of Clouds - Talk to the Jade Chamber secretaries
1103002 : The Illuminated Beast of the Sea of Clouds - Head near Mt. Aocang to look for Ganyu
1103003 : The Illuminated Beast of the Sea of Clouds - Find and talk to Ganyu
1103004 : The Illuminated Beast of the Sea of Clouds - Head to the site of Ganyu's trial and speak to her
1103005 : The Illuminated Beast of the Sea of Clouds - Complete Cloud Retainer's trial
1103006 : The Illuminated Beast of the Sea of Clouds - Talk to Ganyu
1103007 : The Illuminated Beast of the Sea of Clouds - Go to Nantianmen and speak with Xiao
1103008 : The Illuminated Beast of the Sea of Clouds - Complete Xiao's trial
1103009 : The Illuminated Beast of the Sea of Clouds - Talk to Xiao
1103010 : The Illuminated Beast of the Sea of Clouds - [CHS] - (test)倒计时$HIDDEN
1103011 : The Illuminated Beast of the Sea of Clouds - [CHS] - (test)与地脉镇石交互后leave weather$HIDDEN
1103012 : The Illuminated Beast of the Sea of Clouds - [CHS] - (test)废弃子任务
1103101 : A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity - Accompany Ganyu to return to Liyue Harbor
1103102 : A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity - Talk to Ganyu
1103103 : A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity - Stroll around Liyue Harbor's wharf
1103104 : A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity - Stroll around Liyue Harbor's wharf
1103105 : A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity - Head to Yuehai Pavilion and speak to Huixin
1103106 : A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity - Go to the Wanyou Boutique and talk to Bolai
1103107 : A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity - Go to Fanmu Carpenter's and speak with Master Lu
1103108 : A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity - Defeat the suspicious Fatui underling
1103109 : A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity - Talk to the suspicious Fatui underling
1103110 : A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity - Clear the warehouse of its occupants
1103111 : A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity - Look for the invoice from Second Life
1103112 : A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity - [CHS] - (test)与路爷对话$HIDDEN
1103113 : A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity - Return to Yuehai Pavilion and speak to Huixin
1103114 : A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity - Talk to Dongsheng at Second Life
1103115 : A Secretary in a Sea of Humanity - [CHS] - (test)废弃子任务
1103201 : A Pact That Crosses Time - Go to Xinyue Kiosk for the meal appointment
1103202 : A Pact That Crosses Time - Talk to Huixin
1103203 : A Pact That Crosses Time - Talk to Huixin
1103204 : A Pact That Crosses Time - Talk to the Jade Chamber secretaries
1103205 : A Pact That Crosses Time - Talk to the Jade Chamber secretaries
1104001 : The Rumored Alchemist - Go to Mondstadt's alchemy store
1104002 : The Rumored Alchemist - Speak to the young lady at the store
1104003 : The Rumored Alchemist - Head to the entrance of Dragonspine
1104004 : The Rumored Alchemist - Get close to the two people talking
1104101 : The Genius Researcher and the Seed of Another World - Use your Elemental Sight to follow Albedo's tracks
1104102 : The Genius Researcher and the Seed of Another World - Use your Elemental Sight to follow Albedo's tracks
1104103 : The Genius Researcher and the Seed of Another World - Use your Elemental Sight to follow Albedo's tracks
1104104 : The Genius Researcher and the Seed of Another World - Reach the place where Albedo is
1104105 : The Genius Researcher and the Seed of Another World - Defeat the startled hilichurls
1104106 : The Genius Researcher and the Seed of Another World - Speak with Albedo
1104107 : The Genius Researcher and the Seed of Another World - Use your Elemental Sight to follow Albedo's tracks
1104108 : The Genius Researcher and the Seed of Another World - Use your Elemental Sight to follow Albedo's tracks
1104109 : The Genius Researcher and the Seed of Another World - Use your Elemental Sight to follow Albedo's tracks
1104201 : The First Experiment: Elements - Head to the test site
1104202 : The First Experiment: Elements - Defeat the slimes to complete the experiment
1104203 : The First Experiment: Elements - Talk to Albedo and hear his conclusions
1104204 : The First Experiment: Elements - [CHS] - (test)沿路寻找「星银矿触媒」$HIDDEN
1104205 : The First Experiment: Elements - Head for Albedo's campsite
1104206 : The First Experiment: Elements - Take the potion from the desk
1104207 : The First Experiment: Elements - Talk to Albedo and hear his conclusions
1104208 : The First Experiment: Elements - [CHS] - (test)沿路寻找「星银矿触媒」$HIDDEN
1104209 : The First Experiment: Elements - [CHS] - (test)沿路寻找「星银矿触媒」$HIDDEN
1104210 : The First Experiment: Elements - Follow the road and search for a Starsilver Catalyst
1104211 : The First Experiment: Elements - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
1104212 : The First Experiment: Elements - [CHS] - (test)沿路寻找「星银矿触媒」$HIDDEN
1104213 : The First Experiment: Elements - [CHS] - (test)沿路寻找「星银矿触媒」$HIDDEN
1104214 : The First Experiment: Elements - [CHS] - (test)进度记录1$HIDDEN
1104215 : The First Experiment: Elements - [CHS] - (test)进度记录2$HIDDEN
1104216 : The First Experiment: Elements - Drink the potion
1104217 : The First Experiment: Elements - [CHS] - (test)喝药效果(测试后隐藏)$HIDDEN
1104301 : The Third Experiment: Life - Head to the location of the next experiment
1104302 : The Third Experiment: Life - Reach the location that Albedo designated
1104303 : The Third Experiment: Life - Talk to Albedo and hear his conclusions
1104304 : The Third Experiment: Life - Speak to Albedo again
1104305 : The Third Experiment: Life - [CHS] - (test)倒计时(release后隐藏)$HIDDEN
1104401 : The Second Experiment: The World - Talk to the returning Albedo
1104402 : The Second Experiment: The World - [CHS] - (test)完成元素视野解谜$HIDDEN
1104403 : The Second Experiment: The World - Talk to Albedo and hear his conclusions
1104404 : The Second Experiment: The World - [CHS] - (test)获得料理$HIDDEN
1104405 : The Second Experiment: The World - Cook some Sunshine Sprat and give it to Albedo
1104406 : The Second Experiment: The World - Observe the installations in the camp
1104407 : The Second Experiment: The World - Observe the installations in the camp
1104408 : The Second Experiment: The World - Observe the installations in the camp
1104409 : The Second Experiment: The World - [CHS] - (test)进度计数$HIDDEN
1104410 : The Second Experiment: The World - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
1104411 : The Second Experiment: The World - [CHS] - (test)完成元素视野解谜$HIDDEN
1104412 : The Second Experiment: The World - Use Elemental Sight to look for the lost items
1104413 : The Second Experiment: The World - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
1104414 : The Second Experiment: The World - [CHS] - (test)交付料理$HIDDEN
1104415 : The Second Experiment: The World - [CHS] - (test)交付美味之后对话$HIDDEN
1104416 : The Second Experiment: The World - [CHS] - (test)交付普通之后对话$HIDDEN
1104501 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - Head to the location of the intelligence test
1104502 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - Solve the nearby mechanism
1104503 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - [CHS] - 击败来袭的怪物$HIDDEN
1104504 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - Investigate the area behind the drain
1104505 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - Return to the campsite and hear Albedo's conclusions
1104506 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - [CHS] - (test)遗迹玩法-解谜部分2_2$HIDDEN
1104507 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - Return to the center and activate the device
1104508 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - [CHS] - (test)遗迹玩法-解谜部分2_1$HIDDEN
1104509 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - Solve the nearby mechanism
1104510 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
1104511 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - [CHS] - (test)遗迹玩法-解谜总进度$HIDDEN
1104512 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - [CHS] - (test)花骨朵出现$HIDDEN
1104513 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - [CHS] - (test)开花$HIDDEN
1104514 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - [CHS] - (test)花落$HIDDEN
1104515 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - [CHS] - (test)出瓶子$HIDDEN
1104516 : The Final Experiment: Withering Glory - [CHS] - (test)删瓶子$HIDDEN
1110001 : The Master of Stars' Deception - [CHS] - (test)在望舒客栈附近查看$HIDDEN
1110002 : The Master of Stars' Deception - Defeat the hilichurls with the evil aura
1110003 : The Master of Stars' Deception - [CHS] - (test)战斗后对话$HIDDEN
1110004 : The Master of Stars' Deception - Talk to the followers to find out about Starsnatcher
1110005 : The Master of Stars' Deception - Talk to the followers to find out about Starsnatcher
1110006 : The Master of Stars' Deception - Talk to the followers to find out about Starsnatcher
1110007 : The Master of Stars' Deception - [CHS] - 完成细节探听$HIDDEN
1110008 : The Master of Stars' Deception - Talk to Starsnatcher
1110009 : The Master of Stars' Deception - Check near Wangshu Inn
1110010 : The Master of Stars' Deception - Talk to the man in the mask
1110011 : The Master of Stars' Deception - [CHS] - (test)完成细节探听$HIDDEN
1110101 : Glimmers of the Vigilant Yaksha - Go to Wanwen Bookhouse
1110102 : Glimmers of the Vigilant Yaksha - Talk to Jifang and ask about Yakshas: The Guardian Adepti
1110103 : Glimmers of the Vigilant Yaksha - Search for Yakshas: The Guardian Adepti
1110104 : Glimmers of the Vigilant Yaksha - [CHS] - (test)与派蒙对话$HIDDEN
1110105 : Glimmers of the Vigilant Yaksha - Return to Wangshu Inn and look for Starsnatcher
1110106 : Glimmers of the Vigilant Yaksha - Defeat the hilichurls with the evil aura
1110107 : Glimmers of the Vigilant Yaksha - Talk to Starsnatcher and find out what happened
1110108 : Glimmers of the Vigilant Yaksha - [CHS] - (test)大仙买书$HIDDEN
1110201 : The Purging of Evil - Use Elemental Sight to track down the hilichurls with the evil aura
1110202 : The Purging of Evil - Talk to Xiao
1110203 : The Purging of Evil - Head to the karma-heavy cavern
1110204 : The Purging of Evil - [CHS] - (test)地城对话$HIDDEN
1110205 : The Purging of Evil - [CHS] - (test)地城完成$HIDDEN
1110206 : The Purging of Evil - Clear the cavern of the hilichurls with the evil aura
1110207 : The Purging of Evil - [CHS] - (test)弹引导图$HIDDEN
1110301 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - Collect the items needed for the ritual: Censer
1110302 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - Collect the items necessary for the ritual: Seven-Star Lamps
1110303 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - Return to Pervases
1110304 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - Collect the items needed for the ritual: Mist Flowers
1110305 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - Talk to Xiao
1110306 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - Initiate the ritual according to the correct process
1110307 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - [CHS] - (test)进行仪式3$HIDDEN
1110308 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - Punish the false adeptus' spirit
1110309 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - [CHS] - (test)战斗后对话$HIDDEN
1110310 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - Go to Wangshu Inn and ask Verr Goldet about the false adeptus
1110311 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - Talk to Xiao and give him the Sigil of Permission
1110312 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - Head to the yaksha statues after nightfall
1110313 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - Go to the southern face of Mt. Tianheng
1110314 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - Talk to the protector of the shrine
1110315 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - Fire arrows at the glowing area of the yaksha statues as per the ritual process
1110316 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - [CHS] - (test)刷group$HIDDEN
1110317 : Insights of Drifting Dreams - [CHS] - (test)切香炉$HIDDEN
1110401 : [CHS] - (test)结尾处理魈$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)结尾处理魈$HIDDEN
1111001 : The Mysterious Wangsheng Parlor - Go to Wuwang Hill
1111002 : The Mysterious Wangsheng Parlor - Catch up to the fleeing Meng
1111003 : The Mysterious Wangsheng Parlor - Explain the misunderstanding to Meng
1111004 : The Mysterious Wangsheng Parlor - Accompany Hu Tao to the Adventurers' Guild
1111005 : The Mysterious Wangsheng Parlor - Go back to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor with Hu Tao
1111006 : The Mysterious Wangsheng Parlor - Investigate the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's surroundings while waiting for Hu Tao
1111007 : The Mysterious Wangsheng Parlor - Talk to Hu Tao again
1111008 : The Mysterious Wangsheng Parlor - Visit a potential client with Hu Tao
1111009 : The Mysterious Wangsheng Parlor - Continue visiting potential clients
1111010 : The Mysterious Wangsheng Parlor - Continue visiting potential clients
1111011 : The Mysterious Wangsheng Parlor - Investigate the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's surroundings while waiting for Hu Tao
1111012 : The Mysterious Wangsheng Parlor - Investigate the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's surroundings while waiting for Hu Tao
1111013 : The Mysterious Wangsheng Parlor - [N/A] 839176884
1111014 : The Mysterious Wangsheng Parlor - [N/A] 2635682524
1111101 : In Pursuit of a Phantom - Talk to Meng at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and find out what happened
1111102 : In Pursuit of a Phantom - Go to the exorcism site
1111104 : In Pursuit of a Phantom - Protect the Ley Line Monolith and fend off the enemies
1111105 : In Pursuit of a Phantom - Listen as Hu Tao tells Luocheng the truth about the exorcism
1111201 : Friendships, Wishes, and Regrets - Return to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and find out what happened
1111202 : Friendships, Wishes, and Regrets - Ask Little Wu for a keepsake
1111203 : Friendships, Wishes, and Regrets - Talk to Little Wu
1111204 : Friendships, Wishes, and Regrets - Ask Mumu for a keepsake
1111205 : Friendships, Wishes, and Regrets - Ask Congzi for a keepsake
1111206 : Friendships, Wishes, and Regrets - Look for a Plaustrite Shard in the pile of goods
1111208 : Friendships, Wishes, and Regrets - Give the Plaustrite Shard to Congzi
1111209 : Friendships, Wishes, and Regrets - [CHS] - 在货物堆中寻找浮生石片$HIDDEN
1111222 : Friendships, Wishes, and Regrets - Find Jueyun Chili and give it to Little Wu
1111223 : Friendships, Wishes, and Regrets - [CHS] - 在货物堆中寻找浮生石片$HIDDEN
1111224 : Friendships, Wishes, and Regrets - [N/A] 2241220052
1111225 : Friendships, Wishes, and Regrets - Talk to the Warehouse Manager
1111301 : Perfect Send-Off - Take the keepsakes to Wuwang Hill and give them to Hu Tao
1111302 : Perfect Send-Off - Go the "ordinary place" mentioned by Hu Tao
1111303 : Perfect Send-Off - Follow the path to the border
1111304 : Perfect Send-Off - Continue forward to witness the farewell ceremony
1111305 : Perfect Send-Off - Talk to Hu Tao while the old friends are reminiscing
1111306 : Perfect Send-Off - [CHS] - (test)通过第一个降魔印机关$HIDDEN
1111307 : Perfect Send-Off - Go back to Wuwang Hill to send Big G off
1111308 : Perfect Send-Off - [CHS] - (test)通过第二个降魔印机关$HIDDEN
1111401 : [CHS] - (test)胡桃线最后老孟的控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1754590172
1112001 : Strange Sights, Stolen Souls - Go to the Liyue Adventurers' Guild and talk to Katheryne
1112002 : Strange Sights, Stolen Souls - Head to the dock and find the foreman, Uncle Dai
1112003 : Strange Sights, Stolen Souls - Look for Zhongli
1112004 : Strange Sights, Stolen Souls - Return to the dock and talk to Uncle Dai
1112005 : Strange Sights, Stolen Souls - Head to the dock and find the foreman, Uncle Dai
1112101 : Truth in the Stones - Head to the mining site that Uncle Dai mentioned
1112102 : Truth in the Stones - Look for more clues
1112103 : Truth in the Stones - Look for more clues
1112104 : Truth in the Stones - Look for clues
1112107 : Truth in the Stones - Report the outcome of your investigation to Uncle Dai
1112108 : Truth in the Stones - Find Kun Jun
1112201 : Shifting Earth and Lost Threads Come to Light - Head to Lingju Pass to investigate
1112202 : Shifting Earth and Lost Threads Come to Light - Look for more clues in the area
1112203 : Shifting Earth and Lost Threads Come to Light - Follow the footprints
1112204 : Shifting Earth and Lost Threads Come to Light - Ask people nearby for information
1112205 : Shifting Earth and Lost Threads Come to Light - Follow the road and keep up the pursuit
1112206 : Shifting Earth and Lost Threads Come to Light - Save the ambushed scholar
1112207 : Shifting Earth and Lost Threads Come to Light - Talk to the scholar
1112208 : Shifting Earth and Lost Threads Come to Light - Head to Nantianmen and look for clues
1112209 : Shifting Earth and Lost Threads Come to Light - Take the miner to a nearby camp to rest
1112210 : Shifting Earth and Lost Threads Come to Light - Ask people nearby for information
1112211 : Shifting Earth and Lost Threads Come to Light - Ask people nearby for information
1112212 : Shifting Earth and Lost Threads Come to Light - [CHS] - (test)触发trigger$HIDDEN
1112301 : Amidst Chaos, the Rock Is Unmoved - Head to the ancient tree and investigate
1112302 : Amidst Chaos, the Rock Is Unmoved - Find Zhongli
1112303 : Amidst Chaos, the Rock Is Unmoved - After preparing, enter the tunnel
1112304 : Amidst Chaos, the Rock Is Unmoved - Enter the Domain at the end of the underground tunnel
1112305 : Amidst Chaos, the Rock Is Unmoved - Defeat Azhdaha
1112306 : Amidst Chaos, the Rock Is Unmoved - Learn the truth of the situation
1112307 : Amidst Chaos, the Rock Is Unmoved - Return to the ancient tree
1112308 : Amidst Chaos, the Rock Is Unmoved - Talk to Zhongli
1112309 : Amidst Chaos, the Rock Is Unmoved - Rendezvous with Kun Jun
1112310 : Amidst Chaos, the Rock Is Unmoved - [CHS] - (test)返回大世界$HIDDEN
1112311 : Amidst Chaos, the Rock Is Unmoved - [N/A] 1121450620
1112312 : Amidst Chaos, the Rock Is Unmoved - [N/A] 1846681388
1112401 : [N/A] 3553288999 - [N/A] 2774942900
1112402 : [N/A] 3553288999 - [N/A] 2834352292
1120001 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 3249127444
1120002 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 1569618620
1120003 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 3681028236
1120004 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 2394297468
1120005 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 1900918452
1120006 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 2199789132
1120007 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 468656332
1120008 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 3281181636
1120009 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 249676244
1120010 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 689460764
1120011 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 3777452644
1120012 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 1618879500
1120013 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 905549860
1120014 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 2526515020
1120015 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 689540996
1120016 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 1597143484
1120017 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 913015436
1120018 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 1378950092
1120019 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 2411962356
1120096 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 4067807644
1120097 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 2774617508
1120098 : [N/A] 2033940223 - [N/A] 3510918940
1120100 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 603907844
1120101 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 1168565236
1120102 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 575021092
1120103 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 1518717156
1120104 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 3904158892
1120105 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 3893426892
1120106 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 2193217652
1120107 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 4251429700
1120108 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 3167391052
1120109 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 311912540
1120110 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 1849294284
1120111 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 1960403876
1120112 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 5925996
1120113 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 2558238028
1120114 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 663013812
1120115 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 3060242828
1120116 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 3037068676
1120117 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 3604062388
1120118 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 1997869036
1120119 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 2426481444
1120120 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 1971363108
1120121 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 4002625828
1120123 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 90095956
1120124 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 1622170420
1120125 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 1586695948
1120126 : [N/A] 2301632167 - [N/A] 4018836516
1120201 : [N/A] 559374343 - [N/A] 902154588
1120202 : [N/A] 559374343 - [N/A] 3145965444
1120203 : [N/A] 559374343 - [N/A] 440179116
1120204 : [N/A] 559374343 - [N/A] 3301267372
1120205 : [N/A] 559374343 - [N/A] 3449959684
1120206 : [N/A] 559374343 - [N/A] 1130558724
1120207 : [N/A] 559374343 - [N/A] 2100869052
1120208 : [N/A] 559374343 - [N/A] 3658531708
1120209 : [N/A] 559374343 - [N/A] 3102141828
1120210 : [N/A] 559374343 - [N/A] 1867991020
1120211 : [N/A] 559374343 - [N/A] 2412708284
1120212 : [N/A] 559374343 - [N/A] 3195777740
1200001 : Justice, for Books' Sake - Go to the Wanwen Bookhouse in Liyue Harbor
1200003 : Justice, for Books' Sake - Ask Jifang about the travel guide
1200004 : Justice, for Books' Sake - Go to Qingce Village and visit Chang the Ninth
1200005 : Justice, for Books' Sake - Talk to Chang the Ninth
1200006 : Justice, for Books' Sake - Look for Xingqiu after he left with the book
1200009 : Justice, for Books' Sake - Defeat the attacking Fatui
1200010 : Justice, for Books' Sake - Defeat the attacking Fatui
1200011 : Justice, for Books' Sake - Defeat the attacking Fatui
1200101 : Know Thyself, Know Thy Enemy - Go to Gentry Maocai's residence and make inquiries
1200103 : Know Thyself, Know Thy Enemy - Talk to the guards and make inquiries
1200106 : Know Thyself, Know Thy Enemy - Go to Xinyue Kiosk and eavesdrop on Gentry Maocai
1200107 : Know Thyself, Know Thy Enemy - Eavesdrop on Gentry Maocai's conversation with the Fatui
1200108 : Know Thyself, Know Thy Enemy - Inform Xingqiu of Gentry Maocai's plan
1200201 : Calm Before the Storm - Deliver the letter to the servant at the Feiyun Commerce Guild
1200202 : Calm Before the Storm - Enter Liuli Pavilion
1200203 : Calm Before the Storm - Talk to Xu at the Feiyun Commerce Guild
1200204 : Calm Before the Storm - Go to the store and buy Cor Lapis
1200205 : Calm Before the Storm - Go to the store and buy Cor Lapis
1200206 : Calm Before the Storm - Go to the store and buy Cor Lapis
1200207 : Calm Before the Storm - Go to the Chasm and buy Cor Lapis
1200208 : Calm Before the Storm - Talk to Shizhuang the Strong
1200209 : Calm Before the Storm - Use Elemental Sight to find the cart loaded with Cor Lapis
1200210 : Calm Before the Storm - Tell Shizhuang the Strong where to find Cor Lapis
1200211 : Calm Before the Storm - Purchase Chang the Ninth's ore
1200212 : Calm Before the Storm - Use Elemental Sight to find the cart loaded with Cor Lapis
1200213 : Calm Before the Storm - Use Elemental Sight to find the cart loaded with Cor Lapis
1200214 : Calm Before the Storm - Search for the carts loaded with Cor Lapis
1200215 : Calm Before the Storm - Complete purchase
1200219 : Calm Before the Storm - Use Elemental Sight to find the cart loaded with Cor Lapis
1200220 : Calm Before the Storm - Use Elemental Sight to find the cart loaded with Cor Lapis
1200221 : Calm Before the Storm - Talk with the servant
1200222 : Calm Before the Storm - [CHS] - (test)任务隔离,防止回滚$HIDDEN
1200223 : Calm Before the Storm - [CHS] - (test)任务隔离,防止回滚$HIDDEN
1200303 : Justice Is Its Own Reward - Go to the Feiyun Commerce Guild warehouse
1200304 : Justice Is Its Own Reward - Talk to Xingqiu
1200305 : Justice Is Its Own Reward - Help Gentry Maocai and defeat the attacking Fatui
1200307 : Justice Is Its Own Reward - Fend off the Agent
1200308 : Justice Is Its Own Reward - Fend off the Agent
1200309 : Justice Is Its Own Reward - Return the Legend of the Shattered Halberd to its rightful owner
1200310 : Justice Is Its Own Reward - Fend off the Agent
1200311 : Justice Is Its Own Reward - Fend off the Agent
1200401 : A Private Commission - Leave Komore Teahouse
1200402 : A Private Commission - Talk to Kamisato Ayaka
1200403 : A Private Commission - Leave Komore Teahouse
1200501 : Woven Wishes - Go to Ogura Textiles & Kimonos
1200502 : Woven Wishes - Talk to Kamisato Ayaka
1200503 : Woven Wishes - Go to the International Trade Association in Ritou
1200504 : Woven Wishes - Check out the situation nearby
1200505 : Woven Wishes - [CHS] - (test)提前找到久利须$HIDDEN
1200506 : Woven Wishes - Talk to Kurisu
1200507 : Woven Wishes - Go to the scene of the incident to check out the situation
1200508 : Woven Wishes - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】寻找丢失的货物2
1200509 : Woven Wishes - Talk to the ronin who snatched away the goods
1200510 : Woven Wishes - Defeat the ronin
1200511 : Woven Wishes - Talk to Kurisu
1200512 : Woven Wishes - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】鉴别宝物并与绫华对话
1200513 : Woven Wishes - Return to Ogura Textiles & Kimonos
1200514 : Woven Wishes - Return to Ogura Textiles & Kimonos
1200515 : Woven Wishes - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】和绫华在周围稍事休息
1200516 : Woven Wishes - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】与绫华对话
1200517 : Woven Wishes - Follow the footprints
1200518 : Woven Wishes - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】久利须对话刷掉小车$HIDDEN
1200601 : Food From Afar - Talk to Kiminami Anna
1200602 : Food From Afar - Give the pizza to Kamisato Ayaka
1200603 : Food From Afar - Talk to Kamisato Ayaka
1200604 : Food From Afar - Give the recipe to Kiminami Anna
1200605 : Food From Afar - Return to Ogura Textiles & Kimonos to collect the goods
1200606 : Food From Afar - Talk to Kiminami Anna
1200607 : Food From Afar - [CHS] - (test)判断是特色菜谱$HIDDEN
1200608 : Food From Afar - [CHS] - (test)判断不是特色菜谱$HIDDEN
1200701 : Lasting Promise - Head over to the designated area recorded in the notebook
1200702 : Lasting Promise - Talk to Kamisato Ayaka
1200703 : Lasting Promise - Search for suspicious places based on the hints
1200704 : Lasting Promise - Open the mysterious box
1200705 : Lasting Promise - Talk to Kamisato Ayaka
1200706 : Lasting Promise - Go outside the cave to check the notebook
1200707 : Lasting Promise - Talk to Kamisato Ayaka
1200708 : Lasting Promise - Investigate the shrubbery on the stone wall
1200710 : Lasting Promise - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】开门2对$HIDDEN
1200711 : Lasting Promise - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】开门3对$HIDDEN
1200712 : Lasting Promise - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】盒子打开遮挡用$HIDDEN
1200713 : Lasting Promise - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】洞外对话调时间$HIDDEN
1200801 : With You - Go to Amakane Island
1200802 : With You - Talk to Kamisato Ayaka
1200803 : With You - Talk to Kamisato Ayaka
1200804 : With You - Talk to Kamisato Ayaka
1200805 : With You - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】CS后最终对话
1200806 : With You - Talk to Kamisato Ayaka
1200807 : With You - Talk to Kamisato Ayaka
1200808 : With You - Talk to Kamisato Ayaka
1200809 : With You - Go to the festival with Kamisato Ayaka
1200810 : With You - Follow Kamisato Ayaka
1200811 : With You - Follow Kamisato Ayaka
1200812 : With You - Keep following Kamisato Ayaka
1200813 : With You - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】抽A签$HIDDEN
1200814 : With You - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】抽B签$HIDDEN
1200815 : With You - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】抽C签$HIDDEN
1200816 : With You - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】控制回滚创建圈$HIDDEN
1200817 : With You - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】初始调整时间$HIDDEN
1200818 : With You - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】对话刷绘马$HIDDEN
1200819 : With You - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】最后对话调时间$HIDDEN
1200901 : The Oni's Evil - Talk to Katheryne in Inazuma City
1200902 : The Oni's Evil - Get news of Arataki Itto
1200903 : The Oni's Evil - Get news of Arataki Itto
1200904 : The Oni's Evil - Get news of Arataki Itto
1200905 : The Oni's Evil - Ask Sango for more information
1200906 : The Oni's Evil - [CHS] - (test)保护回滚~$HIDDEN
1201001 : The Firework Girl's Strange Stories - Go to Narukami Island's beaches
1201002 : The Firework Girl's Strange Stories - Catch up to the children who are about to leave
1201003 : The Firework Girl's Strange Stories - Go to Naganohara Fireworks
1201004 : The Firework Girl's Strange Stories - Confirm the source of the sound
1201101 : Expectations Not to Be Betrayed - Prepare a boat for Sakujirou alongside Yoimiya
1201102 : Expectations Not to Be Betrayed - Talk to Morihiko
1201103 : Expectations Not to Be Betrayed - Go to Amenoma Smithy
1201104 : Expectations Not to Be Betrayed - Look for firework materials in the city
1201105 : Expectations Not to Be Betrayed - Go and confirm the ship's condition
1201106 : Expectations Not to Be Betrayed - Tell Sakujirou the ship's location
1201107 : Expectations Not to Be Betrayed - Head to the designated location to meet Kouichi
1201201 : A Sliver of Hope - Visit the old couple to ask for their help
1201202 : A Sliver of Hope - Help the old couple clean up their courtyard
1201204 : A Sliver of Hope - Give the Pickled Radish to Satoru in the village
1201205 : A Sliver of Hope - Report back to the old couple
1201206 : A Sliver of Hope - Tell Sakujirou the news
1201207 : A Sliver of Hope - [N/A] 2821039796
1201208 : A Sliver of Hope - [N/A] 2095874052
1201209 : A Sliver of Hope - [N/A] 862480476
1201301 : Together Under the Fireworks - Talk with the children
1201302 : Together Under the Fireworks - Approach the Tenryou Commission officers who are blocking the road
1201303 : Together Under the Fireworks - Defeat the Tenryou Commission officers
1201304 : Together Under the Fireworks - Talk to the panicking Tenryou Commission officers
1201305 : Together Under the Fireworks - Proceed deeper within to find Sakujirou
1201306 : Together Under the Fireworks - Defeat Imatani Keisuke
1201307 : Together Under the Fireworks - Talk to Imatani Keisuke and Sakujirou
1201308 : Together Under the Fireworks - Go to a place to watch the Fireworks Show
1201309 : Together Under the Fireworks - Talk to Yoimiya
1201310 : Together Under the Fireworks - Follow the road out of the city to look for clues
1201311 : Together Under the Fireworks - Follow the direction indicated by the children
1201312 : Together Under the Fireworks - [N/A] 2678135508
1201401 : [CHS] - (test)霄宫线最后的闲置对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4250996428
1201501 : The Lonesome Euthymia - Go to the Statue of the Omnipresent God
1201502 : The Lonesome Euthymia - Talk to Thoma and Kujou Kamaji
1201503 : The Lonesome Euthymia - Go to the Grand Narukami Shrine and look for Yae Miko
1201504 : The Lonesome Euthymia - Look for Yae Miko
1201505 : The Lonesome Euthymia - Talk to Yae Miko
1201506 : The Lonesome Euthymia - Go to see the Shogun
1201507 : The Lonesome Euthymia - Talk to Takeshi at the entrance
1201508 : The Lonesome Euthymia - Go to Tenshukaku to see the Shogun
1201509 : The Lonesome Euthymia - Enter the Plane of Euthymia
1201510 : The Lonesome Euthymia - Speak to Ei in the distance
1201511 : The Lonesome Euthymia - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于雷电将军转圈1$HIDDEN
1201512 : The Lonesome Euthymia - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于雷电将军转圈2$HIDDEN
1201513 : The Lonesome Euthymia - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于传送角色出地城$HIDDEN
1201601 : To Traverse the Mortal Plane - Go out for a walk with Ei
1201602 : To Traverse the Mortal Plane - Talk to Ei
1201603 : To Traverse the Mortal Plane - Accompany Ei on her tour of the streets
1201604 : To Traverse the Mortal Plane - Accompany Ei on her tour of the streets
1201605 : To Traverse the Mortal Plane - Go with Ei to Tomoki's stall
1201606 : To Traverse the Mortal Plane - Talk to Tomoki
1201607 : To Traverse the Mortal Plane - Go with Ei to Yae Publishing House
1201608 : To Traverse the Mortal Plane - Talk to Kuroda
1201609 : To Traverse the Mortal Plane - Browse the light novels on the shelf
1201610 : To Traverse the Mortal Plane - Talk to Ei
1201611 : To Traverse the Mortal Plane - Pick a suitable light novel
1201612 : To Traverse the Mortal Plane - Pick a suitable light novel
1201613 : To Traverse the Mortal Plane - Pick a suitable light novel
1201614 : To Traverse the Mortal Plane - Recommend and explain the contents of the book to Ei
1201615 : To Traverse the Mortal Plane - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】用于控制回滚创建圈$HIDDEN
1201701 : The Fabric of Constancy - Go to the best spot to take a picture
1201702 : The Fabric of Constancy - Recommend a suitable pose
1201704 : The Fabric of Constancy - Pick a good spot to take a picture
1201705 : The Fabric of Constancy - Show the picture to Ei
1201706 : The Fabric of Constancy - Follow the voice to see what's happening
1201707 : The Fabric of Constancy - Talk to the hurried Ippei
1201801 : To Hear Mortal Hearts - Head to the Takatsukasa Clan's secret outpost
1201802 : To Hear Mortal Hearts - Enter the secret outpost
1201803 : To Hear Mortal Hearts - Talk to Ei
1201804 : To Hear Mortal Hearts - Reach the deepest area of the outpost
1201805 : To Hear Mortal Hearts - Talk to Kujou Kamaji and Takatsukasa Susumu
1201806 : To Hear Mortal Hearts - Witness the duel
1201807 : To Hear Mortal Hearts - Listen to Ei's judgment
1201808 : To Hear Mortal Hearts - Follow Ei out of the outpost
1201809 : To Hear Mortal Hearts - Go to where Ei is
1201810 : To Hear Mortal Hearts - Talk to Raiden Ei
1201811 : To Hear Mortal Hearts - Give the Pass Permit back to Yae Miko
1201812 : To Hear Mortal Hearts - Talk to Yae Miko
1201901 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于播放八重神子最后的闲置对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于播放八重神子闲置对话$HIDDEN
1202001 : Watatsumi Sightseeing - Go to the agreed location on Watatsumi Island
1202002 : Watatsumi Sightseeing - Defeat the roving Fatui
1202003 : Watatsumi Sightseeing - Report back to Gorou
1202004 : Watatsumi Sightseeing - Ask the soldiers for information
1202005 : Watatsumi Sightseeing - Ask the soldiers for information
1202006 : Watatsumi Sightseeing - Ask the soldiers for information
1202007 : Watatsumi Sightseeing - Head to Bourou Village
1202008 : Watatsumi Sightseeing - Investigate the quarrel between the soldiers and the merchants
1202009 : Watatsumi Sightseeing - Talk to Gorou
1202101 : Rumors Abound - Go to the temporary Fatui camp
1202102 : Rumors Abound - Analyze strategy with Kokomi
1202103 : Rumors Abound - Defeat the Fatui in the camp
1202104 : Rumors Abound - Talk to Kokomi
1202105 : Rumors Abound - Investigate the temporary Fatui camp
1202106 : Rumors Abound - Investigate the temporary Fatui camp
1202107 : Rumors Abound - Investigate the temporary Fatui camp
1202108 : Rumors Abound - Report back to Kokomi
1202109 : Rumors Abound - Give the cargo back to the merchants
1202110 : Rumors Abound - Talk to Paimon (Discarded)
1202111 : Rumors Abound - Talk to Paimon (Discarded)
1202112 : Rumors Abound - Talk to Paimon (Discarded)
1202113 : Rumors Abound - Take a walk with Kokomi
1202114 : Rumors Abound - Talk to Kokomi
1202115 : Rumors Abound - [CHS] - (隐藏)完成心海策略-先杀BOSS$HIDDEN
1202116 : Rumors Abound - [CHS] - (隐藏)完成心海策略-引爆炸药桶$HIDDEN
1202117 : Rumors Abound - [CHS] - (隐藏)完成心海策略-让怪物感电$HIDDEN
1202118 : Rumors Abound - [CHS] - 商人和士兵闲置对话$HIDDEN
1202119 : Rumors Abound - Defeat the Fatui in the camp
1202120 : Rumors Abound - [CHS] - 刷出车车$HIDDEN
1202201 : Her Secret - Wait till 10:00 – 12:00 the next day
1202202 : Her Secret - Wait for Kokomi near the Sangonomiya Shrine
1202203 : Her Secret - Talk to Paimon
1202204 : Her Secret - Ask the guards about Kokomi's whereabouts
1202205 : Her Secret - Go to the designated place
1202206 : Her Secret - Placeholder
1202207 : Her Secret - [CHS] - 设置任务全局变量$HIDDEN
1202208 : Her Secret - Talk to Kokomi
1202209 : Her Secret - Investigate Kokomi's secret base
1202210 : Her Secret - Investigate Kokomi's secret base
1202211 : Her Secret - Investigate Kokomi's secret base
1202212 : Her Secret - Read a book about military strategy to Kokomi
1202213 : Her Secret - Talk to Paimon
1202214 : Her Secret - Placeholder
1202215 : Her Secret - Placeholder
1202216 : Her Secret - Talk to Paimon
1202217 : Her Secret - Talk to Paimon
1202301 : Victory Banquet - Go to the site of the Victory Feast
1202302 : Victory Banquet - Listen to Kokomi's speech
1202303 : Victory Banquet - Investigate the suspicious soldier
1202304 : Victory Banquet - Time for a debate
1202305 : Victory Banquet - Talk to the soldier
1202306 : Victory Banquet - Report the truth back to Kokomi
1202307 : Victory Banquet - [CHS] - 刷出会场第二波人群$HIDDEN
1202308 : Victory Banquet - Talk to the nearby crowd
1202309 : Victory Banquet - Talk to the nearby crowd
1202310 : Victory Banquet - Wait until nighttime (18:00 – 6:00)
1202311 : Victory Banquet - [CHS] - 刷出第一波人群$HIDDEN
1202312 : Victory Banquet - [CHS] - 心海闲置对话$HIDDEN
1202401 : New Beginning - Wait till 10:00 – 12:00 the next day
1202402 : New Beginning - Go to the peace talks
1202403 : New Beginning - Complete the peace talks with Kokomi
1202404 : New Beginning - Talk to Kokomi
1202405 : New Beginning - Talk to Kokomi near the secret base
1202406 : New Beginning - Convince the troops together with Kokomi
1202407 : New Beginning - Meet Kokomi at the agreed place
1202408 : New Beginning - [CHS] - 刷出第一波人群$HIDDEN
1202409 : New Beginning - [CHS] - 刷出第二波人群$HIDDEN
1202410 : New Beginning - [CHS] - 刷出压草$HIDDEN
1202411 : New Beginning - [CHS] - 刷掉压草$HIDDEN
1202501 : The Oni's Justice - Continue the pursuit
1202502 : The Oni's Justice - Talk to Paimon about countermeasures
1202503 : The Oni's Justice - Hit Arataki Itto with the beans
1202504 : The Oni's Justice - Talk to Arataki Itto
1202505 : The Oni's Justice - Go to the Onikabuto capture spot
1202506 : The Oni's Justice - Talk to Arataki Itto
1202507 : The Oni's Justice - Go to the tree where the Onikabuto reside
1202508 : The Oni's Justice - Go to the purple object
1202509 : The Oni's Justice - Capture an Onikabuto
1202510 : The Oni's Justice - Talk to Arataki Itto
1202512 : The Oni's Justice - Go have a bug battle with Daisuke and Itto
1202514 : The Oni's Justice - Learn about the Oni race's past from Itto
1202515 : The Oni's Justice - Leap off the gorge to look for Onikabuto
1202516 : The Oni's Justice - Continue the pursuit
1202517 : The Oni's Justice - Go to Yashiori Island to search for Arataki Itto
1202518 : The Oni's Justice - Check the area where lightning struck
1202519 : The Oni's Justice - Use Elemental Sight to chase the tracks
1202520 : The Oni's Justice - Continue the pursuit
1202521 : The Oni's Justice - [CHS] - (test)到达合适的位置
1202522 : The Oni's Justice - Search for an Onikabuto
1202523 : The Oni's Justice - [CHS] - (test)隐藏$HIDDEN
1202601 : The Oni's Pride - Go to check on the victim
1202602 : The Oni's Pride - Hear from the victim
1202603 : The Oni's Pride - Lie in wait at Nazuchi Beach for the ronin to show up
1202604 : The Oni's Pride - Defeat the ronin
1202605 : The Oni's Pride - Talk to the Blue Oni
1202606 : The Oni's Pride - Defeat the Tenryou Commission members
1202607 : The Oni's Pride - Square off against the Tenryou Commission members
1202608 : The Oni's Pride - Look for Takuya
1202609 : The Oni's Pride - Investigate the trail
1202610 : The Oni's Pride - Look for more trails
1202611 : The Oni's Pride - Go deeper into the ronin hideout
1202612 : The Oni's Pride - Defeat the ronin guarding this place
1202613 : The Oni's Pride - Rescue the people held here
1202614 : The Oni's Pride - Defeat all the ronin
1202615 : The Oni's Pride - Talk to Takuya
1202616 : The Oni's Pride - Follow the footprints and chase Takuya
1202617 : The Oni's Pride - Meet up with Takuya and Arataki Itto
1202618 : The Oni's Pride - Tell Granny Oni everything that happened
1202619 : The Oni's Pride - Defeat the ambushing ronin
1202620 : The Oni's Pride - Ascertain the situation with Arataki Itto
1202621 : The Oni's Pride - Square off against the Tenryou Commission members
1202622 : The Oni's Pride - Search for Takuya's trail
1202623 : The Oni's Pride - [N/A] 213591596
1202624 : The Oni's Pride - [N/A] 3529569132
1202701 : [CHS] - (test)鬼婆婆闲置对话任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)鬼婆婆闲置对话任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
1202702 : [CHS] - (test)鬼婆婆闲置对话任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 876024444
1202801 : Mysterious Urban Legend - Take a stroll around Hanamizaka
1202802 : Mysterious Urban Legend - Investigate a kaidan that has been making the rounds recently
1202803 : Mysterious Urban Legend - Go to the Grand Narukami Shrine and look for Yae Miko
1202804 : Mysterious Urban Legend - Ask the villagers for more information
1202805 : Mysterious Urban Legend - [CHS] - (test)村子周围货堆寻找盐
1202806 : Mysterious Urban Legend - "Exorcise" Katou Shingo
1202807 : Mysterious Urban Legend - Defeat the spirit that has possessed Shingo
1202808 : Mysterious Urban Legend - Investigate the truth behind the spirit
1202809 : Mysterious Urban Legend - Search for Youhei's brother
1202810 : Mysterious Urban Legend - Ask the villagers about Youhei and his brother
1202901 : Friendship in Writing - Go to Yae Publishing House
1202902 : Friendship in Writing - [CHS] - (test)回复八重
1202903 : Friendship in Writing - [CHS] - (test)前往轻小说比赛现场报名
1202904 : Friendship in Writing - Go to Yae Publishing House to complete the endorsement
1202905 : Friendship in Writing - Wait for three days
1202906 : Friendship in Writing - Ask about the sales situation
1202907 : Friendship in Writing - Go to the submission event to listen to what the readers like
1202908 : Friendship in Writing - Go to the submission event to listen to what the readers like
1202909 : Friendship in Writing - Go to submit the manuscript
1202910 : Friendship in Writing - Go to the submission event to listen to what the readers like
1202911 : Friendship in Writing - Go to Uyuu Restaurant to finish the light novel
1202912 : Friendship in Writing - [CHS] - (test)发书4$HIDDEN
1202913 : Friendship in Writing - [CHS] - (test)发书3$HIDDEN
1202914 : Friendship in Writing - [CHS] - (test)发书2$HIDDEN
1202915 : Friendship in Writing - [CHS] - (test)发书1$HIDDEN
1203001 : A Centuries-Long Dream - Go to the summoning ritual site
1203002 : A Centuries-Long Dream - Enter the summoning site
1203003 : A Centuries-Long Dream - Collect clues concerning the summoning ritual
1203004 : A Centuries-Long Dream - Complete preparations for the summoning ritual
1203005 : A Centuries-Long Dream - Begin the summoning ritual
1203006 : A Centuries-Long Dream - [CHS] - (test)离开地城对话
1203007 : A Centuries-Long Dream - [CHS] - (test)镜子状态打开
1203008 : A Centuries-Long Dream - [CHS] - (test)镜子状态关闭
1203101 : Banquet of Parting - Go to the Grand Narukami Shrine and look for Yae Miko
1203102 : Banquet of Parting - Tell the shrine maidens to leave the shrine temporarily
1203103 : Banquet of Parting - [CHS] - (test)检查神樱大树
1203104 : Banquet of Parting - Stop the affected monsters from getting up the mountain
1203105 : Banquet of Parting - Say farewell to the youkai within the Ley Lines
1203106 : Banquet of Parting - Enter Uyuu Restaurant
1203107 : Banquet of Parting - [CHS] - (test)检查大社周边
1203108 : Banquet of Parting - Go to the main road under Mt. Yougou
1203109 : Banquet of Parting - [CHS] - (test)时间切换
1203110 : Banquet of Parting - Return to the Grand Narukami Shrine
1203111 : Banquet of Parting - Wait until the appointed time (the following day)
1203112 : Banquet of Parting - Go close to Uyuu Restaurant
1203201 : [CHS] - (TEST)雷军二大世界残留对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1722940244
1203301 : New Shoots from Old Branches - Hit the Inazuma City streets
1203302 : New Shoots from Old Branches - Talk to Ippei and Shinnojou
1203303 : New Shoots from Old Branches - Meet Ayaka at the Kamisato Estate
1203304 : New Shoots from Old Branches - Enter the Yashiro Commission Headquarters
1203305 : New Shoots from Old Branches - Talk to Thoma and Kamisato Ayato
1203306 : New Shoots from Old Branches - Report back to Ippei and Shinnojou
1203307 : New Shoots from Old Branches - Go to the Kujou Estate and talk to Kujou Kamaji
1203308 : New Shoots from Old Branches - Go to the Hiiragi Estate in Ritou
1203309 : New Shoots from Old Branches - Talk to members of the Kanjou Commission
1203310 : New Shoots from Old Branches - Kill some time in Ritou
1203311 : New Shoots from Old Branches - Meet Hiiragi Chisato
1203312 : New Shoots from Old Branches - Talk to Kamisato Ayato
1203313 : New Shoots from Old Branches - Leave the Hiiragi Estate and go over what you know
1203401 : The Truth Is Also a Lie - [N/A] 2033892620
1203402 : The Truth Is Also a Lie - [N/A] 151542508
1203403 : The Truth Is Also a Lie - Go and save Shinnojou
1203404 : The Truth Is Also a Lie - Investigate the situation inside the cave
1203405 : The Truth Is Also a Lie - Defeat the guards
1203406 : The Truth Is Also a Lie - Talk to the guards
1203407 : The Truth Is Also a Lie - Look for the key that the bake-danuki made off with
1203408 : The Truth Is Also a Lie - Use the key to free Shinnojou
1203409 : The Truth Is Also a Lie - Talk to Shinnojou
1203410 : The Truth Is Also a Lie - Check the current situation using the city Bulletin Board
1203411 : The Truth Is Also a Lie - Talk to Kujou Kamaji
1203412 : The Truth Is Also a Lie - Go and observe the Kanjou Commission informant
1203413 : The Truth Is Also a Lie - Follow Hideo and do not be discovered
1203414 : The Truth Is Also a Lie - Observe from afar
1203501 : The Wind Settles - Wait for two days
1203502 : The Wind Settles - Go to Ritou to check on the situation
1203503 : The Wind Settles - Talk to the people of Ritou
1203504 : The Wind Settles - Talk to the people of Ritou
1203505 : The Wind Settles - Talk to the people of Ritou
1203506 : The Wind Settles - [N/A] 3941419508
1203507 : The Wind Settles - [N/A] 1117873492
1203508 : The Wind Settles - Meet and talk to Hiiragi Chisato
1203509 : The Wind Settles - Go to the Kamisato Estate to meet Ayato
1203510 : The Wind Settles - Leave the Yashiro Commission Headquarters
1203511 : The Wind Settles - [N/A] 3299858604
1203512 : The Wind Settles - [N/A] 897263780
1203513 : The Wind Settles - Talk to Kamisato Ayato
1203601 : [N/A] 1755328471 - [N/A] 172254052
1203701 : Upon the Plain, a Purple Shadow - Go to Byakko Plain
1203702 : Upon the Plain, a Purple Shadow - Go to Byakko Plain
1203703 : Upon the Plain, a Purple Shadow - Defeat the attacker
1203704 : Upon the Plain, a Purple Shadow - Defeat the attacker
1203705 : Upon the Plain, a Purple Shadow - Go to Ritou and look for Kazuha
1203706 : Upon the Plain, a Purple Shadow - Go to the Tenryou Commission Headquarters
1203801 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Ask Ryuuji for information
1203802 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Ask Amenoma Tougo for information
1203803 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Go to the Nagato household and find out what happened
1203804 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Go over what you know with Kazuha
1203805 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Go over what you know with Kazuha
1203806 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Go to the warehouse where the fire broke out
1203807 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Go to the warehouse where the fire broke out
1203808 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Follow the scent and look for clues
1203809 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Defeat the hilichurls
1203810 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Keep following the scent and looking for clues
1203811 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Keep following the scent and looking for clues
1203812 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Keep following the scent and looking for clues
1203813 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Defeat the attacker
1203814 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Talk to Kazuha
1203815 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Follow the scent and look for clues
1203816 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Follow the scent and look for clues
1203817 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Follow the scent and look for clues
1203818 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Follow the scent and look for clues
1203819 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Talk to Kazuha
1203820 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Keep following the scent and looking for clues
1203821 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Keep following the scent and looking for clues
1203822 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Keep following the scent and looking for clues
1203823 : Through the Mist, a Name Unveiled - Talk to Kazuha
1203901 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Go to the blade-testing venue
1203902 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Return to Amenoma Smithy
1203903 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Talk to Kazuha
1203904 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Accompany Kazuha while he gives Kujou Kamaji his response
1203905 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Enter the occupied hold and defeat the opponents
1203906 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Talk to Kazuha
1203907 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Keep going and defeat the opponents
1203908 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Talk to Kazuha
1203909 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - [CHS] - 继续深入,击败敌人$HIDDEN
1203910 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Talk to Kazuha
1203911 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Keep going and defeat the opponents
1203912 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Talk to Kazuha
1203913 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Talk to Kazuha
1203914 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Listen to what the cursed blade has to say
1203915 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Fulfill the cursed blade's wish
1203916 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Fulfill the cursed blade's wish
1203917 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Have a duel with Amenoma Yuuya
1203918 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Have a duel with Amenoma Yuuya
1203919 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Return to Amenoma Smithy
1203920 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Talk to Kazuha
1203921 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - [CHS] - 继续深入,击败敌人$HIDDEN
1203922 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Talk to Kazuha
1203923 : Ere the End, a Glance Back - Keep going and defeat the opponents
1204001 : Cleansing Light - Talk to Katheryne
1204002 : Cleansing Light - Go to the area where the monsters have appeared
1204003 : Cleansing Light - Defeat the Rifthounds
1204004 : Cleansing Light - Talk to Raiden Ei
1204005 : Cleansing Light - Look for the marks left behind
1204006 : Cleansing Light - Look for the marks left behind
1204007 : Cleansing Light - Look for the marks left behind
1204008 : Cleansing Light - Try to figure out what happened
1204009 : Cleansing Light - Continue the pursuit
1204010 : Cleansing Light - Defeat the Rifthounds
1204011 : Cleansing Light - Talk to the person who appeared
1204012 : Cleansing Light - Go to the Kamisato Estate to get a tea set
1204013 : Cleansing Light - Talk to Ei
1204014 : Cleansing Light - Go to where the tea master is
1204015 : Cleansing Light - Talk to Ei once again
1204016 : Cleansing Light - [CHS] - 刷出茶具$HIDDEN
1204101 : Farewell to the Past - Continue the pursuit
1204102 : Farewell to the Past - Continue the pursuit
1204103 : Farewell to the Past - Continue the pursuit
1204104 : Farewell to the Past - Talk to Ei
1204105 : Farewell to the Past - Defeat the Rifthounds
1204106 : Farewell to the Past - Talk to Ei and ascertain her condition
1204107 : Farewell to the Past - Aid the samurai in defeating the Rifthounds
1204108 : Farewell to the Past - Talk to Ei and the samurai
1204109 : Farewell to the Past - Go to the cave below the Grand Narukami Shrine
1204110 : Farewell to the Past - Talk to Ei
1204111 : Farewell to the Past - Talk to Ei
1204112 : Farewell to the Past - Defeat the Raiden Shogun
1204113 : Farewell to the Past - Talk to Ei once again
1204114 : Farewell to the Past - Talk to Paimon about how to respond
1204115 : Farewell to the Past - Enter the secret realm
1204116 : Farewell to the Past - Continue the pursuit
1204117 : Farewell to the Past - Go to the cave below the Grand Narukami Shrine
1204201 : Radiant Sakura - Go to the Grand Narukami Shrine and meet Yae Miko
1204202 : Radiant Sakura - Talk to Yae Miko
1204203 : Radiant Sakura - Return to the entrance to the secret realm
1204204 : Radiant Sakura - Talk to Yae Miko
1204205 : Radiant Sakura - Force your way into the realm
1204206 : Radiant Sakura - Speak to Ei and get up to speed with the situation
1204207 : Radiant Sakura - Defeat the Raiden Shogun
1204208 : Radiant Sakura - Witness the end of the long battle
1204209 : Radiant Sakura - Talk to Ei and Yae Miko
1204210 : Radiant Sakura - Witness the beginning of the dream
1204211 : Radiant Sakura - Force your way into the realm
1204301 : [N/A] 2606343119 - [N/A] 2148756588
1300001 : The Start of Contamination - Talk to Katheryne in Sumeru
1300002 : The Start of Contamination - Ask Tighnari about the situation
1300003 : The Start of Contamination - Feed the Sumpter Beast
1300004 : The Start of Contamination - Buy Vasanti Grass from a traveling merchant
1300005 : The Start of Contamination - Gather information nearby
1300006 : The Start of Contamination - Gather information nearby
1300007 : The Start of Contamination - Gather information nearby
1300008 : The Start of Contamination - [CHS] - (test)保底询问任务$HIDDEN
1300009 : The Start of Contamination - Discuss what to do with the traveling merchant
1300010 : The Start of Contamination - Go to the location where the robbery took place
1300011 : The Start of Contamination - Follow the Sumpter Beast
1300012 : The Start of Contamination - Observe your surroundings for anything unusual
1300013 : The Start of Contamination - Defeat the mechanical crab
1300014 : The Start of Contamination - Try to communicate with the Mechanical Crab
1300015 : The Start of Contamination - Give the mechanical components back to the merchant
1300016 : The Start of Contamination - Go back to Avidya Forest to heal Yara
1300017 : The Start of Contamination - Continue following the Sumpter Beast
1300101 : Into the Hinterland - Look for the mechanical crab
1300102 : Into the Hinterland - Set off for the contaminated region
1300103 : Into the Hinterland - Head toward the depths of the contaminated region
1300104 : Into the Hinterland - Install a Purification Device
1300105 : Into the Hinterland - Look for a spot to set up a tent
1300106 : Into the Hinterland - Defeat the attracted monsters
1300107 : Into the Hinterland - Catch up with the Mechanical Crab
1300108 : Into the Hinterland - Defeat the nearby mechanical monsters
1300109 : Into the Hinterland - Talk to the trapped person
1300110 : Into the Hinterland - Go into the tent to rest
1300111 : Into the Hinterland - Talk to Tighnari
1300112 : Into the Hinterland - Prepare to make camp
1300113 : Into the Hinterland - [N/A] 1167157508
1300114 : Into the Hinterland - Retrieve the pest-repelling devices
1300115 : Into the Hinterland - [N/A] 2521848364
1300116 : Into the Hinterland - Prepare to set off
1300117 : Into the Hinterland - Go to the depths of the contaminated region
1300118 : Into the Hinterland - Defeat the monsters in your path
1300201 : Heart of the Machine - Check the unusual area
1300202 : Heart of the Machine - Enter the contamination's source
1300203 : Heart of the Machine - Defeat the mechanical monsters that lurk here
1300204 : Heart of the Machine - Examine the strange device
1300205 : Heart of the Machine - Check on the person who has collapsed
1300206 : Heart of the Machine - Collect documents nearby (0/3)
1300207 : Heart of the Machine - Collect documents nearby (1/3)
1300208 : Heart of the Machine - Collect documents nearby (2/3)
1300209 : Heart of the Machine - Stop the Ley Line Extractor
1300210 : Heart of the Machine - Talk to Tighnari
1300211 : Heart of the Machine - Return to the lab
1300212 : Heart of the Machine - [N/A] 1023587932
1300213 : Heart of the Machine - Check on the Ley Line Extractor
1300214 : Heart of the Machine - Leave the secret lab
1300215 : Heart of the Machine - [N/A] 3596814940
1300216 : Heart of the Machine - Follow the mechanical crab and continue your search
1300301 : Garden Memories - Talk to Katheryne in Sumeru
1300302 : Garden Memories - Wait till 8:00 – 12:00 the next day
1300303 : Garden Memories - Meet Tighnari at Pardis Dhyai
1300401 : [N/A] 1603113823 - [N/A] 1234610068
1300501 : [N/A] 886173863 - [N/A] 3176138676
1300601 : The Warm Rhythm of the Streets - Go to the Grand Bazaar
1300602 : The Warm Rhythm of the Streets - Talk to Nilou
1300603 : The Warm Rhythm of the Streets - [N/A] 3974585348
1300604 : The Warm Rhythm of the Streets - Collect the purchased goods with Nilou
1300605 : The Warm Rhythm of the Streets - Collect the last goods with Nilou
1300606 : The Warm Rhythm of the Streets - Collect another batch of goods with Nilou
1300607 : The Warm Rhythm of the Streets - Go back to the theater with Nilou
1300608 : The Warm Rhythm of the Streets - Talk to the members of the theater
1300609 : The Warm Rhythm of the Streets - Talk to the members of the theater
1300610 : The Warm Rhythm of the Streets - Talk to the members of the theater
1300611 : The Warm Rhythm of the Streets - [N/A] 2986737252
1300612 : The Warm Rhythm of the Streets - [N/A] 4005078020
1300613 : The Warm Rhythm of the Streets - Talk with Nilou and wait for the event to begin
1300614 : The Warm Rhythm of the Streets - Talk with Nilou about the current situation
1300701 : Show Canceled - Gather everybody and get the situation straight
1300702 : Show Canceled - Collect the thoughts of theater members
1300703 : Show Canceled - Collect the thoughts of theater members
1300704 : Show Canceled - Collect the thoughts of theater members
1300705 : Show Canceled - Inform customers of the shows being canceled
1300706 : Show Canceled - Go back to the theater
1300707 : Show Canceled - Get close to the direction where the sound is from
1300708 : Show Canceled - [N/A] 3751684588
1300709 : Show Canceled - [N/A] 4214792684
1300710 : Show Canceled - Talk to Inayah
1300711 : Show Canceled - [N/A] 3389019116
1300712 : Show Canceled - Go back to Sumeru City together
1300713 : Show Canceled - Find Inayah outside the city
1300714 : Show Canceled - [N/A] 964770692
1300801 : The Reason We Are Gathered Here - Wait for the debate two days later (15:00 – 18:00)
1300802 : The Reason We Are Gathered Here - Go to the theater and witness the debate
1300803 : The Reason We Are Gathered Here - [N/A] 2411157060
1300804 : The Reason We Are Gathered Here - Talk to Nilou
1300805 : The Reason We Are Gathered Here - [N/A] 2748820748
1300806 : The Reason We Are Gathered Here - Wait until two days later (20:00 – 22:00)
1300807 : The Reason We Are Gathered Here - Go to the theater to see Inayah
1300808 : The Reason We Are Gathered Here - [N/A] 3480922884
1300901 : Suspicious Smuggling Case - Take a look around the Akademiya
1300902 : Suspicious Smuggling Case - [N/A] 4110467564
1300903 : Suspicious Smuggling Case - Look for clues outside the city
1300904 : Suspicious Smuggling Case - Ask Dori for information
1300905 : Suspicious Smuggling Case - Inform Cyno of the intel
1300906 : Suspicious Smuggling Case - Leave Caravan Ribat
1300907 : Suspicious Smuggling Case - Leave Caravan Ribat
1300908 : Suspicious Smuggling Case - Defeat the mercenaries that followed you
1300909 : Suspicious Smuggling Case - Talk to Cyno
1300910 : Suspicious Smuggling Case - Work with Cyno to arrest the suspects
1301001 : Chain of Interests - Go to the desert auction site
1301002 : Chain of Interests - Go to the desert auction site
1301003 : Chain of Interests - Defeat the ambushing monsters
1301004 : Chain of Interests - Talk to Cyno
1301005 : Chain of Interests - Continue heading to the desert auction
1301006 : Chain of Interests - Defeat the ambushing monsters
1301007 : Chain of Interests - Follow Bahari to Aaru Village
1301008 : Chain of Interests - Follow Bahari to Aaru Village
1301009 : Chain of Interests - Continue heading to the desert auction
1301010 : Chain of Interests - Leave the auction with the tracker
1301011 : Chain of Interests - Meet up with Cyno
1301012 : Chain of Interests - [N/A] 3844465652
1301013 : Chain of Interests - Talk to Cyno
1301014 : Chain of Interests - [N/A] 3553467596
1301015 : Chain of Interests - Investigate the auction site
1301016 : Chain of Interests - Investigate the auction site
1301017 : Chain of Interests - Investigate the auction site
1301018 : Chain of Interests - Investigate the auction site
1301019 : Chain of Interests - [N/A] 2684408852
1301101 : All Returns to Silence - Bring Cyno's introduction letter to Nabil
1301102 : All Returns to Silence - Go to the repository to gather information
1301103 : All Returns to Silence - Go to the repository to gather information
1301104 : All Returns to Silence - Inquire about recent shipments
1301105 : All Returns to Silence - Inquire about recent shipments
1301106 : All Returns to Silence - [N/A] 3509881220
1301107 : All Returns to Silence - Ask the guard for information
1301108 : All Returns to Silence - Go to Taj's house and look for clues
1301109 : All Returns to Silence - [N/A] 2465793468
1301110 : All Returns to Silence - Meet up with Cyno
1301111 : All Returns to Silence - Find the Court of Desolation according to the instructions on the map
1301112 : All Returns to Silence - [N/A] 4216775420
1301113 : All Returns to Silence - Reach the depths of the Court of Desolation
1301114 : All Returns to Silence - Talk to Cyno
1301115 : All Returns to Silence - Talk to Cyno
1301116 : All Returns to Silence - Wait until four days later
1301117 : All Returns to Silence - Go to Caravan Ribat
1301118 : All Returns to Silence - Find Cyno in Caravan Ribat
1301119 : All Returns to Silence - Defeat Taj
1301120 : All Returns to Silence - Reach the depths of the Court of Desolation
1301121 : All Returns to Silence - Search for clues in the repository
1301122 : All Returns to Silence - Leave Repository
1301123 : All Returns to Silence - [N/A] 61925268
1301124 : All Returns to Silence - Enter the Court of Desolation
1301125 : All Returns to Silence - Reach the depths of the Court of Desolation
1301126 : All Returns to Silence - [N/A] 687600612
1301201 : [N/A] 660099895 - [N/A] 1140216572
1301202 : [N/A] 660099895 - [N/A] 4027530148
1301301 : Dream of Awakening - Go to Sumeru City
1301302 : Dream of Awakening - Talk to Pedrush
1301303 : Dream of Awakening - Follow Pedrush to "A Moment of Dreams"
1301304 : Dream of Awakening - Go to the place Ilman mentioned
1301305 : Dream of Awakening - Defeat the monsters in front of you
1301306 : Dream of Awakening - Talk to Ilman
1301307 : Dream of Awakening - Return to "A Moment of Dreams" to ascertain the situation
1301308 : Dream of Awakening - Check on Ilman, who is depressed
1301309 : Dream of Awakening - Talk to Ilman
1301310 : Dream of Awakening - Climb to the summit
1301311 : Dream of Awakening - [CHS] - (test)隐藏刷怪物Group$HIDDEN
1301401 : Dream of Falling - Go to Chatrakam Cave
1301402 : Dream of Falling - Defeat the attacking monsters
1301403 : Dream of Falling - Talk to Kathya
1301404 : Dream of Falling - Return to "A Moment of Dreams" again
1301405 : Dream of Falling - Enter the dream
1301406 : Dream of Falling - Talk to Nahida to understand the situation
1301407 : Dream of Falling - Enter the depths of the dream
1301408 : Dream of Falling - Talk to Nahida
1301409 : Dream of Falling - Look for clues in the café
1301410 : Dream of Falling - Go deeper into the dream
1301411 : Dream of Falling - Talk to Nahida again
1301412 : Dream of Falling - Look for clues near the cliff
1301413 : Dream of Falling - Reach the deepest part of the dream
1301414 : Dream of Falling - Look for clues in the city
1301415 : Dream of Falling - Defeat the attacking monsters
1301416 : Dream of Falling - The dream is out of control
1301417 : Dream of Falling - Defeat Emira
1301418 : Dream of Falling - Talk to Moseis
1301419 : Dream of Falling - Wake from the dream
1301420 : Dream of Falling - Talk to Nahida again
1301421 : Dream of Falling - Talk to Nahida again
1301422 : Dream of Falling - Talk to Nahida
1301423 : Dream of Falling - Follow Pedrush to check on the person who is currently dreaming
1301424 : Dream of Falling - Check on Debbi
1301425 : Dream of Falling - Look for clues in the café
1301426 : Dream of Falling - Talk to Moseis
1301427 : Dream of Falling - [CHS] - (test)隐藏刷新对话中怪物$HIDDEN
1301428 : Dream of Falling - Go to the deeper part of the dream
1301429 : Dream of Falling - Go deeper into the dream
1301430 : Dream of Falling - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】教程$HIDDEN
1301501 : Dream of Farewell - Inform A Moment of Dreams' participants of the situation
1301502 : Dream of Farewell - Deliver the knowledge capsule containing Moseis' consciousness to the Akademiya
1301503 : Dream of Farewell - Return to "A Moment of Dreams"
1301504 : Dream of Farewell - Meet Nahida at the plaza
1301601 : [N/A] 2140428879 - [N/A] 4263295804
1301602 : [N/A] 2140428879 - [N/A] 1241222732
1301701 : [N/A] 402592631 - [N/A] 3381485820
1301801 : [N/A] 999475511 - [N/A] 858365204
1301901 : Where Lies the Path Home - Go to the entrance of Sumeru City
1301902 : Where Lies the Path Home - Follow the strangely behaving Fungus
1301903 : Where Lies the Path Home - Speak with the strangely behaving Fungus
1301904 : Where Lies the Path Home - Head to the place where the "end" awaits
1301905 : Where Lies the Path Home - Follow the elemental life-form onward
1301906 : Where Lies the Path Home - Defeat the opponents blocking your path
1301907 : Where Lies the Path Home - Follow the elemental life-form
1301908 : Where Lies the Path Home - Defeat the opponents blocking your path
1301909 : Where Lies the Path Home - Follow the elemental life-form again
1301910 : Where Lies the Path Home - Speak with the elemental life-form
1301911 : Where Lies the Path Home - Clean up the Withering Zone
1301912 : Where Lies the Path Home - Speak with the elemental life-form
1301913 : Where Lies the Path Home - Seek out the other elemental life-form
1301914 : Where Lies the Path Home - Try to infiltrate the Fungi habitat
1301915 : Where Lies the Path Home - Approach from the other side and activate Elemental Sight
1301916 : Where Lies the Path Home - Heal the elemental life-form and speak with it
1301917 : Where Lies the Path Home - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】成功救下蕈兽B后的对话
1301918 : Where Lies the Path Home - Help tend to the farmland
1301919 : Where Lies the Path Home - Find and eliminate the "invading plants"
1301920 : Where Lies the Path Home - Talk to Nahida
1301921 : Where Lies the Path Home - Return and speak to the elemental life-form
1301922 : Where Lies the Path Home - Continue talking with the Fungus
1301923 : Where Lies the Path Home - Speak with the elemental life-form
1301924 : Where Lies the Path Home - Speak with the elemental life-form
1301925 : Where Lies the Path Home - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】死域判断已完成$HIDDEN
1301926 : Where Lies the Path Home - Clean up the Withering Zone
1301927 : Where Lies the Path Home - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】死域对话开始时刷group$HIDDEN
1301928 : Where Lies the Path Home - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】潜行控制出圈逻辑等$HIDDEN
1301929 : Where Lies the Path Home - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】对话中刷水果$HIDDEN
1301930 : Where Lies the Path Home - Water the farmland
1302001 : Fragmented Testimony - Go to the Akademiya
1302002 : Fragmented Testimony - Look for a matra
1302003 : Fragmented Testimony - Talk to the matra
1302004 : Fragmented Testimony - Go to the tavern
1302005 : Fragmented Testimony - Round up the suspects
1302006 : Fragmented Testimony - [CHS] - (test)和在场的嫌疑人对话(1/3)
1302007 : Fragmented Testimony - [CHS] - (test)和在场的嫌疑人对话(2/3)
1302008 : Fragmented Testimony - [CHS] - (test)和在场的嫌疑人对话(3/3)
1302009 : Fragmented Testimony - [CHS] - (test)推理出嫌疑人
1302010 : Fragmented Testimony - [CHS] - (test)逮捕嫌疑人
1302011 : Fragmented Testimony - Find a quiet place
1302012 : Fragmented Testimony - Talk to Alhaitham
1302013 : Fragmented Testimony - [CHS] - (test)与巴特对话
1302101 : A Thorough Investigation - Head towards the Research Preparation Center
1302102 : A Thorough Investigation - Talk with the staff at the Research Preparation Center
1302103 : A Thorough Investigation - Look for Chandra
1302104 : A Thorough Investigation - Talk to Chandra
1302105 : A Thorough Investigation - Look for Janaki
1302106 : A Thorough Investigation - Talk to Janaki
1302107 : A Thorough Investigation - Search for information related to Ilyas
1302108 : A Thorough Investigation - Talk to Alhaitham
1302109 : A Thorough Investigation - Wait for Alhaitham to look through the information
1302110 : A Thorough Investigation - Talk to Alhaitham
1302111 : A Thorough Investigation - Go to Gandharva Ville
1302112 : A Thorough Investigation - Talk to Ilyas's parents
1302113 : A Thorough Investigation - Talk to Ilyas
1302114 : A Thorough Investigation - [CHS] - (test)判定对话是否完成$HIDDEN
1302201 : Pride and Prejudice - Head to Siraj's hideout
1302202 : Pride and Prejudice - Talk to Ilyas
1302203 : Pride and Prejudice - Enter the research base
1302204 : Pride and Prejudice - Talk to Alhaitham
1302205 : Pride and Prejudice - Head into the heart of the research base
1302206 : Pride and Prejudice - Listen to Ilyas's thoughts
1302207 : Pride and Prejudice - Head into the heart of the research base
1302208 : Pride and Prejudice - Listen to Ilyas's thoughts
1302209 : Pride and Prejudice - Defeat opponents
1302210 : Pride and Prejudice - Talk to Siraj
1302211 : Pride and Prejudice - Defeat opponents
1302212 : Pride and Prejudice - Talk to Siraj
1302213 : Pride and Prejudice - Defeat opponents
1302214 : Pride and Prejudice - Witness the internal conflict within the Hive
1302215 : Pride and Prejudice - Talk to Alhaitham
1302216 : Pride and Prejudice - Leave the Domain
1302217 : Pride and Prejudice - Follow Alhaitham
1302218 : Pride and Prejudice - Listen to Alhaitham's thoughts
1302219 : Pride and Prejudice - Head into the deepest part of the research base
1302220 : Pride and Prejudice - Listen to Ilyas's thoughts
1302221 : Pride and Prejudice - Talk to the test subjects
1302222 : Pride and Prejudice - Talk to Alhaitham
1302223 : Pride and Prejudice - Head into the heart of the research base
1302224 : Pride and Prejudice - Continue to explore the research base
1302225 : Pride and Prejudice - [CHS] - (test)红光02$HIDDEN
1302226 : Pride and Prejudice - [CHS] - (test)红光03$HIDDEN
1302227 : Pride and Prejudice - [CHS] - (test)红光01$HIDDEN
1302228 : Pride and Prejudice - [CHS] - 废弃$HIDDEN
1302301 : [CHS] - (test)艾尔海森任务隐藏环$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 废弃$HIDDEN
1302302 : [CHS] - (test)艾尔海森任务隐藏环$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 废弃$HIDDEN
1302303 : [CHS] - (test)艾尔海森任务隐藏环$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)判定玩家进入艾尔海森家$HIDDEN
1302304 : [CHS] - (test)艾尔海森任务隐藏环$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)闲置对话$HIDDEN
1302401 : Shade Upon Red Silk - Go to the Grand Bazaar
1302402 : Shade Upon Red Silk - Go to Caravan Ribat to learn more about the situation
1302403 : Shade Upon Red Silk - Watch over the trade route and wait for your moment
1302404 : Shade Upon Red Silk - Intercept the caravan and search for clues
1302405 : Shade Upon Red Silk - Talk to Sattar
1302406 : Shade Upon Red Silk - [N/A] 2128780500
1302407 : Shade Upon Red Silk - Look for clues among the goods
1302408 : Shade Upon Red Silk - [N/A] 973306428
1302501 : Annals of the Scarlet Sands - Return to Sumeru City to talk to Dunyarzad
1302502 : Annals of the Scarlet Sands - Go look for Jawad outside the tavern at night
1302503 : Annals of the Scarlet Sands - Go to the location of Dakan Al-Ahmar
1302504 : Annals of the Scarlet Sands - Smash through all obstructions
1302505 : Annals of the Scarlet Sands - Talk to Idrisi and the others
1302506 : Annals of the Scarlet Sands - Wait for Dunyarzad at the usual place
1302507 : Annals of the Scarlet Sands - [N/A] 2653185020
1302508 : Annals of the Scarlet Sands - [N/A] 2850577980
1302509 : Annals of the Scarlet Sands - Go to the location of Dakan Al-Ahmar
1302601 : Sincerity's Facade - Go to the hiding place of Deshret's Relics
1302602 : Sincerity's Facade - Enter the Hiding Place
1302603 : Sincerity's Facade - Speak with your associates
1302604 : Sincerity's Facade - Enter the hideout
1302605 : Sincerity's Facade - Proceed further
1302606 : Sincerity's Facade - Look for a different path
1302607 : Sincerity's Facade - Proceed further
1302608 : Sincerity's Facade - Fight back against the remaining members of Deshret's Relics
1302609 : Sincerity's Facade - Talk to Dehya about how to respond
1302610 : Sincerity's Facade - Go back to Sumeru City
1302611 : Sincerity's Facade - Comfort Dehya at the tavern
1302612 : Sincerity's Facade - Go to the upper floor
1302613 : Sincerity's Facade - Go to the records room
1302614 : Sincerity's Facade - Go to the Grand Bazaar to clear your head
1302615 : Sincerity's Facade - [N/A] 4173111908
1302616 : Sincerity's Facade - [N/A] 2767572756
1302617 : Sincerity's Facade - [N/A] 3034915596
1302618 : Sincerity's Facade - [N/A] 1013260644
1302619 : Sincerity's Facade - [N/A] 3791923748
1302620 : Sincerity's Facade - [N/A] 984900052
1302701 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Head to the deepest part of The Chasm
1302702 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Defeat the monsters and destroy the "Oozing Concretions"
1302703 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Speak with the new elemental life-form
1302704 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Follow the directions and head to Sumeru's desert region
1302705 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Advance deeper into the sandstorm
1302706 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Defeat the ambushing monsters
1302707 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Speak with the elemental life-form
1302708 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Find where Apep is hidden
1302709 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Head to the Heart of Oasis
1302710 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Confirm the situation at your current location
1302711 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Enter the central area
1302712 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Witness the revival of the Heart of Oasis
1302713 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Save the home of the elemental life-forms
1302714 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Talk to Apep
1302715 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Talk to Nahida
1302716 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Go back outside Sumeru City and seek out the Fungi
1302717 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Head to the deepest part of The Chasm
1302718 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Advance deeper into the sandstorm
1302719 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】沙漠锁时间$HIDDEN
1302720 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】对话刷黑泥$HIDDEN
1302721 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】对话消除黑泥$HIDDEN
1302722 : What Shape Does the Self Hold - Find where Apep is hidden
1302801 : Another Home There May Yet Be - Explain the situation to the waiting Fungi
1302802 : Another Home There May Yet Be - Take the Fungi to their new home
1303001 : The Seeker of a Meteor Shower - Go to Naganohara Fireworks
1303002 : The Seeker of a Meteor Shower - Head to the dock in Ritou
1303003 : The Seeker of a Meteor Shower - Walk around in Port Ormos
1303004 : The Seeker of a Meteor Shower - Go to Sumeru City
1303005 : The Seeker of a Meteor Shower - Go to the Akademiya
1303006 : The Seeker of a Meteor Shower - Leave the Akademiya and talk to Paimon about a plan
1303007 : The Seeker of a Meteor Shower - Return to Treasures Street and look for Yoimiya
1303009 : The Seeker of a Meteor Shower - Talk to Yoimiya
1303101 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Go to Devantaka Mountain
1303102 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Head upwards
1303103 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Continue to head upwards
1303104 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Continue to head upwards
1303105 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Talk to Yoimiya
1303106 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Ask Ahangar about ores
1303107 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Get information from Sadegh
1303108 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Continue looking for Avin
1303109 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Investigate the traces on the ground
1303110 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Investigate the traces on the ground
1303111 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Approach the lost wheelchair
1303112 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Defeat all opponents and recover the wheelchair
1303113 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Talk to Avin
1303114 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Look for Avin and ask about her whereabouts
1303115 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Continue asking after Avin's whereabouts
1303116 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Retrieve the wheelchair
1303117 : All Things Flawless and Pure - [N/A] 0
1303118 : All Things Flawless and Pure - [N/A] 0
1303119 : All Things Flawless and Pure - [N/A] 0
1303120 : All Things Flawless and Pure - [N/A] 0
1303121 : All Things Flawless and Pure - [N/A] 0
1303122 : All Things Flawless and Pure - [N/A] 0
1303123 : All Things Flawless and Pure - [N/A] 0
1303124 : All Things Flawless and Pure - [N/A] 0
1303125 : All Things Flawless and Pure - [N/A] 0
1303126 : All Things Flawless and Pure - Go to the Mawtiyima Forest with Arapurva
1303127 : All Things Flawless and Pure - [N/A] 0
1303201 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - Go to the Mawtiyima Forest with Arapurva
1303202 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - Catch up to Avin
1303203 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - Catch up to the drifting star
1303204 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - Continue chasing after the star
1303205 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - Talk to Avin
1303206 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - Talk to Yoimiya
1303207 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - [N/A] 0
1303208 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - Observe the meteor shower
1303209 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - Talk to Yoimiya
1303210 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - [CHS] - (test)调整时间
1303211 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - Go to Port Ormos for Yoimiya's send-off
1303212 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - [N/A] 0
1303213 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - [N/A] 0
1303214 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - [N/A] 0
1303215 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - [N/A] 0
1303216 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - [N/A] 0
1303217 : A Flower that Blooms Across the Sky - [N/A] 0
1303301 : [N/A] 801815807 - [N/A] 1398958724
1303401 : [CHS] - (test)补充爱尔海森个人线全局变量$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3268841788
1400001 : The Phantom Thief's Reappearance - Talk to Charlotte
1400002 : The Phantom Thief's Reappearance - Interview Lyney
1400003 : The Phantom Thief's Reappearance - Go to the cemetery to look for Jemma
1400004 : The Phantom Thief's Reappearance - Talk to Lynette
1400005 : The Phantom Thief's Reappearance - Ask around (0/2)
1400006 : The Phantom Thief's Reappearance - Ask around (1/2)
1400007 : The Phantom Thief's Reappearance - [CHS] - (test)废弃
1400008 : The Phantom Thief's Reappearance - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
1400009 : The Phantom Thief's Reappearance - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
1400010 : The Phantom Thief's Reappearance - Ask Jemma about Cesar
1400101 : The Magician's Secret - Wait till the next morning (08:00 – 12:00)
1400102 : The Magician's Secret - Rendezvous with Lyney
1400103 : The Magician's Secret - Talk to Lorenzo at the hotel
1400104 : The Magician's Secret - Get out of the city and lure out the people tailing you
1400105 : The Magician's Secret - Defeat the people tailing you
1400106 : The Magician's Secret - Go over the situation
1400107 : The Magician's Secret - Inform Jemma of what happened
1400108 : The Magician's Secret - Enter Cesar's workshop
1400109 : The Magician's Secret - Explore the workshop
1400110 : The Magician's Secret - [N/A] 0
1400111 : The Magician's Secret - Continue deeper within
1400112 : The Magician's Secret - Keep investigating
1400113 : The Magician's Secret - Investigate the hidden room
1400114 : The Magician's Secret - Rendezvous with Lyney
1400115 : The Magician's Secret - Defeat Lorenzo's men
1400116 : The Magician's Secret - Get the truth behind Cesar's death from Lorenzo
1400117 : The Magician's Secret - Leave the workshop
1400118 : The Magician's Secret - Hand Lorenzo over to the Gardes
1400119 : The Magician's Secret - Go to the cemetery to hold a memorial for Cesar
1400120 : The Magician's Secret - Open the hidden passage
1400121 : The Magician's Secret - Explain the situation to Lynette and Jemma
1400122 : The Magician's Secret - Find Edmondo
1400123 : The Magician's Secret - Solve the magical puzzle
1400124 : The Magician's Secret - [N/A] 0
1400125 : The Magician's Secret - [N/A] 0
1400126 : The Magician's Secret - [N/A] 0
1400127 : The Magician's Secret - [N/A] 0
1400128 : The Magician's Secret - [N/A] 0
1400129 : The Magician's Secret - [N/A] 0
1400130 : The Magician's Secret - [N/A] 0
1400131 : The Magician's Secret - [N/A] 0
1400132 : The Magician's Secret - [N/A] 0
1400133 : The Magician's Secret - Clear out the malfunctioning machines
1400134 : The Magician's Secret - Enter Cesar's workshop
1400201 : The Truest Thing - Wait until the next evening (18:00 – 20:00)
1400202 : The Truest Thing - Watch the magic show at the opera house
1400203 : The Truest Thing - [N/A] 0
1400204 : The Truest Thing - Go somewhere quiet and ask about the truth
1400205 : The Truest Thing - Watch the high-altitude escape trick
1400206 : The Truest Thing - Meet Lyney at the cemetery
1400207 : The Truest Thing - [N/A] 0
1400301 : The Interview - Wait till the next morning (08:00 – 12:00)
1400302 : The Interview - Go to The Steambird's offices
1800001 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Talk to Katheryne in Mondstadt
1800002 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Ask Lawrence about the stranger
1800003 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Ask Wagner about the stranger
1800004 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Ask Charles about the stranger
1800005 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Go to the second floor of the tavern and wait on the seat by the railing
1800006 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - [N/A] 316901644
1800007 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Go to the first floor of the tavern and find the stranger
1800008 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Go to the Temple of the Falcon
1800009 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Enter the Temple of the Falcon
1800010 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Continue exploring
1800011 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Go to Wolvendom
1800012 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Look for clues related to the Abyss Order in Wolvendom
1800013 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - [N/A] 1369637444
1800014 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Look for clues related to the Abyss Order in Wolvendom
1800015 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - [N/A] 1105079156
1800016 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - [N/A] 3087801108
1800017 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Talk to Dainsleif
1800018 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Talk to Dainsleif
1800019 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Go to Stormterror's Lair
1800020 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Go and examine the dandelion
1800021 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Leave the Temple of the Falcon
1800022 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Go deeper into Stormterror's Lair
1800023 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Defeat all opponents
1800024 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Talk to Dainsleif
1800025 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Catch up to Dainsleif
1800026 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Follow Dainsleif
1800027 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Talk to Dainsleif
1800028 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - Talk to Dainsleif
1800029 : Bough Keeper: Dainsleif - [N/A] 4071109932
1900101 : Sister Victoria's Vexation - Talk to Sister Victoria
1900102 : Sister Victoria's Vexation - Search for Barbara
1900103 : Sister Victoria's Vexation - Talk to Barbara
1900104 : Sister Victoria's Vexation - Follow Barbara
1900105 : Sister Victoria's Vexation - Talk to Barbara
1900106 : Sister Victoria's Vexation - Search for Red Wolfhooks
1900107 : Sister Victoria's Vexation - Search for Barbara
1900108 : Sister Victoria's Vexation - Look for the person calling for Barbara
1900109 : Sister Victoria's Vexation - [CHS] - (test)寻找红色的钩钩果$HIDDEN
1900201 : Sudden Shouting - Convince Albert to leave
1900202 : Sudden Shouting - Follow Albert
1900203 : Sudden Shouting - Talk to Albert
1900204 : Sudden Shouting - Report back to Barbara
1900301 : The Church's Affairs - Leave Wolvendom with Barbara
1900302 : The Church's Affairs - [CHS] - (隐藏任务)回到蒙德城,寻找维多利亚修女$HIDDEN
1900303 : The Church's Affairs - Report back to Sister Victoria
1900304 : The Church's Affairs - Clean the Cathedral grounds
1900305 : The Church's Affairs - Report back to Sister Victoria
1900306 : The Church's Affairs - Talk to Sister Victoria
1900307 : The Church's Affairs - Talk to Sister Victoria
1900308 : The Church's Affairs - Talk to Sister Victoria
1900401 : The First Chilibrew Ingredient - Head near Stone Gate
1900402 : The First Chilibrew Ingredient - Collect Fresh Jueyun Chili
1900403 : The First Chilibrew Ingredient - Meet Barbara in the Whispering Woods
1900404 : The First Chilibrew Ingredient - Search for Barbara
1900405 : The First Chilibrew Ingredient - Talk to Barbara
1900501 : Knight and Deaconess, Ready for Battle! - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
1900502 : Knight and Deaconess, Ready for Battle! - Talk to Caishan
1900503 : Knight and Deaconess, Ready for Battle! - Talk to Barbara
1900504 : Knight and Deaconess, Ready for Battle! - Head to the garden near the Adventurers' Guild and wait for Barbara
1900505 : Knight and Deaconess, Ready for Battle! - Talk to Barbara
1900601 : The Second Chilibrew Ingredient - Look for High-quality Sweet Flowers
1900602 : The Second Chilibrew Ingredient - Defeat all opponents
1900603 : The Second Chilibrew Ingredient - Talk to Barbara
1900701 : Ulterior Motive...? - Defeat the Treasure Hoarder
1900702 : Ulterior Motive...? - Talk to Barbara
1900801 : Healing Is My Job - Look for Fresh Small Lamp Grass
1900802 : Healing Is My Job - Accompany Barbara while she heals Uwe
1900803 : Healing Is My Job - Return to Mondstadt with Barbara
1900804 : Healing Is My Job - Talk to Barbara
1900901 : A Very Special Beverage - Look for Barbara around The Cat's Tail
1900902 : A Very Special Beverage - Persuade Schulz
1900903 : A Very Special Beverage - Persuade Herman
1900904 : A Very Special Beverage - Persuade Susie
1900905 : A Very Special Beverage - Talk to Barbara
1900906 : A Very Special Beverage - Follow Barbara
1900907 : A Very Special Beverage - Talk to Barbara
1901001 : Give It Up! - Go to Chinju Forest
1901201 : A Mysterious Order - Go to the city
1901202 : A Mysterious Order - Give chase in the direction of Sayu's disappearance
1901203 : A Mysterious Order - Look for Sayu nearby
1901204 : A Mysterious Order - Talk to Sayu
1901205 : A Mysterious Order - Ask the shrine maiden about the situation
1901206 : A Mysterious Order - [N/A] 1346779772
1901207 : A Mysterious Order - [N/A] 783529180
1901208 : A Mysterious Order - [N/A] 3128514924
1901301 : Bottleneck Breaking - Go to Kiminami Restaurant
1901302 : Bottleneck Breaking - Dine with Sayu
1901304 : Bottleneck Breaking - Chase the Treasure Hoarders away for Kiminami Anna
1901305 : Bottleneck Breaking - The battle is over, talk to Sayu
1901306 : Bottleneck Breaking - Go to a high spot to relax with Sayu
1901307 : Bottleneck Breaking - Go to Shimura's
1901309 : Bottleneck Breaking - Go to the Treasure Hoarders' camp
1901401 : Sleep Alone Can't Wait - Go to Sayu's sleeping spot
1901402 : Sleep Alone Can't Wait - Go to the backup nap location
1901403 : Sleep Alone Can't Wait - Help Sayu retrieve the ninja equipment
1901404 : Sleep Alone Can't Wait - Discuss your plans with Sayu again
1901405 : Sleep Alone Can't Wait - Go to the Grand Narukami Shrine
1901406 : Sleep Alone Can't Wait - Sneak near the sakura tree near the shrine
1901407 : Sleep Alone Can't Wait - Talk to Sayu
1901408 : Sleep Alone Can't Wait - Defeat the slimes
1901409 : Sleep Alone Can't Wait - Discuss your plans with Sayu
1901410 : Sleep Alone Can't Wait - [CHS] - 悄悄接近神社后的樱树$HIDDEN
1901501 : Operation Substitution - Go to the ninjutsu training ground
1901502 : Operation Substitution - Pass through the obstacles and reach the goal as quickly as possible
1901503 : Operation Substitution - [CHS] - (test)高评价$HIDDEN
1901504 : Operation Substitution - Go to the live combat training ground
1901505 : Operation Substitution - Defeat the slimes
1901506 : Operation Substitution - Talk to Sayu
1901507 : Operation Substitution - Follow Sayu to her resting spot
1901508 : Operation Substitution - [CHS] - (test)中评价$HIDDEN
1901509 : Operation Substitution - [CHS] - (test)低评价$HIDDEN
1901510 : Operation Substitution - Talk to Sayu
1901511 : Operation Substitution - [N/A] 3924351780
1901601 : Shuumatsuban Suspicions - Go to the agreed place and wait for the other party
1901602 : Shuumatsuban Suspicions - Go with Ogawa to meet the Kairagi
1901603 : Shuumatsuban Suspicions - Defeat the Kairagi
1901604 : Shuumatsuban Suspicions - Talk to Sayu
1901605 : Shuumatsuban Suspicions - Bring Ogawa to the Yashiro Commission for a confrontation
1901607 : Shuumatsuban Suspicions - Comfort the confused Sayu
1901701 : Countryside Wandering - Go to the Liyue Adventurers' Guild
1901702 : Countryside Wandering - Head to Lingju Pass to look for Yun Jin
1901703 : Countryside Wandering - Talk to Yun Jin
1901704 : Countryside Wandering - Defeat Ruin Hunter
1901705 : Countryside Wandering - Talk to Yun Jin
1901706 : Countryside Wandering - Return to the Liyue Adventurers' Guild
1901801 : Accidental Encounter - Talk to Gorou
1901802 : Accidental Encounter - [CHS] - 判定是否进入了训练和沙场线$HIDDEN
1901803 : Accidental Encounter - Go to a quiet spot to finish writing the replies
1901804 : Accidental Encounter - Talk to Gorou
1901805 : Accidental Encounter - Talk to Gorou about how to deal with the situation
1901901 : What Shall We Do? - Seek solutions on Watatsumi Island
1901902 : What Shall We Do? - Ask Shuuhei for suggestions
1901903 : What Shall We Do? - Ask Miwa for suggestions
1901904 : What Shall We Do? - Follow Gorou to look for the directives
1901905 : What Shall We Do? - Go to Yae Publishing House
1901906 : What Shall We Do? - Ask Kuroda for information
1901907 : What Shall We Do? - [CHS] - 抽到了大凶$HIDDEN
1901908 : What Shall We Do? - Go with Gorou to find Miwa
1901909 : What Shall We Do? - Go to the Grand Narukami Shrine
1901910 : What Shall We Do? - Talk to Gorou
1901911 : What Shall We Do? - [CHS] - 抽到了大吉$HIDDEN
1901912 : What Shall We Do? - [CHS] - 抽到了小吉$HIDDEN
1901913 : What Shall We Do? - Challenge Yae Miko again
1901914 : What Shall We Do? - Read the directives with Gorou
1901915 : What Shall We Do? - [CHS] - 抽到了小凶$HIDDEN
1901916 : What Shall We Do? - [CHS] - 完成了全部抽签$HIDDEN
1902001 : Special Training - Go to Ritou, ever-bustling with commercial activity
1902002 : Special Training - Play the part of a merchant and talk to Gorou
1902003 : Special Training - Go to the wilds of Narukami Island where the Fatui are
1902004 : Special Training - Play the part of a Fatuus and talk to Gorou
1902005 : Special Training - Defeat the attacking Fatui
1902006 : Special Training - Talk to Gorou
1902007 : Special Training - Hit the Inazuma City streets
1902008 : Special Training - Play the part of Yae Miko and talk to Gorou
1902009 : Special Training - Go to a quiet spot
1902010 : Special Training - Eat some cake with Gorou
1902101 : Hard to Track - Go to Liyue Harbor's wharf
1902201 : Distant Gaze - Talk to the child who was looking your way
1902202 : Distant Gaze - [CHS] - (test)暂时屏蔽
1902301 : The Exorcist's Path - Go to Wanwen Bookhouse and identify the clues
1902302 : The Exorcist's Path - Go to the heretical ground mentioned in the clues
1902303 : The Exorcist's Path - Proceed deeper within to investigate
1902304 : The Exorcist's Path - Proceed onward and search for more clues
1902305 : The Exorcist's Path - Defeat the attacking hilichurls
1902306 : The Exorcist's Path - Talk to Chongyun
1902401 : Popsicles and Their Curious Uses - Talk to Chongyun and decide on your course of action
1902402 : Popsicles and Their Curious Uses - Go to Wanmin Restaurant to help Chongyun restock on popsicles
1902403 : Popsicles and Their Curious Uses - Bring the ingredients you prepared back to Chongyun
1902404 : Popsicles and Their Curious Uses - Bring the ingredients you prepared back to Chongyun
1902405 : Popsicles and Their Curious Uses - Bring the ingredients you prepared back to Chongyun
1902406 : Popsicles and Their Curious Uses - Look for Mist Flowers and Qingxin
1902407 : Popsicles and Their Curious Uses - Look for Valberries and Sunsettias
1902408 : Popsicles and Their Curious Uses - Look for Jueyun Chili and Slime Condensate
1902501 : For A Child's Smile - Give the newly-made popsicles to Dalong
1902502 : For A Child's Smile - [CHS] - (test)暂时屏蔽
1902503 : For A Child's Smile - Give the ingredients to Chongyun
1902504 : For A Child's Smile - Talk to Dalong and Little Le
1902505 : For A Child's Smile - Talk to Dalong and Little Le
1902506 : For A Child's Smile - [CHS] - (test)寻找藏起来的三人$HIDDEN
1902507 : For A Child's Smile - [CHS] - (test)寻找藏起来的三人$HIDDEN
1902508 : For A Child's Smile - [CHS] - (test)寻找藏起来的三人$HIDDEN
1902509 : For A Child's Smile - Look for the three hidden people
1902510 : For A Child's Smile - [CHS] - (test)任务隔离$HIDDEN
1902601 : Secret Identity - Go to Yae Publishing House and keep watch
1902602 : Secret Identity - Talk to the fan club members
1902603 : Secret Identity - Go back and look for Gorou
1902604 : Secret Identity - Talk to Gorou
1902605 : Secret Identity - Go to Yae Publishing House with Gorou to deliver the replies
1902606 : Secret Identity - Talk to Gorou
1902607 : Secret Identity - [CHS] - (隐藏)刷出立牌$HIDDEN
1902701 : A Friend's Path - Discarded
1902702 : A Friend's Path - Hand the finished replies over to Yae Publishing House
1902703 : A Friend's Path - Talk to Gorou
1902704 : A Friend's Path - Chat with the soldiers on Watatsumi Island
1902705 : A Friend's Path - Talk to the Watatsumi Island soldiers
1902706 : A Friend's Path - Go with Gorou to look for Hiroaki
1902707 : A Friend's Path - Talk to Hiroaki
1902708 : A Friend's Path - Send Hiroaki off
1902801 : Ordinary Memorial - Ask Katheryne about the fate of the box
1902802 : Ordinary Memorial - Go to Komore Teahouse to investigate
1902803 : Ordinary Memorial - Discarded
1902804 : Ordinary Memorial - Discarded
1902805 : Ordinary Memorial - Discarded
1902806 : Ordinary Memorial - Discarded
1902807 : Ordinary Memorial - Discarded
1902808 : Ordinary Memorial - Discarded
1902809 : Ordinary Memorial - Talk to Kozue
1902810 : Ordinary Memorial - Go to the place indicated by Taroumaru
1902811 : Ordinary Memorial - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
1902812 : Ordinary Memorial - Talk to Gorou
1902813 : Ordinary Memorial - Deliver the Treasure Hoarders back to the Adventurers' Guild
1902814 : Ordinary Memorial - Return to Watatsumi Island
1902815 : Ordinary Memorial - Talk to Gorou
1902901 : [CHS] - (test)处理桌椅隐藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)处理桌椅隐藏$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
1903001 : Test of Courage - Go to Wuwang Hill and take part in the Test of Courage
1903002 : Test of Courage - Go to the site of the Test of Courage
1903003 : Test of Courage - Look around for any sign of evil spirits
1903004 : Test of Courage - Look around for any sign of evil spirits
1903005 : Test of Courage - Look around for any sign of evil spirits
1903006 : Test of Courage - Proceed onward and look for information
1903007 : Test of Courage - Go to the site of the Test of Courage
1903008 : Test of Courage - Proceed onward and look for information
1903101 : Sudden Discomfort - [CHS] - (test)废弃
1903102 : Sudden Discomfort - Look for Cryo Whopperflower Nectar
1903103 : Sudden Discomfort - Look for Cryo Slime Condensate
1903104 : Sudden Discomfort - Talk to the staff
1903105 : Sudden Discomfort - [CHS] - (test)废弃
1903106 : Sudden Discomfort - Talk to the staff
1903201 : Independent Actions - [CHS] - (test)废弃
1903202 : Independent Actions - [CHS] - (test)废弃
1903203 : Independent Actions - Split up with Chongyun and look for evil spirits
1903204 : Independent Actions - Talk to Chongyun about Qianqian
1903205 : Independent Actions - Talk to Qianqian
1903301 : Ever Deeper - Look for signs of evil spirits alone
1903401 : The Bottom of Things - Look for signs of evil spirits alone
1903402 : The Bottom of Things - Tell Chongyun the truth
1903501 : Killjoy - Tell Chongyun the truth
1903601 : The Missing Person - Go to Bantan Sango Detective Agency
1903602 : The Missing Person - Go to the east side of Watatsumi Island and look for Heizou
1903603 : The Missing Person - Defeat Nobushi
1903604 : The Missing Person - [N/A] 2810009388
1903605 : The Missing Person - Talk to Heizou
1903606 : The Missing Person - Ask around on Watatsumi Island
1903607 : The Missing Person - Talk to the young man you rescued
1903701 : After the Curtain Falls - Wait for the performance to end before meeting up (20:00 – 23:00 the next day)
1903702 : After the Curtain Falls - Go to Heyu Tea House to look for Yun Jin
1903703 : After the Curtain Falls - Go to the bottom floor of Heyu Tea House
1903704 : After the Curtain Falls - Talk to the journalist
1903801 : Backstage Suspicions - Catch up with Shiyun and Boyi
1903802 : Backstage Suspicions - Listen in on Shiyun and Boyi's conversation
1903803 : Backstage Suspicions - Follow Shiyun and Boyi
1903804 : Backstage Suspicions - [CHS] - (test)潜行失败之跟丢了$HIDDEN
1903805 : Backstage Suspicions - [CHS] - (test)潜行失败之被发现了$HIDDEN
1903806 : Backstage Suspicions - Listen in on Shiyun and Boyi's conversation
1903807 : Backstage Suspicions - Report back to Yun Jin
1903808 : Backstage Suspicions - Report back to Yun Jin
1903809 : Backstage Suspicions - Give the letter to Shiyun
1903810 : Backstage Suspicions - [CHS] - (test)已废弃
1903811 : Backstage Suspicions - Go back to Heyu Tea House to confront Boyi
1903812 : Backstage Suspicions - Report back to Yun Jin
1903813 : Backstage Suspicions - Report back to Yun Jin
1903901 : The Missing Thing - Investigate the goods at the camp
1903902 : The Missing Thing - Investigate the goods at the camp
1903903 : The Missing Thing - [N/A] 2099107436
1903904 : The Missing Thing - [N/A] 3537641220
1903905 : The Missing Thing - Talk to Heizou
1903906 : The Missing Thing - Go to Sangonomiya Shrine
1903907 : The Missing Thing - Talk to Shibata
1903908 : The Missing Thing - Go to a nearby location and talk to Heizou
1903909 : The Missing Thing - [N/A] 2473049796
1904001 : Half a Day's Leisure - Go to Chihu Rock
1904002 : Half a Day's Leisure - Talk to Yun Jin
1904003 : Half a Day's Leisure - Go to Chen the Sharp's snack stand
1904004 : Half a Day's Leisure - Talk to Yun Jin
1904005 : Half a Day's Leisure - Talk to Yun Jin
1904006 : Half a Day's Leisure - Go to Feiyun Slope to look for a suitable spot
1904007 : Half a Day's Leisure - Wait for Yun Jin to arrive
1904008 : Half a Day's Leisure - Take a photo of Yun Jin
1904009 : Half a Day's Leisure - Talk to Yun Jin
1904010 : Half a Day's Leisure - [CHS] - (test)随机饮料游戏3$HIDDEN
1904011 : Half a Day's Leisure - [CHS] - (test)随机饮料游戏2$HIDDEN
1904012 : Half a Day's Leisure - [CHS] - (test)随机饮料游戏1$HIDDEN
1904013 : Half a Day's Leisure - [CHS] - (test)判断coop完成用$HIDDEN
1904101 : Adventurous Acquaintance - Go to the front desk of the Adventurers' Guild
1904201 : Something... Other Than Adventure? - Go to With Wind Comes Glory
1904202 : Something... Other Than Adventure? - Accompany Bennett to go shopping
1904203 : Something... Other Than Adventure? - Go to Good Hunter
1904204 : Something... Other Than Adventure? - Order food with Bennett
1904205 : Something... Other Than Adventure? - Go to Mondstadt General Goods
1904206 : Something... Other Than Adventure? - Read the Bulletin Board
1904207 : Something... Other Than Adventure? - Talk to Bennett
1904301 : What Is This, a Day Trip? - Go to the "dandelion meadow"
1904302 : What Is This, a Day Trip? - Talk to Bennett
1904303 : What Is This, a Day Trip? - Accompany Bennett on a walk
1904304 : What Is This, a Day Trip? - Talk to Bennett
1904305 : What Is This, a Day Trip? - Open all the treasure chests
1904306 : What Is This, a Day Trip? - Talk to Bennett
1904307 : What Is This, a Day Trip? - Accompany Bennett on a walk
1904308 : What Is This, a Day Trip? - Talk to Bennett
1904309 : What Is This, a Day Trip? - [CHS] - (test)开宝箱开车用$HIDDEN
1904401 : Treacherous Thermadon - Help Bennett gather ingredients
1904402 : Treacherous Thermadon - Talk to Bennett
1904403 : Treacherous Thermadon - Enter the ruins
1904404 : Treacherous Thermadon - Talk to Bennett
1904407 : Treacherous Thermadon - Accompany Bennett and proceed onward
1904409 : Treacherous Thermadon - Talk to Bennett
1904410 : Treacherous Thermadon - Investigate the vicinity and find a way out
1904411 : Treacherous Thermadon - Talk to Bennett
1904412 : Treacherous Thermadon - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】选给料理$HIDDEN
1904413 : Treacherous Thermadon - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】选不给料理$HIDDEN
1904415 : Treacherous Thermadon - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】机关开启$HIDDEN
1904416 : Treacherous Thermadon - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】向前门打开$HIDDEN
1904417 : Treacherous Thermadon - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】播放开车和镜头$HIDDEN
1904419 : Treacherous Thermadon - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】回滚保护$HIDDEN
1904420 : Treacherous Thermadon - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】判断班尼特走到点$HIDDEN
1904501 : Expansive Eya - Enter the ruins
1904502 : Expansive Eya - Talk to Bennett
1904503 : Expansive Eya - Accompany Bennett and proceed onward
1904504 : Expansive Eya - Talk to Bennett
1904505 : Expansive Eya - Open the mechanism together with Bennett
1904506 : Expansive Eya - Accompany Bennett and proceed onward
1904507 : Expansive Eya - Talk to Bennett
1904508 : Expansive Eya - Investigate the room with Bennett
1904509 : Expansive Eya - Talk to Bennett
1904510 : Expansive Eya - Wait for Bennett to unlock the gate mechanism
1904511 : Expansive Eya - Solve the puzzle of the mechanism
1904512 : Expansive Eya - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】解谜成功$HIDDEN
1904513 : Expansive Eya - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】解谜失败1$HIDDEN
1904514 : Expansive Eya - Talk to Bennett
1904515 : Expansive Eya - Talk to Bennett
1904516 : Expansive Eya - Talk to Bennett
1904517 : Expansive Eya - Help Bennett open the treasure chest
1904518 : Expansive Eya - Talk to Bennett
1904519 : Expansive Eya - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】班尼特开机关BE$HIDDEN
1904520 : Expansive Eya - [CHS] - (test)解谜失败2$HIDDEN
1904521 : Expansive Eya - [CHS] - (test)解谜失败3$HIDDEN
1904522 : Expansive Eya - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】判断是否第一次解谜成功$HIDDEN
1904601 : [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】班尼特Coop天气恢复处理$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】班尼特Coop天气恢复处理$HIDDEN
1904701 : First Glimpse of Meaning - Go to the agreed-upon place for your lesson
1904702 : First Glimpse of Meaning - Talk to Yun Jin
1904703 : First Glimpse of Meaning - Head to the northern outskirts of Liyue Harbor
1904704 : First Glimpse of Meaning - Talk to Yun Jin
1904705 : First Glimpse of Meaning - Defeat the nearby opponents
1904706 : First Glimpse of Meaning - Talk to Yun Jin
1904707 : First Glimpse of Meaning - Go to the stage that Yun Jin has set up
1904708 : First Glimpse of Meaning - Talk to Yun Jin
1904709 : First Glimpse of Meaning - Talk to Yun Jin
1904710 : First Glimpse of Meaning - Break all the red scarecrows while avoiding the blue ones
1904711 : First Glimpse of Meaning - Talk to Yun Jin
1904712 : First Glimpse of Meaning - Wait for the next morning to meet up (06:00 – 08:00)
1904713 : First Glimpse of Meaning - Break the red scarecrows
1904714 : First Glimpse of Meaning - [CHS] - (test)数鸽子彩蛋$HIDDEN
1904715 : First Glimpse of Meaning - [CHS] - (test)成就判断任务$HIDDEN
1904716 : First Glimpse of Meaning - [CHS] - (test)开车判断$HIDDEN
1904717 : First Glimpse of Meaning - [CHS] - (test)刷新草人血量用$HIDDEN
1904801 : [CHS] - (test)茶馆氛围$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 茶馆氛围$HIDDEN
1904901 : [N/A] 2960872311 - [N/A] 1390074036
1905001 : A Special Guest - Go to The Alcor
1905002 : A Special Guest - Talk to Beidou
1905003 : A Special Guest - Have a taste of sailor training
1905004 : A Special Guest - Go to a quiet spot to talk details with Beidou
1905101 : Life on the High Seas - Learn from Yinxing
1905102 : Life on the High Seas - Consult Huixing the navigator
1905103 : Life on the High Seas - Learn a thing or two from Xu Liushi
1905104 : Life on the High Seas - Report back to Beidou
1905105 : Life on the High Seas - Go to the photography class
1905106 : Life on the High Seas - Head to the fishing village near Wangshu Inn
1905107 : Life on the High Seas - Go with Beidou to the fishing village for a walk
1905108 : Life on the High Seas - Chat with Beidou
1905109 : Life on the High Seas - Take a picture of Beidou
1905110 : Life on the High Seas - Talk to Beidou
1905111 : Life on the High Seas - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于收束前往灰色交易线$HIDDEN
1905112 : Life on the High Seas - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于完成be结局102$HIDDEN
1905113 : Life on the High Seas - Talk to Beidou
1905114 : Life on the High Seas - Take a stroll with Beidou in the fishing village
1905115 : Life on the High Seas - Talk to Beidou
1905201 : Beneath the Surface - Go to the small vessel that Beidou has prepared
1905202 : Beneath the Surface - Complete the boat handling challenge
1905203 : Beneath the Surface - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于记录开船成功失败$HIDDEN
1905204 : Beneath the Surface - Talk to Beidou
1905205 : Beneath the Surface - Meet Beidou in Liyue Harbor
1905206 : Beneath the Surface - Talk to Nei
1905207 : Beneath the Surface - Talk to Mr. Iron Abacus
1905208 : Beneath the Surface - Go to Guyun Stone Forest
1905209 : Beneath the Surface - Wait till early morning (00:00 – 05:00)
1905210 : Beneath the Surface - Take a walk by the beach with Beidou
1905211 : Beneath the Surface - Talk to Beidou
1905212 : Beneath the Surface - Talk to Mr. Iron Abacus
1905213 : Beneath the Surface - Talk to Wai
1905214 : Beneath the Surface - Talk to Beidou
1905215 : Beneath the Surface - Go to the Skirmish Boats
1905216 : Beneath the Surface - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于出圈销毁浪船$HIDDEN
1905217 : Beneath the Surface - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于失败解锁时间$HIDDEN
1905218 : Beneath the Surface - Follow Beidou to meet with the trading partner
1905219 : Beneath the Surface - Follow Beidou to Wai's Amateur Fishmonger's
1905220 : Beneath the Surface - Follow Beidou to meet with the warehouse owner
1905301 : Guili Plains Treasure Hunt - Go to Guili Plains
1905302 : Guili Plains Treasure Hunt - Stop the Treasure Hoarders who are currently digging
1905303 : Guili Plains Treasure Hunt - Investigate suspicious locations nearby
1905304 : Guili Plains Treasure Hunt - Investigate suspicious locations nearby
1905305 : Guili Plains Treasure Hunt - Talk to Beidou
1905306 : Guili Plains Treasure Hunt - Follow the clues in the poem to look for the treasure
1905307 : Guili Plains Treasure Hunt - Talk to Beidou
1905308 : Guili Plains Treasure Hunt - Go to the wooden house by the sea
1905309 : Guili Plains Treasure Hunt - Talk to Beidou
1905310 : Guili Plains Treasure Hunt - Go to the "ruins long forsaken"
1905401 : Qingce Village Treasure Hunt - Go to Qingce Village
1905402 : Qingce Village Treasure Hunt - Go to Ren for a little conversation
1905404 : Qingce Village Treasure Hunt - Look for Changping and Defu
1905405 : Qingce Village Treasure Hunt - Take part in the village banquet
1905406 : Qingce Village Treasure Hunt - Go to the waterwheel where the chest is
1905407 : Qingce Village Treasure Hunt - Talk to Beidou
1905408 : Qingce Village Treasure Hunt - Return to Qingce Village
1905409 : Qingce Village Treasure Hunt - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于解锁时间$HIDDEN
1905410 : Qingce Village Treasure Hunt - Wait until nighttime (21:00 – 24:00)
1905501 : The Missing Thing - Head to Bourou Village
1905502 : The Missing Thing - [N/A] 1540384732
1905503 : The Missing Thing - Follow Todoroki and Tokuda
1905504 : The Missing Thing - Listen in on Todoroki and Tokuda's conversation
1905505 : The Missing Thing - Investigate the goods
1905506 : The Missing Thing - Talk to Heizou
1905507 : The Missing Thing - Go with Heizou to where the inmates are imprisoned
1905508 : The Missing Thing - Talk to the inmates
1905509 : The Missing Thing - Question Todoroki
1905510 : The Missing Thing - Wait until the following day (08:00 – 12:00)
1905511 : The Missing Thing - Go to a nearby location and talk to Heizou
1905512 : The Missing Thing - Investigate the goods
1905513 : The Missing Thing - Investigate the goods
1905514 : The Missing Thing - [N/A] 3901054892
1905515 : The Missing Thing - [N/A] 2825182076
1905516 : The Missing Thing - Wait until night (20:00 – 24:00)
1905517 : The Missing Thing - [N/A] 2406166244
1905601 : Report back - Go to the Tenryou Commission
1905602 : Report back - Talk to Uesugi
1905603 : Report back - Check the case files
1905604 : Report back - Check the case files
1905605 : Report back - Check the case files
1905606 : Report back - [N/A] 3196470804
1905607 : Report back - [N/A] 3952988492
1905608 : Report back - Talk to Heizou
1905701 : Heizou Talks Fraud - Go to the Grand Narukami Shrine
1905702 : Heizou Talks Fraud - Look for the next performer in the city
1905703 : Heizou Talks Fraud - Talk to Itto
1905704 : Heizou Talks Fraud - Wait until the following day (20:00 — 24:00)
1905705 : Heizou Talks Fraud - Go to the event venue
1905706 : Heizou Talks Fraud - [N/A] 1379164212
1905707 : Heizou Talks Fraud - Talk to Kano Nana
1905708 : Heizou Talks Fraud - Look for Itto near Hanamizaka
1905801 : The Sixth Proposal - Walk around Sumeru City
1905803 : The Sixth Proposal - Go to the tavern to look for Kaveh
1905901 : A Refuge in the Sands - Look for the client in Port Ormos
1905902 : A Refuge in the Sands - Follow the client
1905903 : A Refuge in the Sands - Search for the client in the nearby area
1905904 : A Refuge in the Sands - Ask the client about their strange behavior
1906001 : Long-Sealed Mystery - Go to Bantan Sango Detective Agency
1906002 : Long-Sealed Mystery - Return to the Tenryou Commission
1906003 : Long-Sealed Mystery - Talk to Owada
1906004 : Long-Sealed Mystery - Talk to Heizou
1906005 : Long-Sealed Mystery - Talk to Heizou
1906006 : Long-Sealed Mystery - Talk to Heizou
1906007 : Long-Sealed Mystery - Find a quiet place
1906008 : Long-Sealed Mystery - Talk to Ryuuji
1906009 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 1289872084
1906010 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 2657519268
1906011 : Long-Sealed Mystery - Talk to Sango
1906012 : Long-Sealed Mystery - Look for Ryuuji at Netsuke no Gen Crafts
1906013 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 1607290948
1906014 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 1239388364
1906015 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 3319678284
1906016 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 3127593812
1906017 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 3030030404
1906018 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 3411968332
1906019 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 242125404
1906020 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 2644038524
1906021 : Long-Sealed Mystery - Wait until the following day (08:00 – 12:00)
1906022 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 2923336780
1906023 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 4231128820
1906024 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 3661169036
1906025 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 3915276420
1906026 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 3961380564
1906027 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 2008365356
1906028 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 897751628
1906029 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 1186993660
1906030 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 3257436908
1906031 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 2573080948
1906032 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 184855436
1906033 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 3508725932
1906034 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 365784356
1906035 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 1185487652
1906036 : Long-Sealed Mystery - [N/A] 3685602524
1906102 : Maid-in-Training - Head to near Mondstadt
1906103 : Maid-in-Training - Talk to Noelle
1906104 : Maid-in-Training - [CHS] - (test)判断选择非骗子线$HIDDEN
1906105 : Maid-in-Training - Follow Noelle
1906106 : Maid-in-Training - Follow Noelle
1906107 : Maid-in-Training - Look for the source of the cry for help.
