Perfect World Monster IDs
16 Emerald Qingfu
986 Tauroc Valorian
987 Rattus Marksmen
988 Feligar Warrior
989 Tauroc Sentinel
990 Tauroc Nark
991 Krimson Mechrab
992 Shanlang Killer
993 Florafang Sprout
994 Ancient Evil
995 Lawful Undine
996 Eldergoth Berserker
997 Distant Dustwraith
998 Neolithic Wolf
999 Netherplane Grimalking
1000 Jaden Qingfu
1001 Verdant Qingfu
1002 Pentastral Beetle
1003 Quadrastral Beetle
1004 Heptastral Beetle
1005 Wasteland's Torch
1006 Ironhide Grimalkin
1007 Jaden Elfire
1008 Spectral Flame
1009 Pentastral Beetle King
1010 Quadrastral Beetle King
1011 Heptastral Beetle King
1012 Steelhide Grimalkin
1013 Trunk Ghoul
1014 Cabinet Spirits
1015 Box Ghoul
1016 Crypt Flame
1017 Grand Spotted Canisblade
1018 Corpse Candle
1019 Nether Flame
1020 Copper Trunkwraith
1021 Copper Cabinet Spirit
1022 Copper Box Spirit
1023 Flame of an Empty Grave
1024 Jade Flamewisp
1025 Flame of the Underworld
1026 Quillhog Sniper
1027 Bramble Cactopod
1028 Soft Cactopod
1029 Prickly Cactopod
1030 Redtail Minkii
1031 Scarlet Viper
1032 Sable Minkii
1033 Minkii Mongoose
1034 Taurox Sharpshooter
1035 Wild Ursog
1036 Mountain Ursog
1037 Ursog Cub
1040 Shallowhirl Tortoise
1043 Abysmal Turtle
1044 Riptide Tortoise
1046 Mad Wolfling
1047 Sharptooth Wolfling
1048 Cruel Wolfling
1049 Wandering Boa
1050 Bamboo Wine
1051 Treasure Box
1052 Haunted Cabinet
1053 Haunted Box
1054 Abnormal Cactopod
1055 Mutant Cactopod
1056 Boondock Rhinodrake
1057 Rhinodrake Plainswalker
1058 Billabong Rhinodrake
1059 Wandering Snake King
1060 Emerald Viper King
1061 Pit Vipent
1062 Darting Minkii
1063 Nonastral Beetle
1064 Tuskmoor Doft
1065 Plainswalker Tuskmoor
1066 Riverside Tuskmoor
1067 Moorcrawler Hornshell
1068 Highlands Tortoise
1069 Amphibian Turtle
1070 Blazing Reaver
1071 Virtuous Blob
1072 Degenerate Blob
1073 Torgirn Puppet
1074 Dustwraith Pickman
1075 Ancient Nightmare
1076 Ferocious Araneid King
1077 Tauroc Leader
1078 Rattus Warrior
1079 Anteater Scorpion
1080 Feligar Sharpshooter
1081 Hexocelot Warrior
1082 Hexocelot Bowman
1083 Melancholic Scorpion King
1084 Deepsting Poisontail King
1085 Aurum Mechrab
1087 Sabertail Scorpid King
1088 Bumblee Terror
1089 Flourished Dranite
1090 Oddfoot Lancer
1091 Eldergoth Matriarch
1092 Tauroc Scout
1093 Tauroc Skirmisher
1094 Antelope Pup
1095 Lunar Lupin
1096 Ironhide Puss
1098 Cavernous Leomech
1099 Steelhide Puss
1100 Bondmaid Undine
1101 Quillhog Demonblade
1102 Molten Reaverex
1103 Heteroscaled Vipent
1104 Wayfaring Blob
1105 Taurox Centurion
1106 Torgirn Warrior
1107 Dustwraith Marksman
1110 Tauroc Berserker
1111 King Carapest
1112 Rattus Sharpshooter
1113 Leopard Striped Araneid
1114 Longlegged Toxicon
1115 Araneid Recluse
1116 Venomous Talontail
1117 Murderous Antslave
1118 Dangerous Drone
1119 Bigmouth Oddfoot
1120 Adalwolf Sharpshooter
1121 Densgoth Tuskmoor
1122 Devilroot Dryad
1123 Enflamed Reaverex
1124 Pyral Dodonix
1125 Torgirn Sentry
1126 Lesser Grimalkin
1127 Quillhog Beachcomber
1128 Venomtail
1129 Turtle Venomtail
1130 Killer Antitan
1131 Rattus Scout
1132 Vipent Centipex
1133 Hexocelot Marksman
1134 Hexocelot Headhunter
1135 Raging Dranite
1136 Marine Mantis
1137 Enslaved Insect
1138 Shrunchkin Warrior
1139 Bodi Vox Viper
1140 Shrunchkin Marksman
1141 Snakeisle Scorpion Queen
1142 Lupine Gladiator
1143 Skinned Boa
1144 Destitute Boa
1145 Raging Python
1146 Bloodletting Python
1147 Ladywraith
1148 Tauroc Commander
1149 Undine Wench
1150 Molten Dodnix
1151 Taurox Marksman
1152 Stubborn Dodonix
1153 Torgirn Brave
1154 Hexocelot Valorian
1155 Hexocelot Captain
1156 Deadeye Dustwraith
1157 Pyrogolth Mentor
1158 Westerly Canisblade
1159 Ogre Razortooth
1160 Quillhog Swordsman
1161 Quillhog Oceanographer
1162 Quillhog Bloodhand
1163 Leopard Striped Araneid Rex
1164 Wild Wolfling
1165 Riding Wolf
1166 Prairie Wolf
1167 Araneid Webspinner
1168 Sabertail Scorpid King
1169 Superior Minkii
1170 Stingtail Ursog
1171 Blazing Antitan
1172 Waspy Ursog
1173 Insect Mistress
1174 Nonastral Beetle King
1175 Quillhog Javeliner
1176 Sharptooth Oddfoot
1177 Amphibian Tortoise King
1178 Centipod Lord
1179 Frost Antelope
1180 Proud Antelope
1181 Virtuous Undine
1182 Poisonfang Vipent
1183 Courageous Undine
1184 Sharpclaw Lynxus
1185 Taurox Sniper
1187 Bucktooth Lynxus
1188 Crakpot Lynxus
1190 Stingtail Ursog King
1192 Waspy Ursog Captain
1194 Saint's Lake Tortoise
1196 Rattus Berserker
1197 Irontail Lynxus
1199 Feligar Berserker
1200 Wilderness Lynxus
1201 Arboreal Lynxus
1202 Squama
1203 Sparkling Prince Vipent
1204 Shimmering Viper
1205 Tuskmoor General
1206 Vortex Crawler Monarch
1207 Auric Leomech
1209 Vortex Crawler
1210 Furious Wolf
1211 Shrunchkin Berserker
1212 Sharptooth Wolf
1213 Bitter Wolf
1214 Vicious Snaggletooth
1215 Scout Lynxus
1216 Two-Headed Abomination
1217 Arboreal Grimalkin
1218 Cornu Squama Prince
1219 Oddfoot
1220 Giant chisler
1223 Inferior Cactopod
1224 Undine Princess
1225 Gall's Cactopod
1226 Acrimonic Cactopod
1227 Snaggletooth Chief
1228 Abyssal Mystery
1229 Vicious Snaggletooth Chief
1232 Grieving Kuhu
1234 Blubber Kuhu
1235 Undine Enchantress
1236 Oddfoot King
1237 Mutant Squama
1238 Drowned Undine
1239 Undine Elemental
1240 Drowned Seawitch
1241 Undine Supreme
1242 Shrunchkin Sharpshooter
1243 Undine Queen
1244 Superior Cactopod
1245 Abysal Protector
1246 Pure Undine
1247 Mystical Ultrafin
1248 Lynxus Vassal
1249 King of the Wolves
1250 Fighting Ultrafin
1251 Arboreal Vassal
1252 Dumb Kuhu
1253 Crestfallen Kuhu
1254 Wailing Kuhu
1255 Pavonine Vipent
1256 Lupine Berserker
1257 Lupine Guard
1258 Lupine Champion
1259 Bloodtooth Enchanter
1260 Bloodtooth Mage
1261 Adalwolf Archon
1262 Lava Dodonix
1263 Athanasic Moa
1264 Enflamed Gargantakong
1265 Enflamed Gargantakong King
1266 Undine of the Hearth
1267 Hearth Witch
1268 Torgirn
1269 Torgirn Prime
1270 Aurichide Grimalkin
1271 Lithic Child
1272 Sandy Techton
1273 Gravel Techton
1274 Silverback Grimalkin
1276 Chaos Undine
1277 Lithic Techton
1278 Dustwraith Skirmisher
1279 Nighwatch Canisblade
1280 Techton Spark
1282 Duskwraith Nark
1283 Dustwraith Hexarm
1284 Ecstatic Kuhu
1285 Canisblade Crawler
1287 Snakevalley Dustwraith
1288 Desert Python
1292 Dustwraith Flamthrower
1294 Barrens Python
1295 Taurox Thug
1296 Snakevalley Hexwraith
1297 Rattus Deadeye
1298 Earthen Geomancer
1299 Terrawarth General
1300 Feligar Commander
1301 Terrawarth Warlock
1302 Riverside Chisler
1303 Conquesting Dustwraith
1304 Boondock Chisler
1305 Razortooth beachcomber
1306 Hexocelot Sharpshooter
1307 Krimson Boa
1308 Ogre Seawolf King
1309 Chromatic Vipent
1310 Sable Elder
1311 Sable Mongoose
1313 Wasteland Tarantulax
1314 Scarletail Wolfkin
1315 Jokul Serpent
1316 Pyrogolth Hierarch
1317 Wildstar Wolf
1318 Scarletail Wolf King
1319 Wildstar Wolf Lord
1320 Earth Fat Wolf
1321 Guardian Wolf
1322 Steppenwolf
1323 Pyrogolth Emissary
1324 Eagleclaw Wolf
1325 Silverback Grimalking
1326 Greater Grimalkin
1327 Ferocious Lynx
1328 Nightwatch Canisblade King
1329 King Grimalkin
1330 Heptapace Vipent
1331 Pentapace Vipent
1332 Coral Viper
1333 Kraitos
1334 Demonic Grimalkin
1335 Jealous Cactopod
1336 Tiger Striped Araneid
1337 Grade Canisblade Crawler
1338 Grotto Longleg
1339 Moist Blob
1340 Quillhog Hunter
1341 Araneid Webmaster
1342 Abandonfeme Araneid
1343 Charing Sable
1344 Desert Boa
1345 Tiger Striped Araneidmaster
1346 Mongoose King
1347 Feral Ursog
1348 Blackfeme Araneid
1349 Hideous Ursog
1350 Bloodthirsty Hexweb
1351 Barrens Boa
1352 Taurox Assassin
1353 Wasteland Tarantulax King
1354 Bloodlusted Hexweb
1355 Bloodthirsty Hexweb King
1356 Ostial Centipex
1357 Giangut Ogre
1358 Dank Blob
1359 Giangut Araneid King
1360 Soulchaser Antelope
1361 Backstabbing Scorpion
1362 Forest Wolfkin
1363 Anteater Scorpion King
1364 Shrunchkin Warlock
1365 Snow Walker Lynx
1366 Backstabbing Scorpion King
1367 Venomous Crimsontail
1368 Feral Ursog Chief
1369 Venomous Crimsontail Queen
1370 Hideous Ursog Chief
1371 Giant Ant
1372 Ostial Centipex Lord
1373 Aurichide Grimalking
1374 Pyral Larva
1375 Frozen Wolfkin
1376 Westerly Canisblade King
1377 Wooden Wolfmaster
1378 Winter Lynx
1379 Carapest Terror
1380 Quillhog Chief Sniper
1381 Grassland Tarantulax
1382 Grassland Tarantulax Tzar
1383 Arachnoid Poisontail
1384 Venomous Crimsontail King
1385 Inquisitive Poisontail
1386 Blazing Antitan
1387 Antitan Soldier
1388 Werewolf Archer
1389 Killer Fire Antitan
1390 Antitan Queen
1391 Fire Antitan Footsoldier
1392 Frozen Wolfmaster
1393 Fire Antitan Terror
1394 Grottoden Wolfmaster
1395 Grottoden Wolfkin
1396 Fire Antitan King
1397 Longhorned Carapest
1398 Fire Antitan Queen
1399 Lithic Scorpion King
1400 Ant Soldier
1401 Argenweave Mantis
1402 Goldnob Diplopod
1403 Scarletnob Diplopod
1404 Goldnob Lord Diplopod
1405 Mutant Centipod
1406 Plumdrop Mantis
1407 Occult Mantis
1408 Mantis Widow
1409 Wizenleaf Mantis
1410 Hexsabre Mantis
1411 Derranged Centipex
1412 Mincer Centipex
1413 Stinging Annoyance
1414 Raging Insect
1415 Poison Goldwing
1416 Wimble Goldwing
1417 Bloody Goldwing
1418 Goldwing Carapest
1419 Queen Beekin
1420 Ethereal Widow
1421 Regal Beekin
1422 Tombseeker
1423 Jawbone Oddfoot
1424 Arboride Dryad
1425 Pinnaer Foxwing
1426 Foulmouth Oddfoot
1427 Logrot Dryad
1428 Glutinous Blob
1429 Oddfoot Mutant
1430 Oddfoot Mutant Prime
1431 Lyncean Hunter
1432 Snatchfoot Foxwing
1433 Oddfoot Quillite
1434 Rancorfiend Araneid
1435 Feathered Oddfoot
1436 Mutant Whirler Turtle
1437 Oddfoot Phoenixtail
1438 Gravestone Hobwekin
1439 Dusty Hobwekin
1440 Ossein Standard Bearer
1441 Sharkrib Hobwekin
1442 Bonejawed Hobwekin
1443 Ossein Hero
1444 Skelevizen Sailor
1445 Skelevizen Lieutenant
1446 Skelevizen Marshal
1447 Felbone Shanks
1448 Decaying Cadevil
1449 Technicolor Firedrake
1450 Newborn Pyrolizard
1451 Pyrolizard Morphling
1452 Mesozoic Firedrake
1453 Mutant Pyrolizard
1454 Ancient Firedrake
1455 Haunted Spirit
1456 Abnormal Firedrake
1457 Elder Firedrake
1458 Valley Wraith
1459 Chief Pyrolizard
1460 Valley Python
1461 Frail Blob
1462 Snake Isle Inquisitor
1463 Heartless Wolf
1464 Spectral Wolfkin
1465 Treeline Wolfkin
1466 Lyncean King Hunter
1467 Snake Isle Lord Ventro
1468 Skinned Python
1469 Rancorfiend Araneid Lord
1470 Python Initiate
1471 Saint's Lake Piranha
1472 Rhinodrake Megalith
1473 Dirge Hobwekin
1474 Hobwekin Irontooth
1475 Hobwekin Thresher
1476 Resentful Widow
1477 Jumby Temptress
1478 Ironmarrow Valiant
1479 Sapphire Planeshark
1480 Skelevizen Armsman
1481 Backsnap Quillhog
1482 Resentful Ghoul
1483 Gnawing Quillhog
1484 Quillhog Blade
1485 Thunderush Leomech
1486 White-eyed Wolfkin
1487 Quillhog Bowman
1488 Saint's Lake Verpent
1489 Spectral Wolf Lord
1490 Treeline Wolf Lord
1491 Gesttone Chilopod
1492 Kancer of the Shallows
1493 Overclocked Mechrab
1494 Tectonic Rhinodrake
1495 Gutless Mechrab
1496 Whalebone Hobwekin
1497 Golden Mechrab
1498 Gilded Mechrab
1499 Covetous Cactopod
1500 Carpaced Treerat
1501 Lusting Cactopod
1502 Love's Sting
1503 Rootrot Dryad
1505 Orchid Maneater
1506 Wizen Iblis
1507 Arboride Weezbloom
1508 Perennial Sharptooth
1509 Senile Weezbloom
1510 Peachfuzz Dranite
1511 Florafang Blossom
1512 Shipwrecked Treasure Chest
1513 Rancor Stone
1514 Umbral Hobwekin
1515 Solar Hex Hobwekin
1516 Elder Tombstone
1517 Sage Tombstone
1518 Stone of Grief
1519 Senile Iblis
1520 Arboride Iblis
1521 Canisblade Groundstalker
1522 Mutant Jackal
1523 Jackaleopardite Morphling
1524 Jackaleopardite Elder
1525 Kingly Jackaleopardite
1526 Leopardite Canisblade
1527 Seaview Chisler
1528 Nostalgic Chisler
1529 Rattus Tactician
1530 Rattus Archer
1531 Rattus Sentinel
1532 Eldergoth Marksman
1533 Eldergoth Warrior
1534 Red Rose Hexweb
1535 Eldergoth Sharpshooter
1536 Werewolf Spearman
1539 Desert Mastiff
1540 Exotic Venomtail
1541 Mastiff of the Great Divide
1542 Jumby Succubus
1543 Giant Twinheaded Canus
1544 Great Twinheaded Canus
1545 Grieving Jumby
1546 Skelevizen Butcher
1547 Mutant Antitan King
1548 Feligar Minion
1549 Feligar Bowman
1550 Skelevizen Pirate
1551 Amorous Mantis
1552 Feligar Marksman
1553 Bolten Leomech
1554 Feligar Scout
1555 Taurox Cub
1556 Eldergoth Archer
1557 Tauroc Woodsman
1558 Pyrogolth Apprentice
1559 Quillhog Enchanter
1560 Brambleback Centipex
1561 Gesttone Centipex King
1562 Phantomvale Mantis
1563 Werewolf Hunter
1564 Desert Dracoboa
1565 Taurox Warlock
1566 Taurox Ritualist
1567 Feligar Champion
1568 Hexocelot Chief Archer
1569 Krimson Leomech
1570 Desperate Convict
1571 Quillhog Killer
1572 Pyrobloom Araneid Hexxor
1573 Celestial Hexweb Mandrake
1574 Mutant Horntail
1575 Snakeisle Scorpion King
1576 Exotic Venomtail King
1577 Callous Mantis
1578 Taurox Ambassador
1579 Barren Specter
1580 Enticing Jumby
1581 Rattus Sniper
1582 Resentful Jumby
1583 Skeleranc Craftsman
1584 Feligar General
1585 Depraved Pirate
1586 Hexocelot Assassin
1587 Solid Blob
1588 Gilded Leomech
1589 Shrunchkin Sorcerer
1590 Barren Dracoboa
1591 Taurox Pontifex
1592 Aerox Augurer
1593 Hexocelot Deadeye
1594 Trioc Ruffian
1595 Illuminated Wolf
1596 Bloodshot Hexweb Master
1597 Snake Isle Zealot
1598 Eldergoth Sentinel
1599 Aerox Occultist
1600 Pyrogolth Bandit
1601 Quillhog Magus
1602 Rattus Master
1603 Brambleback Centipex King
1604 Tuftwood Mantis
1605 Feligar Master
1606 Shanlang Cutlass
1607 Resentful Spark
1608 Tigeret Luminoc Shaman
1609 Righteous Undine
1610 Titanial Bondmaid
1611 Mutinous Prisoner
1612 Snake Isle Ambassador
1613 Enflamed Reaver
1614 Blob of Rebirth
1615 Dustwraith Sentinel
1616 Jackaleopardite
1617 Malicious Jackaleopardite
1618 Midnight Jackaleopardite
1619 Moon Jackaleopardite
1620 Cautious Spider
1621 Taurox Advisor
1622 Melancholic Scorpion
1623 Shearleaf Antitan
1624 Rattus Lord
1625 Destroyer Centipex
1626 Dual-Bladed Centipex
1627 Killer Wasp
1628 Claw King
1629 Prickly Oddfoot
1630 Oddfoot Spear
1631 Tigeret Luminoc
1632 Tauroc Slave
1633 Tauroc Comrade
1634 Aurum Bondswoman
1635 Ossein Merchant
1636 Ossein Guard
1637 Lava Shell
1638 Trioc Lord
1639 Snake Isle Fanatic
1640 Taurox Archon
1641 Dustwraith Miner
1642 Rattus Archon
1643 Snakevalley Bloodwolf
1644 Ashen Jackaleopardite
1645 Feligar Lord
1646 Tarantulax Huntress
1647 Tigeret Luminoc Scribe
1648 Gormandz Longleg
1649 Giangut Araneid
1650 Gilded Princess
1651 Shearleaf Antitan
1652 Centipod Destroyer
1653 Gang Leader
1654 Dual-blade Centipex King
1655 Proud Helot
1656 Snake Isle Consultant
1657 Saint's Lake Tortoise King
1658 Prickly Oddfoot King
1659 Enslaved Jokul
1660 Lapidarian Viper
1661 Taurox Initiate
1662 Aoelian Eagle
1663 Thin Winged Eagle
1664 Volcanic Helot
1665 Taurox Attendant
1666 Adalwolf Archer
1667 Skelevizen Warlock
1668 Enlightened Undine
1669 Enflamed Tetrapod
1670 Smelly Blob
1671 Dustwraither Archer
1672 Ancestor's Horror
1673 Ferocious Araneid
1674 Gormandz Longleg Killer
1675 Giangut Araneid Master
1676 Weeping Scorpion Queen
1677 Deepsting Poisontail
1678 Sabertail Scorpid
1679 Shearleaf Antitan King
1680 Killer Hornet
1681 Snubnose Oddfoot
1682 Wild Helot
1683 Wanderlust Helot
1684 Cicadacdic Helot
1685 Woodland Waspkin
1686 Desert Waspkin
1687 Forest Waspear
1688 Woodland Hornet
1689 Desert Hornet
1690 Slave of the Sea
1691 Lantern of Caution
1692 Echomaid
1693 Mermaiden Rustler
1694 Ultrafin Protector
1695 Abyssal Thunderfin
1696 Abyssal Thunderfin Lord
1697 Forest Hornet
1698 Silverwing Vook
1699 Slave of the Sky
1700 Mossprite Flame
1701 Lantern of Mind
1702 Light of Sheol
1703 Killer Drone
1704 Goldenwing Emperor
1705 Kuotextic Viper
1706 Tortoise Everlasting
1707 Bloodthirsty Shark
1708 Bloodthirsty Shark Queen
1709 Bloodthirsty Shark King
1710 Death Dancer
1711 Photic Acheron
1712 Murderous Vespid
1713 Lantern of Metaphor
1714 Modus Vox Viper
1715 Salamando Undine
1716 Wasp Hivewarder
1717 Jaden Vipion
1718 Lantern of Mystery
1719 Lantern of the Vigil
1720 Sailor's Bane
1721 Turtle of the Depths
1722 Bloodthirsty Piranha
1723 Abysall Verpent
1724 Abyssal Lord Verpent
1725 Cloud Dancer Pterosaur
1726 Hornet Hivewarder
1727 Lantern of Protection
1728 Salamando Maiden
1729 Scout Pterosaur
1730 Vipion Leaper
1731 Lantern of Guidance
1732 Tide Syren
1733 Undine Immortal
1734 Blood Quaffing Shark Lord
1735 Hearth Queen
1736 Gush Queen
1737 Snake Isle Maneater
1738 Blood Quaffing Shark
1739 Cloudclap Viper
1740 Vipion Cloudscraper
1741 Vipion Wander
1742 Pinnaflop Foxwing
1743 Mistdiver Viper
1744 Syren Undine
1745 Lofty Pterosaur
1746 Cloudmelding Vipion
1747 Emerald Vipion
1748 Hexxing Lantern
1749 Abyssal Giant
1750 Snake Isle Bigmouth
1751 Snake Isle Hornshell
1752 Mechanic Pterosaur
1753 Native Vipion
1754 Lunar Vipion
1755 Foxwing of the Void
1756 Goldwing hunter
1757 Goldwing Chaser
1758 Goldwing Search
1759 Vipion Cloudchaser
1760 Ramshackle Roc
1761 Goldwing Chief
1762 Goldwing Chief Scout
1763 Goldwing Chief Seeker
1764 Rocmech Myriad
1765 Vipion Sentinel
1766 Solar Vipion
1767 Evolved Vipion
1768 Winged Vipion Occultist
1769 Vipion Defiler
1770 Vipion Revolutionary
1771 Neglected Vipion
1772 Terrestrial Foxwing
1773 Foxwing Supreme
1774 Undine Seawitch
1775 Wetlands Arbicrab
1776 Sapphire Planeshark Don
1777 Shallows Softshell
1778 Giant Piranha
1779 Shores Turtle
1780 Bigmouth Piranha
1781 Vampiric Thresher
1782 Tortoise of Centuries
1783 Vampiric Thresher Lord
1784 Chiliad Turtle Chief
1785 Tortoise of the Ages
1786 Abyssal Infestation
1787 Undine Syren
1788 Snake Isle Planeshark
1789 Snake Isle Planeshark King
1790 Crab of the Mystic Depths
1791 Sunken Seawitch
1962 Winged Wolfkin
2035 Hexocelot Archer
2037 Metallic Leomech
2043 Celestial Hexweb
2082 Bleedingeye Hexweb
2111 Merchant
2869 Thromh the Mighty
2870 Poison Tail Occultist
2871 Rend Razorjaw
2872 Praco
2898 Aged Turtle
2899 Kole, Oil Lantern
2900 Orexis
2901 Farng
3218 Guard
3302 Ogre Blossom
3303 Horrorbite
3304 Ogre Sprout
3305 Scorpion Pup
3306 Varicose Scorpion
3307 Pollen Scorpion
3308 Earthen Roguewraith
3309 Earthen Recruit
3310 Earthen Soldier
3311 Oddfoot Pup
3312 Prickly Oddfoot Pup
3313 Oddfoot Pup Lancer
3314 Bluntclaw Kitten
3315 Short Tooth Kitten
3316 Snaggletooth Kitten
3317 Skelevizen Marksman
3318 Skeletal Archer
3319 Ossein Hunter
3320 Emaciated Footsoldier
3321 Emaciated Rogue
3322 Emaciated Traitor
3323 Tauroc Stevedore
3324 Tauroc Angler
3325 Tauroc Logger
3326 Pyrogolth Kobold
3327 Roaming Pyrogolth
3328 Wandering Pyrogolth
3329 Eldergoth Vanguard
3330 Eldergoth Underling
3331 Eldergoth Detector
3360 Zimo
3361 Ofotis
3362 Qianji
3363 Raving Drake Brute
3364 Gluttonix
3421 Boney Thief
3422 Werewolf Bowman Firstclass
3423 Dustwraith
3424 Demonic Sporopod
3425 Bloodthirsty Adalwolf
3426 Rattus Vagrant
3427 Crystalline Magmite
3428 Krimson Tigera
3429 Peachblossom Iblis
3430 Araneid Hexxer
3431 Feligar Vanguard
3432 Mantis Banshee
3503 Vanma
3504 Jumang
3505 Kugen Ser
3506 Yansheng, Hirudini Barbarian
3508 Elder Tortoise
3509 Charr
3510 Bolden Goldwing
3511 Florafang
3514 Diabolic Jester
3610 Charmeca Flower
3617 Petite Waspkin
3618 Petite Vespin
3619 Petite Sawfly
3620 Unstable Fluorescence
3621 Unstable Phosphorescence
3622 Unstable Essence
3623 Petite Woodland Waspkin
3624 Desert Waspkin
3625 Forest Waspkin
3626 Threaded Lantern
3627 Paper Lantern
3628 Silken Lantern
3629 Ferric Hawk
3630 Iron Falcon
3631 Iron Hawk
3878 Boniron Valiant
3883 Dismal Shade
3884 Chin, Mausoleum Watchman
3885 Bloodraged Cadaver
3886 Haggist Geezlot
4079 Rabbit
4080 Pup
4081 Kitty
4082 Hen
4083 Arabian Colt
4084 Black Horse
4085 Ram
4215 Guardian Cactopod
4248 Nethermaid
4249 mistaken ID mob
4262 Pure Undine
4263 Chaos Undine
4278 Dragon of the Depths
4279 Slitt
4280 Gargantakong King
4281 Suzerix, Adalwolf Elder
4282 Viriddis Stormhorn
4283 Jewelscalen
4284 Kimsa the Claw King
4285 Eyes of the Krimson Beyond
4342 Bloodlusted Tulip
4343 Guardian Demonfire
4344 Guardian Lantern of Hexxing
4345 Guardian Tombstone
4359 Krixxix the Dark Adalwolf Lord
4360 Gouf, Aerox Chief
4361 Khewy, Rattus Lord
4362 Luminoc Architect
4363 Quillhog King
4430 Hexocelot Guardian
4431 Feligar Guard of the Magi
5943 Molten Chilpod
5945 Volcanic Magmite
5949 Molten Ant
5951 Grand Molten Chilpod
5952 Molten Chrysalis
5954 Molten Carapest
5955 Horned Molten Carapest
5956 Molten Ant Soldier
6357 Blackhive Araneid
6358 Blackweb Tarantula
6359 Blackhive Tarantulax Lord
6360 Darkbreed Wolfkin
6361 Blackhive Wolfkin Premier
6362 Blackhive Wolfkin
6363 Blackhive Snarl
6364 Blackhand Adalwolf
6421 Skeleranc Artisan
6422 Skeletal Merchant
6423 Venomous Ghoul
6424 Greater Venomous Ghoul
6425 Decaying Ghoul
6426 Hexhide Sorcerer
6427 Hexhide Mage
6445 Ashuran Princess
6446 Ashuran Midwife
6447 Ashuran Maiden
6448 Sabertooth Ironleg
6449 Bloody Ironleg
6450 Aerox Skyshroud
6451 Trioc Tribesman
6452 Gothwraith Trioc King
6453 Skeletal Swordsman
6454 Skelevizen Marksman
6455 Gauren Host
6456 Gauren Minion
6457 Pentox Longleg
6458 Indulgent Araneid
6459 Remnant Venomtail
6460 Scorpid Venom Master
6461 Clever Cactopod
6462 Ripe Cactopod
6463 Treerat Defoliator
6464 Arboreal Cannibal
6465 Pinescout
6466 Viperex Megalith
6467 Rattus Miner
6468 Florafang Guard
6469 Woodland Dranite
6470 Undine Keeper of Mysteries
6471 Undine Tide Mistress
6472 Oddfoot Vizier
6473 Hiruntial Oddfoot
6474 Sharpfang Oddfoot
6475 Antelope Sage
6476 Etherpond Turtle
6477 Etherpod Tortoise King
6478 Infernal Reverex
6479 Horned Chiliad
6480 Sower of the Flame
6481 Indulgent Flametoe
6482 Dodon Laronist
6483 Molten Firedrake
6484 Flamerage Drake
6485 Ancestral Deity
6486 Emmissary of the Flame
6487 Professor of the Flame
6488 Blob Sentry
6489 Shikou Valorian
6490 Hexocelot Mystic
6491 Hexocelot Warlock
6492 Hexocelot Magus
6493 Profane Archer
6494 Profane Warrior
6495 Righteous Tombstone
6496 Demonic Stele
6497 Mistrealm Terrawarth Magus
6498 Earthen Narkwraith
6499 Mistwraith Skirmisher
6500 Feligar Mistrealm Dreamer
6501 Feligar Mistrealm Striker
6502 Feligar Centurion of the Mist
6503 Mistrealm Protector
6504 Cloudweaver Ptero
6505 Hexocelot Sniper
6506 Hexocelot Mistrealm Warrior
6507 Hexocelot Mistrealm Archer
6508 Commander Fugma
6509 Archmage Kashu
6510 Omnipotent Drake
6645 Stoneskin Undine
6646 Vermillion Vipent
6647 Coral Vipent
6648 Lithic Vipent
6649 Lithic Cactopod
6650 Lithic Scorpion
6651 Rockbreaker Poisontail
6652 Lithic Scorpion King
6653 Stampeding Cactopod
6731 Demonic Mossprite
6732 Hellish Terrawarth Magus
6733 Hellish Terrawath General
6734 Brimstone Harpy
6735 Sullen Enchantress
6736 Infernal Ladywraith
6737 Hellish Reverex
6738 Reverex Carapace
6739 Salamando Dodonix
6740 Salamando Dodonix Prime
6741 Nether Servant
6742 Hadean Cadevil
6743 Hellish Pyrogolth
6744 Pyrogolth Wizard
6745 Shrunchkin Flamen
6746 Gothwraith Trioc
6747 Hades' Torch
6748 Evil Lantern
6770 Shade Eido
6771 Demonic Feligar
6772 Empyrean Slither
6773 Nightspike Bloodguard
6833 Merman Weaver
6834 Enraged Giant Thresher
6835 Jade Eidolon
6840 Ghostyard Haunt
6841 Graveyard Wanderer
6842 Lantern of Wrath
6843 Wraithflame Cairn
6844 Cairn's Guard
6846 Farren Sereneti
6847 Calcid of the Flame
6848 Hercule Trioc
6855 Watcher of the Skies
6856 Annihilator of the Skies
6857 Heaven's Immolation
6905 General Lovelace
6906 Scallywag Yayan General
6907 Ossaur Rider First Class
6908 Mother of the Pack
6909 Uncle Beetle
6926 Fushma - Hexocelot Lieutenant
6927 Rankar - Ferocious Ironskin
6928 The Myriadtail Wyvern
6986 Kugulu Sentry
6987 Primeval Towerling
6988 Souling Defender
6989 Xylary Kugulu
6990 Poisonleaf Sentry
6991 Poisonleaf Guardian
6992 Blazing Guardian
6993 Rensentful Towerling
6994 Stoney Boogins
6995 Blizzard King Effigy
6996 Spukakke Gnosis
6997 Boneyard Defector
6998 Hands of Terrandes
6999 Noxtouch Bone Mason
7000 Hydrad Daywalker
7001 Raging Pyrofiend
7002 Resentful Heathen
7003 Ravaging Yayan
7004 Noxtouch Boneglow
7005 Wretched Hydrolace
7006 Pyrofiend Immolant
7007 Acephalic Rider
7008 Headless Knight
7009 Glaived Herculon
7010 Bloodeye Javeliner
7011 Headless Knight-Captain
7012 Onyxian Transience
7013 Alabaster Transience
7014 Vampiric Nightstalker
7015 Sandedge Basilisk
7016 Basilisk Madtooth
7017 Tigaero Hexeye
7018 Diabolic Tigaero
7019 Elite Tigaero Guard
7020 Cragg Boulderarm
7021 Infernal Eidolon
7022 Cragrock Warrior
7023 Mothran Dazzlewing
7024 Golden Edge
7025 Aurum Specter
7026 Unjust Bowman
7027 Spinewraith
7028 Pirate Minion
7029 Pirate Second Class
7030 Brigand Assassin
7031 Hood of the High Seas
7032 Bloodless Drakerider
7033 Ossaur Cavalry
7034 Hidden Terror
7035 Decaying Cleavehand
7036 Winged Distress
7037 Evil Mimong Harpy
7038 Mimong Flamen
7039 Desert Bandit
7040 Desert Bowman
7041 Leader of the Sand Bandits
7042 Adalwolf Geomancer
7043 Hooded Adalwolf
7044 Elite Lupine Infernal
7045 Foliagen Spirit
7046 Petalii Hexkiss
7047 Foliagen Eidolon
7048 Orchid Petali
7049 Taurox Enthusiast
7050 Taurox Cleaver
7051 Elite Infernal Guard
7052 Chaosand Sludgestalker
7053 Vipent Abomination