1906108 : Maid-in-Training - Go to the crossing and appraise the situation
1906109 : Maid-in-Training - Defeat all opponents
1906110 : Maid-in-Training - Report back to Noelle and Alois
1906111 : Maid-in-Training - Talk to Noelle
1906201 : The Art of Hospitality - Go to Mondstadt's gate
1906202 : The Art of Hospitality - [CHS] - (test)(废弃)带可疑人员进入蒙德城
1906203 : The Art of Hospitality - [CHS] - (test)(废弃)与诺艾尔对话
1906204 : The Art of Hospitality - Head to the Angel's Share
1906205 : The Art of Hospitality - Talk to Alois
1906206 : The Art of Hospitality - Go to Good Hunter
1906207 : The Art of Hospitality - Talk to Alois
1906208 : The Art of Hospitality - Go to With Wind Comes Glory
1906209 : The Art of Hospitality - Talk to Marjorie
1906210 : The Art of Hospitality - [CHS] - (test)判断HE支线用$HIDDEN
1906211 : The Art of Hospitality - Send Alois off from Mondstadt
1906212 : The Art of Hospitality - Talk to Alois
1906213 : The Art of Hospitality - Return to the gate and talk to Noelle
1906301 : [CHS] - (test)待客之道 - [CHS] - (test)与诺艾尔对话$HIDDEN
1906401 : Noelle's Strength - Go to the training ground
1906402 : Noelle's Strength - Talk to Noelle
1906403 : Noelle's Strength - Destroy all the training dummies within the time limit
1906404 : Noelle's Strength - Talk to Noelle
1906405 : Noelle's Strength - [CHS] - (test)隐藏对话刷木桩$HIDDEN
1906501 : Live Practice - Defeat the Geo Slimes
1906502 : Live Practice - Defeat the Dendro Slimes
1906503 : Live Practice - [CHS] - (test)草史莱姆成功$HIDDEN
1906504 : Live Practice - Defeat the Eye of the Storm
1906505 : Live Practice - [CHS] - (test)狂风之核成功$HIDDEN
1906506 : Live Practice - Talk to Noelle
1906507 : Live Practice - Head to the nearby hilichurl camp
1906508 : Live Practice - Defeat all the hilichurls
1906509 : Live Practice - Talk to Henning
1906510 : Live Practice - Look for slimes in Mondstadt's outskirts
1906511 : Live Practice - Look for the next training target
1906512 : Live Practice - Look for the next training target
1906513 : Live Practice - Look for slimes in Mondstadt's outskirts
1906601 : Strength Training - Head to the mining site
1906602 : Strength Training - Defeat the ambushing slimes
1906603 : Strength Training - Continue looking for mining sites
1906604 : Strength Training - Defeat the Blazing Axe Mitachurl
1906605 : Strength Training - Talk to the Knight of Favonius next to the rockfall
1906606 : Strength Training - Talk to the Knight of Favonius next to the rockfall
1906607 : Strength Training - Destroy the obstructing rocks
1906608 : Strength Training - Defeat the Stonehide Lawachurl
1906609 : Strength Training - Shatter the nearby Crystal Ore
1906610 : Strength Training - Talk to Noelle
1906611 : Strength Training - Shatter the nearby metal ore deposits
1906612 : Strength Training - Head to the mining site
1906701 : Fleeting Leisure - Go to Good Hunter and take a little break
1906702 : Fleeting Leisure - Talk to Beatrice
1906801 : Gift and Intent - Make a serving of Mondstadt Grilled Fish
1906802 : Gift and Intent - Give a serving of Mondstadt Grilled Fish to Bea
1906803 : Gift and Intent - Give a serving of Mondstadt Grilled Fish to Bea
1906804 : Gift and Intent - Give a serving of Mondstadt Grilled Fish to Bea
1906805 : Gift and Intent - [CHS] - (test)(废弃)前往猎鹿人
1906806 : Gift and Intent - Talk to Noelle
1906807 : Gift and Intent - [CHS] - (test)(废弃)陪诺艾尔在猎鹿人坐下
1906808 : Gift and Intent - Talk to Bea
1906809 : Gift and Intent - Look for Noelle in the library
1906810 : Gift and Intent - [CHS] - (test)(废弃)前往图书馆探望诺艾尔
1906811 : Gift and Intent - Talk to Noelle
1906901 : Gift and Intent - Talk to Marjorie
1906902 : Gift and Intent - Give the Handpicked Gift to Bea
1906903 : Gift and Intent - Go to Cape Oath
1906904 : Gift and Intent - Take a picture of the view of Falcon Coast from Cape Oath
1906905 : Gift and Intent - Go to Starsnatch Cliff
1906906 : Gift and Intent - Take a picture of the top of Starsnatch Cliff at night (19:00 – 24:00)
1906907 : Gift and Intent - Go to Windrise
1906908 : Gift and Intent - Talk to Bea
1906909 : Gift and Intent - [CHS] - (test)(废弃)等待时间进入晚上(18-24点)
1906910 : Gift and Intent - Go to Windrise
1906911 : Gift and Intent - Talk to Noelle
1906912 : Gift and Intent - Take a picture at Windrise that captures the river and shade of the trees
1907001 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)诺艾尔Coop贝雅线BE成就用$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)贝雅BE诺艾尔残留闲置$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
1907002 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)诺艾尔Coop贝雅线BE成就用$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)判断读过笔记$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
1907101 : A Whole New Style - Go to the trade route for the transport of construction materials
1907102 : A Whole New Style - Clear out the nearby monsters with the client's help
1907103 : A Whole New Style - Talk to the client
1907104 : A Whole New Style - Go to Aaru Village
1907201 : Wealthy Merchant - Go to the Palace of Alcazarzaray and look for Dori
1907202 : Wealthy Merchant - Try to help Kaveh convince the merchants
1907301 : The Birdwatcher - Go to Port Ormos
1907302 : The Birdwatcher - Talk to Kaeya
1907303 : The Birdwatcher - Follow Kaeya
1907304 : The Birdwatcher - Talk to Kaeya
1907305 : The Birdwatcher - Follow Kaeya
1907401 : The Price of a Wish - Talk to Dori
1907402 : The Price of a Wish - Talk to "The Most Famous Merchant in Sumeru"
1907403 : The Price of a Wish - Follow Dori
1907404 : The Price of a Wish - [N/A] 0
1907501 : Past Mementos - Go home with Kaveh
1907601 : The First Ideal - Go to the House of Daena
1907602 : The First Ideal - Take a walk nearby
1907603 : The First Ideal - Talk to Kaveh and Alhaitham
1907604 : The First Ideal - Follow Kaveh to Port Ormos
1907605 : The First Ideal - Follow Kaveh to the desert
1907606 : The First Ideal - Clear out the nearby Primal Constructs
1907607 : The First Ideal - Listen to Kaveh's thoughts
1907608 : The First Ideal - [N/A] 0
1907701 : Wondrous Times - Search for Professor Zaha Hadi
1907702 : Wondrous Times - Check out the place Tighnari mentioned
1907703 : Wondrous Times - Find Tighnari near Pardis Dhyai
1907704 : Wondrous Times - Speak with Zaha Hadi at the nearby place
1907705 : Wondrous Times - Wait until after 16:00 the following day
1907801 : Treasure and True Interest - Go to Port Ormos and look for Alkami
1907802 : Treasure and True Interest - Wait until after 07:00 the following day
1907803 : Treasure and True Interest - Go to the training center
1907804 : Treasure and True Interest - Gather information on Alkami
1907805 : Treasure and True Interest - Wait for Kaveh's class to conclude
1907806 : Treasure and True Interest - Go with Kaveh to confront Alkami
1907807 : Treasure and True Interest - Collect information on tuition from the students
1907808 : Treasure and True Interest - Gather information on Alkami
1907809 : Treasure and True Interest - Find out more information from the merchant
1907810 : Treasure and True Interest - Defeat the merchant's bodyguards
1907811 : Treasure and True Interest - Capture the merchant
1907812 : Treasure and True Interest - Turn the loan shark in to the matra
1907813 : Treasure and True Interest - Turn the loan shark in to the matra
1907814 : Treasure and True Interest - Wait until after 08:00 the following day
1907815 : Treasure and True Interest - Go to the training center
1907816 : Treasure and True Interest - Speak with the students standing around nearby
1907817 : Treasure and True Interest - Follow Kaveh to the destination
1907818 : Treasure and True Interest - [N/A] 0
1907901 : A Familiar Face in a Faraway Place - Follow Kaeya
1907902 : A Familiar Face in a Faraway Place - Continue following Kaeya
1907903 : A Familiar Face in a Faraway Place - Talk to Kaeya
1908001 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Go to the Liyue Ministry of Civil Affairs
1908002 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Admire the goods at Mingxing Jewelry
1908003 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Go to The Jade Mystery and have a look
1908004 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Go to Heyu Tea House to listen to the storyteller
1908005 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Keep listening to the storyteller
1908006 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Wait till 8:00 – 12:00 the next day
1908007 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Go upstairs to find Kaeya and put your plan into action
1908008 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Talk with Captain Wu
1908009 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Go to the seaside
1908011 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Chat with everyone
1908012 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Chat with everyone
1908013 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Chat with everyone
1908014 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - [N/A] 0
1908015 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - [N/A] 0
1908016 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Go to Yanshang Teahouse
1908017 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Talk to Kaeya
1908018 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Talk to Captain Wu
1908019 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Follow the hostess to the side and explain
1908020 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Stroll around Liyue Harbor with Kaeya
1908021 : Feathers Adrift in a Spring Breeze - Have a chat with "Mr. Bai"
1908101 : Studious Maid - Go to the library and find Noelle
1908201 : Journey to Liyue - Go to Liyue Harbor
1908202 : Journey to Liyue - Talk to Noelle
1908203 : Journey to Liyue - Go to Wanmin Restaurant
1908204 : Journey to Liyue - Go to Hanfeng's Ironmongers
1908205 : Journey to Liyue - Go to Hanfeng's Ironmongers
1908206 : Journey to Liyue - Go to Wanmin Restaurant
1908301 : While the Millelith Stands Guard - Head to the dock
1908302 : While the Millelith Stands Guard - Talk to Sha'yin
1908303 : While the Millelith Stands Guard - Head near Stone Gate
1908304 : While the Millelith Stands Guard - Head to the location to stand guard
1908305 : While the Millelith Stands Guard - Talk to Noelle
1908306 : While the Millelith Stands Guard - Stop the Treasure Hoarders from escaping
1908307 : While the Millelith Stands Guard - Talk to Noelle
1908308 : While the Millelith Stands Guard - Head to the place Noelle wants to go
1908309 : While the Millelith Stands Guard - [N/A] 917283532
1908310 : While the Millelith Stands Guard - Talk to Noelle
1908311 : While the Millelith Stands Guard - [N/A] 1344147500
1908312 : While the Millelith Stands Guard - Talk to Sha'yin
1908313 : While the Millelith Stands Guard - [N/A] 738426596
1908401 : A Knight's Journey Through Liyue - Head to Third-Round Knockout
1908402 : A Knight's Journey Through Liyue - [N/A] 1274008932
1908403 : A Knight's Journey Through Liyue - Talk to Iron Tongue Tian
1908404 : A Knight's Journey Through Liyue - [N/A] 4100692052
1908405 : A Knight's Journey Through Liyue - Give a Chaos Device to Iron Tongue Tian
1908406 : A Knight's Journey Through Liyue - Talk to Iron Tongue Tian
1908407 : A Knight's Journey Through Liyue - Return to Third-Round Knockout and listen to the story
1908408 : A Knight's Journey Through Liyue - Head to Third-Round Knockout
1908409 : A Knight's Journey Through Liyue - Return to Third-Round Knockout and listen to the story
1908410 : A Knight's Journey Through Liyue - Head to the hilichurl camp in the city's outskirts
1908411 : A Knight's Journey Through Liyue - Talk to Iron Tongue Tian
1908412 : A Knight's Journey Through Liyue - Help Iron Tongue Tian gather inspiration
1908501 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - Go to the Mondstadt Adventurers' Guild and find Katheryne
1908502 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - Go to the Angel's Share and find Cyrus
1908503 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 838710100
1908504 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 3471391532
1908505 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 3228722156
1908506 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 2059281676
1908507 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 607921972
1908508 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 1808748684
1908601 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - Talk to Cyrus
1908602 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 1897656140
1908603 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - Give Cyrus a dish that meets his requirements
1908604 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 2396098916
1908605 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 2676157588
1908606 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - Talk to Cyrus
1908607 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - Talk to Cyrus
1908608 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 1043424228
1908701 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - Talk to Cyrus
1908702 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - Talk to Cyrus
1908703 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 151359260
1908704 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 1795991612
1908705 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 2798915044
1908706 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - Fight the Ruin Guard
1908707 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 3077223468
1908708 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - Go to Brightcrown Canyon
1908709 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - Return to the library and find Noelle
1908710 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - Talk to Noelle
1908711 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - Talk to Noelle
1908712 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - Talk to Cyrus
1908713 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 627864636
1908714 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 2517922620
1908715 : Adventurer's Entrance Exam - [N/A] 3356242188
1908801 : [CHS] - 废弃$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 3668962308
1908802 : [CHS] - 废弃$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 1657036124
1908901 : [CHS] - 废弃$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 1665960468
1908902 : [CHS] - 废弃$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 1882385660
1908903 : [CHS] - 废弃$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 1767827948
1909001 : Noelle Rides Out - Head to the hilichurl camp and place the Baron Bunny
1909002 : Noelle Rides Out - Go to the Stormbearer Mountains and gather fresh Valberries
1909003 : Noelle Rides Out - Defeat the Pyro Slimes and gather Slime Condensate
1909004 : Noelle Rides Out - [N/A] 1487008172
1909005 : Noelle Rides Out - [N/A] 3387526092
1909006 : Noelle Rides Out - Talk to Noelle
1909007 : Noelle Rides Out - Defeat all the hilichurls
1909008 : Noelle Rides Out - Talk to Noelle
1909101 : Substitute Acting Grand Master Noelle - Go to Mondstadt's gate
1909102 : Substitute Acting Grand Master Noelle - Head northwest from With Wind Comes Glory and search for clues
1909103 : Substitute Acting Grand Master Noelle - Climb onto the rooftop and look for a Finch nest
1909104 : Substitute Acting Grand Master Noelle - Talk to Marjorie
1909105 : Substitute Acting Grand Master Noelle - Climb onto the rooftop and look for a Finch nest
1909106 : Substitute Acting Grand Master Noelle - Go to Mondstadt's gate
1909107 : Substitute Acting Grand Master Noelle - Climb onto the rooftop and look for a Finch nest
1909108 : Substitute Acting Grand Master Noelle - [N/A] 1044435956
1909109 : Substitute Acting Grand Master Noelle - [N/A] 1283190780
1909201 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - [N/A] 2709069300
1909202 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - Serve the Death After Noon to Payne
1909203 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - [N/A] 2671018196
1909204 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - [N/A] 1478936124
1909205 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - [N/A] 2257283548
1909206 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - Go to the second floor and clear the tables
1909207 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - [N/A] 2266537892
1909208 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - Talk to Charles
1909209 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - Go to Angel's Share and gather intel
1909210 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - [N/A] 3750916996
1909211 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - [N/A] 987490324
1909212 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - [N/A] 4062877708
1909213 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - [N/A] 530081644
1909214 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - [N/A] 2567277460
1909215 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - [N/A] 1558882308
1909216 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - [N/A] 737682996
1909217 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - [N/A] 1549337436
1909218 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - [N/A] 2332648276
1909219 : Noelle the Intelligence Operative - [N/A] 2591636452
1909301 : Reunion - Return to Mondstadt
1909402 : Poems Dedicated to the Wind - Go to the Cathedral plaza
1909403 : Poems Dedicated to the Wind - Go to the Angel's Share to look for help
1909404 : Poems Dedicated to the Wind - Wait until the following day (06:00 – 18:00)
1909405 : Poems Dedicated to the Wind - Go to the Cathedral plaza
1909406 : Poems Dedicated to the Wind - Go look around the Cathedral for Barbara
1909408 : Poems Dedicated to the Wind - Return to the Cathedral plaza and have a discussion with everyone
1909409 : Poems Dedicated to the Wind - Find Kaeya
1909501 : An Ordinary Day for the Knights of Favonius - Go to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
1909502 : An Ordinary Day for the Knights of Favonius - Enter the Acting Grand Master's Office
1909503 : An Ordinary Day for the Knights of Favonius - Go to the entrance of the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
1909504 : An Ordinary Day for the Knights of Favonius - [N/A] 0
1909601 : Fragrance of Wine - Go to Dawn Winery
1909602 : Fragrance of Wine - Enter the winery
1909604 : Fragrance of Wine - Usher Elzer out
1909605 : Fragrance of Wine - Chat with Tunner
1909608 : Fragrance of Wine - Report back to Tunner
1909609 : Fragrance of Wine - Follow Tunner
1909611 : Fragrance of Wine - Pick grapes
1909612 : Fragrance of Wine - Pick grapes
1909613 : Fragrance of Wine - Continue picking grapes
1909614 : Fragrance of Wine - Continue picking grapes
1909615 : Fragrance of Wine - Pick grapes
1909616 : Fragrance of Wine - Pick grapes
1909617 : Fragrance of Wine - Continue picking grapes
1909618 : Fragrance of Wine - [N/A] 0
1909619 : Fragrance of Wine - Wait till the next day
1909701 : Taste of Home - Go to Dawn Winery
1909702 : Taste of Home - Talk to Elzer
1909703 : Taste of Home - Usher Elzer out
1909705 : Taste of Home - Select a dish for Adelinde
1909706 : Taste of Home - Enjoy a delicious meal
1909707 : Taste of Home - Accompany Kaeya into the winery to entertain the guest
1909708 : Taste of Home - Wait until two days later
1909801 : All the World's a Stage - Watch the performance with Kaeya
1909802 : All the World's a Stage - Order food from Nesmil
1909803 : All the World's a Stage - Chat with Kaeya
1909805 : All the World's a Stage - Watch Kaeya's performance
1909806 : All the World's a Stage - Talk to Kaeya
1909807 : All the World's a Stage - Leave quietly with Kaeya
1909808 : All the World's a Stage - [N/A] 0
1909809 : All the World's a Stage - [N/A] 0
1909810 : All the World's a Stage - [N/A] 0
1909811 : All the World's a Stage - [N/A] 0
1909901 : [CHS] - (test)凯亚Coop发家具隐藏$HIDDEN - [N/A] 0
1910001 : [CHS] - (test)凯亚Coop发纪念道具隐藏$HIDDEN - [N/A] 0
1910101 : The Cat's Tail's Bartender - Talk to Nimrod
1910102 : The Cat's Tail's Bartender - Talk to Diona
1910103 : The Cat's Tail's Bartender - Follow Diona
1910104 : The Cat's Tail's Bartender - Go to Dadaupa Gorge
1910105 : The Cat's Tail's Bartender - Follow Diona
1910201 : To Catch a Kitten - Talk to Diona
1910202 : To Catch a Kitten - Follow Diona
1910203 : To Catch a Kitten - Talk to Diona
1910204 : To Catch a Kitten - Follow Diona
1910205 : To Catch a Kitten - Talk to Diona
1910206 : To Catch a Kitten - Search for the kitty on Mondstadt's rooftops
1910207 : To Catch a Kitten - Try to make conversation with Roger
1910208 : To Catch a Kitten - Look for the kitty near the Blacksmith
1910209 : To Catch a Kitten - Try to make conversation with Nelson
1910210 : To Catch a Kitten - Look for the kitty near the Cathedral
1910211 : To Catch a Kitten - Try to make conversation with Paisley
1910212 : To Catch a Kitten - Return to The Cat's Tail
1910213 : To Catch a Kitten - Talk to Diona
1910214 : To Catch a Kitten - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于完成主任务$HIDDEN
1910301 : A Special Base Drink - Talk to Diona
1910302 : A Special Base Drink - Go to Dadaupa Gorge
1910303 : A Special Base Drink - Talk to the person at the gorge's entrance
1910304 : A Special Base Drink - Talk to Allan
1910305 : A Special Base Drink - Go to Dadaupa Gorge
1910306 : A Special Base Drink - [CHS] - (test)莽进达达乌帕谷时用于完成父任务$HIDDEN
1910401 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - Talk to Diona
1910402 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - Avoid the monsters and head deeper into Dadaupa Gorge
1910403 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - Avoid the monsters and continue deeper into Dadaupa Gorge
1910404 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - Avoid the monsters and continue deeper into Dadaupa Gorge
1910405 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - Avoid the monsters and continue deeper into Dadaupa Gorge
1910406 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - Talk to Diona
1910407 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - Head to the hilichurl camp
1910408 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - Talk to Draff
1910409 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - Talk to Allan
1910410 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - Talk to Diona
1910411 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - Find the "samachurl herbal soup"
1910412 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - Find the "samachurl herbal soup"
1910413 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - Find the "samachurl herbal soup"
1910414 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于潜行失败播放开车1$HIDDEN
1910415 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于潜行失败播放开车2$HIDDEN
1910416 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于莽进去刷怪$HIDDEN
1910417 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - Talk to Diona
1910418 : The Shadow Over Dadaupa - Talk to Diona
1910501 : Samachurl Herbal Soup - Talk to Diona
1910502 : Samachurl Herbal Soup - Talk to Allan
1910601 : Special Cocktailing Condiments - Talk to Diona
1910602 : Special Cocktailing Condiments - Explore and collect cocktail ingredients
1910603 : Special Cocktailing Condiments - Talk to Diona
1910604 : Special Cocktailing Condiments - Give the Fresh Fish to Diona
1910605 : Special Cocktailing Condiments - Explore and collect cocktail ingredients
1910606 : Special Cocktailing Condiments - Talk to Diona
1910607 : Special Cocktailing Condiments - Give the Fresh Slime Condensate to Diona
1910608 : Special Cocktailing Condiments - Talk to Diona
1910609 : Special Cocktailing Condiments - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于发放任务道具$HIDDEN
1910701 : Exchanging Pointers - Go to Dawn Winery and meet Diona
1910702 : Exchanging Pointers - Start making a cocktail
1910703 : Exchanging Pointers - Give the cocktail to Diona
1910704 : Exchanging Pointers - Talk to Diona
1910705 : Exchanging Pointers - Start making a cocktail
1910706 : Exchanging Pointers - Talk to Diona
1911101 : Behind His Back - Go to the place you and Thoma agreed on
1911201 : Host's Invitation - Discuss hospitality with Thoma
1911301 : Thanks for Your Hospitality! - Look for Thoma at Komore Teahouse
1911302 : Thanks for Your Hospitality! - [CHS] - 前往木漏茶室寻找托马$HIDDEN
1911401 : Start Spreadin' the News - Gather 1 serving of Lavender Melon, Fowl, and Flour each
1911402 : Start Spreadin' the News - Advertise the housekeeping course to the city merchants
1911403 : Start Spreadin' the News - Advertise the housekeeping course to the city housewives
1911404 : Start Spreadin' the News - Advertise the housekeeping course to the city's senior folk
1911405 : Start Spreadin' the News - Go to the Yashiro Commission to take part in the housekeeping course
1911406 : Start Spreadin' the News - Return to the Yashiro Commission to make final preparations
1911407 : Start Spreadin' the News - Wait until the following day (08:00 – 24:00)
1911408 : Start Spreadin' the News - Give the housekeeping course materials you collected to Thoma
1911501 : Small-Scale Changes - Advertise the housekeeping course to Furuta
1911502 : Small-Scale Changes - Complete the housekeeping tasks within the time limit
1911503 : Small-Scale Changes - Go to the Yashiro Commission to take part in the housekeeping course
1911504 : Small-Scale Changes - Wait until the following day (08:00 – 24:00)
1911505 : Small-Scale Changes - Make final preparations at the Yashiro Commission
1911506 : Small-Scale Changes - Advertise the housekeeping course to Hirano
1911507 : Small-Scale Changes - [CHS] - (test)家政挑战:取水$HIDDEN
1911508 : Small-Scale Changes - Housekeeping Challenging: Plant-Watering
1911509 : Small-Scale Changes - Housekeeping Challenging: Plant-Watering
1911510 : Small-Scale Changes - Housekeeping Challenging: Plant-Watering
1911601 : Under the Same Shade - Meet Thoma at the place where stray cats and dogs gather
1911602 : Under the Same Shade - Feed the strays
1911603 : Under the Same Shade - Talk to Thoma
1911604 : Under the Same Shade - [CHS] - (test)攻击猫狗失败1$HIDDEN
1911605 : Under the Same Shade - [CHS] - (test)攻击猫狗失败2$HIDDEN
1911701 : Ninken by the Shore - Look for the ninken that has wandered off into the wild
1911702 : Ninken by the Shore - Clear out the nearby monsters
1911703 : Ninken by the Shore - Observe the ninken's responses
1911704 : Ninken by the Shore - Go to the Yashiro Commission to ask about the ninken's master
1911705 : Ninken by the Shore - Keep the ninken company with Thoma
1911801 : Bits and Bobs for Cats and Dogs - Take photos of the stray cats and dogs from different angles (0/2)
1911802 : Bits and Bobs for Cats and Dogs - Dress the stray cats and dogs in sweaters with Thoma
1911803 : Bits and Bobs for Cats and Dogs - Wait until the following day (08:00 – 24:00)
1911804 : Bits and Bobs for Cats and Dogs - Talk to Thoma
1911805 : Bits and Bobs for Cats and Dogs - Take photos of the stray cats and dogs from different angles (1/2)
1911806 : Bits and Bobs for Cats and Dogs - [CHS] - (test)攻击猫狗失败$HIDDEN
1911901 : A Trip for Two in Ritou - Go to Ritou and talk to Thoma
1911902 : A Trip for Two in Ritou - Roam the streets with Thoma
1911903 : A Trip for Two in Ritou - Listen to Thoma's story about wine
1911904 : A Trip for Two in Ritou - Roam the streets with Thoma
1911905 : A Trip for Two in Ritou - Go to the International Trade Association entrance
1911906 : A Trip for Two in Ritou - Roam the streets with Thoma
1911907 : A Trip for Two in Ritou - Talk to Thoma
1912101 : Unforeseen Circumstances - Ask the Yashiro Commission members questions
1912102 : Unforeseen Circumstances - Negotiate with the merchants in the city
1912103 : Unforeseen Circumstances - Go with Thoma to meet "a friend"
1912104 : Unforeseen Circumstances - Go to Konda Village and help with a delivery
1912105 : Unforeseen Circumstances - Report back to Yasutake
1912106 : Unforeseen Circumstances - Find a sample of Noctilucous Jade
1912108 : Unforeseen Circumstances - Talk to the cargo merchant
1912109 : Unforeseen Circumstances - Deliver the cargo out of the city
1912110 : Unforeseen Circumstances - Talk to the cargo merchant
1912111 : Unforeseen Circumstances - Report back to Sakai
1912112 : Unforeseen Circumstances - Tell Thoma of the Yashiro Commission emergency
1912113 : Unforeseen Circumstances - Go to the Yashiro Commission to witness the denouement of the emergency
1912114 : Unforeseen Circumstances - Go with Thoma to see Sakai
1913101 : The Jade Chamber Once More - Go to the Jade Chamber to meet Ningguang
1913102 : The Jade Chamber Once More - Talk to Baishi
1913103 : The Jade Chamber Once More - [N/A] 1417078044
1913104 : The Jade Chamber Once More - [N/A] 4180728788
1913201 : Business as Usual - Talk to Ningguang
1913202 : Business as Usual - Have breakfast together with Ningguang
1913203 : Business as Usual - Look for Lanyang to get the tailored clothes
1913204 : Business as Usual - Give the tailored clothes to Ningguang
1913205 : Business as Usual - Talk to Ningguang
1913206 : Business as Usual - Go to Liuli Pavilion for the banquet
1913207 : Business as Usual - Wait until the following day (07:00 – 08:00)
1913208 : Business as Usual - Wake Ningguang up
1913209 : Business as Usual - [CHS] - (test)判断是否在海灯节见过凝光时装$HIDDEN
1913301 : Exchanging Intelligence - Go to Mingxing Jewelry to collect the item
1913302 : Exchanging Intelligence - Meet the informants
1913303 : Exchanging Intelligence - Go to the south wharf to meet the person behind the scenes
1913304 : Exchanging Intelligence - Go see the children
1913305 : Exchanging Intelligence - Play with the children at the north wharf
1913401 : Auction Games - Go to the site where the auction is being held
1913402 : Auction Games - Talk to the secretary in charge of preparations
1913403 : Auction Games - Inspect the goods on auction
1913404 : Auction Games - Inspect the goods on auction
1913405 : Auction Games - Inspect the goods on auction
1913406 : Auction Games - [CHS] - (test)回滚保护$HIDDEN
1913407 : Auction Games - Wait for the auction to start (16:00 – 18:00)
1913408 : Auction Games - Attend the auction
1913409 : Auction Games - Figure out what the attendees are thinking
1913410 : Auction Games - Figure out what the attendees are thinking
1913411 : Auction Games - Figure out what the attendees are thinking
1913412 : Auction Games - [CHS] - (test)回滚保护$HIDDEN
1913413 : Auction Games - Talk to Ningguang again
1913414 : Auction Games - [N/A] 2613861572
1913501 : Liyue Millennial - Accompany Ningguang to have the piece made
1913502 : Liyue Millennial - Go to Mingxing Jewelry to place an order
1913503 : Liyue Millennial - Return to the Jade Chamber and talk to Ningguang
1913601 : Starting From Zero - Go to the wharf to search for abandoned goods
1913602 : Starting From Zero - Sell the material to the merchant
1913603 : Starting From Zero - Go out and search for treasure
1913604 : Starting From Zero - Defeat the monsters and open the treasure chest
1913605 : Starting From Zero - Talk to Ningguang
1913606 : Starting From Zero - Continue looking for chests
1913607 : Starting From Zero - Defeat the monsters and open the treasure chest
1913608 : Starting From Zero - Talk to Ningguang
1913609 : Starting From Zero - Look for the Weasel Thief's tracks
1913610 : Starting From Zero - Find the Mora that the Weasel Thief was hiding
1913611 : Starting From Zero - Talk to Ningguang
1913612 : Starting From Zero - Catch fish by the river
1913613 : Starting From Zero - Grill the fish by the shore with Ningguang
1913614 : Starting From Zero - Check the hole that the Weasel Thief left behind
1913615 : Starting From Zero - [N/A] 4251323868
1913701 : Endless Smoke - Go to Northland Bank
1913702 : Endless Smoke - Leave the Northland Bank and talk to Ningguang
1913703 : Endless Smoke - Follow Ningguang and observe your surroundings
1913704 : Endless Smoke - Talk to Ningguang
1913705 : Endless Smoke - Follow Ningguang and observe your surroundings carefully again
1913706 : Endless Smoke - Talk to Ningguang
1913707 : Endless Smoke - Continue following Ningguang and observing your surroundings
1913708 : Endless Smoke - Talk to Ningguang
1913709 : Endless Smoke - Find the person following you
1913710 : Endless Smoke - Go back to Northland Bank for a confrontation
1913801 : Time Off! - Talk to Ningguang
1913802 : Time Off! - Wait until the following day (07:00 – 08:00)
1913803 : Time Off! - Wake Ningguang up
1914101 : Ways and Means - Go to the Police Station and talk to Uesugi
1914102 : Ways and Means - Talk to Kuki Shinobu
1914201 : To the Shrine - Go to the Grand Narukami Shrine and apologize to Yae Miko
1914301 : Gang Bylaws - Track Mamoru and the others down
1914302 : Gang Bylaws - Go to Aisa Bathhouse to search
1914303 : Gang Bylaws - [CHS] - (test)抓捕一保底$HIDDEN
1914304 : Gang Bylaws - Track Genta and whoever else is with him down
1914305 : Gang Bylaws - Go under the bridge to check
1914306 : Gang Bylaws - [CHS] - (test)抓捕二保底$HIDDEN
1914307 : Gang Bylaws - Go outside Inazuma City
1914308 : Gang Bylaws - [CHS] - (test)向海边靠近
1914309 : Gang Bylaws - Search further north
1914401 : Key Decision - Talk to Mamoru and the others
1914402 : Key Decision - Go to the second floor of Uyuu Restaurant
1914403 : Key Decision - Talk to Arataki Itto
1914404 : Key Decision - Return to Uyuu Restaurant
1914405 : Key Decision - Talk to the merchants near the street
1914406 : Key Decision - Talk to Aoi, owner of Tsukumomono Groceries
1914407 : Key Decision - Go to the next person you need to apologize to
1914408 : Key Decision - Talk to the Arataki Gang Members
1914409 : Key Decision - [CHS] - (test)用于完成成就的隐藏任务$HIDDEN
1914501 : Shrine Maiden for a Day - Receive guests at the shrine
1914502 : Shrine Maiden for a Day - Continue receiving guests
1914503 : Shrine Maiden for a Day - Go to the entrance to receive guests
1914504 : Shrine Maiden for a Day - [CHS] - (test)deleted询问巫女
1914505 : Shrine Maiden for a Day - Collect materials required to make omamori
1914506 : Shrine Maiden for a Day - Collect materials required to make omamori
1914507 : Shrine Maiden for a Day - Collect materials required to make omamori
1914508 : Shrine Maiden for a Day - [CHS] - (test)获取道具保底$HIDDEN
1914509 : Shrine Maiden for a Day - Talk to Granny Asami
1914510 : Shrine Maiden for a Day - [CHS] - (test)Delete将御守交给老婆婆
1914511 : Shrine Maiden for a Day - Talk to Yae Miko
1914512 : Shrine Maiden for a Day - Leave the shrine
1914601 : In the Aftermath - Talk to Miyuki on the mountain path
1914602 : In the Aftermath - Use Anemo or Hydro to help clean the flyers up
1914603 : In the Aftermath - Use Anemo or Hydro to help clean the flyers up
1914604 : In the Aftermath - Use Anemo or Hydro to help clean the flyers up
1914605 : In the Aftermath - [CHS] - (test)广告coop对话1$HIDDEN
1914606 : In the Aftermath - [CHS] - (test)广告coop对话2$HIDDEN
1914607 : In the Aftermath - [CHS] - (test)广告coop对话3$HIDDEN
1914608 : In the Aftermath - [CHS] - (test)清理小广告保底$HIDDEN
1914609 : In the Aftermath - Continue cleaning your way down the mountain
1914610 : In the Aftermath - [N/A] 3395115820
1914611 : In the Aftermath - [N/A] 733399748
1914612 : In the Aftermath - [N/A] 970862108
1914613 : In the Aftermath - [CHS] - (test)完成全部对话$HIDDEN
1914701 : That'll Learn Them! - Go back to Hanamizaka to check the situation
1914801 : Temporary Escape - Check on Kuki Shinobu
1914802 : Temporary Escape - Go back to where Akira is hidden
1914803 : Temporary Escape - Follow Akira's footprints
1914804 : Temporary Escape - Follow the flyers to find Akira
1914805 : Temporary Escape - Talk to the Kairagi
1914806 : Temporary Escape - Defeat all opponents
1914807 : Temporary Escape - Talk to Kuki Shinobu
1914808 : Temporary Escape - [N/A] 853338004
1915002 : Drowsy Evening Star - Go to the Akademiya
1915101 : The Wisdom Seelie - Ask Rabah about the legend
1915102 : The Wisdom Seelie - Head over to the bookshelf Rabah mentioned
1915103 : The Wisdom Seelie - Head over to the bookshelf Rabah mentioned
1915104 : The Wisdom Seelie - Head over to the bookshelf Rabah mentioned
1915201 : Taking the Opposite Route - Gather more information about the Wisdom Seelie
1915202 : Taking the Opposite Route - Gather more information about the Wisdom Seelie
1915203 : Taking the Opposite Route - Gather more information about the Wisdom Seelie
1915204 : Taking the Opposite Route - [N/A] 4132173612
1915302 : Compiling the Clues - Go over the clues with Layla
1915304 : Compiling the Clues - [N/A] 1716273628
1915306 : Compiling the Clues - The truth behind "it"
1915401 : Further Investigation - Look for the clues the Wisdom Seelie left behind
1915402 : Further Investigation - Go to the place mentioned in the letter
1915403 : Further Investigation - Look for the clues the Wisdom Seelie left behind
1915404 : Further Investigation - Go to the next place mentioned in the letter
1915405 : Further Investigation - Look for the clues the Wisdom Seelie left behind
1915406 : Further Investigation - Go to the next place mentioned in the letter
1915407 : Further Investigation - Look for the clues the Wisdom Seelie left behind
1915408 : Further Investigation - [N/A] 2043483732
1915409 : Further Investigation - [N/A] 2332197252
1915502 : One Final Step - Look for the clues the Wisdom Seelie left behind
1915503 : One Final Step - Look for the clues the Wisdom Seelie left behind
1915504 : One Final Step - Go to the place shown in the picture
1915505 : One Final Step - [N/A] 950232684
1915601 : An Exasperating Prank - Find somewhere to rest
1915602 : An Exasperating Prank - Find somewhere to rest
1915605 : An Exasperating Prank - Defeat the attacking monsters
1915606 : An Exasperating Prank - Talk to Layla
1915701 : A Change of Pace - Go to Puspa Café
1915702 : A Change of Pace - Talk to Layla
1915801 : The Helper - Ask Katheryne for help
1915802 : The Helper - Chat with the astrology enthusiast
1915803 : The Helper - [N/A] 2485439852
1915901 : Thesis Defense Practice - Go to the House of Daena to practice
1915902 : Thesis Defense Practice - Go to the House of Daena to practice
1916001 : The Remaining Problem - Go to the House of Daena to work on the thesis
1916002 : The Remaining Problem - Go to the House of Daena to work on the thesis
1916101 : Fresh Air - Go to the forest
1916102 : Fresh Air - Talk to Layla
1916104 : Fresh Air - Follow Layla
1916105 : Fresh Air - Gather ingredients and give them to Layla
1916106 : Fresh Air - Talk to Layla
1916107 : Fresh Air - Collect firewood
1916108 : Fresh Air - Talk to Layla
1916110 : Fresh Air - Gather ingredients and give them to Layla
1916111 : Fresh Air - Collect firewood
1916112 : Fresh Air - Collect firewood
1916115 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 2388030980
1916116 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 1893541220
1916117 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 259781028
1916118 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 2950163652
1916119 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 2218846716
1916120 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 3526035676
1916121 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 2107041092
1916122 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 811443156
1916123 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 420005028
1916124 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 4096681220
1916125 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 201894636
1916126 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 2873615668
1916127 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 1920803508
1916128 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 2012518204
1916129 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 4288785004
1916130 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 1044131148
1916131 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 3404580316
1916132 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 2737120852
1916133 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 174117420
1916134 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 477601188
1916135 : Fresh Air - [N/A] 656684020
1916201 : One Hearty Meal Later - Go to the lakeside
1916202 : One Hearty Meal Later - Talk to Layla
1916203 : One Hearty Meal Later - Swim with Layla
1916204 : One Hearty Meal Later - Talk to Layla
1916205 : One Hearty Meal Later - Go to the top of the mountain
1916206 : One Hearty Meal Later - Talk to Layla
1916207 : One Hearty Meal Later - Go to the top of the mountain
1916208 : One Hearty Meal Later - Swim with Layla
1916209 : One Hearty Meal Later - Swim with Layla
1916210 : One Hearty Meal Later - Go to the top of the mountain
1917001 : A Mysterious Senior...? - Go to Pardis Dhyai
1917002 : A Mysterious Senior...? - Talk to Tighnari
1917003 : A Mysterious Senior...? - Find Faruzan at the Akademiya
1917004 : A Mysterious Senior...? - Find Faruzan at the Akademiya
1917005 : A Mysterious Senior...? - Talk to Collei
1917101 : Essential Classic - Go to the entrance to the Akademiya
1917102 : Essential Classic - Wait for Faruzan
1917103 : Essential Classic - Go to the book vendors at Treasures Street
1917104 : Essential Classic - Go to the antique shop at Treasures Street
1917105 : Essential Classic - Go to Puspa Café
1917106 : Essential Classic - Talk to Maddah
1917201 : Early Learning Mechanism - Go to Port Ormos and look for Anis
1917202 : Early Learning Mechanism - Go to Port Ormos and look for Anis
1917203 : Early Learning Mechanism - Talk to the staff at Acara Crafts
1917204 : Early Learning Mechanism - Leave Port Ormos
1917205 : Early Learning Mechanism - Wait until two days later
1917206 : Early Learning Mechanism - Head to the conference
1917207 : Early Learning Mechanism - Wait until two days later
1917208 : Early Learning Mechanism - Head to the conference
1917209 : Early Learning Mechanism - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于完成成就$HIDDEN
1917301 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Return to Pardis Dhyai
1917302 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Return to Pardis Dhyai
1917303 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Find Tighnari
1917304 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Enter Pardis Dhyai
1917305 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Talk with Tighnari as you wait for the results
1917306 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Go to the northeast of Hypostyle Desert
1917307 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Go to the excavation site
1917308 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Ask the villagers for information
1917309 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Ask the villagers for information
1917310 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Ask the villagers for information
1917311 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于记录任务进度$HIDDEN
1917312 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于回滚隔离$HIDDEN
1917313 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Organize the gathered information with Faruzan
1917314 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Go to the makeshift camp
1917315 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Go to the excavation site
1917316 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Return to the temporary camp
1917317 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Investigate the fallen Machine Wreckage
1917318 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Talk to Faruzan
1917319 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Return to Pardis Dhyai
1917320 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Talk to Tighnari
1917321 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Wait until one day later
1917322 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Enter Pardis Dhyai
1917323 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Wait until one day later
1917324 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Enter Pardis Dhyai
1917325 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Talk to Faruzan
1917326 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Rest at the camp
1917327 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - Talk to Faruzan
1917328 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于记录信件闲置对话阅读进度完成成就1$HIDDEN
1917329 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于对话中切换塔米米group$HIDDEN
1917330 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于对话中切换遗迹龙兽group$HIDDEN
1917331 : Wanderings of a Lonesome Shadow - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于记录信件闲置对话阅读进度完成成就2$HIDDEN
2000001 : Qingce Village Time Trial Challenge - [CHS] - 对话NPC$HIDDEN
2000002 : Qingce Village Time Trial Challenge - [CHS] - 完成玩法$HIDDEN
2000003 : Qingce Village Time Trial Challenge - [CHS] - 对话NPC$HIDDEN
2000004 : Qingce Village Time Trial Challenge - [CHS] - 完成玩法$HIDDEN
2000005 : Qingce Village Time Trial Challenge - [CHS] - 对话NPC$HIDDEN
2000006 : Qingce Village Time Trial Challenge - [CHS] - 完成玩法$HIDDEN
2000007 : Qingce Village Time Trial Challenge - [CHS] - 对话NPC$HIDDEN
2000008 : Qingce Village Time Trial Challenge - [CHS] - 完成玩法$HIDDEN
2000009 : Qingce Village Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 2592487986
2000010 : Qingce Village Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 1135001826
2000011 : Qingce Village Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 3634687226
2000012 : Qingce Village Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 3665922490
2000101 : Blocked? - Go see what's going on up ahead
2000102 : Blocked? - Defeat the nearby enemies
2000103 : Blocked? - Defeat all opponents and destroy the roadblocks
2000104 : Blocked? - Talk to Quinn
2000301 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Talk to Goth
2000302 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Give Goth the timber
2000303 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Talk to Goth
2000304 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Talk to Goth
2000305 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Pay Mona a visit
2000306 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - [N/A] 1230715900
2000307 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - [N/A] 84420180
2000308 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - [N/A] 1433513132
2000309 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Look for Mona in the library
2000310 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Ask Wyratt about Mona's whereabouts
2000311 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Go to Good Hunter to look for Mona
2000312 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Ask Katheryne about Mona's whereabouts
2000313 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Report back to Goth
2000401 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Talk to Goth
2000402 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Pay Mona a visit
2000403 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Talk to Mona
2000404 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Give the rent to Goth
2000405 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Report back to Mona
2000406 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Give Goth the timber
2000407 : Owe Mora, Pay Mora - Talk to Goth
2000501 : Lost Key - Talk to Wyatt
2000502 : Lost Key - Use Elemental Sight to find the key
2000504 : Lost Key - Give the key to Wyatt
2000601 : Food Delivery - Talk to Sara at Good Hunter
2000602 : Food Delivery - Talk to Sara
2000603 : Food Delivery - Deliver the food to Lively Orlean
2000604 : Food Delivery - Deliver the food to Lively Orlean
2000605 : Food Delivery - Bridge
2000606 : Food Delivery - Deliver the food to Lively Orlean
2000607 : Food Delivery - Fend off the troublemaking slimes
2000610 : Food Delivery - Give the fee to Sara at the restaurant
2000701 : Urgent Repairs - Defeat all opponents
2000702 : Urgent Repairs - Talk to Allan
2000703 : Urgent Repairs - Collect wood
2000704 : Urgent Repairs - Give the Sturdy Plank to Allan
2000705 : Urgent Repairs - Defeat all opponents
2000706 : Urgent Repairs - Talk to Allan
2000707 : Urgent Repairs - Collect rope
2000708 : Urgent Repairs - Give the rope to Allan
2000709 : Urgent Repairs - Go and investigate
2000801 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Go to the docks and see what's going on
2000802 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Defeat the slimes
2000803 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Talk to Arthur
2000804 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Go to the strange location
2000805 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Use Anemo to blow out the dust
2000806 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Defeat all of the slimes
2000901 : Language Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2000902 : Language Exchange - Go to the hilichurl camp with Ella Musk
2000903 : Language Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2000904 : Language Exchange - Talk to the hilichurl with Ella Musk
2000905 : Language Exchange - Fend off the angry hilichurls
2000906 : Language Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2000907 : Language Exchange - Control respawn
2000908 : Language Exchange - Approach the hilichurl that is awake, but don't wake the others
2000909 : Language Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2000910 : Language Exchange - The hilichurls have been startled awake
2000911 : Language Exchange - Decide if 08 or 10 are complete
2000912 : Language Exchange - Trigger communication success branch
2000913 : Language Exchange - Trigger communication failure branch
2000914 : Language Exchange - Talk to the hilichurl with Ella Musk
2000915 : Language Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2001001 : Language Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2001002 : Language Exchange - Go to the hilichurl camp with Ella Musk
2001003 : Language Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2001004 : Language Exchange - Talk to the hilichurl with Ella Musk
2001005 : Language Exchange - Fend off the angry hilichurls
2001006 : Language Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2001007 : Language Exchange - Control respawn
2001008 : Language Exchange - Approach the hilichurl that is awake, but don't wake the others
2001009 : Language Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2001010 : Language Exchange - The hilichurls have been startled awake
2001011 : Language Exchange - Decide if 08 or 10 are complete
2001012 : Language Exchange - Trigger communication success branch
2001013 : Language Exchange - Trigger communication failure branch
2001014 : Language Exchange - Talk to the hilichurl with Ella Musk
2001015 : Language Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2001101 : Blocked? - Go check the details
2001102 : Blocked? - Defeat the nearby enemies
2001103 : Blocked? - Defeat all opponents and destroy the roadblocks
2001104 : Blocked? - Talk to Anthony
2001201 : Blocked? - Go check the details
2001202 : Blocked? - Defeat the nearby enemies
2001203 : Blocked? - Defeat all opponents and destroy the roadblocks
2001204 : Blocked? - Talk to Myrana
2001301 : Blocked? - Go check the details
2001302 : Blocked? - Defeat the nearby enemies
2001303 : Blocked? - Defeat all opponents and destroy the roadblocks
2001304 : Blocked? - Talk to Jack
2001401 : Adventurer Exam: Battle Tactics - Talk to Anthony
2001402 : Adventurer Exam: Battle Tactics - Defeat all opponents
2001403 : Adventurer Exam: Battle Tactics - [N/A] 3038238988
2001405 : Adventurer Exam: Battle Tactics - Talk to Anna
2001406 : Adventurer Exam: Battle Tactics - Talk to Anna
2001501 : Language Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2001502 : Language Exchange - Go to the hilichurl camp with Ella Musk
2001503 : Language Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2001504 : Language Exchange - Talk to the hilichurl with Ella Musk
2001505 : Language Exchange - Fend off the angry hilichurls
2001506 : Language Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2001507 : Language Exchange - Control respawn
2001508 : Language Exchange - Approach the hilichurl that is awake, but don't wake the others
2001509 : Language Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2001510 : Language Exchange - The hilichurls have been startled awake
2001511 : Language Exchange - Decide if 08 or 10 are complete
2001512 : Language Exchange - Trigger communication success branch
2001513 : Language Exchange - Trigger communication failure branch
2001514 : Language Exchange - Talk to the hilichurl with Ella Musk
2001515 : Language Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2001601 : Food Delivery - Talk to Sara at Good Hunter
2001602 : Food Delivery - Talk to Sara
2001603 : Food Delivery - Deliver the food to the buyer
2001604 : Food Delivery - Buyer determiner 1
2001605 : Food Delivery - Buyer determiner 2
2001606 : Food Delivery - Buyer determiner 3
2001607 : Food Delivery - Talk to Schuster
2001608 : Food Delivery - Talk to Morrow
2001609 : Food Delivery - Talk to Pallad
2001610 : Food Delivery - Bridge
2001611 : Food Delivery - Give the fee to Sara
2001701 : Urgent Repairs - Defeat all opponents
2001702 : Urgent Repairs - Talk to Farrah
2001703 : Urgent Repairs - Collect wood
2001704 : Urgent Repairs - Give the Sturdy Plank to Farrah
2001705 : Urgent Repairs - Defeat all opponents
2001706 : Urgent Repairs - Talk to Farrah
2001707 : Urgent Repairs - Collect rope
2001708 : Urgent Repairs - Give the rope to Farrah
2001709 : Urgent Repairs - Go and investigate
2001801 : Urgent Repairs - Defeat all opponents
2001802 : Urgent Repairs - Talk to Magar
2001803 : Urgent Repairs - Collect wood
2001804 : Urgent Repairs - Give the Sturdy Plank to Magar
2001805 : Urgent Repairs - Defeat all opponents
2001806 : Urgent Repairs - Talk to Magar
2001807 : Urgent Repairs - Collect rope
2001808 : Urgent Repairs - Give the rope to Magar
2001809 : Urgent Repairs - Go and investigate
2001901 : Lost Key - Talk to Wyatt
2001903 : Lost Key - Use Elemental Sight to find the key
2001904 : Lost Key - Give the key to Wyatt
2002001 : Adventurer Exam: The Art of Adventure - Talk to Anna
2002003 : Adventurer Exam: The Art of Adventure - Take a photo recording the Calla Lily's habitat
2002012 : Adventurer Exam: The Art of Adventure - Take a photo recording the Small Lamp Grass' habitat
2002021 : Adventurer Exam: The Art of Adventure - Take a photo recording the Cecilia's habitat
2002024 : Adventurer Exam: The Art of Adventure - Pick Cecilias
2002025 : Adventurer Exam: The Art of Adventure - Report back to Anna
2002026 : Adventurer Exam: The Art of Adventure - [N/A] 3011865908
2002027 : Adventurer Exam: The Art of Adventure - Pick Calla Lilies
2002028 : Adventurer Exam: The Art of Adventure - Pick Small Lamp Grass
2002029 : Adventurer Exam: The Art of Adventure - [N/A] 2399949308
2002101 : Adventurer Exam: Taking Flight - Talk to Anna
2002102 : Adventurer Exam: Taking Flight - Demonstrate how to use a wind glider to Anna
2002103 : Adventurer Exam: Taking Flight - Demonstrate how to use a wind glider to Anna
2002104 : Adventurer Exam: Taking Flight - Talk to Anna
2002105 : Adventurer Exam: Taking Flight - [N/A] 2977180388
2002106 : Adventurer Exam: Taking Flight - [N/A] 2284549756
2002301 : Presumption of Innocence - Talk to Sister Victoria
2002302 : Presumption of Innocence - Find Nimrod
2002303 : Presumption of Innocence - Examine the mug for evidence
2002304 : Presumption of Innocence - Talk to Charles
2002305 : Presumption of Innocence - Report back to Sister Victoria
2002306 : Presumption of Innocence - Find Nimrod
2002307 : Presumption of Innocence - Observe Nimrod
2002308 : Presumption of Innocence - Report back to Sister Victoria
2002501 : Lost Key - Talk to Wyatt
2002503 : Lost Key - Use Elemental Sight to find the key
2002504 : Lost Key - Give the key to Wyatt
2002601 : Food Delivery - Talk to Sara at Good Hunter
2002602 : Food Delivery - Talk to Sara
2002603 : Food Delivery - Find two Bird Eggs
2002604 : Food Delivery - Collect the completed meals
2002605 : Food Delivery - Deliver the food to Ernest
2002606 : Food Delivery - Bridge
2002607 : Food Delivery - Find Ernest
2002608 : Food Delivery - Give the fee to Sara
2002701 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Go check the details
2002702 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Defeat the slimes
2002703 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Talk to Tunner
2002704 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Go to the strange location
2002705 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Use Anemo to blow out the dust
2002706 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Defeat all of the slimes
2002801 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Go check the details
2002802 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Defeat the slimes
2002803 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Talk to Timid Morrow
2002804 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Go to the strange location
2002805 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Use Anemo to blow out the dust
2002806 : Big Pudgy Problem! - Defeat all of the slimes
2002901 : Return to Days of Winter - Talk to Viktor
2002902 : Return to Days of Winter - Ask Marjorie about a present
2002903 : Return to Days of Winter - Look for Terrified Schuster
2002904 : Return to Days of Winter - Save Terrified Schuster
2002905 : Return to Days of Winter - Talk to Schuster
2002906 : Return to Days of Winter - Give the Wolfhooks to Marjorie
2002907 : Return to Days of Winter - Give the present to Viktor
2002908 : Return to Days of Winter - Deliver the present to Lily in turn
2002909 : Return to Days of Winter - Talk to Viktor
2003001 : Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild - Paimon dialog
2003002 : Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild - Talk to Katheryne for more details
2003003 : Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild - Talk to Katheryne for more details
2003004 : Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild - Talk to Katheryne for more details
2003101 : Every Day a New Adventure - Talk to Katheryne
2003102 : Every Day a New Adventure - Talk to Katheryne
2003103 : Every Day a New Adventure - Complete the commission
2003104 : Every Day a New Adventure - Talk to Katheryne
2003105 : Every Day a New Adventure - Talk to Katheryne
2003106 : Every Day a New Adventure - Talk to Katheryne
2003107 : Every Day a New Adventure - Complete 4 Daily Commissions then talk to Katheryne
2003201 : [CHS] - 开启事件系统$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)事件系统开启$HIDDEN
2003202 : [CHS] - 开启事件系统$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)事件系统开启$HIDDEN
2003301 : Anna the Adventurer! - Talk to Anna
2003302 : Anna the Adventurer! - Go with Anna to complete her Adventurers' Guild commission
2003303 : Anna the Adventurer! - Go with Anna to complete her Adventurers' Guild commission
2003304 : Anna the Adventurer! - Talk to Anna
2003401 : Anna the Adventurer! - Talk to Anna
2003402 : Anna the Adventurer! - Go with Anna to complete her Adventurers' Guild commission
2003403 : Anna the Adventurer! - Go with Anna to complete her Adventurers' Guild commission
2003404 : Anna the Adventurer! - Fend off the Treasure Hoarders
2003405 : Anna the Adventurer! - Proceed onward and check the situation out
2003406 : Anna the Adventurer! - Proceed onward and check the situation out
2003407 : Anna the Adventurer! - Talk to Anna
2003501 : Lost Key - Talk to Wyatt
2003502 : Lost Key - Use Elemental Sight to find the key
2003504 : Lost Key - Give the key to Wyatt
2003601 : Whispers in the Wind - Go and talk to Glory
2003602 : Whispers in the Wind - Talk to Glory
2003603 : Whispers in the Wind - Find three Dandelion Seeds
2003604 : Whispers in the Wind - Give the Dandelion Seeds to Glory
2003605 : Whispers in the Wind - Go to the top of the Anemo Archon statue and scatter the Dandelion Seeds
2003606 : Whispers in the Wind - Talk to Glory
2003701 : Long Distance Love - Something seems to be troubling Godwin
2003702 : Long Distance Love - Talk to Godwin
2003703 : Long Distance Love - Give the letter to Glory
2003706 : Long Distance Love - Report back to Godwin
2003801 : Grateful to the Gods - Talk to Jilliana
2003802 : Grateful to the Gods - Clean the Statue of The Seven at Starfell Lake
2003803 : Grateful to the Gods - Clean the Statue of The Seven at Windrise
2003804 : Grateful to the Gods - Clean the Statue of The Seven at
2003805 : Grateful to the Gods - Clean the Statue of The Seven at Starfell Lake
2003806 : Grateful to the Gods - Clean the Statue of The Seven at Windrise
2003807 : Grateful to the Gods - Clean the Statue of The Seven at Dawn Winery
2003808 : Grateful to the Gods - Talk to Jilliana
2003809 : Grateful to the Gods - Talk to Jilliana
2003810 : Grateful to the Gods - Talk to Jilliana
2003901 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Talk to Timaeus
2003902 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Talk to Timaeus
2003903 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Undertake bold innovation
2003904 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Consolidate - Shocking Essential Oil
2003905 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Consolidate - Frosting Essential Oil
2003906 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Consolidate - Flaming Essential Oil
2003907 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Craft Shocking Essential Oil
2003908 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Craft Frosting Essential Oil
2003909 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Craft Flaming Essential Oil
2003910 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Innovate - Black Copper Horn
2003911 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Innovate - Dirty Mask
2003912 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Innovate - Slime Secretions
2003913 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Find a Black Bronze Horn
2003914 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Find a Stained Mask
2003915 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Find Slime Secretions
2003916 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Give the Shocking Essential Oil
2003917 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Give the Frosting Essential Oil
2003918 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Give Flaming Essential Oil
2003919 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Go back and talk to Timaeus
2003920 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Go back and talk to Timaeus
2003921 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Go back and talk to Timaeus
2003922 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Check your inventory for the required item - Shocking Essential Oil
2003923 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Check your bag for the required item - Frosting Essential Oil
2003924 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Check your inventory for the required item - Flaming Essential Oil
2003925 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Check your bag for the required item - Black Copper Horn
2003926 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Check your bag for the required item - Dirty Mask
2003927 : Timaeus' Alchemy Tutorial - Check your bag for the required item - Slime Secretions
2004001 : A New Storm Is Brewing - Talk to Vind
2004002 : A New Storm Is Brewing - Clear out the monsters on the watchtower
2004003 : A New Storm Is Brewing - Talk to Vind
2004004 : A New Storm Is Brewing - Climb the watchtower
2004007 : A New Storm Is Brewing - Talk to Vind
2004101 : Adventure Takes Courage! - Talk to Patchi
2004102 : Adventure Takes Courage! - Clear out the monster camp
2004103 : Adventure Takes Courage! - Talk to Patchi
2004201 : Stop, Albert. Stop! - Talk to Victoria
2004202 : Stop, Albert. Stop! - Find Albert near the Cathedral
2004203 : Stop, Albert. Stop! - Sweep up the pile of leaves
2004204 : Stop, Albert. Stop! - Talk to Albert
2004205 : Stop, Albert. Stop! - Report to Victoria in the Cathedral
2004301 : Michelle Never Stops! - Talk to Michelle
2004302 : Michelle Never Stops! - Talk to Quinn
2004303 : Michelle Never Stops! - Collect Sunsettia
2004304 : Michelle Never Stops! - Give the Sunsettia to Quinn
2004305 : Michelle Never Stops! - Talk to Michelle
2004306 : Michelle Never Stops! - Trigger conversation with Paimon
2004307 : Michelle Never Stops! - Talk to Paimon
2004401 : Ellin, the Wannabe Knight - Talk to Ellin
2004402 : Ellin, the Wannabe Knight - Destroy all the training dummies in under 2 seconds
2004403 : Ellin, the Wannabe Knight - Talk to Ellin
2004601 : Anna the Adventurer! - Talk to Anna
2004602 : Anna the Adventurer! - Go with Anna to complete her Adventurers' Guild commission
2004603 : Anna the Adventurer! - Go with Anna to complete her Adventurers' Guild commission
2004604 : Anna the Adventurer! - Talk to Anna
2004701 : Step by Step - Talk to Doolan
2004702 : Step by Step - Go investigate the ruins
2004703 : Step by Step - Go investigate the ruins
2004704 : Step by Step - Go investigate the ruins
2004705 : Step by Step - Go investigate the ruins
2004706 : Step by Step - Investigate all of the ruins
2004707 : Step by Step - Talk to Doolan
2004708 : Step by Step - Prevent progress reset
2004801 : Pigeon, Duck, and Child - Talk to Timmie
2004802 : Pigeon, Duck, and Child - Find and collect three Wheat
2004803 : Pigeon, Duck, and Child - Give the Wheat to Timmie
2004804 : Pigeon, Duck, and Child - Go to the lakeside and scatter the Wheat
2004805 : Pigeon, Duck, and Child - Talk to Timmie
2004806 : Pigeon, Duck, and Child - Talk to angry Timmie
2004901 : A Little Booze Doesn't Hurt... - Talk to Nimrod
2004902 : A Little Booze Doesn't Hurt... - Find Eury
2004903 : A Little Booze Doesn't Hurt... - Find Sunsettia
2004904 : A Little Booze Doesn't Hurt... - Give the Sunsettia
2004905 : A Little Booze Doesn't Hurt... - Report back to Nimrod
2005001 : Ellin, the Wannabe Knight - Go and talk to Ellin
2005002 : Ellin, the Wannabe Knight - Destroy all the training dummies in under 2 seconds
2005003 : Ellin, the Wannabe Knight - Go back and talk to Ellin
2005101 : Wines of Mondstadt - Talk to Charles
2005102 : Wines of Mondstadt - Talk to Nimrod about drunkards
2005103 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪昆恩的当前位置$HIDDEN
2005104 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪玛格丽特的当前位置$HIDDEN
2005105 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪杜拉夫的当前位置$HIDDEN
2005106 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪杰克的当前位置$HIDDEN
2005107 : Wines of Mondstadt - Progress in helping Charles collect information
2005108 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)给查尔斯回报信息$HIDDEN
2005109 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)给查尔斯回报信息$HIDDEN
2005110 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)给查尔斯回报信息$HIDDEN
2005111 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)给查尔斯回报信息$HIDDEN
2005112 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)给查尔斯回报信息$HIDDEN
2005113 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)给查尔斯回报信息$HIDDEN
2005114 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)给查尔斯回报信息$HIDDEN
2005115 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)给查尔斯回报信息$HIDDEN
2005118 : Wines of Mondstadt - Ask one of the drunkards about the signature cocktail
2005120 : Wines of Mondstadt - Talk to Charles and prepare to make a cocktail
2005124 : Wines of Mondstadt - Give the cocktail ingredients to Charles
2005125 : Wines of Mondstadt - Talk to Charles
2005137 : Wines of Mondstadt - Talk to Charles and finish the cocktail
2005138 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)加入材料$HIDDEN
2005139 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)摇晃$HIDDEN
2005140 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)搅拌$HIDDEN
2005141 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)静置$HIDDEN
2005142 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)静置$HIDDEN
2005143 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)是否加料$HIDDEN
2005144 : Wines of Mondstadt - Make a cocktail
2005145 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)加入材料$HIDDEN
2005146 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)摇晃$HIDDEN
2005147 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)搅拌$HIDDEN
2005148 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)静置$HIDDEN
2005149 : Wines of Mondstadt - Ask Charles about his opinion on cocktails
2005150 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒已经调好,快去给酒豪喝吧!$HIDDEN
2005151 : Wines of Mondstadt - Give the cocktail to Quinn to try
2005152 : Wines of Mondstadt - Give the cocktail to Margaret to try
2005153 : Wines of Mondstadt - Give the cocktail to Draff to try
2005154 : Wines of Mondstadt - Give the cocktail to Jack to try
2005155 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒已经调好,快去给酒豪喝吧!
2005156 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒已经调好,快去给酒豪喝吧!
2005157 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒已经调好,快去给酒豪喝吧!
2005158 : Wines of Mondstadt - Talk to Charles
2005159 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒已经调好,快去给酒豪喝吧!
2005160 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005161 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005163 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)客户端数据验证$HIDDEN
2005164 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)本环完成$HIDDEN
2005165 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)执行回滚$HIDDEN
2005166 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)去找昆恩、玛格丽特、杜拉夫、杰克中的一名酒豪了解调酒信息$HIDDEN
2005170 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:好!$HIDDEN
2005171 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:中!$HIDDEN
2005172 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:差!$HIDDEN
2005173 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:恐怖!$HIDDEN
2005174 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:意外的好!$HIDDEN
2005175 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:好!$HIDDEN
2005176 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:中!$HIDDEN
2005177 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:差!$HIDDEN
2005178 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:恐怖!$HIDDEN
2005179 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:意外的好!$HIDDEN
2005180 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:好!$HIDDEN
2005181 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:中!$HIDDEN
2005182 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:差!$HIDDEN
2005183 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:恐怖!$HIDDEN
2005184 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:意外的好!$HIDDEN
2005185 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:好!$HIDDEN
2005186 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:中!$HIDDEN
2005187 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:差!$HIDDEN
2005188 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:恐怖!$HIDDEN
2005189 : Wines of Mondstadt - [CHS] - (test)酒豪的评价:意外的好!$HIDDEN
2005201 : Anna the Adventurer! - Talk to Anna
2005202 : Anna the Adventurer! - Go with Anna to complete her Adventurers' Guild commission
2005203 : Anna the Adventurer! - Go with Anna to complete her Adventurers' Guild commission
2005204 : Anna the Adventurer! - Talk to Anna
2005301 : Ellin, the Wannabe Knight - Go and talk to Ellin
2005302 : Ellin, the Wannabe Knight - Destroy all the training dummies in under 2 seconds
2005303 : Ellin, the Wannabe Knight - Go back and talk to Ellin
2005401 : Guy in the Background - Talk to Guy
2005402 : Guy in the Background - Collect Firm Arrowhead
2005403 : Guy in the Background - Collect Damaged Mask
2005404 : Guy in the Background - Collect Slime Condensate
2005405 : Guy in the Background - Collect Divining Scroll
2005406 : Guy in the Background - Collect Heavy Horn
2005407 : Guy in the Background - Collect a Firm Arrowhead
2005408 : Guy in the Background - Collect a Damaged Mask
2005409 : Guy in the Background - Collect a Slime Condensate
2005410 : Guy in the Background - Collect a Divining Scroll
2005411 : Guy in the Background - Collect a Heavy Horn
2005412 : Guy in the Background - Give the trophy and letter to Tunner
2005413 : Guy in the Background - Give the trophy and letter to Tunner
2005414 : Guy in the Background - Give the trophy and letter to Tunner
2005415 : Guy in the Background - Give the trophy and letter to Tunner
2005416 : Guy in the Background - Give the trophy and letter to Tunner
2005417 : Guy in the Background - [CHS] - (test)询问盖伊$HIDDEN
2005801 : Nora, Run! - Talk to Nora
2005802 : Nora, Run! - Talk to Nora
2005803 : Nora, Run! - Arrive at the destination
2005804 : Nora, Run! - Talk to Nora
2005805 : Nora, Run! - Talk to Nora
2005808 : Nora, Run! - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005809 : Nora, Run! - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005810 : Nora, Run! - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005811 : Nora, Run! - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005812 : Nora, Run! - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005813 : Nora, Run! - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005901 : The More Treasures the Merrier - Talk to Marjorie
2005902 : The More Treasures the Merrier - Talk to Marjorie
2005903 : The More Treasures the Merrier - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005904 : The More Treasures the Merrier - Wait for Marjorie's business to succeed
2005905 : The More Treasures the Merrier - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005906 : The More Treasures the Merrier - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005907 : The More Treasures the Merrier - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005908 : The More Treasures the Merrier - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005909 : The More Treasures the Merrier - Collect rewards from Marjorie
2005910 : The More Treasures the Merrier - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005920 : The More Treasures the Merrier - Give Marjorie the rewards collected from the hilichurls
2005930 : The More Treasures the Merrier - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005950 : The More Treasures the Merrier - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005970 : The More Treasures the Merrier - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005990 : The More Treasures the Merrier - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2005999 : The More Treasures the Merrier - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2006001 : Things a Father Can Do - Talk to Tunner
2006002 : Things a Father Can Do - Collect Sweet Flowers
2006004 : Things a Father Can Do - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2006005 : Things a Father Can Do - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2006006 : Things a Father Can Do - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2006008 : Things a Father Can Do - Give the ingredients to Jilliana
2006009 : Things a Father Can Do - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2006010 : Things a Father Can Do - Report back to Tunner
2006101 : Pigeons Go AWOL - Talk to Draff
2006102 : Pigeons Go AWOL - Look for pigeons in the woods
2006103 : Pigeons Go AWOL - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2006104 : Pigeons Go AWOL - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2006105 : Pigeons Go AWOL - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2006106 : Pigeons Go AWOL - Scare off the pigeons
2006107 : Pigeons Go AWOL - Scare off the pigeons
2006108 : Pigeons Go AWOL - Scare off the pigeons
2006109 : Pigeons Go AWOL - Report back to Draff
2006110 : Pigeons Go AWOL - Scare off the pigeons
2006111 : Pigeons Go AWOL - Investigate what's happening up ahead
2006112 : Pigeons Go AWOL - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2006113 : Pigeons Go AWOL - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2006114 : Pigeons Go AWOL - Defeat all the hilichurls
2006115 : Pigeons Go AWOL - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2006116 : Pigeons Go AWOL - Report back to Draff
2006117 : Pigeons Go AWOL - Report back to Draff
2006118 : Pigeons Go AWOL - Give the letter to Sara
2006119 : Pigeons Go AWOL - Report back to Draff
2006120 : Pigeons Go AWOL - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2006201 : The Limitations of an Adventurer - Talk to Herman
2006202 : The Limitations of an Adventurer - Clear out the monster camp
2006203 : The Limitations of an Adventurer - Obtain the wooden training dummy
2006204 : The Limitations of an Adventurer - Talk to Herman
2006205 : The Limitations of an Adventurer - Keep training dummy intact
2006206 : The Limitations of an Adventurer - Collect materials for training dummy
2006207 : The Limitations of an Adventurer - Talk to Herman
2006301 : The Best Audience in All of Mondstadt - Talk to Jack
2006302 : The Best Audience in All of Mondstadt - Find the monster based on Jack's description
2006303 : The Best Audience in All of Mondstadt - Defeat the monster
2006304 : The Best Audience in All of Mondstadt - Find the monster based on Jack's description
2006305 : The Best Audience in All of Mondstadt - Defeat the monster
2006306 : The Best Audience in All of Mondstadt - Find the monster based on Jack's description
2006307 : The Best Audience in All of Mondstadt - Defeat the monster
2006308 : The Best Audience in All of Mondstadt - Talk to Jack
2006309 : The Best Audience in All of Mondstadt - Talk to Jack
2006310 : The Best Audience in All of Mondstadt - Talk to Jack
2006401 : The Limit as an Adventurer - Talk to angry Ellin 1
2006402 : The Limit as an Adventurer - Talk to angry Ellin 2
2006501 : Ellin, the Wannabe Knight - Talk to Ellin
2006502 : Ellin, the Wannabe Knight - Destroy all the training dummies in under 2 seconds
2006503 : Ellin, the Wannabe Knight - Talk to Ellin
2006601 : Ellin, the Wannabe Knight - Talk to Ellin
2006602 : Ellin, the Wannabe Knight - Destroy all the training dummies in under 2 seconds
2006603 : Ellin, the Wannabe Knight - Talk to Ellin
2006701 : Adventurer Exam: Taking Flight - Talk to Anna
2006702 : Adventurer Exam: Taking Flight - Demonstrate how to use a wind glider to Anna
2006703 : Adventurer Exam: Taking Flight - Demonstrate how to use a wind glider to Anna
2006704 : Adventurer Exam: Taking Flight - Talk to Anna
2006705 : Adventurer Exam: Taking Flight - [N/A] 3038611980
2006706 : Adventurer Exam: Taking Flight - [N/A] 2412763788
2006801 : Sorry, Timmie! - Talk to Grace
2006802 : Sorry, Timmie! - Bring 3 Philanemo Mushrooms to Grace
2006803 : Sorry, Timmie! - Talk to Timmie
2006804 : Sorry, Timmie! - [CHS] - 等待葛瑞丝制作蒙德土豆饼$HIDDEN
2006901 : Floral Fresh - Talk to Flora
2006902 : Floral Fresh - Head to Dragonspine's Statue of The Seven and place a package there
2006903 : Floral Fresh - Defeat all opponents
2006904 : Floral Fresh - Place a package near the mountain cave
2006905 : Floral Fresh - Report back to Flora
2006906 : Floral Fresh - [CHS] - (隐藏)检测是否打破雪堆$HIDDEN
2006907 : Floral Fresh - Head to Dragonspine and place a package beside a body of water
2006908 : Floral Fresh - Head to the mountain cavern on Dragonspine and place a package there
2006909 : Floral Fresh - Apologize to Flora
2006912 : Floral Fresh - [CHS] - (隐藏)开车_检查玩家到达神像附近$HIDDEN
2007001 : Fresh Flora - Retrieve the package near the cavern
2007003 : Fresh Flora - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
2007004 : Fresh Flora - Give the retrieved packages to Flora
2007006 : Fresh Flora - Follow the trail to search for the package
2007007 : Fresh Flora - Apologize to Flora
2007008 : Fresh Flora - Head to Dragonspine to retrieve the packages
2007009 : Fresh Flora - Retrieve the package near the Dragonspine Statue of The Seven
2007010 : Fresh Flora - Retrieve the package beside the body of water
2007011 : Fresh Flora - Defeat the attacking monsters
2007012 : Fresh Flora - [CHS] - (隐藏)检测玩家是否有破坏雪堆$HIDDEN
2007013 : Fresh Flora - [CHS] - (废弃)到达开车$HIDDEN
2007014 : Fresh Flora - Give the retrieved packages to Flora
2007015 : Fresh Flora - Talk to Flora
2007101 : Fresh Flora - Head to Dragonspine to retrieve the packages
2007102 : Fresh Flora - Retrieve the package near the Dragonspine Statue of The Seven
2007103 : Fresh Flora - Retrieve the package near the Dragonspine Statue of The Seven
2007104 : Fresh Flora - Retrieve the package beside the body of water
2007105 : Fresh Flora - Defeat the attacking monsters
2007106 : Fresh Flora - Retrieve the package near the cavern
2007107 : Fresh Flora - Give the retrieved flowers to Flora
2007108 : Fresh Flora - [CHS] - (隐藏)检测玩家是否有破坏雪堆$HIDDEN
2007109 : Fresh Flora - Apologize to Flora
2007110 : Fresh Flora - [CHS] - (废弃)到达开车$HIDDEN
2007111 : Fresh Flora - Give the retrieved flowers to Flora
2007112 : Fresh Flora - Talk to Flora
2007201 : Fresh Flora - Head to Dragonspine to retrieve the packages
2007202 : Fresh Flora - Retrieve the package near the Dragonspine Statue of The Seven
2007203 : Fresh Flora - Retrieve the package near the Dragonspine Statue of The Seven
2007204 : Fresh Flora - Retrieve the package beside the body of water
2007205 : Fresh Flora - Retrieve the package near the cavern
2007206 : Fresh Flora - Follow the trail to search for the package
2007207 : Fresh Flora - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
2007208 : Fresh Flora - Give the retrieved packages to Flora
2007209 : Fresh Flora - [CHS] - (隐藏)检测玩家是否有破坏雪堆$HIDDEN
2007210 : Fresh Flora - Apologize to Flora
2007211 : Fresh Flora - [CHS] - (废弃)到达开车$HIDDEN
2007212 : Fresh Flora - Give the retrieved packages to Flora
2007213 : Fresh Flora - Talk to Flora
2007301 : Emergency Supplies - Talk to Riese
2007302 : Emergency Supplies - Place the food supplies at the first location
2007303 : Emergency Supplies - Place the food supplies at the third location
2007304 : Emergency Supplies - Place the food supplies at the second location
2007305 : Emergency Supplies - [CHS] - (废弃)(隐藏)任务回退保底$HIDDEN
2007306 : Emergency Supplies - Report back to Riese
2007307 : Emergency Supplies - [CHS] - (隐藏)检测雪堆破坏,创建NPC$HIDDEN
2007308 : Emergency Supplies - [CHS] - (隐藏)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
2007309 : Emergency Supplies - [CHS] - (隐藏)区域检测开车$HIDDEN
2010001 : [CHS] - (test)扭蛋功能开启发蛋卷$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)冒险等级到达4级,完成随风而来的骑士(35403)$HIDDEN
2010100 : Chasing Shadows - Player returned to the world. Tavern cleared.
2010101 : Chasing Shadows - Enter the Fatui hideout
2010102 : Chasing Shadows - Interrogate the guard
2010103 : Chasing Shadows - Interrogate the guard
2010104 : Chasing Shadows - Scenario 1 Trigger
2010105 : Chasing Shadows - Talk to the NPC in room 1
2010106 : Chasing Shadows - Threaten the NPC
2010107 : Chasing Shadows - Bribe the NPC
2010108 : Chasing Shadows - Challenge NPC to a duel.
2010109 : Chasing Shadows - Negotiation with NPC succeeded - return
2010110 : Chasing Shadows - Negotiation with NPC failed - return
2010111 : Chasing Shadows - Negotiation with NPC fell apart - trigger before combat
2010112 : Chasing Shadows - Negotiation with NPC failed - combat loop
2010113 : Chasing Shadows - Room 1 - complete pinned quest
2010114 : Chasing Shadows - Scenario 2 Trigger
2010115 : Chasing Shadows - Talk to the NPC in room 2
2010116 : Chasing Shadows - Threaten NPC 2
2010117 : Chasing Shadows - Bribe NPC 2
2010118 : Chasing Shadows - Challenge NPC 2 to a duel.
2010119 : Chasing Shadows - Negotiation with NPC 2 succeeded - return
2010120 : Chasing Shadows - Negotiation with NPC 2 failed - return
2010121 : Chasing Shadows - Negotiation with NPC 2 fell apart - trigger before combat
2010122 : Chasing Shadows - Negotiation with NPC 2 failed - combat loop
2010123 : Chasing Shadows - Room 2 - complete pinned quest
2010124 : Chasing Shadows - Scenario 3 Trigger
2010125 : Chasing Shadows - Talk to the NPC in room 3
2010126 : Chasing Shadows - Threaten NPC 3
2010127 : Chasing Shadows - Bribe NPC 3
2010128 : Chasing Shadows - Challenge NPC 3 to a duel.
2010129 : Chasing Shadows - Negotiation with NPC 3 succeeded - return
2010130 : Chasing Shadows - Negotiation with NPC 3 failed - return
2010131 : Chasing Shadows - Negotiation with NPC 3 fell apart - trigger before combat
2010132 : Chasing Shadows - Negotiation with NPC 3 failed — combat loop
2010133 : Chasing Shadows - Room 3 — complete pinned quest
2010134 : Chasing Shadows - Scenario 4 Trigger
2010135 : Chasing Shadows - Room 4 — combat loop and pin quest
2010136 : Chasing Shadows - Scenario 5 Trigger
2010137 : Chasing Shadows - Room 5 — combat loop and pin quest
2010138 : Chasing Shadows - Scenario 6 Trigger
2010139 : Chasing Shadows - Room 5 — combat loop and pin quest
2010140 : Chasing Shadows - Record progress - third record
2010141 : Chasing Shadows - Scour the Fatui hideout to find the key
2010142 : Chasing Shadows - Open the sealed door.
2010143 : Chasing Shadows - Enter the area where the lyre is stored
2010144 : Chasing Shadows - Stage callback on door open. Key destroyed.