7054 Evolved Serpent Soulchaser
7055 Cougaret Dripriver
7056 Enhanced Cougaret Depriver
7057 Cougaret Master at Arms
7058 Sori Gnawer
7059 Strong Sori Gnawer
7061 Clam Scout
7062 Kraufis Scout
7063 Imperial Crustan Scout
7064 Dragonmaid
7065 Dragon Infanta
7066 Dragon Seed
7067 Aquatic Heliac
7068 Glacial Seed
7069 Nivastok Shieldbearer
7070 Glacial Maiden
7071 Nivastok Brave
7072 Glacial Mistress
7073 Demonic Rogueknight
7074 Crystalline Warden
7075 Orelith
7076 Falcom Howler
7077 Huggy Hare
7078 Cloudrider Falcon
7079 Aviren Warrior
7080 Wereraven Magus
7081 Wereraven Archon
7082 Bloodbird
7083 Ninetailed Firefox
7084 Firebath Phoenix
7085 Abomination Wallower
7086 Damned Gaurnob
7087 Cenequus Polearm
7088 Harpy Wraith
7089 Ghost of the Brigand King
7090 Deepsea Feeler
7091 Volcanic Ambassador
7092 Dark Dragon Templar
7093 Blizzard King
7094 Fengsha
7095 Mantavip Javeliner
7324 Ghastly Marauder
7325 Celestial Hexoc
7326 Frost Imp
7327 Spotted Felis
7328 Sand Fleshpeeler
7329 Celestial Plumpfish
7330 Moietu Lang
7331 Lowang
7332 Drifting Hex Lantern
7333 Elysium Fowl
7334 Ape Dryad
8205 Onyxian Transience
8206 Alabaster Transience
8207 Serpentrex
8208 Resentful Pyrosteosis
8209 Grinhallow the Detested
8210 Undying Hornshell
8211 Stygean Quartermaster
8212 Hooli the Black
8213 Bloodlusted Loon
8214 Linus the Woeful
8215 Brigand Transient
8216 Thousand Year Spirit
8217 Ninetails
8218 Phlebo
8219 Demonic Vexation
8220 Fats
8221 Ethereal Abomination
8222 Dragon Prince Loong
8223 Demon Hsuanling
8224 Sage Chiuying
8225 Wu Yuan
8226 Pyrocephalus
8227 Noxtouch Culler
8228 Torga
8229 Nivastok Shaman Templar
8230 Ling Feng, Ethereal Form
8231 Aoelian Executioner
8232 Noxious Philestine
8233 Ship Captain Smythe
8234 Ru Ci the Confucian Templar
8235 Pirate Lord
8236 Slaughtarm Kuron
8237 Burning Spirit
8238 Tangleweed
8239 Frost Fairie
8240 Toras
8241 Abomination Wallower
8242 Lowang
8243 Moietu Lang
8244 Linglo
8245 Qingzi
8249 Spotted Felis
8250 Ape Dryad
8251 Steelfang Grimalkin
8252 Striped Spider King
8253 Wicked Pirate
8254 Mythical Wolfkin
8255 Devourer of the Sky
8256 Bloodlust Feligar
8257 Aerox Divebomber
8258 Sori Dualhammer
8259 Vicious Jailer
8260 Eidomas General
8261 White Pheasant
8262 Grinning Cougaret
8263 Acephalid Blade Major
8468 Undine Mystic
8469 Ultrafin Supreme
8470 Piranha Engulfer
8471 Fallen Mimong
8472 Mimong Enchanter
8473 Chief Assassin
8474 Harpy Kabal
8475 Vampiric Minion
8476 Rattus Cadaverist
8477 Deadmarsh Hexoc
8478 Deadmarsh Petalii
8479 Taurox Captain
8480 Deadmarch Sori
8481 Deadmarsh Adalwolf
8482 Deadmarsh Vipion
8483 Deadmarsh Tigaero
8484 Deadmarsh Cougaret
8485 Deadmarsh Heathen
8486 Deadmarsh Duster
8487 Deadmarsh Noxtouch
8488 Deadmarsh Hydrad
8489 Deadmarsh Pyrofiend
8490 Deadmarsh General
8491 Deadmarsh Kugulu
8492 Tormented Skelevizen
8493 Bandit of the Ruins
8494 Ruinwater Brigand
8495 Weaver of Ruin
8496 Pirate Assassin
8497 Brigand Cutthroat
8498 Runewolf Archer
8499 Runewolf Knuckler
8500 Strange Runewolf
8501 Runewolf Cabalist
8502 Ruinous Lupine Infernal
8503 Heartless Skeletal Abomination
8504 Skelevizen Consultant
8505 Ruinous Skelevizen General
8506 Ruinous Fungal Beast
8507 Celestial Eido Hare
8508 Celestial Rhinodrake
8509 Heavenly Rhinorex
8510 Heavenly Oddfoot
8511 Celestial Sting
8512 Celestial Antelope
8513 Celestial Oddfoot Champion
8514 Blizzard Antelope
8515 Celestial Dranite
8516 Ethereal Inamorato
8517 Celestial Dranite Priestess
8518 Greater Celestial Antelope
8519 Hellbent Enchantress
8520 Corrupted Gremlin
8521 Glaived Maleficence
8522 Demonic Chambermaid
8523 Malefic Phong
8524 Scheming Cavalry
8525 Hellbent Fugitive
8526 Demonic Acephalid
8527 Hellbent Exorcist
8528 Phong o'Sin
8529 Acephalid Ranger
8530 Hellbent Prole
8531 Siren Assassin
8566 Solar Falcon
8567 Carrion Vulture
8589 Wood Dummy
8590 Chilopod Blazer
8658 Ancient Rocknight
8659 Herculeon Infernal
8660 Bloodeye Wraith
8661 Asgard Dragonmaid
8662 Asgard Dragon Infantry
8663 Spukakke Acaleph
8664 Heliacal Beast
8681 Rogueknight Felon
8682 Pyranthracite Brave
8683 Wraith Guard Infernus
8684 Dodon Jailbird
8685 Mistrealm Gargantuan
8686 Kugulu Guard
8687 Asgard Plumpfish
8688 Mantavip Hexxer
8689 Mussel Maiden
8690 Kraufis Captain
8691 Imperial Crustan Seeker
8692 Virtuous Undine
8693 Ultrafin Devastator
8694 Asgard Piranha Giant
8695 Tauroc Abbadean
8696 Ancient Sorat
8697 Hallowed Lupine Infernal
8698 Ancestral Vipent
8699 Tigaero Elder
8700 Cougaret Elder
8785 Kugulu Taskmaster
8890 Guard
9111 Hedonistic Apostle
9112 Bewitching Beauty
9113 Meed Apostle
9114 Etherocelot Guard
9115 Thundersoul Beast
9116 Celestial Specter
9117 Styren Maiden
9118 Somniphoric Messenger
9119 Styren Champion
9120 Pinna Thundergod
9121 Celestial Patrol
9122 Passions Messenger
9123 Demoneido Messenger
9124 Pilgrim of Dharma
9125 Celestial Protector
9126 Jackelman Slave
9127 Peachyard Dodopod
9128 Peachyard Treerat
9129 Peachyard Hobwekin
9130 Florafang Mutant
9131 Peachyard Wisp
9132 Peachyard Hopnu
9133 Peachyard Dranite
9134 Feline Prankster
9135 Demonic Souling
9136 Bodybag Scorcher
9137 Beast of Demonic Assault
9138 Demonic Herculeon
9139 Demon Falchion
9140 Tainted Succubus
9141 Devilish Specter
9142 Blazing Demonsword
9143 Waterwing Hammersmith
9144 Demoneido Hexxer
9145 Ironite Demon
9146 Convulsing Demon
9147 Dharma Perditioner
9148 Wandering Demonic One
9149 Guardian of Demons
9150 Helltoad
9151 Wandering Spirit
9152 Infernal Creep
9153 Hellish Triphibian
9154 Hexgoblin Hunter
9155 Unfortunate Soul
9156 Ascended Warlock
9157 Ghastly Terrorclaw
9158 Ancestral Spiritguide
9159 Celestial Clang
9160 Firemane Leopardis
9161 Plumpfish Mermaid
9162 Styren General
9163 Celestial Ninetail
9164 Eido, Celestial Incarnate
9165 Phoenix Violator
9166 Celestial Eidoplate
9167 Collector of Souls
9168 Raywing
9169 Immortal Spikewing
9170 Unjust Sharpshooter
9171 Succubus Whipster
9172 Garnet Terror
9173 Fist of the Sands
9174 Wereraven Elite
9175 Aging Harpy
9176 Radiant Wing Demon
9177 Gaurnob Hellion
9178 Hellbound Cenequus
9179 Shade Plume
9180 Davey Jones' Liason
9181 Peachblossom Ritualist
9182 Mistwalker Magina
9183 Infernal Spikewing
9184 Rancid Venerator
9185 Torturess Venerator
9186 Hellfire Abomination
9187 Tabby Plumdrop
9188 Snow Hare
9189 Shaodu Cub
9190 Windwalking Piggy
9191 Cuddly Pup
9192 Kowlin
9193 Armored Bear
9221 Yi Chinglin's Soul
9223 Thom Mundan
9224 Gaurnob Cloister Guard
9227 Monoblat Dracoboa
9229 Demontorch Marauder
9230 Horned Thunderclap
9232 Dust Breaker
9234 Korrib, Beast of the Deep
9236 Phoenix
9238 Snaj, Golden Dodonix
9239 Dewdrop Long Ear
9240 Venomancer Siren
9241 Seduced Elf
9242 Withered Dryad
9243 Hammerhand Patriarch
9244 Fallen Guardian of the Matrix
9245 Dominator Leoclaw
9246 Cetaceaner
9856 Earthen Soul of Purgatory
9857 Withered Revenant
9858 Infernal Behemoth
9859 Queen Succubus
9860 Prisoner of Heaven
9861 Bodybag Infernal
9862 Malefic Penetrator
9863 Infernal Herculon
9864 Peachyard Firefox
9865 Petalii Spirit
9866 Consuming Soulmass
9867 Peachyard Ocelot guard
9868 Florafang Maneater
9869 Peachyard Charmaiden
9870 Peachyard Maiden
9871 Peachyard Sprite
9872 Hobwekin Fieldhand
9873 Peachrider Fawn
9874 Peachyard Flyer
9875 Peachy Hopnu
9876 Snowpeach Dranite
9877 Feline Trickster
9878 Pyronume Wisp
9879 Widowmaker
9880 Pet of Heaven
9881 Insatiable Lust
9882 Enticing Demise
9883 Wispy Thunderclap
9884 Thunderbolt Apostle
9885 Wispy Apostle
9886 Wispy Ethera
9887 Wispy Ethermaid
9888 Wispy Satryn
9889 Eidomas Specter
9890 Prismatic One
9891 Ethereal Wisp King
9892 Wispy Plummage
9893 Dreaded Behemoth
9894 Blasphemous Demonic Beast
9895 Sacrilege Mason
9896 Defiant Succbus
9897 Punished Apostle
9898 Bane of the Divine
9899 Demonic Incarnate
9900 Bedlam Reveler
9901 Fallen Bodhisattva
9902 Headless Sin
9903 Wanton Guard
9904 Garnet Wrathand
9905 Demonic Gaurnob Axeman
9906 Sacrilege Cenequus
9907 Shaderider Plume
9908 Voidweaver
9909 Suicidal Mass
9910 The Haunted Headless
9911 Cerberean Sentinel
9912 Soul Lous
9913 Violetmist Opiate
9914 Waning Moon
9915 Vaccuous Perdition
9916 Wayth
9917 Terranis
9918 Calas of the Ecplise
9919 Gaunob Occultist
9920 Stubborn Cenequus
9921 Cloudclawwer
9922 Mindless Bandit
9923 Mimong Remnant
9924 Magus of the Plume
9925 Francis Deluge
9945 Demonic Dialectic
9958 Soulcough Demon
9959 Styren Claw Guard
9960 Infernal Ape
9961 Peachrider Slave
9962 Thundersprite Demon
9963 Soulmass Beast
9964 Tetrono
9970 Mountain's Finger
10002 Fortuitous Beast
10003 Beast of Abundance
10004 Styx the Malefic
10005 Zunbao
10006 Bogey Mermaiden
10007 Purgatory Sage
10008 Lantern Master
10009 Ghostly Flagbearer
10017 Attacker's Catapult
10018 Defender's Catapult
10019 Guard Tower
10020 Guard Tower
10021 Rapidfire Turret
10022 Binding Turret
10023 Burst Turret
10024 Rapidfire Turret
10025 Binding Turret
10026 Burst Turret
10027 HQ Crystal
10028 HQ Crystal
10030 Rpd Turret building in progress
10031 Bdg Turret building in progress
10032 Bst Turret building in progress
10033 Rpd Turret building in progress
10034 Bdg Turret building in progress
10035 Bst Turret building in progress
10040 War Consultant for Attacker
10041 Defense Consultant
10043 Immolation Queen
10044 Laurel Giant
10045 Bloodlusted Shen Fu
10046 Qinghua, Maker of Lightning
10057 Attacker's Respawn
10058 Respawn Point of Defender
10292 Terrorclaw
10293 Dodopod
10294 Gomda
10295 Floral Treerat
10296 Vulpeca
10297 Wandering Triphibian
10298 Debaucherous Reveler
10299 Pumot
10300 Luminoc Debaucherist
10301 Errant Acephalid Sadist
10304 Alcazarian Petalii Vexkiss
10305 Rattus Rudiarii
10306 Alacazar Dervish
10307 Alcazar's Bane
10308 Murderous Hydrad
10309 Alcazar Executioner
10310 Alcazarian General
10311 Hellsmite Carrier
10334 Chipmunq Glutton
10335 Malicious Cadevil
10336 Florafang Charmer
10337 Gnosis Treerat
10338 Araneid Cruelheart
11008 Alacazar Liuetenant
11009 Alcazar's Hope
11010 Alcazarian Corsair
11011 Lupine Butcher
11012 Cougaret Executioner
11013 Alcazarian Butcher
11014 Alacazar Battalion Commander
11015 Ossaur Brigade Rider
11016 Jackelman
11017 Cacoon Spirit
11018 Alcazar Hopnu
11019 Granite Iblis
11020 Alcazarian Reaverex
11021 Revenant Shards
11153 Kun Kun
11164 Lethal Araneid Sharpfang
11192 HQ Crystal
11193 HQ Crystal
11194 HQ Crystal
11195 HQ Crystal
11274 Coveteous Soulwarden
11275 Reclusive Spikewing
11276 Penumbrax Dominator
11277 Vitas Ironwill
11278 Silverblade
11279 Kugulu Overlord
11280 Spukakke Messenger
11281 Magmamare
11282 Apostle of Dirt
11283 Darkdrive Machina
11284 Sandstorm Assassin
11518 N/A商业功能慢速NPC
11548 Mistwalker Elite
11555 Huoling
11557 Disgusting Mass
11558 Xylaryeida
11559 Chubb Trunk
11560 Xylaryeida
11575 Xylaryeida
11576 Xylaryeida
11577 Xylaryeida
11578 Xylaryeida
11579 Towerling Defender
11603 Sacred Beast
11672 Sentry Flame
11673 Sentry Adalblader
11680 Frogling
11718 N/A城战攻方商业功能NPC
11753 Mirage Guard
11770 N/A城战守方商业功能NPC
11838 Head Cheerleader
11839 Cheerleader
12159 River-cross Captain
12165 Dropping Test Dummy
12180 Soul of Thromh the Mighty
12181 Poison Tail Occultist's Soul
12182 Rend Razorjaw's Soul
12183 Tyrant: Icika
12184 Requiem Tower
12201 Tyrant: Flamol
12202 Ancient Sand Fiend
12203 Ancient Sand Fiend
12204 Ancient Sand Fiend
12205 Tyrant: Tornada
12207 Dread Minion: Blood
12210 Dread Minion: Soul
12211 Dread Minion: Bronze
12213 Death Knight: Naught
12214 Death Knight: Dimensic
12215 Death Knight: End
12216 Death Knight: Doom
12217 Dread Minion: Judge
12218 Dread Minion: Gaurnob
12219 Dread Minion: Cenequus
12220 Dread Servant: Blade
12221 Dread Servant: Edge
12222 Dread Lord: Hengchih
12223 Son of Dragon: Chihwen
12224 Temple of the Dragon Guard
12225 Undinox Watcher
12226 Temple of the Dragon Elf
12259 Ocean Protector
12260 Jungle Destroyer
12261 Jungle Hunter
12262 Jungle Guardian
12267 Seaweed Thief
12268 Deepwoods Kook
12269 Deepwoods Hermit
12270 Seaspray Bladewolf
12271 Gargantuan of the Plains
12272 Abomination of the Plain
12273 Rockenwolf
12274 Eerie Python
12275 Wasteland Lithicran
12276 Frostwurm Tomb
12277 Icebreaker Antitan
12278 Goothe
12299 Jungle Patrol
12300 Jungle Scout
12301 Jungle Scout
12320 N/A特殊商业NPC
12407 Baby Snow Hare
12408 Baby Butterfly Fairy
12409 Baby Windwalking Piggy
12410 Baby Antelope
12413 Baby Bear
12414 Baby Fire Fairy
12415 Baby Elysium Fowl
12416 Baby Tabby Plumdrop
12417 Baby Froggy
12418 Baby Cuddly Pup
12419 Baby Foxwing
13198 Insidious Towerling