2010145 : Chasing Shadows - Room 1 - quest pin for obtaining key through negotiations
2010146 : Chasing Shadows - Room 1 - quest pin for obtaining key through combat
2010147 : Chasing Shadows - Room 2 - quest pin for obtaining key through negotiations
2010148 : Chasing Shadows - Room 2 - quest pin for obtaining key through combat
2010149 : Chasing Shadows - Room 3 - quest pin for obtaining key through negotiations
2010150 : Chasing Shadows - Room 3 - quest pin for obtaining key through combat
2010151 : Chasing Shadows - Talk to Paimon
2010152 : Chasing Shadows - Obtain the Holy Lyre der Himmel
2010153 : Chasing Shadows - [CHS] - (test)(好感+2)没错,都被我打倒了$HIDDEN
2010154 : Chasing Shadows - [CHS] - ((test)好感+1)他们突然有急事回至冬国$HIDDEN
2010155 : Chasing Shadows - [CHS] - (test)(好感+2)他也被我顺手解决了$HIDDEN
2010156 : Chasing Shadows - [CHS] - (test)(好感+1)别指望了,根本没见这个人$HIDDEN
2010157 : Chasing Shadows - [CHS] - (test)(好感+0)他在猫尾酒馆喝酒啊$HIDDEN
2010158 : Chasing Shadows - [CHS] - (test)(好感+2)事成之后,五十万摩拉?$HIDDEN
2010159 : Chasing Shadows - [CHS] - (test)(好感+1)我们会向蒙冬友爱协会引荐你。$HIDDEN
2010160 : Chasing Shadows - [CHS] - (test)(好感+0)这个苹果给你吃?$HIDDEN
2010201 : A Boy's Letter - Talk to Draff
2010202 : A Boy's Letter - Talk to Grace
2010203 : A Boy's Letter - Talk to Timmie
2010204 : A Boy's Letter - Find three Dandelions
2010205 : A Boy's Letter - Give the Dandelions to Timmie
2010206 : A Boy's Letter - Give Timmie's letter to Draff
2010301 : Poetry Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2010302 : Poetry Exchange - Approach the hilichurl
2010303 : Poetry Exchange - Recite poetry to the hilichurls
2010304 : Poetry Exchange - [CHS] - 【隐藏】丘丘语赞美句子1$HIDDEN
2010305 : Poetry Exchange - [CHS] - 【隐藏】丘丘语赞美句子2$HIDDEN
2010306 : Poetry Exchange - [CHS] - 【隐藏】丘丘语赞美句子3$HIDDEN
2010307 : Poetry Exchange - [CHS] - 【隐藏】丘丘语辱骂句子1$HIDDEN
2010308 : Poetry Exchange - [CHS] - 【隐藏】丘丘语辱骂句子2$HIDDEN
2010309 : Poetry Exchange - [CHS] - 【隐藏】让丘丘人高兴$HIDDEN
2010310 : Poetry Exchange - [CHS] - 【隐藏】让丘丘人生气$HIDDEN
2010311 : Poetry Exchange - [CHS] - 【隐藏】让丘丘人高兴后续对话$HIDDEN
2010312 : Poetry Exchange - [CHS] - 【隐藏】让丘丘人生气后续对话$HIDDEN
2010313 : Poetry Exchange - Defeat the angry hilichurl
2010314 : Poetry Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2010315 : Poetry Exchange - Talk to Ella Musk
2010401 : Cleanup At Dawn II - Talk to Moco and Hillie
2010402 : Cleanup At Dawn II - Sweep up the pile of leaves
2010403 : Cleanup At Dawn II - [CHS] - (test)判断烧掉草垛$HIDDEN
2010404 : Cleanup At Dawn II - Talk to Moco and Hillie
2010405 : Cleanup At Dawn II - Talk to Moco and Hillie
2050001 : [CHS] - (test)武器强化$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2050002 : [CHS] - (test)武器强化$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2050003 : [CHS] - (test)武器强化$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2050301 : Sharpening the Axe Won't Hinder the Work - [CHS] - (test)和铁匠瓦格纳交谈$HIDDEN
2050302 : Sharpening the Axe Won't Hinder the Work - Talk to Wagner the blacksmith
2050303 : Sharpening the Axe Won't Hinder the Work - [CHS] - (test)和铁匠瓦格纳交谈$HIDDEN
2050304 : Sharpening the Axe Won't Hinder the Work - Collect three Iron Chunks and give them to Wagner
2050305 : Sharpening the Axe Won't Hinder the Work - Talk to Wagner the blacksmith
2050306 : Sharpening the Axe Won't Hinder the Work - [CHS] - (test)继续与瓦格纳对话$HIDDEN
2050401 : Collector of Anemo Sigils - Talk to the shop owner, Marjorie
2050402 : Collector of Anemo Sigils - [CHS] - (test)触发开车和镜头注视(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2050403 : Collector of Anemo Sigils - [CHS] - (test)关闭商店后得对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2050501 : Busy Adventurers' Guild - Talk to Katheryne
2050502 : Busy Adventurers' Guild - [CHS] - (test)与凯瑟琳对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2050601 : Wisdom of Ancient Civilizations - Talk to Timaeus about alchemy
2050602 : Wisdom of Ancient Civilizations - [CHS] - (test)与蒂玛乌斯对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2050701 : [CHS] - (test)蒙德传送点教学$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2050702 : [CHS] - (test)蒙德传送点教学$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2050801 : [CHS] - (test)第一次通关地城指引(隐藏)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)火地城通关神树指引$HIDDEN
2050802 : [CHS] - (test)第一次通关地城指引(隐藏)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)退出地城/完成交互 摧毁gadget$HIDDEN
2050803 : [CHS] - (test)第一次通关地城指引(隐藏)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)冰地城通关神树指引$HIDDEN
2050804 : [CHS] - (test)第一次通关地城指引(隐藏)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)退出地城/完成交互 摧毁gadget$HIDDEN
2050805 : [CHS] - (test)第一次通关地城指引(隐藏)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)水地城通关神树指引$HIDDEN
2050806 : [CHS] - (test)第一次通关地城指引(隐藏)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)退出地城/完成交互 摧毁gadget$HIDDEN
2050807 : [CHS] - (test)第一次通关地城指引(隐藏)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)雷地城通关神树指引$HIDDEN
2050808 : [CHS] - (test)第一次通关地城指引(隐藏)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)退出地城/完成交互 摧毁gadget$HIDDEN
2050901 : [CHS] - (test)PC呼出鼠标教学$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2050902 : [CHS] - (test)PC呼出鼠标教学$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)$HIDDEN
2051101 : Miracle Medicine - Talk to Anthony
2051102 : Miracle Medicine - Check on the state of the berries
2051103 : Miracle Medicine - Acquire a Dendro-Processed Berry
2051104 : Miracle Medicine - Talk to Anthony
2051201 : Miracle Medicine - Talk to Anthony
2051202 : Miracle Medicine - Acquire some Thick Hydro Slime Condensate
2051203 : Miracle Medicine - Talk to Anthony
2051301 : Miracle Medicine - Talk to Anthony
2051302 : Miracle Medicine - Acquire a Wind-Caressed Aster
2051303 : Miracle Medicine - Talk to Anthony
2051401 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - Talk to Anthony
2051402 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - Find Anna
2051403 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - Talk to Anthony
2051404 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - [CHS] - 与塞琉斯对话$HIDDEN
2051405 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - Find Anna
2051406 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - Talk to Anthony
2051501 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - Talk to Anthony
2051502 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - Find Anna
2051503 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - Talk to Anthony
2051504 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - [CHS] - 与艾伯特对话$HIDDEN
2051505 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - Find Anna
2051506 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - Talk to Anthony
2051601 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - Talk to Anthony
2051602 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - Find Anna
2051603 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - Talk to Anthony
2051604 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - [CHS] - 与葛瑞丝对话$HIDDEN
2051605 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - Find Anna
2051606 : Recuperating From a Severe Illness - Talk to Anthony
2051701 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Rudolf
2051702 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Marjorie
2051703 : A Surprise Gift - [CHS] - 桥接任务(购买礼物)$HIDDEN
2051704 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Rudolf
2051705 : A Surprise Gift - Give the Windwheel Aster to Marjorie
2051706 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Rudolf
2051707 : A Surprise Gift - [CHS] - 桥接任务(交付素材)$HIDDEN
2051708 : A Surprise Gift - [CHS] - 桥接任务玛乔丽(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2051709 : A Surprise Gift - [CHS] - 桥接任务昆恩(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2051710 : A Surprise Gift - [CHS] - 桥接任务猎鹿人餐馆(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2051711 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Sara
2051712 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Norma
2051713 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Sara
2051714 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Rudolf
2051715 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Quinn
2051716 : A Surprise Gift - Look for the cart
2051717 : A Surprise Gift - Protect the cart
2051718 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Quinn
2051719 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Rudolf
2051720 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Quinn
2051721 : A Surprise Gift - Find some solid planks
2051722 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Quinn
2051723 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Rudolf
2051730 : A Surprise Gift - [CHS] - 桥接任务薇尔(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2051731 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Vile
2051732 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Rudolf
2051733 : A Surprise Gift - Check on Jilliana's mood
2051734 : A Surprise Gift - Ask Vile
2051735 : A Surprise Gift - Find Jilliana
2051736 : A Surprise Gift - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
2051737 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Jilliana
2051738 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Rudolf
2051739 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Sara
2051740 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Rudolf
2051741 : A Surprise Gift - Check on Jilliana's mood
2051742 : A Surprise Gift - Talk to Rudolf
2051743 : A Surprise Gift - [CHS] - 交付成功后对话桥接$HIDDEN
2051801 : A Commission From "That Guy" - Talk to Vile
2051802 : A Commission From "That Guy" - Head to the designated location
2051803 : A Commission From "That Guy" - Fend off the Treasure Hoarders
2051804 : A Commission From "That Guy" - Report back to Vile
2051805 : A Commission From "That Guy" - [CHS] - 与霍夫曼对话$HIDDEN
2051806 : A Commission From "That Guy" - Report back to Vile
2051901 : A Commission From "That Guy" - Talk to Vile
2051902 : A Commission From "That Guy" - Head to the designated location
2051903 : A Commission From "That Guy" - Fend off the Treasure Hoarders
2051904 : A Commission From "That Guy" - Report back to Vile
2052001 : Only Half-Frozen - Talk to Tommy
2052002 : Only Half-Frozen - [N/A] 3609393356
2052003 : Only Half-Frozen - [N/A] 4124382956
2052004 : Only Half-Frozen - Help Tommy find a source of heat
2052005 : Only Half-Frozen - Make Tommy a serving of Delicious Radish Veggie Soup
2052006 : Only Half-Frozen - Give the serving of Delicious Radish Veggie Soup to Tommy
2052007 : Only Half-Frozen - Talk to Tommy
2052008 : Only Half-Frozen - [CHS] - 获得「冷鲜肉」$HIDDEN
2052009 : Only Half-Frozen - Look for Chilled Meat
2052010 : Only Half-Frozen - Give the Chilled Meat to Tommy
2052011 : Only Half-Frozen - [CHS] - (test)跟汤米一起回营地$HIDDEN
2052101 : Eat It While It's Hot - Speak to Harris
2052102 : Eat It While It's Hot - Deliver the food to Iris within the designated time
2052103 : Eat It While It's Hot - Talk to Iris
2060001 : Tales of Winter - Talk to Viktor
2060002 : Tales of Winter - [CHS] - 丘丘人选项(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2060003 : Tales of Winter - [CHS] - 盗宝团选项(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2060004 : Tales of Winter - [CHS] - 遗迹守卫选项(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2060005 : Tales of Winter - Collect Mitachurl Loot
2060006 : Tales of Winter - Talk to Viktor
2060007 : Tales of Winter - Collect Treasure Hoarder Loot
2060008 : Tales of Winter - Talk to Viktor
2060009 : Tales of Winter - Collect Ruin Guard Loot
2060010 : Tales of Winter - Talk to Viktor
2060101 : A Fine Opportunity? - Talk to Cyrus
2060102 : A Fine Opportunity? - Track down Jack
2060103 : A Fine Opportunity? - Track down Jack
2060104 : A Fine Opportunity? - Rescue Jack from the hilichurls
2060105 : A Fine Opportunity? - Talk to Jack
2060106 : A Fine Opportunity? - Clear out the camp
2060107 : A Fine Opportunity? - Talk to Cyrus
2060108 : A Fine Opportunity? - [CHS] - 与杰克对话$HIDDEN
2060109 : A Fine Opportunity? - Talk to Cyrus
2060201 : Not to be Missed - Talk to Cyrus
2060202 : Not to be Missed - Check the suspicious location and eliminate any threats
2060203 : Not to be Missed - Check the suspicious location and eliminate any threats
2060204 : Not to be Missed - Check the suspicious location and eliminate any threats
2060205 : Not to be Missed - [CHS] - (test)记录调查点进度$HIDDEN
2060206 : Not to be Missed - [CHS] - (test)进度回滚隔离$HIDDEN
2060207 : Not to be Missed - [CHS] - (test)最后完成哨塔(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2060208 : Not to be Missed - [CHS] - (test)最后完成爆炸桶(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2060209 : Not to be Missed - [CHS] - (test)最后完成篝火(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2060210 : Not to be Missed - Defeat the attacking monsters
2060211 : Not to be Missed - Defeat the attacking monsters
2060212 : Not to be Missed - Defeat the attacking monsters
2060213 : Not to be Missed - Talk to Cyrus
2060301 : Time Waits For No Man - Talk to Cyrus
2060302 : Time Waits For No Man - Check the suspicious location and eliminate any threats
2060303 : Time Waits For No Man - Check the suspicious location and eliminate any threats
2060304 : Time Waits For No Man - Check the suspicious location and eliminate any threats
2060305 : Time Waits For No Man - [CHS] - (test)调查点进度记录(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2060306 : Time Waits For No Man - [CHS] - (test)调查点回滚隔离(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2060307 : Time Waits For No Man - [CHS] - (test)最后完成哨塔(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2060308 : Time Waits For No Man - [CHS] - (test)最后完成爆炸桶(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2060309 : Time Waits For No Man - [CHS] - (test)最后完成篝火(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2060310 : Time Waits For No Man - Defeat the attacking monsters
2060311 : Time Waits For No Man - Defeat the attacking monsters
2060312 : Time Waits For No Man - Defeat the attacking monsters
2060313 : Time Waits For No Man - Talk to Cyrus
2070001 : Reliable Helper - Talk to Tsarevich
2070002 : Reliable Helper - Defeat the Hilichurls as requested by Tsarevich
2070004 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 任务A普通完成奖励发放$HIDDEN
2070005 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 查耶维奇战斗A结果判定$HIDDEN
2070006 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 任务B普通完成奖励发放$HIDDEN
2070007 : Reliable Helper - Defeat the Hilichurls as requested by Tsarevich
2070008 : Reliable Helper - Defeat the Hilichurls as requested by Tsarevich
2070009 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 桥接任务A$HIDDEN
2070010 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 桥接任务B$HIDDEN
2070011 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 桥接任务C$HIDDEN
2070012 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 隐藏任务A完成发放奖励$HIDDEN
2070013 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 隐藏任务B完成发放奖励$HIDDEN
2070014 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 隐藏任务C完成发放奖励$HIDDEN
2070015 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 任务C普通完成奖励$HIDDEN
2070016 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 查耶维奇战斗B结果判定$HIDDEN
2070017 : Reliable Helper - Report to Tsarevich
2070018 : Reliable Helper - Report to Tsarevich
2070019 : Reliable Helper - Report to Tsarevich
2070020 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 战斗C判定A$HIDDEN
2070021 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 战斗C判定B$HIDDEN
2070022 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 战斗C判定C$HIDDEN
2070023 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 完成战斗A回去交任务$HIDDEN
2070024 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 完成战斗B回去交任务$HIDDEN
2070025 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 战斗B判定额外击杀遗迹守卫$HIDDEN
2070026 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 战斗A判定是否超时$HIDDEN
2070027 : Reliable Helper - [CHS] - 战斗A超时判定回滚保护$HIDDEN
2070101 : A Returning Customer - Talk to Siegfria
2070102 : A Returning Customer - Cook Jade Parcels
2070103 : A Returning Customer - Give the Jade Parcels to Siegfria
2070104 : A Returning Customer - [N/A] 2503131772
2070105 : A Returning Customer - [N/A] 853908780
2070106 : A Returning Customer - [N/A] 4112195564
2070107 : A Returning Customer - Talk to Siegfria
2070201 : Question and Answer - Talk to Swan
2070202 : Question and Answer - Talk to Swan
2070203 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 3057360796
2070204 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 3141691628
2070205 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 1966699812
2070206 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 3292006508
2070207 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 3989820444
2070208 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 2857494396
2070209 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 2335518964
2070210 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 2978831276
2070211 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 3090703084
2070212 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 679331276
2070213 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 2200936212
2070214 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 1217305020
2070301 : Leaves on the Wind - Talk to Edith
2070302 : Leaves on the Wind - Search in the tree for 3 traces of the wind
2070303 : Leaves on the Wind - Give the leaves to Edith
2070304 : Leaves on the Wind - Search in the tree for 3 traces of the wind
2070305 : Leaves on the Wind - Search in the tree for 3 traces of the wind
2070306 : Leaves on the Wind - [CHS] - 计算进度$HIDDEN
2070307 : Leaves on the Wind - [CHS] - 计算进度保护$HIDDEN
2070401 : [CHS] - 帮萍奶奶种花$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 与萍姥姥谈话$UNRELEASED
2070402 : [CHS] - 帮萍奶奶种花$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 帮萍姥姥在播种璃月百合花$UNRELEASED
2070403 : [CHS] - 帮萍奶奶种花$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 回去向萍姥姥报告$UNRELEASED
2070404 : [CHS] - 帮萍奶奶种花$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 击败史莱姆,取得5个水史莱姆的精华液$UNRELEASED
2070405 : [CHS] - 帮萍奶奶种花$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 给璃月百合浇灌精华液$UNRELEASED
2070406 : [CHS] - 帮萍奶奶种花$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 判断TALK3是否完成$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2070407 : [CHS] - 帮萍奶奶种花$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 判断TALK4是否完成$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2070408 : [CHS] - 帮萍奶奶种花$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 向萍姥姥汇报$UNRELEASED
2074001 : Flighty Flora... and Flora - Talk to Flora
2074002 : Flighty Flora... and Flora - Pick some fresh flowers
2074003 : Flighty Flora... and Flora - Pick some fresh flowers
2074004 : Flighty Flora... and Flora - Pick some fresh flowers
2074005 : Flighty Flora... and Flora - Report back to Flora
2074006 : Flighty Flora... and Flora - [CHS] - 简单三花判定$HIDDEN
2074007 : Flighty Flora... and Flora - [CHS] - 困难两花判定$HIDDEN
2074008 : Flighty Flora... and Flora - [CHS] - 判定是否收集完成$HIDDEN
2074009 : Flighty Flora... and Flora - Collect one portion of Dandelion Seeds
2074010 : Flighty Flora... and Flora - Report back to Flora
2074011 : Flighty Flora... and Flora - Pick some fresh flowers
2074012 : Flighty Flora... and Flora - Report back to Flora
2074013 : Flighty Flora... and Flora - [CHS] - 回滚保护$HIDDEN
2074101 : Mondstadt and its Archon - Talk to Grace
2074102 : Mondstadt and its Archon - Give a Dandelion to Grace
2074103 : Mondstadt and its Archon - Give the Dandelion Seeds to Grace
2074104 : Mondstadt and its Archon - Climb to the Anemo Archon statue's hand and scatter the Dandelion Seeds
2074105 : Mondstadt and its Archon - Talk to Grace
2074201 : [CHS] - 蒲公英籽,随风而去$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (隐藏)判定玩家偷走蒲公英的时间是白天$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2074202 : [CHS] - 蒲公英籽,随风而去$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 与芙罗拉对话$UNRELEASED
2074203 : [CHS] - 蒲公英籽,随风而去$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 帮芙罗拉收集一朵蒲公英籽$UNRELEASED
2074204 : [CHS] - 蒲公英籽,随风而去$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 把蒲公英籽交给芙罗拉$UNRELEASED
2074205 : [CHS] - 蒲公英籽,随风而去$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (隐藏)判定玩家吹走蒲公英的时候是晚上$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2074206 : [CHS] - 蒲公英籽,随风而去$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 与芙罗拉对话$UNRELEASED
2074207 : [CHS] - 蒲公英籽,随风而去$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (隐藏)刷新蒲公英$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2074208 : [CHS] - 蒲公英籽,随风而去$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (隐藏)判定蒲公英被吹走$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2074301 : Windrise, Windfall - Talk to Elzer
2074302 : Windrise, Windfall - Clear the main road of any monsters and obstacles
2074303 : Windrise, Windfall - Clear the main road of any monsters and obstacles
2074304 : Windrise, Windfall - Clear the main road of any monsters and obstacles
2074305 : Windrise, Windfall - [CHS] - 计算完成进度$Hidden$HIDDEN
2074306 : Windrise, Windfall - Talk to Elzer
2074307 : Windrise, Windfall - [CHS] - 查看玩家是否询问细节$Hidden$HIDDEN
2074308 : Windrise, Windfall - [CHS] - 进度重连保护$Hidden$HIDDEN
2074401 : [CHS] - 风神与蒙德后续菜单蒲公英$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2328622332
2100001 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - Talk to Little Meng
2100002 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - Head over to Bishui River
2100003 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - Talk to Little Meng
2100004 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - Look for a place to release the drifting bottle
2100005 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - Check the Sweet Flower
2100006 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - Defeat the Whopperflower
2100007 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - Talk to Little Meng
2100010 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - Look for the drifting bottle
2100011 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - Bring the drifting bottle back to Little Meng
2100012 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - Follow Little Meng to release the drifting bottle
2100013 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - Talk to Little Meng
2100014 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - Send Little Meng back to Liyue Harbor
2100015 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - Talk to Little Meng
2100016 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - [N/A] 3970112284
2100017 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - Bring the drifting bottle back to Little Meng
2100018 : Ahoy! A Pirate’s Growth for Ye! - Talk to Little Meng
2100101 : Mist Veiled Exploration Diary - Talk to NPC
2100102 : Mist Veiled Exploration Diary - Approach the ancient stone platform
2100103 : Mist Veiled Exploration Diary - Approach the seal mechanism
2100104 : Mist Veiled Exploration Diary - Climb to the highest point of Qingyun Peak, and look over Jueyun Karst
2100105 : Mist Veiled Exploration Diary - Go investigate the flashing light
2100106 : Mist Veiled Exploration Diary - Climb to the highest point of Qingyun Peak again and see what has changed
2100110 : Mist Veiled Exploration Diary - Go investigate the flashing light
2100111 : Mist Veiled Exploration Diary - Go investigate the flashing light
2100112 : Mist Veiled Exploration Diary - Go investigate the flashing light
2100113 : Mist Veiled Exploration Diary - Rollback isolation
2100201 : (test)璃月石龙 - [CHS] - 前置隐藏$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2100202 : (test)璃月石龙 - [CHS] - (test)向仙人了解封魔珠之谜$UNRELEASED
2100203 : (test)璃月石龙 - [CHS] - (test)寻找遗失的封魔珠$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2100204 : (test)璃月石龙 - [CHS] - (test)呈交封魔珠$UNRELEASED
2100205 : (test)璃月石龙 - [CHS] - (test)击败石龙$UNRELEASED
2100206 : (test)璃月石龙 - [CHS] - (test)寻找遗失的封魔珠$UNRELEASED
2100207 : (test)璃月石龙 - [CHS] - (test)寻找遗失的封魔珠$UNRELEASED
2100208 : (test)璃月石龙 - [CHS] - (test)寻找遗失的封魔珠$UNRELEASED
2100209 : (test)璃月石龙 - [CHS] - (test)寻找遗失的封魔珠$UNRELEASED
2100210 : (test)璃月石龙 - [CHS] - (test)寻找遗失的封魔珠$UNRELEASED
2100301 : Overstretched - Protect the people on the bridge quest start
2100302 : Overstretched - [CHS] - 第二次对话$HIDDEN
2100311 : Overstretched - Investigate the nearby camp
2100320 : Overstretched - Defeat all opponents in the camp
2100321 : Overstretched - [CHS] - 直接清理营地$HIDDEN
2100330 : Overstretched - [CHS] - 没有对话直接清理完成任务$HIDDEN
2100331 : Overstretched - [CHS] - 对话后直接清理营地完成任务$HIDDEN
2100399 : Overstretched - Talk to Qiaoxi
2100401 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Talk to Soraya
2100402 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Ask Soraya about the saying of the nearby area
2100403 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Find the clue
2100410 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Enter the ruin and search for a strange jade plate
2100411 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Enter the ruin and search for a strange jade plate
2100412 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Enter the ruin and search for a strange jade plate
2100413 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Enter the ruin and search for a strange jade plate
2100414 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Rollback isolation
2100420 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Talk to Soraya
2100421 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Find the final clue
2100422 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Find the final ruin
2100430 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Start clue mechanism
2100431 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Defeat the Ruin Guard
2100432 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Activate the mechanism
2100440 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Collect the treasure
2100450 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Talk to Soraya
2100480 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - [CHS] - 没有接取任务,派蒙$HIDDEN
2100481 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - [CHS] - 没有接取任务,回滚$HIDDEN
2100501 : Wangshu Inn Time Trial Challenge - Talk to NPC
2100502 : Wangshu Inn Time Trial Challenge - Complete minigame
2100503 : Wangshu Inn Time Trial Challenge - Talk to NPC
2100504 : Wangshu Inn Time Trial Challenge - Complete minigame
2100505 : Wangshu Inn Time Trial Challenge - Talk to NPC
2100506 : Wangshu Inn Time Trial Challenge - Complete minigame
2100507 : Wangshu Inn Time Trial Challenge - Talk to NPC
2100508 : Wangshu Inn Time Trial Challenge - Complete minigame
2100509 : Wangshu Inn Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 758000946
2100510 : Wangshu Inn Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 3274648850
2100511 : Wangshu Inn Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 3981012090
2100512 : Wangshu Inn Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 3190252594
2100701 : The Tree who Stands Alone - Look around Mingyun Village
2100702 : The Tree who Stands Alone - Find the treasure clue
2100703 : The Tree who Stands Alone - Look for a will
2100704 : The Tree who Stands Alone - Look for a will
2100705 : The Tree who Stands Alone - Look for a will
2100706 : The Tree who Stands Alone - Look for a will
2100707 : The Tree who Stands Alone - Find the treasure
2100708 : The Tree who Stands Alone - Collect the treasure
2100709 : The Tree who Stands Alone - Defense rollback
2100710 : The Tree who Stands Alone - Collect the treasure
2100711 : The Tree who Stands Alone - [CHS] - 四个对话$HIDDEN
2100712 : The Tree who Stands Alone - [CHS] - 四个对话$HIDDEN
2100713 : The Tree who Stands Alone - [CHS] - 四个对话$HIDDEN
2100714 : The Tree who Stands Alone - [CHS] - 四个对话$HIDDEN
2100716 : The Tree who Stands Alone - [CHS] - 进入明蕴镇$HIDDEN
2100720 : The Tree who Stands Alone - Collect the treasure
2100800 : Three Flames Light the Way - Quest start
2100801 : Three Flames Light the Way - Second conversation
2100802 : Three Flames Light the Way - Light the watchtower torch on the plains
2100803 : Three Flames Light the Way - Light the torch
2100804 : Three Flames Light the Way - Light the torch
2100805 : Three Flames Light the Way - Light the torch
2100806 : Three Flames Light the Way - Rollback isolation
2100810 : Three Flames Light the Way - Talk to Xinghuo
2100900 : Old Tastes Die Hard - Quest start
2100910 : Old Tastes Die Hard - Talk to Mr. Zhu
2100920 : Old Tastes Die Hard - Give the "Sweetened Mistress" to Mr. Zhu
2100930 : Old Tastes Die Hard - Talk to Mr. Zhu
2101001 : Weather Change at Yaoguang Shoal - Quest start
2101101 : (test)璃月漂流瓶收集任务 - [CHS] - 对话NPC$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2101102 : (test)璃月漂流瓶收集任务 - [CHS] - 对话NPC$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2101103 : (test)璃月漂流瓶收集任务 - [CHS] - 交付道具$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2101104 : (test)璃月漂流瓶收集任务 - [CHS] - 对话NPC$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2101105 : (test)璃月漂流瓶收集任务 - [CHS] - 交付道具$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2101106 : (test)璃月漂流瓶收集任务 - [CHS] - 交付道具$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2101107 : (test)璃月漂流瓶收集任务 - [CHS] - 交付道具$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2101108 : (test)璃月漂流瓶收集任务 - [CHS] - 交付道具$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2101109 : (test)璃月漂流瓶收集任务 - [CHS] - 交付道具$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2101110 : (test)璃月漂流瓶收集任务 - [CHS] - 交付道具$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
2101201 : Sweeping Down - Quest start
2101202 : Sweeping Down - Sweep up all the piles of leaves leading downstairs
2101203 : Sweeping Down - Sweep up the pile of leaves
2101204 : Sweeping Down - Sweep up the pile of leaves
2101205 : Sweeping Down - Sweep up the pile of leaves
2101206 : Sweeping Down - Sweep up the pile of leaves
2101207 : Sweeping Down - Sweep up the pile of leaves
2101208 : Sweeping Down - Sweep up the pile of leaves
2101209 : Sweeping Down - Find Dandy downstairs
2101210 : Sweeping Down - Rollback isolation
2101301 : Wooden Hilichurl Nest - [CHS] - 夺回任务开启(暂时弃用)$HIDDEN
2101311 : Wooden Hilichurl Nest - Defeat all hilichurls at Fanmu Carpenter's
2101399 : Wooden Hilichurl Nest - Talk to the owner of the carpentry workshop
2101400 : (test)璃月入口镜头 - Start camera quest
2101501 : Book in the Woods - Quest start
2101502 : Book in the Woods - Find the doll
2101503 : Book in the Woods - Find the lost book in the forest
2101504 : Book in the Woods - Find the lost book in the forest
2101505 : Book in the Woods - Go back and find Little Nine
2101506 : Book in the Woods - Rollback isolation
2101601 : Pubuqun Time Trial Challenge - Talk to NPC
2101602 : Pubuqun Time Trial Challenge - Complete minigame
2101603 : Pubuqun Time Trial Challenge - Talk to NPC
2101604 : Pubuqun Time Trial Challenge - Complete minigame
2101605 : Pubuqun Time Trial Challenge - Talk to NPC
2101606 : Pubuqun Time Trial Challenge - Complete minigame
2101607 : Pubuqun Time Trial Challenge - Talk to NPC
2101608 : Pubuqun Time Trial Challenge - Complete minigame
2101609 : Pubuqun Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 120278610
2101610 : Pubuqun Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 2350873682
2101611 : Pubuqun Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 3658385050
2101612 : Pubuqun Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 1162171610
2101701 : Yaoguang Shoal Time Trial Challenge - Talk to NPC
2101702 : Yaoguang Shoal Time Trial Challenge - Complete minigame
2101703 : Yaoguang Shoal Time Trial Challenge - Talk to NPC
2101704 : Yaoguang Shoal Time Trial Challenge - Complete minigame
2101705 : Yaoguang Shoal Time Trial Challenge - Talk to NPC
2101706 : Yaoguang Shoal Time Trial Challenge - Complete minigame
2101707 : Yaoguang Shoal Time Trial Challenge - Talk to NPC
2101708 : Yaoguang Shoal Time Trial Challenge - Complete minigame
2101709 : Yaoguang Shoal Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 4027999530
2101710 : Yaoguang Shoal Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 1029021194
2101711 : Yaoguang Shoal Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 2345064586
2101712 : Yaoguang Shoal Time Trial Challenge - [N/A] 597909650
2101801 : Adventure Starts with Hide-and-Seek - [N/A] 3941792250
2101803 : Adventure Starts with Hide-and-Seek - Find the hiding child
2101805 : Adventure Starts with Hide-and-Seek - Find the hiding child
2101807 : Adventure Starts with Hide-and-Seek - Find the hiding child
2101809 : Adventure Starts with Hide-and-Seek - Find the hiding child
2101811 : Adventure Starts with Hide-and-Seek - [N/A] 4217962194
2101812 : Adventure Starts with Hide-and-Seek - Talk to You
2101901 : Hidden Treasure of Qingce - Quest start
2101902 : Hidden Treasure of Qingce - Observe the inscription
2101903 : Hidden Treasure of Qingce - Find the treasure clue
2101904 : Hidden Treasure of Qingce - Find the treasure clue
2101905 : Hidden Treasure of Qingce - Find the treasure clue
2101906 : Hidden Treasure of Qingce - Find the treasure clue
2101907 : Hidden Treasure of Qingce - Collect the treasure
2101908 : Hidden Treasure of Qingce - Find the treasure clue
2102000 : Share Not Your Treasures - Quest start
2102010 : Share Not Your Treasures - Light the bonfire
2102020 : Share Not Your Treasures - Defeat the opponents
2102021 : Share Not Your Treasures - Read the text
2102022 : Share Not Your Treasures - Find the treasure's location
2102101 : The Chi of Yore - [CHS] - 留空任务$HIDDEN
2102102 : The Chi of Yore - [CHS] - 搜寻轻策石刻碎片$HIDDEN
2102103 : The Chi of Yore - [CHS] - 在轻策地区寻找碎片$HIDDEN
2102104 : The Chi of Yore - [CHS] - 在轻策地区寻找碎片$HIDDEN
2102105 : The Chi of Yore - [CHS] - 在轻策地区寻找碎片$HIDDEN
2102106 : The Chi of Yore - [CHS] - 假扮考古学家的盗宝团干部指引线开启$HIDDEN
2102107 : The Chi of Yore - Investigate the ruin
2102108 : The Chi of Yore - Ask the locals of Qingce Village about the fragments
2102109 : The Chi of Yore - Ask Granny Ruoxin about the fragments
2102110 : The Chi of Yore - [CHS] - 使用碎片打开遗迹门$HIDDEN
2102111 : The Chi of Yore - Decipher the fragment
2102112 : The Chi of Yore - Find a way into the vault
2102113 : The Chi of Yore - [CHS] - 使用碎片打开遗迹门$HIDDEN
2102114 : The Chi of Yore - Search the vault
2102115 : The Chi of Yore - Head to Qingce Village and report to Granny Ruoxin
2102116 : The Chi of Yore - [CHS] - 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
2102117 : The Chi of Yore - [CHS] - 桥接任务$HIDDEN
2102118 : The Chi of Yore - [CHS] - 桥接任务$HIDDEN
2102119 : The Chi of Yore - [CHS] - 桥接任务$HIDDEN
2102120 : The Chi of Yore - Head to the ruin to search for fragments
2102121 : The Chi of Yore - Go to the highest point of Qingce Village to search for fragments.
2102122 : The Chi of Yore - Search for fragments near the Geo Statues
2102123 : The Chi of Yore - Search the vault
2102124 : The Chi of Yore - Head to Qingce Village and ask the village chief about the situation.
2102125 : The Chi of Yore - Head to Qingce Village and ask the locals about the fragments
2102126 : The Chi of Yore - Find the treasure
2102127 : The Chi of Yore - Find the treasure
2102128 : The Chi of Yore - [N/A] 1205271137
2102129 : The Chi of Yore - [CHS] - /$HIDDEN
2102130 : The Chi of Yore - [N/A] 1682574953
2102201 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - [CHS] - 玩家在璃月沿途的营地中发现NPC$HIDDEN
2102202 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Head to the Guili Assembly to search for an ancient stone tablet.
2102203 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - [CHS] - 调查并抄写石碑上的内容$HIDDEN
2102204 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - [CHS] - 调查并抄写石碑上的内容$HIDDEN
2102205 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - [CHS] - 调查并抄写石碑上的内容$HIDDEN
2102206 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - [CHS] - 调查并抄写石碑上的内容$HIDDEN
2102207 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - [CHS] - 调查并抄写石碑上的内容$HIDDEN
2102208 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - [CHS] - 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
2102209 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Talk to Soraya
2102210 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - [CHS] - NPC拜托玩家寻找线索$HIDDEN
2102211 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Search for the stone tablet
2102212 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Search for the stone tablet
2102213 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - [CHS] - 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
2102214 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - Talk to Soraya
2102290 : Treasure Lost, Treasure Found - [CHS] - 与索拉雅对话,玩家选择接取任务$HIDDEN
2102301 : A Provisional Arrangement - [CHS] - 与甄强对话$HIDDEN
2102302 : A Provisional Arrangement - Ride the elevator
2102303 : A Provisional Arrangement - Talk to Huai'an
2102401 : Big Business - [CHS] - 与兰达对话$HIDDEN
2102402 : Big Business - [CHS] - 拿到货单总$HIDDEN
2102403 : Big Business - Get the invoices
2102404 : Big Business - Get the invoices
2102405 : Big Business - Get the invoices
2102406 : Big Business - [CHS] - 与宝儿对话$HIDDEN
2102407 : Big Business - Defeat all opponents
2102408 : Big Business - Talk to Bao'er
2102409 : Big Business - Talk to Landa
2102410 : Big Business - [CHS] - 与宝儿对话$HIDDEN
2102501 : The Yaksha's Wish - [CHS] - 与石碑对话$HIDDEN
2102502 : The Yaksha's Wish - Look for clues to opening the stone tablet
2102503 : The Yaksha's Wish - [CHS] - 寻找开启石碑的线索$HIDDEN
2102504 : The Yaksha's Wish - [CHS] - 寻找开启石碑的线索$HIDDEN
2102505 : The Yaksha's Wish - [CHS] - 寻找开启石碑的线索$HIDDEN
2102506 : The Yaksha's Wish - [CHS] - 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
2102601 : Troubles Traveling Through Tributaries - Talk to Yue Chuan
2102602 : Troubles Traveling Through Tributaries - Release the Drifting Bottle
2102603 : Troubles Traveling Through Tributaries - Talk to Yue Chuan
2102701 : The Little Pirate Goes Out to Sea - Talk to Little Meng
2102702 : The Little Pirate Goes Out to Sea - Teach Little Meng how to cook
2102703 : The Little Pirate Goes Out to Sea - Teach Little Meng how to cook
2102704 : The Little Pirate Goes Out to Sea - Give the Jueyun Chili to Little Meng
2102705 : The Little Pirate Goes Out to Sea - Give the Sweet Flower to Little Meng
2102706 : The Little Pirate Goes Out to Sea - Give the Slime Condensate to Little Meng
2102707 : The Little Pirate Goes Out to Sea - Talk to Little Meng
2102708 : The Little Pirate Goes Out to Sea - Talk to Little Meng
2102709 : The Little Pirate Goes Out to Sea - Talk to Little Meng
2102801 : The Littlest Journey: Medicine On-Hand - Talk to Little Meng
2102802 : The Littlest Journey: Medicine On-Hand - Go to Bubu Pharmacy
2102803 : The Littlest Journey: Medicine On-Hand - Talk to Little Meng
2102804 : The Littlest Journey: Medicine On-Hand - Give the Mints to Little Meng
2102805 : The Littlest Journey: Medicine On-Hand - Talk to Little Meng
2102901 : The Littlest Journey: Non-Emergency Food - Talk to Little Meng
2102902 : The Littlest Journey: Non-Emergency Food - Talk to Little Meng
2102903 : The Littlest Journey: Non-Emergency Food - Talk to Little Meng
2102904 : The Littlest Journey: Non-Emergency Food - Talk to Little Meng
2102905 : The Littlest Journey: Non-Emergency Food - Give the Jueyun Chili to Little Meng
2102906 : The Littlest Journey: Non-Emergency Food - Give the Sweet Flower to Little Meng
2102907 : The Littlest Journey: Non-Emergency Food - Give the Slime Condensate to Little Meng
2102908 : The Littlest Journey: Non-Emergency Food - Teach Little Meng how to cook
2102909 : The Littlest Journey: Non-Emergency Food - Teach Little Meng how to cook
2102910 : The Littlest Journey: Non-Emergency Food - Teach Little Meng how to cook
2103001 : The Littlest Journey: Means of Self-Defense? - Talk to Little Meng
2103002 : The Littlest Journey: Means of Self-Defense? - Go to where the monsters have gathered and defeat them
2103003 : The Littlest Journey: Means of Self-Defense? - Speak to Master Zhang
2103101 : Uninvited Guests - Talk to Huai'an
2103102 : Uninvited Guests - Go to the monster camp and defeat them
2103103 : Uninvited Guests - Look around
2103104 : Uninvited Guests - [CHS] - 前去察看情况$HIDDEN$HIDDEN
2103105 : Uninvited Guests - Report back to Huai'an
2103106 : Uninvited Guests - Report back to Huai'an
2103107 : Uninvited Guests - Talk to Paimon
2103108 : Uninvited Guests - [N/A] 4071530772
2103201 : [CHS] - 剑去之日$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 与孙宇对话$UNRELEASED
2103202 : [CHS] - 剑去之日$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 打倒所有魔物$UNRELEASED
2103203 : [CHS] - 剑去之日$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 在限时时间内抵达终点$UNRELEASED
2103204 : [CHS] - 剑去之日$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 与孙宇对话$UNRELEASED
2103205 : [CHS] - 剑去之日$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 与孙宇对话$UNRELEASED
2103301 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Talk to Lan
2103302 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Defeat all opponents
2103303 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Search the camp
2103304 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Talk to Lan
2103305 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - [CHS] - 在营地搜寻一番$HIDDEN
2103306 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Talk to Lan
2103401 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Talk to Lan
2103402 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Defeat all opponents
2103403 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Defeat the opponent
2103404 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Talk to Lan
2103405 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Talk to Lan
2103406 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - [CHS] - (test)选择左边$HIDDEN
2103407 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - [CHS] - (test)选择右边$HIDDEN
2103501 : The Day the Sword Departs - Talk to Sun Yu
2103502 : The Day the Sword Departs - Defeat all opponents
2103503 : The Day the Sword Departs - Talk to Sun Yu
2103601 : The Day the Sword Departs - Talk to Sun Yu
2103602 : The Day the Sword Departs - Defeat all opponents
2103603 : The Day the Sword Departs - Reach the destination within the time limit
2103604 : The Day the Sword Departs - Talk to Sun Yu
2103605 : The Day the Sword Departs - Talk to Sun Yu
2103606 : The Day the Sword Departs - [CHS] - (test)记录跑酷对话$HIDDEN
2103607 : The Day the Sword Departs - [CHS] - (test)记录打怪对话$HIDDEN
2103608 : The Day the Sword Departs - Begin training
2103701 : The Day the Sword Departs - Talk to Sun Yu
2103703 : The Day the Sword Departs - Collect some soil for Sun Yu
2103704 : The Day the Sword Departs - Talk to Sun Yu
2103705 : The Day the Sword Departs - Talk to Sun Yu
2103801 : The Day the Sword Departs - Talk to Sun Yu
2103802 : The Day the Sword Departs - Take a photo of Sun Yu
2103803 : The Day the Sword Departs - Talk to Sun Yu
2200001 : Pirate Invasion, in Liyue Harbor! - Talk to Little Lulu, Little Fei, and Little Meng
2200002 : Pirate Invasion, in Liyue Harbor! - Talk to "Captain" Little Meng
2200003 : Pirate Invasion, in Liyue Harbor! - Use Anemo or Hydro to clean the deck
2200004 : Pirate Invasion, in Liyue Harbor! - Talk to Little Meng
2200005 : Pirate Invasion, in Liyue Harbor! - [CHS] - (test)防止进度被重置$HIDDEN
2200101 : Pirate Invasion, in Liyue Harbor! - Talk to Little Lulu, Little Fei, and Little Meng
2200102 : Pirate Invasion, in Liyue Harbor! - Talk to "First Mate" Little Fei
2200103 : Pirate Invasion, in Liyue Harbor! - Find Captain with Little Fei
2200104 : Pirate Invasion, in Liyue Harbor! - Find Lotus Head
2200105 : Pirate Invasion, in Liyue Harbor! - Calm Little Meng and Little Fei down
2200106 : Pirate Invasion, in Liyue Harbor! - Talk to "Captain" Little Meng
2200201 : Pirate Invasion, in Liyue Harbor! - Talk to Little Lulu, Little Fei, and Little Meng
2200202 : Pirate Invasion, in Liyue Harbor! - Talk to "rich merchant" Little Lulu
2200203 : Pirate Invasion, in Liyue Harbor! - Find Lotus Head
2200204 : Pirate Invasion, in Liyue Harbor! - Talk to Little Lulu
2200301 : Yanxiao's Dilemma - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
2200302 : Yanxiao's Dilemma - Help Smiley Yanxiao find Jueyun Chili and Lotus Head
2200303 : Yanxiao's Dilemma - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
2200304 : Yanxiao's Dilemma - Bring the dish Smiley Yanxiao made to Jiangxue
2200305 : Yanxiao's Dilemma - Report back to Smiley Yanxiao
2200401 : Fishing Jiangxue - Talk to Jiangxue
2200402 : Fishing Jiangxue - Defeat opponents
2200403 : Fishing Jiangxue - Defeat opponents
2200404 : Fishing Jiangxue - Defeat opponents
2200405 : Fishing Jiangxue - Talk to Jiangxue
2200501 : The Lost Relic - Talk to Bao'er
2200502 : The Lost Relic - Search for the item Bao'er lost
2200503 : The Lost Relic - Talk to Bao'er
2200601 : The Lost Relic - Talk to Bao'er
2200602 : The Lost Relic - Search for the item Bao'er lost
2200603 : The Lost Relic - Rescue Soraya
2200604 : The Lost Relic - Talk to Soraya
2200605 : The Lost Relic - Talk to Bao'er
2200606 : The Lost Relic - Talk to Bao'er
2200701 : The Lost Relic - Talk to Bao'er
2200702 : The Lost Relic - Search for the item Bao'er lost
2200703 : The Lost Relic - Talk to Paimon
2200704 : The Lost Relic - Retrieve Bao'er's lost item from the monsters
2200705 : The Lost Relic - Talk to Bao'er
2200706 : The Lost Relic - Search for the item Bao'er lost
2200707 : The Lost Relic - [CHS] - (test)回滚保护$HIDDEN
2200708 : The Lost Relic - [CHS] - (test)回滚保护$HIDDEN
2200801 : Good Medicine Tastes Bitter - Talk to Chenxiang
2200802 : Good Medicine Tastes Bitter - Give the Almond Tofu to Chenxiang
2200803 : Good Medicine Tastes Bitter - Give the Almond Tofu to Chenxiang
2200901 : A Little Raid - Talk to Soraya
2200902 : A Little Raid - Grab the treasure off the Treasure Hoarders
2200903 : A Little Raid - Talk to Soraya
2201001 : Is This Novel Amazing? - Visit Shigeru and Junkichi
2201002 : Is This Novel Amazing? - Go to Amenoma Smithy with Junkichi
2201003 : Is This Novel Amazing? - Go to Tsukumomono Groceries with Junkichi
2201004 : Is This Novel Amazing? - Observe the Doushin with Junkichi
2201005 : Is This Novel Amazing? - Go back to the Yae Publishing House to find Shigeru
2201006 : Is This Novel Amazing? - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】选支持顺吉$HIDDEN
2201007 : Is This Novel Amazing? - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】选支持阿茂$HIDDEN
2201101 : Prayer in Progress... - Talk to Maki
2201102 : Prayer in Progress... - Go to the roof to clean up
2201103 : Prayer in Progress... - Go to the roof to clean up
2201104 : Prayer in Progress... - Go to the roof to clean up
2201105 : Prayer in Progress... - Talk to Maki
2201201 : [N/A] 302630871 - [N/A] 1696455644
2201202 : [N/A] 302630871 - [N/A] 3893515492
2201203 : [N/A] 302630871 - [N/A] 1550435860
2201204 : [N/A] 302630871 - [N/A] 907928724
2201301 : This Novel Seems... Problematic? - Visit Shigeru and Junkichi
2201302 : This Novel Seems... Problematic? - Ask for Yuzu's opinion
2201303 : This Novel Seems... Problematic? - Ask for Hasegawa's opinion
2201304 : This Novel Seems... Problematic? - Ask for Rie's opinion
2201305 : This Novel Seems... Problematic? - Report the results to Shigeru
2201401 : The Gourmet Supremos: Breakthrough Thinking - Talk to Xudong
2201402 : The Gourmet Supremos: Breakthrough Thinking - Go to Wanmin Restaurant
2201403 : The Gourmet Supremos: Breakthrough Thinking - Give the Jueyun Chili and Fowl to Chef Mao
2201404 : The Gourmet Supremos: Breakthrough Thinking - Speak to Chef Mao
2201405 : The Gourmet Supremos: Breakthrough Thinking - Talk to Xudong
2201406 : The Gourmet Supremos: Breakthrough Thinking - [CHS] - (test)对话香菱$HIDDEN
2201407 : The Gourmet Supremos: Breakthrough Thinking - Talk to Xudong
2201408 : The Gourmet Supremos: Breakthrough Thinking - Talk to Xudong
2201409 : The Gourmet Supremos: Breakthrough Thinking - Talk to Xudong
2201501 : Bantan Sango Case File - Talk to Sango
2201502 : Bantan Sango Case File - Meet up with Ryuuji
2201503 : Bantan Sango Case File - Defeat all the Treasure Hoarders
2201504 : Bantan Sango Case File - Talk to Ryuuji
2201505 : Bantan Sango Case File - Talk to Sango
2201601 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Importance of Eating Well - Talk to Parvaneh
2201602 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Importance of Eating Well - Meet up with Xudong
2201603 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Importance of Eating Well - Talk to Xudong
2201604 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Importance of Eating Well - Search ahead
2201605 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Importance of Eating Well - Defeat all opponents
2201606 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Importance of Eating Well - [CHS] - (test)隐藏环判断提前杀怪$HIDDEN
2201607 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Importance of Eating Well - Look for traces of Kamei Munehisa up ahead
2201608 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Importance of Eating Well - Talk to Kamei Munehisa
2201609 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Importance of Eating Well - Talk to Julie
2201701 : This Novel... Seems Familiar? - Visit Shigeru and Junkichi
2201702 : This Novel... Seems Familiar? - Collect three light novels that meet the requirements
2201703 : This Novel... Seems Familiar? - Show Shigeru the correct light novel
2201704 : This Novel... Seems Familiar? - Talk to Shigeru
2201705 : This Novel... Seems Familiar? - Talk to Shigeru
2201706 : This Novel... Seems Familiar? - Talk to Shigeru
2201801 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Right Identity - Talk to Sango
2201802 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Right Identity - Ask Yayoi Nanatsuki for clues
2201803 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Right Identity - Ask Shimura Kanbei for clues
2201804 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Right Identity - Ask Furuya Noboru for clues
2201805 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Right Identity - Talk to Sango
2201901 : Bantan Sango Case File: Case-Closing Time - Talk to Sango
2201902 : Bantan Sango Case File: Case-Closing Time - Go to the criminal's location
2201903 : Bantan Sango Case File: Case-Closing Time - Talk to Ryuuji
2201904 : Bantan Sango Case File: Case-Closing Time - Defeat all the Treasure Hoarders
2201905 : Bantan Sango Case File: Case-Closing Time - Talk to Ryuuji
2201906 : Bantan Sango Case File: Case-Closing Time - Talk to Sango
2202001 : Bantan Sango Case File: Cleanup Work - Talk to Ryuuji
2202002 : Bantan Sango Case File: Cleanup Work - Talk to Amano and Andou
2202003 : Bantan Sango Case File: Cleanup Work - Talk to Owada
2202004 : Bantan Sango Case File: Cleanup Work - Follow Owada
2202005 : Bantan Sango Case File: Cleanup Work - Talk to Owada
2202006 : Bantan Sango Case File: Cleanup Work - Talk to Ryuuji
2202101 : The Gourmet Supremos: Cook-Off - Talk to Xudong
2202102 : The Gourmet Supremos: Cook-Off - Help Xudong cook Jewelry Soup
2202103 : The Gourmet Supremos: Cook-Off - Help Kamei Munehisa cook Tri-Flavored Skewer
2202104 : The Gourmet Supremos: Cook-Off - Help Xudong turn up the heat
2202105 : The Gourmet Supremos: Cook-Off - Help Kamei Munehisa turn down the heat
2202106 : The Gourmet Supremos: Cook-Off - Give the Fresh Snapdragons to Xudong
2202107 : The Gourmet Supremos: Cook-Off - Give the Fresh Bird Eggs to Kamei Munehisa
2202108 : The Gourmet Supremos: Cook-Off - [CHS] - (test)判断分数$HIDDEN
2202109 : The Gourmet Supremos: Cook-Off - Talk to Xudong
2202110 : The Gourmet Supremos: Cook-Off - Talk to Kamei Munehisa
2202111 : The Gourmet Supremos: Cook-Off - Talk to Xudong
2202112 : The Gourmet Supremos: Cook-Off - Talk to Kamei Munehisa
2202113 : The Gourmet Supremos: Cook-Off - Pick three Fresh Snapdragons
2202114 : The Gourmet Supremos: Cook-Off - Obtain two Fresh Bird Eggs
2202201 : The Gourmet Supremos: Foodie Quiz - Talk to Parvaneh
2202202 : The Gourmet Supremos: Foodie Quiz - Talk to Parvaneh
2202203 : The Gourmet Supremos: Foodie Quiz - Talk to Parvaneh
2202204 : The Gourmet Supremos: Foodie Quiz - [N/A] 3882494732
2202301 : The Taste of Home - Talk to Tang Wen
2202302 : The Taste of Home - Bring the completed dish back to Tang Wen
2202303 : The Taste of Home - Bring the completed dish back to Tang Wen
2202304 : The Taste of Home - Bring the completed dish back to Tang Wen
2202305 : The Taste of Home - Bring the completed dish back to Tang Wen
2202306 : The Taste of Home - Bring the completed dish back to Tang Wen
2202307 : The Taste of Home - Talk to Paimon
2202501 : Absolutely Unique Delicacy - Talk to Tang Wen
2202502 : Absolutely Unique Delicacy - Ask for Li Xiao's opinion
2202503 : Absolutely Unique Delicacy - Ask for Qiuyue's opinion
2202504 : Absolutely Unique Delicacy - Ask for Paimon's opinion
2202505 : Absolutely Unique Delicacy - Give the Delicious Jueyun Guoba to Tang Wen
2202506 : Absolutely Unique Delicacy - Give the Delicious Bamboo Shoot Soup to Tang Wen
2202507 : Absolutely Unique Delicacy - Give the Delicious Grilled Tiger Fish to Tang Wen
2202508 : Absolutely Unique Delicacy - Give the Delicious Grilled Tiger Fish to Tang Wen
2202509 : Absolutely Unique Delicacy - Give the Delicious Bamboo Shoot Soup to Tang Wen
2202510 : Absolutely Unique Delicacy - Give the Delicious Grilled Tiger Fish to Tang Wen
2202601 : The Gourmet Supremos: Where'd the Ingredients Go? - Talk to Julie
2202602 : The Gourmet Supremos: Where'd the Ingredients Go? - Look for three Fresh Sakura Blooms
2202603 : The Gourmet Supremos: Where'd the Ingredients Go? - Give three Fresh Sakura Blooms to Julie
2202604 : The Gourmet Supremos: Where'd the Ingredients Go? - Talk to Julie
2202701 : O Archon, Hear Me! - Talk to Shouta
2202702 : O Archon, Hear Me! - Talk to Yayoi Nanatsuki
2202703 : O Archon, Hear Me! - Help Shouta place offerings at the shrine
2202704 : O Archon, Hear Me! - Help Shouta place offerings at the shrine
2202705 : O Archon, Hear Me! - [N/A] 761881628
2202801 : O Shrine, Show Your Power Once Again! - Talk to Shouta
2202802 : O Shrine, Show Your Power Once Again! - [N/A] 3874957236
2202803 : O Shrine, Show Your Power Once Again! - [N/A] 2371539980
2202804 : O Shrine, Show Your Power Once Again! - Go to the shrine near Komore Teahouse
2202805 : O Shrine, Show Your Power Once Again! - Help Shouta place offerings at the shrine
2202806 : O Shrine, Show Your Power Once Again! - [N/A] 691371772
2202807 : O Shrine, Show Your Power Once Again! - Go to the shrine outside the city
2202808 : O Shrine, Show Your Power Once Again! - [N/A] 534324180
2202809 : O Shrine, Show Your Power Once Again! - Help Shouta place offerings at the shrine
2202901 : An Art to Be Honed - Find Asakura, who issued the commission
2202902 : An Art to Be Honed - Finish training with Asakura
2202903 : An Art to Be Honed - Talk to Asakura
2202904 : An Art to Be Honed - Talk to Asakura
2203001 : The Gourmet Supremos: Extreme Cookery - Talk to Kamei Munehisa
2203002 : The Gourmet Supremos: Extreme Cookery - Follow Kamei Munehisa
2203003 : The Gourmet Supremos: Extreme Cookery - [CHS] - (test)玩家选了左边$HIDDEN
2203004 : The Gourmet Supremos: Extreme Cookery - [CHS] - (test)玩家选了右边$HIDDEN
2203005 : The Gourmet Supremos: Extreme Cookery - Defeat all opponents in the encampment on the left
2203006 : The Gourmet Supremos: Extreme Cookery - Defeat all opponents in the encampment on the right
2203007 : The Gourmet Supremos: Extreme Cookery - Look for cooking ingredients in the encampment on the left
2203008 : The Gourmet Supremos: Extreme Cookery - Look for cooking ingredients in the encampment on the right
2203009 : The Gourmet Supremos: Extreme Cookery - Give the cooking ingredients to Kamei Munehisa
2203010 : The Gourmet Supremos: Extreme Cookery - Give the cooking ingredients to Kamei Munehisa
2203011 : The Gourmet Supremos: Extreme Cookery - Talk to Kamei Munehisa
2203012 : The Gourmet Supremos: Extreme Cookery - Talk to Kamei Munehisa
2203013 : The Gourmet Supremos: Extreme Cookery - [N/A] 4081736156
2203101 : Ceaseless Training - Find Asakura, who issued the commission
2203102 : Ceaseless Training - Talk to Asakura
2203103 : Ceaseless Training - Finish training with Asakura
2203104 : Ceaseless Training - Talk to Asakura
2203201 : The Taste of Home - Talk to Tang Wen
2203202 : The Taste of Home - Bring the completed dish back to Tang Wen
2203203 : The Taste of Home - Bring the completed dish back to Tang Wen
2203204 : The Taste of Home - Bring the completed dish back to Tang Wen
2203205 : The Taste of Home - Bring the completed dish back to Tang Wen
2203206 : The Taste of Home - Bring the completed dish back to Tang Wen
2203207 : The Taste of Home - Talk to Paimon
2203301 : The Taste of Home - Talk to Tang Wen
2203302 : The Taste of Home - Bring the completed dish back to Tang Wen
2203303 : The Taste of Home - Bring the completed dish back to Tang Wen
2203304 : The Taste of Home - Bring the completed dish back to Tang Wen
2203305 : The Taste of Home - Bring the completed dish back to Tang Wen
2203306 : The Taste of Home - Bring the completed dish back to Tang Wen
2203307 : The Taste of Home - Talk to Paimon
2203401 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Search - Talk to Ryuuji
2203402 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Search - Go to the Treasure Hoarder camp
2203403 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Search - Defeat all the Treasure Hoarders
2203404 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Search - Go to the Treasure Hoarder camp
2203405 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Search - Defeat all the Treasure Hoarders
2203406 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Search - Go to the Treasure Hoarder camp
2203407 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Search - Defeat all the Treasure Hoarders
2203408 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Search - Talk to Ryuuji
2203409 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Search - Talk to Ryuuji
2203410 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Search - Talk to Ryuuji
2203501 : Bantan Sango Case File: Misdirection - Talk to Ryuuji
2203502 : Bantan Sango Case File: Misdirection - Go to the Treasure Hoarder camp
2203503 : Bantan Sango Case File: Misdirection - Defeat all the Treasure Hoarders
2203504 : Bantan Sango Case File: Misdirection - Go to the Treasure Hoarder camp
2203505 : Bantan Sango Case File: Misdirection - Defeat all the Treasure Hoarders
2203506 : Bantan Sango Case File: Misdirection - Go to the Treasure Hoarder camp
2203507 : Bantan Sango Case File: Misdirection - Defeat all the Treasure Hoarders
2203508 : Bantan Sango Case File: Misdirection - Talk to Ryuuji
2203509 : Bantan Sango Case File: Misdirection - Talk to Ryuuji
2203510 : Bantan Sango Case File: Misdirection - Talk to Ryuuji
2203601 : Inazuma Sales Specialist - Talk to Vahid
2203602 : Inazuma Sales Specialist - [CHS] - (test)配方1判断$HIDDEN
2203603 : Inazuma Sales Specialist - [CHS] - (test)配方2判断$HIDDEN
2203604 : Inazuma Sales Specialist - [CHS] - (test)配方3判断$HIDDEN
2203605 : Inazuma Sales Specialist - Talk to Konda Densuke
2203606 : Inazuma Sales Specialist - [CHS] - (test)配方选择结果判断-正确$HIDDEN
2203607 : Inazuma Sales Specialist - [CHS] - (test)配方选择结果判断-错误$HIDDEN
2203608 : Inazuma Sales Specialist - [N/A] 1268711244
2203609 : Inazuma Sales Specialist - [N/A] 1932331204
2203701 : Post-Sale Service - Talk to Vahid
2203702 : Post-Sale Service - Talk to Konda Densuke
2203703 : Post-Sale Service - Talk to Konda Densuke
2203704 : Post-Sale Service - Talk to Konda Densuke
2203705 : Post-Sale Service - [CHS] - (test)判断玩家是否摘干净了$HIDDEN
2203706 : Post-Sale Service - Pull out the Mushrooms in the field
2203801 : [N/A] 289477831 - [N/A] 3481932580
2203802 : [N/A] 289477831 - [N/A] 2137104492
2203803 : [N/A] 289477831 - [N/A] 2988279636
2203804 : [N/A] 289477831 - [N/A] 3144284756
2203901 : Crash Course on Inazuman Fashion - Talk to Ogura Mio
2203902 : Crash Course on Inazuman Fashion - Give the appropriate dye ingredients to Ogura Mio
2203903 : Crash Course on Inazuman Fashion - Talk to Ogura Mio
2203904 : Crash Course on Inazuman Fashion - Talk to Ogura Mio
2204001 : Crash Course on Inazuman Fashion - Talk to Ogura Mio
2204002 : Crash Course on Inazuman Fashion - Ask Tang Wen about the kimonos
2204003 : Crash Course on Inazuman Fashion - Ask Ramsay about the kimonos
2204004 : Crash Course on Inazuman Fashion - Report back to Ogura Mio
2204101 : The Cat's Trail - Talk to Neko
2204102 : The Cat's Trail - Look for "Konbumaru"
2204103 : The Cat's Trail - Talk to Neko
2204201 : A Fishy Flavor - Talk to Neko
2204202 : A Fishy Flavor - Feed the little cats with Fish
2204203 : A Fishy Flavor - [CHS] - (test)检测玩家是否打猫$HIDDEN
2204204 : A Fishy Flavor - Report back to Neko
2204301 : To Make a Cat Carving - Talk to Ooshima Junpei
2204302 : To Make a Cat Carving - Give Ooshima Junpei 10 Otogi Wood
2204303 : To Make a Cat Carving - Talk to Ooshima Junpei
2204401 : To Make Cat Ornaments - Talk to Ooshima Junpei
2204402 : To Make Cat Ornaments - Give Ooshima Junpei three Naku Weed
2204403 : To Make Cat Ornaments - Talk to Ooshima Junpei
2204501 : Shadow of the Cat - Talk to Ooshima Junpei
2204502 : Shadow of the Cat - Take a picture of Neko from the right side
2204503 : Shadow of the Cat - Take a picture of Neko from the left side
2204504 : Shadow of the Cat - Give the pictures to Ooshima Junpei
2204601 : Shrine Cleanup - Talk to Neko
2204602 : Shrine Cleanup - Clean the dirt around the Asase Shrine away
2204603 : Shrine Cleanup - Report back to Neko
2204701 : Archery Demonstration - Talk to Shouji
2204702 : Archery Demonstration - Demonstrate archery to Shouji
2204703 : Archery Demonstration - Help Shouji place new targets
2204704 : Archery Demonstration - Talk to Shouji
2204801 : Shrine Cleanup - Talk to Neko
2204802 : Shrine Cleanup - Sweep the fallen leaves around the Asase Shrine away
2204803 : Shrine Cleanup - Report back to Neko
2204901 : Playing With Fire... Works - Talk to Naganohara Ryuunosuke
2204902 : Playing With Fire... Works - Test the fireworks outside the city
2204903 : Playing With Fire... Works - Report back to Naganohara Ryuunosuke
2205001 : The Narukami Trail - [CHS] - 与寝子对话$HIDDEN
2205002 : The Narukami Trail - Go near the Grand Narukami Shrine
2205003 : The Narukami Trail - Go to the Grand Narukami Shrine
2205004 : The Narukami Trail - Ask Inagi Hotomi for information
2205005 : The Narukami Trail - [CHS] - (test)帮寝子把信放在神像旁
2205006 : The Narukami Trail - Leave with Neko
2205007 : The Narukami Trail - Return with Neko to Seirai Island
2210001 : Business in a Marsh - Talk to Huai'an
2210002 : Business in a Marsh - Clear out nearby monsters
2210003 : Business in a Marsh - Report back to Huai'an
2210101 : Business in a Marsh - Talk to Huai'an
2210102 : Business in a Marsh - Clear out nearby monsters
2210103 : Business in a Marsh - Report back to Huai'an
2210201 : Business in a Marsh - Talk to Huai'an
2210202 : Business in a Marsh - Clear out nearby monsters
2210203 : Business in a Marsh - Report back to Huai'an
2210301 : Guest from Afar - Talk to Verr Goldet
2210302 : Guest from Afar - Go and check the suspicious location
2210303 : Guest from Afar - Defeat all opponents
2210304 : Guest from Afar - Report back to Verr Goldet
2210401 : Guest from Afar - Talk to Verr Goldet
2210402 : Guest from Afar - Go and check the suspicious location
2210403 : Guest from Afar - Defeat all opponents
2210404 : Guest from Afar - Report back to Verr Goldet
2210501 : Guest from Afar - Talk to Verr Goldet
2210502 : Guest from Afar - Go and check the suspicious location
2210503 : Guest from Afar - Defeat all opponents
2210504 : Guest from Afar - Report back to Verr Goldet
2210601 : One Ship, Two Ships, Three Ships... - Talk to Linling
2210602 : One Ship, Two Ships, Three Ships... - Ask Little Lulu
2210603 : One Ship, Two Ships, Three Ships... - Ask Little Lulu
2210604 : One Ship, Two Ships, Three Ships... - Ask Little Lulu
2210605 : One Ship, Two Ships, Three Ships... - Ask Little Fei
2210606 : One Ship, Two Ships, Three Ships... - Ask Little Fei
2210607 : One Ship, Two Ships, Three Ships... - Ask Little Fei
2210608 : One Ship, Two Ships, Three Ships... - Ask Little Meng
2210609 : One Ship, Two Ships, Three Ships... - Ask Little Meng
2210610 : One Ship, Two Ships, Three Ships... - Ask Little Meng
2210611 : One Ship, Two Ships, Three Ships... - Report back to Linling
2210612 : One Ship, Two Ships, Three Ships... - Report back to Linling
2210613 : One Ship, Two Ships, Three Ships... - [CHS] - (test)向霖铃回报$HIDDEN
2210614 : One Ship, Two Ships, Three Ships... - [CHS] - (test)向霖铃回报$HIDDEN
2210701 : Good Sign - Talk to Zhihua
2210702 : Good Sign - Look for signs
2210703 : Good Sign - Look for signs
2210704 : Good Sign - Look for signs
2210705 : Good Sign - Look for signs
2210706 : Good Sign - Look for signs
2210707 : Good Sign - [CHS] - (test)桥接进行下一环随机$HIDDEN
2210708 : Good Sign - [CHS] - (test)桥接进行下一环$HIDDEN
2210709 : Good Sign - Report back to Zhihua
2210710 : Good Sign - Report back to Zhihua
2210711 : Good Sign - Report back to Zhihua
2210712 : Good Sign - Report back to Zhihua
2210713 : Good Sign - Report back to Zhihua
2210714 : Good Sign - Report back to Zhihua
2210715 : Good Sign - Report back to Zhihua
2210716 : Good Sign - Report back to Zhihua
2210717 : Good Sign - Report back to Zhihua
2210718 : Good Sign - Report back to Zhihua
2210719 : Good Sign - Report back to Zhihua
2210720 : Good Sign - [CHS] - (test)回答看狗$HIDDEN
2210721 : Good Sign - Report back to Zhihua
2210722 : Good Sign - [CHS] - (test)向志华回报$HIDDEN
2210801 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Talk to Lan
2210802 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Defeat all opponents
2210803 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Report back to Lan
2210901 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Talk to Lan
2210902 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Defeat all opponents
2210903 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Report back to Lan
2211001 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Talk to Lan
2211002 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Defeat all opponents
2211003 : Where Is the Unseen Razor? - Report back to Lan
2211101 : New Horizons of Adventure - Talk to Katheryne in Mondstadt
2211102 : New Horizons of Adventure - Talk to Katheryne in Liyue Harbor
2211201 : Stairway to Wangshu - Talk to Huai'an
2211202 : Stairway to Wangshu - Collect 5 wooden planks
2211203 : Stairway to Wangshu - Talk to Huai'an
2211204 : Stairway to Wangshu - Watch the repairing of the bridge
2211205 : Stairway to Wangshu - Talk to Huai'an
2211301 : Stairway to Wangshu - Talk to Huai'an
2211302 : Stairway to Wangshu - Collect 5 Wooden Planks
2211303 : Stairway to Wangshu - Talk to Huai'an
2211304 : Stairway to Wangshu - Watch the repairing of the bridge
2211305 : Stairway to Wangshu - Talk to Huai'an
2211401 : So-Called Work - Talk to Linling
2211402 : So-Called Work - Talk to Nervous An
2211403 : So-Called Work - Talk to Linling
2211404 : So-Called Work - Review the goods on board the ship
2211405 : So-Called Work - Talk to Linling
2211501 : For Old Time's Sake - Talk to Granny Ruoxin
2211502 : For Old Time's Sake - Find Chang the Ninth
2211503 : For Old Time's Sake - Defeat all opponents
2211504 : For Old Time's Sake - Talk to Chang the Ninth
2211505 : For Old Time's Sake - Talk to Paimon
2211506 : For Old Time's Sake - Gather the pages
2211507 : For Old Time's Sake - Give the pages to Chang the Ninth
2211508 : For Old Time's Sake - Talk to Granny Ruoxin
2211509 : For Old Time's Sake - [CHS] - (test)搜集书页1$HIDDEN
2211510 : For Old Time's Sake - [CHS] - (test)搜集书页2$HIDDEN
2211511 : For Old Time's Sake - [CHS] - (test)搜集书页3$HIDDEN
2211601 : A Novel Idea - Talk to Chang the Ninth
2211602 : A Novel Idea - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】选热血$HIDDEN
2211603 : A Novel Idea - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】选感情$HIDDEN
2211604 : A Novel Idea - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】选玄幻$HIDDEN
2211605 : A Novel Idea - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】选缺心眼$HIDDEN
2211606 : A Novel Idea - Find Chang the Ninth
2211607 : A Novel Idea - Defeat all opponents
2211608 : A Novel Idea - Talk to Chang the Ninth
2211609 : A Novel Idea - Listen in on Zhihua and Qiming's conversation
2211610 : A Novel Idea - Listen in on Sisi and Chaoxi's conversation
2211611 : A Novel Idea - Listen in on the conversation between Little Meng, Little Fei, and Little Lulu
2211612 : A Novel Idea - Report back to Chang the Ninth
2211613 : A Novel Idea - [CHS] - (test)【玄幻分支】到绝云间找常九爷
2211614 : A Novel Idea - [CHS] - (test)【玄幻分支】完成飞行挑战
2211615 : A Novel Idea - [CHS] - (test)【玄幻分支】再次与常九爷对话
2211701 : Visiting a Friend in Jueyun - Talk to Madame Ping
2211702 : Visiting a Friend in Jueyun - Smash the amber and find Madame Ping's box
2211703 : Visiting a Friend in Jueyun - Talk to Madame Ping
2220001 : A Bottomless Appetite - Look for the source of the rumbling noise
2220002 : A Bottomless Appetite - Find Yicheng a dish that can fill his stomach
2220003 : A Bottomless Appetite - Find Yicheng a dish that can fill his stomach
2220004 : A Bottomless Appetite - Find Yicheng a dish that can fill his stomach
2220005 : A Bottomless Appetite - Find Yicheng a dish that can fill his stomach
2220006 : A Bottomless Appetite - Find Yicheng a dish that can fill his stomach
2220007 : A Bottomless Appetite - Find Yicheng a dish that can fill his stomach
2220010 : A Bottomless Appetite - Talk to Yicheng
2220011 : A Bottomless Appetite - Talk to Yicheng
2220012 : A Bottomless Appetite - Talk to Yicheng
2220013 : A Bottomless Appetite - Talk to Yicheng
2230001 : Geo Travel Diary - Talk to Musheng
2230002 : Geo Travel Diary - Give Musheng things relating to "Liyue"
2230003 : Geo Travel Diary - Listen to Musheng's story
2230004 : Geo Travel Diary - Talk to Musheng to collect rewards
2230010 : Geo Travel Diary - [N/A] 2636008702
2230011 : Geo Travel Diary - [N/A] 3059798574
2230012 : Geo Travel Diary - [N/A] 940442438
2230013 : Geo Travel Diary - [N/A] 1191108286
2230060 : Geo Travel Diary - [N/A] 1259832598
2230061 : Geo Travel Diary - [N/A] 3654130110
2230080 : Geo Travel Diary - [N/A] 1296409998
2230081 : Geo Travel Diary - [N/A] 3506083726
2230101 : Cliffhanger - Talk to Liu Su
2230102 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 476605702
2230103 : Cliffhanger - Report back to Liu Su
2230104 : Cliffhanger - Listen to Liu Su's new story
2230105 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 3964781998
2230106 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 2882445222
2230107 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 304712174
2230108 : Cliffhanger - Talk to Liu Su
2230109 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 2755062598
2230111 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 594833166
2230112 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 743347678
2230113 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 3302909350
2230121 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 4029890782
2230122 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 2808799142
2230123 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 2548584326
2230151 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 2079511414
2230152 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 492216446
2230154 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 4007341622
2230161 : Cliffhanger - Ask the audience about the story Liu Su was telling
2230162 : Cliffhanger - Ask the audience about the story Liu Su was telling
2230163 : Cliffhanger - Ask the audience about the story Liu Su was telling
2230191 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 3669720478
2230192 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 425811534
2230193 : Cliffhanger - [N/A] 694282070
2230201 : This Novel Is Amazing! - Talk to Chang the Ninth
2230202 : This Novel Is Amazing! - Take the book to Feiyun Commerce Guild
2230203 : This Novel Is Amazing! - Give the book to Xu
2230204 : This Novel Is Amazing! - [N/A] 4128942926
2230301 : Wine, with a Taste of Freedom - Talk to Degui
2230302 : Wine, with a Taste of Freedom - Give the Dandelion to Degui
2230303 : Wine, with a Taste of Freedom - Report back to Degui
2230401 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Zhang Shun
2230402 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Bolai
2230403 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Bolai
2230404 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230405 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Bolai
2230411 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230412 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Bolai
2230413 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Bolai
2230421 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure, or go to Bolai for some advice
2230422 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure, or go to Bolai for some advice
2230423 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure, or go to Bolai for some advice
2230431 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230432 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230433 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230441 : Sailor's Treasure - [N/A] 1606765398
2230442 : Sailor's Treasure - [N/A] 1357737086
2230443 : Sailor's Treasure - [N/A] 1393391022
2230451 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230501 : Diamond in the Rough... - Talk to Shitou
2230502 : Diamond in the Rough... - Play a game with Shitou
2230503 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 1794349998
2230504 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 2094508390
2230505 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 2197344838
2230506 : Diamond in the Rough... - Choose a type of crude stone
2230507 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 1389817910
2230508 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 2106550350
2230509 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 1775389990
2230510 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 1547194766
2230511 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 2239972758
2230512 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 3089648694
2230513 : Diamond in the Rough... - Talk to Shitou
2230514 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 28419158
2230515 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 3194135750
2230516 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 3180491254
2230517 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 2725634318
2230518 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 2873862766
2230519 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 51519398
2230520 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 3715711830
2230521 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 2623786950
2230522 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 578420318
2230523 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 3804988830
2230524 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 437881230
2230525 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 4277803390
2230526 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 1407757094
2230527 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 47057126
2230528 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 2695327846
2230599 : Diamond in the Rough... - [N/A] 3786586918
2230601 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Zhang Shun
2230602 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Bolai
2230603 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Bolai
2230604 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230605 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Bolai
2230611 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230612 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Bolai
2230613 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Bolai
2230621 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure, or go to Bolai for some advice
2230622 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure, or go to Bolai for some advice
2230623 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure, or go to Bolai for some advice
2230631 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230632 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230633 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230641 : Sailor's Treasure - [N/A] 2105502214
2230642 : Sailor's Treasure - [N/A] 4098376950
2230643 : Sailor's Treasure - [N/A] 2328985814
2230651 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230701 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Zhang Shun
2230702 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Bolai
2230703 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Bolai
2230704 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230705 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Bolai
2230711 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230712 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Bolai
2230713 : Sailor's Treasure - Talk to Bolai
2230721 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure, or go to Bolai for some advice
2230722 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure, or go to Bolai for some advice
2230723 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure, or go to Bolai for some advice
2230731 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230732 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230733 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2230741 : Sailor's Treasure - [N/A] 3759736038
2230742 : Sailor's Treasure - [N/A] 2507268254
2230743 : Sailor's Treasure - [N/A] 1427282926
2230751 : Sailor's Treasure - Find the treasure
2250001 : Growing Pains - Talk to Little Lulu
2250002 : Growing Pains - Talk to Ying'er
2250003 : Growing Pains - Wait until night
2250004 : Growing Pains - Talk to Ying'er and obtain the perfume
2250005 : Growing Pains - Search for 3 Mint leaves
2250006 : Growing Pains - Craft Mint Essential Oil
2250007 : Growing Pains - Wait for Ying'er to decoct the perfume
2250008 : Growing Pains - Talk to Ying'er
2250009 : Growing Pains - Give the perfume to Little Lulu
2250010 : Growing Pains - [N/A] 644440140
2250101 : The Essence of Poetry - Talk to Qingzhou
2250102 : The Essence of Poetry - Convince Qingzhou to avoid the meteorites
2250103 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 劝服1-1$HIDDEN
2250104 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 劝服1-2$HIDDEN
2250105 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 劝服1-3$HIDDEN
2250106 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 劝服2-1$HIDDEN
2250107 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 劝服2-2$HIDDEN
2250108 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 劝服2-3$HIDDEN
2250109 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 劝服3-1$HIDDEN
2250110 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 劝服3-2$HIDDEN
2250111 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 劝服3-3$HIDDEN
2250112 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 心情值判定成功$HIDDEN
2250113 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 心情值判定失败$HIDDEN
2250114 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 劝服成功对话$HIDDEN
2250115 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 劝服失败对话$HIDDEN
2250116 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 搜集霓裳花对话$HIDDEN
2250117 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 搜集冰雾花对话$HIDDEN
2250118 : The Essence of Poetry - Pick 3 Silk Flowers
2250119 : The Essence of Poetry - Pick 3 Mist Flowers
2250120 : The Essence of Poetry - Report back to Qingzhou
2250121 : The Essence of Poetry - Report back to Qingzhou
2250122 : The Essence of Poetry - Defeat all opponents
2250123 : The Essence of Poetry - Talk to Qingzhou
2250124 : The Essence of Poetry - [CHS] - 保护环$HIDDEN
2250125 : The Essence of Poetry - Report back to Qingzhou
2250126 : The Essence of Poetry - Report back to Qingzhou
2270101 : The Sparrow Studies the Blade - Talk to Sun Yu
2270102 : The Sparrow Studies the Blade - Follow Sun Yu
2270103 : The Sparrow Studies the Blade - Talk to Sun Yu
2270104 : The Sparrow Studies the Blade - Go and pick 3 Qingxin flowers from atop the cliff
2270105 : The Sparrow Studies the Blade - Give the Qingxin flowers to Sun Yu
2270106 : The Sparrow Studies the Blade - [CHS] - 创生NPC$HIDDEN
2270107 : The Sparrow Studies the Blade - Go and pick 3 Qingxin flowers from atop the cliff
2270108 : The Sparrow Studies the Blade - Go and pick 3 Qingxin flowers from atop the cliff
2270109 : The Sparrow Studies the Blade - [CHS] - 计算进度$HIDDEN
2270110 : The Sparrow Studies the Blade - [CHS] - 计算进度保护$HIDDEN
2300001 : 1,001 Cups of Coffee - Talk to Maddah
2300002 : 1,001 Cups of Coffee - Wait till the next evening (19:00 – 21:00)
2300003 : 1,001 Cups of Coffee - Go to the café and talk to Maddah
2300004 : 1,001 Cups of Coffee - Go to the café and talk to Maddah
2300101 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Talk to Hatim
2300102 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Help Hatim select a Golden Dish
2300103 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Help Hatim select a Golden Dish
2300104 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Help Hatim select a Golden Dish
2300105 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Help Hatim select a Golden Dish
2300201 : Attaché in Another Land - Talk to Hanbei
2300202 : Attaché in Another Land - Go pick mushrooms
2300203 : Attaché in Another Land - Pick mushrooms
2300204 : Attaché in Another Land - Bring the mushrooms to Hanbei
2300205 : Attaché in Another Land - Talk to Hanbei
2300206 : Attaché in Another Land - Talk to Hanbei
2300301 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - [CHS] - 与哈特姆交谈$HIDDEN
2300302 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Talk to Hatim
2300303 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Talk to Hatim at Lambad's Tavern
2300305 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Talk to Hatim
2300306 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - [CHS] - 在「蓄财之地」寻找哈特姆$HIDDEN
2300307 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Talk to Hatim
2300308 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Look for Hatim at "Wealth Spots"
2300309 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Look for Hatim at "Wealth Spots"
2300310 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Look for Hatim at "Wealth Spots"
2300401 : Project Baby - Talk to Gulabgir
2300402 : Project Baby - Go to the camp
2300403 : Project Baby - Defeat all Fungi
2300404 : Project Baby - Look for Gulabgir's pet snake food
2300406 : Project Baby - Look for Gulabgir's pet snake food
2300407 : Project Baby - Go to the camp
2300408 : Project Baby - Look for Gulabgir's pet snake food
2300409 : Project Baby - Go to the camp
2300410 : Project Baby - Look for Gulabgir's pet snake food
2300411 : Project Baby - Go to the camp
2300412 : Project Baby - Look for Gulabgir's pet snake food
2300413 : Project Baby - Report back to Gulabgir
2300414 : Project Baby - Go to the camp
2300416 : Project Baby - Report back to Gulabgir
2300417 : Project Baby - [CHS] - 彩蛋1 玩具开车提示$HIDDEN
2300418 : Project Baby - [CHS] - 获得彩蛋1道具$HIDDEN
2300419 : Project Baby - Report back to Gulabgir
2300420 : Project Baby - Report back to Gulabgir
2300421 : Project Baby - [CHS] - 彩蛋2 爬架开车提示$HIDDEN
2300422 : Project Baby - [CHS] - 获得彩蛋2道具$HIDDEN
2300423 : Project Baby - Report back to Gulabgir
2300424 : Project Baby - Report back to Gulabgir
2300425 : Project Baby - [CHS] - 彩蛋3 爬架开车提示$HIDDEN
2300426 : Project Baby - [CHS] - 获得彩蛋3道具$HIDDEN
2300427 : Project Baby - Report back to Gulabgir
2300428 : Project Baby - Report back to Gulabgir
2300429 : Project Baby - Report back to Gulabgir
2300430 : Project Baby - Report back to Gulabgir
2300501 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - [CHS] - 与哈特姆交谈$HIDDEN
2300502 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Talk to Hatim
2300503 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Help Hatim select a Golden Dish
2300504 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Talk to Hatim
2300505 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Help Hatim prepare an Apple Cider
2300506 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Talk to Hatim
2300507 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Help Hatim select a Golden Dish
2300508 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Help Hatim select a Golden Dish
2300509 : Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering - Help Hatim select a Golden Dish
2300601 : Clean and Healthy - Talk to Golshan
2300602 : Clean and Healthy - Clean up the stains near "Bimarstan"
2300603 : Clean and Healthy - Talk to Golshan
2300701 : Concresoil - Talk to Akim
2300702 : Concresoil - Go to the place Akim recommended
2300703 : Concresoil - Go to the place Akim marked and get the soil
2300704 : Concresoil - Go to the place Akim recommended
2300705 : Concresoil - Go to the place Akim marked and get the soil
2300706 : Concresoil - Go to the place Akim recommended
2300707 : Concresoil - Go to the place Akim marked and get the soil
2300708 : Concresoil - Give the soil to Akim
2300709 : Concresoil - Talk to Akim
2300801 : Concresoil - Talk to Akim
2300802 : Concresoil - Give three portions of Slime Condensate to Akim
2300803 : Concresoil - Keep talking to Akim
2300901 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - [CHS] - 与阿金对话$HIDDEN
2300902 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Talk to Akim
2300903 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Give three portions of Slime Condensate to Akim
2300904 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Give the soil to Nima
2300908 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Talk to Akim
2300909 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Head to where the Whopperflower appeared
2300910 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Bring the sample back to Akim
2300911 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Talk to Akim
2300912 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Go to the place Akim recommended
2300913 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Bring the sample back to Akim
2300914 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Talk to Akim
2300915 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Go and retrieve the soil
2300916 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Talk to Akim
2300917 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Keep talking to Akim
2300918 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Keep talking to Nima
2300919 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Keep talking to Akim
2300920 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Talk to Akim
2300921 : The Other Applications of Concresoil - Keep talking to Akim
2301001 : Eat and Learn - Talk to Jafar
2301002 : Eat and Learn - Give the cooking ingredient to Jafar
2301003 : Eat and Learn - Talk to Jafar
2301004 : Eat and Learn - [N/A] 3419266460
2301005 : Eat and Learn - Talk to Jafar
2301006 : Eat and Learn - Give the cooking ingredient to Jafar
2301007 : Eat and Learn - Talk to Jafar
2301008 : Eat and Learn - Talk to Jafar
2301009 : Eat and Learn - Give the cooking ingredient to Jafar
2301010 : Eat and Learn - Talk to Jafar
2301101 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Viktor
2301102 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Hamawi
2301103 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Go to where the cart is
2301104 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Defeat all the Fungi and retrieve the plank
2301105 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Report back to Hamawi
2301106 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Viktor
2301107 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - [CHS] - 打倒所有蕈兽$HIDDEN
2301201 : Meow... Meow meow? Meow! Meow. - Talk to Sareh
2301202 : Meow... Meow meow? Meow! Meow. - Search for Lale
2301203 : Meow... Meow meow? Meow! Meow. - Search for Nargis
2301204 : Meow... Meow meow? Meow! Meow. - Search for Rozan
2301205 : Meow... Meow meow? Meow! Meow. - Report back to Sareh
2301206 : Meow... Meow meow? Meow! Meow. - [N/A] 1187512004
2301207 : Meow... Meow meow? Meow! Meow. - [N/A] 2787575860
2301208 : Meow... Meow meow? Meow! Meow. - [N/A] 4233897612
2301209 : Meow... Meow meow? Meow! Meow. - Confirm the cat's message with Sareh
2301301 : Garcia's Paean: Key Items - Talk to Garcia
2301302 : Garcia's Paean: Key Items - Acquire fresh Slime Condensate
2301303 : Garcia's Paean: Key Items - Report back to Garcia
2301304 : Garcia's Paean: Key Items - [N/A] 2236346476
2301401 : Garcia's Paean: Substitutes - Talk to Garcia
2301402 : Garcia's Paean: Substitutes - Obtain Treasures Hoarders' insignias for Garcia
2301403 : Garcia's Paean: Substitutes - Talk to Garcia
2301404 : Garcia's Paean: Substitutes - Talk to Garcia
2301501 : Garcia's Paean: By Bearings - Talk to Ahangar
2301502 : Garcia's Paean: By Bearings - Give three Iron Chunks to Lutong
2301503 : Garcia's Paean: By Bearings - Talk to Ahangar
2301601 : Garcia's Paean: Easy Peasy - Talk to Garcia
2301602 : Garcia's Paean: Easy Peasy - Ask Ahangar questions
2301603 : Garcia's Paean: Easy Peasy - Report back to Garcia
2301701 : Garcia's Paean: the Echo of Someone - Talk to Garcia
2301702 : Garcia's Paean: the Echo of Someone - Obtain Treasures Hoarders' insignias for Garcia
2301703 : Garcia's Paean: the Echo of Someone - Talk to Garcia
2301704 : Garcia's Paean: the Echo of Someone - Talk to Garcia
2301801 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Zakariya
2301802 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Zakariya
2301803 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Gurgen
2301804 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Zakariya
2301805 : Doctor's Orders - [CHS] - (test)隐藏清理杂草$HIDDEN
2301806 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Gurgen
2301807 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Zakariya
2301808 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Zakariya
2301809 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Azra
2301810 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Zakariya
2301811 : Doctor's Orders - [CHS] - (test)完成交付(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2301812 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Azra
2301813 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Zakariya
2301814 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Zakariya
2301815 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Aftab
2301816 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Zakariya
2301817 : Doctor's Orders - [CHS] - (test)完成交付(隐藏)$HIDDEN
2301818 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Aftab
2301819 : Doctor's Orders - Talk to Zakariya
2301820 : Doctor's Orders - Bring the medicine to Gurgen
2301821 : Doctor's Orders - Bring the medicine to Azra
2301822 : Doctor's Orders - Bring the medicine to Aftab
2301901 : Problem Conversion - Talk to Rafiq
2301902 : Problem Conversion - Go to investigate the ship
2301903 : Problem Conversion - Investigate the ship
2301904 : Problem Conversion - Report the situation to Rafiq
2301905 : Problem Conversion - [CHS] - 检查1点开车$HIDDEN
2302001 : Problem Conversion: Theory Reliability - Talk to Rafiq
2302002 : Problem Conversion: Theory Reliability - Fetch the materials for building the ship
2302003 : Problem Conversion: Theory Reliability - Fetch the materials for building the ship
2302004 : Problem Conversion: Theory Reliability - Return and report the situation to Rafiq
2302005 : Problem Conversion: Theory Reliability - Return and report the situation to Rafiq
2302101 : Problem Conversion: Loading Capacity - Talk to Rafiq
2302102 : Problem Conversion: Loading Capacity - Collect heavy items
2302103 : Problem Conversion: Loading Capacity - Collect heavy items
2302104 : Problem Conversion: Loading Capacity - Load the ship
2302105 : Problem Conversion: Loading Capacity - [CHS] - 测试失败$HIDDEN
2302106 : Problem Conversion: Loading Capacity - Go back and talk to Rafiq
2302107 : Problem Conversion: Loading Capacity - [CHS] - 测试成功$HIDDEN
2302108 : Problem Conversion: Loading Capacity - Go back and talk to Rafiq
2302109 : Problem Conversion: Loading Capacity - [CHS] - 搬货刷suite辅助环$HIDDEN
2302110 : Problem Conversion: Loading Capacity - Go back and talk to Rafiq
2302201 : Problem Conversion: The Underpinning Factor - Talk to Rafiq
2302202 : Problem Conversion: The Underpinning Factor - Fetch the materials for building the ship
2302203 : Problem Conversion: The Underpinning Factor - Fetch the materials for building the ship
2302204 : Problem Conversion: The Underpinning Factor - Return and report the situation to Rafiq
2302205 : Problem Conversion: The Underpinning Factor - Return and report the situation to Rafiq
2302301 : The Flowers That Won't Grow - Talk to Vardan and Gurgen
2302302 : The Flowers That Won't Grow - Hand 3 Harra Fruits to Vardan
2302303 : The Flowers That Won't Grow - Talk to Vardan and Gurgen
2302304 : The Flowers That Won't Grow - Talk to Vardan and Gurgen
2302305 : The Flowers That Won't Grow - Water the roses
2302306 : The Flowers That Won't Grow - Talk to Vardan and Gurgen
2302401 : When Flowers Bloom - Talk to Vardan and Gurgen
2302402 : When Flowers Bloom - Talk to Vardan and Gurgen
2302403 : When Flowers Bloom - Wait until the following day (06:00 – 08:00)
2302404 : When Flowers Bloom - Talk to Vardan and Gurgen
2302405 : When Flowers Bloom - Talk to Vardan and Gurgen
2302406 : When Flowers Bloom - Wait until the following day (06:00 – 08:00)
2302407 : When Flowers Bloom - Talk to Vardan and Gurgen
2302501 : To Measure the World! - [CHS] - 立即完成随机数$HIDDEN
2302502 : To Measure the World! - Talk to Farghani
2302503 : To Measure the World! - Defeat the enemies near the destination
2302504 : To Measure the World! - Talk to Farghani
2302505 : To Measure the World! - Talk to Farghani
2302506 : To Measure the World! - Set the beacons up
2302507 : To Measure the World! - Talk to Farghani
2302508 : To Measure the World! - Talk to Farghani
2302509 : To Measure the World! - Retrieve the beacons
2302510 : To Measure the World! - Talk to Farghani
2302511 : To Measure the World! - Go to where the beacons were set up
2302601 : Akademiya Q&A - Talk to Ziryab
2302602 : Akademiya Q&A - Talk to Ziryab
2302603 : Akademiya Q&A - Talk to Ziryab
2302604 : Akademiya Q&A - [CHS] - 与齐里亚布交谈$HIDDEN
2302605 : Akademiya Q&A - [N/A] 3637973508
2302606 : Akademiya Q&A - [N/A] 740610092
2302607 : Akademiya Q&A - [N/A] 810673508
2302608 : Akademiya Q&A - [N/A] 2449547884
2302609 : Akademiya Q&A - [N/A] 172270108
2302610 : Akademiya Q&A - [N/A] 988766036
2302611 : Akademiya Q&A - [N/A] 1966619156
2302612 : Akademiya Q&A - Talk to Ziryab
2302701 : The Great Tree - Talk to Yasmin
2302702 : The Great Tree - Go to the roots of the Divine Tree
2302703 : The Great Tree - Defeat all opponents
2302704 : The Great Tree - Record the condition of the roots
2302705 : The Great Tree - Go to the roots of the Divine Tree
2302706 : The Great Tree - Defeat all opponents
2302707 : The Great Tree - Record the condition of the roots
2302708 : The Great Tree - Go to the roots of the Divine Tree
2302709 : The Great Tree - Clear out the cobwebs
2302710 : The Great Tree - Record the condition of the roots
2302711 : The Great Tree - Report back to Yasmin
2302801 : The Great Tree: Rooted State - Talk to Yasmin
2302802 : The Great Tree: Rooted State - Follow Yasmin
2302803 : The Great Tree: Rooted State - Continue following Yasmin
2302804 : The Great Tree: Rooted State - Go and spray the potions
2302805 : The Great Tree: Rooted State - Spray the potions with Yasmin
2302806 : The Great Tree: Rooted State - Spray the potions with Yasmin
2302901 : The Great Tree: State of Growth - Talk to Yasmin
2302902 : The Great Tree: State of Growth - Take a picture of the Divine Tree in its entirety at the designated location
2302903 : The Great Tree: State of Growth - Take a picture of the Divine Tree in its entirety
2302904 : The Great Tree: State of Growth - Report back to Yasmin
2303001 : The Great Tree: Statistical State - Talk to Ladep
2303002 : The Great Tree: Statistical State - Go with Ladep
2303003 : The Great Tree: Statistical State - Defeat all Fungi
2303004 : The Great Tree: Statistical State - Talk to Ladep
2303005 : The Great Tree: Statistical State - Talk to Ladep
2303006 : The Great Tree: Statistical State - [N/A] 654460828
2303007 : The Great Tree: Statistical State - Go with Ladep
2303101 : Supreme Hookshot? - Talk to Kayvan
2303102 : Supreme Hookshot? - Give the bait materials to Kayvan
2303103 : Supreme Hookshot? - Talk to Kayvan
2303104 : Supreme Hookshot? - Look for the materials that Kayvan needs
2303105 : Supreme Hookshot? - Give the bait materials to Kayvan
2303106 : Supreme Hookshot? - Talk to Kayvan
2303107 : Supreme Hookshot? - Look for bait materials
2303108 : Supreme Hookshot? - Give the bait materials to Kayvan
2303109 : Supreme Hookshot? - Talk to Kayvan
2303201 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Viktor
2303202 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Hamawi
2303203 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Go to where the cart is
2303204 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Defeat all the Fungi and retrieve the plank
2303205 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Report back to Hamawi
2303206 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Viktor
2303207 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Lambad
2303208 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Viktor
2303209 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Jut
2303210 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Viktor
2303211 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Lambad
2303212 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Jut
2303213 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Viktor
2303214 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Viktor
2303215 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Viktor
2303216 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Lambad
2303217 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - Talk to Jut
2303218 : Equivalent Exchange Once More - [CHS] - 打倒所有蕈兽$HIDDEN
2303301 : King of Invokations - Talk to Fukumoto
2303302 : King of Invokations - Go to the spot to take photos
2303303 : King of Invokations - Talk to Fukumoto
2303304 : King of Invokations - Defeat all opponents
2303305 : King of Invokations - Talk to Fukumoto
2303306 : King of Invokations - Talk to Fukumoto
2303307 : King of Invokations - Go to the spot to take photos
2303308 : King of Invokations - Talk to Fukumoto
2303309 : King of Invokations - Go to the spot and strike a pose
2303310 : King of Invokations - Talk to Fukumoto
2303311 : King of Invokations - [N/A] 841740308
2303501 : Next Time, On King of Invokations... - Talk to Fukumoto
2303502 : Next Time, On King of Invokations... - Go to Puspa Café
2303503 : Next Time, On King of Invokations... - Meet up with Fukumoto at Puspa Café
2303504 : Next Time, On King of Invokations... - Talk to Cyno
2303505 : Next Time, On King of Invokations... - Take some pictures of Cyno
2303506 : Next Time, On King of Invokations... - Talk to Fukumoto
2303601 : The Hook's Unexpected Adventure - Talk to Helbet and Kayvan
2303602 : The Hook's Unexpected Adventure - Give the bait materials to Kayvan
2303603 : The Hook's Unexpected Adventure - Talk to Helbet and Kayvan
2303604 : The Hook's Unexpected Adventure - Collect 3 Fresh Harra Fruits
2303605 : The Hook's Unexpected Adventure - Give the bait materials to Kayvan
2303606 : The Hook's Unexpected Adventure - Talk to Helbet and Kayvan
2303607 : The Hook's Unexpected Adventure - Look for bait materials
2303608 : The Hook's Unexpected Adventure - Give the bait materials to Kayvan
2303609 : The Hook's Unexpected Adventure - Talk to Helbet and Kayvan
2303701 : Good Medicine Is Hard to Come By - Talk to Maruf
2303702 : Good Medicine Is Hard to Come By - Talk to Zakariya
2303703 : Good Medicine Is Hard to Come By - Talk to Zakariya
2303704 : Good Medicine Is Hard to Come By - Talk to Zakariya
2303706 : Good Medicine Is Hard to Come By - Talk to Maruf
2303707 : Good Medicine Is Hard to Come By - Talk to Maruf
2303708 : Good Medicine Is Hard to Come By - Talk to Maruf
2303709 : Good Medicine Is Hard to Come By - Talk to Maruf
2303801 : Good Medicine Is Difficult to Make - Talk to Zakariya
2303802 : Good Medicine Is Difficult to Make - Give the Henna Berries to Zakariya
2303803 : Good Medicine Is Difficult to Make - Talk to Zakariya
2303804 : Good Medicine Is Difficult to Make - Give the Ajilenakh Nuts to Zakariya
2303805 : Good Medicine Is Difficult to Make - Talk to Zakariya
2303806 : Good Medicine Is Difficult to Make - Give the Scarabs to Zakariya
2303807 : Good Medicine Is Difficult to Make - Talk to Zakariya
2303808 : Good Medicine Is Difficult to Make - Bring the medicine to Maruf
2303901 : Run, Hilmi, Run! - Talk to Ebeid
2303902 : Run, Hilmi, Run! - Participate in the racing competition
2303903 : Run, Hilmi, Run! - [CHS] - (test)判断小男孩B获胜$HIDDEN
2303904 : Run, Hilmi, Run! - Talk to Hilmi
2303905 : Run, Hilmi, Run! - Talk to Hilmi
2304001 : Warehousing Business - [CHS] - (test)随机分支用$HIDDEN
2304002 : Warehousing Business - Talk to Najat
2304003 : Warehousing Business - Defeat all Red Vultures
2304004 : Warehousing Business - Report back to Najat
2304005 : Warehousing Business - Talk to Najat
2304006 : Warehousing Business - Retrieve the goods
2304007 : Warehousing Business - Report back to Najat
2304008 : Warehousing Business - Talk to Najat
2304009 : Warehousing Business - Go and help Habachi
2304010 : Warehousing Business - Talk to Habachi
2304101 : Desert Bloom - Talk to Nermin
2304102 : Desert Bloom - Take the watering can
2304103 : Desert Bloom - Fetch water from the stepwell
2304105 : Desert Bloom - Go back and water the plants
2304106 : Desert Bloom - Search for the kitten
2304107 : Desert Bloom - Report back to Nermin
2304109 : Desert Bloom - Give Nermin the Zaytun Peach(es)
2304110 : Desert Bloom - Give Nermin the Zaytun Peach(es)
2304111 : Desert Bloom - [CHS] - 刷新氛围脚印辅助环$HIDDEN
2304112 : Desert Bloom - Search for the kitten
2304113 : Desert Bloom - Search for the kitten
2304114 : Desert Bloom - Bring the drink Nermin made to Raef
2304115 : Desert Bloom - Bring the drink Nermin made to Raef
2304116 : Desert Bloom - [CHS] - 刷新氛围脚印辅助环$HIDDEN
2304117 : Desert Bloom - [CHS] - 刷新氛围脚印辅助环$HIDDEN
2304118 : Desert Bloom - [CHS] - 刷水壶辅助$HIDDEN
2304201 : Blooming Sands: Lasting Scent - Talk to Nermin
2304202 : Blooming Sands: Lasting Scent - Talk to Azalai
2304203 : Blooming Sands: Lasting Scent - Fetch a bucket of water
2304204 : Blooming Sands: Lasting Scent - Report back to Nermin
2304205 : Blooming Sands: Lasting Scent - Report back to Nermin
2304206 : Blooming Sands: Lasting Scent - Give Raef the perfume
2304301 : Price Comparison - Talk to Azalai
2304302 : Price Comparison - [CHS] - (test)回滚用任务环$HIDDEN
2304303 : Price Comparison - Learn about the situation from Rama
2304304 : Price Comparison - Learn about the situation from Jut
2304305 : Price Comparison - Report back to Azalai
2304306 : Price Comparison - [N/A] 3722143684
2304307 : Price Comparison - Talk to Azalai
2304308 : Price Comparison - [CHS] - (test)回滚用任务环$HIDDEN
2304309 : Price Comparison - Learn about the situation from Butrus
2304310 : Price Comparison - Learn about the situation from Jahangir
2304311 : Price Comparison - Report back to Azalai
2304312 : Price Comparison - [CHS] - (test)获得拉玛的订单$HIDDEN
2304313 : Price Comparison - [CHS] - (test)获得朱特的订单$HIDDEN
2304314 : Price Comparison - [CHS] - (test)获得布特罗斯的订单$HIDDEN
2304315 : Price Comparison - [CHS] - (test)获得贾汗吉尔的订单$HIDDEN
2304316 : Price Comparison - Report back to Azalai
2304317 : Price Comparison - Report back to Azalai
2400001 : Tales From the Court - Talk to Livre
2400002 : Tales From the Court - Talk to Estelle
2400003 : Tales From the Court - Talk to Caron
2400004 : Tales From the Court - Talk to Livre
2400101 : Tales From the Court - Talk to Staelle
2400102 : Tales From the Court - Follow Blathine
2400103 : Tales From the Court - Follow Blathine
2400104 : Tales From the Court - Report back to Staelle
2400201 : Tales From the Court - Talk to Isadora
2400202 : Tales From the Court - Talk to Muirne
2400203 : Tales From the Court - Go and look for the documents Isadora lost
2400204 : Tales From the Court - Talk to Isadora
2400301 : Their Childhood - Talk to Verut
2400302 : Their Childhood - Look for Aurele and Verut
2400303 : Their Childhood - Look for Aurele and Verut
2400304 : Their Childhood - Look for Aurele and Verut
2400305 : Their Childhood - [CHS] - (test)找到两个小孩$HIDDEN
2400306 : Their Childhood - Look for Aurele and Verut
2400307 : Their Childhood - Talk to Verut
2400401 : Their Childhood: Time Waits for No One - Ask the two brothers on the ground
2400402 : Their Childhood: Time Waits for No One - Find all the hiding kids
2400403 : Their Childhood: Time Waits for No One - Find all the hiding kids
2400404 : Their Childhood: Time Waits for No One - Find all the hiding kids
2400405 : Their Childhood: Time Waits for No One - [N/A] 0
2400406 : Their Childhood: Time Waits for No One - Talk to Lovi
2400501 : Their Childhood: City Caper - Talk to Verut
2400502 : Their Childhood: City Caper - Go to the plaza
2400503 : Their Childhood: City Caper - Go to The Steambird
2400504 : Their Childhood: City Caper - Talk to Louis
2400505 : Their Childhood: City Caper - Bring the Bulle Fruit to Louis
2400506 : Their Childhood: City Caper - Bring the Bulle Fruit to Louis
2400601 : Their Childhood: Good Times - Talk to Verut
2400602 : Their Childhood: Good Times - Find all the kids
2400603 : Their Childhood: Good Times - Find all the kids
2400604 : Their Childhood: Good Times - Find all the kids
2400605 : Their Childhood: Good Times - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)抓三个小孩保底$HIDDEN
2400606 : Their Childhood: Good Times - Talk to Aurele
2400701 : Their Childhood: A Certain Passage - Talk to Lovi
2400702 : Their Childhood: A Certain Passage - Look for "treasure"
2400703 : Their Childhood: A Certain Passage - Look for "treasure"
2400704 : Their Childhood: A Certain Passage - Look for "treasure"
2400705 : Their Childhood: A Certain Passage - [N/A] 0
2400706 : Their Childhood: A Certain Passage - Talk to Lovi
2400801 : Down Time - [N/A] 0
2400802 : Down Time - Talk to Roialte
2400803 : Down Time - Chase away the Blubberbeasts