13199 N/A39机关怪1
13200 N/A39机关怪2
13208 Fulgurite Guard
13209 Fulgurite Guard
13210 Fulgurite Guard
13211 Slitherswift Guard
13212 Slitherswift Guard
13213 Slitherswift Guard
13214 Black Guardian
13215 Black Guardian
13216 Black Guardian
13217 Wicked Guard
13218 Wicked Guard
13219 Wicked Guard
13220 Wicked Guard
13221 Insidious Towerling
13222 Specter Guard
13223 Specter Guard
13224 Brimstone Towerling
13225 Specter Guard
13226 Specter Guard
13227 Guardian of the Pride
13228 Guardian of the Pride
13229 Fiendrealm Defender
13230 Guardian of the Pride
13231 Guardian of the Pride
13232 Tragic Gatekeeper
13233 Tragic Gatekeeper
13234 Tragic Gatekeeper
13235 Tragic Gatekeeper
13236 Tragic Gatekeeper
13237 Deadmarsh Guardian
13238 Deadmarsh Guardian
13239 Deadmarsh Guardian
13240 Evil Kugulu Defender
13241 Deadmarsh Guardian
13242 Alcazarian Bow Guard
13243 Alcazarian Bow Guard
13244 Alcazarian Bow Guard
13245 Towerling of Ruin
13246 Alcazarian Bow Guard
13247 Guardian of the Gates
13248 Guardian of the Gates
13249 Guardian of the Gates
13250 Celestial Pagoda
13251 Guardian of the Gates
13252 Guardian Jumby
13253 Guardian Jumby
13254 Guardian Jumby
13255 Malefic Towerling
13256 Guardian Jumby
13257 Guardian Wraith
13258 Decaying Defender
13259 Guardian Wraith
13260 Guardian Wraith
13261 Guardian Wraith
13262 Demonic Firefox Guard
13263 Spukakke Tower
13264 Demonic Firefox Guard
13265 Demonic Firefox Guard
13266 Demonic Firefox Guard
13279 Head Cheerleader
13373 Legion Footman
13374 Legion Footman
13375 Legion Archer
13376 Legion Pioneer
13377 Legion Pioneer
13378 Legion Lieutenant
13379 Legion Lieutenant
13380 Legion Warrior
13381 Legion Warrior
13382 Legion Warrior
13383 Legion Warrior
13384 Legion Warrior
13385 Legion Shooter
13386 Legion Shooter
13387 Legion Shooter
13388 Legion Shooter
13389 Legion Shooter
13390 Legion Sorcerer
13391 Legion Sorcerer
13392 Legion Sorcerer
13393 Legion Sorcerer
13394 Legion Sorcerer
13395 Legion Rider
13396 Legion Warrior
13397 Legion Warrior
13398 Legion Lieutenant
13399 Legion Lieutenant
13400 Legion Lieutenant
13401 Legion Lieutenant
13402 Legion Lieutenant
13403 Legion Lieutenant
13404 Legion Officer
13405 Legion Officer
13406 Legion Officer
13407 Legion Officer
13408 Legion Officer
13409 Legion Officer
13410 Legion Fighter
13411 Legion Fighter
13412 Legion Fighter
13413 Legion Fighter
13414 Legion Fighter
13415 Legion Fighter
13416 Legion Sharpshooter
13417 Legion Sharpshooter
13418 Legion Mage
13419 Legion Mage
13420 Legion Mage
13421 Legion Mage
13422 Legion Mage
13423 Legion Death Rider
13424 Legion Shooter
13425 Legion Drakefighter
13426 Legion Officer
13427 Legion Officer
13428 Legion Officer
13429 Legion Officer
13430 Legion Officer
13431 Legion Commander
13432 Legion Commander
13433 Legion Commander
13434 Legion Commander
13435 Legion Assassin
13436 Legion Assassin
13437 Legion Assassin
13438 Legion Assassin
13439 Legion Assassin
13440 Legion Necromancer
13441 Legion Necromancer
13442 Legion Necromancer
13443 Legion Necromancer
13444 Legion Necromancer
13445 Legion Witch Rider
13446 Legion Bone Rider
13447 Legion Sorcerer
13448 Legion Sharpshooter
13449 Legion Officer
13450 Legion Officer
13451 Legion Officer
13452 Legion Officer
13453 Legion Officer
13454 Legion Officer
13455 Legion Commander
13456 Legion Commander
13457 Legion Commander
13458 Legion Commander
13459 Legion Commander
13460 Legion Drakerider
13461 Legion Commander
13462 Legion Elite Warrior
13463 Legion Elite Warrior
13464 Legion Elite Warrior
13465 Legion Elite Warrior
13466 Legion Elite Warrior
13467 Legion Elite Sorcerer
13468 Legion Elite Sorcerer
13469 Legion Elite Sorcerer
13470 Legion Elite Sorcerer
13471 Legion Elite Sorcerer
13472 Legion Elite Rider
13473 Legion Elite Witch Rider
13474 Legion Elite Sorcerer
13475 Legion Elite Shooter
13476 Legion Officer
13477 Legion Officer
13478 Legion Officer
13479 Legion Officer
13480 Legion Officer
13481 Legion Drake
13482 Legion Commander
13483 Legion Commander
13484 Legion Commander
13485 Legion Commander
13486 Legion Commander
13487 Legion Commander
13488 Legion Commander
13489 Wraith Skeleton Deserter
13490 Wraith Skeleton Deserter
13491 Wraith Skeleton Deserter
13492 Wraith Skeleton Deserter
13493 Wraith Dwarf Deserter
13494 Wraith Dwarf Deserter
13495 Wraith Dwarf Deserter
13496 Wraith Legion Deserter
13497 Wraith Legion Deserter
13498 Wraith Legion Deserter
13499 Wraith Ghostarian Warrior
13500 Wraith Ghostarian Sorcerer
13501 Wraith Ghostarian Sorcerer
13502 Wraith Mountelin Warrior
13503 Wraith Mountelin Warrior
13504 Wraith Mountelin Sorcerer
13505 Wraith Sandraider Warrior
13506 Wraith Sandraider Shooter
13507 Wraith Tigera Warrior
13508 Wraith Tigera Sorcerer
13509 Wraith Tigera Sorcerer
13510 Wraith Adalwolf Warrior
13511 Wraith Adalwolf Warrior
13512 Wraith Adalwolf Archer
13513 Wraith Sori Warrior
13514 Wraith Sori Archer
13515 Wraith Sori Sorcerer
13516 Wraith Feligar Warrior
13517 Wraith Feligar Warrior
13518 Wraith Feligar Shooter
13519 Wraith Taurox Warrior
13520 Wraith Taurox Sorcerer
13521 Wraith Taurox Shooter
13522 Wraith Vipent Sorcerer
13523 Wraith Vipent Sorcerer
13524 Wraith Visplume Sorcerer
13525 Wraith Visplume Shooter
13526 Wraith Visplume Sorcerer
13527 Wraith Petali Sorcerer
13528 Wraith Petali Sorcerer
13529 Wraith Gwai Warrior
13530 Wraith Gwai Warrior
13531 Wraith Drakeri Sorcerer
13532 Wraith Drakeri Sorcerer
13536 Legion General: Ghostlord
13537 Legion General: Feligar
13538 Legion General: Hsiong
13539 Legion General: Gaurnob
13540 Legion General: Cenequus
13541 Legion General: Gargantakong
13542 Legion General: Drake
13543 Legion General: Rockarer
13544 Legion General: Scarlarer
13545 Legion General: Snowlarer
13546 Legion General: Darkwings
13547 Marshal: Dismal Duke
13549 Wraith Skeleton Commander
13550 Wraith Dwarf Commander
13551 Wraith Legion Commander
13552 Wraith Ghostarian Commander
13553 Wraith Mountelin Commander
13554 Wraith Sandraider Commander
13555 Wraith Tigera Commander
13556 Wraith Adalwolf Commander
13557 Wraith Sori Commander
13558 Wraith Feligar Commander
13559 Wraith Taurox Commander
13560 Wraith Vipent Commander
13561 Wraith Visplume Commander
13562 Wraith Petali Commander
13563 Wraith Gwai Commander
13564 Wraith Drakeri Commander
13616 Sphere
13617 Sphere
13618 N/A守城NPC-陆战士兵
13619 N/A守城NPC-堡垒弓箭
13620 N/A守城NPC-卫兵将军
13621 N/A祖龙攻城触发大统帅NPC怪
13639 Living Snowman
13640 Little Yaoyun's Snowman
13641 Snowman
13642 Snowman
13683 N/A世界用途1
13684 N/A世界用途1-4
13685 N/A世界用途5-11
13686 N/A世界用途12-19
13687 N/A世界用途20-29
13688 N/A世界用途30-39
13689 N/A世界用途40-49
13690 N/A世界用途50-59
13691 N/A世界用途60-69
13692 N/A世界用途70-79
13693 N/A世界用途80-89
13694 N/A世界用途90-99
13695 N/A世界用途100-109
13696 N/A世界用途110-119
13776 Ratchet Jagmech
13777 Feligar Assassin
13778 Deepwoods Ghoul
13779 Bloodthirsty Runewolf
13780 Taurox Cabal
14085 Auspicious Beast
14086 Beast of Fortune
14087 Beast of Appetites
14088 Beast of Achievement
14295 Legion Herald
14296 Legion Herald
14297 Legion Herald
14298 Legion Herald
14299 Legion Herald
14333 Scourge Scorpid
14334 Tuuqan
14464 N/A07黄昏圣殿1区单人特殊等级1控制怪
14465 N/A07黄昏圣殿1区单人特殊等级2控制怪
14466 N/A07黄昏圣殿1区单人特殊等级3控制怪
14470 N/A07黄昏圣殿2区单人特殊等级1控制怪
14471 N/A07黄昏圣殿2区单人特殊等级2控制怪
14472 N/A07黄昏圣殿2区单人特殊等级3控制怪
14476 N/A07黄昏圣殿3区单人特殊等级1控制怪
14477 N/A07黄昏圣殿3区单人特殊等级2控制怪
14478 N/A07黄昏圣殿3区单人特殊等级3控制怪
14500 N/A07黄昏圣殿1区队伍特殊等级1控制怪
14501 N/A07黄昏圣殿1区队伍特殊等级2控制怪
14502 N/A07黄昏圣殿1区队伍特殊等级3控制怪
14503 N/A07黄昏圣殿2区队伍特殊等级1控制怪
14504 N/A07黄昏圣殿2区队伍特殊等级2控制怪
14505 N/A07黄昏圣殿2区队伍特殊等级3控制怪
14506 N/A07黄昏圣殿3区队伍特殊等级1控制怪
14507 N/A07黄昏圣殿3区队伍特殊等级2控制怪
14508 N/A07黄昏圣殿3区队伍特殊等级3控制怪
14532 Catacomb Guard
14533 Catacomb Skeleton
14534 Catacomb Bone Rager
14535 Catacomb Grudge
14536 Catacomb Archer
14537 Catacomb Mobster
14538 Catacomb Guard
14539 Catacomb Skeleton
14540 Catacomb Bone Rager
14541 Catacomb Grudge
14542 Catacomb Archer
14543 Catacomb Mobster
14544 Catacomb Guard
14545 Catacomb Skeleton
14546 Catacomb Bone Rager
14547 Catacomb Grudge
14548 Catacomb Archer
14549 Catacomb Mobster
14550 Catacomb Guard
14551 Catacomb Skeleton
14552 Catacomb Bone Rager
14553 Catacomb Grudge
14554 Catacomb Archer
14555 Catacomb Mobster
14556 Catacomb Guard
14557 Catacomb Skeleton
14558 Catacomb Bone Rager
14559 Catacomb Grudge
14560 Catacomb Archer
14561 Catacomb Mobster
14562 Catacomb Guard
14563 Catacomb Skeleton
14564 Catacomb Bone Rager
14565 Catacomb Grudge
14566 Catacomb Archer
14567 Catacomb Mobster
14570 Ancient Feligar Guard
14571 Ancient Runewolf Guard
14572 Ancient Tauroc Warrior
14573 Ancient Sori Sorcerer
14574 Ancient Phantomancer
14575 Ancient Wraith Footman
14576 Ancient Ghostjock
14577 Ancient Wraith Rider
14578 Ancient Feligar Guard
14579 Ancient Runewolf Guard
14580 Ancient Tauroc Warrior
14581 Ancient Sori Sorcerer
14582 Ancient Phantomancer
14583 Ancient Wraith Footman
14584 Ancient Ghostjock
14585 Ancient Wraith Rider
14586 Ancient Feligar Guard
14587 Ancient Runewolf Guard
14588 Ancient Tauroc Warrior
14589 Ancient Sori Sorcerer
14590 Ancient Phantomancer
14591 Ancient Wraith Footman
14592 Ancient Ghostjock
14593 Ancient Wraith Rider
14594 Ancient Feligar Guard
14595 Ancient Runewolf Guard
14596 Ancient Tauroc Warrior
14597 Ancient Sori Sorcerer
14598 Ancient Phantomancer
14599 Ancient Wraith Footman
14600 Ancient Ghostjock
14601 Ancient Wraith Rider
14602 Ancient Feligar Guard
14603 Ancient Runewolf Guard
14604 Ancient Tauroc Warrior
14605 Ancient Sori Sorcerer
14606 Ancient Phantomancer
14607 Ancient Wraith Footman
14608 Ancient Ghostjock
14609 Ancient Wraith Rider
14610 Ancient Feligar Guard
14611 Ancient Runewolf Guard
14612 Ancient Tauroc Warrior
14613 Ancient Sori Sorcerer
14614 Ancient Phantomancer
14615 Ancient Wraith Footman
14616 Ancient Ghostjock
14617 Ancient Wraith Rider
14618 Twilight Guard
14619 Twilight Blademan
14620 Twilight Assassin
14621 Twilight Witch
14622 Twilight Feliger
14623 Twilight Guardian
14624 Twilight Gaurnob
14625 Twilight Cenequus
14626 Twilight Wrath Fighter
14627 Twilight Guard
14628 Twilight Blademan
14629 Twilight Assassin
14630 Twilight Witch
14631 Twilight Feliger
14632 Twilight Guardian
14633 Twilight Gaurnob
14634 Twilight Cenequus
14635 Twilight Wrath Fighter
14636 Twilight Guard
14637 Twilight Blademan
14638 Twilight Assassin
14639 Twilight Witch
14640 Twilight Feliger
14641 Twilight Guardian
14642 Twilight Gaurnob
14643 Twilight Cenequus
14644 Twilight Wrath Fighter
14645 Twilight Guard
14646 Twilight Blademan
14647 Twilight Assassin
14648 Twilight Witch
14649 Twilight Feliger
14650 Twilight Guardian
14651 Twilight Gaurnob
14652 Twilight Cenequus
14653 Twilight Wrath Fighter
14654 Twilight Guard
14655 Twilight Blademan
14656 Twilight Assassin
14657 Twilight Witch
14658 Twilight Feliger
14659 Twilight Guardian
14660 Twilight Gaurnob
14661 Twilight Cenequus
14662 Twilight Wrath Fighter
14663 Twilight Guard
14664 Twilight Blademan
14665 Twilight Assassin
14666 Twilight Witch
14667 Twilight Feliger
14668 Twilight Guardian
14669 Twilight Gaurnob
14670 Twilight Cenequus
14671 Twilight Wrath Fighter
14703 Chintien
14704 Lord of Percussion
14705 Chintien
14706 Lord of Percussion
14707 Chintien
14708 Lord of Percussion
14709 Fataliqua
14710 General Wurlord
14711 General Feng
14712 Fataliqua
14713 General Wurlord
14714 General Feng
14715 Fataliqua
14716 General Wurlord
14717 General Feng
14718 Coredash
14719 Djinscream
14720 Deathflow
14721 Coredash
14722 Djinscream
14723 Deathflow
14724 Coredash
14725 Djinscream
14726 Deathflow
14727 Chintien: Chronol
14728 Lord of Percussion: Chronol
14729 Soulbanisher: Chronol
14730 Vipenalt: Chronol
14731 Chintien: Dimensic
14732 Lord of Percussion: Dimensic
14733 Soulbanisher: Dimensic
14734 Vipenalt: Dimensic
14735 Dimentora: Dimensic
14736 Chintien: Substancia
14737 Lord of Percussion: Substancia
14738 Soulbanisher: Substancia
14739 Vipenalt: Substancia
14740 Shooting Aur: Substancia
14741 Fataliqua: Substancia
14742 General Wurlord: Substancia
14743 General Feng: Substancia
14744 Cosmoforce: Substancia
14745 Soulripper: Substancia
14746 Fataliqua: Naught
14747 General Wurlord: Naught
14748 General Feng: Naught
14749 Cosmoforce: Naught
14750 Soulripper: Naught
14751 Astralwalker: Naught
14752 Fataliqua: Null
14753 General Wurlord: Null
14754 General Feng: Null
14755 Cosmoforce: Null
14756 Soulripper: Null
14757 Astralwalker: Null
14758 Ancient Evil: Lethal Vengeance
14759 Coredash: Null
14760 Djinscream: Null
14761 Deathflow: Null
14762 Illusion Nemen: Null
14763 Steelation: Null
14764 Dark Colluseast: Null
14765 Coredash: Vacuity
14766 Djinscream: Vacuity
14767 Deathflow: Vacuity
14768 Illusion Nemen: Vacuity
14770 Steelation: Vacuity
14771 Dark Colluseast: Vacuity
14772 Twilight Emperor: Vacuity
14773 Twilight Minister: Vacuity
14774 Coredash: Doom
14775 Djinscream: Doom
14776 Deathflow: Doom
14777 Illusion Nemen: Doom
14778 Steelation: Doom
14779 Dark Colluseast: Doom
14780 Twilight Emperor: Doom
14781 Twilight Minister: Doom
14782 Illusion Lord: Armageddon
14783 Farren Sereneti
14784 Calcid of the Flame
14785 Hercule Trioc
14786 Harpy Wraith
14787 Damned Gaurnob
14788 Cenequus Polearm
14789 Rankar - Ferocious Ironskin
14790 The Myriadtail Wyvern
14791 Fushma - Hexocelot Lieutenant
14792 Janeeva
15466 Davinci
15467 General Wurlord: Substancia
15468 General Wurlord
15469 General Wurlord
15470 General Wurlord: Substancia
15471 General Wurlord: Naught
15472 General Wurlord: Null
15473 Power Crystal
15474 Orc Berserkerin
15475 Astralwalker: Fire
15476 Astralwalker: Lightning
15477 Astralwalker: Toxin
15478 Astralwalker: Glacier
15479 Astralwalker: Larva
15480 Astralwalker: Naught
15481 Inferno of Sacrifice
15482 Demon Minion: Guard
15484 Demon Minion: Veil
15485 Demon Minion: Naught
15486 Demon Minion: Slit
15487 Demon Minion: Doom
15488 Frenzied Demonot
15489 Tremendor
15490 Orc Berserker
15491 White Guard
15497 Catacomb Phantom
15498 Catacomb Dragon
15499 Catacomb Phantom
15500 Catacomb Dragon
15501 Catacomb Phantom
15502 Catacomb Dragon
15546 Hu the Head Robber
15547 Soul of Hsuehfeng
15548 Twilight Lich
15549 Crypt Scorpionale
15550 Davinci
15551 Twilight 007
15552 Twilight 007
15553 General Wurlord: Naught
15554 General Wurlord's Shadow 8
15555 General Wurlord's Shadow 9
15556 General Wurlord's Shadow 10
15557 General Wurlord's Shadow 11
15558 General Wurlord's Shadow 12
15559 General Wurlord: Null
15560 General Wurlord's Shadow 14
15561 General Wurlord's Shadow 15
15562 General Wurlord's Shadow 16
15563 General Wurlord's Shadow 17
15564 General Wurlord's Shadow 18
15565 Orc Berserkerin
15566 Orc Berserkerin
15567 Astralwalker: Fire
15568 Astralwalker: Lightning
15569 Astralwalker: Toxin
15570 Astralwalker: Glacier
15571 Astralwalker: Larva
15572 Astralwalker: Naught
15573 Frenzied Demonot
15574 Frenzied Demonot
15575 Tremendor
15576 Tremendor
15577 Orc Berserker
15578 Orc Berserker
15622 General Wurlord: Substancia
15623 General Wurlord: Substancia
15624 General Wurlord: Substancia
15626 General Wurlord: Naught
15627 General Wurlord: Naught
15628 General Wurlord: Naught
15629 General Wurlord: Null
15630 General Wurlord: Null
15631 General Wurlord: Null
15646 Illusion Guard: Distance
15647 Illusion Guard: Distance
15648 Illusion Guard: Distance
15649 Illusion Guard: Distance
15650 Illusion Guard: Distance
15651 Catacomb Guard
15652 Catacomb Guard
15653 Catacomb Guard
15654 Ancient Feligar Guard
15655 Ancient Feligar Guard
15656 Ancient Feligar Guard
15657 Twilight Blademan
15658 Twilight Blademan
15659 Twilight Blademan
15660 Wonder Soul
15661 Wonder Soul
15662 Wonder Soul
15663 Wonder Soul
15664 Wonder Soul
15665 Wonder Soul
15666 Wonder Soul
15670 Legionnaire Kaizen
15671 Earth Fat Wolf
15701 N/A实验1
15702 N/A实验2
15703 Goddess: Divinity
15704 Pifang: Light of Genesis
15705 Tanmi: Hex Arms
15706 Cognitum: Absolute Flame
15707 Cognitum: Divinity's Servant
15708 Cognitum: Aeolian Cloud
15709 Smythii: Supremical Mammal
15710 Smythii: Nine-tailed Fear
15711 Smythii: Blood Viciousian
15712 Nubium: Lost Mechina
15713 Nubium: Jushou's Armor
15714 Nubium: Jushou's Altar
15715 Frigoris: Eroxix Witch
15716 Frigoris: Cabbageoron
15717 Frigoris: Old Woman
15718 Imbrium: Shadow Statue
15719 Imbrium: Mjolnir Keeper
15720 Imbrium: Shadow Pillar
15721 Humorum: Kongkong's Statue
15722 Humorum: Kongkong's Altar
15723 Humorum: Kongkong's Maid
15724 Insularum: Chujong's Maid
15725 Insularum: Chujong's Shadow
15726 Insularum: Flaming Chariot
15727 N/A群怪1
15728 N/A群怪2
15810 Frigoris: Liaochun
15811 Frigoris: Tsanhsuan
15812 Frigoris: Prajna
15813 Nubium: Astral Hunter
15814 Nubium: Chenmo
15815 Nubium: Inferno Charger
15816 Imbrium: Hsin
15817 Imbrium: Ominous Bud
15818 Imbrium: Thundering Darkling
15819 Humorum: Barrenox
15820 Humorum: Canyon Stream
15821 Humorum: Mist
15822 Smythii: Golden Mask
15823 Smythii: Iron Wings
15824 Smythii: Steel Dash
15825 Cognitum: Dream Snatcher
15826 Cognitum: Eternal Hatred
15827 Cognitum: Mirage Edge
15828 Frigoris: Liaochun
15829 Frigoris: Tsanhsuan
15830 Frigoris: Prajna
15831 Insularum: Drakolai
15832 Insularum: Forckolai
15833 Insularum: Shoveal
15834 Nubium: Astral Hunter
15835 Nubium: Chenmo
15836 Nubium: Inferno Charger
15837 Imbrium: Hsin
15838 Imbrium: Ominous Bud
15839 Imbrium: Thundering Darkling
15840 Humorum: Barrenox
15841 Humorum: Canyon Stream
15842 Humorum: Mist
15843 Smythii: Golden Mask
15844 Smythii: Iron Wings
15845 Smythii: Steel Dash
15846 Cognitum: Dream Snatcher
15847 Cognitum: Eternal Hatred
15848 Cognitum: Mirage Edge
15849 Crisium: Luna Watcher
15850 Crisium: Arch Force
15851 Crisium: Tender Truth
15852 Frigoris: Liaochun
15853 Frigoris: Tsanhsuan
15854 Frigoris: Prajna
15855 Insularum: Drakolai
15856 Insularum: Forckolai
15857 Insularum: Shoveal
15858 Nubium: Astral Hunter
15859 Nubium: Chenmo
15860 Nubium: Inferno Charger
15861 Imbrium: Hsin
15862 Imbrium: Ominous Bud
15863 Imbrium: Thundering Darkling
15864 Humorum: Barrenox
15865 Humorum: Canyon Stream
15866 Humorum: Mist
15867 Smythii: Golden Mask
15868 Smythii: Iron Wings
15869 Smythii: Steel Dash
15870 Cognitum: Dream Snatcher
15871 Cognitum: Eternal Hatred
15872 Cognitum: Mirage Edge
15873 Crisium: Luna Watcher
15874 Crisium: Arch Force
15875 Crisium: Tender Truth
15876 Buddha's Servant: Mirror
15877 Burning Soul: Mirror
15878 Mystical Jarax: Mirror
15879 Genesiac Blink: Mirror
15880 Massaca Seben: Mirror
15881 Hauntery Queen: Mirror
15882 Buddha's Servant
15883 Wang Erhli
15884 Burning Soul
15885 Mystical Jarax
15886 Genesiac Blink
15887 Massaca Seben
15888 Hauntery Queen
15889 Relic of Wind
15890 Drake Fling
15891 Primal Fear
15895 Glacial Beholder
15896 Warbear of Antiquity
15897 Ice Mandrill
15898 Ice Siren
15899 Elven Boon
15900 Messenger of Aeolia
15901 Glacix Elemento
15902 Glacix Dragoon
15903 Aeolian Shadow
15904 Glacial Beholder
15905 Warbear of Antiquity
15906 Ice Mandrill
15907 Ice Siren
15908 Elven Boon
15909 Messenger of Aeolia
15910 Glacix Elemento
15911 Glacix Dragoon
15912 Aeolian Shadow
15913 Frost Guard
15914 Frost Cavalry
15915 Frost Guardsman
15916 Frost Priest
15917 Frost Bishop
15918 Glacix Elemento
15919 Aeolian Shadow
15920 Jaeger: Yi
15921 Jaeger: Wu
15922 Jaeger: Ku
15923 Jaeger: Lun
15924 Jaeger: Lu
15925 Jaeger: Li
15926 Jaeger: Yu
15927 Jaeger: An
15928 Jaeger: Shui
15929 Jaeger: Ou
15930 Jaeger: Lang
15931 Jaeger: Shang
15932 Rider: Tang
15933 Rider: Shih
15934 Rider: Wan
15935 Rider: Chin
15936 Rider: Leng
15937 Rider: Hsieh
15938 Guard Captain: Yun
15939 Cavalry Captain: Tan
15940 Guardsman Officer: Jan
15947 Insularum: Dreamon
15948 Insularum: Stabbin
15949 Insularum: Hammerer
15951 Glacix Harpy
15952 Glacix Harpy
15953 Glacix: Wu
16129 Glacix Elemento
16130 Glacix Elemento
16131 Glacix Elemento
16132 Glacix Elemento
16133 Glacix Elemento
16134 Glacix Dragoon
16135 Glacix Dragoon
16136 Glacix Dragoon
16137 Glacix Dragoon
16138 Glacix Dragoon
16139 Glacix Elemento
16140 Glacix Elemento
16141 Glacix Elemento
16142 Glacix Elemento
16143 Glacix Elemento
16144 Glacix Dragoon
16145 Glacix Dragoon
16146 Glacix Dragoon
16147 Glacix Dragoon
16148 Glacix Dragoon
16223 Ice Mandrill
16224 Ice Siren
16225 Elven Boon
16226 Messenger of Aeolia
16227 Glacix Elemento Lord
16228 Arch Aeolian Shadow
16229 Ice Mandrill Lord
16230 Ice Siren Lord
16231 Wind Specter Lord
16232 Arch Aeolian Messenger
16242 Memoir: Kun
16243 Memoir: Shang
16244 Memoir: Ta
16245 Memoir: Pu
16246 Memoir: Po
16247 Memoir: Ti
16248 Memoir: Ku
16249 Memoir: Wu
16260 Glacix Elemento
16264 Glacix Dragoon
16272 Glacix Dragoon
16330 Wang Tali
16331 Burning Soul
16332 Mystical Jarax
16333 Genesiac Blink
16334 Hauntery Queen
16335 Hauntery Queen
16336 Genesiac Blink
16337 Genesiac Blink
16338 Genesiac Blink
16339 Thunderclaw
16340 Diabolic Shocktrooper
16341 Cyclotra Styren
16342 Dreadindra
16343 Asoteric Runewolf
16344 Asoteric Runephoenix
16345 Messenger of Fear
16346 Oceania Master
16347 Decaying Fragrance
16348 Holan
16349 Holeen
16350 Thunderclaw
16351 Diabolic Shocktrooper
16352 Cyclotra Styren
16353 Dreadindra
16354 Glacial Wrath
16355 Blazing Frost Phoenix
16356 Messenger of Fear
16357 Oceania Master
16358 Decaying Fragrance
16359 Holan
16360 Holeen
16516 N/A商业功能中速npc
16567 Herzen Sori Demos
16568 Ancient Tigara
16643 Drake Fling
16644 Drake Fling
16645 Drake Fling
16646 Drake Fling
16647 Shadow of Earth
16738 Fear of Light
16756 Blazing Phoenix's Soul
16765 Thunderclaw
16766 Diabolic Shocktrooper
16767 Cyclotra Styren
16768 Dreadindra
16769 Glacial Wrath
16770 Blazing Frost Phoenix
16771 Messenger of Fear
16772 Oceania Master
16773 Decaying Fragrance
16774 Holan
16775 Holeen
16776 Buddha's Servant
16777 Wang Tali
16778 Burning Soul
16779 Mystical Jarax
16780 Genesiac Blink
16781 Massaca Seben
16782 Hauntery Queen
16783 Relic of Wind
16784 Drake Fling
16785 Primal Fear
16786 Herzen Sori Demos
16787 Herzen Sori Demos
16788 Ancient Tigara
16912 Survival Event
16933 Wandering Antitan
16934 Sandblood
16935 Canyalister
16936 Howl Howl
16937 Great Hornest
16938 Initiated Ashury
16939 Centusus Antitan
16940 Inscencee Scorpion
16941 Mischievo
16942 Hoohoo
16943 Empty Eternity
16944 Departed Dualero
16945 Lost Qingfu
16946 Cosmox Stripe
16947 Barrenland Houndrex
16948 Shake Shake
16949 Blutevil
16950 Deepwater Drakeleech
16951 Licker Mantis
16952 Verdantall Scaler
16953 Howling Shivan
16954 Little Lazy Bone
16955 Demos Vulturex
16956 Adel Rihnodrake
16957 Evaness Kuhu
16958 Overmind Kunwu
16959 Roaring Shivan
16960 Littly Naughty
16961 Boomeranger
16962 Scarlet Ninetails
16963 Lithic Vipent
16964 Ghostyard Haunt
16965 Nether Servant
16966 Earthen Narkwraith
16967 Skelevizen Marksman
16968 Laqux, Oddfoot Lord
16969 Deadmarsh Petalii
16970 Deadmarsh Duster
16971 Ruinous Fungal Beast
16972 Cougaret Executioner
16973 Molten Chrysalis
16974 Graveyard Wanderer
16975 Little Stooge Lichita
16976 Hellish Reverex
16977 Salamando Dodonix
16978 Mistwraith Skirmisher
16979 Mistrealm Terrawarth Magus
16980 Gauren Minion
16981 Infernal Reverex
16982 Taurox Captain
16983 Deadmarsh Noxtouch
16984 Pirate Assassin
16985 Bandit of the Ruins
16986 Darkbreed Wolfkin
16987 Blackhive Wolfkin Premier
16988 Little Stooge Lichisa
16989 Lantern of Wrath
16990 Demonic Mossprite
16991 Hellish Terrawath General
16992 Feligar Mistrealm Dreamer
16993 Feligar Centurion of the Mist
16994 Molten Firedrake
16995 Pentox Longleg
16996 Deadmarsh Vipion
16997 Deadmarch Sori
16998 Ossaur Brigade Rider
16999 Alacazar Battalion Commander
17000 Stoneskin Undine
17001 Rockbreaker Poisontail
17002 Little Stooge Lichiben
17003 Wraithflame Cairn
17004 Sullen Enchantress
17005 Hades' Torch
17006 Hexocelot Mistrealm Archer
17007 Hexocelot Mistrealm Warrior
17008 Blob Sentry
17009 Remnant Venomtail
17010 Deadmarsh Tigaero
17011 Deadmarsh Adalwolf
17012 Runewolf Archer
17013 Runewolf Knuckler
17014 Runewolf Cabalist
17015 Volcanic Magmite
17016 Molten Carapest
17017 Little Stooge Lichify
17018 Cairn's Guard
17019 Hellish Pyrogolth
17020 Evil Lantern
17021 Mistrealm Protector
17022 Cloudweaver Ptero
17023 Clever Cactopod
17024 Righteous Tombstone
17025 Deadmarsh Heathen
17026 Deadmarsh Cougaret
17027 Deadmarsh Hydrad
17028 Ruinous Skelevizen General
17029 Skelevizen Consultant
17030 Heartless Skeletal Abomination
17031 Reinforced Armorfire
17032 Bloodthirst Plant
17033 Advent Snowling
17034 Godshine Silkworm
17035 Stoney Dismalness
17036 Iron Maiden
17037 Dismal Petalix
17038 Resident Snowling
17039 Shriekox Conbustier
17040 Stoney Lunatix
17041 Cracking Lightning
17042 Draketower Wanderer
17043 Cruel Snowling
17044 Elysium Queen
17045 Earthen Blob
17046 Unreal Truth
17047 Brownscarf Walker
17048 Untouchable Snowling
17049 Spiritual Conbustier
17050 Phlabero
17051 Soulcrash Armorfire
17052 Jaden Chunk
17053 Raging Snowling
17054 Fuerox Lava
17055 Noctilucent
17057 Decayed Florali
17058 Nightfall Watcher
17059 Bamboo Scytherin
17060 Horned Terror