2400804 : Down Time - Defeat all the Hydro Slimes
2400805 : Down Time - Talk to Boucicaut
2400806 : Down Time - Talk to Roialte
2400807 : Down Time - Talk to Roialte
2400808 : Down Time - Chase away the Blubberbeasts
2400809 : Down Time - Defeat all the Hydro Slimes
2400810 : Down Time - Talk to Boucicaut
2400811 : Down Time - Talk to Roialte
2400812 : Down Time - Talk to Roialte
2400813 : Down Time - Chase away the Blubberbeasts
2400814 : Down Time - Defeat all the Hydro Slimes
2400815 : Down Time - Talk to Boucicaut
2400816 : Down Time - Talk to Roialte
2400901 : Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics - Talk to Depierris
2400902 : Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics - Talk to Depierris
2400903 : Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics - Take the required photo underwater
2400904 : Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics - Talk to Depierris
2400905 : Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics - Take the required photo underwater
2400906 : Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics - Talk to Depierris
2400907 : Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics - Take the required photo underwater
2400908 : Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics - Report back to Depierris
2400909 : Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics - Bring food back to Depierris
2400910 : Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics - [N/A] 0
2400911 : Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics - Take the required photo underwater
2400912 : Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics - Take the required photo underwater
2400913 : Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics - Take the required photo underwater
2400914 : Aesthetic Critique: Principles of Aesthetics - Bring food back to Depierris
2401001 : Aesthetic Critique: Practice of Aesthetics - Talk to Depierris
2401002 : Aesthetic Critique: Practice of Aesthetics - Talk to Boucicaut
2401004 : Aesthetic Critique: Practice of Aesthetics - [CHS] - (test)隐藏的交付环$HIDDEN
2401005 : Aesthetic Critique: Practice of Aesthetics - Talk to Depierris
2401006 : Aesthetic Critique: Practice of Aesthetics - [N/A] 0
2401007 : Aesthetic Critique: Practice of Aesthetics - [N/A] 0
2401101 : What is the Meaning of Work? - Talk to Iaune
2401102 : What is the Meaning of Work? - Chase away the Violetgold Angler Gull
2401103 : What is the Meaning of Work? - Chase away the Violetgold Angler Gull again
2401104 : What is the Meaning of Work? - Report back to Iaune
2401105 : What is the Meaning of Work? - Chase away the Violetgold Angler Gull
2401106 : What is the Meaning of Work? - Chase away the Violetgold Angler Gull again
2401108 : What is the Meaning of Work? - Report back to Iaune
2401109 : What is the Meaning of Work? - Try to feed the Violetgold Angler Gull
2401110 : What is the Meaning of Work? - Report back to Iaune
2401201 : Get a Drink at Least! - Talk to Arouet
2401202 : Get a Drink at Least! - Start brewing coffee
2401203 : Get a Drink at Least! - Start brewing Special Blend Coffee
2401204 : Get a Drink at Least! - Talk to Arouet
2401205 : Get a Drink at Least! - Brew a Latte
2401206 : Get a Drink at Least! - Brew Clarity Coffee
2401207 : Get a Drink at Least! - Brew Milk Coffee
2401208 : Get a Drink at Least! - Brew Espresso
2401209 : Get a Drink at Least! - Talk to Arouet
2401210 : Get a Drink at Least! - Give the coffee to Chatelet
2401211 : Get a Drink at Least! - Talk to Arouet
2401212 : Get a Drink at Least! - Talk to Arouet
2401213 : Get a Drink at Least! - [N/A] 0
2401214 : Get a Drink at Least! - Talk to Arouet
2401215 : Get a Drink at Least! - [N/A] 0
2401216 : Get a Drink at Least! - Give the coffee to Officer Menthe
2401217 : Get a Drink at Least! - Give the coffee to Chatelet
2401218 : Get a Drink at Least! - Give the coffee to Officer Menthe
2401301 : Alright, Iaune, Alright - Talk to Iaune
2401302 : Alright, Iaune, Alright - Talk to Arouet
2401303 : Alright, Iaune, Alright - Brew coffee for Iaune
2401304 : Alright, Iaune, Alright - Give Iaune the coffee
2401305 : Alright, Iaune, Alright - Talk to Arouet
2401306 : Alright, Iaune, Alright - Brew coffee for Iaune
2401401 : At Least the Fish Know - Talk to Linorea
2401402 : At Least the Fish Know - Go to the deep waters to place the fish fry
2401403 : At Least the Fish Know - Go to the shallow waters to place the fish fry
2401404 : At Least the Fish Know - Report back to Linorea
2401405 : At Least the Fish Know - Go to the shallow waters to place the fish fry
2401406 : At Least the Fish Know - Go to the shallow waters to place the fish fry
2401501 : Aesthetic Critique: Self-Critique - [CHS] - 寻找德皮耶里$HIDDEN
2401502 : Aesthetic Critique: Self-Critique - Look for Depierris
2401503 : Aesthetic Critique: Self-Critique - Look for Depierris
2401504 : Aesthetic Critique: Self-Critique - Talk to Depierris
2401505 : Aesthetic Critique: Self-Critique - Defeat all opponents
2401506 : Aesthetic Critique: Self-Critique - Talk to Depierris
2401507 : Aesthetic Critique: Self-Critique - [CHS] - 寻找德皮耶里$HIDDEN
2401508 : Aesthetic Critique: Self-Critique - Look for Depierris
2401701 : Days Beneath the Waves - Talk to Yves
2401702 : Days Beneath the Waves - Perform underwater salvage
2401703 : Days Beneath the Waves - Give the salvage to Yves
2401704 : Days Beneath the Waves - Talk to Yves
2401705 : Days Beneath the Waves - Perform underwater salvage
2401706 : Days Beneath the Waves - Talk to Yves
2401801 : Other Duties - Talk to Semaine
2401802 : Other Duties - [N/A] 0
2401803 : Other Duties - [N/A] 0
2401804 : Other Duties - [N/A] 0
2401805 : Other Duties - Give the flowers to Semaine
2401806 : Other Duties - Talk to Semaine
2401807 : Other Duties - Talk to Semaine
2401808 : Other Duties - Talk to Semaine
2401809 : Other Duties - Talk to Calcagni
2401810 : Other Duties - Talk to Calcagni
2401811 : Other Duties - [N/A] 0
2401812 : Other Duties - [N/A] 0
2401813 : Other Duties - [N/A] 0
2401814 : Other Duties - Talk to Semaine
2401815 : Other Duties - Talk to Semaine
2401816 : Other Duties - Talk to Semaine
2401817 : Other Duties - Talk to Semaine
2401818 : Other Duties - Talk to Batasso
2401819 : Other Duties - Talk to Semaine
2401820 : Other Duties - Talk to Semaine
2401821 : Other Duties - [N/A] 0
2401822 : Other Duties - [N/A] 0
2401823 : Other Duties - [N/A] 0
2401824 : Other Duties - [N/A] 0
2401901 : What is the Meaning of Life? - Talk to Iaune
2401902 : What is the Meaning of Life? - Feed the Violetgold Angler Gulls
2401903 : What is the Meaning of Life? - Report back to Iaune
2402001 : Days Beneath the Waves - Talk to Yves
2402002 : Days Beneath the Waves - Perform underwater salvage
2402003 : Days Beneath the Waves - Perform underwater salvage
2402004 : Days Beneath the Waves - Give the salvage to Yves
2402005 : Days Beneath the Waves - Talk to Yves
2402006 : Days Beneath the Waves - Talk to Yves
2500001 : Unleashed 1 - Hidden - Opens at required Adventure Rank
2500101 : Adventure Rank Ascension 1 - Enter the ruins
2500102 : Adventure Rank Ascension 1 - Clear the ruins
2500201 : Unleashed 2 - Hidden - Opens at required Adventure Rank
2500301 : Adventure Rank Ascension 2 - Enter the ruins
2500302 : Adventure Rank Ascension 2 - Clear the ruins
2500401 : Unleashed 3 - Hidden - Opens at required Adventure Rank
2500501 : Adventure Rank Ascension 2 - Enter the ruins
2500502 : Adventure Rank Ascension 2 - Clear the ruins
2500601 : Unleashed 4 - Hidden - Opens at required Adventure Rank
2500701 : Adventure Rank Ascension 2 - Enter the ruins
2500702 : Adventure Rank Ascension 2 - Clear the ruins
2500801 : Unleashed 5 - Hidden - Opens at required Adventure Rank
2500901 : Adventure Rank Ascension 3 - Enter the ruins
2500902 : Adventure Rank Ascension 3 - Clear the ruins
2501001 : Unleashed 6 - Hidden - [CHS] - (test)冒险等阶到达$HIDDEN
2501101 : Adventure Rank Ascension 4 - Enter the ruins
2501102 : Adventure Rank Ascension 4 - Clear the ruins
2501201 : Unleashed 7 - Hidden - [CHS] - (test)冒险等阶到达$HIDDEN
2501301 : Adventure Rank Ascension 7 - Enter the ruins
2501302 : Adventure Rank Ascension 7 - Clear the ruins
3100101 : [CHS] - 送礼任务测试$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 676879388
4000001 : Liyue: Theater Mechanicus - [CHS] - (test)派蒙开车用$HIDDEN
4000002 : Liyue: Theater Mechanicus - Talk to Ruijin
4000003 : Liyue: Theater Mechanicus - Try Theater Mechanicus
4000100 : Towards the Lanterns Origin - (test)播放开车台词
4000101 : Towards the Lanterns Origin - Go to Liyue Harbor
4000102 : Towards the Lanterns Origin - Talk to Paimon (Hidden)
4000103 : Towards the Lanterns Origin - Go to the construction site of Mingxiao Lanterns
4000104 : Towards the Lanterns Origin - Talk to people in the Xiao Market
4000105 : Towards the Lanterns Origin - (test)与大家聊聊天
4000106 : Towards the Lanterns Origin - (test)与大家聊聊天
4000107 : Towards the Lanterns Origin - Talk with everyone (hide)
4000108 : Towards the Lanterns Origin - In mission. Can't go back (hide)
4000109 : Towards the Lanterns Origin - (test)Learn how to make a Xiao Lantern
4000110 : Towards the Lanterns Origin - Go to the construction site of Mingxiao Lanterns
4000111 : Towards the Lanterns Origin - [CHS] - 使用合成台制作霄灯$UNRELEASED
4000112 : Towards the Lanterns Origin - [CHS] - 前往「明霄灯」建设现场$UNRELEASED
4000201 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - (test) Paimon talking
4000202 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - Go to Xiao Market
4000203 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - Obtain Azurite from Bloatty Floatties
4000204 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - Obtain Vermillionite from the Ruin Hunter
4000205 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - Go back to Xiao Market and talk to Huixin
4000206 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - Have a look at the construction site
4000207 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - Talk to Paimon (Hidden)
4000208 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - Talk to the suspicious person
4000209 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - Investigate around the stockpile
4000210 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - (test)在材料区调查
4000211 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - (test)在材料区调查
4000212 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - Investigate around the stockpile
4000213 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - In mission. Can't go back (hide)
4000214 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - Talk to Paimon (Hidden)
4000215 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - Talk to the Millelith
4000216 : Water Beneath the Lanterns Flows Deep - In mission. Can't go back (hide)
4000301 : In the City of Geo Live the Adepti - Paimon Dialog (Hidden)
4000302 : In the City of Geo Live the Adepti - Talk to Jiayi at the Ministry of Civil Affairs
4000303 : In the City of Geo Live the Adepti - Defeat the hilichurls and their roadblock
4000304 : In the City of Geo Live the Adepti - Talk to the squad of the Millelith
4000305 : In the City of Geo Live the Adepti - Find the Millelith
4000306 : In the City of Geo Live the Adepti - Go back to the crime scene
4000307 : In the City of Geo Live the Adepti - Talk to Paimon (Hidden)
4000308 : In the City of Geo Live the Adepti - (test)去案犯现场再看看
4000309 : In the City of Geo Live the Adepti - Talk to the stranger
4000400 : To My Old Friend, Wind Brings My Greetings - Paimon Dialog (Hidden)
4000401 : To My Old Friend, Wind Brings My Greetings - Find Kaeya in Mondstadt
4000402 : To My Old Friend, Wind Brings My Greetings - Talk to Kaeya
4000403 : To My Old Friend, Wind Brings My Greetings - Talk to Kaeya's informant
4000404 : To My Old Friend, Wind Brings My Greetings - [CHS] - (test)回去蒙德骑士团$UNRELEASED
4000405 : To My Old Friend, Wind Brings My Greetings - [CHS] - (test)与凯亚对话$UNRELEASED
4000406 : To My Old Friend, Wind Brings My Greetings - Locate the Treasure Thieves using the information
4000407 : To My Old Friend, Wind Brings My Greetings - Defeat the Treasure Thieves
4000408 : To My Old Friend, Wind Brings My Greetings - [CHS] - (test)与盗宝团成员对话(隐藏)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4000409 : To My Old Friend, Wind Brings My Greetings - Talk to the member of Treasure Thieves
4000500 : Lanterns in the Sea - Paimon Dialog (Hidden)
4000501 : Lanterns in the Sea - Meet the sender at the meeting spot
4000502 : Lanterns in the Sea - Meet the sender at the meeting spot
4000503 : Lanterns in the Sea - Defeat the suspicious person
4000504 : Lanterns in the Sea - [CHS] - (test)与可疑人对话(隐藏)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4000505 : Lanterns in the Sea - Talk to Xiao at the meeting spot
4000506 : Lanterns in the Sea - Go back to Liyue Harbor and witness the last day of Lantern Rite
4000601 : (test)海灯节氛围npc控制 - [CHS] - (test)控制海灯节npc活动模式(隐藏)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4000701 : (test)海灯节可疑小贼npc控制 - [CHS] - (test)小贼从A到B(隐藏)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4000702 : (test)海灯节可疑小贼npc控制 - [CHS] - (test)小贼从B到A(隐藏)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4000703 : (test)海灯节可疑小贼npc控制 - [CHS] - (test)领取任务,创建小贼(隐藏)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4000704 : (test)海灯节可疑小贼npc控制 - [CHS] - (test)完成任务,删除小贼(隐藏)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4000801 : Lantern Rite Rewards - Lantern Rite Rewards
4000901 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节做灯教学奖励$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)海灯节做灯教学奖励$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4001001 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Go to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
4001002 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Talk to Klee
4001003 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Ask about the legendary island
4001004 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Ask about the legendary island
4001005 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Ask about the legendary island
4001006 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - [CHS] - (test)向蒙德民众打听进度记录$HIDDEN
4001007 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - [CHS] - (test)任务隔离,防止回滚$HIDDEN
4001008 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Go to the Mondstadt Library
4001009 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Talk to Lisa
4001010 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Go to the boarding point
4001011 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Talk to Jean
4001012 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Wait until the next day and go to the square (12:00 – 18:00)
4001013 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Talk to Barbara
4001014 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Go to Windrise
4001015 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Talk to Venti
4001016 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Reach the mysterious island
4001017 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Talk to everyone about the island
4001018 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Find and light up all the devices
4001019 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Find and light up all the devices
4001020 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Find and light up all the devices
4001021 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - [CHS] - (test)解锁传送锚点
4001022 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - [CHS] - (test)解锁传送锚点进度记录$HIDDEN
4001023 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - [CHS] - (test)任务隔离,防止回滚$HIDDEN
4001024 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Go to high ground to ascertain the situation
4001025 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Discuss matters with everyone
4001026 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Sort the information out
4001027 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - Listen to everyone's opinion
4001028 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - [CHS] - (test)与派蒙总结
4001029 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - [CHS] - (test)解锁传送锚点开车1$HIDDEN
4001030 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - [CHS] - (test)解锁传送锚点开车2$HIDDEN
4001031 : Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown - [CHS] - (test)解锁传送锚点开车3$HIDDEN
4001101 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - Chat about the island
4001102 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - Confirm your combat readiness
4001103 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - [CHS] - (test)询问战备情况进度记录$HIDDEN
4001104 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - Talk to everyone about the changes to the island
4001105 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - Go to the central platform
4001106 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - Check out the mysterious person before you
4001107 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - Examine your environment
4001108 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - Confirm your combat readiness
4001109 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - [CHS] - (test)询问战备情况进度记录$HIDDEN
4001110 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - [CHS] - (test)任务隔离,防止回滚$HIDDEN
4001111 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - Listen to everyone's opinion
4001112 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - [CHS] - (test)二阶段桥接任务$HIDDEN
4001113 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - Confirm your combat readiness
4001114 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - Report to Jean
4001115 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - Rest until the next morning (08:00 – 10:00)
4001116 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - Return to camp
4001117 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - Investigate the mysterious device
4001118 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - Investigate the mysterious device
4001119 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - Investigate the mysterious device
4001120 : Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution - [CHS] - (test)任务隔离,防止回滚$HIDDEN
4001201 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Talk to Barbara
4001202 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Go to the location Barbara mentioned
4001203 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Talk to Diluc and Kaeya
4001204 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Look for Albedo
4001205 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - [CHS] - (test)三阶段桥接任务$HIDDEN
4001206 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Look for Razor
4001207 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Return to the central isle
4001208 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Insert the component to activate the Inazuman device
4001209 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Defeat the awakened Inazuman device
4001210 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Listen to everyone's opinion
4001211 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Head to the island in the southwest
4001212 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Talk to everyone about the seal before you
4001213 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Investigate the mysterious device
4001214 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Rest until early morning the next day (06:00 – 08:00)
4001215 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Return to camp
4001216 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Go to the gigantic conch
4001217 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Talk to Klee
4001218 : Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait - Place the crystals and wait
4001301 : The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered - Catch fish to obtain scales
4001302 : The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered - Catch fish to obtain scales
4001303 : The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered - Catch fish to obtain scales
4001304 : The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered - [CHS] - (test)取得鳞片进度记录$HIDDEN
4001305 : The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered - [CHS] - (test)任务隔离,防止回滚$HIDDEN
4001306 : The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered - Place scales
4001307 : The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered - Talk to Klee
4001308 : The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered - [CHS] - (test)四阶段桥接任务$HIDDEN
4001309 : The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered - Talk to Klee
4001310 : The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered - Return to the gigantic conch
4001311 : The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered - Return to the device and talk to Klee
4001312 : The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered - Rest until early morning the next day (06:00 – 08:00)
4001313 : The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered - [CHS] - (test)留声机播放$HIDDEN
4001401 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Talk to Xiangling
4001402 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Look for some friends to chat with in the city
4001403 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Talk to Granny Ruoxin
4001404 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Go to Bubu Pharmacy
4001405 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Go to Yujing Terrace
4001406 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Go to Qingce Village
4001407 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Go to the Feiyun Commerce Guild warehouse
4001408 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
4001409 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Find out what happened
4001410 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Go to Wangshu Inn and look for Smiley Yanxiao
4001411 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Make a Satisfying Salad
4001412 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
4001413 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Return to Liyue Harbor
4001414 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Talk to Xiangling
4001415 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - [CHS] - 击败盗宝团$HIDDEN
4001416 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Go to Yujing Terrace
4001417 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Talk to Madame Ping
4001418 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Check the mysterious stone
4001419 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Talk to everyone
4001420 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Go to Wanmin Restaurant
4001421 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Dine with everyone
4001422 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Talk to Keqing and Xiangling
4001423 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - Go take a seat downstairs
4001424 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - [CHS] - (test)言笑上菜用$HIDDEN
4001425 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - [CHS] - (test)锅巴吃菜用$HIDDEN
4001426 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - [CHS] - (test)人群$HIDDEN
4001427 : One for the Foodies, Two for the Show - [CHS] - (test)卸载菜品用$HIDDEN
4001501 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Go to Wanmin Restaurant
4001502 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Go to the wharf to look for Beidou
4001503 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - [CHS] - (test)判断菜谱是否足够$HIDDEN
4001504 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Go to a more peaceful location
4001505 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Go to the area where the match will take place
4001506 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Talk to Xiangling
4001507 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Light the stove
4001508 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
4001509 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Talk to Xiangling and Smiley Yanxiao
4001510 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Look for Keqing
4001511 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Go to Yujing Terrace
4001512 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Talk to Keqing
4001513 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Make Delicious Chili-Mince Cornbread Buns
4001514 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Talk to Keqing
4001515 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - [CHS] - (test)登场$HIDDEN
4001516 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Wait for the competition to start the next day (10:00 – 14:00)
4001517 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - [CHS] - (test)切雕像$HIDDEN
4001518 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Go to Wanmin Restaurant
4001519 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Talk to the people in front of Wanmin Restaurant
4001520 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Go to Wanmin Restaurant to see how Xiangling is doing
4001521 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Watch the Masterful Chefs competition
4001522 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Pick suitable seasonings
4001523 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Make Delicious Crystal Shrimp
4001524 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Pick suitable seasonings
4001525 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Make Delicious Triple-Layered Consommé
4001526 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Pick suitable seasonings
4001527 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Make Delicious Jueyun Chili Chicken
4001528 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - [CHS] - (test)菜品全部完成$HIDDEN
4001529 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - [CHS] - (test)刷菜品$HIDDEN
4001530 : Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go - Purchase and learn recipes for Paimon's favorite dishes
4001601 : Archipelago Quest 1 - [CHS] - (test)加载天气$HIDDEN
4001602 : Archipelago Quest 1 - Reach the island
4001603 : Archipelago Quest 1 - Go to the boarding point
4001604 : Archipelago Quest 1 - Find and light up all the devices
4001605 : Archipelago Quest 1 - Find and light up all the devices
4001606 : Archipelago Quest 1 - Find and light up all the devices
4001607 : Archipelago Quest 1 - [CHS] - (test)联机进度桥接环$HIDDEN
4001608 : Archipelago Quest 1 - [CHS] - (test)任务隔离,防止回滚$HIDDEN
4001701 : [CHS] - (test)海岛beta任务二阶段$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)岛屿上升$HIDDEN
4001801 : [CHS] - (test)海岛beta任务三阶段$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)三阶段beta桥接任务$HIDDEN
4001901 : [CHS] - (test)海岛beta任务四阶段$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)四阶段beta桥接任务$HIDDEN
4002001 : A Tricky Situation - Go to the Adventurers' Guild in Inazuma City
4002002 : A Tricky Situation - Go to the Tenryou Commission Headquarters
4002003 : A Tricky Situation - Negotiate with the officials at the Tenryou Commission Headquarters
4002004 : A Tricky Situation - Enter the Tenryou Commission Headquarters
4002005 : A Tricky Situation - Talk to Kujou Sara
4002006 : A Tricky Situation - Go into the domain to investigate
4002007 : A Tricky Situation - Check on the wounded soldier
4002008 : A Tricky Situation - Go to the domain and guard the gate
4002009 : A Tricky Situation - Defeat all opponents
4002010 : A Tricky Situation - [N/A] 4161237212
4002011 : A Tricky Situation - [N/A] 3872041436
4002012 : A Tricky Situation - Enter the Mystic Onmyou Chamber
4002013 : A Tricky Situation - Talk to Shiki Taishou
4002014 : A Tricky Situation - Go deeper into The Ominous Demesne
4002015 : A Tricky Situation - [N/A] 1586804700
4002016 : A Tricky Situation - [N/A] 2888366468
4002017 : A Tricky Situation - Talk to Xinyan
4002018 : A Tricky Situation - Go deeper into The Ominous Demesne
4002019 : A Tricky Situation - [N/A] 868273516
4002020 : A Tricky Situation - Talk to Xinyan
4002021 : A Tricky Situation - Talk to Shiki Taishou
4002022 : A Tricky Situation - Investigate the domain's surroundings
4002023 : A Tricky Situation - [N/A] 1690467540
4002024 : A Tricky Situation - Enter The Ominous Demesne
4002025 : A Tricky Situation - [N/A] 2706061644
4002026 : A Tricky Situation - [N/A] 2717779988
4002027 : A Tricky Situation - Enter The Ominous Demesne
4002101 : Pushing On - Meet up with Xinyan
4002102 : Pushing On - Talk to Kujou Sara
4002103 : Pushing On - Go to the Mystic Onmyou Chamber
4002104 : Pushing On - Enter The Brutal Divergence
4002105 : Pushing On - Talk to Childe
4002106 : Pushing On - Go deeper into The Brutal Divergence
4002107 : Pushing On - Retrieve a replica of Shiki Taishou
4002108 : Pushing On - Talk to Shiki Taishou
4002109 : Pushing On - Talk to Xinyan
4002110 : Pushing On - Wait till 08:00 – 12:00 the next day
4002111 : Pushing On - Retrieve a replica of Shiki Taishou
4002112 : Pushing On - Go deeper into The Brutal Divergence
4002113 : Pushing On - Meet up with Shiki Taishou
4002114 : Pushing On - Talk to Shiki Taishou
4002115 : Pushing On - Enter The Brutal Divergence
4002116 : Pushing On - Enter The Brutal Divergence
4002117 : Pushing On - Enter The Brutal Divergence
4002118 : Pushing On - [N/A] 1424119124
4002201 : Away With Obsessions and Falsehood - Meet up with Xinyan
4002202 : Away With Obsessions and Falsehood - Enter The Vengeful Wood
4002203 : Away With Obsessions and Falsehood - Talk to Shiki Taishou
4002204 : Away With Obsessions and Falsehood - Go deeper into The Vengeful Wood
4002205 : Away With Obsessions and Falsehood - Retrieve a replica of Shiki Taishou
4002206 : Away With Obsessions and Falsehood - Talk to Shiki Taishou
4002207 : Away With Obsessions and Falsehood - Enter The Vengeful Wood
4002208 : Away With Obsessions and Falsehood - Leave The Vengeful Wood
4002209 : Away With Obsessions and Falsehood - Wait till 08:00 – 12:00 the next day
4002210 : Away With Obsessions and Falsehood - Enter The Vengeful Wood
4002211 : Away With Obsessions and Falsehood - Talk to Shiki Taishou
4002212 : Away With Obsessions and Falsehood - Enter The Vengeful Wood
4002301 : Path of the Taishou - Pay Shiki Taishou a visit
4002302 : Path of the Taishou - [N/A] 2472661748
4002401 : [CHS] - (test)逐月食材$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)食材$HIDDEN
4002501 : The Snowy Past - Go to Mondstadt's alchemy store
4002502 : The Snowy Past - Talk to everyone
4002503 : The Snowy Past - Go to Dragonspine
4002504 : The Snowy Past - Talk to the lonely Joel
4002505 : The Snowy Past - Go to Dragonspine and find Amber
4002506 : The Snowy Past - Talk to Paimon
4002507 : The Snowy Past - Follow the source of the voice
4002508 : The Snowy Past - Head for Albedo's campsite
4002509 : The Snowy Past - Follow the source of the voice
4002510 : The Snowy Past - Follow the source of the voice
4002601 : The Snowy Past - Follow the footprints and search
4002602 : The Snowy Past - Follow the footprints and search
4002603 : The Snowy Past - Follow the footprints and search
4002604 : The Snowy Past - Follow the footprints and search
4002605 : The Snowy Past - Pursue the footsteps
4002606 : The Snowy Past - Collect Starsilver at the cavern's entrance
4002607 : The Snowy Past - Return to the cavern entrance
4002608 : The Snowy Past - Chase the sounds to their source
4002609 : The Snowy Past - Find the key to the cage
4002610 : The Snowy Past - Open the cage
4002611 : The Snowy Past - Talk to Bennett
4002612 : The Snowy Past - Return and look for Albedo
4002613 : The Snowy Past - Return to camp
4002614 : The Snowy Past - [CHS] - (test)仅剩画架没有处理$HIDDEN
4002615 : The Snowy Past - Speak to Albedo
4002616 : The Snowy Past - [CHS] - (test)3处地面整理完成$HIDDEN
4002617 : The Snowy Past - Tidy the camp up
4002618 : The Snowy Past - Tidy the camp up
4002619 : The Snowy Past - [CHS] - (test)还原桌面交互$HIDDEN
4002620 : The Snowy Past - [CHS] - (test)恢复炼金台$HIDDEN
4002621 : The Snowy Past - Defeat the Fatui
4002622 : The Snowy Past - [CHS] - (test)完成任一调查点$HIDDEN
4002623 : The Snowy Past - [CHS] - (test)用于控制混乱营地显示$HIDDEN
4002624 : The Snowy Past - [CHS] - (test)隐藏检测获取物品$HIDDEN
4002625 : The Snowy Past - [CHS] - (test)隐藏检测获取物品$HIDDEN
4002626 : The Snowy Past - Tidy the camp up
4002627 : The Snowy Past - Tidy the camp up
4002628 : The Snowy Past - Tidy the camp up
4002629 : The Snowy Past - [CHS] - (test)完成任意交互点后开车$HIDDEN
4002630 : The Snowy Past - [CHS] - (test)卸载炼金台$HIDDEN
4002631 : The Snowy Past - [CHS] - (test)控制画架显示$HIDDEN
4002632 : The Snowy Past - Collect Starsilver at the cavern's entrance
4002633 : The Snowy Past - [CHS] - (test)用于控制混乱营地显示$HIDDEN
4002701 : The Shadows Deepen - Head for Albedo's campsite
4002702 : The Shadows Deepen - Follow the source of the voice
4002703 : The Shadows Deepen - [CHS] - (test)创建椅子$HIDDEN
4002704 : The Shadows Deepen - Follow the source of the voice
4002705 : The Shadows Deepen - Return to Albedo's camp
4002706 : The Shadows Deepen - Wait until nighttime (18:00 – 06:00 the next day)
4002707 : The Shadows Deepen - Speak to Albedo
4002708 : The Shadows Deepen - Light the bonfire
4002709 : The Shadows Deepen - Talk to everyone
4002710 : The Shadows Deepen - Go to the painting spot
4002711 : The Shadows Deepen - Start painting
4002712 : The Shadows Deepen - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
4002713 : The Shadows Deepen - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
4002714 : The Shadows Deepen - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
4002715 : The Shadows Deepen - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
4002716 : The Shadows Deepen - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
4002717 : The Shadows Deepen - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
4002718 : The Shadows Deepen - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
4002719 : The Shadows Deepen - [CHS] - (test)破碎石块$HIDDEN
4002720 : The Shadows Deepen - [CHS] - (test)调整时间到9点$HIDDEN
4002801 : The Shadows Deepen - Talk to everyone
4002802 : The Shadows Deepen - Leave the camp
4002803 : The Shadows Deepen - Talk to Eula and Amber
4002804 : The Shadows Deepen - Head beneath the cliff to look for your companions
4002805 : The Shadows Deepen - [CHS] - 前往阿贝多的营地$HIDDEN
4002806 : The Shadows Deepen - Look for Albedo
4002807 : The Shadows Deepen - Talk to everyone
4002808 : The Shadows Deepen - Descend the mountain with Albedo
4002809 : The Shadows Deepen - Talk to everyone
4002810 : The Shadows Deepen - Talk to Eula
4002811 : The Shadows Deepen - Defeat all opponents
4002812 : The Shadows Deepen - Speak with Albedo
4002813 : The Shadows Deepen - Return to the adventurer camp
4002814 : The Shadows Deepen - Head for Albedo's campsite
4002815 : The Shadows Deepen - [CHS] - (test)开车任务$HIDDEN
4002816 : The Shadows Deepen - Go to the place Albedo mentioned
4002817 : The Shadows Deepen - [CHS] - 前往阿贝多的营地$HIDDEN
4002818 : The Shadows Deepen - Look for Albedo
4002819 : The Shadows Deepen - [CHS] - (test)开车任务2$HIDDEN
4002820 : The Shadows Deepen - Talk to Eula
4002821 : The Shadows Deepen - [CHS] - (test)隐藏刷新派蒙的画像$HIDDEN
4002901 : A Secret Born From Ashes - Head for Albedo's campsite
4002902 : A Secret Born From Ashes - Speak to Albedo
4002903 : A Secret Born From Ashes - Return to the adventurer camp
4002904 : A Secret Born From Ashes - Talk to Cyrus
4002905 : A Secret Born From Ashes - Go to Mondstadt's alchemy store
4002906 : A Secret Born From Ashes - Talk to everyone
4003001 : [CHS] - (test)狗子隐藏任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于发放道具$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4003101 : Bantan Sango Case File: Mystery of the Black Shadow - Go to the Adventurers' Guild in Inazuma
4003102 : Bantan Sango Case File: Mystery of the Black Shadow - Go to Bantan Sango Detective Agency
4003103 : Bantan Sango Case File: Mystery of the Black Shadow - Go to the investigation site
4003104 : Bantan Sango Case File: Mystery of the Black Shadow - Save the small animals
4003105 : Bantan Sango Case File: Mystery of the Black Shadow - Report back to Ryuuji
4003106 : Bantan Sango Case File: Mystery of the Black Shadow - Head to the other investigation site
4003107 : Bantan Sango Case File: Mystery of the Black Shadow - Save the small animals
4003108 : Bantan Sango Case File: Mystery of the Black Shadow - Report back to Ryuuji
4003109 : Bantan Sango Case File: Mystery of the Black Shadow - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于对话激活潜行$HIDDEN
4003110 : Bantan Sango Case File: Mystery of the Black Shadow - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于对话中激活地图mark$HIDDEN
4003201 : Bantan Sango Case File: Stealthy Trail - Go to Bantan Sango Detective Agency
4003202 : Bantan Sango Case File: Stealthy Trail - Go to the investigation site and perform the rescue
4003203 : Bantan Sango Case File: Stealthy Trail - Report back to Ryuuji
4003204 : Bantan Sango Case File: Stealthy Trail - Wait until the following day (06:00 – 18:00)
4003205 : Bantan Sango Case File: Stealthy Trail - Go to the investigation site and perform the rescue
4003206 : Bantan Sango Case File: Stealthy Trail - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于记录任务进度$HIDDEN
4003207 : Bantan Sango Case File: Stealthy Trail - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于回滚隔离$HIDDEN
4003301 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Truth (Just About) Comes to Light - Go to Bantan Sango Detective Agency
4003302 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Truth (Just About) Comes to Light - Go to the investigation site and perform the rescue
4003303 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Truth (Just About) Comes to Light - Report back to Ryuuji
4003304 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Truth (Just About) Comes to Light - Wait until the following day (06:00 – 18:00)
4003305 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Truth (Just About) Comes to Light - Go to the investigation site and perform the rescue
4003306 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Truth (Just About) Comes to Light - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于记录任务进度$HIDDEN
4003307 : Bantan Sango Case File: The Truth (Just About) Comes to Light - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于回滚隔离$HIDDEN
4003401 : Bantan Sango Case File: Recognition - Go to Bantan Sango Detective Agency
4003402 : Bantan Sango Case File: Recognition - Find Ryuuji and talk to him
4003403 : Bantan Sango Case File: Recognition - Open the cage
4003404 : Bantan Sango Case File: Recognition - After opening the cage
4003405 : Bantan Sango Case File: Recognition - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
4003406 : Bantan Sango Case File: Recognition - Encounter the strange dog
4003407 : Bantan Sango Case File: Recognition - Pursue the dog that ran off
4003408 : Bantan Sango Case File: Recognition - Pursue Kageroumaru again
4003409 : Bantan Sango Case File: Recognition - Talk to Ryuuji
4003410 : Bantan Sango Case File: Recognition - Report back to Sango
4003411 : Bantan Sango Case File: Recognition - Read the letter
4003412 : Bantan Sango Case File: Recognition - Defeat Kageroumaru
4003413 : Bantan Sango Case File: Recognition - Wait until the following day (06:00 – 18:00)
4003501 : The Blazing Stars Ring in Fortune - Go to Yujing Terrace
4003502 : The Blazing Stars Ring in Fortune - Speak to Ningguang
4003503 : The Blazing Stars Ring in Fortune - Go to the Liyue fireworks stall
4003504 : The Blazing Stars Ring in Fortune - [N/A] 3300020308
4003505 : The Blazing Stars Ring in Fortune - [N/A] 4170783260
4003506 : The Blazing Stars Ring in Fortune - Go to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and look for Zhongli
4003507 : The Blazing Stars Ring in Fortune - Head to Third-Round Knockout
4003601 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - Wait until the appointed time (08:00 – 12:00 the next day)
4003602 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - Head to the designated location to look for Keqing
4003603 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - Go to Yujing Terrace to pay Madame Ping a visit
4003604 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - Go to Mt. Aocang to pay Cloud Retainer a visit
4003605 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - Go to Wangshu Inn to pay Xiao a visit
4003606 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - Talk to Qiqi
4003607 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - Go to the roof to check
4003608 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - Go to Qingce Village and ask about the situation
4003609 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - Go to the fireworks storage
4003610 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - Look for clues
4003611 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - Continue following the road to look for clues
4003612 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - Continue following the road to look for clues
4003613 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - Continue following the road to look for clues
4003614 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - Talk to Xingqiu
4003615 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - Talk to Verr Goldet
4003616 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - [N/A] 3808549388
4003617 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - [N/A] 1408354452
4003618 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - [N/A] 3152766044
4003619 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - [N/A] 1182649604
4003620 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - [N/A] 2014090116
4003621 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - [N/A] 4213277732
4003622 : Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers - [N/A] 1362903292
4003701 : The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes - Wait until the appointed time (08:00 – 12:00 the next day)
4003702 : The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes - Meet with Keqing
4003703 : The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes - Go to the place that Keqing spoke of
4003704 : The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
4003705 : The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes - Talk to the Treasure Hoarders
4003706 : The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes - Return to Qingce Village
4003707 : The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes - Follow the sound to its source
4003708 : The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes - Talk to Keqing
4003709 : The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes - Head to Third-Round Knockout
4003710 : The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes - Talk to Keqing
4003711 : The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes - Go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs and find Keqing
4003712 : The Stars Inscribe the Year's Wishes - Head to the Jade Chamber
4003801 : [N/A] 2475325031 - [N/A] 2885904516
4003901 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Head to the Jade Chamber
4003902 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Speak to Ningguang
4003903 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Go to The Alcor
4003904 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Talk to Beidou
4003905 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Head to the designated location to board your Waverider
4003906 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Pursue the Treasure Hoarders
4003907 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
4003908 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Talk to Carmen
4003909 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Continue the salvaging operation
4003910 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Defeat all opponents and claim your salvage
4003911 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Follow the Treasure Hoarders
4003912 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Report back to Ningguang
4003913 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Defeat all the Treasure Hoarders
4003914 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Talk to Beidou
4003915 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Talk to Beidou
4003916 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Move the goods onboard your Waverider
4003917 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Go to the waters near Guyun Stone Forest to commence salvaging
4003918 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Board your Waverider to continue the salvaging operation
4003919 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Continue the salvaging operation
4003920 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Continue the salvaging operation
4003921 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - [N/A] 3901536660
4003922 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - Head to the designated location to board your Waverider
4003923 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - [N/A] 2096514948
4003924 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - [N/A] 2070650500
4003925 : Petal-Lit Ships Fish For the Moon - [N/A] 750772420
4004001 : The Bright-Windowed Lanterns Hide Their Shadows - Talk to Yuan Rong
4004002 : The Bright-Windowed Lanterns Hide Their Shadows - [N/A] 2839615852
4004003 : The Bright-Windowed Lanterns Hide Their Shadows - [N/A] 264498644
4004101 : [N/A] 4184117871 - [N/A] 3855126452
4004102 : [N/A] 4184117871 - [N/A] 3280929852
4004103 : [N/A] 4184117871 - [N/A] 1418691372
4004104 : [N/A] 4184117871 - [N/A] 1440463628
4004105 : [N/A] 4184117871 - [N/A] 3042721044
4004106 : [N/A] 4184117871 - [N/A] 3231902948
4004107 : [N/A] 4184117871 - [N/A] 4077102156
4004201 : [N/A] 1237826743 - [N/A] 884650340
4004301 : Lost in the Snow - Find Joel and talk to him
4004401 : [CHS] - (test)雪山活动赠送家具$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 随40029第二段对话完成。$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4004501 : [CHS] - (test)雪山活动延迟销毁npc$HIDDEN - [N/A] 615269516
4004601 : [CHS] - (test)雪山活动线控制混乱营地$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)雪山活动控制混乱营地$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4004701 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Go to Sangonomiya Shrine and look for Kokomi
4004702 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Talk to Tsuyuko
4004703 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Venture into the darkness of Enkanomiya with Ueno
4004704 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Investigate the darkened Enkanomiya
4004705 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Investigate the makeshift camp
4004706 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Talk to the injured soldiers
4004707 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Talk to the injured soldiers
4004708 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Talk to the injured soldiers
4004709 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - [N/A] 1356970604
4004710 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - [N/A] 9199964
4004711 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Go to the perimeter of the camp
4004712 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Discuss the situation with Paimon
4004713 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Talk to Tsumi
4004714 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Use the Bokuso Box to defeat the monsters
4004715 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Talk to Tsumi
4004716 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Use the Bokuso Box and complete the challenge
4004717 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Talk to Tsumi
4004718 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Talk to the soldier
4004719 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: The Eve - Go to the makeshift camp
4004801 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part I - [N/A] 3830504052
4004802 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part I - Assemble the Tower of the Void
4004803 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part I - Activate the Light Realm Chisel
4004804 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part I - [N/A] 4205793316
4004805 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part I - [N/A] 1676983524
4004806 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part I - Go to the Ghostfish pool in the northwest
4004807 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part I - Use the Ghostfish to head to the Tower of the Void
4004808 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part I - Check the area up ahead
4004809 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part I - Go to the Tower of the Void
4004810 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part I - Activate the tower controller
4004811 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part I - Activate the tower controller
4004812 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part I - Activate the tower controller
4004813 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part I - Go to the Tower of the Void in the northwest
4004814 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part I - [N/A] 2878459700
4004901 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part II - [N/A] 4181105364
4004902 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part II - Assemble the Tower of the Void
4004903 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part II - Activate the Light Realm Chisel
4004904 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part II - [N/A] 526398228
4004905 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part II - [N/A] 2694912796
4004906 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part II - Go to the Ghostfish pool in the northeast
4004907 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part II - Use the Ghostfish to head to the Tower of the Void
4004908 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part II - Check the area up ahead
4004909 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part II - Go to the Tower of the Void
4004910 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part II - Activate the tower controller
4004911 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part II - Activate the tower controller
4004912 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part II - Activate the tower controller
4004913 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part II - Go to the Tower of the Void in the northeast
4004914 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part II - [N/A] 2705262972
4005001 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part III - [N/A] 1874996260
4005002 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part III - Assemble the Tower of the Void
4005003 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part III - Activate the Light Realm Chisel
4005004 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part III - [N/A] 655797508
4005005 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part III - [N/A] 4136509900
4005006 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part III - Go to the Ghostfish pool in the south
4005007 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part III - Use the Ghostfish to head to the Tower of the Void
4005008 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part III - Check the area up ahead
4005009 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part III - Go to the Tower of the Void
4005010 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part III - Activate the tower controller
4005011 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part III - Activate the tower controller
4005012 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part III - Activate the tower controller
4005013 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part III - Go to the Tower of the Void in the south
4005014 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Part III - [N/A] 2491744740
4005101 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Return to the Dainichi Mikoshi to look for Tsumi
4005102 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Go to the Dainichi Mikoshi's entrance
4005103 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Go and search for the Abyss Lector
4005104 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Defeat the Abyss Lector
4005105 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Speak to the Abyss Lector
4005106 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Use the mechanism to guide the light
4005107 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Use the mechanism to guide the light
4005108 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Use the mechanism to guide the light
4005109 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - [N/A] 1944987996
4005110 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - [N/A] 3470717260
4005111 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Open the path to the area beneath the Dainichi Mikoshi
4005112 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Head beneath the Dainichi Mikoshi
4005113 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Defeat the Bathysmal Vishaps
4005114 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Return to the Dainichi Mikoshi and take stock of the situation
4005115 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Talk to Tsumi
4005116 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Leave Enkanomiya and speak to Kokomi
4005117 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Return to the Dainichi Mikoshi to look for Tsumi
4005118 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Go beneath the Dainichi Mikoshi and investigate
4005119 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - Head beneath the Dainichi Mikoshi to look for Tsumi
4005120 : Three Realms Gateway Offering: Aftermath - [N/A] 3677704300
4005201 : The Moon-Bathed Deep - Talk to Tsuyuko
4005301 : A Strange Story in Konda - Talk to the mysterious shrine maiden
4005401 : Festive Elegance - Talk to Katheryne in Inazuma
4005402 : Festive Elegance - Go to Yae Publishing House to look for Yae Miko
4005403 : Festive Elegance - Go to the Irodori Festival site on Ritou
4005404 : Festive Elegance - Talk to Yae Miko
4005501 : The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture - Go to the Ritou docks
4005502 : The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture - Talk to Lyra
4005503 : The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture - Go to the International Trade Association
4005504 : The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture - Speak to Albedo
4005505 : The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture - Go to the Outlander Affairs Agency
4005506 : The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture - Ask the editors some questions
4005507 : The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture - Go to the warehouse near the docks
4005508 : The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture - Talk to Venti
4005509 : The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture - Talk to Hirayama
4005510 : The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture - Wait until the following day (06:00 – 08:00)
4005511 : The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture - Talk to Venti
4005512 : The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture - [CHS] - (test)播放翠光CG$HIDDEN
4005513 : The Strange Tale of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture - Go and talk to Albedo at The Five Kasen Plaza
4005601 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Wait until the following day (08:00 – 10:00)
4005602 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Go to the Ritou docks
4005603 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Talk to Xu
4005604 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Meet Albedo at The Five Kasen Plaza
4005605 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Go to Uyuu Restaurant
4005606 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Talk to Xingqiu
4005607 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Go to the editor's house
4005608 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Talk to Kujou Sara
4005609 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - [CHS] - (test)播放葵之翁CG$HIDDEN
4005610 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Talk to Paimon at The Five Kasen Plaza
4005612 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Speak to Albedo
4005613 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Enter Uyuu Restaurant
4005614 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Ask around in the store
4005615 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Ask around in the store
4005616 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Ask around in the store
4005617 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于记录任务进度$HIDDEN
4005618 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于回滚隔离$HIDDEN
4005619 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Go to the Outlander Affairs Agency
4005620 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Talk to Hirayama
4005621 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - Go to The Five Kasen Plaza
4005622 : What the Blue Flowers Left Behind - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于出圈回滚$HIDDEN
4005701 : A New Painting in Pale Scarlet - Wait until the following day (07:00 – 09:00)
4005702 : A New Painting in Pale Scarlet - Go to the Ritou docks
4005703 : A New Painting in Pale Scarlet - Talk to Kazuha
4005704 : A New Painting in Pale Scarlet - Look for Albedo at The Five Kasen Plaza
4005705 : A New Painting in Pale Scarlet - Go to Uyuu Restaurant
4005706 : A New Painting in Pale Scarlet - Talk to Xingqiu
4005707 : A New Painting in Pale Scarlet - Leave Uyuu Restaurant
4005708 : A New Painting in Pale Scarlet - Discuss further plans at the entrance to Uyuu Restaurant.
4005709 : A New Painting in Pale Scarlet - Go to the pond
4005710 : A New Painting in Pale Scarlet - Talk to Ayaka
4005711 : A New Painting in Pale Scarlet - [CHS] - (test)播放五歌仙CG$HIDDEN
4005712 : A New Painting in Pale Scarlet - Return to The Five Kasen Plaza at Ritou
4005713 : A New Painting in Pale Scarlet - Talk to Ayaka
4005714 : A New Painting in Pale Scarlet - Talk to Kazuha
4005801 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Wait until the following afternoon (12:00 – 14:00)
4005802 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Go to The Five Kasen Plaza
4005803 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Talk to Kazuha
4005804 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Go to the Kamisato Estate
4005805 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Talk to Ayaka
4005806 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Go to the Tenryou Commission Headquarters
4005807 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Talk to Kujou Sara
4005808 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Go to the Police Station warehouse
4005809 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Enter the Police Station warehouse
4005810 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Examine the old items belonging to the Kaedehara Clan
4005811 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Talk to everyone
4005812 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Talk to everyone
4005813 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Talk to everyone
4005814 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Talk to everyone
4005815 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Talk to everyone
4005816 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于记录任务进度$HIDDEN
4005817 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于回滚隔离$HIDDEN
4005818 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Go to where Kazuha is
4005819 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Talk to Kazuha
4005820 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Follow Kazuha to the seaside
4005821 : The Palace, Dyed in Black - Talk to Kazuha
4005901 : The Five Colors' True Form - Return to The Five Kasen Plaza
4005902 : The Five Colors' True Form - Speak to Albedo
4005903 : The Five Colors' True Form - Look for your friends on-site
4005904 : The Five Colors' True Form - Look for your friends on-site
4005905 : The Five Colors' True Form - Look for your friends on-site
4005906 : The Five Colors' True Form - Look for your friends on-site
4005907 : The Five Colors' True Form - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于记录任务进度$HIDDEN
4005908 : The Five Colors' True Form - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于回滚隔离$HIDDEN
4005909 : The Five Colors' True Form - Return to The Five Kasen Plaza
4005910 : The Five Colors' True Form - Talk to the Editor-in-Chief
4005911 : The Five Colors' True Form - Look for "that person"
4005912 : The Five Colors' True Form - Return to The Five Kasen Plaza
4005913 : The Five Colors' True Form - Wait for night (00:00 – 05:00)
4005914 : The Five Colors' True Form - Examine Kuronushi's portrait
4005915 : The Five Colors' True Form - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务:黑主像交互期间用于出圈回滚$HIDDEN
4005916 : The Five Colors' True Form - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于剧情中显示人群$HIDDEN
4005917 : The Five Colors' True Form - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务:用于出圈解锁时间$HIDDEN
4006001 : The Moon-Bathed Deep - Talk to Tsuyuko
4006101 : That Which Our Ancestors Entrusted - Go to Sangonomiya Shrine and talk to Tsuyuko
4006102 : That Which Our Ancestors Entrusted - Investigate the Serpent's Heart during Evernight
4006103 : That Which Our Ancestors Entrusted - Investigate the Serpent's Heart during Evernight
4006104 : That Which Our Ancestors Entrusted - [N/A] 87524516
4006201 : [CHS] - 三界路飨祭$HIDDEN - [N/A] 548770140
4006301 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于切换五歌仙板子$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)翠光篇CG后刷到suite2$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4006302 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于切换五歌仙板子$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)葵之翁CG后刷到suite3$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4006303 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于切换五歌仙板子$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)赤人与墨染CG后刷到suite4$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4006304 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于切换五歌仙板子$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)结束的早上刷到suite5$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4006305 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于切换五歌仙板子$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)揭幕开始刷到suite6$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4006306 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于切换五歌仙板子$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)容彩祭活动结束后清除多余的任务道具$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4006307 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于切换五歌仙板子$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)黑主晚上交互后刷到suite7$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
4006401 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Go to the Adventurers' Guild in Mondstadt
4006402 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Meet Fischl at the plaza
4006403 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Head to the Angel's Share
4006404 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Talk to everyone
4006405 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Wait till the next morning (08:00 – 10:00)
4006406 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Go to the city gate
4006407 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Go to the location Paimon mentioned
4006408 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Go to the Golden Apple Archipelago
4006409 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Talk to everyone
4006410 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Go to the island that Kazuha mentioned
4006411 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Use Elemental Sight to follow the traces
4006412 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Defeat the Fatui soldier
4006413 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Talk to the Fatui soldier
4006414 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Return to camp
4006415 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Contact Venti in a less conspicuous place
4006416 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - Talk to Venti on the second floor of the tavern
4006417 : The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! - [CHS] - (test)(hide)隐藏更新烤鱼$HIDDEN
4006501 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - [CHS] - (test)(hide)第一段对话$HIDDEN
4006502 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Rest until the following day (06:00 — 24:00)
4006503 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Talk to Paimon
4006504 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Board Miitoboru
4006505 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Go to the island where the strange phenomena occurred
4006506 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Talk to everyone
4006507 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Investigate the area
4006508 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Place the offerings
4006509 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Operate the device and investigate further
4006510 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Enter the corridor and explore further
4006511 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Investigate the area
4006512 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Investigate your surroundings and find a way to open the door
4006513 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Operate the device and investigate further
4006514 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Look for Kazuha
4006515 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Discuss with everyone
4006516 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - [CHS] - (test)(hide)隐藏检测信件$HIDDEN
4006517 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Touch the bonsai
4006518 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - [CHS] - (test)(hide)第二段对话$HIDDEN
4006519 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - [CHS] - (test)(hide)第三段对话$HIDDEN
4006520 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Place the offerings
4006521 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Place the offerings
4006522 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - [CHS] - (test)(hide)回滚隔离环$HIDDEN
4006523 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - [CHS] - (test)(hide)隐藏更换假山$HIDDEN
4006524 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - [CHS] - (test)(hide)删除指引点$HIDDEN
4006601 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Look around for the items you need
4006602 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Place the rock into the bonsai
4006603 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Talk to everyone
4006604 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Explore the area and look for an exit
4006605 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Explore the area and look for an exit
4006606 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Follow the path
4006607 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Enter the dojo and defeat the opponent(s)
4006608 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Operate the device and enter the new space
4006609 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Explore the area and look for an exit
4006610 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Explore the area and look for an exit
4006611 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Follow the path
4006612 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Enter the dojo and defeat the opponent(s)
4006613 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Follow the voice
4006614 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Approach Kazuha
4006615 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Enter the last room
4006616 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Go through the unknown space
4006617 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Look for Kazuha
4006618 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Talk to everyone
4006619 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - [CHS] - (test)(hide)刷新假山$HIDDEN
4006701 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Look around for the items you need
4006702 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Place the rock into the bonsai
4006703 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Talk to everyone
4006704 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Continue onward through the shattered space
4006705 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Continue onward through the shattered space
4006706 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Continue onward through the shattered space
4006707 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Continue onward through the shattered space
4006708 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Continue onward through the shattered space
4006709 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Defeat the soldiers who are confiscating Visions
4006710 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Talk to the fisher on the fishing boat
4006711 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Continue onward in the shattered space
4006712 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Board the Alcor
4006713 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Return to camp
4006714 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Contact Venti in a less conspicuous place
4006715 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Listen to the voice at the docks
4006716 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - [CHS] - (test)(hide)对话中刷死兆星号$HIDDEN
4006717 : As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared - Continue onward through the shattered space
4006801 : Blazin' Trails - Rest until the following day (06:00 — 24:00)
4006802 : Blazin' Trails - Talk to everyone
4006803 : Blazin' Trails - Head to the island in the north
4006804 : Blazin' Trails - Talk to everyone
4006805 : Blazin' Trails - Go to the brightly lit place
4006806 : Blazin' Trails - Look for the key
4006807 : Blazin' Trails - Open the door using the key
4006808 : Blazin' Trails - Follow the path
4006809 : Blazin' Trails - Approach the giant flower
4006810 : Blazin' Trails - Talk to everyone
4006811 : Blazin' Trails - Clear the water veins that flow through the mountains
4006812 : Blazin' Trails - Talk to everyone
4006813 : Blazin' Trails - [CHS] - (test)(hide)开宝箱给钥匙$HIDDEN
4006814 : Blazin' Trails - Approach the giant flower
4006815 : Blazin' Trails - Obtain Glacial Spring Water
4006816 : Blazin' Trails - Step on the stone slate
4006817 : Blazin' Trails - Clear the water veins that flow through the mountains
4006818 : Blazin' Trails - Strike the strangely shaped plant
4006901 : Blazin' Trails - Water Blazing Heart with Glacial Spring Water
4006902 : Blazin' Trails - Talk to Blazing Heart
4006903 : Blazin' Trails - Enter the hall of music
4006904 : Blazin' Trails - Approach the doors from which you hear voices
4006905 : Blazin' Trails - Clear the path of thorns
4006906 : Blazin' Trails - Approach the door on the bridge
4006907 : Blazin' Trails - Help Little Fei to look for his friends
4006908 : Blazin' Trails - Talk to Little Fei, Little Meng, and Little Lulu
4006909 : Blazin' Trails - [CHS] - (test)(hide)隐藏刷新传送门$HIDDEN
4006910 : Blazin' Trails - Enter Xinyan's house
4006911 : Blazin' Trails - [CHS] - (test)(hide)和投影门1对话$HIDDEN
4006912 : Blazin' Trails - Enter Xinyan's house
4006913 : Blazin' Trails - Talk to everyone
4006914 : Blazin' Trails - Help Little Fei to look for his friends
4006915 : Blazin' Trails - [CHS] - (test)(hide)回滚隔离环$HIDDEN
4006916 : Blazin' Trails - Approach the doors from which you hear voices
4006917 : Blazin' Trails - Follow the path
4006918 : Blazin' Trails - [CHS] - (test)(hide)进对话删除投影门$HIDDEN
4006919 : Blazin' Trails - [CHS] - (test)(hide)进对话删除投影门$HIDDEN
4006920 : Blazin' Trails - [CHS] - (test)(hide)和投影门2对话$HIDDEN
4006921 : Blazin' Trails - [CHS] - (test)(hide)和投影门3对话$HIDDEN
4006922 : Blazin' Trails - [CHS] - (test)(hide)和投影门4对话$HIDDEN
4006923 : Blazin' Trails - [CHS] - (test)(hide)隐藏刷新花朵复苏$HIDDEN
4006924 : Blazin' Trails - [CHS] - (test)(hide)隐藏开灯$HIDDEN
4007001 : Blazin' Trails - Clear the water veins on the island
4007002 : Blazin' Trails - Clear the water veins on the island
4007003 : Blazin' Trails - [CHS] - (test)(hide)回滚隔离环$HIDDEN
4007004 : Blazin' Trails - Obtain Blazing Heart's help
4007005 : Blazin' Trails - Look for Frozen Soul
4007006 : Blazin' Trails - Clear the water veins on the island
4007007 : Blazin' Trails - Clear the water veins on the island
4007008 : Blazin' Trails - [CHS] - (test)(hide)回滚隔离环$HIDDEN
4007009 : Blazin' Trails - Plant Frozen Soul's petal
4007010 : Blazin' Trails - Go to the hill where the wind blows
4007011 : Blazin' Trails - Check the Fatui machine
4007012 : Blazin' Trails - Defeat the opponents
4007013 : Blazin' Trails - Use Frozen Soul's powers
4007014 : Blazin' Trails - [CHS] - (test)(hide)进入梦境发送自由通知$HIDDEN
4007015 : Blazin' Trails - Obtain Blazing Heart's help
4007016 : Blazin' Trails - Return to the Fatui bastion
4007017 : Blazin' Trails - Go to the island that Mona mentioned
4007018 : Blazin' Trails - Talk to everyone
4007019 : Blazin' Trails - Inform Frozen Soul of the result
4007101 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Rest until the following day (06:00 — 24:00)
4007102 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Talk to everyone
4007103 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Talk to everyone
4007104 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Try operating the strange device
4007105 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Enter the castle as the story unfolds
4007106 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Close "Hymn of the Holy Land"
4007107 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Leave the room
4007108 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Repair the bridge
4007109 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Enter the castle as the story unfolds
4007110 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Find the source of the voice
4007111 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Help Leon leave the cellar
4007112 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Talk to Leon
4007113 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Head to the top of the tower
4007114 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Listen to the voices inside the room
4007115 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Talk to everyone
4007116 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Repair the path to the tower
4007117 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - [CHS] - (test)(hide)隐藏刷新雕像和书$HIDDEN
4007118 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Close "Hymn of the Holy Land"
4007119 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - [CHS] - (test)(hide)隐藏销毁洋葱哥$HIDDEN
4007201 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Close "Hymn of the Holy Land"
4007202 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Look for the second volume of "Hymn of the Holy Land"
4007203 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Open the second volume of "Hymn of the Holy Land"
4007204 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Talk to everyone
4007205 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Operate the device to repair the path
4007206 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Follow the path
4007207 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Operate the device to repair the path
4007208 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Follow the path
4007209 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Follow the path
4007210 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Find the source of the voice
4007211 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Enter the library in the castle
4007212 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Listen to the voices in the corridor
4007213 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Talk to everyone
4007214 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Save Leon
4007215 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Operate the device to repair the path
4007216 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Operate the device to repair the path
4007217 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Close "Hymn of the Holy Land"
4007218 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Talk to Leon
4007219 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - [CHS] - (test)(hide)删除洋葱哥$HIDDEN
4007220 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - [CHS] - (test)(hide)销毁夜鸦雕像$HIDDEN
4007301 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Close "Hymn of the Holy Land"
4007302 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Look for the third volume of "Hymn of the Holy Land"
4007303 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Open the third volume of "Hymn of the Holy Land"
4007304 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Talk to everyone
4007305 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Repair the bridge
4007306 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Enter the garden
4007307 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Look for the missing pieces of the toy castle
4007308 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Look for the missing pieces of the toy castle
4007309 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - [CHS] - (test)(hide)回滚隔离环$HIDDEN
4007310 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Repair the toy castle
4007311 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Close "Hymn of the Holy Land"
4007312 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Save Leon
4007313 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Talk to Leon
4007314 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Enter the upper floor of the castle
4007315 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Talk to "Fischl"
4007316 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Go to the high terrace
4007317 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Talk to "Immernacht Fischl"
4007318 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Talk to everyone
4007319 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Enter the library in the castle
4007320 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - [CHS] - (test)(hide)删除洋葱哥$HIDDEN
4007321 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - [CHS] - (test)(hide)销毁夜鸦雕像$HIDDEN
4007322 : Immernachtreich Apokalypse - Open the third volume of "Hymn of the Holy Land"
4007401 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Rest until the following day (06:00 – 24:00)
4007402 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Head to Minacious Isle
4007403 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Talk to everyone
4007404 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Explore the mirage
4007405 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Solve the astral puzzle
4007406 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Follow the strange star
4007407 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Enter the pool
4007408 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Follow the star to the destination
4007409 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Talk to everyone
4007410 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Pass the challenge of the starry sky
4007411 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Rendezvous with everyone
4007412 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Talk to everyone
4007413 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Enter the pool
4007414 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Enter the mirage door
4007415 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Follow the star to the destination
4007416 : The Ancient Azure Stars - [CHS] - (test)(hide)发送水池通知$HIDDEN
4007417 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Follow the strange star
4007501 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Follow the hint and explore the area
4007502 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Return to the mirage and use the shard
4007503 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Solve the astral puzzle
4007504 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Follow the strange star
4007505 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Enter the pool
4007506 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Find the destination of the mirage maze
4007507 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Find the mirage's exit
4007508 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Talk to everyone
4007509 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Enter the pool
4007510 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Find the destination of the mirage maze
4007511 : The Ancient Azure Stars - [CHS] - (test)(hide)发送水池通知$HIDDEN
4007512 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Follow the strange star
4007601 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Follow the hint and explore the area
4007602 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Return to the mirage and use the shard
4007603 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Solve the astral puzzle
4007604 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Follow the strange star
4007605 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Open the fourth door
4007606 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Solve the astral puzzle
4007607 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Follow the strange star
4007608 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Enter the underwater space
4007609 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Enter the underwater space
4007610 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Touch the strange ornament
4007611 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Follow the star to the destination
4007612 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Seize destiny
4007613 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Talk to everyone
4007614 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Touch the strange ornament
4007615 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Talk to everyone
4007616 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Return to the mirage and use the shard
4007617 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Follow the star to the destination
4007618 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Follow the strange star
4007619 : The Ancient Azure Stars - Follow the strange star
4007701 : Like Rhyme and Song, the Summer Reverie - Find Persikov's manuscript
4007702 : Like Rhyme and Song, the Summer Reverie - Find the missing Crystalline Cores
4007703 : Like Rhyme and Song, the Summer Reverie - Find the missing Crystalline Cores
4007704 : Like Rhyme and Song, the Summer Reverie - Find the missing Crystalline Cores
4007705 : Like Rhyme and Song, the Summer Reverie - [CHS] - (test)(hide)回滚隔离环$HIDDEN
4007706 : Like Rhyme and Song, the Summer Reverie - Insert the Crystalline Cores into the machine
4007707 : Like Rhyme and Song, the Summer Reverie - Talk to everyone
4007708 : Like Rhyme and Song, the Summer Reverie - [CHS] - (test)(hide)进入对话开启特殊天气$HIDDEN
4007709 : Like Rhyme and Song, the Summer Reverie - [CHS] - (test)(hide)删除定标特效$HIDDEN
4007710 : Like Rhyme and Song, the Summer Reverie - Return to camp with everyone
4007711 : Like Rhyme and Song, the Summer Reverie - Head to the location of the Fatui machine
4007801 : Sounds From Afar - Go to the Adventurers' Guild
4007802 : Sounds From Afar - Go to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
4007803 : Sounds From Afar - Go to the Grand Master's office
4007804 : Sounds From Afar - Go to Wolvendom
4007805 : Sounds From Afar - Use Elemental Sight to trace Electro
4007806 : Sounds From Afar - Use Elemental Sight to trace Electro
4007807 : Sounds From Afar - Use Elemental Sight to trace Electro
4007808 : Sounds From Afar - Use Elemental Sight to trace Electro
4007809 : Sounds From Afar - Use Elemental Sight to trace Electro
4007810 : Sounds From Afar - Go back to the Grand Master's office
4007811 : Sounds From Afar - Wait for the Weinlesefest (08:00 – 10:00 two days later)
4007812 : Sounds From Afar - Go to Weinlesefest's venue
4007813 : Sounds From Afar - Talk to Venti
4007814 : Sounds From Afar - Leave the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
4007815 : Sounds From Afar - Go to Weinlesefest's venue
4007901 : Bonds of Melody - Wait until the appointed time (08:00 – 10:00 two days later)
4007902 : Bonds of Melody - Meet up with Razor
4007903 : Bonds of Melody - Search for the late cart in the wild
4007904 : Bonds of Melody - Scare off the hilichurls and save the cart
4007905 : Bonds of Melody - Talk to Razor
4007906 : Bonds of Melody - Go to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
4007907 : Bonds of Melody - Go to Dawn Winery
4007908 : Bonds of Melody - Enter Dawn Winery
4007909 : Bonds of Melody - [N/A] 1784450476
4007910 : Bonds of Melody - [N/A] 2867827132
4007911 : Bonds of Melody - [N/A] 3204173468
4007912 : Bonds of Melody - Leave Dawn Winery
4007913 : Bonds of Melody - [N/A] 1238467660
4008001 : Aroma of the Past - Wait until two days later
4008002 : Aroma of the Past - Go to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
4008003 : Aroma of the Past - Go to the Weinlesefest to make the wine pulp
4008004 : Aroma of the Past - Go to Windrise
4008005 : Aroma of the Past - Wait until the following day (10:00 – 14:00)
4008006 : Aroma of the Past - Go to the venue to attend the toasting ceremony
4008007 : Aroma of the Past - [N/A] 2389188100
4008008 : Aroma of the Past - [N/A] 1661525596
4008101 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Take a walk around Sumeru City
4008102 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - [N/A] 3992314004
4008103 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Go to the Nilotpala Cup Arena
4008104 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - [N/A] 1281293388
4008105 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Go to the Fungi-catching zone
4008106 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Capture Fungi
4008107 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Go to the next Fungi-catching zone
4008108 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Capture Fungi
4008109 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Talk to Haniyyah
4008110 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Help the girl you met by chance
4008111 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Return to the Nilotpala Cup Arena
4008112 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Talk to Yae Miko
4008113 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Go to the Floral Jelly vendor
4008114 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Choose a name for the Fungus
4008115 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Claim Wisdom Orb
4008116 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Awaken the Fungi's potential
4008117 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Awaken the Fungi's potential
4008118 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Awaken the Fungi's potential
4008119 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Awaken the Fungi's potential
4008120 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - [N/A] 1853168108
4008121 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - [N/A] 3952051172
4008122 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - Go to the Special Training Grounds
4008123 : The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? - [N/A] 2379212236
4008201 : Nilotpala Cup: Debut Match - Wait till the next morning (8:00 – 10:00)
4008202 : Nilotpala Cup: Debut Match - Go to the Nilotpala Cup Arena
4008203 : Nilotpala Cup: Debut Match - Defeat your opponents
4008204 : Nilotpala Cup: Debut Match - [N/A] 4210983868
4008205 : Nilotpala Cup: Debut Match - Participate in the competition
4008206 : Nilotpala Cup: Debut Match - Defeat your opponents
4008207 : Nilotpala Cup: Debut Match - Talk to your opponents
4008208 : Nilotpala Cup: Debut Match - Talk to Yae Miko
4008209 : Nilotpala Cup: Debut Match - Look for the source of the cry for help
4008210 : Nilotpala Cup: Debut Match - Talk to Haniyyah
4008211 : Nilotpala Cup: Debut Match - Return to the Nilotpala Cup Arena
4008212 : Nilotpala Cup: Debut Match - Talk to Yae Miko
4008213 : Nilotpala Cup: Debut Match - Leave the arena
4008214 : Nilotpala Cup: Debut Match - [CHS] - 参加比赛$HIDDEN
4008215 : Nilotpala Cup: Debut Match - Participate in the competition
4008301 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Wait till the next morning (8:00 – 10:00)
4008302 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Defeat your opponents
4008303 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Participate in the competition
4008304 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Defeat your opponents
4008305 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Talk to Yae Miko
4008306 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Wait till early morning the next day (3:00 – 5:00)
4008307 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Go to the Floral Jelly vendor
4008308 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - [N/A] 646947668
4008309 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Find the Almighty Merchant
4008310 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Defeat your opponents
4008311 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Participate in the competition
4008312 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Defeat your opponents
4008313 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Talk to Layla
4008314 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Leave the arena
4008315 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Leave the arena
4008316 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Talk to your opponents
4008317 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Talk to your opponents
4008318 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Take photos of the shop to use as evidence
4008319 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Talk to Haniyyah
4008320 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - [CHS] - 参加比赛$HIDDEN
4008321 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - [CHS] - 参加比赛$HIDDEN
4008322 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Defeat your opponents
4008323 : Dual Missions: Progress and Probe! - Defeat your opponents
4008401 : Unfathomable Defenses - Wait till the next morning (8:00 – 10:00)
4008402 : Unfathomable Defenses - Leave the arena
4008403 : Unfathomable Defenses - Participate in the competition
4008404 : Unfathomable Defenses - Defeat your opponents
4008405 : Unfathomable Defenses - Defeat your opponents
4008406 : Unfathomable Defenses - Talk to Layla
4008407 : Unfathomable Defenses - Participate in the semifinals
4008408 : Unfathomable Defenses - Spar with Layla
4008409 : Unfathomable Defenses - Spar with Layla
4008410 : Unfathomable Defenses - Talk to Yae Miko
4008411 : Unfathomable Defenses - Find Haniyyah using Elemental Sight
4008412 : Unfathomable Defenses - Leave the arena
4008413 : Unfathomable Defenses - Talk to Layla
4008414 : Unfathomable Defenses - Talk to your opponents
4008415 : Unfathomable Defenses - Discuss with Paimon
4008416 : Unfathomable Defenses - Go to the place mentioned in the conversation
4008417 : Unfathomable Defenses - [CHS] - 参加比赛$HIDDEN
4008418 : Unfathomable Defenses - [CHS] - 参加半决赛$HIDDEN
4008419 : Unfathomable Defenses - Defeat your opponents
4008420 : Unfathomable Defenses - Participate in the semifinals
4008501 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Wait till the next morning (8:00 – 10:00)
4008502 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Defeat Haniyyah
4008503 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Participate in the final
4008504 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Talk to Haniyyah
4008505 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Talk to Haniyyah
4008506 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Leave the arena
4008507 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - [N/A] 1113430444
4008508 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Talk to Elchingen
4008509 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Talk to Yae Miko
4008510 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Catch up with and defeat Elchingen
4008511 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Defeat the Fatui
4008512 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Talk to the Corps of Thirty mercenary
4008513 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - [N/A] 1985450772
4008514 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Hold your ground against your opponent's attacks
4008515 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Defeat Haniyyah
4008516 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Defeat Haniyyah
4008517 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Go to the arena
4008518 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - [CHS] - 参加决赛$HIDDEN
4008519 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Defeat Haniyyah
4008520 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Defeat Haniyyah
4008521 : The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! - Hold your ground against your opponent's attacks
4008601 : Farewell, My Shroom Buddies - Meet up with Layla
4008602 : Farewell, My Shroom Buddies - Meet up with Yae Miko
4008603 : Farewell, My Shroom Buddies - Meet up with Haniyyah
4008604 : Farewell, My Shroom Buddies - Wait until two days later
4008701 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏彩蛋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1897258644
4008702 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏彩蛋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2777659172
4008703 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏彩蛋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 755737748
4008801 : [CHS] - (test)佳酿节天气控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1510477380
4008901 : Test of Courage - Go to the Yashiro Commission to ask about the Test of Courage
4008902 : Test of Courage - Talk to Ayato
4008903 : Test of Courage - Leave the Yashiro Commission
4008904 : Test of Courage - Leave the Yashiro Commission
4008905 : Test of Courage - Go to the site of the Test of Courage
4008906 : Test of Courage - Go to the site of the Test of Courage
4008907 : Test of Courage - Ask the member of staff
4008908 : Test of Courage - Pick a partner out of the three contestants
4008909 : Test of Courage - Look for the familiar figure
4008910 : Test of Courage - Help Itto scare people
4008911 : Test of Courage - Help Itto scare people
4008912 : Test of Courage - Follow the people that ran away
4008913 : Test of Courage - Follow the people that ran away
4008914 : Test of Courage - Begin the first round of the Test of Courage
4008915 : Test of Courage - Complete the first round of the Test of Courage
4008916 : Test of Courage - Complete the first round of the Test of Courage
4008917 : Test of Courage - Complete the first round of the Test of Courage
4008918 : Test of Courage - Return to the site of the Test of Courage
4008919 : Test of Courage - [CHS] - (test)点1$HIDDEN
4008920 : Test of Courage - [CHS] - (test)点2$HIDDEN
4008921 : Test of Courage - [CHS] - (test)点3$HIDDEN
4008922 : Test of Courage - [CHS] - (test)点4$HIDDEN
4008923 : Test of Courage - Complete the first Test of Courage
4008924 : Test of Courage - [CHS] - (test)点1$HIDDEN
4008925 : Test of Courage - [CHS] - (test)点2$HIDDEN
4008926 : Test of Courage - [CHS] - (test)点3$HIDDEN
4008927 : Test of Courage - [CHS] - (test)点4$HIDDEN
4008928 : Test of Courage - Complete the first Test of Courage
4008929 : Test of Courage - [CHS] - (test)点1$HIDDEN
4008930 : Test of Courage - [CHS] - (test)点2$HIDDEN
4008931 : Test of Courage - [CHS] - (test)点3$HIDDEN
4008932 : Test of Courage - [CHS] - (test)点4$HIDDEN
4008933 : Test of Courage - Complete the first round of the Test of Courage
4009001 : Haunted Tales - Go to the site of the Test of Courage
4009002 : Haunted Tales - Ask the member of staff
4009003 : Haunted Tales - Complete the second round of the Test of Courage
4009004 : Haunted Tales - Appraise the situation with Itto
4009005 : Haunted Tales - Go to the site of Akitsu Yuugei
4009006 : Haunted Tales - Go to the site of Akitsu Yuugei
4009007 : Haunted Tales - Complete an Akitsu Yuugei match
4009008 : Haunted Tales - Talk to the mysterious woman
4009009 : Haunted Tales - Return to the site of the Test of Courage
4009010 : Haunted Tales - Talk to the little youkai
4009011 : Haunted Tales - Ask the member of staff
4009012 : Haunted Tales - Talk to Heizou
4009013 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点1$HIDDEN
4009014 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点2$HIDDEN
4009015 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点3$HIDDEN
4009016 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点4$HIDDEN
4009017 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点5$HIDDEN
4009018 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点6_1$HIDDEN
4009019 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点7$HIDDEN
4009020 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)箱子1$HIDDEN
4009021 : Haunted Tales - Complete the second round of the Test of Courage
4009022 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点1$HIDDEN
4009023 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点2$HIDDEN
4009024 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点3$HIDDEN
4009025 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点4$HIDDEN
4009026 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点5$HIDDEN
4009027 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点6_1$HIDDEN
4009028 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点7$HIDDEN
4009029 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)箱子2$HIDDEN
4009030 : Haunted Tales - Complete the second round of the Test of Courage
4009031 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点1$HIDDEN
4009032 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点2$HIDDEN
4009033 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点3$HIDDEN
4009034 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点4$HIDDEN
4009035 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点5$HIDDEN
4009036 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点6_1$HIDDEN
4009037 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点7$HIDDEN
4009038 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)箱子3$HIDDEN
4009039 : Haunted Tales - Pick a partner out of the three contestants
4009040 : Haunted Tales - Begin the second round of the Test of Courage
4009041 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点6_2$HIDDEN
4009042 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点6_3$HIDDEN
4009043 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点6_2$HIDDEN
4009044 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点6_3$HIDDEN
4009045 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点6_2$HIDDEN
4009046 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)点6_3$HIDDEN
4009047 : Haunted Tales - [CHS] - (test)任务特殊提示$HIDDEN
4009101 : The Currents of Life - Wait until the following day
4009102 : The Currents of Life - Go to the site of the Test of Courage
4009103 : The Currents of Life - Go to where you first met the mysterious woman
4009104 : The Currents of Life - Look for clues in the area
4009105 : The Currents of Life - Look for clues in the area
4009106 : The Currents of Life - Discuss what you just found with Heizou
4009107 : The Currents of Life - Investigate the little youkai's findings
4009108 : The Currents of Life - Follow the little youkai to the next investigation area
4009109 : The Currents of Life - Look for clues in the area
4009110 : The Currents of Life - Look for clues in the area
4009111 : The Currents of Life - Look for clues in the area
4009112 : The Currents of Life - Listen to Heizou's analysis
4009113 : The Currents of Life - Look for anything unusual on the beach
4009114 : The Currents of Life - Look for anything unusual on the beach
4009115 : The Currents of Life - Enjoy the Mikawa Flower Festival
4009116 : The Currents of Life - Meet Hanyuuda Chizuru at the beach
4009117 : The Currents of Life - [CHS] - (test)切3阶段场景$HIDDEN
4009118 : The Currents of Life - [CHS] - (test)通知group重新点燃火把$HIDDEN
4009119 : The Currents of Life - [CHS] - (test)通知group重新点燃火把$HIDDEN
4009201 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Take a walk around Liyue Harbor
4009202 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Go to the one calling for help
4009203 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Obtain the "Nascent" Bamboo Shoots
4009204 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Talk to Xinyan
4009205 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Head to Yujing Terrace
4009206 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Head near Yujing Terrace to look for Ganyu
4009207 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Talk to everyone
4009208 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Go to the performance venue
4009209 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Go to the place Baiwen mentioned
4009210 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Talk to Yelan
4009211 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Follow Yelan
4009212 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Follow Yelan
4009213 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Go to the Treasure Hoarder camp
4009214 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
4009215 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Talk to the Treasure Hoarder
4009216 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Head to Yujing Terrace to report back to Baiwen
4009217 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Go to Liyue Harbor
4009218 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Show Dvorak around Liyue Harbor
4009219 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - [CHS] - (test)(test)回璃月港跟随2
4009220 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Investigate clues
4009221 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Investigate clues
4009222 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Investigate clues
4009223 : A Thousand Miles for an Enigmatic Tune - Stay put and wait for 2 hours
4009301 : A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul - Wait until the appointed time (08:00 – 10:00 two days later)
4009302 : A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul - Head to Yujing Terrace and talk to Ganyu
4009303 : A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul - Go to Mt. Aocang
4009304 : A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul - Swim to the center of the pool
4009305 : A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul - Follow Shenhe to her cultivation place
4009306 : A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul - Head to the designated location
4009307 : A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul - Return to Liyue Harbor and talk to Madame Ping
4009308 : A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul - Talk to Dvorak
4009309 : A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul - Go to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor
4009310 : A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul - Go to Mt. Hulao
4009311 : A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul - Return to Liyue Harbor
4009401 : [CHS] - 获取「意智宝珠」$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1229811324
4009501 : Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament - Go to the Fungi-catching zone
4009502 : Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament - Capture Fungi
4009503 : Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament - Go to the next Fungi-catching zone
4009504 : Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament - Capture Fungi
4009505 : Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament - Awaken the Fungi's potential
4009506 : Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament - Awaken the Fungi's potential
4009507 : Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament - Awaken the Fungi's potential
4009508 : Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament - Awaken the Fungi's potential
4009509 : Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament - [N/A] 1570088916
4009510 : Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament - [N/A] 1712096380
4009511 : Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament - [N/A] 620906732
4009512 : Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament - [CHS] - (test)完成蕈兽培养4$HIDDEN
4009513 : Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament - Go to the Special Training Grounds
4009514 : Nilotpala Cup Beast Tamers Tournament - Go to the Floral Jelly vendor
4009601 : Between Facades and Familiar Faces - Go to Xinyue Kiosk
4009602 : Between Facades and Familiar Faces - Leave Xinyue Kiosk
4009603 : Between Facades and Familiar Faces - Return to Xinyue Kiosk
4009604 : Between Facades and Familiar Faces - Say goodbye to everyone
4009605 : Between Facades and Familiar Faces - Wait until the following night (19:00 – 24:00)
4009606 : Between Facades and Familiar Faces - What once happened in Wangshu Inn...
4009607 : Between Facades and Familiar Faces - Go to Xinyue Kiosk
4009608 : Between Facades and Familiar Faces - What once happened in Wangshu Inn...