17061 Viperax Buster
17062 Butterlier Buster
17063 Bonehunt Spider
17064 Cleanedge Houndrex
17065 Timber Wolf Lord
17066 Lone Wolf
17067 Soil Stalker
17068 Night Howler
17069 Unceasing Follower
17070 Sandjoy Gwailing
17071 Darkness Player
17072 Glutton Lynx
17073 Exploder Spider
17074 Swift Catwoman
17075 Initiated Sang
17076 Scissortail Scorpion
17077 Rider Antitan
17078 Rabbit Runner
17079 Bloodthirst Spiderox
17080 Swordshivan
17082 Hydryad Wraith
17083 Headless
17084 Valley Quaker
17085 Mosylar
17086 Tsunlu
17087 Desert Drill
17088 Thunder Cat
17089 Buddha's Grasp
17090 Mud Ape
17091 Dust of Diamond
17092 Glowing Pyrobat
17093 Armless Haunt
17094 Eldergoth Peon
17095 Wandering Misery
17096 Heaven's Judgement
17097 Earthen Misery
17098 Heart Snatcher
17099 Fairy of Joy
17100 Crypt Legion Scout
17101 Crypt Legion Soldier
17102 Skeleton Legion Soldier
17103 Tigera Legion Minion
17104 Tigera Legion Soldier
17106 Sori Legion Soldier
17107 Sori Legion Minion
17108 Adalwolf Legion Soldier
17109 Adalwolf Legion Minion
17110 Feligar Legion Minion
17111 Feligar Legion Soldier
17112 Taurox Legion Minion
17113 Taurox Legion Soldier
17114 Zombie Legion Soldier
17115 Zombie Legion Minion
17116 Dark Legion Minion
17117 Dark Legion Soldier
17118 Crypt Legion Shooter
17119 Crypt Legion Warrior
17120 Skeleton Legion Flyer
17121 Skeleton Legion Warrior
17122 Tigera Legion Warrior
17123 Tigera Legion Striker
17124 Sori Legion Warrior
17125 Sori Legion Shooter
17126 Adalwolf Legion Shooter
17127 Adalwolf Legion Warrior
17128 Feligar Legion Warrior
17129 Feligar Legion Shooter
17130 Taurox Legion Warrior
17131 Taurox Legion Shooter
17132 Zombie Legion Sorcerer
17133 Zombie Legion Warrior
17134 Dark Legion Sorcerer
17135 Dark Legion Warrior
17136 Crypt Legion Sorcerer
17137 Crypt Legion Lieutenant
17138 Skeleton Legion Shooter
17139 Skeleton Legion Lieutenant
17140 Tigera Legion Sorcerer
17141 Tigera Legion Lieutenant
17142 Sori Legion Archer
17143 Sori Legion Lieutenant
17144 Adalwolf Legion Archer
17145 Adalwolf Legion Lieutenant
17146 Feligar Legion Archer
17147 Feligar Legion Lieutenant
17148 Taurox Legion Elite
17149 Taurox Legion Lieutenant
17150 Zombie Legion Shooter
17151 Zombie Legion Lieutenant
17152 Dark Legion Elite
17153 Dark Legion Lieutenant
17154 Crypt Legion Elite
17155 Crypt Legion Captain
17156 Skeleton Legion Captain
17157 Skeleton Legion Archer
17158 Tigera Legion Advisor
17159 Tigera Legion Captain
17160 Sori Legion Sharpshooter
17161 Sori Legion Elite
17162 Adalwolf Legion Advisor
17163 Adalwolf Legion Captain
17164 Feligar Legion Captain
17165 Feligar Legion Advisor
17166 Taurox Legion Captain
17167 Taurox Legion Advisor
17168 Zombie Legion Advisor
17169 Zombie Legion Archer
17170 Dark Legion Captain
17171 Dark Legion Advisor
17172 Dark Legion Guard
17173 Crypt Legion Advisor
17174 Crypt Legion Officer
17175 Crypt Legion General
17176 Skeleton Legion General
17177 Skeleton Legion Sharpshooter
17178 Tigera Legion General
17179 Tigera Legion Officer
17180 Sori Legion General
17181 Sori Legion Officer
17182 Adalwolf Legion Guard
17183 Adalwolf Legion General
17184 Adalwolf Legion Officer
17185 Feligar Legion General
17186 Feligar Legion Officer
17187 Taurox Legion Guard
17188 Taurox Legion General
17189 Taurox Legion Officer
17190 Zombie Legion Guard
17191 Zombie Legion General
17192 Zombie Legion Officer
17193 Dark Legion General
17194 Dark Legion Officer
17195 Dark Legion Supervisor
17325 Mori
17326 High Pitcher
17327 Beautiful Tail
17328 Boxer
17329 Duljamin
17330 Mossey
17331 Snowball
17332 Napolong
17333 Spirit of Thromh the Mighty
17334 Qingzi's Spirit
17335 Hercule Trioc's Spirit
17336 Hexocelot Lieutenant's Spirit
17337 Ferocious Ironskin's Spirit
17338 Myriadtail Wyvern's Spirit
17339 Violet Mantis's Spirit
17340 Ofotis's Spirit
17341 Qianji's Spirit
17342 Raving Drake Brute's Spirit
17343 Sadistic Glutton's Spirit
17344 Damned Gaurnob's Spirit
17345 Cenequus Polearm's Spirit
17346 Brigand Transient's Spirit
17347 Mirage Generator
17348 Element Summoner
17349 Flashing Thunder
17350 Life Defector
17351 Taiko Jailer
17352 Aqua Source
17353 Flame Strength
17354 Shattered Soul
17355 Broken Mind
17356 Element Lord
17357 Crypt Legion Marshal
17358 Skeleton Legion Guardian
17359 Skeleton Legion Marshal
17360 Tigera Legion Marshal
17361 Sori Legion Marshal
17362 Adalwolf Legion Commander
17363 Adalwolf Legion Marshal
17364 Feligar Legion Marshal
17365 Taurox Legion Marshal
17366 Zombie Legion Marshal
17367 Dark Legion Marshal
17368 Legion Marshal
17735 God's Eye
17736 God's Eye
17737 God's Eye
17738 God's Eye
17739 God's Eye
17740 God's Eye
17741 God's Eye
17742 God's Eye
17743 God's Eye
17744 God's Eye
17745 God's Eye
17746 God's Eye
17747 God's Eye
17748 God's Eye
17749 God's Eye
17750 God's Eye
17751 God's Eye
17752 God's Eye
17753 God's Eye
17754 God's Eye
17755 God's Eye
17756 God's Eye
17757 God's Eye
17758 God's Eye
17759 God's Eye
17760 God's Eye
17761 God's Eye
17762 God's Eye
17763 God's Eye
17764 God's Eye
17765 God's Eye
17766 God's Eye
17767 God's Eye
17768 God's Eye
17769 God's Eye
17770 God's Eye
17771 God's Eye
17772 God's Eye
17773 God's Eye
17774 God's Eye
17780 Gandum 1
17781 Gandum 2
17782 Gandum 3
17783 Gandum 4
17784 Gandum 5
17785 Gandum 6
17786 Gandum 7
17787 Gandum 8
17788 Gandum 9
17789 Gandum 10
17790 Gandum 11
17791 Gandum 12
17792 Gandum 13
17793 Gandum 14
17794 Gandum 15
17795 Gandum 16
17796 Gandum 17
17797 Gandum 18
17798 Devastator
17799 Valley Minion
17800 Valley Minion
17801 Valley Minion
17802 Valley Minion
17841 Valley Slave
17842 Valley Guard
17843 Valley Slave
17844 Valley Guard
17845 Valley Slave
17846 Valley Guard
17847 Valley Slave
17848 Valley Guard
17979 Tough One
17980 Tough One
17981 Tough One
17982 Tough One
17983 Blizzard
17984 Blizzard
17985 Blizzard
17986 Blizzard
18006 God's Bestowal
18007 God's Bestowal
18008 God's Bestowal
18009 God's Bestowal
18010 God's Bestowal
18011 God's Bestowal
18012 God's Bestowal
18013 God's Bestowal
18014 God's Bestowal
18015 God's Bestowal
18016 God's Bestowal
18017 God's Bestowal
18018 God's Bestowal
18019 God's Bestowal
18020 God's Bestowal
18021 God's Bestowal
18022 God's Bestowal
18023 God's Bestowal
18024 God's Bestowal
18025 God's Bestowal
18026 God's Bestowal
18027 God's Bestowal
18028 God's Bestowal
18029 God's Bestowal
18030 God's Bestowal
18031 God's Bestowal
18032 God's Bestowal
18033 God's Bestowal
18034 God's Bestowal
18035 God's Bestowal
18036 God's Bestowal
18037 God's Bestowal
18038 God's Bestowal
18039 God's Bestowal
18040 God's Bestowal
18702 Fate Robber Recuit
18703 Fate Robber Private
18704 Fate Robber Corporal
18705 Fate Raider Recruit
18706 Fate Raider Private
18707 Fate Raider Corporal
18708 Ancient Doom
18709 Axis of Fate
18710 Fate Sentry
18711 Fate Sentry
18712 Fate Sentry
18713 Fate Sentry
18714 Fate Sentry
18715 Fate Sentry
18725 Fate Executioner
18726 Fate Source
18727 Fate Assistant
18728 Fate Executor
18729 Fate Janitor
18730 Fate Disciple Recruit
18731 Fate Disciple Private
18732 Fate Disciple Corporal
18733 Fate Janitor Recruit
18734 Fate Janitor Private
18735 Fate Janitor Corporal
18736 Fate Peon
18737 Fate Peon
18738 Fate Peon
18739 Fate Peon
18740 Fate Peon
18741 Fate Peon
18742 Fate Peon
18743 Fate Peon
18744 Fate Peon
18745 Fate Peon
18746 Fate Peon
18747 Fate Peon
18748 Fate Peon
18749 Fate Peon
18750 Fate Peon
18751 Fate Peon
18752 Fate Peon
18753 Fate Peon
18754 Fate Peon
18755 Fate Peon
18756 Fate Peon
18757 Fate Peon
18758 Fate Peon
18759 Fate Peon
18760 Fate Devastator
18761 Fate Devastator
18762 Fate Conselor
18763 Fate Sentry
18764 Fate Sentry
18765 Fate Sentry
18766 Fate Sentry
18767 Fate Sentry
18768 Fate Sentry
18778 Fate Penguin Chick
18779 Fate Penguin
18780 Fate Penguin Elder
18781 Fate Penguin Leader
18782 Fate Penguin Chief
18783 Fate Penguin Lord
18784 Fate Executioner
18785 Ancient Doom
18786 Fate Disciple Recruit
18787 Fate Disciple Private
18788 Fate Disciple Corporal
18790 Fate Janitor Recruit
18791 Fate Janitor Private
18792 Fate Janitor Corporal
18793 Fate Source
18795 Fate Assistant
18796 Fate Executor
18797 Fate Devastator
18798 Fate Devastator
18799 Fate Conselor
18800 Fate Janitor
18801 Fate Spirit
18802 Fate Executioner
18845 Cheerleaders
18999 Fate Watcher
19003 Beast of Fate
19039 Nien Beast
19041 N/A08新年活动_爆竹卫兵1
19042 N/A08新年活动_爆竹卫兵2
19043 N/A08新年活动_爆竹卫兵3
19044 N/A08新年活动_爆竹卫兵4
19065 N/A08新年活动_爆竹卫兵1B
19066 N/A08新年活动_爆竹卫兵1C
19067 N/A08新年活动_爆竹卫兵1D
19068 N/A08新年活动_爆竹卫兵2B
19069 N/A08新年活动_爆竹卫兵2C
19070 N/A08新年活动_爆竹卫兵3B
19276 Mysterious Pet
19289 Fate Wanderer
19325 Tournament Inspector
19444 Craggabro Pyromaniac
19445 Celestial Antelope
19446 Stone Brain
19447 Duke Raptorbone
19448 Gluttonfowl
19449 Jaden Rutiodon
19450 Abyss Rider
19451 Panoplocanis
19452 Bewitched Doll
19453 Apoidea
19454 Thunderbite
19455 Deep Strangler
19456 Foul Sandsadder
19457 Arthropodaux
19458 Crystal Terror
19459 Imbrium: Thundering Darkling
19460 Archelon
19461 Plasmastorm Shocker
19462 Watcher of Chasm
19463 Mystery of Antiquity
19464 Machinoslitt
19465 Minion of Death
19466 Cerberean Sentinel
19467 Ancient Spearman
19468 Alphaleus
19469 Auprus: Ton
19470 Shadow Doll
19471 Sonic Oppressor
19472 Soul Hunter
19473 Hornska Lord
19474 Dipter
19475 Sword Tamer
19476 Cenminator
19477 Broadkris Drudge
19478 Cloudstroller
19479 Ossein Lord: Flame
19480 Earthen Hulk
19481 Ossein Lord: Venom
19482 Rottenflesh Abomination
19483 Poleaxe Deathrider
19484 Hellgate Watchdog
19485 Frostagelion Type-0
19655 Ironshell Turtle
19656 Steelfin Pike
19657 Bloodfang Wolf
19658 Bloodthirsty Ursog
19659 Metal Jackaleopardite
19660 Human Alliance Soldier
19661 Human Alliance Officer
19662 Alliance Fire Wizard
19663 Alliance Ice Wizard
19664 Alliance Earth Wizard
19665 Alliance Bowman
19666 Chrono Sneaker
19667 Chrono Stalker
19668 Chrono Sneaker Chief
19669 Blackwing Killer
19670 Blackwing Sniper
19671 Thunderarm Spirit
19672 Thunderarm Beast
19673 Thunderarm Predator
19674 Hateful Magikling
19675 Wandering Wraith
19676 Phantom of Grudge
19677 Soul Smuggler
19678 Crypt Riser
19990 Sneaker Messenger
19991 Sneaker Messenger
19992 Array Guard
19993 Array Sentry
19994 Array Protector
19995 Burrow Flea
19996 Hollowstance Spidex
19997 Fierce Hyenclaw
19998 Cerberuskin
19999 Farland Clam
20000 Farland Kraufis
20001 Farland Mermaid
20002 Farland Tortoise
20003 Farland Slither
20004 Farland Crustan
20005 Translement Mage
20006 Ominous Mage
20007 Blasphemous Mage
20008 Ancient Ravenritter
20009 Ancient Evilwing
20206 Dirtpool Crawler
20207 Soulthirst Houdrex
20212 Claw Slasher
20213 Skull Hunter
20214 Dream Inspector
20495 Avalanche Crusher
20496 Icewind Warrior
20497 Icewind Scout
20498 Icewind Grunt
20499 Icewind Crossbowman
20500 Icewind Chief
20501 Icewind Assassin
20502 Icewind Priest
20503 Icewind Sniper
20504 Avalanche Nomad
20505 Deiciter Black
20506 Deiciter White
20507 Sutrixx
20508 Snow Bear
20509 Desire of the End
20510 Earthsharp Clawzard
20511 Razorteeth Tyrant
20512 Strong
20514 Hum Hum
20515 Drake of Nicolas
20516 Deathrenderer
20517 Stiren General
20537 Hellbent Fugitive
20538 Brigand Cutthroat
20539 Skeleton Legion Sharpshooter
20540 Humorum: Barrenox
20541 Heavenly Oddfoot
20542 Hellbent Exorcist
20543 Twilight Gaurnob
20544 Tigera Legion Officer
20545 Twilight Wrath Fighter
20546 Smythii: Steel Dash
20547 Ruinous Fungal Beast
20548 Peachyard Wisp
20549 Twilight Witch
20550 Queen Succubus
20603 Hammerfall
20604 Frost Nimbustian Captain
20605 Frost Nimbustian
20606 Inferno Nimbustian Captain
20607 Inferno Nimbustian
20608 Sand Nimbustian Captain
20609 Sand Nimbustian
20610 Rock Nimbustian Captain
20611 Rock Nimbustian
20612 Ghostly Nimbustian Captain
20613 Ghostly Nimbustian
20614 Divine Nimbustian Captain
20615 Divine Nimbustian
20616 Morpher Nimbustian Captain
20617 Morpher Nimbustian
20618 Plume Nimbustian Captain
20619 Plume Nimbustian
20620 Strength Nimbustian Captain
20621 Strength Nimbustian
20622 Quicksand Mastiff
20623 Blood Duster Leopard
20624 Quicksand Poisontail
20625 Sandscream Araneid
20626 Dreadfeast Jackal
20627 Drakefang Minkii
20628 Haze Bladehorn
20629 Flamebath Slither
20802 Deepblue Scavenger
20803 Bulldoc Massacrer
20804 Ossein Soulbasher
20805 Cyannair Specter
20806 Raged Wraith Chief
20807 Wraith Herd Chief
20808 Wraith Fury Chief
20809 Yan the Traitor
20810 Wicked Bloodeye
20811 Unholy Darkclaw
20812 Damned Poisontongue
20813 Silver Frost
20814 Nebula Dust
20815 Hookhand Chihli
20816 Coldmud Foulwings
20817 Crack Warper
20818 Void Hunter
20819 Bloodflare
20820 Bloodstare
20821 Whirlpool Wraithturtle
20822 Goldeneye Wraithturtle
20823 Gigantic Xenomorph
20824 Blackhole Devourer
20825 Chrono Sneaker Captain
20826 Fallendryad Lord
20827 Fallen Forest Watcher
20828 Metricanthol Lizard
20829 Walking Dirtbones
20830 Dragonman of Hatred
20831 Cold Smasher Taoya
20832 Prison Warden
20833 Avalanche Brute
20834 Xenospace Drake
20835 Savagian Commander Pao
20836 Enchanted Lanternguard
20837 Astral Herald: Fire
20838 Astral Herald: Water
20839 Astral Herald: Wood
20840 Astral Herald: Earth
20841 Astral Herald: Metal
20842 Astral Herald: Sola
20843 Astral Herald: Luna
20844 Tsu
20845 Warrior of God
20846 Princess of Moonlight
20872 Celeslord
20873 Dark Soul of the Celeslord
20958 Alliance Convoyman
20959 Blackwing Siege Warrior
20960 Chrono Sneaker
21103 Scarlet Watcher
21104 Soul of Speed
21105 Soul of Chi
21106 Soul of Aggression
21107 Soul of Life
21108 Soul of Extreme
21209 Phlebo
21330 Soul of Speed
21331 Soul of Chi
21332 Soul of Aggression
21333 Soul of Life
21334 Soul of Extreme
21335 Soul of Speed
21336 Soul of Chi
21337 Soul of Aggression
21338 Soul of Life
21339 Soul of Extreme
21340 Soul of Speed
21341 Soul of Chi
21342 Soul of Aggression
21343 Soul of Life
21344 Soul of Extreme
21512 Ethereal Abomination
21515 N/A08中秋活动水中月亮
21516 N/A08中秋活动彩灯1
21517 N/A08中秋活动彩灯2
21518 N/A08中秋活动彩灯3
21520 N/A08中秋活动彩灯4
21522 Dread Lord: Hengchih
21523 Tyrant: Icika
21524 Tyrant: Flamol
21525 Tyrant: Tornada
21526 Rend Razorjaw's Soul
21527 Dread Minion: Soul
21528 Dread Minion: Cenequus
21529 Dread Minion: Gaurnob
21530 Dread Minion: Bronze
21531 Dread Minion: Judge
21532 Dread Minion: Blood
21533 Dread Servant: Edge
21534 Dread Servant: Blade
21535 Soul of Thromh the Mighty
21536 Poison Tail Occultist's Soul
21537 Requiem Tower
21538 Ancient Sand Fiend
21539 Ancient Sand Fiend
21540 Ancient Sand Fiend
21541 Death Knight: End
21542 Death Knight: Dimensic
21543 Death Knight: Doom
21544 Death Knight: Naught
21548 Dread Lord: Hengchih
21549 Dread Servant: Edge
21550 Dread Servant: Blade
21551 Tyrant: Icika
21552 Tyrant: Flamol
21553 Tyrant: Tornada
21554 Dread Minion: Soul
21555 Dread Minion: Cenequus
21556 Dread Minion: Gaurnob
21557 Dread Minion: Bronze
21558 Dread Minion: Judge
21559 Dread Minion: Blood
21560 Rend Razorjaw's Soul
21561 Soul of Thromh the Mighty
21562 Poison Tail Occultist's Soul
21563 Requiem Tower
21564 Ancient Sand Fiend
21565 Ancient Sand Fiend
21566 Ancient Sand Fiend
21567 Death Knight: End
21568 Death Knight: Dimensic
21569 Death Knight: Doom
21570 Death Knight: Naught
21571 Dread Lord: Hengchih
21572 Dread Servant: Edge
21573 Dread Servant: Blade
21574 Tyrant: Icika
21575 Tyrant: Flamol
21576 Tyrant: Tornada
21577 Dread Minion: Soul
21578 Dread Minion: Cenequus
21579 Dread Minion: Gaurnob
21580 Dread Minion: Bronze
21581 Dread Minion: Judge
21582 Dread Minion: Blood
21583 Rend Razorjaw's Soul
21584 Soul of Thromh the Mighty
21585 Poison Tail Occultist's Soul
21586 Requiem Tower
21587 Ancient Sand Fiend
21588 Ancient Sand Fiend
21589 Ancient Sand Fiend
21590 Death Knight: End
21591 Death Knight: Dimensic
21592 Death Knight: Doom
21593 Death Knight: Naught
21594 Dread Lord: Hengchih
21595 Dread Servant: Edge
21596 Dread Servant: Blade
21597 Tyrant: Icika
21598 Tyrant: Flamol
21599 Tyrant: Tornada
21600 Dread Minion: Soul
21601 Dread Minion: Cenequus
21602 Dread Minion: Gaurnob
21603 Dread Minion: Bronze
21604 Dread Minion: Judge
21605 Dread Minion: Blood
21606 Rend Razorjaw's Soul
21607 Soul of Thromh the Mighty
21608 Poison Tail Occultist's Soul
21609 Requiem Tower
21610 Ancient Sand Fiend
21611 Ancient Sand Fiend
21612 Ancient Sand Fiend
21613 Death Knight: End
21614 Death Knight: Dimensic
21615 Death Knight: Doom
21616 Death Knight: Naught
22055 Little Devil
22056 Devil Lord
22057 Grand Devil Lord
22058 Super Devil Lord
22059 Ultimate Devil Lord
22060 Football
22061 Fullback Defender
22062 Fullback Defender
22063 Guardian of the Chess
22064 Red
22065 Yellow
22066 Green
22067 Red Ball
22068 Yellow Ball
22069 Green Ball
22112 N/A蜂巢53房间守卫
22282 Arena 1 Stake
22283 Arena 2 Stake
22284 Arena 3 Stake
22285 Arena 4 Stake
22286 Arena 5 Stake
22287 Arena 6 Stake
22288 Arena 7 Stake
22289 Arena 8 Stake
22290 Arena 9 Stake
22291 Arena 10 Stake
22408 Clear Arena 1 Reg Info
22409 Clear Coliseum 2 Reg Info
22410 Clear Coliseum 3 Reg Info
22411 Clear Coliseum 4 Reg Info
22412 Clear Coliseum 5 Reg Info
22413 Clear Coliseum 6 Reg Info
22414 Clear Coliseum 7 Reg Info
22415 Clear Coliseum 8 Reg Info
22416 Clear Coliseum 9 Reg Info
22417 Clear Coliseum 10 Reg Info
23361 Burning Soul
23554 Infernal Sonikbeast
23555 Bloodsurge Ultera
23556 Knight of Terror
23557 Lunaweaver - Crimson
23558 Lunaweaver - Darkness
23559 Foretoken Bearer
23560 Herald of Agony
23627 Butterfly Faery
23628 Butterfly Faery
23629 Butterfly Faery
23630 Guardian Bee
23631 Bee Guard
23632 Bee Guard
23982 Zombie Digger (05)
23983 Zombie Digger (08)
24540 Hexadhead Rider
24541 Carapace Greenstalker
24542 Evil Warsong Elf
24543 Evil Electric Leopardo
24544 Efreet Lady
24545 Evil Trembling Golem
24546 Flamefist Thrall
24547 Treespirit Magus
24548 Deathsorrow Araneid
24549 Lost Soul Scorpion
24550 Corrupting Maid
24551 Icebitten Ghoul
24552 Darkcell Familiar
24553 Dino Soulreaper
24554 Roxarr Bladespirit
24555 Broadblade Runner
24556 Inferno Skulllord
24557 Purulence Beetle
24558 Flamewing Toad
24559 Skullclub Bandhead
24560 Ogre Coffin
24561 Petrified Efreet
24562 Quartz Bonecracker
24563 Venom Beetle
24564 Pestilent Destroyer
24565 Obscure Reaper
24566 Snakefist Guardian
24567 Cannonfist Orclord
24568 Shadowskull Lich
24569 The Incacerate
24570 Shadowskull Lich
24571 Shadowskull Lich
24572 Shadowskull Lich
24573 Withered Mummy
24574 Octopus Headharvester
24575 Snakefist Judge
24576 Blazefist Orc
24577 Storm Necromancer
24658 Chest
24662 Chest
24663 Chest
24664 Chest
24665 Chest
24666 Chest
24667 Chest
24668 Chest
24669 Chest
24670 Chest
24683 The Incacerate
24729 Zombie Digger (04)
24730 Zombie Digger (03)
24731 Zombie Digger (02)
24784 Snowy Familiar
24785 Warbear of Antiquity
24786 Ice Mandrill
24787 Ice Siren
24788 Frostwind Rogue
24789 Frostwind Elf
24790 Frost Priest
24791 Frost Bishop
24792 Glacix Harpy
24793 Glacix Elemento
24794 Glacix Elemento
24795 Glacix Elemento
24796 Frostshadow Assassin
24797 Iceshadow Assassin
24798 Snowshadow Assassin
24799 Frost Guard
24800 Frostcovered Lieutenant
24801 Frostcovered Captain
24802 Frozen Head
24803 09 FC General 2
24804 Glacix Dragoon
24805 Glacial Shade
24806 Glacial Shade
24807 Glacial Shade
24808 Glacial Shade
24809 Glacial Shade
24810 Glacial Shade
24811 Glacial Shade
24812 Glacial Shade
24813 Glacial Shade
24814 Glacial Shade
24815 Glacial Shade
24816 Thunderclaw
24817 Weakened Diabolic Shocktrooper
24818 Cyclotra Styren
24819 Dreadindra
24820 Asoteric Runewolf
24821 Asoteric Runephoenix
24822 Oceania Master
24823 Messenger of Fear
24824 Decaying Fragrance
24825 Holeen
24826 Holeen
24827 Tough Diabolic Shocktrooper
24828 Frenzied Diabolic Shocktrooper
24829 Ambassador of Abyss
24830 Infernobird Soul
24844 Holeen, Champion of Fientazzar
24862 Frozen Diabolic Shocktrooper
24867 Raging Thunder
24868 Dusk Shadow
24871 Zombie Digger (09)
24872 Zombie Digger (10)
24873 Zombie Digger (11)
24874 Zombie Digger (12)
24875 Zombie Digger (13)
24876 Zombie Digger (14)
24877 Zombie Digger (15)
24878 Zombie Digger (16)
24879 Zombie Digger (17)
24880 Zombie Digger (18)
24881 Zombie Digger (19)
24882 Zombie Digger (20)
24883 Zombie Digger (21)
24884 Zombie Digger (22)
24899 Firefly
24900 Bullfrog
24901 Lark
24902 Ancient Sea Dragon
24904 Sawfist Reaper Divided
24905 Aqua Snake
24906 Drifting Fishswarm
24907 Cruising Fishswarm
24908 Goshawk
24909 Red Starfish
24910 Red Starfish
24911 Yellow Starfish
24912 Yellow Starfish
24913 Zombie Digger (06)
24914 Zombie Digger (07)
24915 Zombie Digger (23)
24916 Zombie Digger (24)
24917 Zombie Digger (25)
24918 Zombie Digger (26)
24919 Zombie Digger (27)
24920 Zombie Digger (28)
25050 Stiffler
25051 Lil' Bark
25052 Razor
25053 Lady Jade Eye
25054 Snaggletooth
25055 Hellbreath Vulture Emperor
25056 Poisonous Pincers
25057 Weird Snake·Shalik
25058 Reaper
25059 Ironhide
25060 Voltage
25079 Infant Seagrub
25080 Emerald Hermit Crab
25081 Scissor Walker
25082 Mutated Seagrub
25083 Venomstained Prawn
25084 Crystal Shorepatroller
25085 Orbfish
25086 Frostseed Crabkin
25087 Metaljaw Lionturtle
25088 Lochmur Shorepatrol
25089 Spidercrab
25090 Decayed Seagrub
25091 Electro Skatefish
25092 Icewave Siren
25093 Nightmare Bonecrusher
25094 Hellbreath Vulture King
25095 Mutated Spidercrab
25096 Scorpiotail Tidemaiden
25097 Shadow Ranger
25098 Shadow Harvester
25099 Underworld Summoner
25100 Scorpiotail Voodooist
25101 Mountain Tunneldigger
25102 Mutated Electro Skatefish
25103 Nightspike Apprentice
25104 Fluorescent Worm
25105 Armored Arrowfish
25106 Nightspike Champion
25107 Crystal Shoreguard
25108 Demonic Jellyfish
25109 Lucius the Tainted
25405 Spidercrab Hunter
25406 Nightspike Shadowfighter
25407 Bewitching Siren
25408 Nightspike Occultist
25409 Nightspike Slave
25410 Fen Grave Robber
25411 Souleating Stalker
25412 Netherflame Cerebus
25413 Bloodserpent
25414 Seabound Spectre
25415 Claw Shrimp
25416 Darkswamp Frog
25417 Nightspike Assassin
25418 Iceprison Wraith
25419 Glacial Walker
25420 Flaming Walker
25421 Ebony Hellduke
25422 Pale Archlich
25423 Netherworld Soulreaper
25424 Nightspike Executioner
25425 Abyss Screamer
25426 Trident Nightspike
25427 Spear Nightspike
25428 Venom Frog King
25429 Overseer Skinner
25430 Zombie Leader·Bloodlust
25431 Corrupted Seaspirit
25432 Hybrid Bladedemon
25433 Mishappened Ghost
25434 Ryan Chambers
25435 Wanted Criminal·Pippy
25436 Nightspike Patroller
25586 Inferno Sovereign
25587 Noxious Sovereign
25588 Vampiric Sovereign
25589 Demonic Sovereign
25590 Demonic Tyrant
25591 Demonic Dictator
25592 Ashura Sovereign
25593 Ashura Tyrant
25594 Ashura Dictator
25595 Ashura Netherqueen
25596 Arbiter of Flame
25597 Goldwing Phoenix
25598 Vanished Ancestor
25599 Infernal Gargoyle
25602 Reaper Fox
25603 Shadowmetal Ghoul
25604 Darkwing Corpse
25605 Whitefeather Golem
25607 Ashura Bloodserpent
25609 Spirit Fox
25610 Mysterious Old Man
25613 Quarto Metal
25614 Prima Wood
25615 Quinto Water
25616 Secondo Fire
25617 Terzo Earth
25619 Reaper Fox
25620 Reaper Fox
25633 Goldwing Phoenix
25634 Reaper Fox
25635 Reaper Fox
25643 Reaper Fox
25736 Staunch Worm
25737 Spiralshell Crab
25738 Spiralshell Crab
25813 Escaped Thief
25822 Pure Gold Chest
25823 Hard Wood Chest
25825 Flood Water Chest
25826 Blazing Fire Chest
25827 Thick Earth Chest
25865 Tideborn Traitor
25868 Bloodstained Hellhound
25869 Bloodstained Maggot
25870 Bonebiter Vulture
25871 Venomcorpse Vulture
25872 Bloodstained Wanderdog |
25873 Bloodpond Sacrificer
25874 Bloodpond Shaman
25875 Vastclaw Executioner
25876 Lochmur Warrior
25877 Lochmur Disciple
25878 Lochmur Worshiper
25879 Lochmur Fighter
25880 Lochmur Shaman
25881 Alexor the Butcher
25882 Gourman the Shredder
25883 Thornback Turtoise
25884 Thundermane Hornbeast
25885 Tideblast Crab
25886 Thornback Turtoise
25887 Thundermane Hornbeast
25888 Stonefield Archdemon
25889 Nightspike Officer
25890 Nightspike Royalguard
25891 Nightspike Servant
25892 Nightspike Scout
25893 Nightspike Spellweaver
25894 Nightspike Venomspitter
25895 Nightspike Agent
25896 Nightspike Bloodguard
25897 Nightspike Prince Tanso
26024 Ocean Tusker
26039 Crazed Spirit Worm
26042 Grand Thief·Blackbone
26043 Grand Thief·Redbeard
26044 Grand Thief·Whiteshadow
26140 Tideborn Traitor
26141 Lochmur Guardian Beast
26142 Undead Army
26144 Goshiki
26145 General Feng
26146 Undead Soldier
26147 Undead Officer
26232 Friendly Scene
26694 Nightspike Guardian
26695 Steelhorn Tortiose
26699 Shattered Cloud Islands Friend
26703 Lava Devil
26704 Glacier Devil
26711 Cloud Skatefish
26715 Chinling Governor
26716 Grudging Soldier
26717 Giantfang Spider
26718 Lesser Spider
26719 Nightspike Cannibal
26720 Nightspike Strider
26721 Aegis Tower Disciple
26753 Summoned Guard
26830 Tidewretch Guardian
26831 Greedy Bloodclaw
26832 Sea Patrol·Dragonroar
26833 Bonebiter School
26834 Deeptorrent Tortoise
26835 Carp Ashura
26836 Nirvana Jellyfish
26837 Wheeping Sealurker