4009609 : Between Facades and Familiar Faces - Go to Xinyue Kiosk
4009610 : Between Facades and Familiar Faces - Go to Xinyue Kiosk
4009611 : Between Facades and Familiar Faces - Go to Xinyue Kiosk
4009701 : A Gathering of Outlanders - Go to the Adventurers' Guild in Mondstadt and take a look
4009702 : A Gathering of Outlanders - Go to Mondstadt's gate
4009703 : A Gathering of Outlanders - Go to Good Hunter and order some food
4009704 : A Gathering of Outlanders - Head over to the camping site
4009705 : A Gathering of Outlanders - Talk to Sucrose
4009706 : A Gathering of Outlanders - Go to Angel's Share and look for Venti
4009707 : A Gathering of Outlanders - Talk to Sucrose
4009708 : A Gathering of Outlanders - [N/A] 1006157372
4009709 : A Gathering of Outlanders - Talk to Collei
4009710 : A Gathering of Outlanders - [N/A] 850765772
4009711 : A Gathering of Outlanders - [N/A] 2644826796
4009712 : A Gathering of Outlanders - [N/A] 3078651884
4009801 : A Riddle Amidst the Crowds - Wait until the appointed time (08:00 – 12:00 two days later)
4009802 : A Riddle Amidst the Crowds - Talk to Sucrose
4009803 : A Riddle Amidst the Crowds - Talk to Collei
4009804 : A Riddle Amidst the Crowds - Go to the library and find Lisa
4009805 : A Riddle Amidst the Crowds - Find Lisa
4009806 : A Riddle Amidst the Crowds - Find candidates that match the prophecy
4009807 : A Riddle Amidst the Crowds - Head to the Mondstadt bulletin board
4009808 : A Riddle Amidst the Crowds - Go to Stormbearer Mountains
4009809 : A Riddle Amidst the Crowds - Find someone that matches the prophecy
4009810 : A Riddle Amidst the Crowds - [CHS] - (test)前往蒙德摘星崖
4009811 : A Riddle Amidst the Crowds - Go to Starsnatch Cliff
4009812 : A Riddle Amidst the Crowds - Go to the alchemy crafting bench
4009813 : A Riddle Amidst the Crowds - Go to Good Hunter
4009814 : A Riddle Amidst the Crowds - [N/A] 3828853580
4009901 : Joy Above the Clouds - Wait till the next morning (8:00 – 12:00)
4009902 : Joy Above the Clouds - Go to the alchemy crafting bench and meet up with Sucrose
4009903 : Joy Above the Clouds - Talk to Sucrose
4009904 : Joy Above the Clouds - Talk to Timaeus
4009905 : Joy Above the Clouds - Go to where the Lantern of Utmost Joy is
4009906 : Joy Above the Clouds - Investigate the floating island
4009907 : Joy Above the Clouds - Return to Mondstadt
4009908 : Joy Above the Clouds - [N/A] 291613468
4009909 : Joy Above the Clouds - [N/A] 175154260
4009910 : Joy Above the Clouds - Take a look at the Clue Board and read the letters
4009911 : Joy Above the Clouds - [N/A] 544724124
4009912 : Joy Above the Clouds - [N/A] 3157073532
4010001 : Opening Festivities - [N/A] 1251541612
4010002 : Opening Festivities - Head to the Akademiya's Main Hall to ask around for news
4010003 : Opening Festivities - Head to the Akademiya Extravaganza's main venue
4010004 : Opening Festivities - Ask the representatives their reasons for participation
4010005 : Opening Festivities - [N/A] 1189063028
4010006 : Opening Festivities - Ask the representatives their reasons for participation
4010007 : Opening Festivities - [N/A] 2571179900
4010008 : Opening Festivities - [N/A] 973108228
4010009 : Opening Festivities - [N/A] 599848652
4010010 : Opening Festivities - [N/A] 1901350892
4010011 : Opening Festivities - Ask the representatives their reasons for participation
4010012 : Opening Festivities - Talk to the organizer
4010013 : Opening Festivities - Head to the commentator's stand
4010014 : Opening Festivities - [N/A] 2652305460
4010015 : Opening Festivities - [N/A] 3713802740
4010016 : Opening Festivities - [N/A] 379101188
4010017 : Opening Festivities - [N/A] 1975363060
4010018 : Opening Festivities - [N/A] 3727554940
4010019 : Opening Festivities - [N/A] 3859026852
4010020 : Opening Festivities - Find Cyno
4010021 : Opening Festivities - Follow Faruzan and Kaveh
4010022 : Opening Festivities - Discover the truth as to why the butterflies are lingering
4010023 : Opening Festivities - Observe and record the circumstances of other competitors
4010024 : Opening Festivities - Follow Layla
4010025 : Opening Festivities - Talk to Dehya and Candace
4010026 : Opening Festivities - Return to the main venue
4010027 : Opening Festivities - Go to the suburbs and look for Dori
4010101 : Competition on the Sands - Wait till 10:00 the next day
4010102 : Competition on the Sands - [N/A] 1299436612
4010103 : Competition on the Sands - Go to the sub-venue in Aaru Village
4010104 : Competition on the Sands - Find Tighnari
4010105 : Competition on the Sands - Bring Tighnari back so he can rest
4010106 : Competition on the Sands - Find Faruzan
4010107 : Competition on the Sands - Observe and record the circumstances surrounding Kaveh
4010108 : Competition on the Sands - Return to the Aaru Village sub-venue
4010109 : Competition on the Sands - Observe and record the circumstances of other competitors
4010110 : Competition on the Sands - Follow the "Other Layla"
4010111 : Competition on the Sands - Talk to Layla
4010112 : Competition on the Sands - Find Kaveh and Faruzan
4010113 : Competition on the Sands - Return to the sub-venue and check the results of the competition
4010114 : Competition on the Sands - [N/A] 2627565332
4010115 : Competition on the Sands - [N/A] 1767818436
4010201 : Suspicions Aroused - Go play at an Akademiya booth
4010202 : Suspicions Aroused - Talk to Aarav
4010203 : Suspicions Aroused - Go to the main venue and find Alhaitham
4010204 : Suspicions Aroused - Head to Alhaitham's home
4010205 : Suspicions Aroused - Investigate the documents on the table
4010206 : Suspicions Aroused - Knock on the door and enter Alhaitham's home
4010207 : Suspicions Aroused - Head to the Akademiya and find a matra
4010301 : To Claim the Crown - Wait until the following day (07:00)
4010302 : To Claim the Crown - Learn about the situation from Aarav
4010303 : To Claim the Crown - Go to the kidnappers' camp
4010304 : To Claim the Crown - Investigate the truth behind the kidnapping
4010305 : To Claim the Crown - Go to the main venue and find the staff member
4010306 : To Claim the Crown - Ask Kaveh about his health
4010307 : To Claim the Crown - Retrieve the Diadem of Knowledge
4010308 : To Claim the Crown - Return to the finish line and observe the situation
4010309 : To Claim the Crown - [N/A] 1615544684
4010310 : To Claim the Crown - Talk to Kaveh
4010313 : To Claim the Crown - [N/A] 2159965276
4010401 : The Arc of Intellect - Find Cyno
4010402 : The Arc of Intellect - Chat with the Darshan representatives (0/3)
4010403 : The Arc of Intellect - Chat with the Darshan representatives (2/3)
4010404 : The Arc of Intellect - Chat with the Darshan representatives (1/3)
4010405 : The Arc of Intellect - Go to Aaru Village and look for clues
4010406 : The Arc of Intellect - Talk to Alhaitham
4010407 : The Arc of Intellect - Return to the main venue
4010408 : The Arc of Intellect - Leave Tavern
4010409 : The Arc of Intellect - [N/A] 2116693996
4010410 : The Arc of Intellect - [N/A] 3676361636
4010501 : [CHS] - (test)风花节活动任务一阶段隐藏对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 827788052
4010601 : [CHS] - (test)活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4042744132
4010602 : [CHS] - (test)活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2227755044
4010603 : [CHS] - (test)活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3937677868
4010604 : [CHS] - (test)活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2365251700
4010605 : [CHS] - (test)活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 251361140
4010606 : [CHS] - (test)活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2799206684
4010701 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Go to Mondstadt
4010702 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Ask Diona about the tournament
4010703 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Ask Margaret about the tournament
4010704 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Talk to the girl
4010705 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Follow Charlotte to the columnist's address
4010706 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Talk to the columnist
4010707 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Go to the competition venue
4010708 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Talk to Kaeya
4010709 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Go past the city gate and follow the suspicious person
4010712 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Talk to Charlotte
4010713 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Follow the suspicious person
4010714 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Go to the side gate and follow the suspicious person
4010715 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Fend off the Treasure Hoarders
4010716 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Talk to the suspicious person
4010717 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Return to the competition venue
4010718 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - Talk to Kaeya
4010719 : Commence! A Suspect Genesis - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于开车$HIDDEN
4010801 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Wait until the following day (08:00 – 10:00)
4010802 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Go to Liyue Harbor to investigate the Card Snatcher
4010803 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Go to the wharf at Liyue Harbor to ask around for news
4010804 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Ask people at the wharf for information
4010805 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Ask people at the wharf for information
4010806 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Ask people at the wharf for information
4010807 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于记录任务进度$HIDDEN
4010808 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于防止回滚隔离$HIDDEN
4010809 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Talk to Kazuha
4010810 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Say hello to the courier
4010811 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Show Kirara the way to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor
4010812 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Look for Chongyun at Wuwang Hill
4010813 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Search for Little Yu
4010814 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Search for Little Yu
4010817 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Talk to Chongyun
4010818 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Search for Little Yu
4010819 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Return to the Liyue competition venue
4010820 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Fend off the Treasure Hoarders
4010821 : Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances - Talk to Hu Tao
4010901 : Cards Out! Grievances Begone - Wait until the following day (08:00 – 10:00)
4010902 : Cards Out! Grievances Begone - Go to Ritou to investigate the Card Snatcher
4010903 : Cards Out! Grievances Begone - Look for clues in Ritou
4010904 : Cards Out! Grievances Begone - Go to the Ritou competition venue and look for Kokomi
4010905 : Cards Out! Grievances Begone - Talk to Itto
4010906 : Cards Out! Grievances Begone - Have a Genius Invokation TCG duel with Itto
4010907 : Cards Out! Grievances Begone - Talk to Itto
4010909 : Cards Out! Grievances Begone - Ask Sara about Kokomi's whereabouts
4010910 : Cards Out! Grievances Begone - Look for Kokomi
4010911 : Cards Out! Grievances Begone - Return to the Ritou competition venue and attend the Final
4010912 : Cards Out! Grievances Begone - Talk to Kirara
4010913 : Cards Out! Grievances Begone - Deduce the truth with Kokomi's help
4010914 : Cards Out! Grievances Begone - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务:用于差分闲置对话,是否打过牌:胜利$HIDDEN
4010915 : Cards Out! Grievances Begone - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务:用于差分闲置对话,是否打过牌:失败$HIDDEN
4011001 : Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams - Wait until the following day (08:00 – 10:00)
4011002 : Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams - Go to Caravan Ribat and find out the truth of the Card Snatcher
4011003 : Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams - Go to the delivery address with Kirara
4011004 : Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams - Find a hiding place
4011005 : Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams - Defeat all opponents
4011006 : Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams - Talk to the recipient of the package
4011007 : Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams - Go to Vimara Village to deliver the package
4011008 : Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams - Ask Zadith about the whereabouts of the scholar
4011009 : Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams - Ask Arezo about the whereabouts of the scholar
4011010 : Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams - Ask the village head about the whereabouts of the scholar
4011011 : Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams - Go to the house and talk to Garvipidam
4011012 : Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams - Say goodbye to everyone
4011013 : Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams - Talk to Cyno in Caravan Ribat
4011101 : [CHS] - (test)3.7大活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)蒙德剧情后NPC$HIDDEN
4011102 : [CHS] - (test)3.7大活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)璃月剧情后NPC$HIDDEN
4011103 : [CHS] - (test)3.7大活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)稻妻剧情后NPC$HIDDEN
4011104 : [CHS] - (test)3.7大活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)任务全结束后彩蛋NPC$HIDDEN
4011105 : [CHS] - (test)3.7大活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)监听活动是否结束$HIDDEN
4011106 : [CHS] - (test)3.7大活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开始挂载任务/结束干掉任务$HIDDEN
4011201 : A Mysterious Missive on Paper Wings - Go to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters
4011202 : A Mysterious Missive on Paper Wings - Talk with everyone in the Knights of Favonius
4011203 : A Mysterious Missive on Paper Wings - Talk to everyone
4011204 : A Mysterious Missive on Paper Wings - Go to Gandharva Ville
4011205 : A Mysterious Missive on Paper Wings - Talk to Collei and Eula
4011206 : A Mysterious Missive on Paper Wings - Look for the Domain's entrance
4011207 : A Mysterious Missive on Paper Wings - Explore the Domain ahead
4011301 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Explore the Domain ahead
4011302 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Investigate the strange device
4011303 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Follow the Water Droplet
4011304 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Speak with the Water Droplet
4011305 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Enter the stone wall and save the Water Droplet's friend
4011306 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Speak with the Water Droplet
4011307 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Follow the Water Droplet
4011308 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Go to the small town in the middle of the Domain
4011309 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Talk to everyone
4011310 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Talk to Idyia
4011311 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Enter the preprint and get the component
4011312 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Talk to Idyia
4011313 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Return to the Silver Bottle Courtyard
4011314 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Talk to Sangonomiya Kokomi
4011315 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Keep heading towards the first component's location
4011316 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - [CHS] - (hidden)切摩天轮State$HIDDEN
4011317 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Talk to everyone
4011318 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Talk to everyone
4011319 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Follow the Water Droplet
4011320 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - [CHS] - (hidden)对话里切物件状态$HIDDEN
4011321 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Keep heading towards the first component's location
4011322 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Keep heading towards the first component's location
4011323 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Keep heading towards the first component's location
4011324 : Glaze Domain, Multum in Parvo - Go to the first component's location
4011401 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Go to the canyon Klee told you about
4011402 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Talk to Ferdinand
4011403 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Ride ahead on the rail tracks
4011404 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Talk to everyone
4011405 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Save the Hydro Eidolon from the preprint
4011406 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Keep riding ahead on the Choo-Choo Cart
4011407 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Head to the rail junction
4011408 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Ride the cart ahead to look for Jeroney
4011409 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Talk to Jeroney
4011410 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Switch tracks using the junction
4011411 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Ride the Choo-Choo Cart towards the Torrential Twister
4011412 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Talk to Haddo
4011413 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Activate the Torrential Twister
4011414 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Return to the Torrential Twister's Cart Platform
4011415 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Ride the Torrential Twister
4011416 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Return to the Silver Bottle Courtyard
4011417 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Talk to Idyia
4011418 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Talk to everyone
4011419 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Ride ahead on the rail tracks
4011420 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Ride the Choo-Choo Cart
4011421 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - [CHS] - (test)隐藏环切Scenetag
4011422 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - [CHS] - (hidden)Kill掉水泡封印$HIDDEN
4011423 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Discarded
4011424 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Ride ahead on the Choo-Choo Cart
4011425 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Ride the Choo-Choo Cart and go activate the tracks
4011426 : Zip Along (According to Safe Cart Operating Procedures) - Ride ahead on the rail tracks
4011501 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Talk to Idyia
4011502 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Keep heading towards the forest in the north
4011503 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Talk to the Sumeru researcher
4011504 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Enter the big tent
4011505 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Talk to everyone
4011506 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Unlock and raise the Crystal Light
4011507 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Head to the second floor of the large tent
4011508 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Unlock and raise the Crystal Light
4011509 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Go to the forest in the north
4011510 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Unlock and raise the Crystal Light
4011511 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Head to the third floor of the large tent
4011512 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Raise the Crystal Light
4011513 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Light the lanterns at the Fairgrounds
4011514 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Talk to Idyia
4011515 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Return to the Silver Bottle Courtyard
4011516 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Light the lanterns at the Fairgrounds
4011517 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Head deep within the fairgrounds
4011518 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Wait until the following morning (08:00 – 12:00)
4011519 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Enter the big tent
4011520 : Fairground Gathering, Summer Lights Illuminated - Keep heading towards the forest in the north
4011601 : Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing - Wait until the following morning (08:00 – 12:00)
4011602 : Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing - Talk to Idyia
4011603 : Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing - Head to the last area
4011604 : Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing - Talk to Idyia
4011605 : Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing - Go to the director's treehouse
4011606 : Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing - Talk to the "director"
4011607 : Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing - Go to the central theater
4011608 : Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing - Talk to Zosimos
4011609 : Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing - Find the master script
4011610 : Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing - Begin the performance
4011611 : Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing - Talk to Zosimos
4011612 : Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing - Go to the attic
4011613 : Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing - Talk to the performers
4011614 : Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing - Go to the central theater
4011615 : Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing - Go to the attic
4011701 : [CHS] - (test)幻境Day1闲置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第一天结束后的闲置环$HIDDEN
4011801 : [CHS] - (test)幻境Day2闲置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第二天结束后的闲置环$HIDDEN
4011901 : Back to Normal: The Story Hidden in the Bottle - Head to the hub of the Mirage
4011902 : Back to Normal: The Story Hidden in the Bottle - Talk to Idyia
4011903 : Back to Normal: The Story Hidden in the Bottle - Use the preprints to fix the Central Hub
4011904 : Back to Normal: The Story Hidden in the Bottle - Talk to Idyia
4011905 : Back to Normal: The Story Hidden in the Bottle - Restore the Mirage's operations
4011906 : Back to Normal: The Story Hidden in the Bottle - Talk to everyone
4011907 : Back to Normal: The Story Hidden in the Bottle - Ride to the top of the Central Hub
4011908 : Back to Normal: The Story Hidden in the Bottle - Talk to Klee
4011909 : Back to Normal: The Story Hidden in the Bottle - Prepare to get on the Central Hub's wheel
4011910 : Back to Normal: The Story Hidden in the Bottle - Get on the Central Hub's wheel
4012101 : [CHS] - (test)活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3040012172
4012102 : [CHS] - (test)活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3004820012
4012103 : [CHS] - (test)活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4173137956
4012104 : [CHS] - (test)活动隐藏任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2874944884
4012201 : [N/A] 190513063 - [N/A] 0
4012501 : [CHS] - (test)幻境最后一环闲置$HIDDEN - [N/A] 0
4091101 : One Giant Step for Alchemy? - Meet Timaeus in Mondstadt
4091102 : One Giant Step for Alchemy? - Go to the Thousand Winds Temple
4091103 : One Giant Step for Alchemy? - Talk to Timaeus
4091104 : One Giant Step for Alchemy? - Meet Timaeus in Mondstadt
4091105 : One Giant Step for Alchemy? - [N/A] 394317886
4100101 : [CHS] - (test)旅行商人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与立本对话(任务面板隐藏)$HIDDEN
4100102 : [CHS] - (test)旅行商人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与立本对话(任务面板隐藏)$HIDDEN
4100103 : [CHS] - (test)旅行商人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与立本对话(任务面板隐藏)$HIDDEN
4100104 : [CHS] - (test)旅行商人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与立本对话(任务面板隐藏)$HIDDEN
4100105 : [CHS] - (test)旅行商人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与立本对话(任务面板隐藏)$HIDDEN
4100106 : [CHS] - (test)旅行商人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与立本对话(任务面板隐藏)$HIDDEN
4100107 : [CHS] - (test)旅行商人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与立本对话(任务面板隐藏)$HIDDEN
4111101 : Unknown Star - Go to the Mondstadt Adventurers' Guild and look for Katheryne
4111102 : Unknown Star - Rescue Allan from the monsters surrounding him
4111103 : Unknown Star - [CHS] - (test)去疑似陨石附近调查(删除)$HIDDEN
4111104 : Unknown Star - Check out the situation at Springvale
4111105 : Unknown Star - [CHS] - (test)自动触发与菲谢尔对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4111106 : Unknown Star - Examine the nearby victims (0/3)
4111107 : Unknown Star - Head to the hill to look for Allan
4111108 : Unknown Star - [CHS] - (test)与菲谢尔对话(删除)$HIDDEN
4111109 : Unknown Star - Clear out the meteorite shards on the hill (0/2)
4111110 : Unknown Star - Clear out the meteorite shards on the hill (1/2)
4111111 : Unknown Star - [CHS] - (test)清理小陨石(删除)$HIDDEN
4111112 : Unknown Star - [CHS] - (test)清理风啸山坡的陨石(删除)$HIDDEN
4111113 : Unknown Star - [CHS] - (test)保护我的保(删除)$HIDDEN
4111114 : Unknown Star - Return to Springvale to check on the victims
4111115 : Unknown Star - Examine the nearby victims (1/3)
4111116 : Unknown Star - Examine the nearby victims (2/3)
4111117 : Unknown Star - [CHS] - (test)与伤员对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4111118 : Unknown Star - [CHS] - (test)与菲谢尔对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4111200 : The Crisis Deepens - Find Draff and discuss the situation in Springvale
4111201 : The Crisis Deepens - Go to Dawn Winery and look for Adelinde
4111202 : The Crisis Deepens - Search for the winery employee, Fritz
4111203 : The Crisis Deepens - Get close and ascertain the situation
4111204 : The Crisis Deepens - Go to Wangshu Inn and check on Fritz
4111205 : The Crisis Deepens - [CHS] - (test)与菲谢尔对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4111206 : The Crisis Deepens - Dispose of the meteorite
4111207 : The Crisis Deepens - Dispose of the remaining meteorites
4111208 : The Crisis Deepens - Look for Fritz among the patients at Wangshu Inn
4111209 : The Crisis Deepens - Continue asking after Fritz's whereabouts
4111210 : The Crisis Deepens - Look for Fritz among the remaining patients
4111211 : The Crisis Deepens - [CHS] - (test)与菲谢尔对话$HIDDEN
4111212 : The Crisis Deepens - Talk to Katheryne in Mondstadt
4111213 : The Crisis Deepens - [CHS] - (test)与莫娜对话$HIDDEN
4111214 : The Crisis Deepens - Head for the Stone Gate
4111215 : The Crisis Deepens - Ask people nearby for information (0/3)
4111216 : The Crisis Deepens - Ask people nearby for information (1/3)
4111217 : The Crisis Deepens - Ask people nearby for information (2/3)
4111218 : The Crisis Deepens - Rescue the worker surrounded by monsters
4111219 : The Crisis Deepens - Ask Huai'an about Fritz
4111220 : The Crisis Deepens - Look for the Dawn Winery's delivery staff
4111221 : The Crisis Deepens - Search for meteorites near Wangshu Inn
4111222 : The Crisis Deepens - Ascertain if there are any leftover meteorites nearby
4111223 : The Crisis Deepens - [CHS] - (test)寻找受伤的商人(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4111224 : The Crisis Deepens - Talk to the delivery staff
4111225 : The Crisis Deepens - [CHS] - (test)遇见深渊法师的开车$HIDDEN
4111226 : The Crisis Deepens - Go to Mona's designated scrying location
4111227 : The Crisis Deepens - [CHS] - 清理陨石时弹教学提示$HIDDEN
4111301 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - Chat with Mona about the meteorites and scrying
4111302 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - Talk to the Millelith
4111303 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - Dispose of the meteorites in the fields
4111304 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - Dispose of the meteorites in the fields
4111305 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - [CHS] - 清理田地里的陨石$HIDDEN
4111306 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - [CHS] - (test)保护我的保护$HIDDEN
4111307 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - Tell Mona about the meteorites
4111308 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - [CHS] - (test)散兵cs后的对话$HIDDEN
4111309 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - [CHS] - (test)与菲谢尔对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4111310 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - Report to Jinglun
4111311 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - Bring Gao the Sixth some Qingce Stir Fry
4111312 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - Examine the nearby victims (0/3)
4111313 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - Examine the nearby victims (1/3)
4111314 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - Examine the nearby victims (2/3)
4111315 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - [CHS] - (test)交付完成后的对话$HIDDEN
4111316 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - [CHS] - (test)保护我的传送$HIDDEN
4111317 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - Head to the spot where the giant meteorite made landfall
4111318 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - Go to Qingce Village
4111319 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - [CHS] - (test)播放开车台词用$HIDDEN
4111320 : What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals - Make 1 Qingce Stir Fry
4111401 : Where Ancient Stars Align - Ask Mona about the progress of her scrying
4111402 : Where Ancient Stars Align - [CHS] - (test)销毁陨石用任务$HIDDEN
4111403 : Where Ancient Stars Align - Check the index in front of Lisa's desk
4111404 : Where Ancient Stars Align - Look for the book Leonard authored
4111405 : Where Ancient Stars Align - [CHS] - (test)与派蒙对话$HIDDEN
4111406 : Where Ancient Stars Align - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
4111407 : Where Ancient Stars Align - Talk to Katheryne in Mondstadt
4111408 : Where Ancient Stars Align - Search for clues in the Mondstadt Library
4111409 : Where Ancient Stars Align - Bring Leonard's book to Mona
4111410 : Where Ancient Stars Align - Go to Musk Reef as the book indicates
4111411 : Where Ancient Stars Align - [CHS] - (test)与散兵对话$HIDDEN
4111412 : Where Ancient Stars Align - Defeat Scaramouche's subordinates
4111413 : Where Ancient Stars Align - Destroy the meteorite core
4111414 : Where Ancient Stars Align - [CHS] - (test)与派蒙对话$HIDDEN
4111415 : Where Ancient Stars Align - [CHS] - (test)战斗后的对话$HIDDEN
4111416 : Where Ancient Stars Align - [CHS] - (test)摧毁陨石后的对话$HIDDEN
4111501 : [CHS] - (test)控制活动氛围布置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)控制活动氛围$HIDDEN
4112001 : That Which Fell From the Sky - Speak to Grace
4112002 : That Which Fell From the Sky - Speak to Lynn
4112003 : That Which Fell From the Sky - Talk to Doolan
4112004 : That Which Fell From the Sky - Talk to Vind
4112005 : That Which Fell From the Sky - Defeat all opponents
4112006 : That Which Fell From the Sky - Talk to Vind
4112007 : That Which Fell From the Sky - Report back to Grace
4112008 : That Which Fell From the Sky - Look for Terrified Schuster
4112009 : That Which Fell From the Sky - [N/A] 3057881340
4112101 : Good Hunter Express - Talk to Sara
4112102 : Good Hunter Express - Deliver the food to Hardworking Silio
4112103 : Good Hunter Express - Speak to Hardworking Silio
4112104 : Good Hunter Express - [N/A] 2443165524
4112201 : To Each Their Duty - Talk to Huffman
4112202 : To Each Their Duty - Show the Orders to Mack
4112203 : To Each Their Duty - Persuade Jill
4112204 : To Each Their Duty - Persuade Will
4112205 : To Each Their Duty - Talk to Mack
4112206 : To Each Their Duty - Show the Orders to Harry
4112207 : To Each Their Duty - Defeat all opponents
4112208 : To Each Their Duty - Report back to Harry
4112209 : To Each Their Duty - Report back to Huffman
4112247 : To Each Their Duty - [N/A] 1487033860
4112248 : To Each Their Duty - [N/A] 324563956
4112249 : To Each Their Duty - [N/A] 689450764
4112301 : Contingencies - Talk to Huffman
4112302 : Contingencies - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
4112303 : Contingencies - Report the results to Huffman
4112304 : Contingencies - Head close to Springvale to investigate
4112305 : Contingencies - Defeat the monsters near Springvale
4112306 : Contingencies - Destroy all the monster camps near Springvale
4112307 : Contingencies - Defeat all opponents
4112308 : Contingencies - Report back to Timid Morrow
4112309 : Contingencies - Report back to Huffman
4112310 : Contingencies - [CHS] - (隐藏)活动首环隐藏任务$HIDDEN
4112401 : "That Guy"'s Scheme - [CHS] - (隐藏)活动首环隐藏任务$HIDDEN
4112402 : "That Guy"'s Scheme - Talk to Vile
4112403 : "That Guy"'s Scheme - Place the letter at the meeting place
4112404 : "That Guy"'s Scheme - Place the letter at the meeting place
4112405 : "That Guy"'s Scheme - Place the letter at the meeting place
4112406 : "That Guy"'s Scheme - Talk to Vile
4112407 : "That Guy"'s Scheme - Go to the designated place and defeat the Treasure Hoarders
4112408 : "That Guy"'s Scheme - Report back to Vile
4112496 : "That Guy"'s Scheme - Go to the designated place and defeat the Treasure Hoarders
4112497 : "That Guy"'s Scheme - Go to the designated place after nightfall (00:00 – 06:00) and defeat the Treasure Hoarders
4112498 : "That Guy"'s Scheme - [CHS] - 放置给盗宝团的情报信件保存1$HIDDEN
4112499 : "That Guy"'s Scheme - [CHS] - 放置给盗宝团的情报信件保存2$HIDDEN
4112501 : Meteorites and Adventure - Talk to Jack
4112502 : Meteorites and Adventure - [CHS] - (test)仅用于随机$HIDDEN
4112503 : Meteorites and Adventure - [CHS] - (test)仅用于随机$HIDDEN
4112504 : Meteorites and Adventure - [CHS] - (test)仅用于随机$HIDDEN
4112505 : Meteorites and Adventure - [CHS] - (test)仅用于随机$HIDDEN
4112506 : Meteorites and Adventure - Investigate the Whispering Woods
4112507 : Meteorites and Adventure - Investigate the Whispering Woods
4112508 : Meteorites and Adventure - Investigate the Whispering Woods
4112509 : Meteorites and Adventure - [N/A] 1080034500
4112510 : Meteorites and Adventure - Talk to Pallad
4112511 : Meteorites and Adventure - Talk to Pallad
4112512 : Meteorites and Adventure - [N/A] 995500036
4112513 : Meteorites and Adventure - Defeat all opponents
4112514 : Meteorites and Adventure - Defeat all opponents
4112515 : Meteorites and Adventure - Talk to Pallad
4112516 : Meteorites and Adventure - Defeat all opponents
4112517 : Meteorites and Adventure - [N/A] 193730716
4112518 : Meteorites and Adventure - Report back to Jack
4112519 : Meteorites and Adventure - [N/A] 2321997924
4112520 : Meteorites and Adventure - [CHS] - (test)用于保证独占$HIDDEN
4112521 : Meteorites and Adventure - [N/A] 851041276
4112522 : Meteorites and Adventure - [N/A] 3309239028
4112523 : Meteorites and Adventure - [N/A] 2665827548
4112524 : Meteorites and Adventure - [N/A] 7339932
4112601 : Trouble With Letters - [CHS] - 用于接取任务$HIDDEN
4112602 : Trouble With Letters - Talk to Jiayi
4112603 : Trouble With Letters - Clear out the monsters near Qingce Village
4112604 : Trouble With Letters - Deliver Jiayi's letter to Little Liu
4112605 : Trouble With Letters - Ask the villagers about Little Liu's whereabouts
4112606 : Trouble With Letters - Ask the villagers about Little Liu's whereabouts
4112607 : Trouble With Letters - Ask the villagers about Little Liu's whereabouts
4112608 : Trouble With Letters - [CHS] - 保护环$HIDDEN
4112609 : Trouble With Letters - Give Jiayi's letter to Little Liu
4112610 : Trouble With Letters - Report back to Jiayi
4112611 : Trouble With Letters - Talk to Jiayi
4112612 : Trouble With Letters - Clear out the monsters near Qingce Village
4112701 : A Mysterious Loss - [CHS] - (test)与维克多对话$HIDDEN
4112702 : A Mysterious Loss - Talk to Viktor
4112703 : A Mysterious Loss - Use Elemental Sight to find the lost box
4112704 : A Mysterious Loss - [N/A] 1552350124
4112705 : A Mysterious Loss - [N/A] 721018172
4112706 : A Mysterious Loss - [N/A] 2993332308
4112707 : A Mysterious Loss - Look for Viktor's lost box
4112708 : A Mysterious Loss - Go to the Thousand Winds Temple to search for Viktor's lost box
4112709 : A Mysterious Loss - Use Elemental Sight to find Viktor's lost box
4112710 : A Mysterious Loss - [CHS] - (test)继续寻找盒子$HIDDEN
4112711 : A Mysterious Loss - Report back to Viktor
4112712 : A Mysterious Loss - [CHS] - (test)清怪$HIDDEN
4112713 : A Mysterious Loss - Use Elemental Sight to find Viktor's lost box
4112714 : A Mysterious Loss - [CHS] - (test)与维克多对话$HIDDEN
4112715 : A Mysterious Loss - [CHS] - (test)与维克多对话$HIDDEN
4113001 : The Siege of Qingce - Speak to Jinglun
4113002 : The Siege of Qingce - Defeat all opponents and clear all the obstacles
4113003 : The Siege of Qingce - Return to Qingce Village and report back to Jinglun
4113004 : The Siege of Qingce - Defeat the opponents
4113005 : The Siege of Qingce - [N/A] 498857380
4113006 : The Siege of Qingce - [CHS] - 清扫路障$HIDDEN
4113007 : The Siege of Qingce - [CHS] - 清扫路障$HIDDEN
4113008 : The Siege of Qingce - [CHS] - 清扫路障$HIDDEN
4113009 : The Siege of Qingce - [CHS] - 清扫路障$HIDDEN
4113010 : The Siege of Qingce - [N/A] 2963608788
4113011 : The Siege of Qingce - [N/A] 879819596
4113012 : The Siege of Qingce - Report back to Jinglun
4113101 : Unlimited Opportunity - Talk to Ivanovich
4113102 : Unlimited Opportunity - [N/A] 3038814276
4113103 : Unlimited Opportunity - [N/A] 3028296740
4113104 : Unlimited Opportunity - [N/A] 1494606164
4113105 : Unlimited Opportunity - [N/A] 2307416156
4113106 : Unlimited Opportunity - [N/A] 1647231420
4113107 : Unlimited Opportunity - [N/A] 2017118292
4113108 : Unlimited Opportunity - [N/A] 1389794036
4113109 : Unlimited Opportunity - [N/A] 2336551332
4113110 : Unlimited Opportunity - [N/A] 1297766684
4113111 : Unlimited Opportunity - [N/A] 1699070092
4113112 : Unlimited Opportunity - Gather plants near the meteorites
4113113 : Unlimited Opportunity - Give the Sweet Flower to Ivanovich
4113114 : Unlimited Opportunity - [N/A] 923982116
4113115 : Unlimited Opportunity - [N/A] 3546559124
4113116 : Unlimited Opportunity - [CHS] - 去陨石附近采集植物$HIDDEN
4113117 : Unlimited Opportunity - [CHS] - 采集植物$HIDDEN
4113118 : Unlimited Opportunity - [CHS] - 采集植物$HIDDEN
4113119 : Unlimited Opportunity - [N/A] 773695428
4113120 : Unlimited Opportunity - [N/A] 2437896324
4113121 : Unlimited Opportunity - [CHS] - 与伊凡诺维奇对话$HIDDEN
4113122 : Unlimited Opportunity - [N/A] 4196629436
4113501 : Thoughts Carried On the Wind - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】活动界面接任务$HIDDEN
4113502 : Thoughts Carried On the Wind - Talk to Godwin
4113503 : Thoughts Carried On the Wind - Clear out the hilichurl camp
4113504 : Thoughts Carried On the Wind - Clear out the hilichurl camp
4113505 : Thoughts Carried On the Wind - Report back to Godwin
4113506 : Thoughts Carried On the Wind - Go to Mondstadt and look for Glory
4113507 : Thoughts Carried On the Wind - Give the Dandelion Seeds to Godwin
4114101 : Wangshu Take-Away - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
4114102 : Wangshu Take-Away - Deliver the food to Laid Back Ling'guan
4114103 : Wangshu Take-Away - Talk to Laid Back Ling'guan
4114104 : Wangshu Take-Away - [N/A] 4083378316
4114201 : Wanmin Fresh - Speak to Chef Mao
4114202 : Wanmin Fresh - Deliver the food to Tacit Tingfang
4114203 : Wanmin Fresh - Talk to Tacit Tingfang
4114204 : Wanmin Fresh - [N/A] 782056980
4114301 : Good Hunter Express - Talk to Sara
4114302 : Good Hunter Express - Deliver the food to Short-Tempered Wallit
4114303 : Good Hunter Express - Speak to Short-Tempered Wallit
4114304 : Good Hunter Express - [N/A] 2673235740
4114401 : Wangshu Take-Away - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
4114402 : Wangshu Take-Away - Deliver the food to Laid Back Ling'guan
4114403 : Wangshu Take-Away - Talk to Laid Back Ling'guan
4114404 : Wangshu Take-Away - [N/A] 2584761820
4114501 : Wanmin Fresh - Speak to Chef Mao
4114502 : Wanmin Fresh - Deliver the food to Tacit Tingfang
4114503 : Wanmin Fresh - Talk to Tacit Tingfang
4114504 : Wanmin Fresh - [N/A] 1691330988
4114601 : Good Hunter Express - Talk to Sara
4114602 : Good Hunter Express - Deliver the food to Slacking Angelo
4114603 : Good Hunter Express - Speak to Slacking Angelo
4114604 : Good Hunter Express - [N/A] 216732044
4114701 : Wangshu Take-Away - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
4114702 : Wangshu Take-Away - Deliver the food to Tacit Tingfang
4114703 : Wangshu Take-Away - Talk to Tacit Tingfang
4114704 : Wangshu Take-Away - [N/A] 2049783900
4114801 : Wanmin Fresh - Speak to Chef Mao
4114802 : Wanmin Fresh - Deliver the food to Curious Zi'rui
4114803 : Wanmin Fresh - Talk to Curious Zi'rui
4114804 : Wanmin Fresh - [N/A] 2667875516
4114901 : Good Hunter Express - Talk to Sara
4114902 : Good Hunter Express - Deliver the food to Short-Tempered Wallit
4114903 : Good Hunter Express - Speak to Short-Tempered Wallit
4114904 : Good Hunter Express - [N/A] 2048146124
4115001 : Wangshu Take-Away - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
4115002 : Wangshu Take-Away - Deliver the food to Laid Back Ling'guan
4115003 : Wangshu Take-Away - Talk to Laid Back Ling'guan
4115004 : Wangshu Take-Away - [N/A] 2510563300
4115101 : Wanmin Fresh - Speak to Chef Mao
4115102 : Wanmin Fresh - Deliver the food to Tacit Tingfang
4115103 : Wanmin Fresh - Talk to Tacit Tingfang
4115104 : Wanmin Fresh - [N/A] 1449002060
4115201 : Good Hunter Express - Talk to Sara
4115202 : Good Hunter Express - Deliver the food to Hardworking Silio
4115203 : Good Hunter Express - Speak to Hardworking Silio
4115204 : Good Hunter Express - [N/A] 2838707404
4115301 : Wangshu Take-Away - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
4115302 : Wangshu Take-Away - Deliver the food to Tacit Tingfang
4115303 : Wangshu Take-Away - Talk to Tacit Tingfang
4115304 : Wangshu Take-Away - [N/A] 3178342500
4115401 : Wanmin Fresh - Speak to Chef Mao
4115402 : Wanmin Fresh - Deliver the food to Laid Back Ling'guan
4115403 : Wanmin Fresh - Talk to Laid Back Ling'guan
4115404 : Wanmin Fresh - [N/A] 1348375852
4115501 : Good Hunter Express - Speak to Sara
4115502 : Good Hunter Express - Deliver the food to Hardworking Silio
4115503 : Good Hunter Express - Speak to Hardworking Silio
4115504 : Good Hunter Express - [N/A] 461996292
4115601 : Wangshu Take-Away - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
4115602 : Wangshu Take-Away - Deliver the food to Laid Back Ling'guan
4115603 : Wangshu Take-Away - Talk to Laid Back Ling'guan
4115604 : Wangshu Take-Away - [N/A] 731525780
4115701 : Wanmin Fresh - Speak to Chef Mao
4115702 : Wanmin Fresh - Deliver the food to Curious Zi'rui
4115703 : Wanmin Fresh - Talk to Curious Zi'rui
4115704 : Wanmin Fresh - [N/A] 1953568188
4115801 : Good Hunter Express - Talk to Sara
4115802 : Good Hunter Express - Deliver the food to Short-Tempered Wallit
4115803 : Good Hunter Express - Speak to Short-Tempered Wallit
4115804 : Good Hunter Express - [N/A] 3798741804
4115901 : Wangshu Take-Away - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
4115902 : Wangshu Take-Away - Deliver the food to Laid Back Ling'guan
4115903 : Wangshu Take-Away - Talk to Laid Back Ling'guan
4115904 : Wangshu Take-Away - [N/A] 3392250300
4116001 : Wanmin Fresh - Speak to Chef Mao
4116002 : Wanmin Fresh - Deliver the food to Tacit Tingfang
4116003 : Wanmin Fresh - Talk to Tacit Tingfang
4116004 : Wanmin Fresh - [N/A] 1385414548
4117001 : Fly High - Speak to Hughes
4121001 : Festering Desire - Head to the adventurer camp
4121002 : Festering Desire - Speak to Sucrose
4121003 : Festering Desire - Find Albedo and learn his secret
4121004 : Festering Desire - Speak to Albedo
4121005 : Festering Desire - Take up the mysterious sword and do battle
4121006 : Festering Desire - [CHS] - (隐藏)与盗宝团对话$HIDDEN
4121007 : Festering Desire - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
4121008 : Festering Desire - Speak to Albedo
4121009 : Festering Desire - [CHS] - (隐藏)史莱姆前开车$HIDDEN
4121010 : Festering Desire - [CHS] - 刷出魔剑(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4121011 : Festering Desire - [CHS] - 刷掉魔剑(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4121012 : Festering Desire - [CHS] - 刷出魔剑(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4121013 : Festering Desire - [CHS] - 刷掉魔剑(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4121014 : Festering Desire - [CHS] - 切魔剑State(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4121015 : Festering Desire - Defeat the slimes
4121101 : Archon's Rival - Meet with Albedo
4121102 : Archon's Rival - Go to the investigation site
4121103 : Archon's Rival - Speak to Albedo
4121104 : Archon's Rival - Defeat the assailants
4121105 : Archon's Rival - [CHS] - 刷出魔剑(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4121106 : Archon's Rival - [CHS] - 刷走魔剑(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4121107 : Archon's Rival - [CHS] - 刷出魔剑(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4121108 : Archon's Rival - [CHS] - 刷掉魔剑(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4121109 : Archon's Rival - Speak to Albedo
4121110 : Archon's Rival - Investigate the ley line disorder
4121111 : Archon's Rival - Defeat the attacking monsters
4121112 : Archon's Rival - Speak to Albedo
4121113 : Archon's Rival - [CHS] - (隐藏)愚人众开车$HIDDEN
4121201 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Meet with Albedo
4121202 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - [CHS] - 到达山洞前$HIDDEN
4121203 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Speak to Albedo
4121204 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Head partway up the mountain
4121205 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - [CHS] - (test)丘丘人战斗开车$HIDDEN
4121206 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Activate the device and lure the hilichurls out
4121207 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Defeat the attacking hilichurls
4121208 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Speak to Albedo
4121209 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Follow the footprints to tail the hilichurl
4121210 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Speak to Albedo
4121211 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Use the wind current to catch up with the hilichurl
4121212 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - [CHS] - (test) 飞行挑战开车$HIDDEN
4121213 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Destroy the Anemo Amber
4121214 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Defeat all opponents and retrieve the sketchbook
4121215 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Return to the campsite and look for Albedo
4121216 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Follow the footprints to tail the hilichurl
4121217 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Follow the footprints to tail the hilichurl
4121218 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Follow the footprints to tail the hilichurl
4121219 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - [CHS] - (test)抵达任务目标点$HIDDEN
4121220 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - [CHS] - 刷出魔剑(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4121221 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - Speak to Albedo
4121222 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - [CHS] - (完成父任务)废弃$HIDDEN
4121223 : Raiders Amidst Snow Mist - [CHS] - 刷掉魔剑(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4121301 : Uninvited Guests - Look for Albedo
4121302 : Uninvited Guests - [CHS] - (隐藏)与砂糖对话$HIDDEN
4121303 : Uninvited Guests - Head to the monster habitat to test the sword
4121304 : Uninvited Guests - Defeat the surrounding opponents
4121305 : Uninvited Guests - Speak to Sucrose
4121306 : Uninvited Guests - Follow Sucrose to the adventurer camp
4121307 : Uninvited Guests - Talk to Pallad
4121308 : Uninvited Guests - [CHS] - 播放CutScene$HIDDEN
4121309 : Uninvited Guests - Defeat the Fatui who have come to take the sword
4121310 : Uninvited Guests - Speak to Albedo
4121311 : Uninvited Guests - [CHS] - 阿贝多开车$HIDDEN
4121312 : Uninvited Guests - Defeat the Cryo Regisvine
4121313 : Uninvited Guests - Defeat the Cryo Regisvine
4121314 : Uninvited Guests - Speak to Albedo
4121315 : Uninvited Guests - Defeat the Cryo Regisvine
4121316 : Uninvited Guests - [CHS] - (废弃)$HIDDEN
4121317 : Uninvited Guests - [CHS] - (隐藏)刷出魔剑$HIDDEN
4121318 : Uninvited Guests - [CHS] - (隐藏)刷掉魔剑$HIDDEN
4121319 : Uninvited Guests - [CHS] - (隐藏)刷出魔剑$HIDDEN
4121320 : Uninvited Guests - [CHS] - (隐藏)刷掉魔剑$HIDDEN
4121401 : Afterword - Look for Albedo
4121402 : Afterword - Speak to Albedo
4121403 : Afterword - [CHS] - 刷出魔剑(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4121404 : Afterword - [CHS] - 刷掉魔剑(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4121405 : Afterword - [CHS] - (隐藏)传送完成父任务$HIDDEN
4121501 : [CHS] - (隐藏)雪山活动任务给玩家发放活动任务剑$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3097652500
4131101 : The Origin of the Lanterns - Talk to Verr Goldet
4131102 : The Origin of the Lanterns - Go to Liyue Harbor
4131103 : The Origin of the Lanterns - [CHS] - 与博来对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
4131104 : The Origin of the Lanterns - Talk to Changchang
4131105 : The Origin of the Lanterns - Talk to Madame Ping
4131106 : The Origin of the Lanterns - Talk to Jiangzhou
4131107 : The Origin of the Lanterns - Talk to Wang'ya
4131108 : The Origin of the Lanterns - Talk to Yi'nian
4131111 : The Origin of the Lanterns - Report back to Wang'ya
4131112 : The Origin of the Lanterns - Talk to Jingming
4131115 : The Origin of the Lanterns - Report back to Wang'ya
4131201 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Talk to Wang'ya
4131202 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Obtain Azurite from Bloatty Floatties
4131203 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Obtain Vermillionite from the Ruin Hunter
4131204 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - [CHS] - (test)保护任务$HIDDEN
4131205 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Report back to Wang'ya
4131206 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Go to the construction site and collect the materials
4131207 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Meet the sender at the meeting spot
4131208 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Talk to the suspicious person
4131209 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - [CHS] - (test)在材料堆放区调查1$HIDDEN
4131210 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Retrieve the Xiao Lantern materials
4131211 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Talk to Wang'ya
4131212 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Talk to the suspicious person
4131213 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Defeat the suspicious person
4131214 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Talk to Paimon
4131215 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs and report to the Millelith
4131216 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Find the Millelith
4131217 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Eliminate the Hilichurls
4131218 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Talk to the Millelith
4131219 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Go back to the crime scene
4131220 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - [CHS] - (test)与派蒙对话$HIDDEN
4131221 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Talk to Xiao
4131222 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Report back to Jiayi
4131223 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Talk to Kaeya
4131224 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Talk to the informant
4131225 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Find the Treasure Hoarder's camp
4131226 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Talk to the member of the Treasure Hoarders
4131227 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
4131228 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Talk to the member of the Treasure Hoarders
4131229 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Talk to the suspicious person
4131230 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - [CHS] - (test)在材料堆放区调查2$HIDDEN
4131231 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - [CHS] - (test)在材料堆放区调查3$HIDDEN
4131232 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Investigate around the stockpile
4131233 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - [CHS] - (test)在材料堆放区调查$HIDDEN
4131234 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Clear the obstacles
4131235 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - [CHS] - (test)控制小贼对话用$HIDDEN
4131236 : Currents Deep Beneath the Lanterns - Dig at the roots of the Bloatty Floatty
4131301 : Light Upon the Sea - Go back to Wangshu Inn and report back to Xiao
4131302 : Light Upon the Sea - Talk to Xiao
4131303 : Light Upon the Sea - Talk to Verr Goldet
4131304 : Light Upon the Sea - Find a good spot for a stall
4131305 : Light Upon the Sea - Continue looking for a suitable spot
4131306 : Light Upon the Sea - Continue looking for a suitable spot
4131307 : Light Upon the Sea - Talk to Huai'an
4131308 : Light Upon the Sea - Talk to Xiao
4131309 : Light Upon the Sea - Dine with Xiao
4131310 : Light Upon the Sea - Go to Liyue Harbor
4131311 : Light Upon the Sea - Talk to Xiao
4131312 : Light Upon the Sea - Go back to Liyue Harbor
4131313 : Light Upon the Sea - [CHS] - (test)切场景
4131314 : Light Upon the Sea - [CHS] - (test)自动与魈对话$HIDDEN
4131315 : Light Upon the Sea - [CHS] - (test)叫魈下来参加庆典
4131316 : Light Upon the Sea - [CHS] - (test)前往璃月港
4131317 : Light Upon the Sea - [CHS] - (test)与魈对话
4131318 : Light Upon the Sea - [CHS] - (test)前往璃月港
4131319 : Light Upon the Sea - [CHS] - (test)与魈对话
4131320 : Light Upon the Sea - [CHS] - (test)切桌子上的菜$HIDDEN
4131601 : [CHS] - (test)霄灯材料发奖励用任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 217450652
4131701 : [CHS] - (test)霄灯发奖励用任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 67262748
4133101 : Qingce's Lanterns - Discarded
4133102 : Qingce's Lanterns - Talk to Granny Ruoxin
4133103 : Qingce's Lanterns - Talk to Ms. Bai
4133104 : Qingce's Lanterns - Help Ms. Bai prepare three servings of Raw Meat and Fowl each
4133105 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - (隐藏)是否已交付食材$HIDDEN
4133106 : Qingce's Lanterns - Talk to Pops Kai
4133107 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - (隐藏)刷出桌椅$HIDDEN
4133108 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - 若心闲置对话$HIDDEN
4133109 : Qingce's Lanterns - Discarded
4133110 : Qingce's Lanterns - Talk to Granny Ruoxin
4133111 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - (废弃)与阿佑对话$HIDDEN
4133112 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - 与罗小妹对话$HIDDEN
4133113 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - 与常九爷对话$HIDDEN
4133114 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - 与江城对话$HIDDEN
4133115 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - 小白闲置对话$HIDDEN
4133116 : Qingce's Lanterns - Talk to Granny Ruoxin
4133117 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - (废弃)刷出阿佑和阿左$HIDDEN
4133118 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - (隐藏)刷出罗小妹$HIDDEN
4133119 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - (隐藏)刷出常九爷$HIDDEN
4133120 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - (隐藏)刷出江城$HIDDEN
4133121 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - 凯叔闲置对话$HIDDEN
4133122 : Qingce's Lanterns - Head to the entrance of Qingce Village at night (18:00 – 00:00)
4133123 : Qingce's Lanterns - Talk to Granny Ruoxin
4133124 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - (test)刷出明宵灯$HIDDEN
4133125 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - 与若心对话$HIDDEN
4133126 : Qingce's Lanterns - [CHS] - (接取任务)$HIDDEN
4133201 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - Head to Wanmin Restaurant to have a look
4133202 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - Speak to Chef Mao
4133203 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - Deliver the food to Atsuko
4133204 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - [CHS] - (test)送外卖倒计时$HIDDEN
4133205 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - [CHS] - (test)玩家选错扣三丝$HIDDEN
4133206 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - [CHS] - (test)玩家选错来来菜$HIDDEN
4133207 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - Ask about everyone's tastes (2/3)
4133208 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - [CHS] - (test)玩家选错水煮黑背鲈$HIDDEN
4133209 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - [CHS] - (test)玩家选错水晶虾$HIDDEN
4133210 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - Ask about everyone's tastes (0/3)
4133211 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - [CHS] - (test)玩家选错北地苹果焖肉$HIDDEN
4133212 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - [CHS] - (test)玩家选错香嫩椒椒鸡$HIDDEN
4133213 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - Ask about everyone's tastes (1/3)
4133214 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - Report back to Chef Mao
4133215 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - Give the Xiao Lantern to Chef Mao
4133216 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - Speak to Chef Mao
4133217 : Keeping Wanmin's Patrons Fed - [CHS] - (test)海灯节领取任务$HIDDEN
4133301 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - Talk to Iron Ingot
4133302 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - Find the first suitable viewing spot and take a picture
4133303 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - Find a second suitable viewing spot and take a picture
4133304 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - Report back to Iron Ingot
4133305 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - Give the Almond Tofu to Iron Ingot
4133306 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - [CHS] - (隐藏)检测是不是带回了奇怪的杏仁豆腐$HIDDEN
4133307 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - [CHS] - (隐藏)检测是不是带回了杏仁豆腐$HIDDEN
4133308 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - [CHS] - (隐藏)检测是不是带回了美味的杏仁豆腐$HIDDEN
4133309 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - Go with Iron Ingot to meet Ziwei
4133310 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - [CHS] - (test)前往约会地点,与铁块对话
4133311 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - [CHS] - (test)清理魔物
4133312 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - [CHS] - (test)放灯
4133313 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - [CHS] - (test)与铁块对话
4133314 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - [CHS] - (隐藏)如果玩家提前把魔物清理了$HIDDEN
4133315 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - [CHS] - (test)与铁块对话
4133316 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - [CHS] - (隐藏)到达位置2范围时开车$HIDDEN
4133317 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - [CHS] - (隐藏)到达位置1范围时开车$HIDDEN
4133318 : Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei - [N/A] 1956477468
4133401 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Talk to Mr. Zhu
4133402 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Collect two sets of Xiao Lantern materials
4133403 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Collect two sets of Xiao Lantern materials
4133404 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - [N/A] 928754276
4133405 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - [N/A] 1805859276
4133406 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Give Xiao Lantern materials to Dummy
4133407 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Give Delicious Jewelry Soup to Mr. Zhu
4133408 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Hang the Xiao Lantern on one side of the inn's door
4133409 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Hang the Xiao Lantern on the other side of the inn's door
4133410 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Talk to Dummy
4133411 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - [N/A] 2621364716
4133412 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Talk to Mr. Zhu
4133413 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Send out invitations to nearby people
4133414 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Send out invitations to the people in the area
4133415 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Report back to Mr. Zhu
4133416 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Cook a Delicious Jewelry Soup
4133417 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Take a seat by the table
4133418 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Talk to Mr. Zhu
4133419 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Talk to Jianqiu
4133420 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Escort the two to a high point to release the Xiao Lantern
4133421 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Escort the two to a high point to release the Xiao Lantern
4133422 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Talk to Mr. Zhu
4133423 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - [N/A] 1704888540
4133424 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - [N/A] 1558946276
4133425 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - Meet Mr. Zhu the following afternoon (12 – 18)
4133426 : Lantern Rite, Big Business? - [N/A] 156619788
4133501 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part I) - Talk to Vermeer
4133502 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part I) - Look for suitable scenery
4133503 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part I) - Talk to Qingzhou
4133504 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part I) - [CHS] - (test)换个风景好看的地方
4133505 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part I) - [CHS] - (test)与梵米尔对话
4133506 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part I) - Collect Pyro Whopperflower Nectar
4133507 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part I) - Report back to Vermeer
4133508 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part I) - Report back to Vermeer
4133509 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part I) - [CHS] - (test)居民委托领取任务$HIDDEN
4133601 : Outspoken Linling - Talk to Linling
4133602 : Outspoken Linling - Give three Xiao Lanterns to Linling
4133603 : Outspoken Linling - Talk to Linling
4133604 : Outspoken Linling - Head over to Manager Xiao
4133605 : Outspoken Linling - Give a Xiao Lantern to Manager Xiao
4133606 : Outspoken Linling - Head over to Degui
4133607 : Outspoken Linling - Give a Xiao Lantern to Degui
4133608 : Outspoken Linling - Head over to Bibo
4133609 : Outspoken Linling - Give a Xiao Lantern to Bibo
4133610 : Outspoken Linling - [N/A] 547924564
4133701 : Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today - Go to Huaguang Stone Forest
4133702 : Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today - Talk to Sun Yu
4133703 : Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today - Give the Qingxin flowers to Sun Yu
4133704 : Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today - Talk to Sun Yu
4133705 : Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today - Go to the old Guhua Clan spot to release the lantern
4133706 : Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today - Talk to Zhiruo
4133707 : Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today - Follow Zhiruo
4133708 : Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today - Follow Zhiruo
4133709 : Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today - Follow Zhiruo
4133710 : Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today - Report back to Sun Yu and Little Que'er
4133711 : Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today - [CHS] - (test)海灯节领取任务$HIDDEN
4133712 : Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today - [CHS] - (test)放灯表现$HIDDEN
4133713 : Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today - Talk to Zhiruo
4133714 : Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today - Talk to Zhiruo
4133715 : Yesteryear's Lanterns and the Guhua of Today - Talk to Zhiruo
4133801 : A Festive First Adventure - Talk to Tiantian
4133802 : A Festive First Adventure - Go to Mt. Tianheng to look for Tiantian
4133803 : A Festive First Adventure - Collect the Xiao Lanterns
4133804 : A Festive First Adventure - Collect the Xiao Lanterns
4133805 : A Festive First Adventure - Collect the Xiao Lanterns
4133806 : A Festive First Adventure - Talk to Tiantian
4133807 : A Festive First Adventure - Look for Tiantian
4133808 : A Festive First Adventure - Collect the Xiao Lanterns
4133809 : A Festive First Adventure - Collect the Xiao Lanterns
4133810 : A Festive First Adventure - Collect the Xiao Lanterns
4133811 : A Festive First Adventure - Collect the Xiao Lanterns
4133812 : A Festive First Adventure - Collect the Xiao Lanterns
4133813 : A Festive First Adventure - Talk to Tiantian
4133814 : A Festive First Adventure - [CHS] - (活动接取任务)$HIDDEN
4134001 : A Very Festive Problem - Talk to Herbalist Gui
4134002 : A Very Festive Problem - [N/A] 2316117764
4134003 : A Very Festive Problem - Deliver medicine to the people in the area
4134004 : A Very Festive Problem - Deliver medicine to the people in the area
4134005 : A Very Festive Problem - [N/A] 4053537908
4134006 : A Very Festive Problem - [N/A] 1513542828
4134007 : A Very Festive Problem - Report back to Herbalist Gui
4134008 : A Very Festive Problem - Make a Xiao Lantern for Herbalist Gui
4134009 : A Very Festive Problem - Give a Xiao Lantern to Herbalist Gui
4134010 : A Very Festive Problem - Report back to Herbalist Gui
4134011 : A Very Festive Problem - Wait until the following night (20 – 24)
4134012 : A Very Festive Problem - [N/A] 3501353236
4134013 : A Very Festive Problem - Head to the designated location to look for Herbalist Gui
4134014 : A Very Festive Problem - [N/A] 1147210444
4134101 : Little Lantern, Little Wish - Talk to Mengmeng
4134102 : Little Lantern, Little Wish - Follow Mengmeng to meet Yu
4134103 : Little Lantern, Little Wish - Hang Xiao Lantern
4134104 : Little Lantern, Little Wish - Speak to Yu
4134105 : Little Lantern, Little Wish - Help Yu clean the shop
4134106 : Little Lantern, Little Wish - Find Yu and Mengmeng
4134107 : Little Lantern, Little Wish - Eavesdrop on Yu and Mengmeng's conversation
4134108 : Little Lantern, Little Wish - [N/A] 3899420932
4134201 : Hammer and Wrench - Talk to Siyu
4134202 : Hammer and Wrench - Report back to Wrench Wang
4134203 : Hammer and Wrench - [CHS] - (test)与思妤对话
4134204 : Hammer and Wrench - Give a Xiao Lantern to Wrench Wang
4134205 : Hammer and Wrench - Talk to Wrench Wang
4134206 : Hammer and Wrench - Talk to Hammer Li
4134207 : Hammer and Wrench - Check the inventory
4134208 : Hammer and Wrench - [CHS] - (test)居民委托领取任务$HIDDEN
4134209 : Hammer and Wrench - Talk to Hammer Li
4134210 : Hammer and Wrench - Talk to Wrench Wang
4134211 : Hammer and Wrench - Collect planks
4134212 : Hammer and Wrench - Report back to Wrench Wang
4134213 : Hammer and Wrench - Talk to Wrench Wang
4134214 : Hammer and Wrench - Talk to Wrench Wang
4134215 : Hammer and Wrench - Talk to Hammer Li
4134301 : Mondstadters in Liyue - Talk to Freki
4134302 : Mondstadters in Liyue - Give a Xiao Lantern to Freki
4134303 : Mondstadters in Liyue - Talk to Freki
4134304 : Mondstadters in Liyue - Give a set of Dandelions Seeds to Freki
4134305 : Mondstadters in Liyue - Talk to Freki
4134306 : Mondstadters in Liyue - Find somewhere to scatter the dandelions seeds
4134307 : Mondstadters in Liyue - Talk to Freki
4134308 : Mondstadters in Liyue - [N/A] 4144251772
4135701 : The Illumiscreen: I - Talk to Brother Qian at night (21:00 – 05:00)
4135702 : The Illumiscreen: I - Talk to Brother Qian
4135703 : The Illumiscreen: I - Try the Illumiscreen
4135704 : The Illumiscreen: I - Talk to Brother Qian
4135705 : The Illumiscreen: I - Complete "Illumiscreen: Glaze Lily"
4135706 : The Illumiscreen: I - [CHS] - (test)到谜底指引位置寻找宝箱$HIDDEN
4135707 : The Illumiscreen: I - Find the treasure
4135708 : The Illumiscreen: I - Find the treasure
4135709 : The Illumiscreen: I - Find the treasure
4135710 : The Illumiscreen: I - Talk to Brother Qian
4135711 : The Illumiscreen: I - Find the treasure area indicated by the Illumiscreen
4135712 : The Illumiscreen: I - Find the treasure area indicated by the Illumiscreen
4135713 : The Illumiscreen: I - Find the treasure area indicated by the Illumiscreen
4135714 : The Illumiscreen: I - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务刷新物件$HIDDEN
4135715 : The Illumiscreen: I - [CHS] - (test)活动开启$HIDDEN
4135716 : The Illumiscreen: I - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
4135717 : The Illumiscreen: I - Examine "Illumiscreen: Glaze Lily"
4135801 : The Illumiscreen: II - Talk to Brother Qian
4135802 : The Illumiscreen: II - Complete "Illumiscreen: Mora"
4135803 : The Illumiscreen: II - [CHS] - (test)第二天大世界解谜$HIDDEN
4135804 : The Illumiscreen: II - Find the treasure
4135805 : The Illumiscreen: II - Find the treasure
4135806 : The Illumiscreen: II - Find the treasure
4135807 : The Illumiscreen: II - Talk to Brother Qian
4135808 : The Illumiscreen: II - Find the treasure area indicated by the Illumiscreen
4135809 : The Illumiscreen: II - Find the treasure area indicated by the Illumiscreen
4135810 : The Illumiscreen: II - Find the treasure area indicated by the Illumiscreen
4135811 : The Illumiscreen: II - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务卸载group$HIDDEN
4135812 : The Illumiscreen: II - Talk to Brother Qian at night (21:00 – 05:00)
4135813 : The Illumiscreen: II - [CHS] - (test)隐藏活动开启$HIDDEN
4135814 : The Illumiscreen: II - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
4135815 : The Illumiscreen: II - Examine "Illumiscreen: Mora"
4135901 : The Illumiscreen: III - Talk to Brother Qian
4135902 : The Illumiscreen: III - Complete "Illumiscreen: Crane"
4135903 : The Illumiscreen: III - [CHS] - (test)第三天大世界解谜$HIDDEN
4135904 : The Illumiscreen: III - Find the treasure
4135905 : The Illumiscreen: III - Find the treasure
4135906 : The Illumiscreen: III - Find the treasure
4135907 : The Illumiscreen: III - Talk to Brother Qian
4135908 : The Illumiscreen: III - Find the treasure area indicated by the Illumiscreen
4135909 : The Illumiscreen: III - Find the treasure area indicated by the Illumiscreen
4135910 : The Illumiscreen: III - Find the treasure area indicated by the Illumiscreen
4135911 : The Illumiscreen: III - Open the chest just opposite of Brother Qian
4135912 : The Illumiscreen: III - Talk to Brother Qian at night (21:00 – 05:00)
4135913 : The Illumiscreen: III - [CHS] - (test)隐藏活动开启$HIDDEN
4135914 : The Illumiscreen: III - [CHS] - (test)滚滚隔离$HIDDEN
4135915 : The Illumiscreen: III - Examine "Illumiscreen: Crane"
4140101 : Kurious Kamera - Talk to Ji Tong
4140201 : Perfect Shot - Talk to Ji Tong
4140202 : Perfect Shot - Talk to Ji Tong
4140203 : Perfect Shot - Talk to Ji Tong
4140204 : Perfect Shot - [CHS] - (隐藏)加载和删除NPC的逻辑配置$HIDDEN
4141001 : Ode to Flower and Cloud - Walk around Mondstadt
4141003 : Ode to Flower and Cloud - Talk to Sara
4141004 : Ode to Flower and Cloud - Talk to Marjorie
4141005 : Ode to Flower and Cloud - Talk to Katheryne
4141007 : Ode to Flower and Cloud - Talk to Flora at the flower shop
4141009 : Ode to Flower and Cloud - Go to the Mondstadt plaza
4141010 : Ode to Flower and Cloud - Talk to Venti
4141011 : Ode to Flower and Cloud - Listen to and solve the troubles of the citizenry
4141012 : Ode to Flower and Cloud - Listen to and solve the troubles of the citizenry
4141013 : Ode to Flower and Cloud - Listen to and solve the troubles of the citizenry
4141014 : Ode to Flower and Cloud - [CHS] - (test)教学指导计数$HIDDEN
4141015 : Ode to Flower and Cloud - [CHS] - 倾听并解决蒙德居民的烦恼$HIDDEN
4141016 : Ode to Flower and Cloud - Talk to Venti
4141017 : Ode to Flower and Cloud - Listen to and solve the troubles of the citizenry
4141101 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - Accept the job from Kaeya
4141102 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - Collect 2 Small Lamp Grass
4141103 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - Talk to Nimrod
4141104 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - Dig up the treasure
4141105 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - Go back to the Knights' headquarters and report to Kaeya
4141106 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - Go to the Mondstadt Cathedral
4141107 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - Talk to Jean and Lisa
4141108 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - Talk to Barbara
4141109 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - Catch up to Barbara
4141110 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - Talk to Barbara and Rosaria
4141111 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - Go to the location marked out on the map
4141112 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
4141113 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - Talk to Barbara
4141114 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - Go look for Nimrod at the tavern
4141115 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - Go to the Knights of Favonius' headquarters
4141116 : Missive of Cloud and Fog - [CHS] - 击败盗宝团$HIDDEN
4141201 : Realm of Fog and Wind - Go to the alchemy store
4141202 : Realm of Fog and Wind - Go to the campsite at the foot of Dragonspine
4141203 : Realm of Fog and Wind - Collect 3 Starsilver Ore
4141204 : Realm of Fog and Wind - Give the materials to Albedo
4141205 : Realm of Fog and Wind - Give the Windblume to Sucrose
4141206 : Realm of Fog and Wind - Go to the Cathedral and talk to Barbara
4141207 : Realm of Fog and Wind - Go to the Thousand Winds Temple
4141208 : Realm of Fog and Wind - Look for Bennett
4141209 : Realm of Fog and Wind - Defeat the Ruin Guard
4141210 : Realm of Fog and Wind - Unlock the mechanism
4141211 : Realm of Fog and Wind - Talk to Bennett and Razor
4141212 : Realm of Fog and Wind - Go to the Angel's Share
4141213 : Realm of Fog and Wind - Talk to the crowd
4141214 : Realm of Fog and Wind - Talk to Bennett
4141215 : Realm of Fog and Wind - [CHS] - 击败遗迹守卫$HIDDEN
4141216 : Realm of Fog and Wind - Leave Tavern
4141301 : Dream of Wind and Flowers - Wait for the appointed time and go to the Mondstadt plaza
4141302 : Dream of Wind and Flowers - Talk to Jean
4141303 : Dream of Wind and Flowers - Make a Windblume offering to the Anemo Archon
4141304 : Dream of Wind and Flowers - Talk to Venti
4141305 : Dream of Wind and Flowers - Go to Stormterror's Lair
4141306 : Dream of Wind and Flowers - Solve the issue of the disorderly wind currents in the ruins
4141307 : Dream of Wind and Flowers - Talk to Venti
4141308 : Dream of Wind and Flowers - [CHS] - (test)献上蒲公英$HIDDEN
4141309 : Dream of Wind and Flowers - [CHS] - (test)献上风车菊$HIDDEN
4141310 : Dream of Wind and Flowers - [CHS] - (test)献上塞西莉亚花$HIDDEN
4141311 : Dream of Wind and Flowers - [CHS] - (test)献上小灯草$HIDDEN
4141312 : Dream of Wind and Flowers - [CHS] - (test)献上甜甜花$HIDDEN
4141313 : Dream of Wind and Flowers - [CHS] - (test)献上钩钩果$HIDDEN
4141501 : [CHS] - (test)风龙废墟残留$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)风龙废墟残留$HIDDEN
4142101 : Life Flows On (I) - Go to the Mondstadt Adventurers' Guild and talk to Katheryne
4142102 : Life Flows On (I) - Go to Dawn Winery and speak to Connor
4142103 : Life Flows On (I) - Follow the body of water northwest and investigate
4142104 : Life Flows On (I) - Defeat the Hydro Slimes
4142105 : Life Flows On (I) - Talk to the strange life-form
4142106 : Life Flows On (I) - Return to Springvale
4142107 : Life Flows On (I) - Approach the spring in Springvale
4142108 : Life Flows On (I) - Talk to Endora
4142109 : Life Flows On (I) - Help Endora capture Oceanid Creatures
4142110 : Life Flows On (I) - Talk to Endora
4142111 : Life Flows On (I) - [N/A] 4243538484
4142201 : Life Flows On (II) - Talk to Endora
4142202 : Life Flows On (II) - Speak to Old Finch in Springvale
4142203 : Life Flows On (II) - Go to Dawn Winery and speak to Connor
4142204 : Life Flows On (II) - Talk to Endora
4142205 : Life Flows On (II) - Complete the "Rhodeia's Rage" challenge once (after completing it, return to Single-Player Mode to continue the quest)
4142206 : Life Flows On (II) - [N/A] 2823920812
7000001 : Windblume Research Report - Talk to Sayid
7000002 : Windblume Research Report - Take a picture of the floral decorations in the fountain square
7000003 : Windblume Research Report - Take a picture of the Anemo God statue in front of the Cathedral
7000004 : Windblume Research Report - Take a picture of Flora
7000005 : Windblume Research Report - [CHS] - (test)与芙洛拉对话$HIDDEN
7000006 : Windblume Research Report - Give the pictures to Sayid
7000010 : Windblume Research Report - [CHS] - (test)萨义德拍照隐藏任务$HIDDEN
7000101 : The Sound of Discord - Look for Vile
7000102 : The Sound of Discord - Talk to Vile
7000103 : The Sound of Discord - Look for the suspicious person with the package
7000104 : The Sound of Discord - Go to the Treasure Hoarder camp
7000105 : The Sound of Discord - Clear out the Treasure Hoarder camp
7000106 : The Sound of Discord - [CHS] - 寻找带着小包的可疑人士$HIDDEN
7000107 : The Sound of Discord - [CHS] - 寻找带着小包的可疑人士$HIDDEN
7000110 : The Sound of Discord - [CHS] - (test)薇尔寻找盗宝团奸细隐藏任务$HIDDEN
7000111 : The Sound of Discord - Return to Vile
7000301 : Those Hard-to-Reach Places - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】活动界面接取任务$HIDDEN
7000302 : Those Hard-to-Reach Places - Talk to Aramis
7000303 : Those Hard-to-Reach Places - Clear the piles of floral debris off the rooftop
7000304 : Those Hard-to-Reach Places - Clear the piles of floral debris off the rooftop
7000305 : Those Hard-to-Reach Places - Clear the piles of floral debris off the city walls
7000306 : Those Hard-to-Reach Places - Search for the kitty
7000307 : Those Hard-to-Reach Places - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】自动触发找猫对话$HIDDEN
7000308 : Those Hard-to-Reach Places - Report back to Aramis
7000500 : [CHS] - (test)红树寻宝$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 红树寻宝任务总$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7000501 : [CHS] - (test)红树寻宝$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 红树寻宝任务Group1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7000502 : [CHS] - (test)红树寻宝$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 红树寻宝任务Group2$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7000503 : [CHS] - (test)红树寻宝$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 红树寻宝任务Group3$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7000504 : [CHS] - (test)红树寻宝$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 红树寻宝任务Group4$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7000505 : [CHS] - (test)红树寻宝$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 红树寻宝任务Group5$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7000506 : [CHS] - (test)红树寻宝$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 记录任务进度$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7000507 : [CHS] - (test)红树寻宝$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 回滚隔离$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7000601 : Mutual Exchange - Talk to the hilichurl
7000602 : Mutual Exchange - Give an item to the hilichurl
7000603 : Mutual Exchange - [CHS] - (test)成功交付$HIDDEN
7000604 : Mutual Exchange - [CHS] - (test)失败交付回滚$HIDDEN
7000701 : "Quiet, please, this is a library!" - [CHS] - (test)接取任务用隐藏任务$HIDDEN
7000702 : "Quiet, please, this is a library!" - Try and convince the lovebirds to be quiet
7000703 : "Quiet, please, this is a library!" - Try and convince the lovebirds to be quiet
7000704 : "Quiet, please, this is a library!" - Try and convince the lovebirds to be quiet
7000705 : "Quiet, please, this is a library!" - [CHS] - (test)保护子任务组$HIDDEN
7000706 : "Quiet, please, this is a library!" - [CHS] - (test)保护我的保护$HIDDEN
7000707 : "Quiet, please, this is a library!" - Talk to Paimon about countermeasures
7000708 : "Quiet, please, this is a library!" - Talk to Wyratt
7000709 : "Quiet, please, this is a library!" - Carry Lisa's message
7000710 : "Quiet, please, this is a library!" - [CHS] - (test)自动触发与派蒙的对话$HIDDEN
7000711 : "Quiet, please, this is a library!" - [CHS] - (test)处理约会NPC$HIDDEN
7000712 : "Quiet, please, this is a library!" - Go to the library and find Ella Musk
7000801 : Windbrew - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务,领取任务用$HIDDEN
7000802 : Windbrew - Go to Starsnatch Cliff and pick three sets of Dandelion Seeds
7000803 : Windbrew - Defeat all opponents
7000804 : Windbrew - Pick Dandelion Seeds
7000805 : Windbrew - Go to Windrise and gather three Windwheel Asters
7000806 : Windbrew - Defeat all opponents
7000807 : Windbrew - Pick Windwheel Aster
7000808 : Windbrew - Report back to Margaret
7000809 : Windbrew - Mix the drink
7000810 : Windbrew - Talk to Margaret
7000811 : Windbrew - Talk to Nimrod
7000812 : Windbrew - Talk to Aramis
7000813 : Windbrew - Talk to Nora
7000814 : Windbrew - Report back to Margaret
7000815 : Windbrew - Report back to Margaret
7000816 : Windbrew - Talk to Margaret
7000817 : Windbrew - Report back to Margaret
7000818 : Windbrew - Talk to Margaret
7000819 : Windbrew - Talk to Margaret
7000820 : Windbrew - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务,发成功的酒$HIDDEN
7000821 : Windbrew - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务,发失败的酒$HIDDEN
7000901 : Windblumes and Snowflakes - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】活动界面接取任务$HIDDEN
7000902 : Windblumes and Snowflakes - Talk to Viktor
7000903 : Windblumes and Snowflakes - Talk to Viktor
7000904 : Windblumes and Snowflakes - Talk to Lily
7000905 : Windblumes and Snowflakes - Head to Mondstadt's market district
7000906 : Windblumes and Snowflakes - Talk to Blanche
7000907 : Windblumes and Snowflakes - Place Fowl into the bowl
7000908 : Windblumes and Snowflakes - Talk to Lily
7000909 : Windblumes and Snowflakes - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】与莉莉对话黑屏刷掉狗$HIDDEN
7000910 : Windblumes and Snowflakes - Report back to Blanche
7000911 : Windblumes and Snowflakes - Talk to Flora
7000912 : Windblumes and Snowflakes - Go to Good Hunter
7000913 : Windblumes and Snowflakes - Go back to the Cathedral
7001001 : Adventurers in Windblume - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】活动界面接取任务$HIDDEN
7001002 : Adventurers in Windblume - Report back to Iris
7001003 : Adventurers in Windblume - Talk to Iris
7001004 : Adventurers in Windblume - Head over to the designated area and take a picture
7001005 : Adventurers in Windblume - Head over to the designated area and take a picture
7001006 : Adventurers in Windblume - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】记录分支进度$HIDDEN
7001007 : Adventurers in Windblume - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】保护我的保护$HIDDEN
7001008 : Adventurers in Windblume - Talk to Iris
7001009 : Adventurers in Windblume - Talk to Cyrus
7001010 : Adventurers in Windblume - Head to the Anemo Archon statue
7001011 : Adventurers in Windblume - Speak to the citizens around the Anemo Archon statue
7001012 : Adventurers in Windblume - Speak to the citizens around the Anemo Archon statue
7001013 : Adventurers in Windblume - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】记录分支进度$HIDDEN
7001014 : Adventurers in Windblume - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】保护我的保护$HIDDEN
7001015 : Adventurers in Windblume - Report back to Cyrus
7001101 : Hilichurl Justice - Talk to the hilichurl
7001102 : Hilichurl Justice - Go to the designated location for a fight
7001103 : Hilichurl Justice - Report back to the hilichurl
7001201 : Mutual Exchange - Talk to the hilichurl
7001202 : Mutual Exchange - Give an item to the hilichurl
7001203 : Mutual Exchange - [CHS] - (test)成功交付$HIDDEN
7001204 : Mutual Exchange - [CHS] - (test)失败交付回滚$HIDDEN
7001301 : Hilichurl Justice - Talk to the other hilichurl willing to make conversation
7001302 : Hilichurl Justice - Go to the designated location for a fight
7001303 : Hilichurl Justice - Report back to the hilichurl
7001401 : Hilichurl Justice - Talk to the other hilichurl willing to make conversation
7001402 : Hilichurl Justice - Go to the designated location for a fight
7001403 : Hilichurl Justice - Report back to the hilichurl
7001501 : Mutual Exchange - Talk to the other hilichurl willing to make conversation
7001502 : Mutual Exchange - Give an item to the hilichurl
7001503 : Mutual Exchange - [CHS] - (test)成功交付$HIDDEN
7001504 : Mutual Exchange - [CHS] - (test)失败交付回滚$HIDDEN
7001601 : Hilichurl Justice - Talk to the hilichurl
7001602 : Hilichurl Justice - Go to the designated location for a fight
7001603 : Hilichurl Justice - Report back to the hilichurl
7001701 : Hilichurl Justice - Talk to the hilichurl
7001702 : Hilichurl Justice - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7001703 : Hilichurl Justice - Go to the designated location for a fight
7001704 : Hilichurl Justice - Report back to the hilichurl
7001801 : Mutual Exchange - Talk to the hilichurl
7001802 : Mutual Exchange - Give an item to the hilichurl
7001803 : Mutual Exchange - [CHS] - (test)成功交付$HIDDEN
7001804 : Mutual Exchange - [CHS] - (test)失败交付回滚$HIDDEN
7001901 : Mutual Exchange - Talk to the other hilichurl willing to make conversation
7001902 : Mutual Exchange - Give an item to the hilichurl
7001903 : Mutual Exchange - [CHS] - (test)成功交付$HIDDEN
7001904 : Mutual Exchange - [CHS] - (test)失败交付回滚$HIDDEN
7002001 : Hilichurl Justice - Talk to the other hilichurl willing to make conversation
7002002 : Hilichurl Justice - Go to the designated location for a fight
7002003 : Hilichurl Justice - Report back to the hilichurl
7002101 : Mutual Exchange - Talk to the hilichurl
7002102 : Mutual Exchange - Give an item to the hilichurl
7002103 : Mutual Exchange - [CHS] - (test)成功交付$HIDDEN
7002104 : Mutual Exchange - [CHS] - (test)失败交付回滚$HIDDEN
7002201 : Hilichurl Justice - Talk to the other hilichurl willing to make conversation
7002202 : Hilichurl Justice - Go to the designated location for a fight
7002203 : Hilichurl Justice - Report back to the hilichurl
7002301 : Mutual Exchange - Talk to the other hilichurl willing to make conversation
7002302 : Mutual Exchange - Give an item to the hilichurl
7002303 : Mutual Exchange - [CHS] - (test)成功交付$HIDDEN
7002304 : Mutual Exchange - [CHS] - (test)失败交付回滚$HIDDEN
7002401 : Mimi Tomo - Go to the Adventurers' Guild
7002402 : Mimi Tomo - Go out into the wild to investigate
7002403 : Mimi Tomo - Rescue Ella Musk
7002404 : Mimi Tomo - Talk to Ella Musk
7002501 : The Lost Hilichurl - Report back to the Adventurers' Guild
7002502 : The Lost Hilichurl - Talk to Ella Musk
7002601 : Journey to Tsurumi - Talk to Katheryne
7002602 : Journey to Tsurumi - Go to the designated location to investigate
7002603 : Journey to Tsurumi - Report back to Katheryne
7002604 : Journey to Tsurumi - Ask Hosseini some questions
7002701 : Autonomous Mechanical Energy Source: Preface - Talk to Hosseini
7002702 : Autonomous Mechanical Energy Source: Preface - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】搜集齐所有零件
7002703 : Autonomous Mechanical Energy Source: Preface - [CHS] - (test)【废弃】与胡塞尼对话
7002801 : Autonomous Mechanical Energy Source: Live Sample - Talk to Hosseini
7002802 : Autonomous Mechanical Energy Source: Live Sample - Go and place Pursina's Spikes
7002803 : Autonomous Mechanical Energy Source: Live Sample - Report back to Hosseini
7002901 : Autonomous Mechanical Energy Source: Conclusion - Chat with Hosseini
7003001 : Tuned to the World's Sounds - Go to the Liyue Harbor wharf and meet Chief Mate Juza
7003002 : Tuned to the World's Sounds - Talk to Chief Mate Juza
7003003 : Tuned to the World's Sounds - Go to the northern section of Liyue Harbor and look for Kazuha
7003004 : Tuned to the World's Sounds - Go to the northern section of Liyue Harbor and look for Kazuha
7003006 : Tuned to the World's Sounds - Search for the Glaze Lilies required to repair the Ancient Zither
7003007 : Tuned to the World's Sounds - Gave Kazuha the Glaze Lilies
7003008 : Tuned to the World's Sounds - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】对话刷破琴$HIDDEN
7003009 : Tuned to the World's Sounds - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】对话刷好琴$HIDDEN
7003010 : Tuned to the World's Sounds - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】对话刷破琴$HIDDEN
7003101 : [CHS] - (test)2.1新手引导新增$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)2.1新增骑士团引导用$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7003102 : [CHS] - (test)2.1新手引导新增$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)2.1新增安柏地城引导用$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7003201 : [CHS] - (test)音游活动一阶段$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)前往第一个点观察$HIDDEN
7003301 : [CHS] - (test)音游活动二阶段$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)前往第二个点观察$HIDDEN
7003401 : [CHS] - (test)音游活动三阶段$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)前往第三个点观察$HIDDEN
7003501 : [CHS] - (test)音游活动四阶段$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)前往第四个点观察$HIDDEN
7003601 : [CHS] - (test)音游活动五阶段$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)前往第五个点观察$HIDDEN
7003701 : [CHS] - (test)音游活动六阶段$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)前往第六个点观察$HIDDEN
7003801 : [CHS] - (test)音游活动七阶段$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)前往第七个点观察$HIDDEN
7003901 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务判定等量交换是否完成$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2635445084
7004001 : [N/A] 2178385903 - [N/A] 418896980
7004301 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务:通知3.7大活动卡牌显隐$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务:通知3.7大活动卡牌显隐01$HIDDEN
7004401 : [N/A] 3506397399 - [N/A] 0
7010101 : [CHS] - (test)古代王国之皇室没落$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2813283756
7010102 : [CHS] - (test)古代王国之皇室没落$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3874605588
7010103 : [CHS] - (test)古代王国之皇室没落$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3521255740
7010104 : [CHS] - (test)古代王国之皇室没落$HIDDEN - [N/A] 569935580
7010105 : [CHS] - (test)古代王国之皇室没落$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 完成父任务$HIDDEN
7010202 : The Festering Fang - [N/A] 920313508
7010203 : The Festering Fang - [N/A] 4283886780
7010204 : The Festering Fang - [N/A] 1696760156
7010205 : The Festering Fang - [N/A] 1903695812
7010206 : The Festering Fang - Ask the adventurers at the camp for news
7010207 : The Festering Fang - Talk to Orban
7010208 : The Festering Fang - Look for another three Strange Teeth
7010209 : The Festering Fang - Look for another three Strange Teeth
7010210 : The Festering Fang - Look for another three Strange Teeth
7010211 : The Festering Fang - [CHS] - 再寻找三枚奇异的「牙齿」$HIDDEN
7010212 : The Festering Fang - Look for another three Strange Teeth
7010213 : The Festering Fang - Look for another three Strange Teeth
7010214 : The Festering Fang - Look for another three Strange Teeth
7010215 : The Festering Fang - [CHS] - 再寻找三枚奇异的「牙齿」$HIDDEN
7010216 : The Festering Fang - Look for another three Strange Teeth
7010217 : The Festering Fang - Look for another three Strange Teeth
7010218 : The Festering Fang - Look for another three Strange Teeth
7010219 : The Festering Fang - [CHS] - 再寻找三枚奇异的「牙齿」$HIDDEN
7010220 : The Festering Fang - Look for another three Strange Teeth
7010221 : The Festering Fang - Look for another three Strange Teeth
7010222 : The Festering Fang - Look for another three Strange Teeth
7010223 : The Festering Fang - [CHS] - 再寻找三枚奇异的「牙齿」$HIDDEN
7010224 : The Festering Fang - Talk to Orban
7010225 : The Festering Fang - Defeat all the Fatui
7010226 : The Festering Fang - [CHS] - 与派蒙对话$HIDDEN
7010227 : The Festering Fang - Vitalize the Strange Tooth with energy from the heart
7010228 : The Festering Fang - Defeat all the Fatui
7010229 : The Festering Fang - Obtain a Vitalized Dragontooth
7010230 : The Festering Fang - Talk to Orban
7010232 : The Festering Fang - Talk to Orban
7010234 : The Festering Fang - [CHS] - 获得侵染龙牙与派蒙对话$HIDDEN
7010235 : The Festering Fang - [CHS] - 判断是否找齐龙牙$HIDDEN
7010236 : The Festering Fang - Examine the Core
7010237 : The Festering Fang - Look for 50 Starsilver Ore
7010238 : The Festering Fang - Look for a Northlander Polearm Billet
7010239 : The Festering Fang - Obtain a Vitalized Dragontooth
7010401 : The Great Mountain Survey - Talk to Esther
7010402 : The Great Mountain Survey - Retrieve the survey beacons
7010403 : The Great Mountain Survey - [CHS] - 回收勘测信标$HIDDEN
7010404 : The Great Mountain Survey - [CHS] - 回收勘测信标$HIDDEN
7010405 : The Great Mountain Survey - [CHS] - 回收勘测信标$HIDDEN
7010406 : The Great Mountain Survey - Talk to Esther
7010407 : The Great Mountain Survey - [CHS] - 放置勘测信标$HIDDEN
7010408 : The Great Mountain Survey - Place the survey beacons
7010409 : The Great Mountain Survey - Place the survey beacons
7010410 : The Great Mountain Survey - Report back to Esther
7010411 : The Great Mountain Survey - [CHS] - 回收勘测信标$HIDDEN
7010412 : The Great Mountain Survey - Place the survey beacons
7010413 : The Great Mountain Survey - Place the survey beacons
7010414 : The Great Mountain Survey - [CHS] - 防御回滚1-----$HIDDEN
7010415 : The Great Mountain Survey - [CHS] - 防御回滚2-----$HIDDEN
7010601 : Ah, Fresh Meat! - [CHS] - 未接取任务获得秘料$HIDDEN
7010602 : Ah, Fresh Meat! - [CHS] - 与哈里斯对话$HIDDEN
7010603 : Ah, Fresh Meat! - [CHS] - B 接取任务后 获得秘料$HIDDEN
7010604 : Ah, Fresh Meat! - Obtain Chilled Meat
7010605 : Ah, Fresh Meat! - Speak to Harris
7010606 : Ah, Fresh Meat! - Speak to Harris
7010608 : Ah, Fresh Meat! - Obtain the meat of the Great Snowboar King
7010609 : Ah, Fresh Meat! - Speak to Harris
7010610 : Ah, Fresh Meat! - Make Goulash
7010611 : Ah, Fresh Meat! - Speak to Harris
7010612 : Ah, Fresh Meat! - Look for Harris at 18:00
7010613 : Ah, Fresh Meat! - Speak to Harris
7010701 : Low-Temperature Warning - Talk to Iris
7010702 : Low-Temperature Warning - [CHS] - 隐藏-接取存档点$HIDDEN
7010801 : The Great Mountain Survey II - Talk to Esther
7010802 : The Great Mountain Survey II - Place a survey beacon on Dragonspine's summit
7010803 : The Great Mountain Survey II - Talk to Paimon
7010804 : The Great Mountain Survey II - Report back to Esther
7010805 : The Great Mountain Survey II - Deliver the letter to Cyrus
7010901 : [CHS] - (废弃)找到星银矿石$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 找到星银矿石$UNRELEASED
7011001 : [CHS] - 隐藏任务循环龙牙材料$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test1$HIDDEN
7011002 : [CHS] - 隐藏任务循环龙牙材料$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test2 永不能完成$HIDDEN
7012101 : A Land Entombed - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)获得任意一个信物碎片$HIDDEN
7012102 : A Land Entombed - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)与派蒙对话$HIDDEN
7012103 : A Land Entombed - Return to the base camp and ask the researchers for clues regarding the journal
7012104 : A Land Entombed - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)碎片收集进度记录$HIDDEN
7012105 : A Land Entombed - Head to "South Base Camp" to search for journals
7012106 : A Land Entombed - Head for the "secret chamber" to search for journals
7012107 : A Land Entombed - Give the gathered journals to Stevens
7012109 : A Land Entombed - Go to the "cellar in the southwestern ruins" to search for journals
7012301 : Lost in the Snow - [CHS] - (test)跟雪山营地小朋友对话$HIDDEN
7012302 : Lost in the Snow - Follow the Snow-Covered Path to search for Joel's father
7012303 : Lost in the Snow - Go to the western slope of the mountain to search for Joel's father
7012304 : Lost in the Snow - Head for the summit to search for Joel's father
7012305 : Lost in the Snow - Report back to Joel
7012401 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文阅读物配置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文对话1-8$HIDDEN
7012402 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文阅读物配置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文对话1-8$HIDDEN
7012403 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文阅读物配置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文对话1-8$HIDDEN
7012404 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文阅读物配置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文对话1-8$HIDDEN
7012405 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文阅读物配置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文对话1-8$HIDDEN
7012406 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文阅读物配置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文对话1-8$HIDDEN
7012407 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文阅读物配置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文对话1-8$HIDDEN
7012408 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文阅读物配置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文对话1-8$HIDDEN
7012409 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文阅读物配置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)控制古代正文父任务完成的子任务$HIDDEN
7012410 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文阅读物配置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)记录前7个任务完成的子任务$HIDDEN
7012411 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文阅读物配置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)7012401未开始$HIDDEN
7012412 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文阅读物配置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)7012401已完成$HIDDEN
7012413 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文阅读物配置$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7012501 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文任务召唤派蒙引导用$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)召唤派蒙$HIDDEN
7012502 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文任务召唤派蒙引导用$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)召唤派蒙$HIDDEN
7012503 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古代正文任务召唤派蒙引导用$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)召唤派蒙$HIDDEN
7012601 : [CHS] - (test)(废弃)在历史被遗忘前(古代文献任务)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与学者对话接取任务$UNRELEASED
7012602 : [CHS] - (test)(废弃)在历史被遗忘前(古代文献任务)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)寻找散失的文献$UNRELEASED
7012603 : [CHS] - (test)(废弃)在历史被遗忘前(古代文献任务)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)将文献交给学者$UNRELEASED
7012604 : [CHS] - (test)(废弃)在历史被遗忘前(古代文献任务)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)寻找散失的文献二$UNRELEASED
7012605 : [CHS] - (test)(废弃)在历史被遗忘前(古代文献任务)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)将文献二交给学者$UNRELEASED
7012606 : [CHS] - (test)(废弃)在历史被遗忘前(古代文献任务)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)寻找散失的文献三$UNRELEASED
7012607 : [CHS] - (test)(废弃)在历史被遗忘前(古代文献任务)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)将文献三交给学者$UNRELEASED
7012608 : [CHS] - (test)(废弃)在历史被遗忘前(古代文献任务)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)总结陈词阶段$UNRELEASED
7012701 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)漂流瓶任务用$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)漂流瓶1$HIDDEN
7012702 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)漂流瓶任务用$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)漂流瓶2$HIDDEN
7012704 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)漂流瓶任务用$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7012801 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)漂流瓶任务用,发奖励$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)漂流瓶3$HIDDEN
7014101 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - 与玉霞对话$HIDDEN
7014102 : In the Mountains - Investigate the strange ice
7014103 : In the Mountains - Head for Dragonspine's summit
7014104 : In the Mountains - Thaw all the shards out
7014105 : In the Mountains - Thaw all the shards out again
7014106 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)发现通往山顶的封印$HIDDEN
7014107 : In the Mountains - Go to the camp and ask for clues regarding the strange air current
7014108 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)通过前往山顶的封印$HIDDEN
7014109 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)古树碎片进度记录$HIDDEN
7014110 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)交错洞穴碎片进度记录$HIDDEN
7014111 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)无相之水碎片进度记录$HIDDEN
7014112 : In the Mountains - Report back to Iris
7014113 : In the Mountains - Thaw all the shards out
7014114 : In the Mountains - Thaw all the shards out
7014115 : In the Mountains - Investigate the area below
7014116 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)先发现封印派蒙对话$HIDDEN
7014117 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)先解封碎片派蒙对话$HIDDEN
7014118 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)古树碎片CS$HIDDEN
7014119 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)交错洞穴碎片CS$HIDDEN
7014120 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)无相之水碎片CS$HIDDEN
7014121 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)遗迹重机进度记录$HIDDEN
7014122 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)山顶大碎片CS$HIDDEN
7014123 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)派蒙对话$HIDDEN
7014124 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)强冷气流封印消失reminder$HIDDEN
7014125 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)派蒙对话$HIDDEN
7014126 : In the Mountains - Continue upwards to investigate
7014127 : In the Mountains - Report back to Iris
7014128 : In the Mountains - Continue upwards to investigate
7014129 : In the Mountains - Go to the camp and ask for clues regarding the strange air current
7014130 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)派蒙对话$HIDDEN
7014131 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)派蒙对话$HIDDEN
7014132 : In the Mountains - Thaw all the shards out
7014133 : In the Mountains - Thaw all the shards out
7014134 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - 防御回滚------$HIDDEN
7014135 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - 桥接$HIDDEN
7014136 : In the Mountains - Thaw all the shards out
7014137 : In the Mountains - Thaw all the shards out
7014138 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - 桥接$HIDDEN
7014139 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - 防御回滚------$HIDDEN
7014140 : In the Mountains - Thaw all the shards out
7014141 : In the Mountains - Thaw all the shards out
7014142 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - 桥接$HIDDEN
7014143 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - 防御回滚------$HIDDEN
7014144 : In the Mountains - [CHS] - 再次解冻所有碎片回滚保护$HIDDEN
7014145 : In the Mountains - Look for a way up the mountain
7014201 : [CHS] - 玩家爬上天空岛大柱子顶端彩蛋任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - CS$HIDDEN
7014202 : [CHS] - 玩家爬上天空岛大柱子顶端彩蛋任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 派蒙对话$HIDDEN
7014203 : [CHS] - 玩家爬上天空岛大柱子顶端彩蛋任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 玩家爬上天空岛大柱子顶端彩蛋任务$HIDDEN
7014301 : When the Trail Goes Cold - Talk to Iris
7014302 : When the Trail Goes Cold - Talk to Katheryne
7014401 : Chilled to the Bone - Defeat the Cryo Hypostasis
7014402 : Chilled to the Bone - Report back to Iris
7014403 : Chilled to the Bone - Talk to Iris
7014404 : Chilled to the Bone - [CHS] - (test)记录是否击杀无相冰-隐藏$HIDDEN
7014405 : Chilled to the Bone - Investigate the strange cold current
7014406 : Chilled to the Bone - Talk to Iris
7014501 : [CHS] - (test)低温调查】与【山中之物$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3842997996
7050001 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part III - Talk to Cloud Retainer
7050002 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part III - Follow the aura trail and find the ingredients
7050003 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part III - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7050004 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part III - Help Cloud Retainer complete the dish
7050005 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part III - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7050006 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part III - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7050007 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part III - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7050008 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part III - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7050009 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part III - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7050010 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part III - [CHS] - (test)准备!$HIDDEN
7050011 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part III - [N/A] 1614916748
7050101 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - Talk to Cloud Retainer
7050102 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - Follow the aura trail and find the ingredients
7050103 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - Rescue the person surrounded by monsters
7050104 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - Appraise the situation
7050105 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - Seize the ingredients back and ensure the safety of the transport balloon
7050106 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - Defeat the incoming monsters
7050107 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - Report back to Brunn
7050108 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7050109 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - Help Cloud Retainer complete the dish
7050110 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7050111 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - [CHS] - 准备$HIDDEN
7050112 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7050113 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - Help Cloud Retainer complete the dish
7050114 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - Check the cargo
7050115 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7050116 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7050117 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part II - [CHS] - (test)领取任务$HIDDEN
7050201 : Of Drink A-Dreaming - Talk to Luka
7050202 : Of Drink A-Dreaming - Talk to Luka and enter the tavern
7050203 : Of Drink A-Dreaming - Talk to Charles
7050204 : Of Drink A-Dreaming - Learn how to make the specified drinks
7050205 : Of Drink A-Dreaming - Talk to Charles
7050206 : Of Drink A-Dreaming - [CHS] - (test)传送进入酒馆$HIDDEN
7050207 : Of Drink A-Dreaming - [CHS] - (test)失败回滚传送任务$HIDDEN
7050301 : Solid Ice, Soluble in Wine - Talk to Luka and enter the tavern
7050302 : Solid Ice, Soluble in Wine - Mix Eula the specified drink
7050303 : Solid Ice, Soluble in Wine - Give the drink to Eula
7050304 : Solid Ice, Soluble in Wine - Talk to Eula
7050305 : Solid Ice, Soluble in Wine - Head to the counter and get ready to open for business
7050401 : When They Take Off Their Armor - Talk to Luka and enter the tavern
7050402 : When They Take Off Their Armor - Mix Rosaria the specified drink
7050403 : When They Take Off Their Armor - Mix Kaeya the specified drink
7050404 : When They Take Off Their Armor - Give the drinks to Keaya and Rosaria
7050405 : When They Take Off Their Armor - Talk to Kaeya and Rosaria
7050406 : When They Take Off Their Armor - Head to the counter and get ready to open for business
7050501 : Fine Wine From Yesterday - Talk to Luka and enter the tavern
7050502 : Fine Wine From Yesterday - Mix Diluc the specified drink
7050503 : Fine Wine From Yesterday - Give the drink to Diluc
7050504 : Fine Wine From Yesterday - Talk to Diluc
7050505 : Fine Wine From Yesterday - Head to the counter and get ready to open for business
7050601 : Dandelion, Rose, and Windwheel Aster - Talk to Luka and enter the tavern
7050602 : Dandelion, Rose, and Windwheel Aster - Mix Lisa the specified drink
7050603 : Dandelion, Rose, and Windwheel Aster - Mix Jean the specified drink
7050604 : Dandelion, Rose, and Windwheel Aster - Give the drinks to Lisa and Jean
7050605 : Dandelion, Rose, and Windwheel Aster - Talk to Lisa and Jean
7050606 : Dandelion, Rose, and Windwheel Aster - Head to the counter and get ready to open for business
7050701 : Surrounded by the Aroma of Tea - Talk to Luka and enter the tavern
7050702 : Surrounded by the Aroma of Tea - Mix Zhongli the specified drink
7050703 : Surrounded by the Aroma of Tea - Give the drink to Zhongli
7050704 : Surrounded by the Aroma of Tea - Talk to Zhongli
7050705 : Surrounded by the Aroma of Tea - Head to the counter and get ready to open for business
7050801 : Docked on a Moonlit Night - Talk to Luka and enter the tavern
7050802 : Docked on a Moonlit Night - Mix Ningguang the specified drink
7050803 : Docked on a Moonlit Night - Mix Beidou the specified drink
7050804 : Docked on a Moonlit Night - Give the drinks to Ningguang and Beidou
7050805 : Docked on a Moonlit Night - Talk to Ningguang and Beidou
7050806 : Docked on a Moonlit Night - Head to the counter and get ready to open for business
7050901 : Untainted Autumn Frost - Talk to Luka and enter the tavern
7050902 : Untainted Autumn Frost - Mix Shenhe the specified drink
7050903 : Untainted Autumn Frost - Give the drink to Shenhe
7050904 : Untainted Autumn Frost - Talk to Shenhe
7050905 : Untainted Autumn Frost - Head to the counter and get ready to open for business
7051001 : Of Drink A-Dreaming: Afterword - Talk to Luka
7051002 : Of Drink A-Dreaming: Afterword - [CHS] - (test)进入酒馆$HIDDEN
7051101 : [CHS] - (hide)调饮品活动关卡信息保底$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (hide)调饮品活动关卡信息保底$HIDDEN
7051201 : Phantom of the Past - Go to Dawn Winery
7051202 : Phantom of the Past - [CHS] - (test)
7051203 : Phantom of the Past - Go to Falcon Coast
7051204 : Phantom of the Past - Investigate the camp
7051205 : Phantom of the Past - Investigate the abnormal Ley Line deposit
7051206 : Phantom of the Past - Defeat the opponents
7051207 : Phantom of the Past - Discuss the situation with Paimon
7051301 : All's Well That Ends Well - Go to Dawn Winery
7051302 : All's Well That Ends Well - Enter the Winery and find Diluc's desk
7051303 : All's Well That Ends Well - Sort Letters
7051304 : All's Well That Ends Well - Go to the abnormal ley line deposit again
7051305 : All's Well That Ends Well - Fight alongside Diluc
7051306 : All's Well That Ends Well - Talk to Diluc
7051307 : All's Well That Ends Well - Enter the Winery and find Diluc's desk
7051308 : All's Well That Ends Well - [N/A] 557596052
7051309 : All's Well That Ends Well - [N/A] 4244254460
7051401 : Evermotion Mechanical Painting - Talk to Félix Yogue
7051402 : Evermotion Mechanical Painting - Collect Components
7051403 : Evermotion Mechanical Painting - Talk to Félix Yogue
7051404 : Evermotion Mechanical Painting - Talk to Félix Yogue
7051501 : Evermotion Mechanical Painting: Finale - Talk to Félix Yogue
7051502 : Evermotion Mechanical Painting: Finale - Splice the Evermotion Mechanical Painting together
7051503 : Evermotion Mechanical Painting: Finale - Talk to Félix Yogue
7051601 : [CHS] - (test)幻影心流活动任务_控制闲置对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 22869916
7051602 : [CHS] - (test)幻影心流活动任务_控制闲置对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 292527868
7051603 : [CHS] - (test)幻影心流活动任务_控制闲置对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3159554932
7051604 : [CHS] - (test)幻影心流活动任务_控制闲置对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 781854836
7051605 : [CHS] - (test)幻影心流活动任务_控制闲置对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3497392428
7051606 : [CHS] - (test)幻影心流活动任务_控制闲置对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3838643140
7051607 : [CHS] - (test)幻影心流活动任务_控制闲置对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 814028980
7051608 : [CHS] - (test)幻影心流活动任务_控制闲置对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 191754380
7051701 : Any Unsolved Mysteries? - Go to the spot Paimon mentioned
7051702 : Any Unsolved Mysteries? - [N/A] 1594540468
7051801 : Charity Event? Securing Funds? - Take a stroll around The Weinlesefest
7051802 : Charity Event? Securing Funds? - Go to Angel's Share's stall
7051803 : Charity Event? Securing Funds? - Check out the situation in other shops in advance
7051804 : Charity Event? Securing Funds? - Talk to Bernhard
7051805 : Charity Event? Securing Funds? - Negotiate with Georg
7051901 : Favonian Goodies - [N/A] 1204172892
7051902 : Favonian Goodies - Go back to the shop
7051903 : Favonian Goodies - [N/A] 338810228
7052001 : Favonian Goodies and Buddies - Go back to the shop and check how the charity event is going
7052101 : Charity Event! A Great Success! - [N/A] 1316361180
7052102 : Charity Event! A Great Success! - Go back to the shop and check how the charity event is going
7052201 : Beverage Shop on the Pier - [N/A] 270587708
7052202 : Beverage Shop on the Pier - Return to Springvale and place an order with Diane
7052203 : Beverage Shop on the Pier - Go to Liyue Harbor and respond to Quqing's request
7052204 : Beverage Shop on the Pier - Talk to Quqing
7052205 : Beverage Shop on the Pier - Go to Liyue Harbor
7052206 : Beverage Shop on the Pier - Negotiate with Diane
7052301 : Mountain Mixologist - [N/A] 3335373172
7052302 : Mountain Mixologist - Return to Springvale and place an order with Georg
7052303 : Mountain Mixologist - Go to Qingce Village and respond to Guanchui's request
7052304 : Mountain Mixologist - Talk to Guanchui
7052305 : Mountain Mixologist - Go to Qingce Village
7052306 : Mountain Mixologist - Negotiate with Georg
7052401 : [N/A] 168041327 - [N/A] 1544061316
7052501 : [N/A] 1032426711 - [N/A] 3086501940
7052502 : [N/A] 1032426711 - [N/A] 2886920876
7052601 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Go to The Cat's Tail
7052602 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Complete the Genius Invokation TCG Tutorial
7052603 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Talk to Prince
7052604 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Have a Genius Invokation TCG duel
7052605 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Talk to Prince
7052606 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Talk to Prince
7052607 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Talk to Prince
7052701 : A Visitor From Westward Realms: The Flavor of Freedom - Go to Good Hunter
7052702 : A Visitor From Westward Realms: The Flavor of Freedom - Talk to Sara
7052801 : Floral Pursuit - Go to Mondstadt's side gate to look for Plauen
7052802 : Floral Pursuit - Talk to Plauen
7052901 : Ballads of Breeze - Go to Mondstadt's side gate to look for Lizzie
7052902 : Ballads of Breeze - Talk to Lizzie
7053001 : Breezy Snapshots - Go to Mondstadt's side gate to look for Fassben
7053002 : Breezy Snapshots - Talk to Fassben
7053101 : A Tour of Wonders - Talk to Onnea
7053201 : Zero Hour Invokation - Talk to Frida
7053301 : Evermotion Mechanical Painting: Invoker - Talk to Félix Yogue
7053401 : Heart of the Dice - Talk to Fein
7065001 : Knight of the Realm - Talk to Hertha
7065002 : Knight of the Realm - [CHS] - 与赫塔对话$HIDDEN
7065101 : Mine Craft - Talk to Wagner
7065201 : The Path of the Treasure-Seeker, Part I - Talk to Ulman
7065301 : Vishaps and Where to Find Them - Talk to Katheryne in Liyue Harbor
7065401 : Floral Freefall - Talk to Lizzie
7065501 : Mountainous Summons - [CHS] - (test)前置任务判定$HIDDEN
7065502 : Mountainous Summons - Talk to Dr. Livingstone
7065503 : Mountainous Summons - Talk to Dr. Livingstone
7065601 : Peculiar Wonderland - Talk to Plauen
7065701 : Bullseye Balloons - Talk to Lizzie
7065801 : Ballads of Breeze - Talk to Lizzie
7065901 : A Timeless Classic - Talk to Gygax
7065902 : A Timeless Classic - Talk to Gygax
7065903 : A Timeless Classic - Talk to Gygax
7066001 : Windtrace - Talk to Katheryne
7066002 : Windtrace - Talk to Gygax
7066003 : Windtrace - Talk to Gygax
7066004 : Windtrace - Talk to Gygax
7066005 : Windtrace - [CHS] - (test)与吉盖克斯对话$HIDDEN
7066101 : Exploding Population - Talk to Katheryne in Mondstadt
7066102 : Exploding Population - Talk to Nantuck
7066103 : Exploding Population - Meet Nantuck at Cider Lake
7066104 : Exploding Population - Fish in Cider Lake
7066105 : Exploding Population - [CHS] - (test)(废弃)将钓上来的鱼交给楠塔克$HIDDEN
7066106 : Exploding Population - Talk to Nantuck
7066107 : Exploding Population - Catch an Ornamental Fish in the Stormbearer Mountains
7066108 : Exploding Population - Show Nantuck the Ornamental Fish
7066109 : Exploding Population - Talk to Nantuck
7066110 : Exploding Population - [CHS] - (test)检测是否获取观赏鱼$HIDDEN
7066201 : [CHS] - (test)钓鱼引导任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)发鱼竿的隐藏任务$HIDDEN
7066301 : [N/A] 2464745183 - [N/A] 556097052
7066401 : Windswept Domain - Talk to Honglang
7066501 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Go to Mondstadt's alchemy store
7066502 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Go to The Cat's Tail
7066503 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Talk to Margaret
7066504 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Go to the empty table to learn the rules from Diona
7066505 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Learn the rules from Diona
7066506 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Talk to Diona
7066507 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Have a Genius Invokation TCG duel with Sucrose
7066508 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Talk to Sucrose
7066509 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Talk to Shuyun
7066510 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Go to Margaret and Claim the Casket of Tomes
7066511 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Find a player and have a duel
7066512 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Talk to Swan
7066513 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - [N/A] 3789729884
7066514 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Return to The Cat's Tail
7066515 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Go to the duel room
7066516 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Have a Genius Invokation TCG duel with Fischl
7066517 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Talk to Fischl
7066518 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - Talk to Shuyun
7066519 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - [N/A] 1739018748
7066520 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - [N/A] 3157798404
7066521 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - [N/A] 3490529732
7066522 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - [N/A] 1090417620
7066523 : Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! - [N/A] 2799816164
7066601 : Ascension Challenge I - Go to The Cat's Tail
7066602 : Ascension Challenge I - Finish Ascension Challenge duel with Prince
7066603 : Ascension Challenge I - Talk to Prince
7066604 : Ascension Challenge I - [N/A] 3878450700
7066605 : Ascension Challenge I - [N/A] 556062956
7066701 : Ascension Challenge II - Go to The Cat's Tail
7066702 : Ascension Challenge II - Finish Ascension Challenge duel with Prince
7066703 : Ascension Challenge II - Talk to Prince
7066704 : Ascension Challenge II - [N/A] 3151514300
7066705 : Ascension Challenge II - [N/A] 3366570988
7066801 : Ascension Challenge III - [N/A] 818433732
7066802 : Ascension Challenge III - Go to The Cat's Tail
7066803 : Ascension Challenge III - Finish Ascension Challenge duel with Prince
7066804 : Ascension Challenge III - Talk to Prince
7066805 : Ascension Challenge III - [N/A] 3675166444
7066901 : Ascension Challenge IV - [N/A] 729810988
7066902 : Ascension Challenge IV - Go to The Cat's Tail
7066903 : Ascension Challenge IV - Finish Ascension Challenge duel with Prince
7066904 : Ascension Challenge IV - Talk to Prince
7066905 : Ascension Challenge IV - [N/A] 2948263644
7067001 : Windtrace - Talk to Gygax
7067101 : [N/A] 79597871 - [N/A] 1341440180
7067201 : A Guest From Liyue - Go to The Cat's Tail
7067202 : A Guest From Liyue - Talk to Tubby
7067203 : A Guest From Liyue - Talk to the strange guest
7067204 : A Guest From Liyue - [N/A] 0
7067205 : A Guest From Liyue - [N/A] 0
7067206 : A Guest From Liyue - [N/A] 0
7067301 : [N/A] 2162172783 - [N/A] 0
7067401 : Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter - Talk to Honglang
7067501 : Brand-New Invitation Board! - Go to The Cat's Tail
7067502 : Brand-New Invitation Board! - Talk to Shuyun
7070001 : Helen's Special Blend - Give 10 Sweet Flowers to Helen
7070002 : Helen's Special Blend - Talk to Helen
7070101 : Glory's Wish - Give three sets of Dandelion Seeds to Glory
7070102 : Glory's Wish - Talk to Glory
7070201 : Connor's Brew - Give Connor ten servings of Wheat
7070202 : Connor's Brew - Talk to Connor
7070301 : Connor's Brew - Give three sets of Dandelions Seeds to Connor
7070302 : Connor's Brew - Talk to Connor
7070401 : Connor's Brew - Give three Flaming Flower Stamens to Connor
7070402 : Connor's Brew - Talk to Connor
7070501 : Connor's Brew - Give three Mist Flower Corollas to Connor
7070502 : Connor's Brew - Talk to Connor
7070601 : Timmie's Wish - Give ten servings of Wheat to Timmie
7070602 : Timmie's Wish - Talk to Timmie
7070701 : Alfred's Bouquet - Give Alfred three Windwheel Asters
7070702 : Alfred's Bouquet - Speak to Alfred
7070801 : Alfred's Bouquet - Give Alfred three Cecilias
7070802 : Alfred's Bouquet - Speak to Alfred
7070901 : Manly Jack's Manly Journey of Manliness - Give Manly Jack three servings of Chicken-Mushroom Skewer
7070902 : Manly Jack's Manly Journey of Manliness - Talk to Manly Jack
7071001 : Manly Jack's Manly Journey of Manliness - Give two steaks for Manly Jack
7071002 : Manly Jack's Manly Journey of Manliness - Talk to Manly Jack
7071101 : Manly Jack's Manly Journey of Manliness - Give Manly Jack three servings of Mondstadt Grilled Fish
7071102 : Manly Jack's Manly Journey of Manliness - Talk to Manly Jack
7071201 : Chloris's Flora Studies - Give three Cecilias to Chloris
7071202 : Chloris's Flora Studies - Speak to Chloris
7071301 : Brook the Carnivore - Give Brook six servings of Raw Meat
7071302 : Brook the Carnivore - Talk to Brook
7071401 : Brook the Carnivore - Give Brook six servings of Fowl
7071402 : Brook the Carnivore - Talk to Brook
7080001 : Flavor of the Month - [CHS] - 与布洛克对话$HIDDEN
7080002 : Flavor of the Month - Talk to Brook
7080003 : Flavor of the Month - Find Allan in Brightcrown Canyon
7080004 : Flavor of the Month - Defeat all opponents
7080005 : Flavor of the Month - [CHS] - 与艾伦对话$HIDDEN
7080006 : Flavor of the Month - Talk to Allan
7080007 : Flavor of the Month - Return to Springvale and talk to Brook
7080008 : Flavor of the Month - Give a set of Dandelion Seeds to Brook
7080009 : Flavor of the Month - Talk to Brook
7080010 : Flavor of the Month - [CHS] - 与布洛克对话$HIDDEN
7080011 : Flavor of the Month - Go to Dragonspine and find Schuster
7080012 : Flavor of the Month - Light the fire
7080013 : Flavor of the Month - Talk to Terrified Schuster
7080014 : Flavor of the Month - [CHS] - 与冒险家对话$HIDDEN
7080015 : Flavor of the Month - Return to Springvale and talk to Brook
7080016 : Flavor of the Month - Give the Dandelion Seeds and Slime Condensate to Brook
7080017 : Flavor of the Month - Talk to Brook
7080101 : Question and Answer - Talk to Swan
7080102 : Question and Answer - Talk to Swan
7080103 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 1609618132
7080104 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 3509813044
7080105 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 1076755252
7080106 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 3432597164
7080107 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 2231017260
7080108 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 2752183916
7080109 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 2311165100
7080110 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 2345122092
7080111 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 3887494908
7080112 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 2975904148
7080113 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 3191551324
7080114 : Question and Answer - [N/A] 1277384476
7080115 : Question and Answer - [CHS] - (test)判定对话1是否完成$HIDDEN
7080201 : Snowy Silhouette: Hope - [CHS] - (test)隐藏等待一日$HIDDEN
7080202 : Snowy Silhouette: Hope - Talk to Joel
7080203 : Snowy Silhouette: Hope - Go to the Adventurers' Guild
7080204 : Snowy Silhouette: Hope - Go to Dragonspine and look for clues
7080205 : Snowy Silhouette: Hope - Defeat all opponents
7080206 : Snowy Silhouette: Hope - Talk to Pallad
7080207 : Snowy Silhouette: Hope - Talk to Cyrus
7080208 : Snowy Silhouette: Hope - Report back to Joel
7080301 : Snowy Silhouette: Reunion - [CHS] - (test)隐藏等待一天$HIDDEN
7080302 : Snowy Silhouette: Reunion - Go to the campsite at the foot of Dragonspine
7080401 : [CHS] - (test)更新计时变量$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2547869700
7081001 : Equivalent Exchange - Talk to Viktor
7081002 : Equivalent Exchange - Talk to Sara
7081003 : Equivalent Exchange - Make a Satisfying Salad and give it to Sara
7081004 : Equivalent Exchange - Make a Satisfying Salad and give it to Sara
7081005 : Equivalent Exchange - Make a Satisfying Salad and give it to Sara
7081006 : Equivalent Exchange - Make a Satisfying Salad and give it to Sara
7081007 : Equivalent Exchange - Talk to Flora
7081008 : Equivalent Exchange - [CHS] - (test)回答正确(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7081009 : Equivalent Exchange - [CHS] - (test)回答错误(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7081010 : Equivalent Exchange - Collect Dandelion Seed
7081011 : Equivalent Exchange - Give the Dandelion Seeds to Flora
7081012 : Equivalent Exchange - Talk to Charles
7081013 : Equivalent Exchange - Retrieve the cocktail ingredients
7081014 : Equivalent Exchange - Defeat all the slimes
7081015 : Equivalent Exchange - Talk to Charles
7081016 : Equivalent Exchange - Talk to Viktor
7081017 : Equivalent Exchange - [CHS] - (test)交出猎鹿人特产$HIDDEN
7081018 : Equivalent Exchange - [CHS] - (test)交出花语特产$HIDDEN
7081019 : Equivalent Exchange - [CHS] - (test)交出天使的馈赠特产$HIDDEN
7081020 : Equivalent Exchange - [CHS] - (test)交完了$HIDDEN
7081101 : [CHS] - (test)阿拉米告示牌前置任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)风暴结束直接永久刷新告示牌$HIDDEN
7081201 : Lingering Malady - Talk to Aramis
7081202 : Lingering Malady - [CHS] - 在蒙德城内寻找海报与告示牌$HIDDEN
7081203 : Lingering Malady - [CHS] - 在蒙德城内寻找海报与告示牌$HIDDEN
7081204 : Lingering Malady - [CHS] - 在蒙德城内寻找海报与告示牌$HIDDEN
7081205 : Lingering Malady - [CHS] - 在蒙德城内寻找海报与告示牌$HIDDEN
7081206 : Lingering Malady - Look for posters and billboards in Mondstadt
7081207 : Lingering Malady - [CHS] - (test)进度回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7081208 : Lingering Malady - Talk to Aramis
7081301 : Thief-Catcher - Talk to Cyrus
7081302 : Thief-Catcher - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders near to the Dawn Winery
7081303 : Thief-Catcher - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders guarding the camps
7081304 : Thief-Catcher - Talk to Cyrus
7081401 : ...What Do Adventurers Do Again? - Talk to Tiantian
7081402 : ...What Do Adventurers Do Again? - Defeat all opponents and clear the obstacles
7081403 : ...What Do Adventurers Do Again? - Talk to Tiantian
7081404 : ...What Do Adventurers Do Again? - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders in Lisha
7081405 : ...What Do Adventurers Do Again? - Talk to Tiantian
7081501 : Will of Stone - Talk to Jiayi
7081502 : Will of Stone - Talk to Granny Ruoxin
7081503 : Will of Stone - Find Little Liu
7081504 : Will of Stone - Defeat all opponents
7081505 : Will of Stone - Talk to Little Liu
7081506 : Will of Stone - Catch up to Little Liu (if she gets more than 30m away, the quest will be failed)
7081507 : Will of Stone - Defeat all opponents
7081508 : Will of Stone - Talk to Little Liu
7081509 : Will of Stone - Talk to Little Liu
7081510 : Will of Stone - Talk to Jiayi
7081511 : Will of Stone - Talk to Jiayi
7081601 : Solo Venture - Talk to Jack
7081602 : Solo Venture - Go to the Thousand Winds Temple and look for Jack's lost items
7081603 : Solo Venture - Go to the Thousand Winds Temple and look for Jack's lost items
7081604 : Solo Venture - [CHS] - (test)记录回收进度$HIDDEN
7081605 : Solo Venture - [CHS] - (test)进度回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7081606 : Solo Venture - Report back to Jack
7082101 : After the Storm - Talk to Wagner
7082102 : After the Storm - Go and check for crystal ore in Stormterror's Lair
7082103 : After the Storm - Go and check for crystal ore in Stormterror's Lair
7082104 : After the Storm - Go and check for crystal ore in Stormterror's Lair
7082105 : After the Storm - Collect 3 Crystal Chunks
7082106 : After the Storm - Give the Crystal Chunks to Wagner
7082107 : After the Storm - [CHS] - (test)进度保存$HIDDEN
7082108 : After the Storm - [CHS] - (test)回滚保护$HIDDEN
7082201 : A Quiet Day in Liyue Harbor - [CHS] - 与小安对话$HIDDEN
7082202 : A Quiet Day in Liyue Harbor - Calm Freki and her brother down
7082203 : A Quiet Day in Liyue Harbor - Cook Delicious Jade Parcels
7082204 : A Quiet Day in Liyue Harbor - Report back to Freki and her brother
7082205 : A Quiet Day in Liyue Harbor - Calm Ivanovich down
7082206 : A Quiet Day in Liyue Harbor - Talk to Bolai
7082207 : A Quiet Day in Liyue Harbor - Report back to Ivanovich
7082208 : A Quiet Day in Liyue Harbor - Calm Atsuko down
7082209 : A Quiet Day in Liyue Harbor - Talk to Manager Kuan, Clerk Zhao, and Nervous An
7082210 : A Quiet Day in Liyue Harbor - Report back to Atsuko
7082211 : A Quiet Day in Liyue Harbor - Report back to Nervous An
7082212 : A Quiet Day in Liyue Harbor - Talk to Manager Kuan, Clerk Zhao, and Nervous An
7082213 : A Quiet Day in Liyue Harbor - Talk to Manager Kuan, Clerk Zhao, and Nervous An
7082301 : Blackcliff Woes - Talk to Manager Kuan
7082302 : Blackcliff Woes - Patrol the Chasm's perimeter
7082303 : Blackcliff Woes - Defeat all opponents and clear the obstacles
7082304 : Blackcliff Woes - Patrol the Chasm's perimeter
7082305 : Blackcliff Woes - Dismantle the monster camp
7082306 : Blackcliff Woes - Patrol the Chasm's perimeter
7082307 : Blackcliff Woes - Defeat all opponents
7082308 : Blackcliff Woes - Report back to Manager Kuan
7082401 : Cleanup At Dawn - [CHS] - 与爱德琳对话$HIDDEN
7082402 : Cleanup At Dawn - Follow Adelinde into Dawn Winery
7082403 : Cleanup At Dawn - Clean all the stains
7082404 : Cleanup At Dawn - Talk to Adelinde
7082501 : In the Aftermath - Talk to Huffman
7082502 : In the Aftermath - Patrol the area and clear any obstacles
7082503 : In the Aftermath - Defeat all opponents and clear the obstacles
7082504 : In the Aftermath - Patrol the area and clear any obstacles
7082505 : In the Aftermath - Defeat all opponents and dismantle their camp
7082506 : In the Aftermath - Patrol the area and clear any obstacles
7082507 : In the Aftermath - Defeat all opponents and dismantle the camp
7082508 : In the Aftermath - Report back to Huffman
7090101 : [CHS] - 送礼任务测试$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3668849860
7090201 : [CHS] - 舒茨NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 78070324
7090301 : [CHS] - 莎拉NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1783883356
7090401 : [CHS] - 芙萝拉NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3860436924
7090501 : [CHS] - 巴顿NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1093426740
7090601 : [CHS] - 塞琉斯NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 19124484
7090701 : [CHS] - 葛瑞丝NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 911617492
7090801 : [CHS] - 维多利亚NPC送礼任务测试$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3756795556
7090901 : [CHS] - 锋NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1135394596
7091001 : [CHS] - 玛格丽特NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3825483196
7091101 : [CHS] - 米歇尔NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 401817140
7091201 : [CHS] - 赫尔曼NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3487780284
7091301 : [CHS] - 艾琳NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1947250156
7091401 : [CHS] - 艾拉·马斯克NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1221907316
7091501 : [CHS] - 六指乔瑟送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3081457564
7091601 : [CHS] - 喜儿NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3433729532
7091701 : [CHS] - 萨义德NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2077269972
7091801 : [CHS] - 爱德琳NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1422695012
7091901 : [CHS] - 杜拉夫NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2575924716
7092001 : [CHS] - 艾伦NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2103998868
7092101 : [CHS] - 布洛克NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 839591092
7092201 : [CHS] - 神奇的霍普金斯NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3108677748
7092301 : [CHS] - 玛拉NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3716422540
7092401 : [CHS] - 伊尔佳NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1917157572
7092501 : [CHS] - 法拉NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3194311284
7092601 : [CHS] - 古德温NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3370376716
7092701 : [CHS] - 艾迪丝博士NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4224142092
7092801 : [CHS] - 琳NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3160953332
7092901 : [CHS] - 蒂玛乌斯NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3496533740
7093001 : [CHS] - 好奇的帕琪NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3351099644
7093101 : [CHS] - 乌尔法NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 248002692
7093201 : [CHS] - 芬得NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 831376116
7093301 : [CHS] - 哈里NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 180824348
7093401 : [CHS] - 洛伽NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2319663908
7093501 : [CHS] - 小吉NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 258391380
7093601 : [CHS] - 小威NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1587442100
7093701 : [CHS] - 利文斯通博士NPC送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3787023668
7093801 : [CHS] - 玉霞NPC送礼任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3807097500
7093901 : [CHS] - 乌尔班NPC送礼物$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 620185300
7094001 : [CHS] - 乔尔NPC送礼物$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3449295716
7094101 : [CHS] - 史蒂文斯NPC送礼物$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2675421212
7094201 : [CHS] - 艾斯特尔NPC送礼物$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 555226076
7100001 : [CHS] - 海灯节d1-1解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 找到海灯图标记的位置test$UNRELEASED
7100002 : [CHS] - 海灯节d1-1解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 找到藏在盘丝后的宝箱test$UNRELEASED
7100101 : Treasures of Taishan Fill the Ship - Find the strange mechanism near Taishan Mansion
7100102 : Treasures of Taishan Fill the Ship - Investigate the mechanism and unlock Taishan Mansion
7100103 : Treasures of Taishan Fill the Ship - [N/A] 4225906593
7100104 : Treasures of Taishan Fill the Ship - Find and defeat the Abyss Mage by the water
7100201 : Fly a Letter Towards the Sky - Placeholder Quest
7100202 : Fly a Letter Towards the Sky - Look for traces of the adepti in Jueyunjian
7100203 : Fly a Letter Towards the Sky - Look for traces of the adepti in Jueyunjian
7100204 : Fly a Letter Towards the Sky - Look for traces of the adepti in Jueyunjian
7100205 : Fly a Letter Towards the Sky - Look for traces of the adepti in Jueyunjian
7100206 : Fly a Letter Towards the Sky - Look for traces of the adepti in Jueyun Karst
7100207 : Fly a Letter Towards the Sky - Burn incense and pray at the designated spot
7100208 : Fly a Letter Towards the Sky - Rollback isolation
7100301 : [CHS] - 海灯节d1-2解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 找到海灯图标记的位置test$UNRELEASED
7100302 : [CHS] - 海灯节d1-2解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 冰凉凉瀑布test$UNRELEASED
7100501 : Nine Pillars of Peace - [CHS] - (test)和翠玦坡附近的考古学家完成对话。$HIDDEN
7100502 : Nine Pillars of Peace - [CHS] - (test)解除9颗岩柱$HIDDEN
7100503 : Nine Pillars of Peace - [CHS] - (test)解除9颗岩柱$HIDDEN
7100504 : Nine Pillars of Peace - [CHS] - (test)解除9颗岩柱$HIDDEN
7100505 : Nine Pillars of Peace - [CHS] - (test)解除9颗岩柱$HIDDEN
7100506 : Nine Pillars of Peace - [CHS] - (test)解除9颗岩柱$HIDDEN
7100507 : Nine Pillars of Peace - [CHS] - (test)解除9颗岩柱$HIDDEN
7100508 : Nine Pillars of Peace - [CHS] - (test)解除9颗岩柱$HIDDEN
7100509 : Nine Pillars of Peace - [CHS] - (test)解除9颗岩柱$HIDDEN
7100510 : Nine Pillars of Peace - [CHS] - (test)解除9颗岩柱$HIDDEN
7100511 : Nine Pillars of Peace - [CHS] - (test)靠近任意九柱$HIDDEN
7100521 : Nine Pillars of Peace - Open the Nine Pillars
7100522 : Nine Pillars of Peace - Enter the ruins
7100523 : Nine Pillars of Peace - Search the ruins
7100531 : Nine Pillars of Peace - Talk to Paimon
7100532 : Nine Pillars of Peace - Fetch a good price for the Dull Ring
7100533 : Nine Pillars of Peace - [CHS] - 将「晦暗的戒指」卖个好价钱$HIDDEN
7100534 : Nine Pillars of Peace - Fetch a good price for the Dull Ring
7100535 : Nine Pillars of Peace - [CHS] - 博来对话拒绝桥接任务$HIDDEN
7100536 : Nine Pillars of Peace - [CHS] - 琳琅对话拒绝桥接任务$HIDDEN
7100537 : Nine Pillars of Peace - [CHS] - (test)获得追叙之石reminder$HIDDEN
7100601 : Luhua Landscape - [CHS] - 与梵米尔对话$HIDDEN
7100602 : Luhua Landscape - [CHS] - 寻找画家曾经画画的地方(废弃)$HIDDEN
7100603 : Luhua Landscape - Look for Vermeer's paintbrushes and paints
7100604 : Luhua Landscape - [CHS] - 寻找画家曾经画画的地方(废弃)$HIDDEN
7100605 : Luhua Landscape - Look for Vermeer's paintbrushes and paints
7100606 : Luhua Landscape - Pass the painting tools to Vermeer
7100607 : Luhua Landscape - Look for another strange rock
7100608 : Luhua Landscape - [CHS] - 瞳孔石镶嵌进度记录(1/1)$HIDDEN
7100609 : Luhua Landscape - Unravel the secret behind Luhua Pool
7100610 : Luhua Landscape - Unravel the secret behind Luhua Pool
7100611 : Luhua Landscape - Unravel the secret behind Luhua Pool
7100612 : Luhua Landscape - Search the ruins
7100613 : Luhua Landscape - [CHS] - 雕像一镶嵌进度记录$HIDDEN
7100614 : Luhua Landscape - [CHS] - 雕像二镶嵌进度记录$HIDDEN
7100615 : Luhua Landscape - [CHS] - 收集瞳孔石增加7100607进度记录一$HIDDEN
7100616 : Luhua Landscape - [CHS] - 收集瞳孔石增加7100607进度记录二$HIDDEN
7100617 : Luhua Landscape - [CHS] - 解开钙化池谜题桥接任务$HIDDEN
7100618 : Luhua Landscape - [CHS] - 交付回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7100619 : Luhua Landscape - [CHS] - 复杂对话删除NPC桥接任务$HIDDEN
7100620 : Luhua Landscape - [CHS] - 寻找另一块奇怪的石头回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7100701 : [CHS] - 钙化池主题玩法彩蛋任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)和钙化池附近的画家对话$HIDDEN
7100801 : A Little Game - [CHS] - 与小姜对话$HIDDEN
7100802 : A Little Game - Find Childish Jiang
7100803 : A Little Game - Speak to Childish Jiang
7100804 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度1-1(自动)$HIDDEN
7100805 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度1-2(自动)$HIDDEN
7100806 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度1-3(自动)$HIDDEN
7100807 : A Little Game - Find Childish Jiang
7100808 : A Little Game - Find Childish Jiang
7100809 : A Little Game - Speak to Childish Jiang
7100810 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度2-1(自动)$HIDDEN
7100811 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度2-2(自动)$HIDDEN
7100812 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度2-3(自动)$HIDDEN
7100813 : A Little Game - Find Childish Jiang
7100814 : A Little Game - Find Childish Jiang
7100815 : A Little Game - Speak to Childish Jiang
7100816 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度3-1(自动)$HIDDEN
7100817 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度3-2(自动)$HIDDEN
7100818 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度3-3(自动)$HIDDEN
7100819 : A Little Game - Find Childish Jiang
7100820 : A Little Game - Find Childish Jiang
7100821 : A Little Game - Speak to Childish Jiang
7100822 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度4-1(自动)$HIDDEN
7100823 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度4-2(自动)$HIDDEN
7100824 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度4-3(自动)$HIDDEN
7100825 : A Little Game - Find Childish Jiang
7100826 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)和阿肥捉迷藏(五)$HIDDEN
7100827 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)和阿肥对话吧(五)$HIDDEN
7100828 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度1$HIDDEN
7100829 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度2$HIDDEN
7100830 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度3$HIDDEN
7100831 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)和阿肥捉迷藏(五)二阶段$HIDDEN
7100832 : A Little Game - Speak to Childish Jiang
7100833 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)祭拜$HIDDEN
7100834 : A Little Game - Speak to Childish Jiang
7100835 : A Little Game - Speak to Childish Jiang
7100836 : A Little Game - Speak to Childish Jiang
7100837 : A Little Game - Speak to Childish Jiang
7100838 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度1-1(手动)$HIDDEN
7100839 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度1-2(手动)$HIDDEN
7100840 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度1-3(手动)$HIDDEN
7100841 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度2-1(手动)$HIDDEN
7100842 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度2-2(手动)$HIDDEN
7100843 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度2-3(手动)$HIDDEN
7100844 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度3-1(手动)$HIDDEN
7100845 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度3-2(手动)$HIDDEN
7100846 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度3-3(手动)$HIDDEN
7100847 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度4-1(手动)$HIDDEN
7100848 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度4-2(手动)$HIDDEN
7100849 : A Little Game - [CHS] - (test)对话任务记录进度4-3(手动)$HIDDEN
7100850 : A Little Game - [CHS] - 与小姜对话$HIDDEN
7100851 : A Little Game - Speak to Childish Jiang
7100852 : A Little Game - [CHS] - test 小姜防止出圈$HIDDEN
7100853 : A Little Game - [CHS] - test 小姜防止出圈$HIDDEN
7100854 : A Little Game - [CHS] - test 小姜防止出圈$HIDDEN
7100855 : A Little Game - [CHS] - test 小姜防止出圈$HIDDEN
7100901 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的声音$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 完成对话·日晷$UNRELEASED
7100902 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的声音$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 清理元素紊乱点0/4$UNRELEASED
7100903 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的声音$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 清理元素紊乱点1$UNRELEASED
7100904 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的声音$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 清理元素紊乱点2$UNRELEASED
7100905 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的声音$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 清理元素紊乱点3$UNRELEASED
7100906 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的声音$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 清理元素紊乱点4$UNRELEASED
7100907 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的声音$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 回滚隔离$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7100908 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的声音$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 清理聚合的元素紊乱点$UNRELEASED
7100909 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的声音$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 追击狂风之核$UNRELEASED
7100910 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的声音$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 调查狂风之核的去向$UNRELEASED
7100911 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的声音$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 检测固定时间刷新元素紊乱$UNRELEASED
7100912 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的声音$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 检测固定时间卸载元素紊乱$UNRELEASED
7101001 : [CHS] - 修炼之路$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)修炼之路$HIDDEN
7101002 : [CHS] - 修炼之路$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)寻找下一个遗迹$HIDDEN
7101003 : [CHS] - 修炼之路$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)仙人磨炼$HIDDEN
7101004 : [CHS] - 修炼之路$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 指引1$HIDDEN
7101005 : [CHS] - 修炼之路$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 指引2$HIDDEN
7101006 : [CHS] - 修炼之路$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 检测是否完成挑战1$HIDDEN
7101007 : [CHS] - 修炼之路$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 检测是否完成挑战2$HIDDEN
7101101 : Trails in Tianqiu - [CHS] - 查看石碑$HIDDEN
7101102 : Trails in Tianqiu - [CHS] - 查看石碑$HIDDEN
7101103 : Trails in Tianqiu - Unlock the secret of Tianqiu Valley
7101104 : Trails in Tianqiu - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders
7101105 : Trails in Tianqiu - Collect the treasure
7101201 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - test完成对话·日晷·分支1(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7101202 : Time and Wind - Disperse the cluster of wind
7101203 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - test清理元素紊乱点1$HIDDEN
7101204 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - test清理元素紊乱点2$HIDDEN
7101205 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - test清理元素紊乱点3$HIDDEN
7101206 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - test清理元素紊乱点4$HIDDEN
7101207 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7101208 : Time and Wind - Scatter the deposit of wind
7101209 : Time and Wind - Pursue the Eye of the Storm
7101210 : Time and Wind - Search for the Eye of the Storm
7101211 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - 检测固定时间刷新元素紊乱-无人岛部分$HIDDEN
7101212 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - 检测固定时间卸载元素紊乱-无人岛部分$HIDDEN
7101213 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - 检测固定时间刷新元素紊乱-千风神殿部分$HIDDEN
7101214 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - 检测固定时间卸载元素紊乱-千风神殿部分$HIDDEN
7101215 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - test完成对话·笔记(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7101216 : Time and Wind - Uncover the secret of the uninhabited island
7101217 : Time and Wind - Observe the shadow on the sundial
7101218 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - 驱散「风」的聚集点(废弃)$HIDDEN
7101219 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - test调查狂风之核的去向(分支)
7101220 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - test捕捉邪恶狂风吧!(分支)
7101221 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - test废弃$HIDDEN
7101222 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - test废弃$HIDDEN
7101223 : Time and Wind - Defeat the Eye of the Storm
7101224 : Time and Wind - Talk to Henry Morton
7101225 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - test废弃$HIDDEN
7101226 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - test废弃$HIDDEN
7101227 : Time and Wind - [CHS] - test废弃$HIDDEN
7101301 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 寻找仙人的气息$HIDDEN
7101302 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 问道本心$HIDDEN
7101303 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 杀戮检测1$HIDDEN
7101304 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 杀戮检测2$HIDDEN
7101305 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 杀戮检测3$HIDDEN
7101306 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 选择杀戮$HIDDEN
7101307 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 选择炼化$HIDDEN
7101308 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 保存选择杀戮$HIDDEN
7101309 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 保存选择炼化$HIDDEN
7101310 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 尽情杀戮$HIDDEN
7101311 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 爱的感化$HIDDEN
7101312 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 炼化检测1$HIDDEN
7101313 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 炼化检测2$HIDDEN
7101314 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 炼化检测3$HIDDEN
7101315 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 限时到达$HIDDEN
7101316 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 寻找起始点任务2$HIDDEN
7101317 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 寻找起始点任务1$HIDDEN
7101318 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 第一次检测$HIDDEN
7101319 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 第二次检测$HIDDEN
7101320 : [CHS] - 师兄的考验$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 防止回滚$HIDDEN
7101401 : The Ocean Pearl - Talk to Luoxia
7101402 : The Ocean Pearl - Demand an invitation letter from those aboard the ship
7101403 : The Ocean Pearl - Talk to Cui'er
7101404 : The Ocean Pearl - Talk to Guan Hong
7101405 : The Ocean Pearl - Talk to Li the Ninth
7101406 : The Ocean Pearl - Talk to Luo Feng
7101407 : The Ocean Pearl - Talk to Maksim
7101408 : The Ocean Pearl - Talk to Qiu'ge
7101409 : The Ocean Pearl - Give the letter to Chaoxi
7101410 : The Ocean Pearl - Give Chaoxi's reply to Cui'er
7101411 : The Ocean Pearl - Give 3 Qingxin flowers to Qiu'ge
7101412 : The Ocean Pearl - Talk to Qiu'ge
7101413 : The Ocean Pearl - Talk to Luoxia
7101414 : The Ocean Pearl - Talk to Pinghai and return to Liyue Harbor
7101415 : The Ocean Pearl - [CHS] - 保护TransmitPlayer$HIDDEN
7101501 : [CHS] - 花船前置任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2504054252
7101502 : [CHS] - 花船前置任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 704524260
7101503 : [CHS] - 花船前置任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2446185988
7101504 : [CHS] - 花船前置任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 延迟完成任务$HIDDEN
7101601 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 记录全部获得任务$HIDDEN
7101602 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 已获得时通用对话$HIDDEN
7101603 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 日常入口对话$HIDDEN
7101604 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 未找齐分支$HIDDEN
7101605 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 找齐分支$HIDDEN
7101606 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 废弃$HIDDEN
7101607 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 回滚$HIDDEN
7101608 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - Discarded
7101609 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - Discarded
7101610 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - Discarded
7101611 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - Discarded
7101612 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - Discarded
7101613 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - Discarded
7101614 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - Discarded
7101615 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - Discarded
7101616 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - Discarded
7101617 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - Discarded
7101618 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - Discarded
7101619 : [CHS] - 璃沙郊宝藏$HIDDEN - Discarded
7101701 : [CHS] - 战舰前置任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1966540220
7101702 : [CHS] - 战舰前置任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 保护TransMit$HIDDEN
7101801 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Talk to Juza
7101802 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Talk to Juza
7101803 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Give 3 portions of meat to Juza
7101804 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Talk to Little Yue
7101805 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Help Little Yue look for Starconches on the beach
7101806 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Talk to Little Yue
7101807 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Give the present to Changchang
7101808 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Talk to Little Yue
7101809 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Talk to Little Yue
7101810 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Talk to Yinxing
7101811 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Give the letter to Bolai
7101812 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Report back to Yinxing
7101813 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Talk to Mora-Grubber
7101814 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Talk to Furong
7101815 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Talk to Xu Liushi
7101816 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Talk to Sea Drake
7101817 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Talk to Suling
7101818 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - Report back to Juza
7101819 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - [CHS] - 统计任务进度$HIDDEN
7101820 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - [CHS] - 保护任务进度$HIDDEN
7101821 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - [CHS] - 与小月对话3$HIDDEN
7101822 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - [CHS] - 判定交付兽肉$HIDDEN
7101823 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - [CHS] - 判定交付禽肉$HIDDEN
7101824 : A Lone Ship In Guyun - [CHS] - 判定交付鱼肉$HIDDEN
7101901 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈主题玩法$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 测试任务隐藏$HIDDEN
7101902 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈主题玩法$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 派萌跳转$HIDDEN
7101903 : [CHS] - 望舒客栈主题玩法$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 寻找宝藏$HIDDEN
7102001 : Pressing Deadlines - Talk to Clerk Zhao
7102002 : Pressing Deadlines - Give the invoice to Jiangzhou
7102003 : Pressing Deadlines - Give the invoice to Nervous An
7102004 : Pressing Deadlines - Report back to Clerk Zhao
7102005 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 为小安对话打开心情值$HIDDEN
7102006 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 小安A1$HIDDEN
7102007 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 小安A2$HIDDEN
7102008 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 小安A3$HIDDEN
7102009 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 小安B1$HIDDEN
7102010 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 小安B2$HIDDEN
7102011 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 小安B3$HIDDEN
7102012 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 小安C1$HIDDEN
7102013 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 小安C2$HIDDEN
7102014 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 小安C3$HIDDEN
7102015 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 小安判定心情值$HIDDEN
7102016 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 为江舟对话打开心情值$HIDDEN
7102017 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 江舟A1$HIDDEN
7102018 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 江舟A2$HIDDEN
7102019 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 江舟A3$HIDDEN
7102020 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 江舟B1$HIDDEN
7102021 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 江舟B2$HIDDEN
7102022 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 江舟B3$HIDDEN
7102023 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 江舟C1$HIDDEN
7102024 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 江舟C2$HIDDEN
7102025 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 江舟C3$HIDDEN
7102026 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 江舟判定心情值$HIDDEN
7102027 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 判定全对$HIDDEN
7102028 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 判定全错$HIDDEN
7102029 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 对一道(小安完成江舟失败)$HIDDEN
7102030 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 小安衔接$HIDDEN
7102031 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 江舟衔接$HIDDEN
7102032 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 对一道(江舟完成小安失败)$HIDDEN
7102033 : Pressing Deadlines - [CHS] - 回滚保护$HIDDEN
7102101 : [CHS] - 1.2沉没的遗迹$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3900666188
7102201 : No Restoring This Past Land of Beauty - [CHS] - 完成对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7102202 : No Restoring This Past Land of Beauty - [CHS] - 已击败古岩龙蜥对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7102203 : No Restoring This Past Land of Beauty - Go to the cavern ruin in Tianqiu Valley
7102204 : No Restoring This Past Land of Beauty - Defeat the Primo Geovishap
7102205 : No Restoring This Past Land of Beauty - Report the situation to Zhiping
7102206 : No Restoring This Past Land of Beauty - [CHS] - 记录是否击杀古岩龙蜥(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7102207 : No Restoring This Past Land of Beauty - [CHS] - (test)废弃
7102208 : No Restoring This Past Land of Beauty - [CHS] - (test)废弃
7102209 : No Restoring This Past Land of Beauty - [CHS] - (test)废弃
7102210 : No Restoring This Past Land of Beauty - [CHS] - (test)废弃
7102301 : [CHS] - 海灯节d1-3解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 找到海灯图标记的位置test$UNRELEASED
7102302 : [CHS] - 海灯节d1-3解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 埋藏之宝test$UNRELEASED
7102401 : [CHS] - 海灯节一阶段结束test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 一阶段完成对话test$UNRELEASED
7102501 : [CHS] - 海灯节D2-1解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 找到海灯图标记的位置test$UNRELEASED
7102502 : [CHS] - 海灯节D2-1解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 山顶的挑战test$UNRELEASED
7102601 : [CHS] - 海灯节D2-2解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 找到海灯图标记的位置test$UNRELEASED
7102602 : [CHS] - 海灯节D2-2解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 仙灵环绕之石test$UNRELEASED
7102701 : [CHS] - 海灯节D2-3解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 找到海灯图标记的位置test$UNRELEASED
7102702 : [CHS] - 海灯节D2-3解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 埋藏之宝test$UNRELEASED
7102801 : [CHS] - 海灯节二阶段结束test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 与小千对话test$UNRELEASED
7102901 : [CHS] - 海灯节D3-1解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 找到海灯图标记的位置test$UNRELEASED
7102902 : [CHS] - 海灯节D3-1解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 困兽之斗test$UNRELEASED
7103001 : [CHS] - 海灯节D3-2解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 找到海灯图标记的位置test$UNRELEASED
7103002 : [CHS] - 海灯节D3-2解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 孤岛陷阱test$UNRELEASED
7103101 : [CHS] - 海灯节D3-3解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 找到海灯图标记的位置test$UNRELEASED
7103102 : [CHS] - 海灯节D3-3解谜test$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 火把迷阵test$UNRELEASED
7103201 : [CHS] - 海灯节三阶段结束$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 回璃月港找小千test$UNRELEASED
7103202 : [CHS] - 海灯节三阶段结束$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 打开旁边的箱子test$UNRELEASED
7103301 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part II) - Talk to Vermeer
7103302 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part II) - Go to Qingce Village
7103303 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part II) - Talk to Vermeer
7103304 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part II) - Talk to Granny Ruoxin
7103305 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part II) - Talk to Qingzhou
7103306 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part II) - Follow Qingzhou
7103307 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part II) - Follow Qingzhou
7103308 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part II) - Follow Qingzhou
7103309 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part II) - Talk to Qingzhou
7103310 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part II) - Talk to the children
7103311 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part II) - Talk to Vermeer
7103312 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part II) - Talk to Granny Ruoxin
7103313 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part II) - [CHS] - (test)领取任务用任务$HIDDEN
7103314 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part II) - Talk to Qingzhou
7103315 : Verses and Vistas of Lantern Rite (Part II) - Hang the lantern riddle
7103401 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节的诗与画之二结束隐藏逻辑$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)结尾隐藏逻辑$HIDDEN
7103501 : Hereafter: The Trail of Pervases - Go to Wanmin Restaurant
7103502 : Hereafter: The Trail of Pervases - Speak to Chef Mao
7103503 : Hereafter: The Trail of Pervases - Pay respects to Pervases
7103504 : Hereafter: The Trail of Pervases - Talk to Xiao
7103505 : Hereafter: The Trail of Pervases - Save the person in danger
7103506 : Hereafter: The Trail of Pervases - Talk to Wang Ping'an
7103507 : Hereafter: The Trail of Pervases - Go back to the Pervases statue
7103508 : Hereafter: The Trail of Pervases - Talk to Wang Ping'an
7103601 : Valor's Afterglow - [CHS] - 隔天任务隐藏环$HIDDEN
7103602 : Valor's Afterglow - [CHS] - 与志琼对话$HIDDEN
7103604 : Valor's Afterglow - Place the measuring beacons
7103605 : Valor's Afterglow - Place the measuring beacons
7103606 : Valor's Afterglow - Place the measuring beacons
7103607 : Valor's Afterglow - Place the measuring beacons
7103608 : Valor's Afterglow - Place the measuring beacons
7103609 : Valor's Afterglow - [CHS] - 放置五个信标进度总控$HIDDEN
7103610 : Valor's Afterglow - Talk to Zhiqiong
7103611 : Valor's Afterglow - Return to the exploration team's camp at The Chasm
7103701 : Chasm Spelunkers - Enter the mines of The Chasm
7103702 : Chasm Spelunkers - Talk to the team members
7103703 : Chasm Spelunkers - Investigate the Lumenspar near the camp
7103704 : Chasm Spelunkers - Talk to Zhiqiong and Jinwu
7103705 : Chasm Spelunkers - [CHS] - 寻找关于老何的线索$HIDDEN
7103706 : Chasm Spelunkers - Look for clues as to Uncle He's whereabouts
7103707 : Chasm Spelunkers - Look for clues as to Uncle He's whereabouts
7103708 : Chasm Spelunkers - Look for clues as to Uncle He's whereabouts
7103709 : Chasm Spelunkers - Tell Jinwu about what you've discovered of Uncle He's whereabouts
7103710 : Chasm Spelunkers - Go to the exploration team's camp
7103711 : Chasm Spelunkers - Talk to Jinwu
7103712 : Chasm Spelunkers - Look for Zhiqiong, who went off on her own
7103713 : Chasm Spelunkers - Talk to Zhiqiong
7103714 : Chasm Spelunkers - [CHS] - 完成志琼的委托$HIDDEN
7103715 : Chasm Spelunkers - Return to the exploration team's camp
7103716 : Chasm Spelunkers - Talk to Zhiqiong
7103719 : Chasm Spelunkers - Complete Zhiqiong's commission
7103720 : Chasm Spelunkers - Complete Zhiqiong's commission
7103721 : Chasm Spelunkers - [CHS] - 隐藏回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7103722 : Chasm Spelunkers - [CHS] - 隐藏回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7103723 : Chasm Spelunkers - [CHS] - 隐藏控制刷出流明石$HIDDEN
7103724 : Chasm Spelunkers - [CHS] - 隐藏控制激活流明石$HIDDEN
7103725 : Chasm Spelunkers - Go to the exploration team's camp
7103801 : Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown - [CHS] - 隔天隐藏$HIDDEN
7103802 : Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown - Talk to the distressed Jinwu
7103803 : Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown - Go to the beacon placement sites to look for Zhiqiong
7103804 : Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown - Go to the beacon placement sites to look for Zhiqiong
7103805 : Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown - Go to the beacon placement sites to look for Zhiqiong
7103806 : Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown - Go to the beacon placement sites to look for Zhiqiong
7103807 : Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown - Go to the beacon placement sites to look for Zhiqiong
7103808 : Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown - [N/A] 2862322308
7103810 : Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown - Defeat the monsters around Zhiqiong
7103811 : Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown - Talk to Zhiqiong
7103813 : Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown - Talk to Jinwu
7103814 : Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown - Pass Jinwu's soup to Zhiqiong
7103815 : Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown - Talk to Zhiqiong, who has woken up
7103816 : Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown - [CHS] - 隐藏判断瑾武是否说过闲置$HIDDEN
7103817 : Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown - [CHS] - 2隐藏判断瑾武是否说过闲置$HIDDEN
7103901 : Valor's Afterglow: The Faint Light Remembered - [CHS] - 隐藏计时时间$HIDDEN
7103902 : Valor's Afterglow: The Faint Light Remembered - [CHS] - 与瑾武对话$HIDDEN
7103903 : Valor's Afterglow: The Faint Light Remembered - Talk to Muning about Zhiqiong's departure
7104001 : First Miasmic Contact - Head to investigate the site of the first anomaly
7104002 : First Miasmic Contact - Defeat the monsters influenced by the dark mud
7104003 : First Miasmic Contact - Head to investigate the site of the second anomaly
7104005 : First Miasmic Contact - Examine the traces of human activity here
7104008 : First Miasmic Contact - [CHS] - 播放夜阑cutscene$HIDDEN
7104009 : First Miasmic Contact - Examine the dark mud
7104010 : First Miasmic Contact - Head to investigate the site of the first anomaly
7104101 : Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits - Go to the second occupied camp
7104102 : Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits - Clear the Treasure Hoarders from the miner's camp
7104103 : Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits - Go to the campsite that has been occupied by Treasure Hoarders
7104104 : Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits - Clear out the Treasure Hoarders in the miner's camp
7104107 : Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits - Talk to Clitopho
7104108 : Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits - Save the person trapped in a cage by the Treasure Hoarders
7104109 : Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits - Examine the giant cannon in the depths of the tunnels
7104110 : Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits - Go to the storehouse in which the cannonballs are stored
7104111 : Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits - Talk to Zhiqiong
7104201 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Tell Jinwu about what happened
7104202 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Look for the two keys to the gunpowder storehouse
7104203 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Look for the two keys to the gunpowder storehouse
7104204 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Go to open the door to the gunpowder storehouse
7104205 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Look for a cannonball
7104206 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Bring the cannonball back to the camp
7104207 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Make 3 Special Unmoving Essential Oils
7104208 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Give the Special Unmoving Essential Oils to Clitopho
7104209 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Finish assembling the cannonball
7104210 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Release the safety on the cannon's breech
7104211 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Use the great cannon to destroy the sealing rocks
7104212 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Talk to Zhiqiong
7104213 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Go further in
7104215 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Talk to Zhiqiong
7104216 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - [CHS] - 激活机关$HIDDEN
7104217 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Activate the mechanism
7104218 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Activate the mechanism
7104219 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Activate the mechanism
7104220 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Recharge the Kamera
7104221 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Defeat the emerging monsters
7104222 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Talk to Zhiqiong
7104223 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Investigate the strange device again
7104224 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Investigate the strange device again
7104225 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Investigate the strange device again
7104226 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Investigate the strange device again
7104227 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Replay the Kamera content
7104228 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Talk to Zhiqiong
7104229 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - [CHS] - 寻找两把火药库房的钥匙$HIDDEN
7104230 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Read the Signaling Guide
7104231 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Load the cannonball in together with Zhiqiong
7104232 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Talk to Zhiqiong
7104233 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - Hidden Climate Control
7104234 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - [CHS] - 隐藏回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7104235 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - [CHS] - 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7104236 : The Heavenly Stone's Debris - [CHS] - 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7104301 : Perils in the Dark - Take the path that leads deeper in
7104304 : Perils in the Dark - Examine the dark fog in front of you
7104305 : Perils in the Dark - Read the logs
7104306 : Perils in the Dark - [CHS] - 敲响两侧遗迹中的钟$HIDDEN
7104307 : Perils in the Dark - Ring the two bells on either side of the ruins
7104308 : Perils in the Dark - [CHS] - 隐藏播放镜头$HIDDEN
7104309 : Perils in the Dark - Ring the two bells on either side of the ruins
7104310 : Perils in the Dark - [CHS] - 隐藏播放镜头$HIDDEN
7104311 : Perils in the Dark - Approach the dark fog
7104312 : Perils in the Dark - [CHS] - 播放cutscene$HIDDEN
7104313 : Perils in the Dark - Defeat the Abyss Lector
7104314 : Perils in the Dark - Pick up the object that the Abyss Lector left behind
7104315 : Perils in the Dark - [CHS] - 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7104316 : Perils in the Dark - [CHS] - 隐藏敲钟下层遗迹$HIDDEN
7104317 : Perils in the Dark - [CHS] - 隐藏敲钟水没遗迹$HIDDEN
7104318 : Perils in the Dark - Look for clues near the dark fog
7104319 : Perils in the Dark - [CHS] - test隐藏下沉钟表现$HIDDEN
7104320 : Perils in the Dark - [CHS] - test隐藏水没钟表现$HIDDEN
7104401 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-跟冒险家岚姐接取层岩巨渊主线
7104402 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-跟阿旭接取层岩巨渊主线
7104403 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-跟门口的千岩军接取层岩巨渊主线
7104404 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-直接跟阿牧接取层岩巨渊任务
7104405 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-与阿牧了解层岩巨渊的情况$HIDDEN
7104406 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Look for the adventurer Zhiqiong
7104407 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Go to the miners' warehouse
7104408 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Fend off the Treasure Hoarders
7104409 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Tell Zhiqiong about what happened at the warehouse
7104410 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Look for a way to destroy the Bedrock Keys
7104411 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-播第一个cutscene专用$HIDDEN
7104412 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Talk to Zhiqiong
7104413 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-搞定三个楔子$HIDDEN
7104414 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Use the cage-shaped object to destroy the three remaining Bedrock Keys
7104415 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-楔子2的cutscene$HIDDEN
7104416 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Use the cage-shaped object to destroy the three remaining Bedrock Keys
7104417 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-楔子3的cutscene$HIDDEN
7104418 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Use the cage-shaped object to destroy the three remaining Bedrock Keys
7104419 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-楔子4的cutscene$HIDDEN
7104420 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7104421 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Report the destruction of the Bedrock Keys to Zhiqiong
7104422 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Look for the final Bedrock Key
7104423 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Destroy the final Bedrock Key
7104424 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-最后的镜头表现$HIDDEN
7104425 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Obtain the Lumenstone Adjuvant
7104426 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Talk to Zhiqiong
7104427 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-完成三个楔子后播reminder用任务$HIDDEN
7104428 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-传送玩家到营地$HIDDEN
7104429 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Talk to Muning and Zhiqiong
7104430 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Talk to Muning and find out the situation in The Chasm
7104431 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-完成一个楔子后播reminder用任务$HIDDEN
7104432 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - [CHS] - test隐藏-完成两个楔子后播reminder用任务$HIDDEN
7104433 : Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering - Look for the final Bedrock Key
7104501 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Talk to Zhiqiong up ahead
7104502 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Go to the camp with Zhiqiong
7104503 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Talk to Zhiqiong
7104504 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Go to the gate that Zhiqiong mentioned
7104505 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Go within the gate to investigate
7104507 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Go within the gate to investigate
7104509 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Purify the large crystal
7104510 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Purify the large crystal
7104511 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Purify the large crystal
7104512 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Purify the large crystal
7104513 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Purify the large crystal
7104514 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Purify the large crystal
7104515 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - [CHS] - 播放表现$HIDDEN
7104516 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Defeat the monster lurking in The Chasm's depths
7104517 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - [CHS] - 播放cutscene$HIDDEN
7104518 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Return to camp and talk to Zhiqiong
7104519 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Read the stone tablet
7104520 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Report back to Muning
7104521 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Talk to Zhiqiong
7104522 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Open Gate
7104523 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Talk to Paimon
7104524 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - [CHS] - 隐藏 天气控制$HIDDEN
7104525 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Strike the large purified crystal
7104526 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - [CHS] - 隐藏回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7104527 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Talk to Paimon
7104528 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - Go within the gate to investigate
7104529 : Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? - [CHS] - 隐藏 cs中卸载怪物group$HIDDEN
7104601 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)层岩巨渊驻军控制任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-璃月三阶段完成前-千岩军的对话$HIDDEN
7104602 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)层岩巨渊驻军控制任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-璃月三阶段完成后-千岩军的对话$HIDDEN
7104603 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)层岩巨渊驻军控制任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-第一次引导后-千岩军的对话$HIDDEN
7104701 : [CHS] - 隐藏任务拉回玩家$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 进入区域完成$HIDDEN
7104702 : [CHS] - 隐藏任务拉回玩家$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 拉回玩家$HIDDEN
7104801 : The Chasm Charters - [CHS] - test隐藏-跟岚姐对话$HIDDEN
7104802 : The Chasm Charters - Search for Muning, the Ministry of Civil Affairs' specialist
7104901 : The Chasm Charters - [CHS] - test隐藏-跟阿旭对话$HIDDEN
7104902 : The Chasm Charters - Search for Muning, the Ministry of Civil Affairs' specialist
7105001 : Mycological Investigation in The Chasm - [CHS] - 与海迪夫谈论层岩蘑菇之事$HIDDEN
7105002 : Mycological Investigation in The Chasm - Collect 8 shining mushrooms
7105003 : Mycological Investigation in The Chasm - Bring the shining mushrooms back to Khedive for appraisal
7105004 : Mycological Investigation in The Chasm - [CHS] - test隐藏判断玩家在地下$HIDDEN
7105101 : Hydrological Investigation in The Chasm - [CHS] - 将钓起的奇怪物件交给海迪夫鉴定$HIDDEN
7105102 : Hydrological Investigation in The Chasm - Place the strange object by the water
7105103 : Hydrological Investigation in The Chasm - Defeat the Hydro Geovishap that emerged
7105104 : Hydrological Investigation in The Chasm - Tell Khedive about what happened by the water
7105105 : Hydrological Investigation in The Chasm - Use Hydro reactions to activate the strange object
7105106 : Hydrological Investigation in The Chasm - [CHS] - 隐藏判断钓鱼是否进包$HIDDEN
7105201 : Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm - [CHS] - 拍摄化石照片$HIDDEN
7105202 : Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm - [CHS] - 拍摄化石照片$HIDDEN
7105203 : Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm - [CHS] - 拍摄化石照片$HIDDEN
7105204 : Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm - [CHS] - 拍摄化石照片$HIDDEN
7105205 : Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm - [CHS] - 拍摄化石照片$HIDDEN
7105206 : Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm - [CHS] - 将拍到的奇怪岩石交给海迪夫进行鉴定$HIDDEN
7105207 : Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm - [CHS] - (废弃)拍摄更多化石的照片$HIDDEN
7105208 : Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm - Take pictures of more fossils
7105209 : Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm - Give the fossil pictures to Khedive
7105210 : Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm - [CHS] - 隐藏回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7105301 : [CHS] - 隐藏任务对话海迪夫$HIDDEN - Talk to Khedive
7105401 : Undetected Infiltration - [CHS] - test隐藏-预先接取的任务$HIDDEN
7105402 : Undetected Infiltration - Talk to the surrendered Treasure Hoarder Member
7105403 : Undetected Infiltration - Meet up with Yanbo in front of the smuggler's camp
7105404 : Undetected Infiltration - [CHS] - test隐藏-选择了炊事营地$HIDDEN
7105405 : Undetected Infiltration - [CHS] - test隐藏-选择了炼金营地$HIDDEN
7105406 : Undetected Infiltration - [CHS] - test隐藏-选择了武器营地$HIDDEN
7105407 : Undetected Infiltration - Clean out the Treasure Hoarder logistics camps
7105408 : Undetected Infiltration - Clean out the Treasure Hoarder logistics camps
7105409 : Undetected Infiltration - Clean out the Treasure Hoarder logistics camps
7105410 : Undetected Infiltration - [CHS] - test隐藏-回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7105411 : Undetected Infiltration - [CHS] - test隐藏-直接打大营地检测$HIDDEN
7105412 : Undetected Infiltration - Defeat the Treasure Hoarder smuggling crew at the larger camp
7105413 : Undetected Infiltration - Report back to Yanbo
7105501 : The Chasm's Bounty - [CHS] - 沐宁似乎为什么事而烦恼…$HIDDEN
7105502 : The Chasm's Bounty - Search for Qi Ding, the missing miner
7105503 : The Chasm's Bounty - Talk to Qi Ding, the miner at The Chasm
7105504 : The Chasm's Bounty - [CHS] - 与出现在层岩巨渊的矿工对话$HIDDEN
7105505 : The Chasm's Bounty - Hand the confused Qi Ding over to Jinwu
7105506 : The Chasm's Bounty - Help Qi Ding look for the lost doll
7105507 : The Chasm's Bounty - Defeat the Abyss creatures near to the box
7105508 : The Chasm's Bounty - Examine the strange box
7105509 : The Chasm's Bounty - Look for the source of the voice
7105510 : The Chasm's Bounty - Look for the doll in the place Qi Nan indicated
7105511 : The Chasm's Bounty - [CHS] - 隐藏与阿傻女儿对话(可选)$HIDDEN
7105512 : The Chasm's Bounty - Find the lost doll
7105513 : The Chasm's Bounty - Bring the doll back to camp and pass it to Qi Ding
7105516 : The Chasm's Bounty - Defeat the Abyss creatures near Qi Nan
7105517 : The Chasm's Bounty - Talk to Qi Nan
7105518 : The Chasm's Bounty - [CHS] - 隐藏回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7105519 : The Chasm's Bounty - Tell Muning about Qi Ding
7105520 : The Chasm's Bounty - Talk to Paimon
7105521 : The Chasm's Bounty - [CHS] - 隐藏刷出戚定$HIDDEN
7105601 : [CHS] - 隐藏判断地脉树reminder$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3481096212
7105602 : [CHS] - 隐藏判断地脉树reminder$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2535535484
7105603 : [CHS] - 隐藏判断地脉树reminder$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2864288612
7105701 : The Missing Miner - [CHS] - 阅读「工作手册」$HIDDEN
7105702 : The Missing Miner - Talk to Uncle He
7105703 : The Missing Miner - Collect "mushroom meat" together with Uncle He
7105704 : The Missing Miner - Defeat the Floating Fungi
7105705 : The Missing Miner - Black Screen Conversation with Uncle He
7105706 : The Missing Miner - Talk to Uncle He
7105707 : The Missing Miner - Bring Uncle He back to camp to meet Jinwu
7105708 : The Missing Miner - Bring Uncle He back to camp to meet Jinwu
7105709 : The Missing Miner - Bring Uncle He back to camp to meet Jinwu
7105801 : Lost in a Foreign Land - [CHS] - 击败雷莹术士$HIDDEN
7105802 : Lost in a Foreign Land - The defeated Fatui Mage seems to have something to tell you.
7105803 : Lost in a Foreign Land - Defeat the Floating Fungi that emerged
7105804 : Lost in a Foreign Land - Continue talking to the Fatui Mage
7105805 : Lost in a Foreign Land - Go to the Fatui Mage's hidden encampment
7105806 : Lost in a Foreign Land - Talk to the Fatui Mage
7105901 : Lost in a Foreign Land: Seeking - [CHS] - 与卡塔琳娜对话$HIDDEN
7105902 : Lost in a Foreign Land: Seeking - Look for clues Nikolay left behind
7105903 : Lost in a Foreign Land: Seeking - Find the place mentioned in Nikolay's diary
7105904 : Lost in a Foreign Land: Seeking - Look for the place the diary mentioned
7105905 : Lost in a Foreign Land: Seeking - Tell Katarina about the clues you found
7105906 : Lost in a Foreign Land: Seeking - [CHS] - 隐藏任务计时$HIDDEN
7105907 : Lost in a Foreign Land: Seeking - Talk to Paimon
7105908 : Lost in a Foreign Land: Seeking - Read the information Nikolay left behind
7105909 : Lost in a Foreign Land: Seeking - Talk to Katarina
7106001 : [CHS] - 隐藏卡了琳娜失踪$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 隐藏计时天数$HIDDEN
7106002 : [CHS] - 隐藏卡了琳娜失踪$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 对话日志完成$HIDDEN
7106003 : [CHS] - 隐藏卡了琳娜失踪$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 隐藏计时天数$HIDDEN
7106101 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - Talk to Xamaran
7106102 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - Give Xamaran some of the Adjuvant's power
7106103 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - Talk to Xamaran
7106104 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - Help Xamaran clear the foul energy out
7106106 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - [CHS] - 帮助赞玛兰的同族$HIDDEN
7106107 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - Talk to Xamaran
7106108 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - Use the Blessings of Wisdom on the source of the foul energy
7106109 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - Tell Xamaran that the foul energy's source has been cleared out
7106110 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - Tell Xamaran that the foul energy has been cleansed
7106111 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - Help Xamaran's kin
7106112 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - Help Xamaran's kin
7106113 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - Help Xamaran's kin
7106114 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - Help Xamaran's kin
7106115 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - Help Xamaran's kin
7106116 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - [CHS] - 靠近奇怪的大蘑菇$HIDDEN
7106120 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - [CHS] - 隐藏回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7106121 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - [CHS] - test播放特效$HIDDEN
7106122 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - [CHS] - test通知group$HIDDEN
7106123 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - Follow the water's flow and search for the source of the foul energy
7106124 : Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help - [CHS] - test通知刷出黑泥$HIDDEN
7106201 : A Company Vanishing Into the Deep - [CHS] - 与愚人众对话$HIDDEN
7106202 : A Company Vanishing Into the Deep - Give the Fatui some food
7106203 : A Company Vanishing Into the Deep - Talk to the defeated Fatui
7106204 : A Company Vanishing Into the Deep - Defeat the incoming Fatui
7106205 : A Company Vanishing Into the Deep - Talk to Anton
7106206 : A Company Vanishing Into the Deep - Go to the supply station to look for clues
7106207 : A Company Vanishing Into the Deep - Find Yanbo's Note and give it to the Fatui
7106209 : A Company Vanishing Into the Deep - Defeat the Fatui force
7106210 : A Company Vanishing Into the Deep - Defeat the attacking Treasure Hoarders
7106211 : A Company Vanishing Into the Deep - Read
7106212 : A Company Vanishing Into the Deep - [CHS] - 隐藏判断$HIDDEN
7106213 : A Company Vanishing Into the Deep - [CHS] - 隐藏判断是否选择入战$HIDDEN
7106301 : A Cliff-Side Hero's Past - [CHS] - test隐藏-预先接取的任务,控制reminder播放和闲置对话$HIDDEN
7106302 : A Cliff-Side Hero's Past - [CHS] - test隐藏-大侠拦住玩家摘花$HIDDEN
7106303 : A Cliff-Side Hero's Past - Defeat Tang Wuchou, self-proclaimed Guhua disciple
7106304 : A Cliff-Side Hero's Past - Talk to Tang Wuchou
7106305 : A Cliff-Side Hero's Past - Give the Bird Egg to Tang Wuchou in exchange for the jade pendant
7106306 : A Cliff-Side Hero's Past - Talk to Tang Wuchou
7106307 : A Cliff-Side Hero's Past - Look for Old Chou
7106308 : A Cliff-Side Hero's Past - Tell Tang Wuchou about Old Chou
7106309 : A Cliff-Side Hero's Past - [CHS] - test隐藏-选择现在就去后传送玩家$HIDDEN
7106310 : A Cliff-Side Hero's Past - Dig for treasure once to get Old Chou's compensatory gift
7106311 : A Cliff-Side Hero's Past - Talk to Old Chou
7106312 : A Cliff-Side Hero's Past - Talk to Tang Wuchou
7106401 : The Millennial Mountains - [CHS] - test隐藏-预先接取的任务$HIDDEN
7106402 : The Millennial Mountains - Look for offerings to place before the memorial
7106403 : The Millennial Mountains - Look for offerings to place before the memorial
7106404 : The Millennial Mountains - Look for offerings to place before the memorial
7106405 : The Millennial Mountains - Look for offerings to place before the memorial
7106406 : The Millennial Mountains - Look for offerings to place before the memorial
7106407 : The Millennial Mountains - Look for offerings to place before the memorial
7106408 : The Millennial Mountains - Offer the items before the memorial
7106409 : The Millennial Mountains - [CHS] - (废弃)test将枪插在石头上
7106410 : The Millennial Mountains - Obtain the Millelith's treasure
7106411 : The Millennial Mountains - Talk to Wang about the treasure
7106412 : The Millennial Mountains - [CHS] - test隐藏-收集齐所有的供物$HIDDEN
7106413 : The Millennial Mountains - [CHS] - test隐藏-回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7106501 : [CHS] - (test)身后事$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3578661348
7106502 : [CHS] - (test)身后事$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1803653428
7106601 : Stolen, by the Rightful Owner - [CHS] - test隐藏-跟塔列辛接取任务$HIDDEN
7106602 : Stolen, by the Rightful Owner - Look for the ring that was stolen from Taliesin
7106603 : Stolen, by the Rightful Owner - Give the ring back to Taliesin
7106604 : Stolen, by the Rightful Owner - Talk to Taliesin
7106605 : Stolen, by the Rightful Owner - [CHS] - test隐藏-阅读过盗宝鼬训练手册检测$HIDDEN
7106606 : Stolen, by the Rightful Owner - Give the ring back to Taliesin
7106607 : Stolen, by the Rightful Owner - Give the ring back to Taliesin
7106701 : [CHS] - (test) 身后事 废弃$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1601845316
7106801 : [CHS] - (test)身后事 刷香$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 89970372
7106901 : [CHS] - test隐藏-层岩巨渊上层主线WQ结束后的阿志彩蛋对话$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - test隐藏-层岩巨渊上层主线WQ结束后的阿志彩蛋对话$UNRELEASED
7107001 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 初到营地-阿武$HIDDEN
7107002 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 初到营地-克里托夫$HIDDEN
7107003 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 初到营地-海迪夫$HIDDEN
7107004 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 初到营地-塔列辛$HIDDEN
7107005 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 阿志离开-阿武$HIDDEN
7107006 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 阿志离开-克里托夫$HIDDEN
7107007 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 阿志离开-塔列辛$HIDDEN
7107008 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 阿志离开-海迪夫$HIDDEN
7107009 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 再度离开-阿武$HIDDEN
7107010 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 再度离开-克里托夫$HIDDEN
7107011 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 再度离开-海迪夫$HIDDEN
7107013 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 主线结束后-阿志$HIDDEN
7107014 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 主线结束后-阿武$HIDDEN
7107015 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 主线结束后-克里托夫$HIDDEN
7107016 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 主线结束后-海迪夫$HIDDEN
7107017 : [CHS] - test下层对话控制器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - ---回滚隔离---$HIDDEN
7107101 : [CHS] - test隐藏-层岩巨渊上层WQ关于若陀的内容的reminder控制任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-如果接到了层岩主线,且完成了钟离线2,就把71071的全局变量设为1$HIDDEN
7107102 : [CHS] - test隐藏-层岩巨渊上层WQ关于若陀的内容的reminder控制任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-如果完成了钟离线2$HIDDEN
7107103 : [CHS] - test隐藏-层岩巨渊上层WQ关于若陀的内容的reminder控制任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-如果没完成钟离线2$HIDDEN
7107201 : [CHS] - 隐藏发流明石小道具$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1412896260
7107301 : [CHS] - 隐藏克里托夫计时器$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 是否经过一天$HIDDEN
7107401 : Says He Who Seeks Stone - [CHS] - test隐藏-跟沐宁对话$HIDDEN
7107402 : Says He Who Seeks Stone - Obtain 3 Archaic Stones for Muning
7107403 : Says He Who Seeks Stone - Talk to Muning
7107404 : Says He Who Seeks Stone - Obtain 3 Archaic Stones for Muning
7107405 : Says He Who Seeks Stone - Talk to Muning
7107406 : Says He Who Seeks Stone - Obtain 3 Archaic Stones for Muning
7107407 : Says He Who Seeks Stone - Talk to Muning
7107408 : Says He Who Seeks Stone - [CHS] - test隐藏-获得钟离线老石检测$HIDDEN
7107501 : [CHS] - test隐藏-小轻策创建任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-创建小轻策$HIDDEN
7107502 : [CHS] - test隐藏-小轻策创建任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-跟小轻策对话$HIDDEN
7107601 : [CHS] - test隐藏计时补给站$HIDDEN - [N/A] 900369636
7107701 : Prospecting Thieves (Continued) - [N/A] 3269446412
7107702 : Prospecting Thieves (Continued) - [N/A] 132938612
7107801 : [CHS] - test隐藏-老臭挖掘minigame$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-控制老臭对话任务$HIDDEN
7107802 : [CHS] - test隐藏-老臭挖掘minigame$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-老臭常驻开启minigame$HIDDEN
7107803 : [CHS] - test隐藏-老臭挖掘minigame$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-挖出宝箱$HIDDEN
7107804 : [CHS] - test隐藏-老臭挖掘minigame$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-挖出炸弹$HIDDEN
7107805 : [CHS] - test隐藏-老臭挖掘minigame$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-记录一天的游玩次数$HIDDEN
7107806 : [CHS] - test隐藏-老臭挖掘minigame$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-记录第二天$HIDDEN
7107807 : [CHS] - test隐藏-老臭挖掘minigame$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-三次宝箱获得检测$HIDDEN
7107808 : [CHS] - test隐藏-老臭挖掘minigame$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-低级的宝箱开启$HIDDEN
7107809 : [CHS] - test隐藏-老臭挖掘minigame$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-中级的宝箱开启$HIDDEN
7107810 : [CHS] - test隐藏-老臭挖掘minigame$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-高级的宝箱开启$HIDDEN
7107901 : [CHS] - 隐藏九骑士判断$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 隐藏判断是否进入地下$HIDDEN
7107902 : [CHS] - 隐藏九骑士判断$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 9骑士$HIDDEN
7107903 : [CHS] - 隐藏九骑士判断$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 9骑士$HIDDEN
7107904 : [CHS] - 隐藏九骑士判断$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 9骑士$HIDDEN
7107905 : [CHS] - 隐藏九骑士判断$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 9骑士$HIDDEN
7107906 : [CHS] - 隐藏九骑士判断$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 9骑士$HIDDEN
7107907 : [CHS] - 隐藏九骑士判断$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 9骑士$HIDDEN
7107908 : [CHS] - 隐藏九骑士判断$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 9骑士$HIDDEN
7107909 : [CHS] - 隐藏九骑士判断$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 9骑士$HIDDEN
7107910 : [CHS] - 隐藏九骑士判断$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 9骑士$HIDDEN
7107911 : [CHS] - 隐藏九骑士判断$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 打开大门$HIDDEN
7108001 : [CHS] - 隐藏说书人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 隐藏判断任务存在$HIDDEN
7108002 : [CHS] - 隐藏说书人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 上层封印解除$HIDDEN
7108003 : [CHS] - 隐藏说书人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 解开黑雾$HIDDEN
7108004 : [CHS] - 隐藏说书人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 大碎片完成$HIDDEN
7108005 : [CHS] - 隐藏说书人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 大蘑菇任务完成$HIDDEN
7108006 : [CHS] - 隐藏说书人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 黑蛇骑士完成$HIDDEN
7108007 : [CHS] - 隐藏说书人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 双子线完成$HIDDEN
7108008 : [CHS] - 隐藏说书人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 愚人众任务完成$HIDDEN
7108009 : [CHS] - 隐藏说书人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 回滚隔离点$HIDDEN
7108010 : [CHS] - 隐藏说书人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 计时经过1天$HIDDEN
7108011 : [CHS] - 隐藏说书人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 与塔列辛对话获得诗篇$HIDDEN
7108012 : [CHS] - 隐藏说书人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 层岩故事判断$HIDDEN
7108013 : [CHS] - 隐藏说书人$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 人物故事判断$HIDDEN
7108014 : [CHS] - 隐藏说书人$HIDDEN - [N/A] 589342316
7108101 : [CHS] - 隐藏克里托夫给饮料1$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 隐藏克里托夫给饮料1$HIDDEN
7108201 : [CHS] - test隐藏-唐无仇任务后续闲置对话和彩蛋控制$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-在完成唐无仇任务后,控制唐无仇的闲置对话$HIDDEN
7108202 : [CHS] - test隐藏-唐无仇任务后续闲置对话和彩蛋控制$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-老何唐无仇历史性会晤$HIDDEN
7108301 : [CHS] - test隐藏-层岩巨渊WQ主线第四章之前,控制沐宁的闲置对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-上层主线已完成且主线第四章未领取$HIDDEN
7108302 : [CHS] - test隐藏-层岩巨渊WQ主线第四章之前,控制沐宁的闲置对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-兜底闲置对话$HIDDEN
7108501 : [CHS] - 隐藏克里托夫给饮料2$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 隐藏克里托夫给饮料2$HIDDEN
7108601 : [CHS] - 隐藏瑾武送礼$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1659301220
7108701 : [CHS] - 隐藏瑾武送汤$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 隐藏瑾武送汤$HIDDEN
7108801 : [CHS] - test隐藏-控制塔列辛、海迪夫和瑾武在上层的闲置对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1138491620
7108802 : [CHS] - test隐藏-控制塔列辛、海迪夫和瑾武在上层的闲置对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3357689060
7108901 : [CHS] - 隐藏志琼的信$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 隐藏获得道具$HIDDEN
7108902 : [CHS] - 隐藏志琼的信$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 隐藏与派蒙对话$HIDDEN
7108903 : [CHS] - 隐藏志琼的信$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 隐藏与瑾武对话$HIDDEN
7109001 : [CHS] - 隐藏勇气余晖结束后第二天$HIDDEN - [N/A] 155926996
7109101 : [CHS] - (test)重新发放老石$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 到璃月港街头转转$HIDDEN
7109201 : [CHS] - test隐藏-初见层岩巨渊鸟瞰CS$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-璃月三阶段后领取$HIDDEN
7109301 : [CHS] - test隐藏矿石图鉴成就控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3333561932
7109302 : [CHS] - test隐藏矿石图鉴成就控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 294932532
7109303 : [CHS] - test隐藏矿石图鉴成就控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 522719588
7109304 : [CHS] - test隐藏矿石图鉴成就控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 155438852
7109402 : [CHS] - test隐藏愚人众日志成就$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3488335020
7109403 : [CHS] - test隐藏愚人众日志成就$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1989236380
7109404 : [CHS] - test隐藏愚人众日志成就$HIDDEN - [N/A] 655348988
7109405 : [CHS] - test隐藏愚人众日志成就$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3967682188
7109406 : [CHS] - test隐藏愚人众日志成就$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1856789148
7109501 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2683746284
7109502 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1613119892
7109503 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 769206620
7109504 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2543349924
7109505 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2974690980
7109506 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3306282340
7109507 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 423703268
7109508 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3637108612
7109509 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2760268452
7109510 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 938821364
7109511 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3268179692
7109512 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2225530708
7109513 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 578979436
7109514 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4179708
7109515 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 96614868
7109516 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 135067396
7109517 : [CHS] - test隐藏传送点光源控制$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2290702324
7109601 : [CHS] - test隐藏-藏石者言后续1$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-将三枚老石交给沐宁$HIDDEN
7109602 : [CHS] - test隐藏-藏石者言后续1$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-与沐宁对话$HIDDEN
7109701 : [CHS] - test隐藏-藏石者言后续2$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-将三枚老石交给沐宁$HIDDEN
7109702 : [CHS] - test隐藏-藏石者言后续2$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test隐藏-与沐宁对话$HIDDEN
7109801 : Garcia's Paean - [CHS] - (test)踩圈接取蓝叹号$HIDDEN
7109802 : Garcia's Paean - [CHS] - (test)蓝叹号对话$HIDDEN
7109803 : Garcia's Paean - Talk to Garcia
7109804 : Garcia's Paean - Go to the kitchen
7109805 : Garcia's Paean - Light a fire
7109806 : Garcia's Paean - Make Delicious Radish Veggie Soup
7109807 : Garcia's Paean - Hand Over Delicious Radish Veggie Soup
7109808 : Garcia's Paean - Talk to Garcia
7109809 : Garcia's Paean - [CHS] - (test)厨房对话$HIDDEN
7109810 : Garcia's Paean - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】传送$HIDDEN
7109901 : On the Stage, Behind the Stage - Talk to Liu Su
7109902 : On the Stage, Behind the Stage - Head to Qingce Village and look for Master Lu
7109903 : On the Stage, Behind the Stage - Talk to Master Lu
7109904 : On the Stage, Behind the Stage - Collect furniture materials
7109905 : On the Stage, Behind the Stage - Talk to Dayu
7109906 : On the Stage, Behind the Stage - Wait until the following day (18:00 – 21:00)
7109907 : On the Stage, Behind the Stage - Head to Heyu Tea House
7109908 : On the Stage, Behind the Stage - Brew tea with Yun Jin
7109909 : On the Stage, Behind the Stage - Talk to Fan Er'ye
7109910 : On the Stage, Behind the Stage - Go to the warehouse at the dock and obtain the wooden planks
7109911 : On the Stage, Behind the Stage - Give the planks to Dayu
7110101 : The Tales Behind the Fan - Walk around Liyue Harbor
7150001 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part I - Talk to Cloud Retainer
7150002 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part I - Follow the aura trail and find the ingredients
7150003 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part I - Get the ingredients
7150004 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part I - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7150005 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part I - Help Cloud Retainer complete the dish
7150006 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part I - Help Cloud Retainer complete the dish
7150007 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part I - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7150008 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part I - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7150009 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part I - [CHS] - 准备$HIDDEN
7150010 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part I - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7150011 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part I - Report back to Cloud Retainer
7150012 : Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part I - [CHS] - (test)领取任务前置$HIDDEN
7150101 : A Muddy Bizarre Adventure - Go to the Liyue Adventurers' Guild and talk to Katheryne
7150102 : A Muddy Bizarre Adventure - Go to the mining camp to look for the Sumeru researcher
7150103 : A Muddy Bizarre Adventure - Activate the Pursina's Spike
7150104 : A Muddy Bizarre Adventure - Talk to Hosseini
7150201 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Abstract - Talk to Hosseini
7150202 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Abstract - Activate the Pursina's Spike
7150203 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Abstract - Wait till the next day
7150301 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Environs Log - Talk to Hosseini
7150302 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Environs Log - Activate the Pursina's Spike
7150303 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Environs Log - Wait till the next day
7150401 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Experimental Procedure - Talk to Hosseini
7150402 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Experimental Procedure - Talk to Tu
7150403 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Experimental Procedure - Activate the hot air balloon and transport the Spike
7150404 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Experimental Procedure - Wait till the next day
7150501 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Conclusion - Talk to Hosseini
7150502 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Conclusion - Activate the Pursina's Spike and close the Ley Line rupture
7150503 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Conclusion - Wait till the next day
7150601 : A Muddy Bizarre Adventure - Talk to Hosseini
7150701 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Abstract - Report back to Hosseini
7150801 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Environs Log - Report back to Hosseini
7150901 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Experimental Procedure - Talk to Hosseini
7151001 : Spike Self-Circulation Report: Conclusion - Report back to Hosseini
7151101 : [CHS] - (test)3.4海灯节二阶段结束后角色npc$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻npc行为开始$HIDDEN
7151201 : Behind the Scenes - Talk to Zhaoqin
7151301 : Vigilance at Sea - Talk to Huixing
7151401 : Radiant Sparks - Talk to Tiantian
7151501 : A Few Words in the Foreground - Go to the North Wharf
7151502 : A Few Words in the Foreground - Ask passersby
7151601 : Backstage Helpers - Talk to Yinggong
7151701 : [CHS] - (test)3.4海灯节彩蛋后常驻npc$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻npc行为开始$HIDDEN
7151901 : [N/A] 2542473183 - [N/A] 2983534684
7152001 : Experiment Phase: Uncontrolled Parameters - Talk to the groaning researcher
7155500 : And This Treasure Goes To... - [CHS] - 进圈调查后接任务$HIDDEN
7155501 : And This Treasure Goes To... - [CHS] - 派蒙日志对话完成$HIDDEN
7155502 : And This Treasure Goes To... - Investigate the strange camp
7155503 : And This Treasure Goes To... - [CHS] - test日志对话1$HIDDEN
7155504 : And This Treasure Goes To... - [CHS] - test火堆对话2$HIDDEN
7155505 : And This Treasure Goes To... - [CHS] - test痕迹对话3$HIDDEN
7155506 : And This Treasure Goes To... - [CHS] - 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7155507 : And This Treasure Goes To... - Look for the missing scholar
7155508 : And This Treasure Goes To... - [CHS] - 解救考古学家-隐藏任务$HIDDEN
7155509 : And This Treasure Goes To... - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders and obtain the key
7155510 : And This Treasure Goes To... - Speak to Alrani
7155511 : And This Treasure Goes To... - Collect the treasure
7155512 : And This Treasure Goes To... - Open the cage
7155513 : And This Treasure Goes To... - [CHS] - 进考古营地任务完成$HIDDEN
7155514 : And This Treasure Goes To... - [CHS] - 火堆派蒙2$HIDDEN
7155515 : And This Treasure Goes To... - [CHS] - 痕迹派蒙3$HIDDEN
7155516 : And This Treasure Goes To... - [CHS] - test痕迹对话3$HIDDEN
7155517 : And This Treasure Goes To... - [CHS] - 痕迹对话3$HIDDEN
7155518 : And This Treasure Goes To... - [CHS] - 派蒙总结$HIDDEN
7155519 : And This Treasure Goes To... - Look for the missing scholar
7165001 : Ministry Missions - Speak to Ms. Yu
7165002 : Ministry Missions - [CHS] - 与小雨对话$HIDDEN
7165101 : The Vishaps Lie Dormant, but the Enigma Lingers Still - Talk to Katheryne in Liyue Harbor
7165201 : Mr. Melancholy - Talk to Yingzhu
7165202 : Mr. Melancholy - Collect Fractured Fruit Shards
7165203 : Mr. Melancholy - Report back to Hosseini and Yingzhu
7165204 : Mr. Melancholy - Challenge the Domain
7165205 : Mr. Melancholy - Report back to Hosseini
7165301 : We Meet Again, Mr. Melancholy - Talk to Hosseini
7165401 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part II - Enter the Serenitea Pot
7165402 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part II - Talk to Paimon
7165403 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part II - Explore the area
7165404 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part II - Enter the Serenitea Pot
7165405 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part II - [CHS] - 判断进入壶1$HIDDEN
7165406 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part II - [CHS] - 判断进入壶2$HIDDEN
7165407 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part II - Talk to Paimon
7165408 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part II - Explore the area
7165409 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part II - [CHS] - 判断进入壶3$HIDDEN
7165410 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part II - Talk to Paimon
7165411 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part II - Explore the area
7165412 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part II - [CHS] - 判断进入壶4$HIDDEN
7165413 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part II - Talk to Paimon
7165414 : A Teapot to Call Home: Part II - Explore the area
7165501 : Idle Teapot Talk - Talk to Tubby
7165601 : Floating Spirits — The Investigation Begins - Talk to Katheryne in Inazuma City
7165701 : Floating Spirits — The Investigation Ends - Talk to Katheryne in Inazuma City
7165801 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2563098500
7165802 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3004112460
7165803 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1353166596
7165804 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1065089348
7165805 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1652833844
7165806 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 11431932
7165807 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1024727692
7165808 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3391813076
7165809 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3082790372
7165810 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1539633300
7165811 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2274033076
7165812 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2516606844
7165813 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1169375836
7165901 : Elixirs and Potions - Pay Timaeus a visit
7165902 : Elixirs and Potions - Look for the Elixir Artificer
7165903 : Elixirs and Potions - Consult Ying'er
7165904 : Elixirs and Potions - Assist Timaeus and Ying'er
7165905 : Elixirs and Potions - Go into the Domain and test the Smoldersleet Potions
7165906 : Elixirs and Potions - Consult Brother Qian
7165907 : Elixirs and Potions - Consult Hongyi
7166001 : Academic Exchange - Report the effects of the Smoldersleet Potions to Timaeus
7166002 : Academic Exchange - Report the effects of the Smoldersleet Potions to Timaeus
7166101 : [CHS] - (test)海灯节常驻2$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 605907212
7166201 : Divine Ingenuity - Talk to Katheryne
7166202 : Divine Ingenuity - Talk to Honglang
7166203 : Divine Ingenuity - Enter the Domain
7166204 : Divine Ingenuity - Talk to Honglang
7166205 : Divine Ingenuity - Examine the trigger
7166206 : Divine Ingenuity - Get the Adventure Coin
7166207 : Divine Ingenuity - Give the Adventure Coin to Honglang
7166208 : Divine Ingenuity - Talk to Honglang
7166209 : Divine Ingenuity - [N/A] 1887953724
7166301 : A Visitor From Westward Realms - Go to the wharf at Liyue Harbor
7166302 : A Visitor From Westward Realms - Talk to the clearly flustered person
7166401 : Vibro-Crystal Projections - Go to the Liyue Adventurers' Guild
7166402 : Vibro-Crystal Projections - Look for Patrice near The Chasm
7170001 : Let's Make A Flower Garland! - Give Changchang three Silk Flowers
7170002 : Let's Make A Flower Garland! - Talk to Changchang
7170101 : Herbalist's Forage - Give Herbalist Gui three Qingxin
7170102 : Herbalist's Forage - Talk to Herbalist Gui
7170201 : Herbalist's Forage - Give three Violetgrass to Herbalist Gui
7170202 : Herbalist's Forage - Talk to Herbalist Gui
7170301 : Herbalist's Forage - Give 10 Sweet Flowers to Herbalist Gui
7170302 : Herbalist's Forage - Talk to Herbalist Gui
7170401 : Herbalist's Forage - Give ten Mints to Herbalist Gui
7170402 : Herbalist's Forage - Talk to Herbalist Gui
7170501 : Smiley's Selections - Give two Sausages to Smiley Yanxiao
7170502 : Smiley's Selections - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
7170601 : Smiley's Selections - Give two Hams to Smiley Yanxiao
7170602 : Smiley's Selections - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
7170701 : Smiley's Selections - Give 2 servings of Bacon to Smiley Yanxiao
7170702 : Smiley's Selections - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
7170801 : Hanfeng's Iron-Mongering - Give ten Iron Chunks to Hanfeng
7170802 : Hanfeng's Iron-Mongering - Talk to Hanfeng
7170901 : Geri's Gastro-Nostalgia - Give two Sweet Madames to Geri
7170902 : Geri's Gastro-Nostalgia - Talk to Geri
7171001 : Geri's Gastro-Nostalgia - Give three servings of Radish Veggie Soup to Geri
7171002 : Geri's Gastro-Nostalgia - Talk to Geri
7171101 : Geri's Gastro-Nostalgia - Give two Tea Break Pancakes to Geri
7171102 : Geri's Gastro-Nostalgia - Talk to Geri
7171201 : Geri's Gastro-Nostalgia - Give two servings of Flaming Red Bolognese to Geri
7171202 : Geri's Gastro-Nostalgia - Talk to Geri
7171301 : Master Zhang's Metal Commission - Give ten Iron Chunks to Master Zhang
7171302 : Master Zhang's Metal Commission - Speak to Master Zhang
7171401 : Yi Zhu's Snack - Give the Almond Tofu to Yi Zhu
7171402 : Yi Zhu's Snack - Talk to Yi Zhu
7180001 : [CHS] - 先扫一屋$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 与萍姥姥对话$UNRELEASED
7180002 : [CHS] - 先扫一屋$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 触碰萍姥姥的壶$UNRELEASED
7180003 : [CHS] - 先扫一屋$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)壶外-进入壶中天$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7180004 : [CHS] - 先扫一屋$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)壶内-到达壶中天最上层$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7180005 : [CHS] - 先扫一屋$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)壶内-退出前的开车$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7180006 : [CHS] - 先扫一屋$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - 与萍姥姥对话$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7180007 : [CHS] - 先扫一屋$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)壶内-地城失败$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7180101 : [CHS] - 花船传送任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4028469500
7180102 : [CHS] - 花船传送任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 419279860
7180201 : An Adeptal Summons - [N/A] 737485732
7180202 : An Adeptal Summons - Offer the Delicious Jewelry Soup
7180203 : An Adeptal Summons - Go to the adeptus' abode and search for the blueprints
7180204 : An Adeptal Summons - Give the blueprints to Cloud Retainer
7180205 : An Adeptal Summons - [CHS] - 进入仙府$HIDDEN
7180206 : An Adeptal Summons - Place the blueprints before Cloud Retainer
7180207 : An Adeptal Summons - Visit Cloud Retainer
7180301 : The Adventurers' Guild's Affairs - [CHS] - 与岚姐对话$HIDDEN
7180302 : The Adventurers' Guild's Affairs - Defeat the Stonehide Lawachurl
7180303 : The Adventurers' Guild's Affairs - [CHS] - 打倒丘丘岩盔王$HIDDEN
7180304 : The Adventurers' Guild's Affairs - Speak to the Curious Cat
7180305 : The Adventurers' Guild's Affairs - Bring Ash to Lan
7180306 : The Adventurers' Guild's Affairs - [CHS] - 与岚姐对话$HIDDEN
7180401 : Necessary Procedures - [CHS] - 与伊凡诺维奇对话$HIDDEN
7180402 : Necessary Procedures - Copy down the bulletin concerning business permits
7180403 : Necessary Procedures - Talk to Ivanovich
7180404 : Necessary Procedures - Give the appropriate documents to Nervous An
7180405 : Necessary Procedures - Give the appropriate documents to Jiayi
7180406 : Necessary Procedures - Give the appropriate documents to Clerk Zhao
7180407 : Necessary Procedures - Report back to Ivanovich
7180434 : Necessary Procedures - Give the appropriate documents to Nervous An
7180435 : Necessary Procedures - Give the appropriate documents to Jiayi
7180436 : Necessary Procedures - Give the appropriate documents to Clerk Zhao
7180444 : Necessary Procedures - Give the appropriate documents to Nervous An
7180445 : Necessary Procedures - Give the appropriate documents to Jiayi
7180446 : Necessary Procedures - Please approach Clerk Zhao about official business during daytime work hours
7180447 : Necessary Procedures - Give the appropriate documents to Nervous An
7180448 : Necessary Procedures - [N/A] 1869901732
7180501 : Words Worth Their Weight in Mora - [CHS] - 与纪芳对话$HIDDEN
7180502 : Words Worth Their Weight in Mora - Help Jifang deliver the book
7180503 : Words Worth Their Weight in Mora - Help Jifang deliver the book
7180504 : Words Worth Their Weight in Mora - [CHS] - 增加任务进度$HIDDEN
7180505 : Words Worth Their Weight in Mora - [CHS] - 回滚保护$HIDDEN
7180506 : Words Worth Their Weight in Mora - Report back to Jifang
7180507 : Words Worth Their Weight in Mora - [N/A] 4228989540
7180601 : [CHS] - 群玉阁传送$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test群玉阁传送1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7180602 : [CHS] - 群玉阁传送$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test群玉阁传送2$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7180701 : Changchang's Little Friend - Talk to Changchang
7180702 : Changchang's Little Friend - Feed the dog a serving of Fowl
7180703 : Changchang's Little Friend - Report back to Changchang
7180801 : The Secret of Nantianmen - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】与嘉义对话$HIDDEN
7180802 : The Secret of Nantianmen - Investigate the unusual activity in Nantianmen
7180803 : The Secret of Nantianmen - Investigate the unusual activity in Nantianmen
7180804 : The Secret of Nantianmen - Investigate the unusual activity in Nantianmen
7180805 : The Secret of Nantianmen - Defeat all opponents
7180806 : The Secret of Nantianmen - Investigate the surrounding area
7180807 : The Secret of Nantianmen - Report back to Jiayi
7180808 : The Secret of Nantianmen - Talk to Paimon
7180809 : The Secret of Nantianmen - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】判断是否1.5更新后才完成04/05/06$HIDDEN
7180810 : The Secret of Nantianmen - Report back to Jiayi
7180811 : The Secret of Nantianmen - Report back to Jiayi
7180901 : An Ode to Yonder City - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】与清昼对话$HIDDEN
7180902 : An Ode to Yonder City - Look for poetic inspiration at the south wharf
7180903 : An Ode to Yonder City - Look for poetic inspiration at Bubu Pharmacy
7180904 : An Ode to Yonder City - Look for poetic inspiration near Yujing Terrace
7180905 : An Ode to Yonder City - Talk to people at Yujing Terrace
7180906 : An Ode to Yonder City - Talk to people at Yujing Terrace
7180907 : An Ode to Yonder City - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】进度记录$HIDDEN
7180908 : An Ode to Yonder City - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】回滚保护$HIDDEN
7180909 : An Ode to Yonder City - Report back to Qingzhou
7181001 : Endless Research - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】与爱拉尼对话$HIDDEN
7181002 : Endless Research - Defeat all the hilichurls
7181003 : Endless Research - Speak to Alrani
7181004 : Endless Research - Use Elemental Sight to find the slimes
7181005 : Endless Research - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】使用元素视野寻找史莱姆$HIDDEN
7181006 : Endless Research - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】使用元素视野寻找史莱姆$HIDDEN
7181007 : Endless Research - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】使用元素视野寻找史莱姆$HIDDEN
7181008 : Endless Research - Defeat all the slimes
7181009 : Endless Research - Speak to Alrani
7181101 : Snapshots - [CHS] - 与阿旭对话$HIDDEN
7181102 : Snapshots - [N/A] 2341758532
7181103 : Snapshots - Deliver the picture to the customer
7181104 : Snapshots - Deliver the picture to the customer
7181105 : Snapshots - [N/A] 2080836164
7181106 : Snapshots - [N/A] 1732385228
7181107 : Snapshots - Report back to Xu
7181201 : Tianqiu Treasure Trail - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】与岚姐对话$HIDDEN
7181202 : Tianqiu Treasure Trail - Defeat all opponents
7181203 : Tianqiu Treasure Trail - Follow the treasure map to find the treasure
7181204 : Tianqiu Treasure Trail - Carefully investigate the surroundings
7181205 : Tianqiu Treasure Trail - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】进度记录$HIDDEN
7181206 : Tianqiu Treasure Trail - Follow the treasure map to find the treasure
7181207 : Tianqiu Treasure Trail - Follow the treasure map to find the treasure
7181208 : Tianqiu Treasure Trail - Follow the treasure map to find the treasure
7181209 : Tianqiu Treasure Trail - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】回滚保护$HIDDEN
7181210 : Tianqiu Treasure Trail - Report back to Lan
7181301 : Return of the Jade Chamber? - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】与大坤对话$HIDDEN
7181302 : Return of the Jade Chamber? - Talk to Jifang
7181303 : Return of the Jade Chamber? - Talk to Qingzhou
7181304 : Return of the Jade Chamber? - Give a serving of Delicious Triple-Layered Consommé to Qingzhou
7181305 : Return of the Jade Chamber? - Talk to Qingzhou
7181306 : Return of the Jade Chamber? - Talk to Master Lu
7181307 : Return of the Jade Chamber? - Chase the boars away
7181308 : Return of the Jade Chamber? - Chase the boars away
7181309 : Return of the Jade Chamber? - Chase the boars away
7181310 : Return of the Jade Chamber? - Report back to Master Lu
7181311 : Return of the Jade Chamber? - Report back to Baiwen
7181401 : Fishing For Jade - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】与大坤对话$HIDDEN
7181402 : Fishing For Jade - Clear the flotsam from the north wharf
7181403 : Fishing For Jade - Clear the flotsam from the south wharf
7181404 : Fishing For Jade - Report back to Kun
7181405 : Fishing For Jade - Pass the box to Baiwen
7181501 : Guests in Qingce - Talk to Wang'ya
7181502 : Guests in Qingce - Find Mr. Bohuan
7181503 : Guests in Qingce - Give a Xiao Lantern to Uncle Ghast
7181504 : Guests in Qingce - Give a Xiao Lantern to Hanfeng
7181505 : Guests in Qingce - Give a Xiao Lantern to Master Lu
7181506 : Guests in Qingce - Talk to Qingzhou
7181507 : Guests in Qingce - Give three Xiao Lantern materials to Qingzhou
7181508 : Guests in Qingce - [CHS] - (test)判断交付完成$HIDDEN
7181509 : Guests in Qingce - Guess the first lantern riddle
7181510 : Guests in Qingce - Guess the second lantern riddle
7181511 : Guests in Qingce - Guess the third lantern riddle
7181512 : Guests in Qingce - Talk to Qingzhou
7181513 : Guests in Qingce - Talk to Wang'ya
7181514 : Guests in Qingce - Follow Wang'ya
7181515 : Guests in Qingce - Talk to Wang'ya
7181516 : Guests in Qingce - Follow Wang'ya
7181517 : Guests in Qingce - Talk to Wang'ya
7181518 : Guests in Qingce - [CHS] - 刷出宵灯$HIDDEN
7181519 : Guests in Qingce - [CHS] - (活动开启任务)$HIDDEN
7181520 : Guests in Qingce - [CHS] - 废弃$HIDDEN
7181521 : Guests in Qingce - [CHS] - 废弃$HIDDEN
7181522 : Guests in Qingce - [CHS] - 废弃$HIDDEN
7181523 : Guests in Qingce - [CHS] - 废弃$HIDDEN
7181601 : Lantern of the Wayfarer - Talk to Huangshan
7181602 : Lantern of the Wayfarer - [CHS] - (test)(废弃)前往货物存放地点
7181603 : Lantern of the Wayfarer - Talk to Huangshan at the goods storage location
7181604 : Lantern of the Wayfarer - Escort the transport balloon to Francis
7181605 : Lantern of the Wayfarer - Talk to Francis
7181606 : Lantern of the Wayfarer - Head to the designated location to look for Huangshan
7181607 : Lantern of the Wayfarer - [CHS] - (test)对话刷霄灯$HIDDEN
7181608 : Lantern of the Wayfarer - Give the finished Xiao Lantern to Huangshan
7181609 : Lantern of the Wayfarer - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务UI界面领取用$HIDDEN
7181610 : Lantern of the Wayfarer - [CHS] - (test)精简交付对话用$HIDDEN
7181701 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao at night (19:00 – 23:00)
7181702 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
7181703 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - [CHS] - (test)挑战开启倒计时$HIDDEN
7181704 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Serve dishes to Holderlin and Caspar
7181705 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Report back to Smiley Yanxiao
7181706 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - [CHS] - (test)选择都正确$HIDDEN
7181707 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Deliver the food to Aunt Qiao
7181708 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Deliver the food to Aunt Qiao
7181709 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Cook 2 Delicious Chicken-Mushroom Skewers
7181710 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Serve dishes to Holderlin and Caspar
7181711 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Deliver the food to Zhuyu
7181712 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Deliver the food to Zhuyu
7181713 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Procure 3 portions of Tofu, Almonds, and Rice
7181714 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Report back to Smiley Yanxiao
7181715 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Report back to Smiley Yanxiao
7181716 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Give a Xiao Lantern to Smiley Yanxiao
7181717 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
7181718 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Give a Xiao Lantern to Jiangxue
7181719 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - Talk to Jiangxue
7181720 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务UI界面领取用$HIDDEN
7181721 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - [CHS] - (test)隐藏言笑白天闲置对话判断$HIDDEN
7181722 : Yanxiao's Crazy Kitchen - [CHS] - (test)隐藏判断晚上19-23点$HIDDEN
7181801 : The Gift of a Lantern - Talk to Ms. Bai
7181802 : The Gift of a Lantern - Talk to Jiangcheng
7181803 : The Gift of a Lantern - Use Anemo or Hydro to help Jiangcheng clean the house
7181804 : The Gift of a Lantern - Talk to Jiangcheng
7181805 : The Gift of a Lantern - Hang the Xiao Lantern on the house
7181806 : The Gift of a Lantern - Talk to Jiangcheng
7181807 : The Gift of a Lantern - Follow Ms. Bai back to the mill