26838 Spirit of Maelstrom
26839 Antique Searcher
26840 Abnomalty Beast
26841 Dragon
26842 Nightspike Cavalier
26921 Nightspike Shade
26961 Pedalbiter Batwing
27006 Sawteeth Shark
27007 Clownfish
27008 Fourtail Porgy
27009 Spectre Jellyfish
27010 Skullspot Grouper
27011 Whitelip Whale
27012 Orangetail Trout
27013 Emperor Barracuda
27014 Drumfish
27015 Longfin Spurtail
27016 Imperial Spurtail
27017 Hammerhead Shark
27018 Cocktail Flatfish
27019 Sapphire Jewelfish
27302 Shadow Samurai
27358 Bandit Grunt
27359 Bandit Scout
27360 Bandit Fighter
27361 Bandit Captain
27362 Bandit Leader Dan
27716 Prowling Nien Minion
27717 Stalking Nien Minion
27718 Invading Nien Minion
27719 Nien Captain
27720 Nien Beast·Mighty
27721 Burrowing Nien Minion
27722 Skulking Nien Minion
27723 Spring Naughty
27724 Spring Tosser
28014 Tiger Minion·Delta
28016 Tiger Minion·Charlie
28017 Tiger Minion·Bravo
28018 Tiger Minion·Alpha
28019 Heavenly Tiger
28020 Demonic Tiger
28080 Boulder Walker
28081 Glacial Spectre
28118 Flaming Spectre
28119 Toxic Bug
28120 Freezing Bug
28121 Burning Bug
28122 Mud Bug
28127 Suicide Bomber
28176 Enchanted Ancestor
28245 Golden Crawler
28246 Bronze Crawler
28259 Firefly Lure
28260 Sorrowful Birth
28261 Corrosion of Ages
28262 Pale Entity
28263 Firefly Lure
28264 Firefly Lure
28265 Pale Entity
28266 Pale Entity
28270 Sealstone: Firefly Lure
28271 Sealstone: Sorrowful Birth
28272 Sealstone: Corrosion of Ages
28273 Sealstone: Pale Entity
28361 Jealous Ex
28364 Wedding Crasher
28415 Party Crasher
28758 Dull Dryad
28759 Forest Chimei
28760 Bluetail Lemur
28761 Gold Armored Ox
28762 Wild Elk
28763 Captured Beetle
28764 Redscale Crocodile
28765 Arch Wizard
28847 King of Damselfly
28848 Dark Skirmisher
28849 Dark Brown Wolf
28850 Bluefin Pomfret
28851 Water Chimei Bandit
28852 Greenpaw Lemur
28853 Bluepaw Lemur
28854 Greenpaw Lemur
28855 Yeti Colonel
28856 Yeti Captain
28857 Yeti General
28862 Forest Chimei Hunter
28863 Feral Smilodon
28864 Hoofed Yak
28865 Valley Lemur
28866 Snow Devilkin
28868 Enraged Snow Chimei
28869 Forest Chimei Worker
28870 Lost Dryad
28871 Puzzled Dryad
28872 Corrupt Dryad
28873 Forest Chimei Overseer
28874 Wandering Dryad
28875 Rogue Dryad
28876 Cauldron Immortal
28877 Cauldron Demon
28878 Road Bandit
28879 Forest Chimei Cavalry
28880 Forest Chimei Warrior
28881 Evergreen Dryad
28882 Silverwing Owl
28883 Red Wing Owl
28884 Horned Tree Fairy
28885 Dark Purple Wolf
28886 Purple Butterflies
28887 Forest Chimei Wizard
28888 Purplefin Pomfret
28889 Iron Armored Ox
28890 White Dragonfly
28891 Possessed Prickler
28892 Greentail Lemur
28893 Dark Skirmisher
28894 Stone Puppet
28895 Ice Puppet
28896 Armored Butterfly Trap
28897 Redwing Nymphalid
28898 Greenwing Nymphalid
28899 Primal Smilodon
28900 Horned Beetle
28901 Mutated Ant
28902 Road Bandit
28903 Green Grain Crocodile
28904 Jade Dragonfly
28905 Red Jade Damselfly
28906 Blue Beard Ape
28907 Green Bearded Ape
28908 Ice Sentinel
28909 Ice Guard
29338 Soul Spinner
29339 Ironfist Sentinel
29340 Lost Spirit
29341 Soul Burning Devil
29342 Soul Break Skirmisher
29343 Stoic Crocodile
29344 Dark Soul·Death
29345 Berserk Frost Giant
29346 Silver Armored Ox
29347 Icebound Fury
29348 Gold Catcher
29349 Casiosi
29350 Mysterious Master Restored
29351 Mungor
29352 Soul-Devouring Wolf
29353 Chromatic Pheasant
29354 Hell's Bell
29355 Bladebeaked Bird
29356 Bladehorn Ox
29357 Silver Fox
29358 Silver Wing Fox
29359 Spiritual Rabbit
29360 Dusk Knight
29361 Wonder Dryad
29362 Dark Soul
29363 Pot Devil
29364 Dark Spirit Pianran
29365 Winged Slitherer
29366 Blue Moon Pomfret
29367 Frozen Cauldron Devil
29368 Polar Bear
29369 Chillheart Temptress
29370 White Mountain Snow Owl
29401 Huge-eye Dragonfly
29720 Water Chimei Psychic
29971 Devil Scout
29972 Cragglord
30066 Lightning
30067 Stinging Nettle
30068 True Befuddling Creeper
30069 True Spidervine
30070 True Listless Blossom
30071 True Healing Herb
30072 True Vital Herb
30073 Shadowy Harbinger
30074 Mysterious Man
30075 Spiritual Lord
30076 Bladeleaf Treeant
30077 Grand Mantis
30078 Grand Green Mantis
30079 Grand Horn
30080 N/A对立种族男1
30081 N/A对立种族男2
30082 N/A对立种族男3
30083 N/A对立种族女1
30084 N/A对立种族女2
30085 N/A对立种族女3
30086 Spirit Taurox
30087 Bandit 1
30088 Bandit 2
30089 Spider
30090 Grain Spider
30091 Wonder Soul
30092 Wonder Soul 2
30093 Aberrance Ant Red
30094 Aberrance Ant Blue
30095 Aberrance Ant Green
30096 N/A变异蚂蚁红加人
30097 N/A变异蚂蚁蓝加人
30098 N/A变异蚂蚁绿加人
30099 Earth Spirit
30100 Red Cacti
30101 Green Cacti
30102 Ice Cornu Ox
30103 Ancient Star Gate
30104 Magic Cornu Ox
30105 Ancient Salmo
30106 Insect Queen
30107 Penguin King
30108 Penguin Queen
30109 Ancient Star Gate Snow
30123 Frigid Penguin
30124 Wayward Sword Spirit
30125 Snow Wolf
30126 Yeti Guard
30127 Bonechilled Jadebloom
30128 Frozen Familiar
30129 Stranded Siren
30130 Cruising Kindsquid
30131 Hugehead Lizard
30132 Hardarmor Dragon
30178 Mountain Ancestral
30191 Corrupted Brute
30192 Ant Queen
30193 Tarantula
30194 Bat Spirit
30195 Watcher
30374 Squiggles the Bandit
30378 Precarious Dummy
30379 Practise Dummy
30380 Geo Swine
30381 Warrior Swine
30382 Score Recorder
30383 Mop Shooter
30384 Qiuqiu
30385 Wonder Damselfly
30386 Sheng Xue
30387 Froze Ice Immortal
30388 Thurder Flame
30389 Flame Puppet
30390 Dig Tiger
30391 Glutton Sand Attacker
30392 Skybreaker
30393 Bluerobe
30394 Hellbull
30395 Hellhorse
30396 Black Death Agent
30397 White Death Agent
30398 General Shengjie
30447 Road Bandit
30501 Furious Snow Chimei
30502 Crazed Snow Chimei
30511 Obsidian Spellbound
30512 Obsidian Frostbound
30513 Ancient Lake Ao Armor
30514 Obsidian Tarantula
30515 Obsidian Bat Spirit
30516 Obsidian Queen Ant
30517 Obsidian Watcher
30518 Obsidian Seductress
30519 Guard·Ancient Star Gate
30520 Ancient Null Gate
30521 Penguin King
30522 Penguin Queen
30523 Corrupted Brute
30524 Devil Scout
30525 Cragglord
30552 Base Guard
30553 Base Guard Elite
30554 Base Guard Captain
30555 Base Guard Commander
30556 Base Guard General
30611 N/A帮派基地攻方怪
30612 N/A帮派基地守方怪
30634 Shadowy Harbinger
30635 Mysterious Man
30636 Spiritual Lord
30637 Dark Soul·Death
30675 Longtail Flamingo
30676 Yellow Hawk
30677 Blue Hawk
30678 Pink Rabbit
30679 Orange Rabbit
30680 Blue Rabbit
30681 Female Phoenix Deer
30682 Male Phoenix Deer
30683 Black Horse
30684 Red Horse
30685 Twilight Angel
30686 White Ant
30687 Black Ant
30688 Greenpuff Bird
30689 Purplepuff Bird
30690 Red Squirrel
30691 Green Squirrel
30692 Purple Squirrel
30693 Baby Rabbit
30694 Green Mosquito
30695 Mosquito
30696 Ocean Traveler
30697 Traveler
30698 Snowball
30788 Formikanous
30789 Cendistarous
30790 Khatrabolus
30791 Petrajalous
30792 Draeku-Domina
30825 Empyrion Enchanter
31212 Cadaverous Drudger
31213 Deadeye Brawler
31214 Rattus Arbelas
31215 Blind Longfang
31216 Demonic Hybrid
31217 Grymmhulk
31218 Tainted Bloodsucker
31219 Flamegasp Behemoth
31220 Crazed Grubhopper
31221 Crimson Spawnmother
31222 Umbrabound Armor
31223 Nefarious Witchdoctor
31224 Ix Noncauda
31225 Scorched Emberwing
31226 Hypnos Unnerver
31227 Spined Laetusaur
31229 Taur'Brakuk
31230 Dimachaerattus
31231 Sha'Kyn Sandlord
31232 Winged Calamity
31233 Volcru the Flame
31234 Shamanka Darkscorch
31235 Va'Di the Hexblight
31236 Gol k'Tauth
31259 Fire Crackling
31260 Permafrost Titan
31261 Fallen Warmonk
31312 Dreadclaw Mauler
31313 Demon Shadow Tiger
31314 Darkshroud Caster
31315 Shattered Ape
31316 Deathgrip Brute
31317 Flora Phantasm
31318 Bone Cracking Ghoul
31319 Spirit Chasing Ghoul
31320 Equine Shade
31321 Rattus Gladiatus
31322 Rattus Rudiarii
31323 Possessed Courier
31324 Darkfuse Mannequin
31325 Cancerous Necropod
31326 Glintclaw Marauder
31351 Dahhak Skinwing
31352 Vox Baskillia
31353 Jokkhul the Butcher
31354 Silver Nova
31355 Plume Helios
31356 Shauk-Aranos
31443 Atrium Cachehoarder
31444 Atrium Hexhoarder
31635 N/A2011年帮派副本打怪_A怪物1
31636 N/A2011年帮派副本打怪_A怪物2
31637 N/A2011年帮派副本打怪_A怪物3
31638 N/A2011年帮派副本打怪_A怪物4
31639 N/A蜂炮透明怪1
31640 N/A蜂炮透明怪2
31641 N/A蜂炮透明怪3
31642 N/A蜂炮透明怪4
31643 N/A蜂炮透明怪5
31644 N/A蜂炮透明怪6
31645 N/A蜂炮透明怪7
31670 Mind Invader
31671 Orb Thief
31672 Orb Thief
31673 Orb Thief
31674 Orb Thief
31703 N/A2011年帮派副本打怪_A怪物5
31704 N/A2011年帮派副本打怪_B怪物1
31718 Exion
31719 Magnin
31720 Insulan
31721 Rovan
31722 Fleviat
31723 Divvox
31724 Boroses
31725 Wanfel
31726 Nonitar
31727 Scalata
31728 Clowen
31729 Onirit
31730 Frost Simian
31731 Horenus
31732 Love-struck Guppy
31733 Ravaged Soul
31734 Petaldresser
31736 Wicked Bise
31737 Metalin Spider
31738 Lesser Florin
31739 Pearl Yeti
31740 Ice Amazon
31741 Dust Golem
31742 Grudge Ronin
31743 Grudge Bushi
31744 Furious Ronin
31745 Gloomy Crowler
31746 Entrancing Stalker
31747 Pyro Phoenix
31748 Brutal Ronin
31749 Plague Bushi
31750 Wildfire Shogun
31751 Rebellion Shogun
31752 Armored Sharpfang
31753 Sacrifice Sharpfang
31754 Essential Sharpfang
31755 Evasive Sharpfang
31756 Siege Sharpfang
31757 Spiritual Sharpfang
31758 Skeletal Sharpfang
31759 Prajna Sharpfang
31760 Mist Sharpfang
31761 Dark Sharpfang
31762 Necrophage Sharpfang
31763 Illusion Sharpfang
31893 Wedding Salvo
31894 Wedding Candy
31895 The Withering
31896 Seduction
31897 Bewilderment
31898 Contracted Crook
31899 Hired Hooligan
31900 Contracted Crook
31901 Hired Hooligan
31902 Windpetal
31903 Coldmoon
31904 Rotten Romance
31937 Inferno Sovereign EX
31970 Noxious Sovereign EX
31971 Vampiric Sovereign EX
31972 Demonic Sovereign EX
31973 Vanished Ancestor EX
31974 N/A透明怪1
31975 N/A透明怪2
31982 Soundboom
32016 Foulbender
32017 Fatemeddler
32018 Illusion of Grandeur
32019 N/APK赛透明怪3
32020 N/APK赛透明怪4
32155 Phoenix
32156 Hercules
32164 testtest
32165 N/Atesttesteee
32166 N/A测试专用怪物03
32169 Yin Jailer
32170 Yang Jailer
32171 Vicious Jailer
32172 Crazed Jailer
32173 Taiko Jailer
32174 Stealth Jailer
32175 Iron Jailer
32177 Flamebite
32178 Flamebite
32179 Flamebite
32180 Ignitus Leader
32181 Ignitus Leader
32182 Ignitus Leader
32186 Metal Elemental
32187 Wood Elemental
32188 Fire Elemental
32189 Water Elemental
32190 Earth Elemental
32191 Ancient Swallow
32192 Chaotic Ravager
32193 Equine Warden
32194 Bull Warden
32195 Blade Storm
32196 Whirlwind Force
32197 Lady Frostburn
32198 Hammer Gale
32199 Chaotic Ravager
32200 Shonabu
32201 Magister Throgg
32202 Lady Deathfang
32203 Leafmancer Koza
32204 Blazed Ifrit
32205 Legionnaire Kaizen
32206 Ultimate Stance
32406 Edgeless Metal
32407 Water Nymph
32408 Wooden Horror
32409 Flaming Bones
32410 Stone Blob
32411 Dragon Totem
32412 Tiger Totem
32413 Phoenix Totem
32414 Tortoise Totem
32415 Kirin Totem
32416 Zeemore
32417 Killianil
32418 Wensran
32419 Scezis
32420 Tarowtes
32421 Rainbow Tower: Metal
32422 Rainbow Tower: Water
32423 Rainbow Tower: Wood
32424 Rainbow Tower: Fire
32425 Rainbow Tower: Earth
32426 Primeval Elemental Lord
32427 Metal Puppet
32428 Wood Puppet
32429 Water Puppet
32430 Fire Puppet
32431 Earth Puppet
32432 Idol of Gain
32433 Idol of Mass
32434 Idol of Vast
32435 Idol of Possession
32436 Frostfang Brute
32437 Redscale Boa
32438 Pallid Shadow
32439 Panzer Horror
32440 Wolfen Ironside
32441 Ruler of the Forest
32442 Wild Mountain Lord
32443 Tiger Sovereign
32444 Darkbite Commando
32445 Shockwave Trooper
32446 Rotten Demonrider
32447 Immortal Darkmancer
32448 Direwolf Swordsman
32449 Lord Isrifar
32450 Archdemon Isrifar
32588 Spectral Totem
32589 Spectral Totem
32590 Spectral Totem
32591 Spectral Totem
32592 Protecting Pillar
32593 Clawzer
32594 Sadistic Siren
32595 Virtue
32603 N/A本体怪1
32662 Water Shadow
32663 Mjolnir
32664 Unceasing Soil
32665 Gargoyle Guard
32673 Astaria
32688 Metallic Seal
32689 Wooden Seal
32690 Watery Seal
32691 Firey Seal
32692 Earthen Seal
32750 Flamebite
32751 Flamebite
32752 Flamebite
32753 Flamebite
32754 Flamebite
32755 Flamebite
32779 Little Chin
32807 Wind Demon
32815 Glass Umbrella
32816 Wandering soul
32817 Darkness Hunter
32826 N/A本体怪2
32827 N/A本体怪3
32828 N/A本体怪4
32829 N/A本体怪5
32830 N/A本体怪6
32831 N/A本体怪7
32832 N/A本体怪8
32833 Equine Warden
32834 Bull Warden
32835 Equine Warden
32836 Bull Warden
32837 Equine Warden
32838 Bull Warden
32844 Possessed General
32845 Darkness Cachehoarder
32846 Skeleton Cachehoarder
32847 Glowing Cachehoarder
32848 Ghostarian Cachehoarder
33003 Madam Sadi
33040 Pyro Jester
33044 Darkness Cachehoarder
33045 Skeleton Cachehoarder
33046 Glowing Cachehoarder
33047 Ghostarian Cachehoarder
33055 Angel O'War
33064 Flame Ogre
33065 Flame Stoneman
33066 Flame Herald
33067 Shadow Butcher
33104 Balefire Guard
GM Perfect World