7181808 : The Gift of a Lantern - Collect Xiao Lantern materials for Ms. Bai
7181809 : The Gift of a Lantern - Give Xiao Lantern materials to Ms. Bai
7181810 : The Gift of a Lantern - Talk to Ms. Bai
7181811 : The Gift of a Lantern - [N/A] 2665141436
7181901 : City of Chores - Talk to Wang'ya
7181902 : City of Chores - Give the present to Xiangming
7181903 : City of Chores - Give the present to Hongyi
7181904 : City of Chores - Give the present to Cai Le
7181905 : City of Chores - Ask Yi Xian and Yi Zhu about Cai Le's whereabouts
7181906 : City of Chores - Look for Cai Le
7181907 : City of Chores - Climb the tree and take down the Xiao Lantern
7181908 : City of Chores - Talk to Cai Le
7181909 : City of Chores - Report back to Wang'ya
7181910 : City of Chores - [CHS] - 与望雅对话$HIDDEN
7182001 : Wangshu Once Again - Have a walk around Wangshu Inn
7182002 : Wangshu Once Again - Talk to Verr Goldet
7182003 : Wangshu Once Again - Go visit Smiley Yanxiao
7182004 : Wangshu Once Again - [CHS] - (test)搬运备料1$HIDDEN
7182005 : Wangshu Once Again - [CHS] - (test)搬运备料2$HIDDEN
7182006 : Wangshu Once Again - [CHS] - (test)搬运备料3$HIDDEN
7182007 : Wangshu Once Again - Go downstairs and help bring Smiley Yanxiao the food ingredients
7182008 : Wangshu Once Again - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7182009 : Wangshu Once Again - [CHS] - (test)和派蒙对话$HIDDEN
7182010 : Wangshu Once Again - [CHS] - (test)在挂上霄灯1$HIDDEN
7182011 : Wangshu Once Again - [CHS] - (test)在挂上霄灯2$HIDDEN
7182012 : Wangshu Once Again - Hang the Xiao Lanterns near the entrance of Wangshu Inn
7182013 : Wangshu Once Again - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7182014 : Wangshu Once Again - Carry the ingredients upstairs
7182015 : Wangshu Once Again - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
7182016 : Wangshu Once Again - Talk to Verr Goldet
7182017 : Wangshu Once Again - Find Mr. Bohuan
7182018 : Wangshu Once Again - Defeat all opponents
7182019 : Wangshu Once Again - Talk to Mr. Bohuan
7182020 : Wangshu Once Again - Give the materials to Mr. Bohuan
7182021 : Wangshu Once Again - Go back and talk to Wang'ya
7182022 : Wangshu Once Again - Talk to Mr. Bohuan
7182023 : Wangshu Once Again - [CHS] - (test)海灯节领取任务$HIDDEN
7182101 : Where the Light Wanes - Talk to Hongyu
7182102 : Where the Light Wanes - Head to the designated location to collect the Xiao Lantern
7182103 : Where the Light Wanes - Collect the Xiao Lantern
7182104 : Where the Light Wanes - Head to the designated location to collect the Xiao Lantern
7182105 : Where the Light Wanes - Collect the Xiao Lantern
7182106 : Where the Light Wanes - Head to the designated location to collect the Xiao Lantern
7182107 : Where the Light Wanes - Defeat the enraged Hilichurls
7182108 : Where the Light Wanes - Talk to Flash-Fist Ling
7182109 : Where the Light Wanes - Collect the Xiao Lantern
7182110 : Where the Light Wanes - Report back to Hongyu
7182111 : Where the Light Wanes - [CHS] - 宏宇闲置对话$HIDDEN
7182112 : Where the Light Wanes - [CHS] - (活动接取任务)$HIDDEN
7182201 : When Scholar and Legends Meet - Talk to Soraya
7182202 : When Scholar and Legends Meet - Retrieve the Soil Sample
7182203 : When Scholar and Legends Meet - Report back to Soraya
7182204 : When Scholar and Legends Meet - Follow the mountain path
7182205 : When Scholar and Legends Meet - Defeat the hilichurls
7182206 : When Scholar and Legends Meet - Talk to Soraya
7182207 : When Scholar and Legends Meet - [CHS] - 打倒丘丘人(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7182208 : When Scholar and Legends Meet - [N/A] 201980468
7182301 : Guardians of the Countryside - Go and have a look in the wild nearby Qingce Village
7182302 : Guardians of the Countryside - Speak with Zhi
7182303 : Guardians of the Countryside - Go and pick Qingxin flowers from atop the summit
7182304 : Guardians of the Countryside - Go and pick Calla Lilies from along the riverbanks
7182305 : Guardians of the Countryside - Defeat the slimes
7182306 : Guardians of the Countryside - Pick some Lotus Heads after midnight (00:00 – 06:00)
7182307 : Guardians of the Countryside - [CHS] - (test)不合适的时间$HIDDEN
7182308 : Guardians of the Countryside - [CHS] - (test)合适的时间$HIDDEN
7182309 : Guardians of the Countryside - Report back to Zhi
7182310 : Guardians of the Countryside - Accompany Zhi to the mill
7182311 : Guardians of the Countryside - [CHS] - (test)海灯节领取任务$HIDDEN
7182401 : Promises Remembered as Lanterns Rise - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
7182402 : Promises Remembered as Lanterns Rise - Talk to Verr Goldet
7182403 : Promises Remembered as Lanterns Rise - Craft a Xiao Lantern
7182404 : Promises Remembered as Lanterns Rise - Head to the woods near Wangshu Inn
7182405 : Promises Remembered as Lanterns Rise - Play hide-and-seek with Dusky Ming
7182406 : Promises Remembered as Lanterns Rise - Play hide-and-seek with Dusky Ming
7182407 : Promises Remembered as Lanterns Rise - Play hide-and-seek with Dusky Ming
7182408 : Promises Remembered as Lanterns Rise - Play hide-and-seek with Dusky Ming
7182409 : Promises Remembered as Lanterns Rise - Play hide-and-seek with Dusky Ming
7182410 : Promises Remembered as Lanterns Rise - Play hide-and-seek with Dusky Ming
7182411 : Promises Remembered as Lanterns Rise - Hang the Xiao Lantern on a treetop
7182412 : Promises Remembered as Lanterns Rise - Leave the woods
7182413 : Promises Remembered as Lanterns Rise - Talk to Verr Goldet
7182414 : Promises Remembered as Lanterns Rise - Wait until night (19:00 – 04:00)
7182415 : Promises Remembered as Lanterns Rise - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务UI界面领取用$HIDDEN
7182501 : [CHS] - 轻策来客任务奖励发放A$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 637613012
7182601 : [CHS] - 轻策来客任务奖励发放B$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2861758676
7182701 : [CHS] - 轻策来客任务奖励发放C$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 701564388
7182801 : [CHS] - 轻策来客任务奖励发放D$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3061905692
7182901 : A Dish Beyond Mortal Ken - [CHS] - 与言笑对话$HIDDEN
7182902 : A Dish Beyond Mortal Ken - Sit by the table
7182903 : A Dish Beyond Mortal Ken - Talk to Jiangxue
7182904 : A Dish Beyond Mortal Ken - Give Smiley Yanxiao the ingredients
7182905 : A Dish Beyond Mortal Ken - Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
7182906 : A Dish Beyond Mortal Ken - Cut the meat
7182907 : A Dish Beyond Mortal Ken - Pour pure water into the cooking pot
7182908 : A Dish Beyond Mortal Ken - Bring the stove up to temperature
7182909 : A Dish Beyond Mortal Ken - Talk to Jiangxue
7183001 : Hereafter: All is Well - [CHS] - (test)自然时间等到第二天$HIDDEN
7183002 : Hereafter: All is Well - Talk to Wang Ping'an
7183003 : Hereafter: All is Well - Defeat all the Treasure Hoarders
7183004 : Hereafter: All is Well - Talk to the Treasure Hoarders
7183005 : Hereafter: All is Well - Give Wang Ping'an the Sandbearer Wood
7183006 : Hereafter: All is Well - Give Wang Ping'an the Sandbearer Wood
7183007 : Hereafter: All is Well - Report back to Wang Ping'an
7183008 : Hereafter: All is Well - [CHS] - (test)控制人群group$HIDDEN
7183101 : Hereafter: Return to the Mountains - [CHS] - (test)等到第二天的隐藏任务$HIDDEN
7183102 : Hereafter: Return to the Mountains - Go back to the Pervases statue
7183103 : Hereafter: Return to the Mountains - Talk to Wang Ping'an
7183104 : Hereafter: Return to the Mountains - Offer incense to Pervases
7183105 : Hereafter: Return to the Mountains - Talk to Wang Ping'an
7183201 : [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】老号解锁死兆星号传送点用$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】解锁死兆星号传送点用$HIDDEN
7190101 : [CHS] - 天叔送礼小任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1197853644
7190201 : [CHS] - 张顺送礼小任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4110965508
7190301 : [CHS] - 岚姐送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3432092716
7190401 : [CHS] - 小千送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 909344308
7190501 : [CHS] - 快刀陈送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2180664828
7190601 : [CHS] - 苏二娘送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 232232428
7190701 : [CHS] - 卯师傅送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3837477604
7190901 : [CHS] - 杰里送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2754769980
7191001 : [CHS] - 乾子送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2381207052
7191101 : [CHS] - 纪芳送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1553378996
7191201 : [CHS] - 石头送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3099164188
7191301 : [CHS] - 茶博士送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4239249652
7191401 : [CHS] - 琳琅送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 11123628
7191501 : [CHS] - 春水送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4180551204
7191601 : [CHS] - 博来送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3877856316
7191701 : [CHS] - 朝南送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 749138796
7191801 : [CHS] - 萍姥姥送礼任务测试$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1282065460
7191901 : [CHS] - 逢岩送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4192332988
7192001 : [CHS] - 若心送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1149301548
7192101 : [CHS] - 竺子送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2797973956
7192201 : [CHS] - 伊凡诺维奇送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2798186044
7192301 : [CHS] - 寒锋送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1961626412
7192401 : [CHS] - 小六送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3064122700
7192501 : [CHS] - 东东送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2680140972
7192601 : [CHS] - 阿佐送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2696834956
7192701 : [CHS] - 磨坊主送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 731102988
7192801 : [CHS] - 旅行商人送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4010442028
7192901 : [CHS] - 闲散的镖师送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1753311364
7193001 : [CHS] - 钓鱼的隐居高手送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 939991788
7193101 : [CHS] - 远道而来的学者送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4277934876
7193201 : [CHS] - 调皮小嬢送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1396052300
7193301 : [CHS] - 紫微送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1435428828
7193401 : [CHS] - 铁块儿送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 53871220
7193501 : [CHS] - 文泽送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1375526244
7193601 : [CHS] - 小漫送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 318441444
7193701 : [CHS] - 岳川送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1500671276
7193801 : [CHS] - 盖曼送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3682346932
7193901 : [CHS] - 阿卜送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 495064124
7194001 : [CHS] - 无怨送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2094832892
7194101 : [CHS] - 醉今朝送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 941520116
7194201 : [CHS] - 茱萸送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3378563044
7194301 : [CHS] - 青莲送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2657930348
7194401 : [CHS] - 一阔送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 930192588
7194501 : [CHS] - 万货通送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2249429276
7194601 : [CHS] - 蒙蒙送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1138559396
7194701 : [CHS] - 魏风尘送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4070973780
7194801 : [CHS] - 判官儿送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3002721412
7194901 : [CHS] - 百晓送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3082236244
7195001 : [CHS] - 百识送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3097337092
7195101 : [CHS] - 百闻送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3576942172
7195201 : [CHS] - 常九爷送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1150562628
7195301 : [CHS] - 天叔送礼小任务甘雨线后$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1865203756
7200201 : [CHS] - (test)狗子隐藏任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于发放家具$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7201301 : [CHS] - 新功能测试专用$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 1649023620
7201302 : [CHS] - 新功能测试专用$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 3384825452
7210001 : Cleansing Defilement - Complete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual
7210002 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - (test)绀田村封印$HIDDEN
7210003 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - (test)荒神社封印$HIDDEN
7210004 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - (test)守护之森封印$HIDDEN
7210005 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - (test)狐仙洞封印$HIDDEN
7210006 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - (test)雷根岛封印$HIDDEN
7210007 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - 巫女创生用 绀田村(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7210008 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - 巫女创生用 荒神社(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7210009 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - 巫女创生用 守护之森(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7210010 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - 巫女创生用 绀田村井下常驻(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7210011 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - 倒数第二个树根完成后播放remidner$HIDDEN
7210012 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - (test)荒神社后创生$HIDDEN
7210013 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - (test)守护之森后创生$HIDDEN
7210014 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - (test)狐仙洞计数桥接1$HIDDEN
7210015 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - (test)雷根岛计数桥接2$HIDDEN
7210016 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - (test)击杀雷祸之源
7210017 : Cleansing Defilement - [CHS] - (test)捡起面具
7210101 : [CHS] - (test)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210102 : [CHS] - (test)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与冒险王对话$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210103 : [CHS] - (test)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)找到下去方法$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210104 : [CHS] - (test)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)探索遗迹$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210105 : [CHS] - (test)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)一下井,拍照门$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210106 : [CHS] - (test)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)水面下降机关处$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210107 : [CHS] - (test)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)水下狐狸(解谜终环)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210108 : [CHS] - (test)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)海底遗迹主View$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210109 : [CHS] - (test)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)海底遗迹沉船$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210111 : [CHS] - (test)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)回去告诉冒险王的见闻(完成父任务)$UNRELEASED
7210201 : [CHS] - 神社占卜御签挂(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 前往绀田村北侧的荒神社(test)$HIDDEN
7210202 : [CHS] - 神社占卜御签挂(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 在荒神社附近寻找神樱封印的位置(test)$HIDDEN
7210203 : [CHS] - 神社占卜御签挂(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 解除封印(test)$HIDDEN
7210204 : [CHS] - 神社占卜御签挂(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 解除封印(test)$HIDDEN
7210205 : [CHS] - 神社占卜御签挂(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 道具检测(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7210206 : [CHS] - 神社占卜御签挂(test)$HIDDEN - Find the ritual tools here and pick them up
7210207 : [CHS] - 神社占卜御签挂(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 初次任务完成检测(废弃)$HIDDEN
7210301 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·大吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210302 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·大吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210303 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·大吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210304 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·大吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210305 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·中吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210306 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·中吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210307 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210308 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)凶签绘马交付·凶1$HIDDEN
7210309 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)凶签绘马交付·凶2$HIDDEN
7210310 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)凶签绘马交付·大凶$HIDDEN
7210311 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7210312 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)创生NPC保底$HIDDEN
7210313 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7210314 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7210315 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)假扮巫女首次对话$HIDDEN
7210316 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7210317 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7210318 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7210319 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)下半段隐藏控制$HIDDEN
7210320 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)下半段完成$HIDDEN
7210321 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)巫女首次对话隔离$HIDDEN
7210322 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7210323 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7210324 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)回滚执行$HIDDEN
7210325 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)神官神社创生$HIDDEN
7210326 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210327 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210328 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·末吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210329 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·末吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210330 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·末吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210331 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·末吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210332 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·凶(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210333 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·凶(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210334 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·大凶(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7210335 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)判定小黑屋完成$HIDDEN
7210336 : [CHS] - 神社占卜假扮巫女常驻(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)首次遇到假扮巫女$HIDDEN
7210401 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·大吉$HIDDEN
7210402 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·大吉$HIDDEN
7210403 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·大吉$HIDDEN
7210404 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·大吉$HIDDEN
7210405 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·中吉$HIDDEN
7210406 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·中吉$HIDDEN
7210407 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·吉$HIDDEN
7210408 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)凶签绘马交付·凶1$HIDDEN
7210409 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)凶签绘马交付·凶2$HIDDEN
7210410 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)凶签绘马交付·大凶$HIDDEN
7210411 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7210412 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7210413 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7210414 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7210415 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)检测第一阶段完成$HIDDEN
7210416 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)特殊交付talk1$HIDDEN
7210417 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)特殊交付talk2$HIDDEN
7210418 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)特殊交付talk3$HIDDEN
7210419 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)特殊交付1后加载group$HIDDEN
7210420 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)特殊交付2后加载group$HIDDEN
7210421 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)特殊交付3后加载group$HIDDEN
7210422 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)判定三环暗杀都完成$HIDDEN
7210423 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)判定说过特殊分支1$HIDDEN
7210424 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)回滚执行$HIDDEN
7210425 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)假扮巫女神社创生$HIDDEN
7210426 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·吉$HIDDEN
7210427 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·吉$HIDDEN
7210428 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·末吉$HIDDEN
7210429 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·末吉$HIDDEN
7210430 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·末吉$HIDDEN
7210431 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·末吉$HIDDEN
7210432 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·凶$HIDDEN
7210433 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·凶$HIDDEN
7210434 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·大凶$HIDDEN
7210435 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)暗号对话1$HIDDEN
7210436 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)暗号对话2$HIDDEN
7210437 : [CHS] - 神社占卜二阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)暗号对话3$HIDDEN
7210501 : Yougou Cleansing - [N/A] 3961876140
7210502 : Yougou Cleansing - Report back to Hanachirusato
7210503 : Yougou Cleansing - Head to the opening at Mt. Yougou: The Depths and talk to Hanachirusato
7210504 : Yougou Cleansing - Jump in
7210505 : Yougou Cleansing - Defeat Miasmic Tumor
7210506 : Yougou Cleansing - Talk to Hanachirusato
7210507 : Yougou Cleansing - Pick up the mask
7210508 : Yougou Cleansing - [CHS] - 水面下降对话检测$HIDDEN
7210509 : Yougou Cleansing - [CHS] - 花散里消散CS后切换天气场景1$HIDDEN
7210510 : Yougou Cleansing - [CHS] - 花散里消散CS后切换天气场景2$HIDDEN
7210511 : Yougou Cleansing - [CHS] - 废弃$HIDDEN
7210601 : A Strange Story in Konda - [CHS] - 隐藏 第一次对话后 然后闲置对话$HIDDEN
7210602 : A Strange Story in Konda - [CHS] - 隐藏 任务接取对话$HIDDEN
7210603 : A Strange Story in Konda - Go to Konda Village
7210604 : A Strange Story in Konda - Ask the locals for information
7210605 : A Strange Story in Konda - Ask the Konda Village Chief for information
7210606 : A Strange Story in Konda - [CHS] - 调查内容1(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7210607 : A Strange Story in Konda - [CHS] - 调查内容2(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7210608 : A Strange Story in Konda - [CHS] - 去村口调查被废弃的破车(test)$HIDDEN
7210609 : A Strange Story in Konda - [CHS] - 调查村长家后面的枯井(test)$HIDDEN
7210610 : A Strange Story in Konda - [CHS] - 顺着沟渠寻找货物残渣(test)$HIDDEN
7210611 : A Strange Story in Konda - [CHS] - 调查内容6(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7210612 : A Strange Story in Konda - Cut a deal with the Village Chief
7210613 : A Strange Story in Konda - Look for the Chief's diary on the rooftop
7210614 : A Strange Story in Konda - Head over to the designated area recorded in the notebook
7210615 : A Strange Story in Konda - Descend into the well in Konda Village
7210616 : A Strange Story in Konda - [CHS] - 铁门交付(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7210617 : A Strange Story in Konda - Find the treasure at the bottom of the well
7210618 : A Strange Story in Konda - Ask the locals for information
7210619 : A Strange Story in Konda - [CHS] - 寻找线索$HIDDEN
7210620 : A Strange Story in Konda - [CHS] - 村长初次对话检测$HIDDEN
7210621 : A Strange Story in Konda - [CHS] - 派蒙对话检测$HIDDEN
7210622 : A Strange Story in Konda - Use the power of Electro on the Sky Kitsune Statue
7210623 : A Strange Story in Konda - Look for clues
7210624 : A Strange Story in Konda - Look for clues
7210625 : A Strange Story in Konda - Look for clues
7210626 : A Strange Story in Konda - Obtain the ward
7210627 : A Strange Story in Konda - Explore the bottom of the well
7210628 : A Strange Story in Konda - Look for clues
7210629 : A Strange Story in Konda - [CHS] - 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7210630 : A Strange Story in Konda - Talk to Hanachirusato
7210631 : A Strange Story in Konda - [CHS] - 铁门消失(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7210632 : A Strange Story in Konda - [CHS] - (test)判定获得道具$HIDDEN
7210701 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 检测巫女解谜完成与否$HIDDEN
7210702 : Sacrificial Offering - Go to the abandoned shrine northeast of Konda Village
7210703 : Sacrificial Offering - Continue the investigation at the abandoned shrine
7210704 : Sacrificial Offering - Carry out the investigation at the abandoned shrine
7210705 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 获得【雷樱大祓要略】$HIDDEN
7210706 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 判定言灵关键环完成$HIDDEN
7210707 : Sacrificial Offering - Head to the Grand Narukami Shrine to investigate
7210708 : Sacrificial Offering - Return to the abandoned shrine and use the Memento Lens to investigate
7210709 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索1触发$HIDDEN
7210710 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索2触发$HIDDEN
7210711 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索3触发$HIDDEN
7210712 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索4触发$HIDDEN
7210713 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索5触发$HIDDEN
7210714 : Sacrificial Offering - Recite the sacred words in front of the Sky Kitsune Statue
7210715 : Sacrificial Offering - Obtain the ward
7210716 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索1创生对话$HIDDEN
7210717 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索2创生对话$HIDDEN
7210718 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索3创生对话$HIDDEN
7210719 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索4创生对话$HIDDEN
7210720 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索5创生对话$HIDDEN
7210721 : Sacrificial Offering - Find the barrier
7210722 : Sacrificial Offering - Destroy the barrier
7210723 : Sacrificial Offering - Talk to Hanachirusato
7210724 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索6触发$HIDDEN
7210725 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索6创生对话$HIDDEN
7210726 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索7触发$HIDDEN
7210727 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索7创生对话$HIDDEN
7210728 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索8触发$HIDDEN
7210729 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索8创生对话$HIDDEN
7210730 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索9触发$HIDDEN
7210731 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 言灵线索9创生对话$HIDDEN
7210732 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 派蒙对话触发$HIDDEN
7210733 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 派蒙对话完成$HIDDEN
7210734 : Sacrificial Offering - [CHS] - 书本交互对话$HIDDEN
7210801 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - Search for the source of the strange voice
7210802 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - [CHS] - (test)第二段区域$HIDDEN
7210803 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - Find the little tanuki
7210804 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - [CHS] - (test)解救小狸子$HIDDEN
7210805 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - [CHS] - (test)解救小狸子$HIDDEN
7210806 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - [CHS] - (test)解救小狸子$HIDDEN
7210807 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - Report back to Ioroi
7210808 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - Head to the location of the barrier
7210809 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - Wait for Kichiboushi
7210810 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - [CHS] - (test)检测荒神社完成,通知group切suit$HIDDEN
7210811 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - [CHS] - (test)黑屏派蒙说话$HIDDEN
7210812 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - [CHS] - (test)第3与4段区域$HIDDEN
7210813 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - Defeat the hilichurls
7210814 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - Talk to the Weird Statue
7210815 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - Report back to Ioroi
7210816 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - [CHS] - (test)与天狐雕像对话$HIDDEN
7210817 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - Destroy the barrier
7210818 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - Talk to Hanachirusato
7210819 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - Search for the source of the strange voice
7210820 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - [N/A] 650004020
7210821 : Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7210901 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)老爹告示牌创生$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210902 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)二郎笼子内创生$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210903 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)石川对话$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210904 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)小野对话$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210905 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)小仓优对话$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210906 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)判定军营对话完成$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210907 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)老爹绀田村创生,挂闲置对话$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210908 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)二郎救出前对话1$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210909 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)二郎救出前对话2$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210910 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)二郎救出前对话3$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210911 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)二郎救出前对话4$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210912 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)二郎救出前对话5$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210913 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)判定二郎笼子开启$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210914 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)二郎笼子开启时强制对话$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210915 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)二郎小岛创生时+强制对话$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210916 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)二郎小岛创生后判定进入路线A$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210917 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)二郎小岛创生后判定进入路线B$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7210918 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)寻找石板0/4$UNRELEASED
7210919 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)石板1$UNRELEASED
7210920 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)石板2$UNRELEASED
7210921 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)石板3$UNRELEASED
7210922 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)石板4$UNRELEASED
7210923 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 3104061804
7210924 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 1547069764
7210925 : [CHS] - 农民的宝藏$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 178658732
7211001 : [CHS] - 稻妻七本刀(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3772573460
7211002 : [CHS] - 稻妻七本刀(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3983781124
7211003 : [CHS] - 稻妻七本刀(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2161300340
7211004 : [CHS] - 稻妻七本刀(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2607576452
7211005 : [CHS] - 稻妻七本刀(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 25407924
7211006 : [CHS] - 稻妻七本刀(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 161748004
7211007 : [CHS] - 稻妻七本刀(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1166500740
7211008 : [CHS] - 稻妻七本刀(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3740353852
7211009 : [CHS] - 稻妻七本刀(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4150395404
7211010 : [CHS] - 稻妻七本刀(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1241982980
7211011 : [CHS] - 稻妻七本刀(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3326151748
7211012 : [CHS] - 稻妻七本刀(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2214482964
7211013 : [CHS] - 稻妻七本刀(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1971680908
7211014 : [CHS] - 稻妻七本刀(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 398457924
7211015 : [CHS] - 稻妻七本刀(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2531918612
7211101 : [CHS] - 绀田传助交付(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 542768684
7211102 : [CHS] - 绀田传助交付(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 514530420
7211103 : [CHS] - 绀田传助交付(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3874027980
7211104 : [CHS] - 绀田传助交付(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 878340724
7211105 : [CHS] - 绀田传助交付(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4159545084
7211106 : [CHS] - 绀田传助交付(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 980616180
7211107 : [CHS] - 绀田传助交付(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4117316652
7211108 : [CHS] - 绀田传助交付(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1970607028
7211201 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·大吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211202 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·大吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211203 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·大吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211204 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·大吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211205 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·中吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211206 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·中吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211207 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211208 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)凶签绘马交付·凶1$HIDDEN
7211209 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)凶签绘马交付·凶2$HIDDEN
7211210 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)凶签绘马交付·大凶$HIDDEN
7211211 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7211212 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7211213 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7211214 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7211215 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)检测完成暗号对话$HIDDEN
7211216 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)一阶段特殊交付$HIDDEN
7211217 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7211218 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7211219 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)特殊交付1后加载group$HIDDEN
7211220 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)检测焰刀对话$HIDDEN
7211221 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)焰刀对话后创生$HIDDEN
7211222 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)判定第一环暗杀完成$HIDDEN
7211223 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7211224 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)回滚执行$HIDDEN
7211225 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)神官神社创生$HIDDEN
7211226 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211227 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211228 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·末吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211229 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·末吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211230 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·末吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211231 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·末吉(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211232 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·凶(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211233 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·凶(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211234 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)竹签·大凶(抽到竹签变量1,交付竹签变量0)$HIDDEN
7211235 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)抽签引导对话$HIDDEN
7211236 : [CHS] - 神社占卜一阶段(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)解签引导对话$HIDDEN
7211301 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)抽签引导(废弃)$HIDDEN
7211302 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第一次抽到大吉$HIDDEN
7211303 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第一次抽到大吉、凶以外的东西1$HIDDEN
7211304 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第一次抽到凶$HIDDEN
7211305 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第一次抽到大吉、凶以外的东西2$HIDDEN
7211306 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)判定大凶成就$HIDDEN
7211307 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)暗号获得Talk$HIDDEN
7211308 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第一次对暗号获取后Talk第一环$HIDDEN
7211309 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)巫女消失Talk1$HIDDEN
7211310 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)接头点Talk$HIDDEN
7211311 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)小黑屋Talk$HIDDEN
7211312 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)暗号获得回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7211313 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)巫女消失Talk2$HIDDEN
7211314 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第一次对暗号获取后Talk第二环$HIDDEN
7211315 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7211316 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)完成后刷新签筒Group$HIDDEN
7211317 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)传送进小黑屋Talk$HIDDEN
7211318 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)接头点踩圈完成任务$HIDDEN
7211319 : [CHS] - 神社占卜引导对话(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)炎刀后回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7211401 : Tatara Tales - [N/A] 270023852
7211402 : Tatara Tales - [N/A] 2004672716
7211403 : Tatara Tales - [N/A] 2418289188
7211404 : Tatara Tales - Look for Xavier
7211405 : Tatara Tales - Observe the Mikage Furnace
7211406 : Tatara Tales - Observe the Mikage Furnace
7211407 : Tatara Tales - Observe the Mikage Furnace
7211408 : Tatara Tales - [N/A] 704622972
7211409 : Tatara Tales - [N/A] 2700025172
7211410 : Tatara Tales - Report back to Xavier
7211411 : Tatara Tales - Activate the Kamuijima Cannons and destroy the rifts
7211412 : Tatara Tales - Activate the Kamuijima Cannons and destroy the rifts
7211413 : Tatara Tales - Activate the Kamuijima Cannons and destroy the rifts
7211414 : Tatara Tales - [N/A] 1723665548
7211415 : Tatara Tales - [N/A] 763193324
7211416 : Tatara Tales - Report back to Xavier
7211417 : Tatara Tales - Defeat the attacking Fatui
7211418 : Tatara Tales - Talk to Xavier
7211419 : Tatara Tales - Get close to the Mikage Furnace
7211420 : Tatara Tales - Take a picture of the storage device
7211421 : Tatara Tales - Report back to Xavier
7211422 : Tatara Tales - Report back to Xavier
7211423 : Tatara Tales - Ask the two about the situation
7211424 : Tatara Tales - Ask the two about the situation
7211425 : Tatara Tales - [N/A] 3553579436
7211426 : Tatara Tales - [N/A] 2907258412
7211427 : Tatara Tales - [CHS] - 向两人询问情况$HIDDEN
7211428 : Tatara Tales - [N/A] 420075316
7211501 : Tatara Tales: Priority Investigation - [CHS] - (test)隐藏$HIDDEN
7211502 : Tatara Tales: Priority Investigation - Talk to Xavier
7211503 : Tatara Tales: Priority Investigation - Place the beacons
7211504 : Tatara Tales: Priority Investigation - Place the beacons
7211505 : Tatara Tales: Priority Investigation - Place the beacons
7211506 : Tatara Tales: Priority Investigation - [N/A] 3275642076
7211507 : Tatara Tales: Priority Investigation - [N/A] 2996717212
7211508 : Tatara Tales: Priority Investigation - Report back to Xavier
7211601 : Tatara Tales: Purification Device - [N/A] 3468838916
7211602 : Tatara Tales: Purification Device - Talk to Xavier
7211603 : Tatara Tales: Purification Device - Collect three Crystal Marrow
7211604 : Tatara Tales: Purification Device - Talk to Xavier
7211701 : Tatara Tales: Data Collection - [CHS] - (test)隐藏$HIDDEN
7211702 : Tatara Tales: Data Collection - Talk to Xavier
7211703 : Tatara Tales: Data Collection - Retrieve the beacon
7211704 : Tatara Tales: Data Collection - Retrieve the beacon
7211705 : Tatara Tales: Data Collection - Retrieve the beacon
7211706 : Tatara Tales: Data Collection - [N/A] 388626260
7211707 : Tatara Tales: Data Collection - [N/A] 1843854468
7211708 : Tatara Tales: Data Collection - Report back to Xavier
7211801 : Tatara Tales: Process Is Everything - [CHS] - (test)隐藏$HIDDEN
7211802 : Tatara Tales: Process Is Everything - Talk to Xavier
7211803 : Tatara Tales: Process Is Everything - Take a picture of the situation at the Mikage Furnace
7211804 : Tatara Tales: Process Is Everything - Take a picture of the situation at the Mikage Furnace
7211805 : Tatara Tales: Process Is Everything - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7211806 : Tatara Tales: Process Is Everything - [N/A] 562055964
7211807 : Tatara Tales: Process Is Everything - [N/A] 3828564076
7211808 : Tatara Tales: Process Is Everything - Report back to Xavier
7211809 : Tatara Tales: Process Is Everything - Report back to Xavier
7211901 : Tatara Tales: Functional Test - [N/A] 1354308860
7211902 : Tatara Tales: Functional Test - Talk to Xavier
7211903 : Tatara Tales: Functional Test - Collect three Onikabuto
7211904 : Tatara Tales: Functional Test - Talk to Xavier
7212001 : Tatara Tales: Final Preparations - [CHS] - (test)隐藏$HIDDEN
7212002 : Tatara Tales: Final Preparations - Talk to Xavier
7212003 : Tatara Tales: Final Preparations - Collect planks
7212004 : Tatara Tales: Final Preparations - Investigate and repair the paths
7212005 : Tatara Tales: Final Preparations - Investigate and repair the paths
7212006 : Tatara Tales: Final Preparations - Investigate and repair the paths
7212007 : Tatara Tales: Final Preparations - [N/A] 3937899692
7212008 : Tatara Tales: Final Preparations - [N/A] 3516642636
7212009 : Tatara Tales: Final Preparations - Report back to Xavier
7212101 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺屋发放大奖任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3518300924
7212102 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺屋发放大奖任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1700579668
7212103 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺屋发放大奖任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2544013516
7212104 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺屋发放大奖任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1870705676
7212105 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺屋发放大奖任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3330994028
7212106 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺屋发放大奖任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1919558516
7212107 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺屋发放大奖任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2186430044
7212108 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺屋发放大奖任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2231874876
7212201 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - [N/A] 2890100620
7212202 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Talk to Xavier
7212203 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Get close to the Mikage Furnace
7212204 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Talk to Xavier
7212205 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Bring the components back to Xavier
7212206 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Talk to Xavier
7212207 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Go deeper into the Mikage Furnace
7212208 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Talk to Xavier
7212209 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Defeat the Fatui
7212210 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Talk to Xavier
7212211 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Head to the top of the Mikage Furnace
7212212 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Talk to Xavier
7212213 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Head to the bottom of the Mikage Furnace
7212214 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Talk to Xavier
7212215 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Activate the Purification Device
7212216 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Talk to Xavier
7212217 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Report back to Toranosuke
7212218 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Search for the missing component(s)
7212219 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Search for the missing component(s)
7212221 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Search for the missing component(s)
7212222 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Talk to Xavier
7212223 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - Talk to Xavier
7212224 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - [CHS] - 寻找丢失的零件$HIDDEN
7212225 : Tatara Tales: The Last Act - [CHS] - 寻找丢失的零件$HIDDEN
7212301 : Sakura Arborism - [N/A] 1180021348
7212302 : Sakura Arborism - Talk to Miyuki
7212303 : Sakura Arborism - Investigate the Treasure Hoarder camp
7212304 : Sakura Arborism - Investigate the Treasure Hoarder camp
7212305 : Sakura Arborism - Interrogate the remaining Treasure Hoarder
7212306 : Sakura Arborism - Report back to Miyuki
7212307 : Sakura Arborism - Remove the "juvenile antics" left on the Thunder Sakura by the Treasure Hoarders
7212308 : Sakura Arborism - Remove the "juvenile antics" left on the Thunder Sakura by the Treasure Hoarders
7212309 : Sakura Arborism - Remove the "juvenile antics" left on the Thunder Sakura by the Treasure Hoarders
7212310 : Sakura Arborism - Remove the "juvenile antics" left on the Thunder Sakura by the Treasure Hoarders
7212311 : Sakura Arborism - Remove the "juvenile antics" left on the Thunder Sakura by the Treasure Hoarders
7212312 : Sakura Arborism - [N/A] 4288306900
7212313 : Sakura Arborism - [N/A] 507057764
7212314 : Sakura Arborism - Report back to Miyuki
7212315 : Sakura Arborism - Investigate the Treasure Hoarder camp again
7212316 : Sakura Arborism - Defeat the attacking Fatui
7212317 : Sakura Arborism - Talk to Miyuki
7212318 : Sakura Arborism - Resist the Thunder Sakura Crystal
7212319 : Sakura Arborism - Talk to Miyuki
7212401 : Dreams of Sword Art - [N/A] 462966324
7212402 : Dreams of Sword Art - Search for the nameless samurai
7212403 : Dreams of Sword Art - Defeat the nameless samurai
7212404 : Dreams of Sword Art - Talk to the nameless samurai
7212405 : Dreams of Sword Art - Search for the blade mentioned by the nameless samurai
7212406 : Dreams of Sword Art - Search for the blade mentioned by the nameless samurai
7212407 : Dreams of Sword Art - Give the blade to the nameless samurai
7212408 : Dreams of Sword Art - Talk to the nameless samurai
7212409 : Dreams of Sword Art - Defeat the nameless samurai
7212410 : Dreams of Sword Art - Talk to the nameless samurai
7212411 : Dreams of Sword Art - Help the nameless samurai find the wine
7212412 : Dreams of Sword Art - Ask the soldiers about the wine
7212413 : Dreams of Sword Art - Give the wine to the nameless samurai
7212414 : Dreams of Sword Art - Talk to the nameless samurai
7212415 : Dreams of Sword Art - Defeat "Masanori"
7212416 : Dreams of Sword Art - Talk to "Masanori"
7212417 : Dreams of Sword Art - Search for the blade mentioned by "Masanori"
7212418 : Dreams of Sword Art - Search for the blade mentioned by "Masanori"
7212419 : Dreams of Sword Art - Give the blade to "Masanori"
7212420 : Dreams of Sword Art - Talk to "Masanori"
7212421 : Dreams of Sword Art - Defeat the berserk "Masanori"
7212422 : Dreams of Sword Art - Talk to "Masanori"
7212423 : Dreams of Sword Art - Defeat the nameless samurai
7212424 : Dreams of Sword Art - [N/A] 1103986732
7212425 : Dreams of Sword Art - Defeat the nameless samurai
7212426 : Dreams of Sword Art - Defeat "Masanori"
7212427 : Dreams of Sword Art - [CHS] - (test)废弃
7212501 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)花儿为谁开其一$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1230591612
7212502 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)花儿为谁开其一$HIDDEN - [N/A] 191011292
7212503 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)花儿为谁开其一$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4095008588
7212504 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)花儿为谁开其一$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2734717156
7212505 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)花儿为谁开其一$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1515628780
7212601 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)花儿为谁开其二$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1888973908
7212602 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)花儿为谁开其二$HIDDEN - [N/A] 820944140
7212603 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)花儿为谁开其二$HIDDEN - [N/A] 140842212
7212604 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)花儿为谁开其二$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1123257084
7212605 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)花儿为谁开其二$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1372919740
7212701 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)花儿为谁开其三$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1338296796
7212702 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)花儿为谁开其三$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1717238836
7212703 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)花儿为谁开其三$HIDDEN - [N/A] 431115604
7212704 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)花儿为谁开其三$HIDDEN - [N/A] 777707412
7212801 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1373765572
7212802 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2863432980
7212803 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2042446884
7212804 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1060227572
7212805 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4222385980
7212806 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1352186044
7212807 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 46649468
7212808 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 792085172
7212809 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 871556276
7212810 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 321417900
7212811 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1137131772
7212812 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4265724212
7212813 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3264140524
7212814 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 816113956
7212815 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1588102492
7212816 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1996885204
7212817 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)海螺抽奖屋$HIDDEN - [N/A] 957536148
7212905 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part I - Observe the ward
7212906 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part I - Search for the missing part to repair the ward
7212907 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part I - [CHS] - 雷光电球收集$HIDDEN
7212908 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part I - [CHS] - 雷光电石收集$HIDDEN
7212909 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part I - [CHS] - 播放reminder$HIDDEN
7212910 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part I - [CHS] - 检测是否和调查员说过话$HIDDEN
7212911 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part I - Go back and talk to Kaji
7213004 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part II - [CHS] - 寻找龙首部位的灯笼$HIDDEN
7213005 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part II - Search for the ward at the Serpent's Head
7213006 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part II - Search for the missing part
7213007 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part II - [CHS] - 收集雷光点球$HIDDEN
7213008 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part II - [CHS] - 收集雷光电石$HIDDEN
7213009 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part II - [CHS] - 播放reminder$HIDDEN
7213104 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part III - [CHS] - 检测是否见过踏鞴砂调查员$HIDDEN
7213105 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part III - Search for the ward in the Jakotsu Mine
7213106 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part III - Repair the ward
7213107 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part III - [CHS] - 收集雷光点球$HIDDEN
7213108 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part III - [CHS] - 收集雷光电石$HIDDEN
7213109 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part III - [CHS] - 播放reminder$HIDDEN
7213201 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part V - Head to Fort Mumei
7213202 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part V - Investigate the ruins' interior
7213204 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part V - Repair the ward
7213205 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part V - Report back to Kaji
7213206 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part V - [CHS] - 播放reminder$HIDDEN
7213301 : Orobashi's Legacy: Prologue - [CHS] - 与梶对话。$HIDDEN
7213401 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part IV - Go back and report to Kaji
7213402 : Orobashi's Legacy: Part IV - [N/A] 4212014276
7213501 : [CHS] - 幽灵控制荒神社1(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 荒神社幽灵NPC1-1$HIDDEN
7213502 : [CHS] - 幽灵控制荒神社1(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 荒神社幽灵NPC1-2$HIDDEN
7213503 : [CHS] - 幽灵控制荒神社1(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 荒神社幽灵NPC1-3$HIDDEN
7213504 : [CHS] - 幽灵控制荒神社1(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 判定完成$HIDDEN
7213505 : [CHS] - 幽灵控制荒神社1(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 判定进圈$HIDDEN
7213601 : [CHS] - 幽灵控制荒神社2(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 荒神社幽灵NPC1-1$HIDDEN
7213602 : [CHS] - 幽灵控制荒神社2(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 荒神社幽灵NPC1-2$HIDDEN
7213603 : [CHS] - 幽灵控制荒神社2(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 荒神社幽灵NPC1-3$HIDDEN
7213604 : [CHS] - 幽灵控制荒神社2(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 判定完成$HIDDEN
7213605 : [CHS] - 幽灵控制荒神社2(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 判定进圈$HIDDEN
7213701 : [CHS] - 幽灵控制荒神社3(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 荒神社幽灵NPC1-1$HIDDEN
7213702 : [CHS] - 幽灵控制荒神社3(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 荒神社幽灵NPC1-2$HIDDEN
7213703 : [CHS] - 幽灵控制荒神社3(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 荒神社幽灵NPC1-3$HIDDEN
7213704 : [CHS] - 幽灵控制荒神社3(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 判定完成$HIDDEN
7213705 : [CHS] - 幽灵控制荒神社3(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 判定进圈$HIDDEN
7213801 : Treatment on the Island - [CHS] - 与保本对话$HIDDEN
7213802 : Treatment on the Island - Gather 12 Naku Weeds
7213803 : Treatment on the Island - Wait till 18:00 – 21:00 the next day and talk to Yasumoto
7213804 : Treatment on the Island - Talk to Yasumoto
7213805 : Treatment on the Island - Protect Yasumoto
7213806 : Treatment on the Island - Talk to Yasumoto
7213807 : Treatment on the Island - Talk to Yasumoto
7213901 : [CHS] - 孤岛诊疗谭$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 交满药物1$HIDDEN
7213902 : [CHS] - 孤岛诊疗谭$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 检测时间任务$HIDDEN
7213903 : [CHS] - 孤岛诊疗谭$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 交付草药2$HIDDEN
7213904 : [CHS] - 孤岛诊疗谭$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 检测时间任务$HIDDEN
7213905 : [CHS] - 孤岛诊疗谭$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 交付草药3$HIDDEN
7213906 : [CHS] - 孤岛诊疗谭$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 检测时间任务$HIDDEN
7213907 : [CHS] - 孤岛诊疗谭$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 交付草药4$HIDDEN
7213908 : [CHS] - 孤岛诊疗谭$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 追踪保本$HIDDEN
7213909 : [CHS] - 孤岛诊疗谭$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 时间检测任务$HIDDEN
7214001 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - [CHS] - 与长次对话$HIDDEN
7214002 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Gather 12 chunks of Crystal Marrow
7214003 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Obtain the treasure mentioned by Chouji
7214004 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Confront Chouji
7214005 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Talk to Chouji
7214006 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Gather 12 chunks of Crystal Marrow
7214007 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Go to Chouji's home
7214008 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Learn how to make Imported Poultry
7214009 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Share the dish you made with Chouji
7214010 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Solve Chouji's problem
7214011 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Talk to Chouji
7214012 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Deliver the ore discarded
7214013 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - [CHS] - 寻找妈妈的踪迹废弃$HIDDEN
7214014 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - [CHS] - 在高炉偶遇小男孩废弃$HIDDEN
7214015 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - [CHS] - 在鸣神偶遇小男孩废弃$HIDDEN
7214016 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Give the Crystal Marrow to Chouji
7214017 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Give the Crystal Marrow to Chouji
7214018 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Go back and find Chouji
7214019 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Ask Chouji about the taste of the dish
7214020 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Investigate the shrine
7214021 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - [CHS] - 交付完成后对话废弃$HIDDEN
7214022 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Keep talking to Chouji discarded
7214023 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Ask Chouji about the taste of the dish
7214024 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Ask Chouji about the taste of the dish
7214025 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - [CHS] - 与长次分享自己做的一般料理废弃$HIDDEN
7214026 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - [CHS] - 与长次分享自己做的差的料理废弃$HIDDEN
7214027 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - Rest until 11:00 – 14:00 the next day and talk to Chouji
7214101 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)第一次参拜1$HIDDEN
7214102 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)开始对话1$HIDDEN
7214103 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)第二天再来$HIDDEN
7214104 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)第二次参拜1$HIDDEN
7214105 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)开始对话2$HIDDEN
7214106 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)第三天再来$HIDDEN
7214107 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)第三次参拜神像1$HIDDEN
7214108 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)开始对话3$HIDDEN
7214109 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)第四天再来$HIDDEN
7214110 : Sinister Instruction - Defeat the maddened samurai
7214111 : Sinister Instruction - Find Washizu's lost possessions in Higi Village
7214112 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)第一次参拜2$HIDDEN
7214113 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)第一次参拜3$HIDDEN
7214114 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)第二次参拜2$HIDDEN
7214115 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)第二次参拜3$HIDDEN
7214116 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)第三次参拜神像2$HIDDEN
7214117 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)第三次参拜神像3$HIDDEN
7214118 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)第四次参拜神像1$HIDDEN
7214119 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)第四次参拜神像2$HIDDEN
7214120 : Sinister Instruction - [CHS] - (test)第四次参拜神像3$HIDDEN
7214201 : [CHS] - 荒神社言灵玩法(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3580526340
7214202 : [CHS] - 荒神社言灵玩法(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1867400132
7214203 : [CHS] - 荒神社言灵玩法(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 360881652
7214204 : [CHS] - 荒神社言灵玩法(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4023557164
7214205 : [CHS] - 荒神社言灵玩法(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2267429228
7214301 : [CHS] - 月浴之渊$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2407709300
7214302 : [CHS] - 月浴之渊$HIDDEN - [N/A] 326642628
7214401 : Hiromi's Watch - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)古云有螭和漂流瓶任务检测$HIDDEN
7214403 : Hiromi's Watch - Go to the north of Narukami Island to find traces of Shun
7214404 : Hiromi's Watch - Go to Jueyun Karst to search for Sun Yu and Little Que'er
7214405 : Hiromi's Watch - Go to Mt. Hulao to search for traces of "Big Sis"
7214406 : Hiromi's Watch - Talk to "Big Sis"
7214407 : Hiromi's Watch - Rescue Yan'er
7214408 : Hiromi's Watch - Talk to Yan'er
7214409 : Hiromi's Watch - Go back and find Hiromi
7214410 : Hiromi's Watch - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)第二次跟广海对话$HIDDEN
7214411 : Hiromi's Watch - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)与广海交付漂流瓶$HIDDEN
7214412 : Hiromi's Watch - Talk to Yan'er
7214413 : Hiromi's Watch - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)与广海交付漂流瓶后的对话$HIDDEN
7214414 : Hiromi's Watch - Talk to Yan'er
7214501 : "Eye of Watatsumi" - Go to the "Eye"
7214502 : "Eye of Watatsumi" - Read the stone tablet at the "Eye"
7214503 : "Eye of Watatsumi" - Break the seal over the shrine
7214504 : "Eye of Watatsumi" - [CHS] - (test)破坏雷电封印$HIDDEN
7214505 : "Eye of Watatsumi" - [CHS] - (test)破坏雷电封印$HIDDEN
7214506 : "Eye of Watatsumi" - [CHS] - (test)破坏雷电封印$HIDDEN
7214507 : "Eye of Watatsumi" - Obtain the Spirit Pearl
7214508 : "Eye of Watatsumi" - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7214601 : "Fang of Watatsumi" - Go to the "Fang"
7214602 : "Fang of Watatsumi" - Read the stone tablet at the "Fang"
7214603 : "Fang of Watatsumi" - Protect the Ley Line Monolith
7214604 : "Fang of Watatsumi" - Obtain the Spirit Pearl
7214701 : "Fin of Watatsumi" - Go to the "Fin"
7214702 : "Fin of Watatsumi" - Read the stone tablet at the "Fin"
7214703 : "Fin of Watatsumi" - Break the "Fin" Seal
7214704 : "Fin of Watatsumi" - Obtain the Spirit Pearl
7214801 : "Tail of Watatsumi" - Go to the "Tail"
7214802 : "Tail of Watatsumi" - Read the stone tablet at the "Tail"
7214803 : "Tail of Watatsumi" - Break the "Tail" Seal
7214804 : "Tail of Watatsumi" - Defeat the Fatui ambushers
7214805 : "Tail of Watatsumi" - Obtain the Spirit Pearl
7214901 : "Heart of Watatsumi" - Return to Sangonomiya Shrine and talk to Tsuyuko
7214902 : "Heart of Watatsumi" - Open the gate to the "Heart of Watatsumi"
7214903 : "Heart of Watatsumi" - Go to the "Heart"
7214904 : "Heart of Watatsumi" - Break the final seal
7214905 : "Heart of Watatsumi" - Obtain the Key of the Deep
7214906 : "Heart of Watatsumi" - Talk to Tsuyuko
7214907 : "Heart of Watatsumi" - [CHS] - (test)海神之心大门交付$HIDDEN
7215001 : Divine Plant of the Depths - [CHS] - (test)和NPC对话,获取特殊容器$HIDDEN
7215002 : Divine Plant of the Depths - Go to Watatsumi Island's shrine
7215003 : Divine Plant of the Depths - Obtain Water Welling With "Wishes"
7215004 : Divine Plant of the Depths - Talk to Komaki
7215005 : Divine Plant of the Depths - Go to the cave that Komaki mentioned
7215006 : Divine Plant of the Depths - Obtain the Clear Water
7215007 : Divine Plant of the Depths - Talk to Komaki
7215008 : Divine Plant of the Depths - Return to the village in time
7215009 : Divine Plant of the Depths - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务发瓶子$HIDDEN
7215101 : Solitary Sea-Beast - [CHS] - (test)对话接取$HIDDEN
7215102 : Solitary Sea-Beast - Give Kumi three Sakura Blooms
7215103 : Solitary Sea-Beast - Give Kumi three Sakura Blooms
7215104 : Solitary Sea-Beast - Head to the hilichurl camp in the west
7215105 : Solitary Sea-Beast - Rescue Anisa
7215106 : Solitary Sea-Beast - Talk to Anisa
7215107 : Solitary Sea-Beast - [CHS] - (test)刷花环$HIDDEN
7215108 : Solitary Sea-Beast - Solve the puzzle of the Watatsumi statue
7215109 : Solitary Sea-Beast - Talk to Kumi
7215110 : Solitary Sea-Beast - Talk to Anisa
7215201 : [CHS] - 浮浪双梦记$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)查看盗宝团遗留的笔记$HIDDEN
7215202 : [CHS] - 浮浪双梦记$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)寻找海盗宝藏$HIDDEN
7215203 : [CHS] - 浮浪双梦记$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)找到真正的宝藏$HIDDEN
7215301 : In Another Land - Talk to Alrani
7215302 : In Another Land - Follow Alrani
7215303 : In Another Land - Take a photo of Eipekkusu and its owner
7215304 : In Another Land - Talk to Kaede
7215305 : In Another Land - Follow Alrani
7215306 : In Another Land - Take a photo of Syavushi Bakshesh Shoppe and its owner
7215307 : In Another Land - Talk to Vahid
7215308 : In Another Land - Follow Alrani
7215309 : In Another Land - Go to the wharf and take a photo of the fisherman
7215310 : In Another Land - Talk to Obata
7215311 : In Another Land - Talk to Vahid
7215312 : In Another Land - Help Alrani gather cooking ingredients
7215313 : In Another Land - Talk to Vahid
7215314 : In Another Land - Discarded
7215315 : In Another Land - Reserved
7215316 : In Another Land - Reserved
7215401 : "The Seventh Samurai" - [CHS] - (test)和泽维尔对话$HIDDEN
7215402 : "The Seventh Samurai" - Help Xavier produce a film
7215403 : "The Seventh Samurai" - Talk to Xavier
7215404 : "The Seventh Samurai" - Talk to Xavier
7215405 : "The Seventh Samurai" - Talk to Xavier
7215501 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Look for the adventurers on Seirai Island
7215502 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Go to investigate the Warding Stone
7215503 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Talk to Taisuke
7215504 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Follow the cat footprints and explore up ahead
7215505 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Explore the shrine
7215506 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - [CHS] - test 隐藏 reminder$HIDDEN
7215507 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Go to the village and look for materials with which to initiate repairs
7215508 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Defeat all the Treasure Hoarders
7215509 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Talk to the Treasure Hoarders
7215510 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Go to the Treasure Hoarder camp
7215511 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Defeat all the Treasure Hoarders
7215512 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Search for repair materials in the camp
7215513 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Return to the Asase Shrine and fix the Offering Box
7215514 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Report back to Neko
7215515 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Seal the Warding Stone
7215516 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Talk to Taisuke
7215517 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - [CHS] - test前往冒险家协会(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7215518 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Go to the Adventurers' Guild
7215519 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - [CHS] - test寻找清籁岛上的冒险家(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7215520 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Follow the cat footprints and explore up ahead
7215521 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Follow the cat footprints and explore up ahead
7215522 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Check on the Offering Box
7215523 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Seal the Warding Stone
7215524 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Talk to Taisuke
7215525 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - [CHS] - test 与猫对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7215526 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Follow the cat footprints and explore up ahead
7215527 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Search for repair materials in the camp
7215528 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Search for repair materials in the camp
7215529 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - [CHS] - test 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7215530 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - [CHS] - test 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7215531 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - [CHS] - test 隐藏 播放cs$HIDDEN
7215532 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part I - Touch the paper charm hangers
7215601 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part II - Touch the paper charm hangers
7215602 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part II - Go to seal the Warding Stone
7215603 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part II - Defeat all opponents
7215604 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part II - Touch the paper charm hangers
7215605 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part II - Seal the Warding Stone
7215606 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part II - Talk to Etsuko
7215607 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part II - Touch the paper charm hangers
7215608 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part II - [CHS] - test 播放cs 隐藏$HIDDEN
7215609 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part II - [CHS] - test 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7215610 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part II - [CHS] - test 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7215701 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part III - Touch the paper charm hangers
7215702 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part III - Go to the Warding Stone's location
7215703 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part III - Talk to Taisuke
7215704 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part III - Search for the path to the Warding Stone
7215705 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part III - Touch the paper charm hangers
7215706 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part III - Seal the Warding Stone
7215707 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part III - Touch the paper charm hangers
7215708 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part III - [CHS] - test 播放CS 隐藏$HIDDEN
7215709 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part III - [CHS] - test 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7215710 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part III - [CHS] - test 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7215801 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - Seal the Warding Stone
7215802 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - [CHS] - test 隐藏 播CS$HIDDEN
7215803 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - Defeat all opponents
7215804 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - Continue exploring
7215805 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - Report back to Taisuke and Etsuko
7215806 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - Touch the paper charm hangers
7215807 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - Continue exploring
7215808 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - Go to the Warding Stone's location
7215809 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - Continue exploring
7215810 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - [CHS] - test 开关天气专用 BOSS区域 前$HIDDEN
7215811 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - [CHS] - test 开关天气专用 船区域1$HIDDEN
7215812 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - [CHS] - test 开关天气专用 洞区域$HIDDEN
7215813 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - [CHS] - test 开关天气专用 BOSS区域 后$HIDDEN
7215814 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - [CHS] - test 开关天气专用 地城区域$HIDDEN
7215815 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - [CHS] - test 开关天气专用 船区域2$HIDDEN
7215816 : Seirai Stormchasers: Part IV - [CHS] - test 开关天气专用 船区域3$HIDDEN
7215901 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)反复挑战的决斗者$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1175202148
7215902 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)反复挑战的决斗者$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4249031372
7215903 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)反复挑战的决斗者$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3085518940
7215904 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)反复挑战的决斗者$HIDDEN - [N/A] 128896916
7215905 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)反复挑战的决斗者$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2493177404
7215906 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)反复挑战的决斗者$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1741162884
7215907 : [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)反复挑战的决斗者$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3958329292
7216001 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$UNRELEASED
7216002 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 3238517284
7216003 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$UNRELEASED
7216004 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$UNRELEASED
7216005 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 2958283764
7216006 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$UNRELEASED
7216007 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$UNRELEASED
7216008 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 1927384908
7216009 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$UNRELEASED
7216010 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$UNRELEASED
7216011 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 2283723956
7216012 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$UNRELEASED
7216013 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$UNRELEASED
7216014 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [N/A] 1528728812
7216015 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)放置手鞠球$UNRELEASED
7216016 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$UNRELEASED
7216101 : Fate of a Fighter - Rescue the besieged samurai
7216102 : Fate of a Fighter - Talk to the samurai
7216103 : Fate of a Fighter - Clear out the pirate camp
7216104 : Fate of a Fighter - Gather 12 Naku Weeds
7216105 : Fate of a Fighter - Talk to Inaba Kyuuzou
7216106 : Fate of a Fighter - Wait till 10:00 – 12:00 the next day and talk to Inaba Kyuuzou
7216107 : Fate of a Fighter - Report the situation to Inaba Kyuuzou
7216108 : Fate of a Fighter - Clear the nearby monster camps discarded
7216109 : Fate of a Fighter - [CHS] - (test)陪老兵祭奠之前的战友废弃
7216110 : Fate of a Fighter - [CHS] - (test)寻找散落在岛周围的墓碑废弃
7216111 : Fate of a Fighter - [CHS] - 稻叶久藏的宿命(废弃)
7216112 : Fate of a Fighter - [CHS] - (test)和老兵对话废弃
7216113 : Fate of a Fighter - [CHS] - 围观被围攻$HIDDEN
7216114 : Fate of a Fighter - Report the situation to Inaba Kyuuzou
7216201 : Relics of Seirai - Rescue the person surrounded by monsters
7216202 : Relics of Seirai - Talk to Fujiwara Toshiko
7216203 : Relics of Seirai - Activate the mechanism
7216204 : Relics of Seirai - Talk to Fujiwara Toshiko
7216205 : Relics of Seirai - Check and activate the mechanism
7216206 : Relics of Seirai - Enter the basement
7216207 : Relics of Seirai - Activate the mechanism
7216208 : Relics of Seirai - Activate the mechanism again
7216209 : Relics of Seirai - Wait for Fujiwara Toshiko to open the chest
7216210 : Relics of Seirai - Activate the mechanism
7216211 : Relics of Seirai - Catch up with Fujiwara Toshiko
7216212 : Relics of Seirai - Follow Fujiwara Toshiko to the camp
7216213 : Relics of Seirai - Talk to Fujiwara Toshiko
7216214 : Relics of Seirai - Defeat the Masterless Samurai
7216215 : Relics of Seirai - Talk to Fujiwara Toshiko
7216216 : Relics of Seirai - [CHS] - 解救被魔物围困的人(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7216217 : Relics of Seirai - Talk to Fujiwara Toshiko
7216219 : Relics of Seirai - Talk to Fujiwara Toshiko
7216220 : Relics of Seirai - Defeat the ambushing Treasure Hoarders
7216221 : Relics of Seirai - Follow Fujiwara Toshiko to the camp
7216222 : Relics of Seirai - Follow Fujiwara Toshiko to the camp
7216223 : Relics of Seirai - Defeat the ambushing Fatui
7216224 : Relics of Seirai - Talk to Fujiwara Toshiko
7216225 : Relics of Seirai - Follow Fujiwara Toshiko to the camp
7216226 : Relics of Seirai - Talk to Fujiwara Toshiko
7216227 : Relics of Seirai - Follow Fujiwara Toshiko to the camp
7216228 : Relics of Seirai - Follow Fujiwara Toshiko to the camp
7216229 : Relics of Seirai - Follow Fujiwara Toshiko to the camp
7216230 : Relics of Seirai - Follow Fujiwara Toshiko to the camp
7216231 : Relics of Seirai - Follow Fujiwara Toshiko to the camp
7216301 : Reminiscence of Seirai - [CHS] - *废弃test
7216302 : Reminiscence of Seirai - Ask Oda Tarou some questions
7216303 : Reminiscence of Seirai - Go to Seirai Island and take pictures
7216304 : Reminiscence of Seirai - Go to Seirai Island and take pictures
7216305 : Reminiscence of Seirai - Go to Seirai Island and take pictures
7216306 : Reminiscence of Seirai - Go to Seirai Island and take pictures
7216307 : Reminiscence of Seirai - Take the pictures back to Oda Tarou
7216308 : Reminiscence of Seirai - [CHS] - (test)挖掘(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7216309 : Reminiscence of Seirai - [CHS] - (test)与派蒙对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7216310 : Reminiscence of Seirai - [CHS] - *废弃test
7216311 : Reminiscence of Seirai - [CHS] - *废弃test
7216312 : Reminiscence of Seirai - Ask the adventurers some questions
7216313 : Reminiscence of Seirai - [CHS] - test 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7216314 : Reminiscence of Seirai - [CHS] - test 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7216401 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216402 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216403 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216404 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216405 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216406 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216407 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216408 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216409 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216410 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216411 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216412 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216413 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216414 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216415 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216416 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216417 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216418 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216419 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216420 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216421 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216422 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216423 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216424 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216425 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216426 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216427 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216428 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216429 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216430 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216431 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216432 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216433 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216434 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216435 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216436 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216437 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216438 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - test 与寝子对话 隐藏$HIDDEN
7216439 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - Clean the dirt around Asase Shrine
7216440 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216441 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216442 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216443 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - Report back to Neko
7216444 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216445 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216446 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216447 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216448 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216449 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216450 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216451 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216452 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216453 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Cleanup - [CHS] - *废弃 test
7216501 : [CHS] - 海渊仙草灵验记$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第一日$HIDDEN
7216502 : [CHS] - 海渊仙草灵验记$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第一日刷group$HIDDEN
7216503 : [CHS] - 海渊仙草灵验记$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第二日$HIDDEN
7216504 : [CHS] - 海渊仙草灵验记$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第二日刷group$HIDDEN
7216505 : [CHS] - 海渊仙草灵验记$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第三日$HIDDEN
7216506 : [CHS] - 海渊仙草灵验记$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第三日刷group$HIDDEN
7216507 : [CHS] - 海渊仙草灵验记$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第四日$HIDDEN
7216508 : [CHS] - 海渊仙草灵验记$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第四日刷group$HIDDEN
7216509 : [CHS] - 海渊仙草灵验记$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第五日$HIDDEN
7216510 : [CHS] - 海渊仙草灵验记$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第五日刷group$HIDDEN
7216511 : [CHS] - 海渊仙草灵验记$HIDDEN - [N/A] 217338284
7216512 : [CHS] - 海渊仙草灵验记$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3026313836
7216513 : [CHS] - 海渊仙草灵验记$HIDDEN - [N/A] 552073220
7216514 : [CHS] - 海渊仙草灵验记$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3151075780
7216601 : Octave of the Maushiro - Talk to Sumida
7216602 : Octave of the Maushiro - Travel to Tsurumi Island
7216603 : Octave of the Maushiro - Talk to Ruu
7216604 : Octave of the Maushiro - Go to your destination and use the feather
7216605 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 2148873644
7216606 : Octave of the Maushiro - Go to the ceremonial site
7216607 : Octave of the Maushiro - Listen in on the locals' conversations
7216608 : Octave of the Maushiro - Go to Wakukau Shoal
7216609 : Octave of the Maushiro - Talk to the illusions
7216610 : Octave of the Maushiro - Solve the mystery of the stones
7216611 : Octave of the Maushiro - Go to Oina Beach
7216612 : Octave of the Maushiro - Talk to the illusions
7216613 : Octave of the Maushiro - Use the feather to search for clues
7216614 : Octave of the Maushiro - Restore the stones and solve the puzzle
7216615 : Octave of the Maushiro - Go to the Autake Plains
7216616 : Octave of the Maushiro - Find the missing stones
7216617 : Octave of the Maushiro - Solve the mystery of the stones
7216618 : Octave of the Maushiro - Return to the ceremonial site
7216619 : Octave of the Maushiro - Talk to Sumida
7216620 : Octave of the Maushiro - Talk to the illusions
7216621 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 2320241956
7216622 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 3311013748
7216623 : Octave of the Maushiro - Talk to the illusions
7216624 : Octave of the Maushiro - Talk to the illusions
7216625 : Octave of the Maushiro - Talk to the illusions
7216626 : Octave of the Maushiro - Find the missing stones
7216627 : Octave of the Maushiro - Find the missing stones
7216628 : Octave of the Maushiro - Return the stones to their rightful place
7216629 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 1445922148
7216630 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 2714662756
7216631 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 2456437596
7216632 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 2108716740
7216633 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 3112899004
7216634 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 3987506700
7216635 : Octave of the Maushiro - Travel to Tsurumi Island
7216636 : Octave of the Maushiro - Talk to the illusions
7216637 : Octave of the Maushiro - Try look for buried objects
7216638 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 649737236
7216639 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 320996556
7216640 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 4212263428
7216641 : Octave of the Maushiro - Use the feather to search for clues
7216642 : Octave of the Maushiro - Use the feather to search for clues
7216643 : Octave of the Maushiro - Follow Ruu
7216644 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 2018912652
7216645 : Octave of the Maushiro - Talk to Sumida
7216646 : Octave of the Maushiro - Continue looking for clues
7216647 : Octave of the Maushiro - Talk to Sumida
7216648 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 4210004004
7216649 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 1430847644
7216650 : Octave of the Maushiro - Use the feather to search for clues
7216651 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 263671612
7216652 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 2313252692
7216653 : Octave of the Maushiro - [N/A] 1189701924
7216701 : A Particularly Particular Author - Talk to Katheryne at the Inazuma Adventurers' Guild
7216702 : A Particularly Particular Author - Talk to Sumida
7216703 : A Particularly Particular Author - Talk to Kama
7216704 : A Particularly Particular Author - [N/A] 202326532
7216705 : A Particularly Particular Author - Travel to Tsurumi Island
7216706 : A Particularly Particular Author - Talk to Kama
7216707 : A Particularly Particular Author - Talk to the mysterious young boy
7216708 : A Particularly Particular Author - [CHS] - 前往祭祀点(test)$HIDDEN
7216709 : A Particularly Particular Author - Go to the destination and talk to Ruu
7216710 : A Particularly Particular Author - Make an offering to the Perch
7216711 : A Particularly Particular Author - Report back to Ruu
7216712 : A Particularly Particular Author - Look for the priest
7216713 : A Particularly Particular Author - [CHS] - 完成栖木供奉(test)$HIDDEN
7216714 : A Particularly Particular Author - [CHS] - 完成栖木供奉(test)$HIDDEN
7216715 : A Particularly Particular Author - [CHS] - 完成栖木供奉(test)$HIDDEN
7216716 : A Particularly Particular Author - Return to the ceremonial site
7216717 : A Particularly Particular Author - [CHS] - 任务回滚(test)$HIDDEN
7216718 : A Particularly Particular Author - Check the light
7216719 : A Particularly Particular Author - Report back to Sumida
7216720 : A Particularly Particular Author - [N/A] 952041244
7216721 : A Particularly Particular Author - Find your way through the mist and make an offering at the Perches
7216722 : A Particularly Particular Author - Touch the Perch
7216723 : A Particularly Particular Author - [N/A] 2004770100
7216724 : A Particularly Particular Author - Talk to Kama and then return
7216725 : A Particularly Particular Author - Go to the ceremonial site
7216726 : A Particularly Particular Author - [N/A] 475466444
7216727 : A Particularly Particular Author - [N/A] 1648413132
7216728 : A Particularly Particular Author - [N/A] 2008534444
7216729 : A Particularly Particular Author - [N/A] 1526830884
7216730 : A Particularly Particular Author - [N/A] 4175261852
7216731 : A Particularly Particular Author - [N/A] 3876355868
7216732 : A Particularly Particular Author - Travel to Tsurumi Island
7216733 : A Particularly Particular Author - Talk to Paimon
7216734 : A Particularly Particular Author - Talk to Kama
7216735 : A Particularly Particular Author - [CHS] - 调查光点$HIDDEN
7216736 : A Particularly Particular Author - [N/A] 3460165772
7216737 : A Particularly Particular Author - [N/A] 3108176508
7216738 : A Particularly Particular Author - [N/A] 216321708
7216739 : A Particularly Particular Author - [CHS] - 前往「祭场」$HIDDEN
7216801 : Gourmet Supremos, Assemble! - [CHS] - (test)接取料理王一阶段$HIDDEN
7216802 : Gourmet Supremos, Assemble! - Collect the Special Sakura Bloom
7216803 : Gourmet Supremos, Assemble! - Give the Special Sakura Bloom to Xudong
7216804 : Gourmet Supremos, Assemble! - Talk to Xudong
7216901 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Seashore Strider - [CHS] - (test)接取料理王二阶段$HIDDEN
7216902 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Seashore Strider - Catch crabs near the Thunder Sakura
7216903 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Seashore Strider - Give the captured crab to Xudong
7216904 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Seashore Strider - Talk to Xudong
7216905 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Seashore Strider - Place bait near the Thunder Sakura
7217001 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Deep Divers - [CHS] - (test)领任务$HIDDEN
7217002 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Deep Divers - Pick Fresh Seagrass
7217003 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Deep Divers - Bring the Fresh Seagrass to Xudong
7217004 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Deep Divers - Talk to Xudong
7217005 : The Gourmet Supremos: The Deep Divers - [CHS] - (test)检测水面是否下降$HIDDEN
7217101 : The Gourmet Supremos: Of Shrines and Sakura - Go to the Grand Narukami Shrine
7217102 : The Gourmet Supremos: Of Shrines and Sakura - [N/A] 2076282668
7217103 : The Gourmet Supremos: Of Shrines and Sakura - [N/A] 129142148
7217201 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Talk to Kama
7217202 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Go to Tsurumi Island and look for Ruu
7217203 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Talk to the people of Tsurumi Island
7217204 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Destroy the Perches
7217205 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Destroy the Perches
7217206 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Destroy the Perches
7217207 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Destroy the Perches
7217208 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [N/A] 306437220
7217209 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Search for the Perch's scattered power
7217210 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Destroy the Perches
7217211 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [CHS] - 观察小男孩(test)$HIDDEN
7217212 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [N/A] 37706844
7217213 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Go to the ceremonial site
7217214 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Go to Tsurumi Island and look for Ruu once again
7217215 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Talk to Ruu
7217216 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Talk to Sumida
7217217 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [N/A] 3749266340
7217218 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [N/A] 1886846692
7217219 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [CHS] - 明天再找阿釜(test)$HIDDEN
7217220 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [N/A] 4094637564
7217221 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Go to Tsurumi Island and look for Ruu
7217222 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Go deeper into Tsurumi Island
7217223 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [N/A] 1022089980
7217224 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [N/A] 3669142028
7217225 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [N/A] 3286768900
7217226 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - Talk to Sumida
7217227 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [N/A] 2583494644
7217228 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [N/A] 677948076
7217229 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [N/A] 895377332
7217230 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [N/A] 729891732
7217231 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [N/A] 2301374740
7217232 : The Sea of Fog and the Rite of the Trees - [N/A] 976332076
7217301 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Talk to Kama
7217302 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Go to Wakukau Shoal
7217303 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Touch the feather that suddenly appeared
7217304 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Go to Oina Beach
7217305 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Touch the feather
7217306 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Go to the Autake Plains
7217307 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Touch the feather
7217308 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Go to Mt. Kanna
7217309 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Investigate the altar
7217310 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Defeat the Thunder Manifestation
7217311 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Touch the feather
7217312 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Talk to Ruu at the designated location
7217313 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Talk to Ruu at the designated location
7217314 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Talk to Ruu at the designated location
7217315 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Investigate the altar
7217316 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - [CHS] - 自然天计数任务(test)$HIDDEN
7217317 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Talk to Ruu and the others at the designated location
7217318 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - [CHS] - (test)播cs$HIDDEN
7217319 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Report back to Sumida
7217320 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Go to Kiminami Restaurant
7217321 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Travel to Tsurumi Island
7217322 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - [CHS] - (test)放晴$HIDDEN
7217323 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Use the feather
7217324 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Head to the designated location
7217325 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Use the feather
7217326 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Defeat opponents
7217327 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Defeat opponents
7217328 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Head to the designated location
7217329 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - [N/A] 4131326764
7217330 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - [N/A] 913930628
7217331 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Head to the designated location
7217332 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Defeat opponents
7217333 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Head to the designated location to investigate
7217334 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Use the feather
7217335 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - [N/A] 2506005460
7217336 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Talk to Ruu and the others at the designated location
7217337 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Use the feather
7217338 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - [N/A] 3347060892
7217339 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - [CHS] - (test)偷偷跟阿釜说话$HIDDEN
7217340 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Talk to Ruu
7217341 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Go to Seirai Island
7217342 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - [N/A] 2888969276
7217343 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Talk to Ruu at the designated location
7217344 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Talk to Ruu at the designated location
7217345 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - [CHS] - (test)自动跟阿釜墨田说话$HIDDEN
7217346 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Head to the designated location
7217347 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - [N/A] 3984386508
7217348 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - [N/A] 3750996132
7217349 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Travel to Tsurumi Island
7217350 : The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna - Return to Mt. Kanna
7217401 : [CHS] - 渡魂人(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 与引渡人对话(test)$HIDDEN
7217402 : [CHS] - 渡魂人(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 完成所有执念灵心愿(test)$HIDDEN
7217403 : [CHS] - 渡魂人(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 与引渡人对话(test)$HIDDEN
7217404 : [CHS] - 渡魂人(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 679794324
7217501 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - [N/A] 4004310196
7217502 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - Take a photo of the ruin murals
7217503 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - [N/A] 2184663532
7217504 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - [N/A] 486059180
7217505 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - [N/A] 1034218268
7217506 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - [N/A] 2249682196
7217507 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - [N/A] 3157821780
7217508 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - [N/A] 3374067388
7217509 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - Return and look for Roald
7217510 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - Give Roald the Fluorescent Fungus
7217511 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - [N/A] 2254673084
7217512 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - [N/A] 3966688860
7217513 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - [N/A] 1078525972
7217514 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - [N/A] 1711401836
7217515 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - [N/A] 582189940
7217516 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - [N/A] 4227465244
7217517 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - Give Roald the Fluorescent Fungus
7217518 : The Saga of Mr. Forgetful - [N/A] 1144349308
7217601 : Temaria Game - [CHS] - (test)与鲸井小弟对话(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7217602 : Temaria Game - Talk to Kid Kujirai
7217603 : Temaria Game - [CHS] - (test)倒计时(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7217604 : Temaria Game - Find the Temari
7217605 : Temaria Game - Talk to Kid Kujirai
7217702 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Go to the ruins up ahead
7217703 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Investigate the ruin ahead
7217704 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Talk to the person on the second floor
7217705 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - [N/A] 342051748
7217706 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Go to the back of the library and seek out the Golden Bridle
7217707 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Go to the library and talk to Enjou
7217709 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Talk to Enjou
7217710 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Defeat the opponents that appeared
7217711 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Examine the mechanism and open the great door
7217712 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - [N/A] 738645580
7217713 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Go to the Dainichi Mikoshi
7217714 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Talk to Enjou
7217715 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Investigate the mechanism
7217716 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Talk to Aru
7217717 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Gather the three fragments
7217718 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Gather the three fragments
7217719 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Gather the three fragments
7217721 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - [N/A] 654238444
7217722 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Talk to Aru
7217728 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - [N/A] 858440932
7217732 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Go to the base of the Dainichi Mikoshi
7217733 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - [N/A] 3272284404
7217734 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Defeat the Bathysmal Vishap
7217735 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Talk to Enjou
7217736 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Defeat the Abyss Lector: Fathomless Flames
7217737 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Talk to the thing calling itself "Enjou"
7217738 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Investigate the rear of the library and solve the puzzle
7217739 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Obtain the Golden Bridle
7217740 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Talk to Aru
7217741 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - [N/A] 843696220
7217743 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - [N/A] 1858804116
7217744 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Obtain the Bloodbranch Coral
7217746 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - [N/A] 3769574148
7217747 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Open the way to the final trial
7217748 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Obtain the Bloodbranch Coral
7217749 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Return to Sangonomiya Shrine and talk to Tsuyuko
7217751 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Follow Enjou's instructions and explore up ahead
7217752 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Follow Enjou's instructions and explore up ahead
7217753 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Follow Enjou's instructions and explore up ahead
7217754 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Go to the broken bridge in front of the Dainichi Mikoshi
7217755 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - [N/A] 3328562060
7217756 : The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent - Go into the ruins
7217801 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏神龛$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)隐藏神龛总控$HIDDEN
7217802 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏神龛$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 对话1$HIDDEN
7217803 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏神龛$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 对话2$HIDDEN
7217804 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏神龛$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 对话3$HIDDEN
7217805 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏神龛$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 对话4$HIDDEN
7217806 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏神龛$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 对话5$HIDDEN
7217807 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏神龛$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7217901 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏墓碑$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)墓碑任务$HIDDEN
7217902 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏墓碑$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)墓碑任务$HIDDEN
7218001 : [CHS] - 恒常机关判定(test)$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)进范围判定$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7218101 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7218102 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 112709108
7218103 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7218104 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7218105 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4180631276
7218106 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7218107 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7218108 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3379671388
7218109 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7218110 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)最后一环传送$HIDDEN
7218201 : [N/A] 2051008543 - [N/A] 2042985140
7218301 : The Art of Horticulture - Talk to Madarame Hyakubei
7218302 : The Art of Horticulture - Talk to Madame Ping
7218401 : Pizza From Another Land - Talk to Kiminami Anna
7218402 : Pizza From Another Land - Talk to Rie
7218403 : Pizza From Another Land - Talk to Kiminami Anna
7218404 : Pizza From Another Land - Bring the Lavender Melon back to Kiminami Anna
7218405 : Pizza From Another Land - Talk to Kiminami Anna
7218501 : Pizza From Another Land - Talk to Kiminami Anna
7218502 : Pizza From Another Land - Talk to Matsumoto
7218503 : Pizza From Another Land - Talk to Kiminami Anna
7218504 : Pizza From Another Land - Bring the Cheese back to Kiminami Anna
7218505 : Pizza From Another Land - Talk to Kiminami Anna
7218601 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7218602 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 316481228
7218603 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7218604 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7218605 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 722353164
7218606 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7218607 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7218608 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3050863780
7218609 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7218610 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)最后一环传送$HIDDEN
7218701 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7218702 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2032803276
7218703 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7218704 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7218705 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 801232396
7218706 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7218707 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7218708 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 371740508
7218709 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7218710 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)最后一环传送$HIDDEN
7218801 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7218802 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1607404276
7218803 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7218804 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7218805 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 945067740
7218806 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7218807 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7218808 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3309508900
7218809 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7218810 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)最后一环传送$HIDDEN
7218901 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7218902 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2356517092
7218903 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7218904 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7218905 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2843216140
7218906 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7218907 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7218908 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1900270652
7218909 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7218910 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)最后一环传送$HIDDEN
7219001 : The Trail of Drake and Serpent - Go to the Evernight Temple
7219002 : The Trail of Drake and Serpent - Defeat all opponents
7219003 : The Trail of Drake and Serpent - Go into the secret room
7219004 : The Trail of Drake and Serpent - Investigate the secret room
7219005 : The Trail of Drake and Serpent - Defeat all opponents
7219006 : The Trail of Drake and Serpent - Obtain the fragment of the Reins of Revival
7219007 : The Trail of Drake and Serpent - Examine the mechanism and open the gate to the secret room
7219008 : The Trail of Drake and Serpent - [N/A] 268618996
7219009 : The Trail of Drake and Serpent - Follow the trail of the Bathysmal Vishaps and search for the secret room
7219010 : The Trail of Drake and Serpent - Follow the trail of the Bathysmal Vishaps and search for the secret room
7219011 : The Trail of Drake and Serpent - Follow the trail of the Bathysmal Vishaps and search for the secret room
7219012 : The Trail of Drake and Serpent - [N/A] 2932326196
7219013 : The Trail of Drake and Serpent - Go to the secret room
7219014 : The Trail of Drake and Serpent - [N/A] 2394612516
7219101 : The Heart of Ouroboros - Go to the Serpent's Heart
7219102 : The Heart of Ouroboros - Activate the secret message at the altar in the Serpent's Heart
7219103 : The Heart of Ouroboros - [N/A] 2076996604
7219104 : The Heart of Ouroboros - Solve the riddle at the altar in the Serpent's Heart
7219105 : The Heart of Ouroboros - Obtain the fragment of the Reins of Revival
7219201 : Dreams in the Gaps - Go to The Narrows
7219202 : Dreams in the Gaps - [N/A] 4276532532
7219203 : Dreams in the Gaps - Activate the mechanism and open the gate to the secret room
7219204 : Dreams in the Gaps - Investigate the secret room
7219205 : Dreams in the Gaps - Obtain the fragment of the Reins of Revival
7219301 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7219302 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3048698140
7219303 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7219304 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7219305 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2504726500
7219306 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7219307 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7219308 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2408293460
7219309 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7219310 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)最后一环传送$HIDDEN
7219401 : [CHS] - (test)开启稻妻传送点任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)beat用 解锁稻妻传送点$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7219501 : [CHS] - 神社占卜-焰刀望里须$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4211133204
7219502 : [CHS] - 神社占卜-焰刀望里须$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3500176692
7219606 : Fate of a Fighter - [CHS] - 清除怪物营地1$HIDDEN
7219607 : Fate of a Fighter - [CHS] - 清除怪物营地3$HIDDEN
7219608 : Fate of a Fighter - [CHS] - 清除怪物营地4$HIDDEN
7219611 : Fate of a Fighter - Witness Inaba Kyuuzou's fate.
7219612 : Fate of a Fighter - [CHS] - 清除怪物营地2$HIDDEN
7219613 : Fate of a Fighter - Report the situation to Inaba Kyuuzou.
7219614 : Fate of a Fighter - [CHS] - 用来创建npc任务$HIDDEN
7219712 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - [CHS] - 交付矿石$HIDDEN
7219713 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - [CHS] - 寻找妈妈的踪迹$HIDDEN
7219714 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - [CHS] - 在高炉偶遇小男孩$HIDDEN
7219715 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - [CHS] - 在鸣神偶遇小男孩$HIDDEN
7219721 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - [CHS] - 交付完成后对话$HIDDEN
7219722 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - [CHS] - 继续和长次对话$HIDDEN
7219723 : Gazing Three Thousand Miles Away - [CHS] - 检测时间任务$HIDDEN
7219801 : [CHS] - 解锁传送点任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4239823908
7219901 : The Farmer's Treasure - [CHS] - (test)与柴门克巳对话$HIDDEN
7219902 : The Farmer's Treasure - [CHS] - (test)前往打探二郎的情报$HIDDEN
7219903 : The Farmer's Treasure - [CHS] - (test)获取情报后与柴门克巳对话$HIDDEN
7219904 : The Farmer's Treasure - [CHS] - (test)A分支见过克巳开了二郎的门$HIDDEN
7219905 : The Farmer's Treasure - [CHS] - (test)B分支未见克巳开了二郎的门$HIDDEN
7219906 : The Farmer's Treasure - [CHS] - (test)与被救出的二郎对话传送前$HIDDEN
7219907 : The Farmer's Treasure - [CHS] - (test)与被救出的二郎对话传送后$HIDDEN
7219909 : The Farmer's Treasure - [CHS] - (test)收集到任意一块石板$HIDDEN
7219910 : The Farmer's Treasure - [CHS] - (test)收集齐四块石板$HIDDEN
7219911 : The Farmer's Treasure - Report back to Saimon Jirou
7219912 : The Farmer's Treasure - Find the fifth stone slate
7219913 : The Farmer's Treasure - Confront Saimon Jirou
7219914 : The Farmer's Treasure - Find Saimon Jirou on Jinren Island
7219915 : The Farmer's Treasure - Confront the Kairagi Leader
7219916 : The Farmer's Treasure - Defeat all opponents
7219917 : The Farmer's Treasure - Talk to Saimon Jirou
7219918 : The Farmer's Treasure - Open the "treasury" front door using the key
7219919 : The Farmer's Treasure - Open the stone gate of the "treasury"
7219920 : The Farmer's Treasure - Find the treasure
7219921 : The Farmer's Treasure - Talk to Saimon Jirou
7219922 : The Farmer's Treasure - Report back to Saimon Katsumi in Konda Village
7219923 : The Farmer's Treasure - [CHS] - (test)新版收集齐四块石板$HIDDEN
7220001 : [CHS] - 神樱大祓-巫女面具(隐藏)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1835645396
7220101 : [CHS] - 渡-顽皮小子(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟鬼魂对话(test)$HIDDEN
7220102 : [CHS] - 渡-顽皮小子(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 寻找他爱人的遗物(test)$HIDDEN
7220103 : [CHS] - 渡-顽皮小子(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)万皮小子说话$HIDDEN
7220201 : [CHS] - 渡-看守人(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3423993380
7220202 : [CHS] - 渡-看守人(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2388119788
7220203 : [CHS] - 渡-看守人(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4173677500
7220301 : [CHS] - 渡-捉迷小鬼(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟捉迷说话(test)$HIDDEN
7220302 : [CHS] - 渡-捉迷小鬼(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟捉迷说话(test)$HIDDEN
7220303 : [CHS] - 渡-捉迷小鬼(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟捉迷说话(test)$HIDDEN
7220304 : [CHS] - 渡-捉迷小鬼(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟捉迷说话(test)$HIDDEN
7220305 : [CHS] - 渡-捉迷小鬼(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟捉迷说话(test)$HIDDEN
7220306 : [CHS] - 渡-捉迷小鬼(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test 废弃$HIDDEN
7220307 : [CHS] - 渡-捉迷小鬼(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test 废弃$HIDDEN
7220308 : [CHS] - 渡-捉迷小鬼(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test 废弃$HIDDEN
7220401 : [CHS] - 渡-卖花奶奶(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟奶奶讲话(test)$HIDDEN
7220402 : [CHS] - 渡-卖花奶奶(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟奶奶讲话(test)$HIDDEN
7220403 : [CHS] - 渡-卖花奶奶(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟奶奶讲话(test)$HIDDEN
7220404 : [CHS] - 渡-卖花奶奶(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟奶奶讲话(test)$HIDDEN
7220405 : [CHS] - 渡-卖花奶奶(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟奶奶讲话(test)$HIDDEN
7220406 : [CHS] - 渡-卖花奶奶(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 寻找这个味道的花(test)$HIDDEN
7220407 : [CHS] - 渡-卖花奶奶(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟奶奶讲话(test)$HIDDEN
7220408 : [CHS] - 渡-卖花奶奶(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 自然日刷新2$HIDDEN
7220409 : [CHS] - 渡-卖花奶奶(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 自然日刷新3$HIDDEN
7220410 : [CHS] - 渡-卖花奶奶(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 自然日刷新4$HIDDEN
7220411 : [CHS] - 渡-卖花奶奶(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 自然日刷新5$HIDDEN
7220412 : [CHS] - 渡-卖花奶奶(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟奶奶讲话(test)$HIDDEN
7220501 : [CHS] - 渡-失忆重孙(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 873817372
7220502 : [CHS] - 渡-失忆重孙(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟孙女对话(test)$HIDDEN
7220503 : [CHS] - 渡-失忆重孙(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟孙女对话(test)$HIDDEN
7220504 : [CHS] - 渡-失忆重孙(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟孙女对话(test)$HIDDEN
7220505 : [CHS] - 渡-失忆重孙(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟孙女对话(test)$HIDDEN
7220506 : [CHS] - 渡-失忆重孙(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟孙女对话(test)$HIDDEN
7220507 : [CHS] - 渡-失忆重孙(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟孙女对话(test)$HIDDEN
7220508 : [CHS] - 渡-失忆重孙(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟孙女对话(test)$HIDDEN
7220509 : [CHS] - 渡-失忆重孙(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟孙女对话(test)$HIDDEN
7220510 : [CHS] - 渡-失忆重孙(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test 废弃$HIDDEN
7220511 : [CHS] - 渡-失忆重孙(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test 废弃$HIDDEN
7220512 : [CHS] - 渡-失忆重孙(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 937604284
7220513 : [CHS] - 渡-失忆重孙(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 887014884
7220514 : [CHS] - 渡-失忆重孙(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 906177132
7220515 : [CHS] - 渡-失忆重孙(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2911608948
7220601 : [CHS] - 渡-蘑菇园丁(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 565389844
7220602 : [CHS] - 渡-蘑菇园丁(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2404385508
7220603 : [CHS] - 渡-蘑菇园丁(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1079227668
7220604 : [CHS] - 渡-蘑菇园丁(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 209024244
7220605 : [CHS] - 渡-蘑菇园丁(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3994389436
7220606 : [CHS] - 渡-蘑菇园丁(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1860776636
7220607 : [CHS] - 渡-蘑菇园丁(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2749956516
7220701 : [CHS] - 渡-海螺宝藏(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 在海边捡到一个带有藏宝图的海螺(test)$HIDDEN
7220702 : [CHS] - 渡-海螺宝藏(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 跟鬼魂对话(test)$HIDDEN
7220703 : [CHS] - 渡-海螺宝藏(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 找到所有藏宝图碎片(test)$HIDDEN
7220704 : [CHS] - 渡-海螺宝藏(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 找到npc对话(test)$HIDDEN
7220705 : [CHS] - 渡-海螺宝藏(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 去挖宝(test)$HIDDEN
7220706 : [CHS] - 渡-海螺宝藏(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1948728484
7220801 : [CHS] - 渡-钓鱼小子(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 钓鱼2条(test)$HIDDEN
7220802 : [CHS] - 渡-钓鱼小子(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 307807108
7220803 : [CHS] - 渡-钓鱼小子(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1497729572
7220804 : [CHS] - 渡-钓鱼小子(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1342043604
7220805 : [CHS] - 渡-钓鱼小子(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test 废弃$HIDDEN
7220806 : [CHS] - 渡-钓鱼小子(test)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2765129140
7220901 : Neko Is a Cat: Wooden Shelf - [CHS] - test 与寝子对话 隐藏$HIDDEN
7220902 : Neko Is a Cat: Wooden Shelf - Investigate the Prayer Rack
7220903 : Neko Is a Cat: Wooden Shelf - Fix the Prayer Rack
7220904 : Neko Is a Cat: Wooden Shelf - Talk to Neko
7220905 : Neko Is a Cat: Wooden Shelf - Talk to Taisuke
7220906 : Neko Is a Cat: Wooden Shelf - Talk to Etsuko
7220907 : Neko Is a Cat: Wooden Shelf - Report back to Neko
7221001 : Neko Is a Cat: The Children - [CHS] - test 与寝子对话 隐藏$HIDDEN
7221002 : Neko Is a Cat: The Children - Go to the seashore and bring the little cat back to the shrine
7221003 : Neko Is a Cat: The Children - Go a high place and bring the little cat back to the shrine
7221004 : Neko Is a Cat: The Children - Talk to Neko
7221005 : Neko Is a Cat: The Children - Talk to Neko
7221006 : Neko Is a Cat: The Children - Go to the seashore and bring the little cat back to the shrine
7221007 : Neko Is a Cat: The Children - Go to higher ground and bring the little cat back to the shrine
7221101 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Recipe - [CHS] - test 与寝子对话 隐藏$HIDDEN
7221102 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Recipe - Talk to Taisuke and Etsuko
7221103 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Recipe - Ask Kiminami Anna for help
7221104 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Recipe - Give three servings of Seagrass to Kiminami Anna
7221105 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Recipe - Report back to Neko
7221106 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Recipe - Give the Delicious Invigorating Kitty Meal to the kittens
7221107 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Recipe - Report back to Neko
7221108 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Recipe - Give three servings of Seagrass to Kiminami Anna
7221109 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Recipe - Give the Delicious Invigorating Kitty Meal to the kittens
7221110 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Recipe - Give the Delicious Invigorating Kitty Meal to the kittens
7221111 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Recipe - [CHS] - test 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7221112 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Recipe - [CHS] - test 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7221201 : Neko Is a Cat: Cat and Stone - [CHS] - test 与寝子对话 隐藏$HIDDEN
7221202 : Neko Is a Cat: Cat and Stone - Ask Etsuko and Taisuke some questions
7221203 : Neko Is a Cat: Cat and Stone - Go to Tatarasuna to look for an artisan
7221204 : Neko Is a Cat: Cat and Stone - Talk to the artisan
7221205 : Neko Is a Cat: Cat and Stone - Report back to Neko together with Ooshima Junpei
7221301 : Neko Is a Cat: Stone Human's Troubles - [CHS] - test 与寝子对话 隐藏$HIDDEN
7221302 : Neko Is a Cat: Stone Human's Troubles - Ask Ooshima Junpei some questions
7221303 : Neko Is a Cat: Stone Human's Troubles - Give Ooshima Junpei three Iron Ores
7221304 : Neko Is a Cat: Stone Human's Troubles - Report back to Neko
7221305 : Neko Is a Cat: Stone Human's Troubles - Give Ooshima Junpei three Iron Ores
7221401 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Canteen - [CHS] - test 与寝子对话 隐藏$HIDDEN
7221402 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Canteen - Bring the Fish to Ooshima Junpei
7221403 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Canteen - Give Ooshima Junpei three servings of Raw Meat
7221404 : Neko Is a Cat: Shrine Canteen - Give Ooshima Junpei three servings of Raw Meat
7221501 : Neko Is a Cat: Ding-a-Ling Metal Ball - [CHS] - test 与寝子对话 隐藏$HIDDEN
7221502 : Neko Is a Cat: Ding-a-Ling Metal Ball - Hang the bells around the shrine
7221503 : Neko Is a Cat: Ding-a-Ling Metal Ball - Report back to Neko
7221504 : Neko Is a Cat: Ding-a-Ling Metal Ball - Hang the bells around the shrine
7221505 : Neko Is a Cat: Ding-a-Ling Metal Ball - Hang the bells around the shrine
7221506 : Neko Is a Cat: Ding-a-Ling Metal Ball - [CHS] - test 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7221507 : Neko Is a Cat: Ding-a-Ling Metal Ball - [CHS] - test 回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7221601 : Neko Is a Cat: A "Good Turn" Comes Late - [CHS] - test 与寝子对话 隐藏$HIDDEN
7221602 : Neko Is a Cat: A "Good Turn" Comes Late - Talk to Ooshima Junpei
7221603 : Neko Is a Cat: A "Good Turn" Comes Late - [CHS] - test 天气变化用 隐藏$HIDDEN
7221604 : Neko Is a Cat: A "Good Turn" Comes Late - [CHS] - test 锁时间用 隐藏$HIDDEN
7221701 : [CHS] - (test)发羽毛究极版道具$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)发一阶段小道具$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7221801 : [CHS] - (test)发二阶段羽毛$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)发放二阶段羽毛$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7221901 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7221902 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2539903452
7221903 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7221904 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7221905 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1524789268
7221906 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7221907 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7221908 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1043029948
7221909 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7221910 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)最后一环传送$HIDDEN
7222001 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7222002 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 690993580
7222003 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7222004 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7222005 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3976930916
7222006 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7222007 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)与NPC对话$HIDDEN
7222008 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3266922804
7222009 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)开启挑战$HIDDEN
7222010 : [CHS] - (test)奥博伦玩法白盒任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)最后一环传送$HIDDEN
7222201 : [CHS] - test 海盗隐藏任务 发钥匙 101585$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3846515764
7222301 : [CHS] - test 海盗隐藏任务 发钥匙 101583$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3357226836
7222401 : [CHS] - test 寝子是只猫·神社食谱 后续$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test 第一天$HIDDEN
7222402 : [CHS] - test 寝子是只猫·神社食谱 后续$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test 第二天$HIDDEN
7222403 : [CHS] - test 寝子是只猫·神社食谱 后续$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test 第三天$HIDDEN
7222404 : [CHS] - test 寝子是只猫·神社食谱 后续$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test 第四天$HIDDEN
7222501 : [CHS] - (test)神殿栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)阿瑠说话$HIDDEN
7222502 : [CHS] - (test)神殿栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)栖木供奉$HIDDEN
7222503 : [CHS] - (test)神殿栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)cs树叶生长$HIDDEN
7222504 : [CHS] - (test)神殿栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)地图雾散开$HIDDEN
7222505 : [CHS] - (test)神殿栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)阿瑠自动进对话$HIDDEN
7222506 : [CHS] - (test)神殿栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)共鸣$HIDDEN
7222507 : [CHS] - (test)神殿栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 131346740
7222601 : [CHS] - (test)山洞栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)阿瑠自动对话$HIDDEN
7222602 : [CHS] - (test)山洞栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)完成栖木供奉$HIDDEN
7222603 : [CHS] - (test)山洞栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)cs$HIDDEN
7222604 : [CHS] - (test)山洞栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)地图雾$HIDDEN
7222605 : [CHS] - (test)山洞栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)阿瑠对话$HIDDEN
7222606 : [CHS] - (test)山洞栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)共鸣$HIDDEN
7222607 : [CHS] - (test)山洞栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1444432732
7222701 : [CHS] - (test)后山栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)阿瑠说话$HIDDEN
7222702 : [CHS] - (test)后山栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)记录栖木供奉$HIDDEN
7222703 : [CHS] - (test)后山栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)cs树叶生长$HIDDEN
7222704 : [CHS] - (test)后山栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)地图雾散开$HIDDEN
7222705 : [CHS] - (test)后山栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)阿瑠自动进对话$HIDDEN
7222706 : [CHS] - (test)后山栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)进圈刷狗$HIDDEN
7222707 : [CHS] - (test)后山栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)共鸣按钮$HIDDEN
7222708 : [CHS] - (test)后山栖木$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)共鸣之后cs$HIDDEN
7222801 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 718670708
7222802 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2221350060
7222803 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 90102980
7222804 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2760856700
7222805 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1469748764
7222806 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 648314060
7222901 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3523165580
7222902 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3721374076
7222903 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 882938516
7222904 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 972058196
7222905 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 39549788
7222906 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2691885668
7223001 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 359734540
7223002 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3701940316
7223003 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4052930692
7223004 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3722313348
7223005 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1190827116
7223006 : [CHS] - (test)破坏栖木$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2555605244
7223101 : [CHS] - test 寝子是只猫最后 后续$HIDDEN - [CHS] - test 对话用$HIDDEN
7223201 : Clean House - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)善后处理默认接取的任务$HIDDEN
7223202 : Clean House - Go to Jakotsu Mine to negotiate with the Shogunate Samurai
7223203 : Clean House - Defeat the Brutish Samurai
7223204 : Clean House - Read the notes that the samurai left behind
7223205 : Clean House - Go to the port to investigate the Fatui
7223206 : Clean House - Defeat Borenka and his minions
7223207 : Clean House - Talk to Shizuru
7223301 : The Still Water's Flow - [CHS] - (test)自动完成播reminder$HIDDEN
7223302 : The Still Water's Flow - Talk to Tsuyuko
7223303 : The Still Water's Flow - Talk to Tsuyuko at the altar
7223304 : The Still Water's Flow - [CHS] - 寻找剩余的键纹$HIDDEN
7223305 : The Still Water's Flow - Look for the remaining Key Sigils
7223306 : The Still Water's Flow - Look for the remaining Key Sigils
7223307 : The Still Water's Flow - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7223308 : The Still Water's Flow - Talk to Tsuyuko
7223309 : The Still Water's Flow - Descend into Enkanomiya
7223310 : The Still Water's Flow - Investigate the cavern
7223311 : The Still Water's Flow - [CHS] - (test)刷键纹$HIDDEN
7223312 : The Still Water's Flow - [CHS] - (test)激活祭坛$HIDDEN
7223313 : The Still Water's Flow - [CHS] - (test)传送进入渊下宫$HIDDEN
7223314 : The Still Water's Flow - Follow Tsuyuko's instructions and activate all the altars
7223315 : The Still Water's Flow - Follow Tsuyuko's instructions and activate all the altars
7223316 : The Still Water's Flow - [CHS] - (test)废弃$HIDDEN
7223317 : The Still Water's Flow - [CHS] - 依照露子的指引激活所有祭坛$HIDDEN
7223318 : The Still Water's Flow - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7223401 : [CHS] - 寻找坐点玩法$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)Start$HIDDEN
7223402 : [CHS] - 寻找坐点玩法$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)和NPC对话$HIDDEN
7223403 : [CHS] - 寻找坐点玩法$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)座点2$HIDDEN
7223404 : [CHS] - 寻找坐点玩法$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)座点3$HIDDEN
7223405 : [CHS] - 寻找坐点玩法$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)座点4$HIDDEN
7223406 : [CHS] - 寻找坐点玩法$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)座点5$HIDDEN
7223407 : [CHS] - 寻找坐点玩法$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)座点6$HIDDEN
7223408 : [CHS] - 寻找坐点玩法$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)座点7$HIDDEN
7223409 : [CHS] - 寻找坐点玩法$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)座点8$HIDDEN
7223410 : [CHS] - 寻找坐点玩法$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3272699620
7223411 : [CHS] - 寻找坐点玩法$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)和NPC对话$HIDDEN
7223501 : Collection of Dragons and Snakes - Speak to the afterimage within the library
7223502 : Collection of Dragons and Snakes - Collect the five lost books
7223503 : Collection of Dragons and Snakes - Collect the five lost books
7223504 : Collection of Dragons and Snakes - Collect the five lost books
7223505 : Collection of Dragons and Snakes - Collect the five lost books
7223506 : Collection of Dragons and Snakes - Collect the five lost books
7223507 : Collection of Dragons and Snakes - Show the books to Ema
7223508 : Collection of Dragons and Snakes - Return the books to their shelves
7223509 : Collection of Dragons and Snakes - Investigate the picture frame that has changed
7223601 : Tricolor File - Talk to the afterimage in the restricted area
7223602 : Tricolor File - Look for the experimental records in the experimental site
7223701 : Antigonus - Obtain "Before Sun and Moon"
7223702 : Antigonus - Talk to the afterimage in prison
7223703 : Antigonus - Talk to the afterimage in prison
7223704 : Antigonus - Look for Antei
7223705 : Antigonus - Talk to Antei's afterimage
7223706 : Antigonus - Find the abandoned Ruin Guard
7223707 : Antigonus - Activate the Ruin Guard
7223708 : Antigonus - Talk to Antei's afterimage
7223709 : Antigonus - Obtain the Ruin machine's core
7223801 : A Glimpse Into the Pale Night - Examine the Inscribed Map
7223802 : A Glimpse Into the Pale Night - Investigate the map on the wall
7223901 : Lotus Eater - [CHS] - (test)解除祭坛的封印$HIDDEN
7223902 : Lotus Eater - Talk to the afterimage at the altar
7223903 : Lotus Eater - Help the afterimage find out their identity
7223904 : Lotus Eater - Report back to the afterimage
7223905 : Lotus Eater - Find where the "children are hidden"
7223906 : Lotus Eater - Talk to the afterimage in the hiding place
7223907 : Lotus Eater - [N/A] 3312650948
7223908 : Lotus Eater - Go to Tokoyo Reisen
7223909 : Lotus Eater - Obtain the Waters of Lethe
7223910 : Lotus Eater - [N/A] 1601429588
7223911 : Lotus Eater - Go to the top of the Dragonbone Flower
7223912 : Lotus Eater - Water the Dragonbone Flower using the Waters of Lethe
7223913 : Lotus Eater - [CHS] - 用忘川之水浇灌龙骨花$HIDDEN
7223914 : Lotus Eater - [CHS] - (test)与派蒙说话$HIDDEN
7223915 : Lotus Eater - [N/A] 4148061596
7223916 : Lotus Eater - Wait for the Dragonbone Flower to condense
7223917 : Lotus Eater - [N/A] 2891604420
7223918 : Lotus Eater - Obtain the Dragonbone Orb
7223919 : Lotus Eater - [N/A] 2482479036
7223920 : Lotus Eater - [N/A] 1604353756
7224001 : Date's Challenge - Talk to the afterimage
7224002 : Date's Challenge - Obtain Date's other Medal of Recognition
7224004 : Date's Challenge - Talk to Date's afterimage
7224005 : Date's Challenge - Open Date's secret room and obtain the treasure
7224006 : Date's Challenge - Obtain "Hydrological Studies in Byakuyakoku"
7224101 : Hyperion's Dirge - [N/A] 2631259924
7224102 : Hyperion's Dirge - [N/A] 511414148
7224103 : Hyperion's Dirge - [N/A] 2014391788
7224104 : Hyperion's Dirge - [N/A] 2460654764
7224105 : Hyperion's Dirge - [N/A] 1132859924
7224106 : Hyperion's Dirge - [N/A] 2427728452
7224107 : Hyperion's Dirge - [N/A] 701966428
7224108 : Hyperion's Dirge - [CHS] - (test)和NPC对话$HIDDEN
7224109 : Hyperion's Dirge - Find and offer up the objects in which Aberaku nested his thoughts
7224110 : Hyperion's Dirge - Find and offer up the objects in which Aberaku nested his thoughts
7224111 : Hyperion's Dirge - Find and offer up the objects in which Aberaku nested his thoughts
7224112 : Hyperion's Dirge - [N/A] 2918433844
7224113 : Hyperion's Dirge - Reach the top of the Dainichi Mikoshi
7224114 : Hyperion's Dirge - Speak to Aberaku
7224115 : Hyperion's Dirge - [N/A] 3507245172
7224116 : Hyperion's Dirge - [N/A] 123187044
7224117 : Hyperion's Dirge - [N/A] 1150705556
7224201 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - Go deeper into the cave
7224202 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - [N/A] 3223395564
7224203 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - [N/A] 2286665476
7224204 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - Go to the building up ahead
7224205 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - [N/A] 2633879092
7224206 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - Investigate the nearby area and search for clues
7224207 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - [N/A] 1502091940
7224208 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - Examine the great gate and look for a way to progress
7224209 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - Investigate the hidden path
7224210 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - Go to the door
7224211 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - Use the Key of the Moon-Bathed Deep to open the door
7224212 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - [N/A] 3012548020
7224213 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - [N/A] 1695881044
7224214 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - Open the door
7224215 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - Investigate the nearby area and search for clues
7224216 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - Investigate the nearby area and search for clues
7224217 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - Investigate the nearby area and search for clues
7224218 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - Investigate the nearby area and search for clues
7224219 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - [N/A] 387883828
7224220 : The Entrance to Tokoyo - Investigate the mechanism and activate the gate
7224301 : Lotus Eater Epilogue: Marjorie - [CHS] - (test)找玛乔丽对话$HIDDEN
7224302 : Lotus Eater Epilogue: Marjorie - [CHS] - (test)找玛乔丽买卖
7224401 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - [CHS] - (test)和NPC对话$HIDDEN
7224402 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - Offer a Sango Pearl to the seven royal tombs
7224403 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - Offer a Sango Pearl to the seven royal tombs
7224404 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - Offer a Sango Pearl to the seven royal tombs
7224405 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - Offer a Sango Pearl to the seven royal tombs
7224406 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - Offer a Sango Pearl to the seven royal tombs
7224407 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - Offer a Sango Pearl to the seven royal tombs
7224408 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - Offer a Sango Pearl to the seven royal tombs
7224409 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - [N/A] 178937684
7224410 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - Go to where Clymene is
7224411 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - Go to the Soul Guide's Locus
7224412 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - [N/A] 421178708
7224413 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - Talk to Clymene
7224414 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - Obtain the Divine Bridle
7224415 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - Talk to Clymene
7224416 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - Place the Divine Bridle within the waters
7224423 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - [N/A] 956436708
7224424 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - [N/A] 454601772
7224425 : The Phaethons' Syrtos - Talk to Clymene
7224501 : The Phaetons' Syrtos: Epilogue - [N/A] 167935516
7224502 : The Phaetons' Syrtos: Epilogue - [N/A] 824101620
7224503 : The Phaetons' Syrtos: Epilogue - [N/A] 942776780
7224504 : The Phaetons' Syrtos: Epilogue - [N/A] 3360836084
7224505 : The Phaetons' Syrtos: Epilogue - [N/A] 458348116
7224506 : The Phaetons' Syrtos: Epilogue - [N/A] 1020294708
7224507 : The Phaetons' Syrtos: Epilogue - [N/A] 1248431380
7224508 : The Phaetons' Syrtos: Epilogue - [N/A] 1896574916
7224509 : The Phaetons' Syrtos: Epilogue - [N/A] 1083119972
7224601 : [CHS] - (test)鹤観彩蛋任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 自然日刷新(test)$HIDDEN
7224602 : [CHS] - (test)鹤観彩蛋任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 璃月纪念品商店(test)$HIDDEN
7224603 : [CHS] - (test)鹤観彩蛋任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 蒙德图书馆(test)$HIDDEN
7224604 : [CHS] - (test)鹤観彩蛋任务$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test')闲置对话$HIDDEN
7224701 : Narrow Inquiry - [CHS] - (test)领取任务,解锁5个封印$HIDDEN
7224702 : Narrow Inquiry - Activate the spirit's trial
7224703 : Narrow Inquiry - [CHS] - (test)开启了挑战,失败回滚上一环节$HIDDEN
7224704 : Narrow Inquiry - Obtain the offerings from the spirit
7224705 : Narrow Inquiry - [CHS] - 与残魂对话$HIDDEN
7224801 : Temple Inquiry - [CHS] - (test)解锁5个封印$HIDDEN
7224802 : Temple Inquiry - Activate the spirit's trial
7224803 : Temple Inquiry - [CHS] - (test)挑战开始,失败回滚$HIDDEN
7224804 : Temple Inquiry - Obtain the offerings from the spirit
7224805 : Temple Inquiry - [CHS] - 与残魂对话$HIDDEN
7224901 : Serpent's Heart Inquiry - [CHS] - (test)解锁5个封印$HIDDEN
7224902 : Serpent's Heart Inquiry - Activate the spirit's trial
7224903 : Serpent's Heart Inquiry - [CHS] - (test)挑战开启,失败回滚$HIDDEN
7224904 : Serpent's Heart Inquiry - Obtain the offerings from the spirit
7224905 : Serpent's Heart Inquiry - [CHS] - 与残魂对话$HIDDEN
7225001 : [CHS] - 许伯利翁哀歌常驻NPC提示$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3306501852
7225101 : [CHS] - (test)鹤观壁画对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2562426068
7225102 : [CHS] - (test)鹤观壁画对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2446532372
7225103 : [CHS] - (test)鹤观壁画对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 196891676
7225201 : [CHS] - (test)迷雾灯指引$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4084728580
7225202 : [CHS] - (test)迷雾灯指引$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4259067164
7225301 : [CHS] - A$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1931983820
7225401 : [CHS] - B$HIDDEN - [N/A] 301686084
7225501 : [CHS] - C$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3455824804
7225601 : [CHS] - D$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3557087628
7225701 : [CHS] - E$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3678138684
7225801 : [CHS] - F$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3793874348
7225901 : [CHS] - G$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3604226772
7226001 : [CHS] - (test)罗尔德日志发奖$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2289423772
7226101 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: The Wonders of Adeptal Amber - [CHS] - (test)在活动界面接取第4天任务$HIDDEN
7226102 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: The Wonders of Adeptal Amber - Go to the adeptal abode on Mt. Hulao
7226103 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: The Wonders of Adeptal Amber - Take a picture of Kichiboushi
7226104 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: The Wonders of Adeptal Amber - Talk to Kichiboushi
7226105 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: The Wonders of Adeptal Amber - Follow Kichiboushi
7226106 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: The Wonders of Adeptal Amber - Look for Kichiboushi
7226107 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: The Wonders of Adeptal Amber - Talk to Kichiboushi
7226201 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: One Hundred Sights of Dihua - [CHS] - (test)在活动界面接取第5天任务$HIDDEN
7226202 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: One Hundred Sights of Dihua - Go to a place from which you can view Dihua Marsh
7226203 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: One Hundred Sights of Dihua - Take a picture of Kichiboushi
7226204 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: One Hundred Sights of Dihua - Talk to Kichiboushi
7226205 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: One Hundred Sights of Dihua - Catch up with Kichiboushi
7226206 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: One Hundred Sights of Dihua - Defeat the hilichurls
7226207 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: One Hundred Sights of Dihua - Talk to Kichiboushi
7226208 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: One Hundred Sights of Dihua - Head to your destination
7226209 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: One Hundred Sights of Dihua - Catch 3 fish at the designated spot
7226210 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: One Hundred Sights of Dihua - Talk to Kichiboushi
7226301 : Shuumatsuban Operations - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)第二天$HIDDEN
7226302 : Shuumatsuban Operations - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)被人撞$HIDDEN
7226303 : Shuumatsuban Operations - Go to the safehouse to look for Gendou Ringo
7226304 : Shuumatsuban Operations - [CHS] - (test)通过间谍获取情报$HIDDEN
7226305 : Shuumatsuban Operations - Win the trust of the spy in Ritou
7226306 : Shuumatsuban Operations - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)离岛间谍-中间对话$HIDDEN
7226307 : Shuumatsuban Operations - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)离岛间谍-战斗$HIDDEN
7226308 : Shuumatsuban Operations - Win the trust of the spy in Inazuma City
7226309 : Shuumatsuban Operations - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)城下町间谍-中间对话 $HIDDEN
7226310 : Shuumatsuban Operations - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)城下町间谍-战斗 $HIDDEN
7226311 : Shuumatsuban Operations - Win the trust of the spy at the hot springs
7226312 : Shuumatsuban Operations - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)上城区间谍-中间对话 $HIDDEN
7226313 : Shuumatsuban Operations - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)上城区间谍-战斗 $HIDDEN
7226314 : Shuumatsuban Operations - Report your intel to Momoyo
7226315 : Shuumatsuban Operations - Head for the safehouse to investigate
7226316 : Shuumatsuban Operations - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)离岛间谍-柳达情报$HIDDEN
7226317 : Shuumatsuban Operations - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)城下町间谍-柳达情报$HIDDEN
7226318 : Shuumatsuban Operations - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)温泉间谍-柳达情报$HIDDEN
7226319 : Shuumatsuban Operations - Find the three spies
7226320 : Shuumatsuban Operations - Find the three spies
7226321 : Shuumatsuban Operations - Find the three spies
7226401 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Snowswept Fairytale - Go to Dragonspine
7226402 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Snowswept Fairytale - Play with Kichiboushi
7226403 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Snowswept Fairytale - Talk to Kichiboushi
7226404 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Snowswept Fairytale - Talk to Kichiboushi
7226405 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Snowswept Fairytale - Play with Kichiboushi
7226406 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Snowswept Fairytale - Take a picture of Kichiboushi
7226407 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Snowswept Fairytale - Defeat the Great Snowboar King
7226408 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Snowswept Fairytale - Talk to Kichiboushi
7226409 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Snowswept Fairytale - Go to Chinju Forest and report back to Ioroi
7226410 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Snowswept Fairytale - Talk to Kichiboushi
7226411 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Snowswept Fairytale - [CHS] - 前往龙脊雪山$HIDDEN
7226412 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Snowswept Fairytale - Catch up with Kichiboushi
7226501 : The Replacement's Secret - Give the Bamboo Slip to Gendou
7226502 : The Replacement's Secret - Wait for the impostor Gendou at night (21:00 – 23:00)
7226503 : The Replacement's Secret - Wait for the fake Gendou to show up
7226504 : The Replacement's Secret - Use Elemental Sight to pursue the fake Gendou
7226505 : The Replacement's Secret - Eavesdrop on their conversation
7226506 : The Replacement's Secret - Face off against Lyudochka
7226507 : The Replacement's Secret - Fight Lyudochka
7226508 : The Replacement's Secret - Talk to Lyudochka
7226509 : The Replacement's Secret - Report your results to Momoyo
7226510 : The Replacement's Secret - Give the materials to Momoyo
7226511 : The Replacement's Secret - Leave the safehouse
7226512 : The Replacement's Secret - Wait until the following afternoon (14:00 – 18:00)
7226513 : The Replacement's Secret - Collect 8 Raw Meat
7226514 : The Replacement's Secret - Collect 4 White Iron Chunks
7226515 : The Replacement's Secret - Collect 3 Sea Ganoderma
7226516 : The Replacement's Secret - Obtain a set of Lyudochka's clothes
7226517 : The Replacement's Secret - Report back to Momoyo and talk to her
7226518 : The Replacement's Secret - Ask Momoyo to start making the fake cadaver
7226519 : The Replacement's Secret - Hand over the set of Lyudochka's clothes
7226520 : The Replacement's Secret - Give the materials to Momoyo
7226601 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Head for the safehouse
7226602 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Defeat the Fatui
7226603 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Check on the safehouse
7226604 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Pursue the elemental trail
7226605 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)检测玩家是否到达地城入口$HIDDEN
7226606 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Ask Momoyo what happened
7226607 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Give Lyudochka the good news
7226608 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Consult Aratani
7226609 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Tell Momoyo about the situation
7226610 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Search for Lyudochka
7226611 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Enter the basement of the abandoned building.
7226612 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Follow the elemental trail to search for Momoyo
7226613 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Look for a key
7226614 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)提前获取钥匙$HIDDEN
7226615 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Open the cell gate
7226616 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Check Momoyo's wounds
7226617 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Pass "that item" to Lyudochka
7226618 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Talk to Lyudochka
7226619 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Pursue the elemental trail
7226620 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - Pursue the elemental trail
7226621 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)击败勾玉门所有怪物$HIDDEN
7226622 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)正常钥匙reminder$HIDDEN
7226623 : Where the Dandelions Find Rest - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)提前钥匙reminder$HIDDEN
7226701 : [CHS] - 迷宫玩法$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3669897212
7226702 : [CHS] - 迷宫玩法$HIDDEN - [N/A] 285489396
7226703 : [CHS] - 迷宫玩法$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4266172524
7226704 : [CHS] - 迷宫玩法$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3679288940
7226801 : Yachimatahiko's Trial - Talk to the afterimage in front of the seal
7226802 : Yachimatahiko's Trial - Release all the Flames of the High Gate
7226803 : Yachimatahiko's Trial - Release all the Flames of the High Gate
7226804 : Yachimatahiko's Trial - Release all the Flames of the High Gate
7226805 : Yachimatahiko's Trial - Release all the Flames of the High Gate
7226806 : Yachimatahiko's Trial - [N/A] 3071690476
7226807 : Yachimatahiko's Trial - Talk to Uda
7226808 : Yachimatahiko's Trial - Go to The Emanant Skylight
7226809 : Yachimatahiko's Trial - Investigate the water in the pool during Evernight
7226901 : Yachimatahime's Trial - Talk to the afterimage in front of the seal
7226902 : Yachimatahime's Trial - Release all the Flames of the High Gate
7226903 : Yachimatahime's Trial - Release all the Flames of the High Gate
7226904 : Yachimatahime's Trial - Release all the Flames of the High Gate
7226905 : Yachimatahime's Trial - Release all the Flames of the High Gate
7226906 : Yachimatahime's Trial - [N/A] 121554724
7226907 : Yachimatahime's Trial - Talk to Eki
7226908 : Yachimatahime's Trial - Go to The Emanant Skylight
7226913 : Yachimatahime's Trial - Investigate the water in the pool during Evernight
7227001 : Kunado's Trial - Talk to the afterimage in front of the seal
7227002 : Kunado's Trial - Release all the Flames of the High Gate
7227003 : Kunado's Trial - Release all the Flames of the High Gate
7227004 : Kunado's Trial - Release all the Flames of the High Gate
7227005 : Kunado's Trial - Release all the Flames of the High Gate
7227006 : Kunado's Trial - [N/A] 3025012116
7227007 : Kunado's Trial - Talk to Daimon
7227008 : Kunado's Trial - Go to The Emanant Skylight
7227009 : Kunado's Trial - Investigate the water in the pool during Evernight
7227101 : [CHS] - 食莲者后续琳琅$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)跟琳琅对话$HIDDEN
7227201 : [CHS] - 食莲者后续源一郎$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)跟荣一郎说话$HIDDEN
7227301 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏渊下宫传送用任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)接取任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7227302 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏渊下宫传送用任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)传送玩家$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7227303 : [CHS] - (test)隐藏渊下宫传送用任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)完成任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7227401 : [CHS] - 神社地城对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)地城对话1$HIDDEN
7227402 : [CHS] - 神社地城对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)地城对话2$HIDDEN
7227403 : [CHS] - 神社地城对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)对话,回滚用$HIDDEN
7227501 : The Three Great Martial Trials - [CHS] - 和乌帽子对话$HIDDEN
7227502 : The Three Great Martial Trials - Complete the challenge
7227503 : The Three Great Martial Trials - Complete the challenge
7227504 : The Three Great Martial Trials - Complete the challenge
7227505 : The Three Great Martial Trials - [N/A] 3529571444
7227506 : The Three Great Martial Trials - Talk to Eboshi
7227507 : The Three Great Martial Trials - [CHS] - Cutscene$HIDDEN
7227508 : The Three Great Martial Trials - Talk to Eboshi
7227601 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Talk to Yabe
7227602 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Look for clues based on the direction Yabe pointed out
7227603 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Investigate the secret passage in front of you
7227604 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Investigate the areas to retrieve the stone slates
7227605 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Insert all the stone slates
7227606 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Go into the room underneath
7227607 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Investigate the room
7227608 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Investigate the room to search for clues
7227609 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Insert the final stone slate
7227610 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Go into the room underneath
7227611 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Talk to Koyanagi's afterimage
7227612 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Talk to Yabe
7227613 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Defeat the defiled spirits that emerged
7227614 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Investigate the area and retrieve the stone slates
7227615 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Investigate the area and retrieve the stone slates
7227616 : The Bunkoku Enigma - [CHS] - (test)(hide)回滚隔离环$HIDDEN
7227617 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Investigate the area to look for clues
7227618 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Talk to Paimon
7227619 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Trace the source of the sound and look for clues
7227620 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Talk to Yabe
7227621 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Place the stone slates back in their proper places
7227622 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Activate the device
7227623 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Talk to Paimon
7227624 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Investigate the device and close the secret passage
7227625 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Activate the device again
7227626 : The Bunkoku Enigma - [CHS] - (test)(hide)检查是否已经集齐$HIDDEN
7227627 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Speak to the afterimage in front of you
7227628 : The Bunkoku Enigma - Talk to Paimon
7227701 : [N/A] 2927563303 - [N/A] 3468066292
7227702 : [N/A] 2927563303 - [N/A] 2517255652
7227801 : A Story for You - Speak to Albedo
7227802 : A Story for You - Walk around with Klee
7227803 : A Story for You - Walk around with Klee
7227804 : A Story for You - Give Klee 3 Delicious Egg Rolls
7227805 : A Story for You - Talk to Klee
7227806 : A Story for You - Go to Naganohara Fireworks
7227807 : A Story for You - Talk to Yoimiya
7227808 : A Story for You - Accompany Yoimiya and Klee to see the Irodori Festival
7227809 : A Story for You - Accompany Yoimiya and Klee to see the Irodori Festival
7227810 : A Story for You - Accompany Yoimiya and Klee to see the Irodori Festival
7227811 : A Story for You - Accompany Yoimiya and Klee to see the Irodori Festival
7227812 : A Story for You - Accompany Yoimiya and Klee to see the Irodori Festival
7227813 : A Story for You - Accompany Yoimiya and Klee to see the Irodori Festival
7227814 : A Story for You - Accompany Yoimiya and Klee to see the Irodori Festival
7227815 : A Story for You - Accompany Yoimiya and Klee to see the Irodori Festival
7227816 : A Story for You - Accompany Yoimiya and Klee to see the Irodori Festival
7227817 : A Story for You - Go to Naganohara Fireworks
7227818 : A Story for You - Talk to Klee
7227819 : A Story for You - Go beside the window
7227820 : A Story for You - Go beside the window
7227821 : A Story for You - Go to Yae Publishing House
7227822 : A Story for You - Go to Yae Publishing House
7227823 : A Story for You - Wait for printing to finish (14:00 – 16:00 the next day)
7227824 : A Story for You - Go to the Irodori Festival site
7227825 : A Story for You - Talk to Klee
7227826 : A Story for You - Accompany Yoimiya and Klee to see the Irodori Festival
7227827 : A Story for You - [N/A] 1542484580
7227828 : A Story for You - [N/A] 545544092
7227829 : A Story for You - [N/A] 1123670188
7227901 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Talk to Kimura
7227902 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Go to the Tanuki Photo Board
7227903 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Talk to Itto
7227904 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Help the festival stall owner
7227905 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Help to clean the area around the stall
7227906 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Report back to Ishida
7227907 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Help the visitor
7227908 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Head to the port
7227909 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Go to Sailing Breeze
7227910 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Talk to Itto
7227911 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Find Kid Kujirai's Temari
7227912 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - [N/A] 227317524
7227913 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Talk to Kid Kujirai
7227914 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Take the goods to the warehouse
7227915 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Talk to Takeuchi
7227916 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Talk to Thoma
7227917 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - [N/A] 4258059044
7227918 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - Help to clean the area around the stall
7227919 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - [N/A] 4088844116
7227920 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - [N/A] 3079099604
7227921 : About That Time We Saved the Tanuki Photo Board - [N/A] 983267076
7228001 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - Talk to Kujou Sara
7228002 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - Examine the strange wooden barrel
7228003 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - Examine the strange wooden barrel
7228004 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - Ask passers-by what happened
7228005 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - Ask passers-by what happened
7228006 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - Ask passers-by what happened
7228007 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - Go to Eipekkusu and ask around
7228008 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - Talk to Junpei
7228009 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - Go to the nearby transaction site
7228010 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - Pretend to be a potential buyer and stall for time
7228011 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - [N/A] 635266628
7228012 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - Pretend to be a potential buyer and stall for time
7228013 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - Tell Kaede what happened
7228014 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - [N/A] 3566593844
7228015 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - Talk to Sara at the Police Station
7228016 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - [N/A] 2422528708
7228017 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - Talk to Sayu
7228018 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - [N/A] 2646940972
7228019 : Buyer's Guide to the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder - [N/A] 2845109252
7228101 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Wait till the next morning (08:00 – 10:00)
7228102 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Go to the docks
7228103 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Accompany Kokomi to see her pen pal
7228104 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Accompany Kokomi to see her pen pal
7228105 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Look for Gorou
7228106 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Buy the books
7228107 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Buy the books
7228108 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Get the reserved novel
7228109 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Get the reserved novel
7228110 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Go to the Raffle Machine
7228111 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Go to the Raffle Machine
7228112 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Wait at The Five Kasen Plaza
7228113 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Wait at The Five Kasen Plaza
7228114 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Go to the docks to see Kokomi and Gorou off (18:00 – 20:00 the next day)
7228115 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Go to the docks to see Kokomi and Gorou off
7228116 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Go to the docks to see Kokomi and Gorou off
7228117 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - Go to the docks
7228118 : Pen Pals, Book Reviews, and the Super Lucky General - [N/A] 3445597660
7228201 : [CHS] - 七本刀彩蛋(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)判定捡起渊下宫的刀$HIDDEN
7228202 : [CHS] - 七本刀彩蛋(test)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)判定插剑$HIDDEN
7228301 : [N/A] 3213039335 - [N/A] 652570716
7228302 : [N/A] 3213039335 - [N/A] 500178500
7228303 : [N/A] 3213039335 - [N/A] 2412856724
7228401 : [N/A] 774829511 - [N/A] 1584103220
7228402 : [N/A] 774829511 - [N/A] 1660881620
7228403 : [N/A] 774829511 - [N/A] 3394361348
7228601 : "Outlander Brigade!" - [CHS] - 和古田聊聊$HIDDEN
7228602 : "Outlander Brigade!" - Look for Xavier
7228603 : "Outlander Brigade!" - Learn about the progress of Xavier's film shoot
7228604 : "Outlander Brigade!" - Talk to Xavier to begin the shoot
7228605 : "Outlander Brigade!" - Complete the "Act I, Scene II" film shoot
7228606 : "Outlander Brigade!" - Complete the "Act I, Scene II" film shoot
7228607 : "Outlander Brigade!" - Talk to Xavier
7228608 : "Outlander Brigade!" - Go to Uyuu Restaurant
7228609 : "Outlander Brigade!" - Talk to Xavier
7228610 : "Outlander Brigade!" - [N/A] 1209384708
7228611 : "Outlander Brigade!" - [N/A] 3388816708
7228612 : "Outlander Brigade!" - Leave Uyuu Restaurant
7228613 : "Outlander Brigade!" - Talk to Xavier
7228614 : "Outlander Brigade!" - [N/A] 273863036
7228615 : "Outlander Brigade!" - Talk to Xavier
7228616 : "Outlander Brigade!" - [N/A] 169771308
7228701 : Mushounin - Look for the two performers and talk to them
7228702 : Mushounin - Look for the two performers and talk to them
7228703 : Mushounin - Go to Komore Teahouse
7228704 : Mushounin - Talk to Xavier
7228705 : Mushounin - Talk to Xavier to begin the shoot
7228706 : Mushounin - Finish filming the first act
7228707 : Mushounin - Talk to Xavier
7228708 : Mushounin - Wait until the following evening (18:00 – 20:00)
7228709 : Mushounin - Wait until evening (18:00 – 20:00)
7228710 : Mushounin - Go to Nazuchi Beach
7228711 : Mushounin - Persuade the extras
7228712 : Mushounin - Talk to Xavier
7228713 : Mushounin - Talk to Xavier to begin the shoot
7228714 : Mushounin - Finish filming the second act
7228715 : Mushounin - Talk to Xavier
7228716 : Mushounin - Head to the designated location
7228717 : Mushounin - Talk to Xavier
7228718 : Mushounin - Talk to Xavier to begin the shoot
7228719 : Mushounin - Finish filming the third act
7228720 : Mushounin - Finish filming the third act
7228721 : Mushounin - Finish filming the third act
7228722 : Mushounin - Land safely in the designated location
7228723 : Mushounin - Wait until evening (18:00 – 20:00)
7228724 : Mushounin - Rendezvous with everyone
7228725 : Mushounin - [CHS] - 刷NPC$HIDDEN
7228726 : Mushounin - [N/A] 804153588
7228727 : Mushounin - [N/A] 2452552532
7228728 : Mushounin - [N/A] 1156031020
7228729 : Mushounin - [N/A] 3695273012
7228801 : [CHS] - (test)2.6隐藏任务,用于雷电将军2完成后刷出海祇岛特产店$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)2.6隐藏任务,用于雷电将军2完成后刷出海祇岛特产店$HIDDEN
7250001 : Festival Afterword - Talk to Mamoru
7250101 : Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Greenery Chapter - Talk to Asagiri
7250102 : Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Greenery Chapter - Talk to Asagiri
7265001 : Phantom Flow: Phantasmal Blade - Talk to Shousen
7265101 : The Path of the Treasure-Seeker... Part II? - [N/A] 3410789972
7265102 : The Path of the Treasure-Seeker... Part II? - Talk to Ulman
7265201 : Voyage Prep - Talk to the Crux Fleet crew member
7265202 : Voyage Prep - Go to the Electro anomaly and complete the challenge
7265203 : Voyage Prep - Reach the destination within the time limit
7265301 : Tracking the Thunder - Talk to Muzhen
7265302 : Tracking the Thunder - Go to the Electro anomaly and complete the challenge
7265401 : Crossing Unknown Storm Clouds - Talk to Muzhen
7265402 : Crossing Unknown Storm Clouds - Go to the Electro anomaly and complete the challenge
7265501 : Facing Distant Echoes - Talk to Muzhen
7265502 : Facing Distant Echoes - Go to the ruins
7265503 : Facing Distant Echoes - Talk to Muzhen
7265504 : Facing Distant Echoes - Search the ruins
7265505 : Facing Distant Echoes - [N/A] 2782799524
7265506 : Facing Distant Echoes - [N/A] 3132142388
7265601 : Theater Mechanicus - Talk to Komakata
7265602 : Theater Mechanicus - Try Theater Mechanicus
7265701 : The Commission's Commission - Talk to Madarame Hyakubei
7265702 : The Commission's Commission - Talk to Madarame Hyakubei
7265801 : Dreams of Bloom - Talk to Sakuya
7265901 : The Moon Has Risen - Talk to the Inazuman fisherwoman Kujirai Momiji
7265902 : The Moon Has Risen - Talk to the Liyue fisherman Jiawei
7266001 : Hyakunin Ikki: The Greatest Battle - Talk to Kayabuki
7266002 : Hyakunin Ikki: The Greatest Battle - Talk to Kayabuki
7266003 : Hyakunin Ikki: The Greatest Battle - [CHS] - (test)进入地城$HIDDEN
7266101 : To Thee My Tender Grief Confide - Talk to the Mondstadt fisherman Nantuck
7266102 : To Thee My Tender Grief Confide - Go to Dragonspine to search for the Lunar Leviathan fossil
7266103 : To Thee My Tender Grief Confide - Investigate the ore pile
7266104 : To Thee My Tender Grief Confide - Investigate the ore pile
7266105 : To Thee My Tender Grief Confide - Investigate the ore pile
7266106 : To Thee My Tender Grief Confide - Discuss with Paimon
7266107 : To Thee My Tender Grief Confide - Tail the Treasure Hoarders
7266108 : To Thee My Tender Grief Confide - Defeat the Treasure Hoarders and claim the fossil
7266109 : To Thee My Tender Grief Confide - Talk to Kujirai Momiji
7266110 : To Thee My Tender Grief Confide - Discarded
7266111 : To Thee My Tender Grief Confide - Discarded
7266112 : To Thee My Tender Grief Confide - Discarded
7266113 : To Thee My Tender Grief Confide - Tail the Treasure Hoarders
7266201 : By Thy Pale Beams I Solitary Rove - Talk to Kujirai Momiji
7266202 : By Thy Pale Beams I Solitary Rove - Go to Araumi and look for the Special Magical Crystal Ore
7266203 : By Thy Pale Beams I Solitary Rove - Collect 3 Special Magical Crystal Ore
7266204 : By Thy Pale Beams I Solitary Rove - Talk to Kujirai Momiji
7266205 : By Thy Pale Beams I Solitary Rove - Defeat the Ruin Guard
7266206 : By Thy Pale Beams I Solitary Rove - Talk to Kujirai Momiji
7266207 : By Thy Pale Beams I Solitary Rove - Collect 3 Special Magical Crystal Ore
7266208 : By Thy Pale Beams I Solitary Rove - Collect 3 Special Magical Crystal Ore
7266209 : By Thy Pale Beams I Solitary Rove - [CHS] - 刷出遗迹守卫$HIDDEN
7266301 : Over the Moon - Talk to Kujirai Momiji
7266302 : Over the Moon - Go to the beach that Kujirai Momiji mentioned at night
7266303 : Over the Moon - [CHS] - 刷出漂流瓶$HIDDEN
7266304 : Over the Moon - Talk to Kujirai Momiji
7266305 : Over the Moon - Wait until nighttime (19:00 – 22:00)
7266306 : Over the Moon - [CHS] - 刷出鱼群$HIDDEN
7266401 : The Many Matters of the Moonchase Festival - Talk to Linyang
7266501 : [CHS] - (test)开璃月后第一次对话$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 159156708
7266601 : [CHS] - (test)开雪山后第一次对话$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2749811932
7266701 : Bait Resupply Plan - [CHS] - 等待玩家饵料数低于1$HIDDEN
7266702 : Bait Resupply Plan - Talk to Kujirai Momiji
7266703 : Bait Resupply Plan - [CHS] - 回滚任务$HIDDEN
7266801 : [CHS] - 和派蒙隐藏对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2751061716
7266802 : [CHS] - 和派蒙隐藏对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3871313788
7266901 : Bait Resupply Plan - [CHS] - 废弃$HIDDEN
7266902 : Bait Resupply Plan - Discarded
7266903 : Bait Resupply Plan - Discarded
7267001 : I, Researcher - Talk to Hosseini
7267002 : I, Researcher - Clear the three camps west of Wangshu Inn
7267003 : I, Researcher - Report back to Hosseini
7267004 : I, Researcher - Clear the three camps west of Wangshu Inn
7267005 : I, Researcher - Clear the three camps west of Wangshu Inn
7267006 : I, Researcher - [CHS] - (test)与胡塞尼对话
7267101 : [CHS] - (test)导能圆盘发奖励一$HIDDEN - [N/A] 934536276
7267201 : Omni-Ubiquity Net - Talk to Sango
7267202 : Omni-Ubiquity Net - Look for Wakamurasaki
7267203 : Omni-Ubiquity Net - Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net to capture small animals
7267204 : Omni-Ubiquity Net - Report back to Wakamurasaki
7267205 : Omni-Ubiquity Net - Talk to Sango
7267301 : [CHS] - (test)抓捕小动物隐藏父任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)隐藏任务用于父任务发放「四方八方之网」$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7267401 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas - Head to Chinju Forest to visit Ioroi
7267402 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas - Talk to Kichiboushi
7267403 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas - Talk to Ioroi
7267501 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Soliloquy of Distant Island Peaks - Go to Guyun Stone Forest
7267502 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Soliloquy of Distant Island Peaks - Give 1 Crystal Core to Kichiboushi
7267503 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Soliloquy of Distant Island Peaks - Talk to Kichiboushi
7267504 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Soliloquy of Distant Island Peaks - Go to a place from which you can see The Alcor
7267505 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Soliloquy of Distant Island Peaks - Take a picture of Kichiboushi
7267506 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Soliloquy of Distant Island Peaks - Talk to Kichiboushi
7267507 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Soliloquy of Distant Island Peaks - Go to The Alcor
7267508 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Soliloquy of Distant Island Peaks - Climb the mast
7267509 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Soliloquy of Distant Island Peaks - [CHS] - (test)衔接用隐藏任务$HIDDEN
7267510 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Soliloquy of Distant Island Peaks - [CHS] - (test)狸猫、五百藏闲置对话用$HIDDEN
7267601 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Two Cities' Recommendations - Go to the Good Hunter restaurant in Mondstadt
7267602 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Two Cities' Recommendations - Cook some Delicious Sweet Madame
7267603 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Two Cities' Recommendations - Sit down for a fine meal with Kichiboushi and Paimon
7267604 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Two Cities' Recommendations - Go to the Anemo Archon statue in front of the Cathedral
7267605 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Two Cities' Recommendations - Climb up to the statue's hands
7267606 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Two Cities' Recommendations - Take a picture of Kichiboushi
7267607 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Two Cities' Recommendations - Talk to Kichiboushi
7267608 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Two Cities' Recommendations - Go to Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue Harbor
7267609 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Two Cities' Recommendations - Go to Liuli Pavilion and talk to Licai
7267610 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Two Cities' Recommendations - Head to the designated location
7267611 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Two Cities' Recommendations - Take a picture of Kichiboushi
7267612 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Two Cities' Recommendations - Talk to Kichiboushi
7267613 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Two Cities' Recommendations - Have a meal at Liuli Pavilion with Kichiboushi and Paimon
7267614 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Two Cities' Recommendations - [CHS] - (test)衔接用隐藏任务$HIDDEN
7267701 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Blazing Poetry - Head close to Luhua Pool
7267702 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Blazing Poetry - Give 1 Flaming Flower Stamen to Kichiboushi
7267703 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Blazing Poetry - Go into the depths of the cavern where the Pyro Regisvine is
7267704 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Blazing Poetry - Take a picture of Kichiboushi
7267705 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Blazing Poetry - Talk to Kichiboushi
7267706 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Blazing Poetry - Defeat the Pyro Regisvine
7267707 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Blazing Poetry - Talk to Kichiboushi
7267708 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Blazing Poetry - Talk to Kichiboushi
7267709 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Blazing Poetry - [CHS] - (test)衔接用隐藏任务$HIDDEN
7267710 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Blazing Poetry - [N/A] 1910338740
7267801 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Wanderer's Appraisal - Go to Stormterror's Lair
7267802 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Wanderer's Appraisal - Take a picture of Kichiboushi
7267803 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Wanderer's Appraisal - Talk to Kichiboushi
7267804 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Wanderer's Appraisal - Head for the tower in Stormterror's Lair
7267805 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Wanderer's Appraisal - Head deeper into Stormterror's Lair
7267806 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Wanderer's Appraisal - Head deeper into Stormterror's Lair
7267807 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Wanderer's Appraisal - Head deeper into Stormterror's Lair
7267808 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Wanderer's Appraisal - Head deeper into Stormterror's Lair
7267809 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Wanderer's Appraisal - Head deeper into Stormterror's Lair
7267810 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Wanderer's Appraisal - [CHS] - (test)衔接用的隐藏任务$HIDDEN
7267811 : Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Wanderer's Appraisal - Return to Chinju Forest to visit Ioroi
7267901 : [N/A] 3226528455 - [N/A] 998861716
7267902 : [N/A] 3226528455 - [N/A] 2280144836
7268001 : [CHS] - (test)导能圆盘发奖励二$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1053180596
7268101 : [CHS] - (test)导能圆盘发奖励三$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4089467236
7268201 : Hyakunin Ikki: Golden Whirlwind - Talk to Kayabuki
7268202 : Hyakunin Ikki: Golden Whirlwind - Talk to Kayabuki
7268301 : Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens - Go look at the person drawing
7268302 : Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens - Talk to Asagiri
7268401 : The Almighty Arataki Great and Glorious Drumalong Festival - [N/A] 1038301372
7268402 : The Almighty Arataki Great and Glorious Drumalong Festival - Go to Ritou
7268403 : The Almighty Arataki Great and Glorious Drumalong Festival - Talk to the Tenryou Commission Doushin Kimura
7268404 : The Almighty Arataki Great and Glorious Drumalong Festival - Go to Amakane Island and look for the Arataki Gang
7268405 : The Almighty Arataki Great and Glorious Drumalong Festival - Talk to Hirohiko, the Yashiro Commission Representative
7268406 : The Almighty Arataki Great and Glorious Drumalong Festival - Go to the tidal flats on northwest Amakane Island
7268407 : The Almighty Arataki Great and Glorious Drumalong Festival - Drum along with Genta
7268501 : Theater Mechanicus: Stage of Brilliance - Talk to Komakata
7268601 : Go Forth, Golden Whirlwind! - Talk to Yasuhiko Tarou
7268701 : The Floral Courtyard: Part I - Talk to Fushizome
7268702 : The Floral Courtyard: Part I - Complete the floral theme
7268703 : The Floral Courtyard: Part I - Talk to Fushizome
7268801 : The Floral Courtyard: Part II - Wait till the next morning (08:00 – 12:00) and talk to Fushizome
7268802 : The Floral Courtyard: Part II - Talk to Fushizome
7268803 : The Floral Courtyard: Part II - Complete the floral theme
7268804 : The Floral Courtyard: Part II - Talk to Fushizome
7268901 : The Floral Courtyard: Part III - Wait till the next morning (08:00 – 12:00) and talk to Fushizome
7268902 : The Floral Courtyard: Part III - Talk to Fushizome
7268903 : The Floral Courtyard: Part III - Complete the floral theme
7268904 : The Floral Courtyard: Part III - Talk to Fushizome
7269001 : The Floral Courtyard: Part IV - Wait till the next morning (08:00 – 12:00) and talk to Fushizome
7269002 : The Floral Courtyard: Part IV - Talk to Fushizome
7269003 : The Floral Courtyard: Part IV - Complete the floral theme
7269004 : The Floral Courtyard: Part IV - Talk to Fushizome
7269101 : Irodori Poetry: Part I - Talk to Ootomo
7269102 : Irodori Poetry: Part I - Prepare 4 photos of Inazuman regional specialties related to the theme
7269104 : Irodori Poetry: Part I - Report back to Lenne
7269105 : Irodori Poetry: Part I - Talk to Ootomo
7269201 : Irodori Poetry: Part II - Talk to Ootomo
7269202 : Irodori Poetry: Part II - Prepare 4 photos of Inazuman regional animals related to the theme
7269204 : Irodori Poetry: Part II - Report back to Lenne
7269205 : Irodori Poetry: Part II - Talk to Ootomo
7269206 : Irodori Poetry: Part II - Wait till the next morning (08:00 – 12:00) and talk to Ootomo
7269301 : Irodori Poetry: Part III - Talk to Ootomo
7269302 : Irodori Poetry: Part III - Prepare 4 photos of Mondstadt regional specialties related to the theme
7269304 : Irodori Poetry: Part III - Report back to Ootomo
7269305 : Irodori Poetry: Part III - Talk to Lenne
7269306 : Irodori Poetry: Part III - Wait till the next morning (08:00 – 12:00) and talk to Ootomo
7269401 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go - Go to the Adventurers' Guild in Inazuma
7269402 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go - Go to Ritou and look for Bertrand
7269403 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go - Collect 3 ores in the wild
7269404 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go - Return the Material Collector to Bertrand
7269405 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go - Collect 3 flowers in the wild
7269406 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go - Collect 6 fruits in the wild
7269501 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Energy Storage - Go to Ritou and look for Bertrand
7269502 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Energy Storage - Go near the marked location and have Pyro applied to you for 15s
7269503 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Energy Storage - Return the Material Collector to Bertrand
7269504 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Energy Storage - Go near the marked location and have Hydro applied to you for 15s
7269505 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Energy Storage - Go near the marked location and have Electro applied to you for 15s
7269601 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Core Propulsion - Go to Ritou and look for Bertrand
7269602 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Core Propulsion - Collect 3 portions of Core Propulsion by defeating 3 Slimes
7269603 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Core Propulsion - Return the Material Collector to Bertrand
7269604 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Core Propulsion - Initiate toy production once
7269605 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Core Propulsion - Talk to Bertrand
7269606 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Core Propulsion - Collect 4 portions of Core Propulsion by defeating 2 Specters
7269607 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Core Propulsion - Collect 4 portions of Core Propulsion by defeating 1 Hypostasis
7269701 : A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Mass Production - Go to Ritou and look for Bertrand
7269801 : Versus Ookubo Sanzaemon - Talk to Ookubo Sanzaemon
7269901 : Versus Yasuhiko Tarou - Talk to Yasuhiko Tarou
7270101 : Hilichurl Hullaballoo - Defeat the hilichurls
7270201 : Kairagi Chaos - Defeat the Kairagi
7270301 : [CHS] - (test)古谷升$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)到鸣神岛消灭丘丘人$UNRELEASED
7270401 : [CHS] - (test)井上$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)到鸣神岛消灭海乱鬼$UNRELEASED
7270501 : Vagrant Havoc - Defeat the Vagrants
7270601 : Hilichurl Hullaballoo - Defeat the hilichurls
7270701 : Monster Mayhem - Fend off the monsters
7270801 : Fatuous Farce - Defeat the Fatui
7270901 : Automaton Attack - Defeat the Automatons
7271001 : Kairagi-Vagrant Pandemonium - Defeat the Kairagi and Vagrant
7271201 : Sanden's Resource Request - Give five Electro Crystals to Sanden
7271202 : Sanden's Resource Request - Talk to Sanden
7271301 : Murakami's Meal-Making - Give fifteen Mints to Murakami
7271302 : Murakami's Meal-Making - Talk to Murakami
7271401 : Riku's Eggy Endeavor - Give eight Bird Eggs to Riku
7271402 : Riku's Eggy Endeavor - Talk to Riku
7271501 : Kanra's Thoughts - Give five Sakura Blooms to Kanra
7271502 : Kanra's Thoughts - Talk to Kanra
7271601 : Kano Nana's Healthy Diet - Give fifteen Carrots to Kano Nana
7271602 : Kano Nana's Healthy Diet - Talk to Kano Nana
7271701 : Kozue's Ironwork - Give ten Iron Chunks to Kozue
7271702 : Kozue's Ironwork - Talk to Kozue
7271801 : Matsumoto's Fried Egg Fracas - Give five Teyvat Fried Eggs to Matsumoto
7271802 : Matsumoto's Fried Egg Fracas - Talk to Matsumoto
7271901 : Yata Kouki's Order of Ore - Give five White Iron Chunks to Yata Kouki
7271902 : Yata Kouki's Order of Ore - Talk to Yata Kouki
7272001 : Versus Mishima Michitoshi - Talk to Mishima Michitoshi
7272101 : Versus Taroumaru - Talk to Taroumaru
7272201 : [CHS] - (test)容彩祭插花隐藏任务发奖励$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1762879668
7272301 : [CHS] - (test)容彩祭插花隐藏任务发奖励$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2769464524
7272401 : Snapshots - Talk to Xu
7272501 : [CHS] - (test)容彩祭插花隐藏任务发奖励$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1733714404
7272601 : [N/A] 1852168831 - [N/A] 3736577220
7272701 : Hyakunin Ikki: Narukami Arena - Talk to Kayabuki
7272702 : Hyakunin Ikki: Narukami Arena - Talk to Kayabuki
7272801 : Akitsu Yuugei - Talk to Paimon
7272802 : Akitsu Yuugei - Head to the beach
7272803 : Akitsu Yuugei - Talk to Paimon
7272901 : Dreamlike - Talk to Paimon
7272902 : Dreamlike - Investigate the mysterious door
7272903 : Dreamlike - Investigate the mysterious door
7273001 : Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl! - Go to the Adventurers' Guild
7273002 : Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl! - Listen in on the Arataki Gang's discussion
7273003 : Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl! - Head to the grounds where the "Extreme Beetle Brawl" will take place
7273004 : Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl! - Talk to Arataki Itto
7273005 : Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl! - Talk to Elyctra
7273006 : Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl! - Defeat Elyctra
7273007 : Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl! - Talk to Grandmaster Hanakado
7273008 : Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl! - [CHS] - (test)刷出场地$HIDDEN
7273101 : The Beetle Battles Will Never End! - Talk to Arataki Itto
7273102 : The Beetle Battles Will Never End! - Talk to Arataki Itto
7273103 : The Beetle Battles Will Never End! - Return to the grounds of the "Extreme Beetle Brawl"
7273104 : The Beetle Battles Will Never End! - Wait until the following day
7273201 : [CHS] - (test)第一天的怪力三十三对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)任务npc对话block$HIDDEN
7273301 : [CHS] - (test)第三天的造笼师对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)任务npc对话block$HIDDEN
7273401 : [CHS] - (test)第二天的金龟对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)任务npc对话block$HIDDEN
7273501 : [CHS] - (test)第四天的大飞车对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)任务npc对话block$HIDDEN
7273601 : [CHS] - (test)花椒鱼对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)任务npc对话block$HIDDEN
7273602 : [CHS] - (test)花椒鱼对话$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)挑战花椒鱼酱$HIDDEN
7273603 : [CHS] - (test)花椒鱼对话$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3521149164
7273701 : [CHS] - (test)废弃$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 675841148
7273702 : [CHS] - (test)废弃$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2456414300
7280001 : The Gourmet Supremos: On the Road - Talk to Xudong
7280002 : The Gourmet Supremos: On the Road - Go to the designated location to find cooking ingredients
7280003 : The Gourmet Supremos: On the Road - Explore further and find cooking ingredients
7280004 : The Gourmet Supremos: On the Road - Talk to the people in front of you
7280005 : The Gourmet Supremos: On the Road - Look for cooking ingredients
7280006 : The Gourmet Supremos: On the Road - Look for cooking ingredients
7280007 : The Gourmet Supremos: On the Road - Look for cooking ingredients
7280008 : The Gourmet Supremos: On the Road - [CHS] - (test)统计进度(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7280009 : The Gourmet Supremos: On the Road - [CHS] - (test)(保护统计进度)(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7280010 : The Gourmet Supremos: On the Road - Find a good spot for cooking
7280011 : The Gourmet Supremos: On the Road - Talk to Xudong
7280101 : International Travel Log - Talk to Midori
7280102 : International Travel Log - Talk to Kozue
7280103 : International Travel Log - Talk to Ramsay inside the teahouse
7280105 : International Travel Log - Go to the nearby beach
7280106 : International Travel Log - Walk around the beach
7280107 : International Travel Log - Walk around the beach
7280108 : International Travel Log - Walk around the beach
7280109 : International Travel Log - Talk to Ramsay
7280110 : International Travel Log - Go to the waterfall north of the city
7280111 : International Travel Log - Talk to Ramsay
7280112 : International Travel Log - Go to a safe spot
7280113 : International Travel Log - Go to the summit of the nearby mountain
7280114 : International Travel Log - Return to Komore Teahouse
7280115 : International Travel Log - Talk to Midori
7280116 : International Travel Log - Defeat opponents
7280201 : Home Lies Over the Ocean - Talk to Atsuko
7280202 : Home Lies Over the Ocean - Give the letter to Michiru and Yoh
7280203 : Home Lies Over the Ocean - Wait until the following night (18:00 – 6:00)
7280204 : Home Lies Over the Ocean - Wait until nighttime (18:00 – 6:00)
7280205 : Home Lies Over the Ocean - Go to Atsuko's house
7280206 : Home Lies Over the Ocean - Wait until the following day
7280207 : Home Lies Over the Ocean - Talk to Atsuko's parents again
7280301 : O Archon, Have I Done Right? - [CHS] - 与翔太对话$HIDDEN
7280302 : O Archon, Have I Done Right? - Go to the shrine outside the city
7280303 : O Archon, Have I Done Right? - Defeat all the Treasure Hoarders
7280304 : O Archon, Have I Done Right? - Help Shouta find out the reason
7280306 : O Archon, Have I Done Right? - Ask for Kouichi's opinion
7280307 : O Archon, Have I Done Right? - Ask for Yayoi Nanatsuki's opinion
7280308 : O Archon, Have I Done Right? - [N/A] 61788188
7280309 : O Archon, Have I Done Right? - [N/A] 2686276588
7280401 : Battle of Revenge - Talk to Asakura
7280403 : Battle of Revenge - Defeat the Kairagi
7280404 : Battle of Revenge - Interrogate the Kairagi
7280405 : Battle of Revenge - Go to the Kairagi camp
7280406 : Battle of Revenge - Defeat the subordinates of the Kairagi Leader
7280407 : Battle of Revenge - Talk to Asakura
7280408 : Battle of Revenge - Go to the Kairagi camp
7280501 : [N/A] 1232266591 - [N/A] 1774094924
7280502 : [N/A] 1232266591 - [N/A] 2486823148
7280503 : [N/A] 1232266591 - [N/A] 300128540
7280601 : Yae Publishing House's Invitation - Talk to Aratani
7280602 : Yae Publishing House's Invitation - Talk to Chang the Ninth
7280603 : Yae Publishing House's Invitation - Search for Zhenyu at the Wanwen Bookhouse
7280604 : Yae Publishing House's Invitation - Talk to Xingqiu
7280605 : Yae Publishing House's Invitation - Report back to Aratani
7280701 : Chisato's Letter - Give the letter to Kujou Kamaji
7280702 : Chisato's Letter - Give the letter to Kujou Kamaji
7280703 : Chisato's Letter - Find Kujou Kamaji
7280704 : Chisato's Letter - Go to Kiminami Restaurant to collect the snacks
7280705 : Chisato's Letter - Report back to Hiiragi Chisato
7280706 : Chisato's Letter - [CHS] - (test)先找到九条的对话$HIDDEN
7280801 : Katheryne in Inazuma - Talk to Katheryne in Inazuma
7280901 : The Ritou Road - [CHS] - (test)从走私营地密道进入$HIDDEN
7280902 : The Ritou Road - [CHS] - (test)从居民区地道进入$HIDDEN
7280903 : The Ritou Road - Investigate the strange camp
7280904 : The Ritou Road - Hide next to the camp
7280905 : The Ritou Road - Observe Harrison
7280906 : The Ritou Road - Defeat all the slimes
7280907 : The Ritou Road - Talk to Harrison
7281001 : [N/A] 3634521351 - [N/A] 858403460
7281002 : [N/A] 3634521351 - [N/A] 1193306260
7281003 : [N/A] 3634521351 - [N/A] 529315004
7281101 : [N/A] 1570070079 - [N/A] 3811865676
7281102 : [N/A] 1570070079 - [N/A] 1022788692
7281103 : [N/A] 1570070079 - [N/A] 2415516540
7281201 : Storytelling Method - Talk to Junkichi
7281202 : Storytelling Method - Get a feel for Junkichi's story
7281203 : Storytelling Method - Report to Junkichi
7281204 : Storytelling Method - Talk to Junkichi
7281301 : Fertilizer... Salesperson? - Talk to Iwata
7281302 : Fertilizer... Salesperson? - Return the next day and appraise the fertilizer situation
7281303 : Fertilizer... Salesperson? - Return and appraise the fertilizer situation
7281304 : Fertilizer... Salesperson? - Defeat all opponents
7281305 : Fertilizer... Salesperson? - Talk to Iwata
7281306 : Fertilizer... Salesperson? - Go with Gorou to investigate the suspicious person
7281307 : Fertilizer... Salesperson? - Find Kaushik
7281308 : Fertilizer... Salesperson? - Talk to Kaushik
7281309 : Fertilizer... Salesperson? - Take Kaushik and report back to Gorou
7281310 : Fertilizer... Salesperson? - Go with Alrani to look for Iwata
7290201 : [CHS] - 婷婷送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 964212324
7290301 : [CHS] - 奔雷手秦师傅送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1688587772
7290401 : [CHS] - 小畑送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1978950732
7290501 : [CHS] - 凉子送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4271626996
7290601 : [CHS] - 秋月送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2769931340
7290701 : [CHS] - 哈里森送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 613387836
7290801 : [CHS] - 久利须送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3278114788
7290901 : [CHS] - 叶戈尔送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1916205516
7291001 : [CHS] - 中野送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3727883372
7291101 : [CHS] - 幸雄送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1034125548
7291201 : [CHS] - 松本送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3499522556
7291301 : [CHS] - 长谷川送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1707990988
7291401 : [CHS] - 柚子送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2921914052
7291501 : [CHS] - 天目十五送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2195390228
7291601 : [CHS] - 阿创送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 332563508
7291701 : [CHS] - 蓝川丞送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2235888596
7291801 : [CHS] - 龙二送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4011595556
7291901 : [CHS] - 木南杏奈送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2592649332
7292001 : [CHS] - 翔太送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3363226668
7292101 : [CHS] - 黑泽京之介送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 394128316
7292201 : [CHS] - 曜送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1625640028
7292301 : [CHS] - 池田总四郎送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3075141284
7292401 : [CHS] - 菜菜子送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3071470532
7292501 : [CHS] - 土门送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2356057044
7292601 : [CHS] - 古田送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3102934396
7292701 : [CHS] - 甘乐送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1101290572
7292801 : [CHS] - 桃子送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1773006980
7292901 : [CHS] - 几原凯送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2749659148
7293001 : [CHS] - 古谷升送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1143859948
7293201 : [CHS] - 信盛送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1999792340
7293301 : [CHS] - 柊千里送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3811619124
7293401 : [CHS] - 冈崎陆斗送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3726424788
7293501 : [CHS] - 麻纪送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2995616636
7293701 : [CHS] - 未来送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2758140692
7293801 : [CHS] - 锦野玲玲送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3333637260
7293901 : [CHS] - 香川送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2844413436
7294001 : [CHS] - 望月送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1737429372
7294101 : [CHS] - 长冈秀满送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1490250212
7294201 : [CHS] - 甲斐田龙马送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 241815268
7294301 : [CHS] - 手岛送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2292536756
7294501 : [CHS] - 久美送礼任务$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4177416188
7294601 : [CHS] - 稻城萤美送礼任务(神樱大祓后送花散里面具)$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1126995924
7294801 : [CHS] - 送礼任务测试$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2260249916
7300001 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - [CHS] - 与兰那罗对话 $HIDDEN
7300002 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - Investigate the strange spot
7300003 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - Investigate the strange spot
7300004 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - Keep exploring
7300005 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - Investigate the strange spot
7300006 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - Keep exploring
7300007 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - Talk to the suspicious person
7300008 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - Talk to Royinjan
7300009 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - Talk to Ararycan
7300010 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - Talk to Jazari
7300011 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - [N/A] 2903671780
7300012 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - [CHS] - (test)打开藤蔓球
7300013 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - [CHS] - (test)找到机关
7300014 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - [CHS] - (test)和商人对话
7300015 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - [CHS] - (test)和水上村庄村长对话
7300016 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - Keep exploring
7300017 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - Keep exploring
7300018 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - [CHS] - (test)探索秘密基地
7300019 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - [CHS] - (test)找出埋藏的物品
7300020 : Vimana Agama: First Chapter - Talk to Royinjan
7300101 : The Children of Vimara Village - Talk to Rana once you are ready
7300102 : The Children of Vimara Village - Follow Rana
7300103 : The Children of Vimara Village - Talk to Rana
7300104 : The Children of Vimara Village - Clean up the Withering Zone
7300105 : The Children of Vimara Village - Talk to Rana
7300106 : The Children of Vimara Village - Go to Vimara Village
7300107 : The Children of Vimara Village - Follow Rana
7300108 : The Children of Vimara Village - Talk to the man
7300109 : The Children of Vimara Village - Follow the children to Rana's house
7300110 : The Children of Vimara Village - Follow the children to Rana's house
7300111 : The Children of Vimara Village - Talk to the children
7300112 : The Children of Vimara Village - Talk to the children
7300113 : The Children of Vimara Village - Talk to the children
7300114 : The Children of Vimara Village - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)拉妮家对话2$HIDDEN
7300115 : The Children of Vimara Village - Leave Vimara Village and go to the designated location
7300116 : The Children of Vimara Village - [CHS] - (test)跟上优丹$HIDDEN
7300117 : The Children of Vimara Village - [CHS] - (test)跟上优丹$HIDDEN
7300118 : The Children of Vimara Village - Talk to the elders in the village
7300119 : The Children of Vimara Village - Follow Rana
7300120 : The Children of Vimara Village - Follow Rana
7300121 : The Children of Vimara Village - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】播开车用$HIDDEN
7300122 : The Children of Vimara Village - Talk to Rana
7300123 : The Children of Vimara Village - Talk to Rana
7300201 : Into the Woods - Go to the Withering Zone that needs to be cleaned up
7300202 : Into the Woods - Clean up the Withering Zone
7300203 : Into the Woods - Go to the Withering Zone that needs to be cleaned up
7300204 : Into the Woods - Clean up the Withering Zone
7300205 : Into the Woods - Go to the area where the Spinocrocodiles are active
7300206 : Into the Woods - Go to the camp
7300207 : Into the Woods - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)营地对话$HIDDEN
7300208 : Into the Woods - Collect firewood
7300209 : Into the Woods - Collect firewood
7300210 : Into the Woods - Collect firewood
7300211 : Into the Woods - Return to the camp and talk to Rana
7300212 : Into the Woods - Light the campfire
7300213 : Into the Woods - Talk to Rana
7300214 : Into the Woods - Take a rest or wait until the following day (06:00 – 08:00)
7300215 : Into the Woods - [CHS] - (test)刷死域$HIDDEN
7300216 : Into the Woods - [CHS] - 【隐藏】差分1.2.1:对话结束选否并继续对话休息后表现$HIDDEN
7300217 : Into the Woods - Talk to Rana
7300218 : Into the Woods - [CHS] - (test)派蒙对话隐藏$HIDDEN
7300219 : Into the Woods - Collect firewood
7300220 : Into the Woods - Talk to Rana
7300221 : Into the Woods - Talk to Rana
7300222 : Into the Woods - Defeat a certain number of Spinocrocodiles
7300223 : Into the Woods - Talk to Rana
7300224 : Into the Woods - [CHS] - 【隐藏】差分1:对话结束休息$HIDDEN
7300225 : Into the Woods - [CHS] - 【隐藏】差分1.1:对话结束休息后表现$HIDDEN
7300226 : Into the Woods - [CHS] - 【隐藏】差分2:在原地时间到达结束休息$HIDDEN
7300227 : Into the Woods - [CHS] - 【隐藏】差分3:离远判定/离远了结束休息$HIDDEN
7300228 : Into the Woods - Talk to Rana
7300229 : Into the Woods - Talk to Rana
7300230 : Into the Woods - [CHS] - (test)判定完成$HIDDEN
7300231 : Into the Woods - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】播开车$HIDDEN
7300232 : Into the Woods - [CHS] - 【隐藏】差分1.2:对话结束选否$HIDDEN
7300233 : Into the Woods - Go to the Withering Zone that needs to be cleaned up
7300234 : Into the Woods - [CHS] - (test)回滚隔离$HIDDEN
7300301 : The Lost Child - Return to Vimara Village
7300302 : The Lost Child - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)优丹跑过对话$HIDDEN
7300303 : The Lost Child - Look for Iotham
7300304 : The Lost Child - Go into the depths of the cave to look for Iotham
7300305 : The Lost Child - Try to clean up the Withering Zone
7300306 : The Lost Child - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)救出优丹后对话$HIDDEN
7300307 : The Lost Child - Escort Iotham back to Vimara Village
7300308 : The Lost Child - Go to where Rana is
7300309 : The Lost Child - Follow the strange traces
7300310 : The Lost Child - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】愚人众对话$HIDDEN
7300311 : The Lost Child - Defeat the Fatui
7300312 : The Lost Child - [CHS] - (test)拉妮救优丹表现$HIDDEN
7300313 : The Lost Child - Return to Vimara Village
7300314 : The Lost Child - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)拉妮休息对话$HIDDEN
7300315 : The Lost Child - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】与拉娜对话$HIDDEN
7300316 : The Lost Child - Proceed deeper within to look for Iotham
7300317 : The Lost Child - [N/A] 3131793140
7300401 : [CHS] - (test)七天神像演出-化成郭$HIDDEN - [N/A] 518494932
7300402 : [CHS] - (test)七天神像演出-化成郭$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3736001484
7300403 : [CHS] - (test)七天神像演出-化成郭$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3425932460
7300501 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)用来检测是否开启了其他的任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7300502 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)用来检测是否完成过相关解密$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7300503 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)没有遇到过任何玩法的森之子交谈$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7300504 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)遇到过玩法等的森之子交谈$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7300505 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)废弃像森之子证明自己的实力$UNRELEASED
7300506 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)废弃和森之子交谈$UNRELEASED
7300507 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)前往黑暗洞穴$UNRELEASED
7300508 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)和森之子交谈$UNRELEASED
7300509 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)解开考验$UNRELEASED
7300510 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)前往死域洞穴$UNRELEASED
7300511 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)和森之子交谈$UNRELEASED
7300512 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)解决死域危机$UNRELEASED
7300513 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)和森之子交谈$UNRELEASED
7300514 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)获取道具$UNRELEASED
7300515 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)返回苗圃$UNRELEASED
7300516 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)讨价还价$UNRELEASED
7300517 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)讨价还价之直接花钱$UNRELEASED
7300518 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)讨价还价之继续讲价$UNRELEASED
7300519 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)讨价还价之武力征服$UNRELEASED
7300520 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)抢夺道具$UNRELEASED
7300521 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)和森之子交谈$UNRELEASED
7300522 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)和镀金旅团长老说话$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7300523 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)偶遇镀金旅团$UNRELEASED
7300524 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其一$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)继续前往死域洞穴$UNRELEASED
7300601 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其二$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)用来检测是否开启了其他的任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7300602 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其二$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)用来检测是否完成过相关解密$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7300603 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其二$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)没有遇到过任何玩法的森之子交谈$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7300604 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其二$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)遇到过玩法等的森之子交谈$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7300605 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其二$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)前往遗迹区域$UNRELEASED
7300606 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其二$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)发现灵药的线索$UNRELEASED
7300607 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其二$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)和森之子交流$UNRELEASED
7300608 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其二$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)前往灵药所在地$UNRELEASED
7300609 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其二$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)和森之子对话$UNRELEASED
7300610 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其二$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)取得灵药$UNRELEASED
7300611 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其二$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)和森之子交谈$UNRELEASED
7300612 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其二$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)走出这片区域$UNRELEASED
7300613 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其二$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)播放cs并且切scenetag$UNRELEASED
7300614 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其二$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)和兰那罗交谈$UNRELEASED
7300701 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其三$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)用来检测是否开启了其他的任务$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7300702 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其三$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)用来检测是否完成过相关解密$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7300703 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其三$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)没有遇到过任何玩法的森之子交谈$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7300704 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其三$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)遇到过玩法等的森之子交谈$UNRELEASED$HIDDEN
7300705 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其三$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)废弃击退$UNRELEASED
7300706 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其三$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)击退来侵扰的怪物$UNRELEASED
7300707 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其三$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)和森之子交谈$UNRELEASED
7300708 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其三$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)跟随兰那罗去他的苗圃看看$UNRELEASED
7300709 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其三$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)废弃和森之子交谈$UNRELEASED
7300710 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其三$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)废弃在第二天10点到指定地方见森之子$UNRELEASED
7300711 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其三$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)和森之子交谈$UNRELEASED
7300712 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其三$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)前往森之子指定的区域$UNRELEASED
7300713 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其三$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)探索区域并且取得灵药$UNRELEASED
7300714 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其三$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)和森之子交谈相约苗圃见面$UNRELEASED
7300715 : [CHS] - (test)织梦之森其三$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)废弃和森之子交谈了解灵药的作用$UNRELEASED
7300801 : [CHS] - (test)冲击!颠倒织梦!$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)和森之子交谈$UNRELEASED
7300802 : [CHS] - (test)冲击!颠倒织梦!$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)将灵药注入小型巨人之杯$UNRELEASED
7300803 : [CHS] - (test)冲击!颠倒织梦!$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)进入颠倒织梦$UNRELEASED
7300804 : [CHS] - (test)冲击!颠倒织梦!$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)解除死域影响$UNRELEASED
7300805 : [CHS] - (test)冲击!颠倒织梦!$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)和森之子交谈$UNRELEASED
7300806 : [CHS] - (test)冲击!颠倒织梦!$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)修复能量核心$UNRELEASED
7300807 : [CHS] - (test)冲击!颠倒织梦!$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)播放死域净化cs$UNRELEASED
7300808 : [CHS] - (test)冲击!颠倒织梦!$UNRELEASED - [CHS] - (test)播放生长cs$UNRELEASED
7300901 : [CHS] - (test)森林书长期闲置对话管理$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4124126708
7300902 : [CHS] - (test)森林书长期闲置对话管理$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2174227980
7300903 : [CHS] - (test)森林书长期闲置对话管理$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1943719740
7300904 : [CHS] - (test)森林书长期闲置对话管理$HIDDEN - [N/A] 4093193724
7300905 : [CHS] - (test)森林书长期闲置对话管理$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3272361572
7300906 : [CHS] - (test)森林书长期闲置对话管理$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2093551236
7301001 : [CHS] - (test)七天神像演出-巨人之杯$HIDDEN - [N/A] 3702764580
7301002 : [CHS] - (test)七天神像演出-巨人之杯$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1854954868
7301003 : [CHS] - (test)七天神像演出-巨人之杯$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1973378148
7301101 : [CHS] - (test)七天神像演出-失落之森$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1678174420
7301102 : [CHS] - (test)七天神像演出-失落之森$HIDDEN - [N/A] 486084556
7301103 : [CHS] - (test)七天神像演出-失落之森$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1957267964
7301201 : [CHS] - (test)七天神像演出-唤雨之森$HIDDEN - [N/A] 510702684
7301202 : [CHS] - (test)七天神像演出-唤雨之森$HIDDEN - [N/A] 1773577356
7301203 : [CHS] - (test)七天神像演出-唤雨之森$HIDDEN - [N/A] 2317632588
7301301 : A Delicacy for Nara - [N/A] 247519212
7301302 : A Delicacy for Nara - [N/A] 1902842044
7301303 : A Delicacy for Nara - Report back to Arapacati
7301304 : A Delicacy for Nara - [N/A] 1131949380
7301305 : A Delicacy for Nara - [N/A] 429927108
7301401 : Varuna Gatha - [CHS] - 帮助被困的兰那罗$HIDDEN
7301402 : Varuna Gatha - Help the trapped Aranara
7301403 : Varuna Gatha - Talk to the Aranara
7301404 : Varuna Gatha - Defeat the Fungi in the trees
7301405 : Varuna Gatha - Defeat the Fungi in the trees
7301406 : Varuna Gatha - [N/A] 102792692
7301407 : Varuna Gatha - [CHS] - 击败树上的蕈兽$HIDDEN
7301408 : Varuna Gatha - [CHS] - 击败树上的蕈兽$HIDDEN
7301409 : Varuna Gatha - Head to the rest stop
7301410 : Varuna Gatha - Talk to Arapandu
7301411 : Varuna Gatha - Find the "branch" and "leaves" with Arapandu
7301412 : Varuna Gatha - Talk to Arapandu
7301413 : Varuna Gatha - Make the three "leaves" turn towards the "branch"
7301414 : Varuna Gatha - [N/A] 2074135308
7301415 : Varuna Gatha - Talk to Arapandu
7301416 : Varuna Gatha - Go to the vantage spot with Arapandu
7301417 : Varuna Gatha - Talk to Arapandu
7301418 : Varuna Gatha - [CHS] - 和兰般度一起去高处$HIDDEN
7301501 : Memory of Stone - Head to the Yasna Monument and look for Aranakula
7301502 : Memory of Stone - Look for Aranakula nearby
7301503 : Memory of Stone - Talk to Aranakula
7301504 : Memory of Stone - Move forward without being noticed
7301505 : Memory of Stone - Move forward without being noticed
7301506 : Memory of Stone - Move forward without being noticed
7301507 : Memory of Stone - Move forward without being noticed
7301508 : Memory of Stone - Go to the place that Aranakula mentioned
7301509 : Memory of Stone - Talk to Aranakula
7301510 : Memory of Stone - Clear the spores that cover the stones
7301511 : Memory of Stone - Talk to Aranakula
7301512 : Memory of Stone - Find the "branch" together with Aranakula
7301513 : Memory of Stone - Talk to Aranakula
7301514 : Memory of Stone - Make the three "leaves" turn towards the "branch"
7301515 : Memory of Stone - Move forward without being noticed
7301516 : Memory of Stone - Talk to Aranakula
7301517 : Memory of Stone - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)自动完成任务$HIDDEN
7301518 : Memory of Stone - Move forward without being noticed
7301519 : Memory of Stone - Move forward without being noticed
7301520 : Memory of Stone - Move forward without being noticed
7301521 : Memory of Stone - Move forward without being noticed
7301522 : Memory of Stone - [CHS] - (隐藏)镜头中通知group关闭孢子$HIDDEN
7301523 : Memory of Stone - Move forward without being noticed
7301601 : Irate Iron Chunk - Head to the Ruins of Dahri to look for Arabalika
7301602 : Irate Iron Chunk - Talk to Arabalika
7301603 : Irate Iron Chunk - Talk to Arabalika
7301604 : Irate Iron Chunk - Defeat the Ruin Guard
7301605 : Irate Iron Chunk - Defeat the Ruin Guard
7301606 : Irate Iron Chunk - Defeat the Ruin Guard
7301607 : Irate Iron Chunk - Follow Arabalika
7301608 : Irate Iron Chunk - Find the mechanism and activate it
7301609 : Irate Iron Chunk - Find the "branch" with Arabalika
7301610 : Irate Iron Chunk - Talk to Arabalika
7301611 : Irate Iron Chunk - Defeat the Ruin Graders
7301612 : Irate Iron Chunk - [N/A] 2929751308
7301613 : Irate Iron Chunk - Make the three "leaves" turn towards the "branch"
7301614 : Irate Iron Chunk - [N/A] 53834828
7301615 : Irate Iron Chunk - Talk to Arabalika
7301616 : Irate Iron Chunk - Talk to Arabalika
7301617 : Irate Iron Chunk - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)自动完成任务$HIDDEN
7301701 : Slumbering Roots - Head to the Grove of Dreams to find Arakunti
7301702 : Slumbering Roots - Talk to Arakunti
7301703 : Slumbering Roots - Find the "branch" with Arakunti
7301704 : Slumbering Roots - Find the "branch" with Arakunti
7301705 : Slumbering Roots - [N/A] 624038548
7301706 : Slumbering Roots - [N/A] 2200037356
7301707 : Slumbering Roots - [N/A] 2358854780
7301708 : Slumbering Roots - [N/A] 2197092164
7301709 : Slumbering Roots - [N/A] 3307538124
7301710 : Slumbering Roots - Make the three "leaves" in the dream turn towards the "branch"
7301711 : Slumbering Roots - [N/A] 4243008388
7301712 : Slumbering Roots - Talk to Arakunti
7301713 : Slumbering Roots - Play the Rhythm of the Great Dream at the designated location to lure the Aranara out
7301714 : Slumbering Roots - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)自动完成任务$HIDDEN
7301715 : Slumbering Roots - Play the Rhythm of the Great Dream in front of Silapna
7301716 : Slumbering Roots - Play the Rhythm of the Great Dream in front of Silapna
7301801 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Head to the rest stop
7301802 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Talk to Arapandu
7301803 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - [N/A] 22391780
7301804 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - [N/A] 4207826444
7301805 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - [N/A] 3848762140
7301806 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Head near the Varunastra
7301807 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Talk to Arapandu
7301808 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Talk to Arapandu
7301809 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Head into the depths
7301810 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Clear the spores
7301811 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Defeat the Fungi
7301812 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - [N/A] 490239076
7301813 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Defeat the Fungi
7301814 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Defeat the Fungi
7301815 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - [N/A] 2221216452
7301816 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Defeat the Fungi
7301817 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Defeat the Fungi
7301818 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - [N/A] 3013253076
7301819 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Defeat the Fungi
7301820 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Defeat the Fungi
7301821 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Talk to Arapandu
7301822 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Talk to Arapandu
7301823 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - Head to the underground space
7301824 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - [N/A] 3251618644
7301825 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - [N/A] 3325567292
7301826 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - [N/A] 1472569524
7301827 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - [N/A] 3158796020
7301828 : A Prayer for Rain on the Fecund Land - [CHS] - 与兰般度对话$HIDDEN
7301901 : Cooking, a Pleasant Memory - Look for Arasaka
7301902 : Cooking, a Pleasant Memory - Approach the Aranara by the Zaytun Peaches
7301903 : Cooking, a Pleasant Memory - Head to Gandharva Ville and look for someone "with a bulge on their back"
7301904 : Cooking, a Pleasant Memory - Talk to the person "with a bulge on their back"
7301905 : Cooking, a Pleasant Memory - Give the sugar to Arasaka
7301906 : Cooking, a Pleasant Memory - [N/A] 527445028
7302001 : Cooking, the Flavor of Nature - Look for a rising pillar of smoke
7302002 : Cooking, the Flavor of Nature - Use Dendro to heal the Aranara
7302003 : Cooking, the Flavor of Nature - Look for the "Head Mushroom"
7302004 : Cooking, the Flavor of Nature - Neutralize the Withering Zone and pick the Head Mushroom
7302005 : Cooking, the Flavor of Nature - Neutralize the Withering Zone and pick the Head Mushroom
7302006 : Cooking, the Flavor of Nature - Use Dendro to heal the Aranara
7302007 : Cooking, the Flavor of Nature - Return to Arachatora's pot
7302008 : Cooking, the Flavor of Nature - Look for the "Head Mushroom"
7302009 : Cooking, the Flavor of Nature - Look for the "Head Mushroom"
7302010 : Cooking, the Flavor of Nature - [N/A] 2212928788
7302101 : Cooking, the Aroma of Homecoming - Look for Arapas
7302102 : Cooking, the Aroma of Homecoming - Investigate the pot emitting the aroma
7302103 : Cooking, the Aroma of Homecoming - [N/A] 1805784404
7302104 : Cooking, the Aroma of Homecoming - Obtain "Living Spring"
7302105 : Cooking, the Aroma of Homecoming - Give Living Spring to Arapas
7302201 : Cooking, the Beauty of Sharing - Look for Araphala
7302202 : Cooking, the Beauty of Sharing - [N/A] 3395704156
7302203 : Cooking, the Beauty of Sharing - Return to camp with Araphala
7302204 : Cooking, the Beauty of Sharing - [N/A] 1740729732
7302205 : Cooking, the Beauty of Sharing - [N/A] 2323831916
7302206 : Cooking, the Beauty of Sharing - [N/A] 3713737364
7302207 : Cooking, the Beauty of Sharing - Talk to the Aranara
7302208 : Cooking, the Beauty of Sharing - Defeat the huge monster
7302209 : Cooking, the Beauty of Sharing - Report back to Araphala
7302210 : Cooking, the Beauty of Sharing - Use Dendro to wake the Aranara up
7302301 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)到达须弥$HIDDEN
7302302 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - [CHS] - (test)(隐藏)击杀特定香菇猪$HIDDEN
7302303 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - Talk to the Forest Ranger
7302304 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - [CHS] - (test)交付材料
7302305 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - [CHS] - (test)与坏调查员对话
7302306 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - Hunt Dusk Birds in the south of Apam Woods
7302307 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - Defeat the Eremites
7302308 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - Talk to Shefket
7302309 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - [CHS] - (test)交付材料
7302310 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - [CHS] - (test)与坏调查员对话
7302311 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - Hunt Dusk Birds in the north of Apam Woods
7302312 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - Talk to the Eremites
7302313 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - Hunt Dusk Birds on the mountains east of Apam Woods
7302314 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - Talk to Shefket
7302315 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - Fight the Treasure Hoarders
7302316 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - Talk to Orhan
7302317 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - [CHS] - (test)废弃
7302318 : A Short Encounter with a Rare Bird - [CHS] - (test)与坏调查员对话
7302401 : Woodland Encounter - [CHS] - (test)判定摸过神像$HIDDEN
7302402 : Woodland Encounter - Help the person who is being attacked
7302403 : Woodland Encounter - [CHS] - 与女子对话$HIDDEN
7302404 : Woodland Encounter - [CHS] - (test)选是$HIDDEN
7302405 : Woodland Encounter - [CHS] - (test)选否$HIDDEN
7302406 : Woodland Encounter - [CHS] - (test)踩圈遇怪引导对话$HIDDEN
7302407 : Woodland Encounter - [CHS] - (test)选是保护黑屏$HIDDEN
7302408 : Woodland Encounter - [CHS] - (test)选否保护黑屏$HIDDEN
7302409 : Woodland Encounter - [CHS] - (test)对话中怪物演出$HIDDEN
7302410 : Woodland Encounter - [CHS] - (test)对话前入战强制拉对话$HIDDEN
7302501 : The World of Aranara - Go to where Vanarana is
7302502 : The World of Aranara - Go to where Vanarana is
7302503 : The World of Aranara - Go to where Vanarana is
7302504 : The World of Aranara - Enter Vanarana
7302505 : The World of Aranara - Play the Rhythm of the Great Dream at the designated location
7302506 : The World of Aranara - Play the Rhythm of the Great Dream in front of the strange stone
7302507 : The World of Aranara - Help the Aranara
7302508 : The World of Aranara - Help the Aranara
7302509 : The World of Aranara - Help the Aranara
7302510 : The World of Aranara - Go to the place that Arama mentioned
7302511 : The World of Aranara - Return to Silapna
7302512 : The World of Aranara - [N/A] 4075142868
7302513 : The World of Aranara - [N/A] 2500836908
7302514 : The World of Aranara - Play the Rhythm of the Great Dream in front of Silapna
7302515 : The World of Aranara - Head to the house and talk to Araja
7302516 : The World of Aranara - Enter Vanarana
7302517 : The World of Aranara - Complete the trial of the Phantasmal Seed
7302518 : The World of Aranara - Talk to the mysterious Aranara
7302519 : The World of Aranara - Talk to Arama
7302520 : The World of Aranara - Talk to Paimon
7302521 : The World of Aranara - Return to Vimara Village and talk to Amadhiah
7302522 : The World of Aranara - Go to where Vanarana is
7302523 : The World of Aranara - Go to where Vanarana is
7302524 : The World of Aranara - Go to where Vanarana is
7302525 : The World of Aranara - Follow the strange traces
7302526 : The World of Aranara - [N/A] 3980988460
7302527 : The World of Aranara - Talk to Arama
7302528 : The World of Aranara - Eliminate the Vanagni threat
7302529 : The World of Aranara - Return to Silapna
7302530 : The World of Aranara - [N/A] 2863764628
7302531 : The World of Aranara - [N/A] 1693213116
7302532 : The World of Aranara - Go through the "arch"
7302601 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - [CHS] - (test)收集两个零件
7302602 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - [CHS] - (test)回到秘密基地和老人们对话
7302603 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - Link the lower power system
7302604 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - Open the Ruin Golem seal
7302605 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - Enter the Ruin Golem
7302606 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - Activate the relays
7302607 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - Link the lower power system
7302608 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - Connect all four relays in the middle
7302609 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - Defeat the Black Serpent Knight
7302610 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - Connect to the pilot cabin power system
7302611 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - Enter the pilot cabin
7302612 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - Activate the Ruin Golem
7302613 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - Talk to Jazari
7302614 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - Talk to Jazari
7302615 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - Talk to Jazari
7302616 : Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter - Talk to Jazari
7302701 : Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter - Leave the Ruin Golem
7302702 : Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter - Check the area that was hit
7302703 : Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter - Enter the underground ruins
7302704 : Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter - Investigate the underground ruins
7302705 : Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter - Continue exploring
7302706 : Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter - Defeat the Abyss Mages at the three locations
7302707 : Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter - Defeat the Abyss Mages at the three locations
7302708 : Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter - Defeat the Abyss Mages at the three locations
7302709 : Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter - [CHS] - (test)打碎所有树枝(隐藏)
7302710 : Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter - Head to the core to shut it down
7302711 : Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter - Defeat the Abyss Lector: Violet Lightning
7302712 : Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter - Shut down the extraction device
7302713 : Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter - Leave the underground ruins
7302714 : Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter - Talk to Ararycan
7302801 : Royinjan's Chapter: Linga - Look for the submerged cave
7302802 : Royinjan's Chapter: Linga - Go to the cave below
7302803 : Royinjan's Chapter: Linga - Search for a mechanical component
7302804 : Royinjan's Chapter: Linga - Lower the water level
7302805 : Royinjan's Chapter: Linga - Lower the water level further
7302806 : Royinjan's Chapter: Linga - Search for a mechanical component
7302901 : Royinjan's Chapter: Yoni - Find an entrance
7302902 : Royinjan's Chapter: Yoni - Clean up The Withering
7302903 : Royinjan's Chapter: Yoni - Follow the path
7302904 : Royinjan's Chapter: Yoni - Search for a mechanical component
7302905 : Royinjan's Chapter: Yoni - Go to the designated area
7303001 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的羊皮卷(隐藏任务)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第一个挑战(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7303002 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的羊皮卷(隐藏任务)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第二个挑战(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7303003 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的羊皮卷(隐藏任务)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)解开最后解谜(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7303004 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的羊皮卷(隐藏任务)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)第三个挑战(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7303006 : [CHS] - (test)神秘的羊皮卷(隐藏任务)$HIDDEN - [CHS] - (test)发第1个阅读物(隐藏)$HIDDEN
7303101 : For A Better Reunion - [N/A] 2257908268
7303102 : For A Better Reunion - [N/A] 4267780468
7303103 : For A Better Reunion - [N/A] 404502076
7303104 : For A Better Reunion - Return to where Rana is
7303105 : For A Better Reunion - Interact with Rana
7303106 : For A Better Reunion - [N/A] 3811616524
7303107 : For A Better Reunion - Talk to Arama
7303201 : Festival Utsava - [N/A] 3329639732
7303202 : Festival Utsava - Talk to Araja
7303203 : Festival Utsava - Enjoy Festival Utsava with Aranara in the Vanarana in the dream
7303204 : Festival Utsava - [N/A] 142861372
7303205 : Festival Utsava - Play a melody by the stage
7303206 : Festival Utsava - Look for Araja and Arama
7303207 : Festival Utsava - Head to Araja's house to rest
7303208 : Festival Utsava - Head to Araja's house to rest
7303209 : Festival Utsava - [N/A] 2099254268
7303210 : Festival Utsava - [CHS] - 与「舞台」边的兰那罗们对话$HIDDEN
7303211 : Festival Utsava - Talk to Arakavi
7303212 : Festival Utsava - [N/A] 841960188
7303213 : Festival Utsava - [N/A] 2516413620
7303214 : Festival Utsava - [N/A] 3984094188
7303215 : Festival Utsava - [N/A] 1549007756
7303216 : Festival Utsava - [N/A] 2220679060
7303217 : Festival Utsava - [N/A] 1871173844
7303218 : Festival Utsava - [N/A] 3956470924
7303219 : Festival Utsava - [N/A] 2808883492
7303220 : Festival Utsava - [N/A] 866391044
7303221 : Festival Utsava - [N/A] 221321836
7303222 : Festival Utsava - [N/A] 2224844404
7303223 : Festival Utsava - [N/A] 598392164
7303224 : Festival Utsava - [CHS] - 寻找兰拉迦与兰罗摩$HIDDEN
7303225 : Festival Utsava - Talk to Arakavi
7303301 : Children of the Forest - Adventure with Aranara
7303302 : Children of the Forest - [N/A] 293504348
7303401 : [CHS] - 及时浇灌$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 前往柯莱在化城郭的居所$HIDDEN
7303402 : [CHS] - 及时浇灌$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 翻阅桌上的书$HIDDEN
7303403 : [CHS] - 及时浇灌$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 搬运植物$HIDDEN
7303404 : [CHS] - 及时浇灌$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 搬运植物$HIDDEN
7303405 : [CHS] - 及时浇灌$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 前往柯莱住所$HIDDEN
7303406 : [CHS] - 及时浇灌$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 去四周看看$HIDDEN
7303407 : [CHS] - 及时浇灌$HIDDEN - [CHS] - 等到第二天$HIDDEN
7303501 : For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees - Meet up with Arama
7303502 : For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees - Go to the Fane of Ashvattha
7303503 : For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees - [CHS] - (test)【隐藏】传送进入地城
7303504 : For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees - Talk to Arama
7303505 : For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees - Talk to Arama
7303506 : For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees - Clean up the Withering Zone
7303507 : For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees - Investigate Ashvattha's Tree of Dreams
7303508 : For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees - Go deep into the Fane of Ashvattha
7303509 : For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees - Talk to Arama
7303510 : For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees - [N/A] 3967534220
7303511 : For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees - [N/A] 1507696948
7303512 : For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees - Go to the Fane of Ashvattha
7303513 : For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees - [N/A] 4138913788
7303514 : For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees - [N/A] 981767204
7303515 : For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees - Talk to Arama
7303601 : For the Children of the Past - Follow Arama into "Old Vanarana"
7303602 : For the Children of the Past - Talk to Arama
7303603 : For the Children of the Past - Go in search of the Inscriptions of Remembrance with Arama
7303604 : For the Children of the Past - Continue searching for the Inscriptions of Remembrance
7303605 : For the Children of the Past - Continue searching for the Inscriptions of Remembrance
7303606 : For the Children of the Past - Go to the seal with Arama
7303607 : For the Children of the Past - Continue forward with Arama
7303608 : For the Children of the Past - [CHS] - (test)对话$HIDDEN
7303609 : For the Children of the Past - Try to destroy the Tumor of the Withering
7303610 : For the Children of the Past - [N/A] 1588474124
7303611 : For the Children of the Past - [CHS] - (test)爆炸演出
7303612 : For the Children of the Past - Try to lift the seal
7303613 : For the Children of the Past - Talk to Arama
7303614 : For the Children of the Past - [N/A] 2589679452
7303615 : For the Children of the Past - Talk to Arama
7303616 : For the Children of the Past - Look for a way down
7303617 : For the Children of the Past - [N/A] 2348583196
7303618 : For the Children of the Past - Meet up with Arama
7303619 : For the Children of the Past - Talk to Arama
7303620 : For the Children of the Past - Leave Aramuhukunda's home
7303621 : For the Children of the Past - Talk to Arama
7303622 : For the Children of the Past - Investigate the area
7303623 : For the Children of the Past - [CHS] - (test)椅子$HIDDEN
7303624 : For the Children of the Past - [CHS] - (test)行囊与书籍$HIDDEN
7303625 : For the Children of the Past - [CHS] - (test)兰那罗的家$HIDDEN
7303626 : For the Children of the Past - [CHS] - (test)严严实实的藤蔓$HIDDEN
7303627 : For the Children of the Past - [CHS] - (test)水池$HIDDEN
7303628 : For the Children of the Past - [CHS] - (test)无忧节壁画$HIDDEN
7303629 : For the Children of the Past - [CHS] - (test)击杀无留坨(前)$HIDDEN
7303630 : For the Children of the Past - [CHS] - (test)兰那罗围成一圈对话$HIDDEN
7303631 : For the Children of the Past - [CHS] - (test)回流之柱壁画$HIDDEN
7303632 : For the Children of the Past - [CHS] - (test)织梦之森核心壁画$HIDDEN
7303633 : For the Children of the Past - Obtain the Inscription of Remembrance
7303634 : For the Children of the Past - Obtain the second Inscription of Remembrance
7303635 : For the Children of the Past - Obtain the third Inscription of Remembrance
7303636 : For the Children of the Past - [N/A] 1141656132
7303637 : For the Children of the Past - At least, it proves to be a way down
7303638 : For the Children of the Past - Go to the deepest part of the cave
7303639 : For the Children of the Past - Defeat the ruin machine(s)
7303640 : For the Children of the Past - Try to lift the seal
7303641 : For the Children of the Past - Try to lift the seal
7303642 : For the Children of the Past - Try to lift the seal
7303643 : For the Children of the Past - Try to lift the seal
7303644 : For the Children of the Past - Try to lift the seal
7303645 : For the Children of the Past - Try to lift the seal
7303646 : For the Children of the Past - [N/A] 1231285508
7303647 : For the Children of the Past - Try to lift the seal
7303648 : For the Children of the Past - [N/A] 3975888092
7303701 : For All Children Who Long for Life - [CHS] - (test)离开水室
7303702 : For All Children Who Long for Life - Go to the deepest part of the cave
7303703 : For All Children Who Long for Life - [CHS] - 与兰罗摩对话$HIDDEN
7303704 : For All Children Who Long for Life - Defeat Marana's Avatar
7303705 : For All Children Who Long for Life - Defeat Marana's Avatar
7303706 : For All Children Who Long for Life - Defeat the final enemy
7303707 : For All Children Who Long for Life - [CHS] - (test)死亡CS
7303708 : For All Children Who Long for Life - Talk to Arama
7303709 : For A